Dishes on skewers for children. Festive canapés with caviar for the New Year

Canapes are small sandwiches for one or two bites, which are assembled in the form of pyramids, where all the ingredients are placed on skewers or toothpicks. They can be served on either a bread or vegetable base. Are festive dish, and now they are increasingly decorating New Year’s tables.

In many cases, they can be easily prepared from ingredients you have at home. The most important thing is to correctly assemble that beautiful composition, which not everyone succeeds in doing. And that's why you need to know the basics technological processes, those useful tips and the tricks of this most delicious and at the same time simple dish.

Today I will tell you and show you wonderful recipes simple canapés on skewers with step-by-step photos for the festive table. And also to the addition: This is simply a wonderful idea for any holiday, celebration or feast. So, scroll below, get inspired and have fun making these mini sandwiches.

Fruit canapés on skewers - step-by-step photo recipe


  • Black grapes - 1 sprig
  • Green grapes- 1 sprig
  • banana - 1 piece
  • tangerine - 1 piece
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • watermelon - 1/6 part.

Cooking method:

Skewers for canapés will play an important role here.

Divide the watermelon into slices, separate the rind, and cut the pulp into small squares, about 3 by 3 cm. Remove all the seeds from them.

Peel the tangerine, separate all the segments and cut each segment into three parts. Of course, if they contain seeds, they must be removed.

Remove the skin from the banana and cut it into thin rounds.

Now we start collecting and for this we need to put black grapes, a tangerine, then green grapes, banana, kiwi and a piece of watermelon on a skewer.

For variety, you can swap black grapes with green ones.

Then we place the finished masterpiece on a plate and additionally decorate with fruit.

Recipe of this dish It is considered very simple, and the result is very beautiful. Plus, the combination of fresh and varied fruits will give you an exquisite and unique taste.

How to prepare canapés on skewers for children

Ingredients for one serving:

  • A pineapple
  • strawberries - 1 piece
  • grapes - 3 pcs.
  • marshmallow
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • pear - 1/3 part
  • puffed rice - 2 tablespoon
  • coconut flakes - 1 tbsp. l
  • chocolate - 1/3 bar

Cooking method:

First of all, we separate the bottom part from the pineapple using a knife, then cut off a ring about 2.5 cm thick and peel it.

We divide it into 6 equal cubes, but it is better to remove the core and seeds.

1. Take a strawberry, cut off its butt, place it on a pineapple cube and fasten it with a skewer.

2. For the second we will need two grapes, preferably different colors, unfortunately I have the same color, well, nothing. We pierce them with a skewer and place them on the second piece of pineapple.

3. We make the third one with marshmallows, first we pierce it and place it on the cube.

4. For the fourth, we need to take two marshmallows, plant one first, then a peeled kiwi circle, then the second.

5. We make the fifth with a peeled orange slice, in the order shown in the photo below.

6.And the sixth with a pear, a round of strawberries and a cube of pineapple.

Here's what I got.

Canapes without bread with sausage and cheese


  • Skewers – 6 pcs
  • salami – 6 slices
  • cucumber - 6 slices
  • olives - 6 pcs
  • cheese - 6 cubes
  • parsley leaves.

Cooking method:

In preparing this recipe, first prepare everything necessary ingredients, rinse the cucumber under water, open the jar of olives and cut into the quantities indicated above.

Then take a skewer or toothpick and put the olive on it first.

Now comes the parsley leaf.

The cucumber, just like a sausage, we plant it, bending it, on both sides.

And all that remains is to put on a cube of hard cheese.

Delicious canapé with salmon


  • Brown bread - 2 slices
  • cream cheese— 50 grams
  • salted salmon – 120 gr
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp. l
  • dill greens - 1 small bunch
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash the greens and chop them finely.

Now cut the salmon into thin pieces.

Then add chopped herbs to the cream cheese and mix well.

We cut off the edges of the bread slices so that we get even rectangles.

Now we begin to form canapes and for this we need to coat the slices of bread on one side with cream cheese.

