"golden rules" when preparing Easter cake. Easter cake

Baking is in full swing Easter cakes. That's why we published such a variety of recipes. And although most bake the traditional Easter cake with raisins without any special decoration, the trends for the brightest holiday are decorations with the help of icing.

Take the recipe chocolate glaze for Easter cake. The editors of the magazine WANT.ua have collected for you the most best recipes sugar icing for Easter cake, which will only make the Easter table more beautiful.

Chocolate icing for Easter cake: recipe with photo

What we need:

  • 90 g dark chocolate;
  • 3 tbsp. orange juice;
  • 3 tbsp. butter;
  • 3 tbsp sugar.

Frosting for Easter cake: how to prepare

Chocolate, Orange juice, butter Place sugar and sugar in one bowl, put on fire and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Cool slightly, grease Easter cakes and pies with the prepared Easter icing.

Sugar icing for Easter cakes


  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar,
  • 4 tbsp. warm water,
  • dyes and flavorings to taste.

Mix all the ingredients for the sugar glaze for the Easter cake and put on the fire, heat to about 40° C, stirring all the time. If the mass is thick, you can add a little water, and if liquid, add powdered sugar. Apply sugar icing on Easter cakes immediately after cooking.

Recipe for sugar-white glaze for Easter cakes


  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1-2 egg whites;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice or 10 drops of diluted citric acid.

Beat egg whites and lemon juice in a mixer. Continuing to beat with a fork, add powdered sugar until you get a thick mass. You need to cover the cakes with this glaze immediately after preparing it.

Chocolate-lemon glaze for Easter cakes


  • lemon and orange zest;
  • 2-3 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • half a lemon;
  • 250 g powdered sugar;
  • 60-70 g butter.

Melt the butter, add lemon juice, add powdered sugar, cocoa, stir everything well until smooth and thick. Chocolate-lemon glaze for Easter cake that does not crumble or stick is ready.

Chocolate-egg glaze for Easter cakes


  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1-2 egg whites;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tsp cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice or 10 drops of diluted citric acid.

Powder, vanilla sugar and cocoa powder for Easter icing that will not crumble, mix in a deep bowl, place it in hot water. Then add lemon juice, egg whites and grind until smooth.

Fruit colored glaze for Easter cakes


  • 1 egg white;
  • 3/4 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 3-4 tbsp. berry juice.

Beat the egg whites and powdered sugar for the colored glaze for Easter cake until smooth, gradually add the juice for coloring.

Lemon glaze recipe for Easter cakes


  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil.

Melt coconut oil, add lemon juice and powdered sugar, grind well until smooth. Lemon glaze for Easter that doesn't stick is ready.

Coffee glaze for Easter cakes: recipe with photo


  • 300 g sugar;
  • 100 g strong black coffee.

Pour the sugar over strong black coffee and keep on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Then pour the mixture into a cup and whisk until it begins to harden. Brush the tops of the cakes with glaze.

Icing for Easter cakes “Toffee” made from powdered sugar


  • 200 g hard toffees;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 1/4 tbsp. milk or cream;
  • 1-2 tbsp. powdered sugar.

Melt the butter and cream, bring to a boil, gradually add the powder and add the toffee. Cook the mixture, stirring, until smooth. Apply carefully ready glaze for cake made from powdered sugar.

Colored icing for white chocolate Easter cakes


  • White chocolate;
  • condensed milk or butter;
  • food colorings.

Melt white chocolate (maximum temperature 40° C), add condensed milk or butter, dyes and stir until smooth. You can take it natural dyes- turmeric, berry or vegetable juice, saffron, roasted sugar. There is also a wonderful one for your attention, which will add a “zest” to your holiday table.

I used “Saf-moment” fast-acting yeast. There are 11 grams of them. per 1 kg. flour. and this is 3 full teaspoons. Usually on the packaging of yeast it is written how much flour it is designed for. About what kind of yeast there are and how they differ, quality test.


Mix milk with 100 ml. water and heat it up a little. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Mix 1 cup of flour with 2 full tablespoons of yeast and mix with milk. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place until the mass rises into a bubble cap.

