Beef chanahi. Chanakhi in a slow cooker Chanakhi with pork in a slow cooker

step by step recipe with photos

Chanakhi is a wonderful dish of Georgian cuisine. The authentic recipe includes lamb, however, it is not always possible to find it or, due to personal preference, you want to use a different type of meat. Therefore, it is quite possible to use pork, beef or even chicken for chanakha. The essence of cooking comes down to the fact that the meat simmers for quite a long time with vegetables, soaking in their juices and the aroma of spices. The end result is very juicy, tender and simply delicious. Chanakhi is prepared in pots, however, the recipe can be adapted for a slow cooker.


  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 6-7 sprigs of fresh herbs
  • 350 g pork
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/5 tsp. ground coriander
  • 200 ml water


1. The list of ingredients is not small, but at the same time, all products are simple and affordable. Especially if you cook chanakhi in the summer. Otherwise, you can also use frozen vegetables, such as eggplant. You can take fattier pork - for example, neck, or less fatty (balyk).

2. Wash and dry the defrosted or cooled pork. Then trim off all excess (fat, membranes, bones) and cut the meat into small pieces.

3. Peel the large onion. Now you can chop it into small cubes or quarter rings.

4. Potatoes need to be peeled, washed and cut into small cubes.

5. Pour vegetable oil, preferably refined, into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Place the chopped meat, potatoes and onions there. Salt and add spices.

6. Peel the eggplant and cut into small cubes, place in a slow cooker.

Traditional Georgian stew Chanakhi is great in a slow cooker. The version of lamb on the bone requires more cooking time - up to two hours, and for the version of fillet pieces, 1-1.5 hours of stewing is enough. Take whatever vegetables are available for the lamb, but it is highly desirable that they include fresh onions, fresh or frozen eggplant and sweet peppers. Potatoes add more filling to the dish, but can be omitted or replaced, for example, with green beans.

The spices usually used are a ready-made mixture of hops-suneli and garlic, as well as ready-made Svan salt, which already contains dried garlic. I like to add Svan salt, in two or three additions: while stewing lamb, after adding vegetables and at the end of cooking or in an already prepared dish, i.e. in portions - to suit the taste of every eater.

To prepare chanakha in a slow cooker, prepare the ingredients according to the list for the recipe.

Place the lamb on the bones in the multicooker bowl, pour in a little (up to 1 cup) water, add spices and set the mode to “Stew for 2 hours.” If it is Svan salt, then there is no need to add additional salt.

After an hour, add vegetables to the meat into the aromatic rich broth.

Carrot pieces, coarsely chopped onion.

Large potato cubes.

Eggplant, cut into circles or semicircles, slices of sweet pepper and tomatoes. Add spices again and continue simmering.

After the multicooker beeps, the canakhi is ready.

Rich lamb bone broth combined with vegetable juices and aromatic Georgian spices... It's very tasty!

Serve canakhi cooked in a slow cooker either on a common deep plate or in portions.

Georgian cuisine is very popular outside of Georgia. We all know and have tried such dishes as satsivi, khachapuri, chicken tabaka and many others. Today we will prepare another Georgian dish - chanakhi in a slow cooker. This is the first course, which includes a large amount of stewed vegetables with fresh lamb.

We will cook Chanakhi in a slow cooker, which allows you to simply put the ingredients in a bowl and forget them there until the signal indicates that the dish is ready. The meat turns out to be very tender, soaked in vegetable juices and the aromas of various spices.

Traditionally, Georgian dishes use beef and lamb for cooking. I used fresh beef for this recipe. It is much more dietary than lamb. The meat is not so fatty, but it turns out quite soft and juicy.

Georgian dishes are known for their heat and spices. I didn’t make the dish too spicy, since not only adults, but also children ate it. But you can add more spices to suit your taste.

Recipe for beef chanakha in a slow cooker

Products for cooking:

  1. Beef or veal - 600 grams
  2. Tomatoes - three pieces
  3. One onion
  4. Potatoes - 500 grams
  5. Eggplant - two pieces
  6. Two cloves of garlic
  7. Bell pepper - one piece
  8. Bunch of greenery
  9. Salt and spices to taste

How to cook canakhi in a slow cooker:

Wash the beef and cut into pieces.

Peel the onion and garlic, cut the onion into cubes, finely chop the garlic and add them to the beef.

Wash and cut fresh tomatoes into cubes, place half of the tomatoes in a slow cooker on top of the onions.

Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into cubes. Place in a slow cooker and add a little salt.

And put the eggplants cut into slices on top.

Remove seeds from bell peppers. Cut into oblong strips and place along with the remaining tomatoes on top of the eggplant. Again, add a little salt and spices.

Turn on the “pilaf” mode and cook for 1.5 hours. Without waiting for the signal, turn off the multicooker. If you want it to be thinner, you can cook in the “stew” mode for 2 hours. There is no need to add water; the vegetables themselves will give enough juice.