Then tightly lay out the slices of red fish.

Place cheese on top again.

Then another layer of fish and a final spread of cheese on it.

And cut the resulting sandwiches, each into four canapés.

Where we put a slice of lemon on each one, and red caviar on it.

And we fasten them with a skewer or toothpick so that it looks like in the photo below.

This is how it turned out holiday snack from caviar and salmon.

Eat for your health!

How to make canapés with ham


  • Ham – 150 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cut the cheese into small squares.

The ham must be cut into the same pieces as the cheese.

We divide the cucumbers into round pieces.

Then we begin to put the chopped ingredients on the skewer.

First the cheese, then the cucumber and ham.

And in this way we collect canapés from all the pieces.

Herring canapes (video)

Original snacks for festive table don't have to be expensive. In this recipe you will see very a good option how to prepare canapés with herring. Budget-friendly, very tasty and not difficult!

Bon appetit!!!

Colorful fruit canapés will be at home at any feast. Romantic dinner they will make it more elegant, will delight the kids at a children's party, will help without special effort impress your colleagues with a spectacular mini buffet. They are interesting, varied, and allow you to get creative from the heart with taste and form. In short, it wouldn’t hurt any housewife to master a couple of recipes for preparing fruit snacks on skewers. Believe me, they will come in handy more than once.

Fruit canapes are the highlight of the festive table

Install for sure exact time and the place where delicious baby sandwiches were born - and even more so to find out whose smart head guessed to string not only meat and cheese, but also aromatic fruits onto a wooden skewer - is now not possible. According to linguists, the word “canapé” itself came to us from ancient Greece, where it sounded like “konops” and served to designate small insects - like a mosquito or mosquito. The Egyptians, followed by the Romans, adopted the Greek term, modified it to “conopeum” and began to call it beds with a net from uninvited blood-sucking guests. Over time, the word traveler moved from Latin to European languages ​​and firmly settled in French, for some unknown reason no longer clinging to a canopy bed, but to a miniature sofa with a curved back. So what is next…

And then there are continuous secrets. Either the French remembered the original meaning of the term “canapé” and called the snack sandwiches “mosquitoes” for their small size. Perhaps the cook, with a particularly wild imagination, saw in the pieces of appetizing food piled up a resemblance to a favorite piece of furniture. Or maybe it's a matter of absorbing unusual snack It was most comfortable just on such sofas, leisurely sipping wine from a glass and conducting a leisurely dialogue with your interlocutor.

It’s still better to remove the pits from cherries when preparing canapés.

Whatever the situation, one thing is certain: the fun idea took root, gained popularity and gave rise to dozens of different, but invariably tasty culinary recipes. And there are at least five reasons for this:

  1. Fruit canapés are tasty, juicy and aromatic.
  2. Unless you set out to create some absolutely incredible composition of a dozen variety of ingredients, you can prepare the delicacy in no time. For example, strawberry-banana “canapes” will take a skilled housewife at most a quarter of an hour.
  3. Find the recipe fruit salad or a cake that would please every single guest is impossible. But out of half a dozen different options fruit sandwiches, even the most capricious picky person will find something suitable for himself.
  4. Canapés are universal. They will perfectly play the role of dessert at a family feast or buffet, and will take pride of place on children's table, and on occasion will serve as a delicious snack for strong drinks. Let's say to white wine“turrets” with tangerines, kiwis, and apricots are suitable; Melon and strawberries go with red. Sweet liqueurs are usually enjoyed with grapes and pears; Cognac, in addition to the traditional slice of lemon, loves the company of apples and juicy peach, and the taste of champagne is perfectly complemented by pineapple and watermelon.
  5. Making fruit snacks is pure creativity. You can not only use any fruits and berries you wish, but also feel free to combine them with other ingredients: chocolate, marshmallows, fondant, nuts, marmalade. Sometimes even ham and cheese are used. Complete creative freedom and no boundaries!