Soak the raisins in warm water for 20 minutes. Rinse and dry on a paper towel. Along with raisins, you can use a couple of tablespoons of candied orange peels

If you take country eggs with yellow yolks, then you do not need to add turmeric to the dough. If the eggs from the store have almost white yolks, for color you can take 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric (Indian saffron) and pour 50 ml of it. warm water.

When the dough has risen well, add the yolks, ground with sugar, turmeric, salt and soft butter. Stir, add another 1.5 cups of sifted flour, mix, cover and place in a warm place to proof. The dough should be a little thicker than for pancakes; it will rise faster.

When the dough has at least doubled in size, gradually add enough flour to make it soft dough, which does not stick to your hands. In total it took me 4.5 glasses (volume 250 ml). You may need more or less.

Sprinkle the prepared raisins with a little flour and mix into the dough. Form a ball, sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and place in a warm place to proof (at least 1.5 hours).

When the dough is well suited, knead it again and fill the prepared cake pans with dough to 1/3 of their volume. The molds should be lined with baking paper or well greased.

Lubricate the top with warm water (with a brush or just cotton wool). Cover with a towel and place close to warm. The dough in the molds should rise almost to the top of the mold.

Brush the tops of the risen Easter cakes with the white of 1 egg mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

Place in a preheated oven and bake until done. I have molds with a diameter of 8 cm. and 10cm high.. These are cans. The cakes were baked for 1 hour at an average temperature of 180 °C. If the tops of the cakes brown early, you need to cover them on top with foil or wet baking paper.

While the cakes are baking, we make protein glaze: Beat 2 egg whites and a few drops of lemon juice until stiff peaks form; gradually, without stopping whisking, add sugar (it’s better to use fine sugar). The whipped mass does not fall out of the bowl in which it was whipped if you turn it over.

The finished cakes need to be carefully removed from the molds, placed on their side, cooled and:
spread glaze on top and decorate with colored sprinkles,
or Place in molds, spread with glaze, sprinkle with sprinkles and place in the oven preheated to 100°C for 15 minutes. This is not so much for drying the proteins, but for heat treating them.

When baking Easter cakes, you need to remember the following:
1. The Easter cake dough should not be liquid (the cakes will spread and be flat) and should not be thick (the cakes will be too heavy and will quickly become stale).
2. The dough should be of such density that it could be cut with a knife without it sticking to the knife, and when dividing the Easter cakes there would be no need to add flour.
3. The cake dough is kneaded for as long as possible so that it completely comes off the hands or the table.
4. The dough should rise three times: the first time the dough rises, the second time when all the ingredients are added, the third time when the dough is placed in the molds.
5. Easter cake dough does not like drafts, but loves warmth, so Easter cakes should be placed in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees.
6. The pan for baking Easter cakes is filled only halfway with dough, allowed to rise to 3/4 of the height of the pan, and then placed in the oven.
7. The Easter cake, ready for baking, is brushed with an egg beaten with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and butter, sprinkle with nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs.
8. To ensure that the cake rises evenly, a wooden stick is inserted into the center before baking. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready.
9. Bake the cake in a humidified oven (to do this, place a container of water at the bottom) at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
10. Easter cake weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, weighing 1 kg – 45 minutes, weighing 1.5 kg – 1 hour, weighing 2 kg – 1.5 hours.
11. If the cake starts to burn on top, cover it with dry paper.
12. The finished cake is removed from the oven, placed on its side and left in this position until the bottom has cooled.

Grandmother's Kulich
You need: 6 cups of flour, 6 eggs, 0.5 liters of milk, 1.5 cups of sugar, 300 g of margarine, raisins, vanillin.

