Cinnamon - the benefits and harms, the beneficial properties and contraindications of ground spices. Cinnamon: How to Use Incense Sticks

Cinnamon sticks are less common in the house than ordinary, ground, cinnamon, although they are made from better quality raw materials, they retain their aroma and useful properties longer. We will determine what specifically distinguishes cinnamon in sticks from its crushed appearance, how to use the pods correctly and in which dishes it is not worth adding.

In supermarkets, ground cinnamon in bags is most often sold. It is easy to use. Most housewives stop at the purchase of spiced powder due to the fact that it is easy to measure for a particular dish. But what are they made of? Few people think that an already shredded product loses most of its taste, healthy qualities and aroma. The situation is similar to black and red pepper, but manual pepper mills have long taken a strong position on modern kitchen shelves. It does not hurt and cinnamon.

Cinnamon stick is not a twig, as most people think. This is the bark of an evergreen tree called "Cinnamon", which was removed and twisted in a thin layer, usually 6-10 layers per stick. Cinnamon has been known to people for more than one thousand years, at first it was a wild tree, then they learned to cultivate it, divide it into species, use it in cooking, perfumes, and medicine. Cinnamon from Chinese lands is astringent, has a burning taste and a dark shade, cinnamon from Ceylon has a pronounced aroma and sweetness, and spice from India and Burma has a dark color and bitterness. The latter variety is also called “cassia” or “false cinnamon”, it does not need to be bought, it can only be distinguished in sticks, they will be less grainy inside, with a rough surface. Powdered cassia is almost impossible to distinguish from quality cinnamon before cooking.

The most valuable, delicious and aromatic spice is from Ceylon. Useful, tasty and aromatic, it will give a special refined shade to your dishes. The chemical composition of Ceylon spice positions it as the most suitable for the manufacture of valuable essential oil.

Health Recipes

How to use cinnamon sticks without chopping them? We offer you some simple but effective recipes for which you do not need to grind the tubes beforehand.

Do you often suffer from stomach discomfort? Tired of drinking medications for bloating, colic and flatulence? Use the folk method:

  1. A glass of boiling water on one stick of real cinnamon. Insist half an hour.
  2. After the appropriate time, get the spice and add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach in small sips.

Do not pass inflammatory elements on the skin? Does dullness, wrinkles and black spots appear? Cook for healthy skin:

  1. Pour a cup of boiling water with a stick of cinnamon, leave to brew well at night.
  2. Take some ready-made liquid and mix with honey.
  3. You should get a paste that can be applied to the face and problem areas of the skin for a couple of hours as a mask.

Cinnamon stick can be used as a fragrant spice for a variety of drinks. Cinnamon tea is not only delicious and smells great. It treats many ailments - it will relieve you of a cold that starts, normalizes digestion, helps to lose weight, calm down and put your thoughts in order. Recipe:

  1. Half a liter of boiling water on a cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over the spice and insist well.
  2. Then pour the spiced water into the kettle and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour black or green tea in the teapot with this liquid. Let the drink brew for at least 5 minutes.

Coffee with cinnamon is a classic option for lovers of this exquisite strong oriental drink. Recipe with nutmeg and orange zest:

  1. Take 150 ml of water, a spoonful of ground black coffee, a spice stick, on the tip of a knife of ground nutmeg and chopped orange zest.
  2. Make coffee by adding all the ingredients to the cezve.
  3. Pour into cups. Add sugar or honey if you are drinking sweet coffee.

How to grind and store a cinnamon stick

Most often, cinnamon sticks are crushed. You need to do this correctly, otherwise you risk getting dust or dissimilar pieces, just ruining the product. Grind correctly:

  • dry the sticks in a pan, which will make the spice brittle, strengthen the aroma and remove moisture;
  • put dry pods in a container and rub with a mortar or you can put the spice in a bag and go with a rolling pin;
  • bring the obtained small pieces to a state of powder in a hand mill.