Traditionally, it is customary to serve 3-4 canapés with with different fillings. Moreover, it is advisable to calculate the total amount of snacks in advance so that each guest has at least 8 miniature sandwiches. Considering that canapés are a one-bite treat, they can fly off the plate in a few minutes, but no one should be left behind.

How to cut fruit beautifully

The easiest way out is to take a knife and simply chop the washed and peeled and pitted fruits into cubes or slices. Cheap and cheerful, but ineffective in terms of wasted time. And the beauty of future “canapes” will suffer, since not everyone will be able to adjust hand-cut pieces to one size, and slices of different sizes will greatly spoil appearance snacks.

The neater the pieces, the more spectacular the result.

If you have a special spoon for slicing watermelon and melon in your kitchen, use it. Perfectly even multi-colored spheres on skewers always look impressive.

You can turn any large fruit with not too dense pulp into balls.

Using cookie cutters, you can turn fruit slices into shapes of any complexity.

A true masterpiece in miniature

If you are seriously passionate about the theme of canapés and are going to regularly treat guests and family with sweet “kebabs,” it won’t hurt to purchase special device for cutting berries and fruits into pieces. IN budget option It will be replaced by a regular egg slicer.

The slices will look identical

The most advanced cooks will come to the aid of a special syringe for canapés. Using it, successively cut pieces of fruit selected for the treat, press the piston, and the finished treat will appear on your plate. All that remains is to fasten it with a fancy skewer. The syringe can also easily handle pieces of biscuit, marshmallow, marmalade and other goodies if it occurs to you to add them to your creation.

Don't have a cooking syringe? Take a regular one, cutting off the top

Remember that fruit is a perishable product. They quickly release juice, darken and lose their shape, so you need to prepare the delicacy shortly before serving, sprinkling the pieces for better preservation. lemon juice.

Step-by-step fruit canape recipes

So who are you going to treat? Business partners, old friends, relatives family holiday? Then pay attention to the recipes for fruit canapés with cheese and ham. Unusual flavor combination will arouse interest and give your evening a slight touch of aristocracy.

For adults

With grapes and cheese

You will need:

  • 100 g cheese;
  • 100 g green or blue grapes(try to get a seedless variety).


Pairs perfectly with grapes durum varieties cheese: Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, Dutch, Parmesan. However, soft curd cheeses with mold - for example, Brie - will be in their place here. If you want, make a mix of two or three different varieties, shading their taste with halves walnut, almonds, strawberries, slices exotic mango or thin leaves of fresh tarragon.

The classic version of cheese and grape canpe is far from the only one

With melon and Parma ham

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg melon;
  • 200 g goat cheese;
  • 100 g sliced Parma ham;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes or, using a special spoon, into balls.

    In the absence of a spoon for cutting, a simple dessert one will do.

  2. Mix oil, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Pour the marinade over the prepared melon pieces and leave them alone for a quarter of an hour to allow the pulp to soak.

    The result will be better if you lightly whisk the mixture

  3. Cut the goat cheese to your liking.

    If desired, sprinkle the cheese with pieces of finely chopped basil.

  4. In random order, thread pieces of melon and cheese, a slice of ham onto a skewer, and then put the canapes in the refrigerator.

    The taste of the delicacy will be beyond praise

  5. The appetizer should be served chilled, with semi-dry red or white wine.

The combination of melon and Parma ham is considered classic and does not need any additions, but if you want to brighten the taste of the canapé, add basil leaves, arugula or pieces of kiwi pulp to the indicated ingredients. In addition, the melon itself can, on occasion, be easily “replaced” by a juicy pear.

With pear and Dor Blue cheese

You will need:

  • 1–2 pears;
  • 100 g Dor Blue cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts;
  • a little olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Lemon with marmalade and cheese

Here is an absolutely incredible but attractive combination:

  • hard cheese;
  • the same amount of marmalade;
  • half a lemon.


This kind of appetizer usually doesn’t sit on a plate.

For children and older sweet tooths

But enough exotic! Let's talk about simpler recipes that don't contain such spicy food combinations. For example, what could be more traditional and tastier than strawberries and chocolate?