Take all ingredients for the dough warm: pour 1 bottle of milk into a large bowl where the dough will be, heat 1.5 cups of sugar slightly and stir, 3 cups of flour, put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours (to increase in double the volume). Grind 6 yolks with 1.5 tbsp. sugar until white, add vanillin and add to the dough. Melt 300 g of margarine and add half of it to the dough. Beat the egg whites and add them to the dough. Add about 3 more tbsp. flour and knead: pour flour onto the board, put the dough. Clean your hands, wash them, grease with the remaining margarine and knead. Clean your hands again, grease and knead until the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Place the dough in a bowl and put it back in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them. Then dry with a towel, roll in flour and knead it into the dough. Place the dough in a mold greased with oil and sprinkled with flour. let it sit a little longer. Bake in the oven (not higher than 150 degrees) for 1.5 hours. If it starts to burn on top, put damp paper on it.

Custard Kulich
You need: 12 cups flour, 1/2 cup melted butter, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 50 g yeast, liquid tea 2 cups, 3/4 cup raisins, salt 2 teaspoons.

The night before at 8 pm, pour half a glass of lukewarm water over the yeast and let the yeast rise. Brew half a glass of flour with half a glass of boiling milk and stir well. If it is not brewed well, warm it up a little, stirring constantly. When the yeast has risen, mix it with the dough, add the cooled boiled milk, salt, eggs (so that a little remains for coating). Add flour to make a thick dough, stir until smooth and leave in a warm place until the morning, covering it well. At six or seven o'clock in the morning, pour warmed, but not hot, dissolved butter into the dough and gradually pour in two glasses of weak warm tea mixed with sugar. Add almost all the remaining flour, stirring continuously. Place the dough on the table and beat it thoroughly until bubbles appear in it. After this, place the dough in a bowl that has been previously coated with oil on the inside, cover the dish with something warm and leave the dough to rise. After an hour, place the dough on the board, stir in the raisins, beat again, but carefully, and let rise in the same bowl for another half hour. Now you can put the dough into oiled pans, let the dough rise, brush the top of the cake with egg and put it in the oven. This amount of dough is enough for two Easter cakes.

Almond Easter cake
You need: 1 kg of flour, 500 g of milk, 50 g of yeast, 5 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 300 g of butter, 200 g of peeled almonds, 1 lemon, 1 glass of raisins, salt to taste.

Boil milk, cool it to the temperature of fresh milk. Dissolve yeast in a small part of milk, adding a tablespoon of sugar. Pour flour into the milk, add foamed yeast, mix thoroughly and, covering with a towel, place in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough has risen, add the egg yolks beaten with the remaining sugar, melted butter, grated lemon zest, part of the chopped almonds, raisins and salt. To stir thoroughly. Beat the remaining egg whites thick foam and add to the dough, stirring gently (from top to bottom). Place the dough in a greased, floured pan, let rise, brush the surface of the cake with yolk, sprinkle with the remaining almonds. Bake until done at 180 degrees. The mold is filled halfway with dough, allowed to rise to 3/4 of the height of the mold, and then greased and baked.

Easter Kulich
You need: Milk 3 cups, flour 12 cups, yeast 50 g, egg 7 pieces, granulated sugar 2 cups, salt 1 teaspoon, 1/2 cup melted butter; 1.5 cups raisins, fragrant seasonings: one vanilla stick, 10 cardamom nuts or 2 drops of rose oil.

Dilute the dough with three glasses of milk, six glasses of flour and yeast. Put it in a warm place. Grind five yolks with two cups of sugar, one teaspoon of salt and fragrant seasonings. When the dough is ready, put the mashed yolks into it, beat in two more eggs, pour in slightly warmed melted butter, add six cups of flour, but make sure the dough is not too thick. Knead the dough thoroughly on the table, add one and a half cups of raisins into it and let the dough rise until the morning. In the morning, beat it again and let it sit. Then put half of the dough into the mold, let it rise to 3/4 of the height of the mold and put it in the oven. This quantity of dough is enough for two Easter cakes. It is believed that the Easter cake has risen when the surface is covered with continuous bubbles and “shudders” when touched.

Kulich in Polish
Needed: 1.5 kg flour, 1 glass of milk, 2 glasses of cream, 50 g fresh yeast, 10 eggs, 800 g sugar.