How to store cinnamon in the form of sticks? The crushed spice retains its taste, smell and useful properties of the chemical composition for 6 months in a transparent jar, hermetically sealed, placed in a dark, cool place. Storage of pods is no different, only the shelf life is increased to a year. If the stick has already been used, then it can be used in the preparation of dishes and drinks two more times, then it loses its taste, aroma and useful properties.

Cinnamon sticks in cooking

Cinnamon sticks can be used in a variety of dishes, but there are dishes that will be badly damaged if you add oriental spice there.

What you should not use spice with:

  • salads;
  • dumplings and dumplings;
  • borscht;
  • dishes of cabbage of any kind;
  • sushi;
  • fish dishes (as opposed to sauces for fish dishes);
  • lamb and beef.

In the article, we examined the features of the qualities and useful properties of cinnamon sticks, how to use it, with what dishes this spice does not combine. Some useful recipes with cinnamon in the form of a stick, and not in a powder state, its storage conditions and features of adding to dishes were brought.

Cinnamon sticks - a spice that is made from 6-10 layers of the same tree. Sometimes they are used to decorate the interior, some like to add them to coffee, but there are much more ways to use cinnamon sticks. They will serve as a flavoring seasoning for many dishes and drinks.

Tea with Cinnamon Sticks

Using cinnamon sticks, you can make tea, which will not only be a delicious tonic drink, but also serve as a remedy for colds and flu. To prepare it, you will need one stick for half a liter of water. Pour boiling water over the spice and let it brew well. After this, pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat, not bringing to a boil a little. Pour black tea into a teapot and pour it with water and a stick of cinnamon. After five to ten minutes, you will have a fragrant drink ready to be poured into cups.

Mulled wine with cinnamon sticks

Mulled wine is a hot alcoholic drink that becomes especially popular from the end of autumn and does not give up its positions until the end of winter. It is prepared on the basis of wine with the addition of various spices, one of which, as a rule, is cinnamon. To prepare a classic mulled wine, in addition to table red wine, you will need the following spices: - cinnamon stick; - 5-7 pieces of cloves;

Nutmeg; - vanilla (optional); - ginger (optional); - zest. Add zest and spices to the bottom of the turkish, pour 100 milliliters of water into it and put on fire. After the water has boiled, let the broth boil for a minute, and then cover it with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour a bottle of red wine into a saucepan and set on fire. There, add strained broth, as well as a couple of spoons of sugar or honey to taste, so that the drink does not seem sour to you. Shortly before the mulled wine begins to boil, it should be turned off and poured into tall cups or special glasses.

Mulled wine cannot be reheated: it will lose its flavor. If you do not have time to drink a drink, better pour it into a thermos

Indian pilaf with cinnamon sticks

In Asian countries, cinnamon sticks are often used as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. You can cook Indian pilaf using this spice. You will need: - 400 grams of rice (best Basmati); - 1 kilogram of chicken drumsticks; - 4 cloves of garlic; - 3 cinnamon sticks; - 2 onions; - 400 grams of canned tomatoes; - ground black pepper; - ginger; - cumin; - turmeric; - red hot pepper; - salt. Rinse the rice, fill it with cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Peel the meat from the drumsticks and cut it into cubes. Pour vegetable oil onto a heated frying pan and fry the meat in batches in it until golden brown. Put it on a plate, and in the same vegetable oil, fry the onions, simultaneously adding turmeric, garlic, ginger, cumin, two sticks of cinnamon, pepper and salt to it. Add canned tomatoes and meat to the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then turn off the heat. Pull out the cinnamon sticks.

On a fire, put a pan with one and a half liters of water, add cardamom and a cinnamon stick to it. When the water begins to boil, pour in the rice and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then throw it in a colander and remove the cinnamon.

Pour 150 milliliters of water into a large pot, put half of your rice, pour the contents of the pan on top and add the remaining rice. Simmer for about half an hour without stirring. Finished pilaf can also be decorated with cinnamon sticks.

A popular spice from India has conquered our hearts. It is used in cooking and cosmetology, in medicine and aromatherapy, and even in interior design. Pleasant fragrance and aesthetic appearance make cinnamon sticks simply an indispensable attribute of the interior, served table and kitchen. Most people consume chopped spices almost daily, but they don’t even know that there are also cinnamon sticks. How to use and how to grind them correctly, we will tell you in this article.