Bananas, strawberries and marshmallows covered in chocolate

You will need:

  • banana;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • colorful marshmallows;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate.


  1. Peel the banana and cut into slices.

    Sprinkle lemon juice on the banana to prevent it from browning.

  2. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems.

    The berries must be the same size

  3. If the marshmallows are large, cut them into pieces the size of strawberries. Leave the small one as is.

    Multi-colored marshmallows look festive

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

    If you want to make the mixture less thick, add a spoon or two of milk to it.

  5. Place prepared pieces of fruit and marshmallows onto wooden sticks, pour over chocolate and let cool.

    Canapes will appeal to both children and adults with a sweet tooth.

If the combination of marshmallows and chocolate seems too sweet, remove one of the sweet ingredients from the recipe or prepare two canapes with a sweetener to suit your taste.

No one will leave the holiday disappointed

Jelly on skewers

You will need:

  • a bag of grape jelly;
  • a bag of strawberry jelly;
  • a handful of grapes;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • ice molds.


Fruit platter

You will need:

  • apples;
  • canned pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • strawberry;
  • blueberry.


  1. Wash all the fruits. Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

    Look for sweet varieties of apples on the market, such as Kitayka, Medok, Belarusian apple

  2. Peel and cut the kiwi.

    Treat your loved ones to a fragrant rainbow on a skewer

The fruits in the above recipe can be replaced with others without any damage to the taste. For example, use canned peaches instead of pineapple, soft pear instead of apple or raspberry instead of blueberry.

It’s also worth paying attention to the combinations:

  • Banana, kiwi and tangerine. The fruits will need to be peeled, the banana and kiwi cut, the tangerine divided into slices, and then the whole fragrant company placed on wooden skewers in any order. All! Sweet, but shaded with a slight sourness, and therefore even more delicious dessert ready.
  • Green grapes, kiwi and pineapple. Here the situation will be the opposite: sweet yellow tropical fruit will soften the sourness of its green neighbors. For those who cannot get a pineapple for the holiday, an orange will replace it.
  • Banana, orange and pear.
  • Strawberries and banana.
  • Apple, pear, blood orange.
  • Grapes and melon.

Fruit canapes for lunch - video

Options for serving fruit canapés in the photo

Canapés can be placed on long skewers Semicircular pieces of tangerines can be imagined as sails To prevent the skewers from remaining empty, you can offer guests pieces of fruit separately - let everyone assemble their own canapes The easiest option is to simply stack the canapes Even a minimum of ingredients can be used in interesting ways Unusual combination basil, watermelon and strawberries are perfectly secured with soft cheese The top of the canapé can be decorated with chocolate.

What else can you say about fruit canapes? A lot of. But why waste time on theory when you can start practicing immediately? New combinations and flavors are just waiting for you to discover them. Choose your favorite fruits and berries, shake out the kitchen cabinets in search of marshmallows, powdered sugar, chocolate and other goodies and go ahead - create a unique canapé according to a recipe invented by you personally!

Canapes on children's party are one of the delicious and healthy dishes. Preparation holiday treats for children, it obliges parents to solve many problems - so that food is not harmful to the growing body, stimulates appetite and attracts attention. These dishes can satisfy, interest little guests and decorate gala table rich colors.


Canapes for a children's party, photo

Mini dishes for buffet

This festive, beautifully decorated treat takes the form of small sandwiches of varying thicknesses, which may include fresh or dried bread with any delicious filling. In addition, canapes for a children's party can consist not only of bread, but of fruits, vegetables and other products. This kind of food is served buffet table, having issued it big amount mini snacks, weighing no more than 50-60g. You can prepare these sandwiches yourself, or you can order them from companies involved in organizing holidays.

In most cases, parents think through the festive menu (you will find tips and recommendations in our article and). It is advisable to select neutral ingredients for children's treats that do not contribute to allergies. Children will highly appreciate simple and mouth-watering delicacies.