Mix a glass of hot milk, hot cream and flour thoroughly, let the mixture cool to the temperature of fresh milk. Add diluted to small quantity milk, foamed yeast and two eggs, mix and, covering the dough with a napkin, place in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough has risen, add the remaining yolks, mashed until white with one half of the sugar, and the whites, beaten with the other half of the sugar into a thick foam. Mix the mixture carefully (from top to bottom), adding the remaining flour and allowing the dough to rise a second time. Then carefully knock out the dough, place it in a greased and floured mold, filling it halfway. Let the dough rise again. Bake until done at 180 degrees. The Easter cake dough should be kneaded very well. To do this, dump the dough onto a table or board and beat until bubbles appear on the surface.

Easter cake with orange zest
You need: 750 g flour, 1 glass milk, 60 g yeast, 180 g sugar, 180 g butter, 5 yolks, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon raisins, 1 tablespoon orange zest from jam.

Stir the yeast with a small amount of warm milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour and set to ferment. Beat the eggs, yolks and sugar in a water bath until thickened, and then cool while whisking. Pour the warm mixture into the flour, add fermented yeast and warm milk. Knead the dough thoroughly. It should lag behind your hands and the sides of the bowl. Gradually add melted butter, raisins and chopped orange zest. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave to ferment. When the dough has doubled in volume, transfer it to greased and floured pans. When the dough will work one more time, the cake can be greased and baked. Bake Easter cakes at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. The finished cake is coated with glaze and sprinkled with small caramel balls.

Easter cake with raisins
You need: Wheat flour 1 kg, yeast 50 g, granulated sugar 100 g, 3 eggs, butter 125 g, raisins 100 g, candied fruits 50 g, crushed cardamom, cinnamon, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Knead a fairly stiff dough in the evening: flour, 1.5 cups of warm water, yeast, 2 eggs, butter, granulated sugar, washed raisins, finely diced candied fruits, crushed cardamom, cinnamon. Knead everything thoroughly, cover with a towel and leave to rise until the morning. Then place the dough on the table, knead for a long time, then divide into two parts, place in low, greased pans, and let rise. When the cakes have risen sufficiently (the surface is covered with continuous bubbles, and the dough “shudders” when touched), grind one egg, mix with milk, grease the cakes, place in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes.

Easter cake with lemon zest
You need: 500 g flour, 150 g granulated sugar, 250 g cream or milk, 6 yolks, 40 g yeast, 100 g butter, vanilla sugar or vanillin, grated zest of one lemon, 50 g raisins, 50 g almonds, fat for lubricating the mold, powdered sugar with vanilla, a pinch of salt.

Sift the flour through a sieve. Rinse raisins with warm water and dry. Scald the almonds, peel and chop. Prepare a dough from 100 g of flour, cream and yeast, ground with half the sugar and leave it to ferment. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar until air mass, add the rest of the flour, dough, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar or vanillin. Knead the dough until it comes away easily from your hands and the sides of the bowl. Gradually add melted butter, raisins, lemon zest and prepared almonds. Place the dough in a greased and floured mold (up to 1/3 of the volume) and leave in a warm place to ferment. When the dough has risen, the cake can be placed in a preheated oven and baked until ready. Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar and vanilla or pour over the glaze. Glaze: beat 2 egg whites with 200 g of powdered sugar until a thick, airy mass is obtained and add lemon juice to taste.

Kulich royal
You need: Yeast 50 g, cream 3 cups, wheat flour 1200 g, butter 200 g, granulated sugar 200 g, 15 yolks, crushed cardamom (10 grains), 1 crushed nutmeg, chopped almonds (50 g), 100 g candied fruits , 100 g raisins, crushed crackers 1 tbsp. spoon.

Dissolve the yeast in a glass of cream and make a thick dough from it, adding half wheat flour. When the dough rises, add the mixture, mashed with butter and granulated sugar. egg yolks, add the remaining flour, 2 cups of cream, crushed cardamom, crushed nutmeg, chopped almonds, finely chopped candied fruits and washed, dried raisins. Knock the dough well and leave to rise for one and a half to two hours. Then knead the dough again, put it in a tall form greased with oil and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs. Fill the mold halfway, let the dough rise again to 3/4 of the height of the mold and place in the oven over low heat. Easter cakes made from this butter dough It is better to bake in small forms.