Beef Chanakhi in a slow cooker is ready! Sprinkle with chopped parsley or cilantro. Bon appetit!

It turned out to be a very tasty vegetable dish! It is just beneficial to cook it during the vegetable season.

History of lamb chanakha

Researchers of the unique cuisine of the Caucasus claim that one of the popular dishes of this region - lamb chanakhi - appeared in the 16th century, when local merchants first brought potatoes here. This exotic root vegetable at that time won the hearts of the demanding chefs of the local nobility, and they were not slow to create a new dish. The first recipe for this meat snack was based on lamb, onions, potatoes and numerous herbs. Later, eggplants, tomatoes and, of course, red bell pepper were added to the stew.

Over time, the rich and surprisingly satisfying canakhi became so popular that it took its rightful place in the daily menu of the highest-ranking representatives of Georgia, among whom was Stalin himself. Today we propose to prepare a traditional Caucasian dish using a modern multicooker, which will make it even more tender and aromatic. And to figure out how to cook canakhi, first of all, let’s collect all the necessary products.

Ingredients for chanakha

  • lamb – 300 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • small eggplant – 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • pepper – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • khmeli-suneli
  • black and red pepper
  • water – 150 ml
  • garlic – 4 cloves
  • parsley

Cooking chanakha in a slow cooker

So, how to cook canakhi in a slow cooker? Let's try to do this together with KhozOboz.

  1. Cut the meat into pieces (it is recommended to choose lamb of medium fat content), which should preferably be marinated 12 hours before the start of the cooking process, using salt, onions and red pepper.
  2. Turn on the multicooker, set the required “Frying” mode, add a little oil and evenly place the meat pieces in the bowl.

    Place the meat in the slow cooker and turn on the "Fry" mode

  3. Next, cut the peeled onion and blanched tomatoes into cubes.

  4. Then we send the vegetables to the meat, not forgetting to add salt, both types of pepper and traditional Georgian spices - suneli hops.

  5. While the components of the future chanakha are fried, cut the red pepper into strips and the washed eggplant into small cubes. Moreover, we leave the skin of the latter, and so that it does not become bitter, the vegetable can be pre-salted and sprinkled with a little apple cider vinegar.

    Cut sweet peppers into strips and eggplant into cubes

  6. Now move the peppers and eggplants into the multicooker bowl.

  7. All that remains is to peel the potatoes and cut them into medium pieces, as well as grate the garlic and finely chop the parsley.

  8. We send the last products to fry.

  9. Then thoroughly, but as carefully as possible, mix the canakhi in the multicooker, pour 150 ml of water into the bowl and close the lid.

  10. Switching the mode to “Stewing”, we leave it to cook for a short 30 minutes. It is recommended to serve this luxurious Georgian dish after it has partially cooled, garnished with parsley leaves and complemented with a flatbread of traditional khachapuri.

    Turn on the "Stew" mode in your multicooker. After half an hour the canakhis are ready

Cooking options

Not so long ago, the recipe for chanakha in a pot was considered the most common among housewives. Moreover, in addition to the usual ingredients, they also used other products, thereby introducing unusual flavor tones into the snack. So, some cooks added low-fat sour cream and a few bay leaves instead of water. Others preferred to use black peppercorns and finely chopped chilies instead of their dry counterparts. In addition, lovers of bold experiments replaced lamb with rabbit meat or even frog legs. But at large national celebrations, this dish was always prepared exclusively over a fire and in large cast-iron cauldrons. However, cooking chanakha at home provides the housewife with the opportunity to “be a little mischievous” and change the recipe for chanakha in a slow cooker in her own way. There are three most popular options:

  • Chanakhi, a recipe with pork, which includes pork meat, potatoes, fresh or smoked tomatoes, eggplants, onions, sour cream, garlic and oriental spices, including bay leaves.
  • Chanakhi, a recipe with beef, which uses products such as beef meat, beans, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, onions, artesian water, garlic and the inevitable suneli hops.
  • Chanakhi, a recipe with chicken, where, in addition to white poultry meat, wild mushrooms, garlic, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and favorite spices are added.

In addition, you can prepare other types of chanakha, recipes with photos of which can be found on the pages of numerous culinary publications.

What are the benefits of chanakhi

Considering that the key to the success of a delicious lamb chanakha in a slow cooker is the equal weight of the meat to the weight of all the vegetables used, the benefits of this dish are distributed among their useful elements. On the one hand, thanks to lamb, this meat snack is high in animal protein, as well as iron, magnesium and vitamin B12, which, in turn, prevents disorders of the stressed nervous system, helps regulate sugar levels and enriches the blood with essential hemoglobin. On the other hand, the essential substances that vegetables are so rich in help a person cope with the difficult environmental situation in which he constantly finds himself. Thus, eggplants contain fiber and vitamin PP, potatoes - starch and vegetable protein, tomatoes - potassium and vitamin C, onions - essential oils and vitamins A and C, and garlic - the most beneficial allicin.