The attractiveness of these dishes is as follows:

Due to its miniature size, it is easy to maintain the portions required for the baby;

It takes a little time to prepare, which is quite convenient;

multifunctionality - canapés can be presented in home environment, outdoors or in transport;

the sandwich on the skewer does not crumble, which often happens to little gourmets;

the child’s hands will remain clean, because he does not pick up food with his hands;

Snacks for a children's party

Recipes for children's mini snacks can be divided into the following types:

  • classic treats - similar to regular sandwiches. Bread coated with butter is used curd mass, pate or sweet jam. There may also be layers of pieces of cheese, sliced ​​meat or fish;

  • fruity - without the use of bread, created using various types berries and fruits;

  • vegetable - similar to fruit, only consisting of raw or boiled vegetables;

  • combined - involve a combination different products. Such options are not always popular with children.

Canapes for a children's party can be on skewers. The stick plays not only an aesthetic role, but also provides convenience during the eating process. You can handle it without getting your hands dirty, and still put all the ingredients into your mouth.

A canape without a skewer is a tiny sandwich that can be created tasty and has a beneficial effect on a growing body. Its basis is bread or crouton. The shape of a bread slice can be of different configurations. This type of snack can be either a treat at a child’s birthday or an alternative to unloved porridge.

A very important point when preparing canapés is to give them an aesthetic appearance. Originally decorated sandwiches will add elegance, beauty to the festive feast and give a feeling of celebration.

When applying, you should take into account several recommendations:

  • Ingredients carved into various shapes will look great. They can be obtained using molds for vegetable slicing or special knives;

  • by stringing components of different colors onto skewers, you can get a bright and cheerful treat;

  • if you create many different canapés for a children's party , then they should be placed on a capacious dish in rows by type. On one tray - meat, on another - vegetables or fruits, on the third - desserts;

  • you can form various figures of animals and flowers, combining a variety of gifts of nature;

  • A good solution would be to decorate dishes with green twigs or flowers;

  • Sandwiches can be used to decorate various dishes.

Mini-snacks in bowls or wine glasses will look great.

Canapes for a children's party - how to decorate them beautifully.

To create such holiday treats you will need: toothpicks or skewers, an assortment of products and endless imagination. And if you involve children in the production process, the result of collective creativity will be exceptional culinary delights.

To create attractive, palatable canapés, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • in addition to ordinary thin sticks, special multi-colored plastic skewers are available for sale;

  • It is better to prefer chicken, beef or turkey cuts to sausage;
  • Oil is used to stabilize the filling;
  • it is advisable to use soft cheese.

Canapes for a children's party, recipes with photos

Fruit canapes

It is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits such as pears, apples, bananas, peaches, kiwis, and multi-colored grapes. After drying, you need to clean and remove the seeds. Just before serving, cut into different shapes using cutters. For longer preservation, you can spray finished product lemon juice.

Various canapés with skewers

Many ingredients are used to make simple mini snacks. Goes very well deli meats, seafood, different vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, olives, herbs. To purchase good taste qualities it is not always necessary to take a lot various products. The main task is their the right combination. If the treat is beautifully decorated, then the baby will happily eat the ingredient that he doesn’t really like.

Nut-fruit joy

Grease a piece of loaf with sweet jam. Top with sliced ​​pear and banana slices. Decorate with a peach flower. Sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Sausage cartoon characters

What child doesn't love cartoons! You can make a sandwich with the image of your favorite character in this way: place a slice of cheese and a lettuce leaf on the fried toast, and then different sausages and tomatoes to reproduce the outlines.

Attractive roses

Butter a piece French baguette. Roll roses from ham slices and place on prepared slices of bread. Garnish with a circle of boiled egg, asparagus shoots, herbs and cucumber.


Spread the bread slices with cream cheese. Place a bed of salted salmon. Place an insect shape from part of a tomato and ¼ part of a black olive on top. Make the eyes from mayonnaise, and the dark dots from olive particles. Decorate the invented dish - clearing with parsley treat.

You will get great pleasure from your own invented combinations of products, their design and names. So fantasize, experiment, and make your kids and their friends happy!