Saffron Easter cake
Needed: 2 kg flour, 5 cups milk, 1/2 cup yeast, 15 eggs, 400 g margarine or butter, 700 g granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon cardamom or saffron, 10 drops lemon butter, 1 cup chopped almonds and 1 cup raisins.

The milk is heated to fresh temperature, yeast and flour are added and stirred thoroughly. When the dough has risen, add 10 yolks, 5 eggs, melted butter, sugar, salt, cardamom or saffron, lemon oil, raisins, almonds and allow to rise. The dough should be so thick that it does not stick to your hands. Then the dough is placed in molds, decorated with raisins and almonds, brushed with egg and milk and placed in a preheated oven. Bake until done. Lemon oil can be replaced with vanilla drops or rose oil.

Chocolate Easter cake
Needed: 400 g flour, 50 g fresh yeast, 1.5 cups milk, 15 eggs, 500 g sugar, 100 g cocoa powder, 1-2 glasses of rum, 1/2 cup red wine, 100 g rye crackers, 100 g orange candied fruits, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves, 1/4 teaspoon cardamom, salt to taste.

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of milk, mix with flour and place in a warm place to ferment. Then add egg yolks to the dough, ground with white sugar, cocoa, rum, red wine, ground, sifted rye crackers, finely chopped candied orange peel and all the spices. Mix the mixture and place in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough rises, add the whites whipped into a thick foam and salt to taste. Then place the dough in a generously greased and floured pan. When the dough rises, add the whipped whites and salt to taste. Place the dough in a generously greased soft oil, floured pan. When it rises in the pan, bake the cake at 180 degrees until done. Spicy additives for Easter cake should be finely ground in a coffee grinder and sifted through a fine strainer.

Easter Kulich
Needed: 3 kg flour, 0.8 kg homemade butter, 1 kg sugar, 20 homemade yolks yellow eggs, 1.5 l of milk, 120 g of yeast (wet), 200 g of raisins, optional - vanillin, zest, cognac 50 g, semolina 2 tbsp. l.

Dissolve yeast in 1 cup. warm water, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour, put in a warm place for 20 minutes. in a bowl. Sift the flour into a large bowl, beat the yolks with sugar, add 50 grams of cognac with vanilla, milk, and yeast. Pour the liquid phase into the flour and knead for 15 minutes. Gradually add melted butter, raisins, and zest. Knead for at least 40 minutes (readiness is determined as follows: if the dough “squeaks” and the raisins jump out of the dough, then it’s ready). Cover everything with a towel, put it in a warm place and wait until it comes up. When the dough has risen, put it in a mold (no more than 2/3 of the mold), pre-greased sunflower oil and sprinkled with semolina. Bake. Cool on the side. Glaze: beat 1 egg white with 1 cup. sugar, spread on the tops of the cakes.


Easter cake - traditional baking Christians on Easter. In order for your cakes to look like they are from the picture, you need to know some nuances: before and after baking, you need to grease them! We will look at various options for lubrication in this article.

How to coat Easter cake before baking

If you grease the cake before baking, it will be golden brown and bake perfectly. But this should be done only when the dough has already risen well. Ready dough It is laid out in generously greased forms and rises in two times. Immediately before baking, the cakes are coated. This can be done various options, we will look at some of them.

How to brush the top of the Easter cake before baking:

  1. First option: lubrication with butter. First, the butter is melted in a water bath, or in microwave oven. Now take a brush and coat the surface of the cake. Place in the oven;
  2. Second method: beaten eggs. Take one egg, add a tablespoon of water to it and beat with a fork until a slight foam forms. Next, just like in the first option, grease and set to bake;
  3. Third way: milk. 15 minutes before the cakes are ready, remove them from the oven and brush them with milk. If you want to get very golden brown crust, then the milk needs to be sweetened with sugar;
  4. Fourth way: sweet tea. If you grease the cake strong tea with sugar a few minutes before it is ready, the crust will acquire a matte blush;
  5. And the last method: sour cream glaze. Sour cream glaze adds a rather elegant crust to any baked product. To do this, mix Art. a spoonful of melted butter, two tbsp. spoons of sour cream and two tbsp. spoons of flour, stir until smooth and apply to the cake before putting it to bake.