There are a lot of recipes for making canapés for a children's party. But the most beautiful and delicious are those made with individual creativity and love.

One of the most beautiful and impressive dishes on a festive table or buffet table is nothing other than canapés. Canapé meets different types, filling and execution, but it is always incredibly beautiful, tasty and elegant.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several options for preparing and decorating fruit canapés.

Fruit canapés will be appropriate on any festive table and buffet table: be it a children’s birthday, a wedding celebration, New Year, youth party or a regular meeting with friends or girlfriends.

Creating such an amazing dish is a little troublesome, but the result is worth it. Fruit canapes can become great snack with white or red wine, alcoholic cocktails, champagne or liqueurs. Fruit canapes will also look great next to a sweet dessert: cake, pie, pastries and ice cream.

So let's get started...

How to make fruit canapés?

For registration fruit canapes you can use long wooden kebab skewers or short colorful plastic skewers. Some craftsmen even manage to use ordinary toothpicks as the basis for canapés. In a word, the choice is yours.

Choosing the length of a skewer for thick canapés will depend on what fruit you will use and what company your dish is intended for. If you are planning a large company, then you should give preference to long wooden skewers, because they can accommodate more fruit. If the holiday is for children, then it is better, on the contrary, to arrange canapés on short plastic skewers, because small child it will be much easier to enjoy with a short skewer delicious fruits.

One of the most impressive options for decorating fruit canapés can be considered a fruit barbecue.

Fruit canapes “Fruit BBQ”

To make it you will need:

  • large watermelon;
  • wooden kebab sticks;
  • celery;
  • assorted fruits and berries.


The watermelon must be washed well and wiped dry. Then cut it in half. You can make fruit balls and squares from watermelon pulp to create canapés.

At the bottom of the watermelon, make three small holes into which you need to stick celery stalks - these will be the legs.

Then insert wooden sticks into half of the watermelon (see photo) - this will be a lattice fruit barbecue.

Place berries and fruits inside the empty watermelon, and place fruit canapés on the grill itself.

This original design Fruit canapés will not leave any guest indifferent.

Fruit canapes "Rainbow"

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!” - everyone knows this funny little rhyme, which is an excellent reminder of the order in which the colors are in the rainbow. Use this feature in the design of fruit canapés.

Select fruits by color and string them onto a skewer in the order described by the famous rhyme. Incredibly colorful and bright dish you will be guaranteed.

Fruit canapes "Santa Claus"

If you are preparing a holiday New Year's table, That excellent option decorating a fruit canape can become a Santa Claus headdress.

To create such a fruit canapé you will need:

  • bananas;
  • white grapes;
  • strawberry;
  • airy marshmallows;
  • toothpicks or short skewers.

With these fruit canapés you can decorate any cold snack and desserts.

Fruit canapé “Figurnoye”

If you have a variety of cookie cutters available, you can create shaped pieces for fruit canapés in the same way.

Watermelon, melon, pineapple, apple and pear are great for creating stars, hearts, flowers and other shapes.

Fruit canapé “Jolly Caterpillars”

Children really like this type of fruit canapé.

Use long wooden skewers and grapes to create a long caterpillar. Eyes can be made from droplets of sweet icing, yogurt and a piece of chocolate.

The news portal "site" wishes you not only delicious, but also useful holidays. After all, fruit canapés are not only delicious and surprising beautiful dish, but also very useful.

Delicious fruits, cakes and canapes for children’s birthdays, photos with delicious sweets and snacks are becoming an integral part of modern life. Parents of birthday people try to surprise small and large guests with exquisite dishes.

In the modern pace of life, more and more time is devoted to convenience and compactness, so for treats you can use sandwiches and canapés on beautiful skewers.

Mini sandwiches on skewers appeared thanks to the inspiration of Europe, where there is a tradition quick snacks. This tradition was also liked in our country, but the dish took root more on the festive table.

Initially skilled french chefs put a piece of bread with pate on skewers. This technology did not appear for the purpose of research and beautiful presentation dishes on the table, and for convenience and clean hands.