What to spread after baking

Allow the finished cakes to cool completely before coating. Warm baked goods are removed from the molds and laid out on their sides. What to put on top of the finished Easter cake? You can not decorate the cakes with anything, but simply grease them with water diluted with sugar, then the natural color of the crust will become brighter and the crust itself will be a little softer. If you want to give more festive look baking, then pay attention to the following options:

  1. Protein glaze. The egg white glaze looks really fancy. To prepare it, separate the egg white from the yolk, add 200 grams of fine sugar or powdered sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, beat all ingredients until fluffy foam;
  2. Chocolate glaze. For the recipe you will need: 100 g of powdered sugar, two tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder, 60 ml of water and 50 g of butter. In a small saucepan, mix powdered sugar, cocoa powder and add water, put on fire and add butter. The mass is boiled until slightly thickened. The glaze will become thicker as it cools. To add flavor, try adding liqueur or vanilla.

There is another very easy way make this glaze. Take a bar of chocolate, break it into pieces and melt it in a saucepan. But to prevent such glaze from cracking, there is one secret: you need to add 30 ml of the most heavy cream. And you can take absolutely any chocolate, both bitter, milk, or white;

  1. Sugar fudge. 100 g of powdered sugar and three to four tbsp. spoons of water or lemon juice are mixed so that the finished fudge slowly flows from the spoon and does not form a lump or quickly run down. You need to know that it is quite transparent in color, so it is usually applied in several layers to the finished Easter cake, or dye is added. When applying the next layer, be sure to wait until the previous one has dried! If desired, you can also use flavoring.

- read our selection of gourmet recipes.

Take note of juicy cottage cheese with semolina in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Salmon steak in the oven - delicious and which we suggest you cook. This is a dish that definitely needs to be included in your diet.

How to decorate baked goods in an original way

If just icing and fondant don't seem like enough decoration, try using edible decorations. These can be sugar balls, hearts, confetti, figurines, beautiful flowers or decorations made of waffle paper.

Regular tinted granulated sugar will look unusual if sprinkled on egg white glaze. Various sweets are suitable for decoration: chocolate dragees, macaroons, small marshmallows, meringues, meringues, unusual sweets.

Many people like to sprinkle their cakes with nuts: almonds, peanuts or cashews are perfect for this. It all depends on your preferences.

Secrets of successful glaze

To avoid a fiasco when preparing the glaze for the first time, pay attention to useful tips for its preparation:

  • if you love egg white frosting but are wary of raw whites, make Italian meringue: brew the whipped mass with boiling sugar syrup;
  • Always apply glaze to cooled cakes, this will help prevent dripping, curdling and ensure the correct texture;
  • Apply the glaze immediately after cooking! After all, it quickly hardens when cooled and can spoil appearance baked goods with an uneven and unsmooth appearance;
  • at the core more recipes contain powdered sugar, we recommend that you sift it before using. And also knead the mass until completely homogeneous if you don’t want to see lumps on the Easter cake;
  • white icing is a classic Easter cake, but for variety you can tint it, for example, the juice of natural berries will give a pink tint, spinach will give a green tint, and carrots will give a soft orange tint;
  • Now a little about the method of application: a banal spoon can be replaced with a pastry brush or pastry syringe, it all depends on the consistency of the glaze itself. If there is a lot of it, then try dipping the cake directly into the container with the prepared glaze;
  • when confectionery sprinkles, nuts or edible decor, then this must be done immediately after applying a layer of glaze, otherwise the frozen crust will not hold the decoration elements.

The process of making Easter cakes in itself is a certain ritual, so it’s always better to cook them yourself. It is very important not only to bake delicious cake, but also decorate it effectively. We hope this article will help you with this.