Modern chefs have diversified snacks strung on bright sticks and began to use them at any holiday.

By organizing a children's party with the help of sandwiches and funny skewers, you can easily surprise your little guests. The main thing to remember is that the products must be neutral and not cause allergies.

Canapes for children's birthday, photos of amazing masterpieces

There are a lot delicious recipes canapés for children for their birthday, photos of which will be presented below. Choose the funniest, most delicious ones and the children will remember the holiday for a long time.

Fruit canapés

The most common type of dessert on a children's holiday table. The following fruits are suitable for cutting: apple, pear, tangerine, banana, grapes, kiwi, peach and strawberry. You can experiment with others, but remember that their consistency should be dense and not fall apart.

When forming canapes, fruits are cut into plastic, squares or funny shapes.

Tip: when serving similar dish, do not forget that the fruits may darken, so cut them immediately before laying them out on the festive table.

  1. Fruit birthday cake.

An interesting solution for treating guests of the birthday boy. It can be an alternative to a sweet cake, as you can place a birthday candle in the middle.

To create a masterpiece, you need to cut out the middle of the watermelon. It is not necessary for the watermelon figure to be symmetrical; it can be in the form of an iceberg. Take long peaks, pin the most bright fruits and berries: peach, kiwi, strawberry, watermelon, green grapes and stick into the watermelon base.

Place a beautiful candle or several candles in the middle. Birthday cake ready!

  1. Sugar fantasy.

Strawberries, bananas and tangerines are suitable for this dessert. Restrained colors, uniform round fruits, sprinkled powdered sugar or coconut flakes will create a mysterious feeling of snow.

You can use powder and coconut flakes, then the dish will not only be very beautiful, but also incredibly tasty.

If children are not allergic to chocolate, dark or white chocolate shavings are suitable for topping.

  1. Solar boat.

An interesting idea for little pirates and sailors. You must have two fruits: pineapple in whole circles and a banana. We string a sail of semicircular pieces of pineapple onto a peak. We cut the banana into round pieces, try to cut the pineapple in the form of a circle and connect them with a skewer to the sail so that the base of the boat stands steadily on the table.

Strawberry rings can be added to one of the base layers or additionally.

  1. Fruit fairy tale.

Excellent and most simple option will be a slice of berries and fruits strung on a skewer. Use any fresh fruits and berries, in any combination.

The main thing to remember is that canapés made from approximately equal-sized pieces look more beautiful.

Hearty canapés

A children's holiday is not complete without outdoor games and fun catch-ups. Therefore, throughout the evening, the kids will undoubtedly want to refresh themselves. To do this, please your guests with canapes from hearty foods such as: bread, cheese, ham and more.

  1. Cheese trio.

Appetizing and healthy dish for the little ones. Comprises rye bread, hard and processed cheese. Choose the most fresh food, processed cheese maybe with the addition of ham or bacon, you can season the soft cheese yourself with delicious spring greens.

Mini sandwiches are suitable for a snack for a cheerful children's company in combination with tea, juice or compote.

  1. Castle in the air.

Delicious sandwiches with bacon or ham rolls. At the base of the dish are pieces of rye bread and fresh cucumber.

To prepare the roll you will need boiled egg, mayonnaise (sour cream) and slices of ham or bacon. Separate the white from the yolk and wipe them separately on fine grater. Mix the egg white with mayonnaise, fill the bacon with the mixture and wrap it in small tubes.

Dip the edges of the roll into mayonnaise and then into grated yolk. Place the roll, cucumber and then bread on the peak. Interesting mini canapés are ready!

  1. Cupcakes in spades.

Simple cupcakes with raisins, chocolate or candied fruits, which are sold in stores, will help complement a bright children's holiday. You can bake sweet dessert yourself, add them with beautiful peaks and another dessert is ready!

Canapés made from marshmallows and marmalade will be a tasty addition.

Improvise, cook delicious canapés for children's birthday, photos of which you will find in this article. Then your baby’s holiday will be truly unforgettable and magical.