The holiday of HAPPY EASTER is just around the corner and many housewives prefer to bake Easter cakes themselves, although nowadays almost all stores provide us with the opportunity to purchase ready-made Easter cakes, offering them in a large assortment. Of course, it’s quick and convenient, but Easter cakes baked with your own hands will bring much more spiritual satisfaction from eating them, because you put your soul into the cooking process, and this is very important!

So, for those who will bake Easter cakes themselves, we offer several practical advice that will help you decorate Easter table the most delicious baked goods!

How to prepare Easter cake dough?

TIP 1. Easter cakes need to be baked on the eve of Easter. Before you start cooking, be sure to tidy up the kitchen and your thoughts. When preparing the dough, it is important to be in a favorable mood: think only about the good, do not rush anywhere, do not shout or quarrel. It is very important!

TIP 2. Yeast dough You can’t place it next to open windows, because it doesn’t like drafts and cold. Therefore, you need to make sure that the room temperature is comfortable. Preheat the oven in advance.

TIP 3. To prepare Easter cakes (and baking in general), you need to use products room temperature. Therefore, they need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance.

TIP 4. To prepare Easter cakes, choose live yeast - moist, similar to a piece of plasticine. It is important that the yeast is fresh; it should crumble easily and smell like milk. With them, the dough will turn out soft, saturated with tiny air bubbles.

TIP 5. In order for the dough to be light, you must sift the flour.

TIP 6. To ensure the dough rises well, place the container with it in a bowl of warm (but not hot) water and cover with a clean towel on top.

TIP 7. You need to knead the Easter cake dough with your hands. And for quite a long time - until it easily lags behind the cutting table.

Filling the Easter cake and the process of baking the Easter cake.

TIP 8. To give the cakes a beautiful golden hue, you should choose country eggs with a dark orange yolk. You can also add turmeric to the dough. You can also add saffron tincture, which is prepared as follows: to 1 tsp. ground saffron, add 50 ml of vodka, cover and leave for a couple of hours.

TIP 9. To make your baked goods fragrant and appetizing, add a little vanillin and cardamom seeds ground in a mortar to the dough. nutmeg or 2-3 spoons of golden rum.

TIP 10. In addition to the generally accepted addition of raisins, you can add finely chopped dried apricots, citrus zest, any candied fruits or chopped nuts to the dough. The most suitable nuts are almonds and hazelnuts.

TIP 11. Grease the Easter cake pans with butter and line with baking paper. Place a paper circle at the bottom with a diameter slightly smaller than the mold itself: this is done to make the finished cake easier to get out after baking.

TIP 12. Fill the forms prepared for Easter cakes with dough to 1/3 of the volume and leave in a warm place until the volume of the dough doubles. Later in the baking process, it will rise again.

TIP 13. Not many people know about this small, but nevertheless very interesting secret. It consists of inserting a long wooden skewer into the center of each raw Easter cake. This will help the top of the cake rise evenly and not deviate to the side. And it will help you find out whether it’s time to turn off the oven. If the cake is ready, a skewer removed from it will be dry and clean.

TIP 14. Place a bowl of water in the lower part of the oven; this will make the cakes more tender. Do not open the door while baking oven: The dough may fall and not rise again.

TIP 15. If the skewer is still raw, and the cakes on top begin to burn, you should cover them with greased foil.

Easter cake decoration.

TIP 16. To prevent the glaze from cracking, apply it only to well-cooled cakes.

TIP 17. To prevent the icing from being too sweet, you can add a little lemon juice to it. The glaze itself is made from whipped egg whites and powdered sugar.

TIP 18. Easter cakes with classic white tops can be decorated with patterns of melted chocolate. If you want to make the cake top pink, add it to the icing. beet juice, for the purple hat you will need blueberry juice, and for greenish - parsley juice. Children will really like these colorful Easter cakes.

TIP 19. Instead of the usual colored sugar or ready-made sprinkles from the store, use multi-colored candied fruits, marzipan figures or even fresh flowers to decorate Easter cakes.

TIP 20. To better preserve Easter cakes until Easter, after cooking and completely cooling, they should be wrapped in baking paper.