How to use cinnamon sticks in coffee?

Cinnamon is a favorite coffee lover supplement. It gives the drink an indescribable aroma and a specific unusual taste. As a rule, at home it is stored already in milled form, in powder, however, it is believed that it is cinnamon sticks that retain their beneficial properties and aroma much longer.

There are no specific tips for using them in coffee. Add one to the Turk while you brew coffee, and after that take it out. So her taste is fully revealed in the drink, but will not give up her bitterness. For lovers of instant coffee, we would advise using it already crushed, as the taste is revealed, as a rule, with short brewing.

How to grind cinnamon sticks at home?

Cinnamon is a common spice; on store shelves you can find cinnamon sticks and chopped bags. However, there may not be a shredded version, what should we do with non-ground variation and how to grind them?

The first thing most people will take on is a grater, blender or coffee grinder. The idea is good, but it will not give a result. Cinnamon in sticks is very dense and contains moisture, as a result you will get uneven pieces unsuitable for use.

Fresh spice not only retains almost all of its beneficial properties, unlike the already shredded store option, but also spreads a magical aroma in your kitchen.

Cinnamon Sticks for Weight Loss

One of the most famous properties of cinnamon is acceleration of metabolism and energy metabolism. The use of oriental spices will start all the processes of the body with renewed vigor and therefore its use is simply indispensable in losing weight.

The most popular spice recipe is cinnamon infusion. The preparation of such an infusion will not cause any difficulties. In a glass of hot water, you need to add a spoonful of spices and a spoonful of honey and, having cooled, drink half an hour before the first meal.

Useful properties of cinnamon

As we have already said, cinnamon is an activator of metabolic acceleration, however, in the eastern spice lies just a storehouse of irreplaceable and useful properties:

  • Stimulates endorphin production;
  • Activates brain activity;
  • Reduces blood sugar;
  • In combination with honey and lemon, it is very useful for colds and SARS;
  • It is a good aphrodisiac;
  • Good effect on the digestive system;
  • It acts as a sedative and relieves stress.

Application in traditional medicine

With such an abundance of useful properties, it is simply impossible not to use the popular Indian spice as a folk remedy:

  1. Cinnamon is a natural antibiotic. Add a little spice to any perishable product and you can not be afraid that it will go bad;
  2. Taking a quarter teaspoon of spice per day can significantly reduce blood sugar, which will have a positive effect on diabetes treatment;
  3. To normalize the work of the stomach in a glass of warm water, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey and drink in the morning before eating;
  4. For cosmetic and anti-inflammatory purposes, a spoonful of cinnamon powder with honey should be diluted with water to a paste state, this mixture is applied to the face as a cleansing and irritation mask, and also treat inflamed teeth and gums, applying such a paste for fifteen minutes.

Fragrant spice is really incredibly healthy, but its contraindications   also make up a small list:

  • Pregnancy and milk feeding;
  • Increased irritability;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Heat;
  • Allergic reactions.

How to distinguish a fake from a natural product?

Many manufacturers are not completely honest with their consumers and often give out plant sticks. cassia   for cinnamon. What for? Cinnamon is a more expensive product in production and processing, therefore, in order to save producers use a cheaper analogue.

In order not to fall for such a trick and enjoy natural high-quality spice, below we have given some tips that will help in choosing it:

  1. Pay attention to the country of origin; in a real spice, most often it will be Ceylon;
  2. This spice has a uniform light brown color, while in cassia the color varies and even turns into dark gray;
  3. Cinnamon has a more delicate taste and aroma, while cassia has a more tart and harsh aroma;
  4. Ceylon natural uncrushed cinnamon is finer and more fragile at the cut, cassia is coarser and denser;
  5. Also at home, you can check its quality in a chemical way - if you put iodine on a natural spice, the color will not change, but in Cassia, the color of the iodine will turn dark blue.

Cinnamon sticks - a spice that won the hearts of people who love warmth, comfort and a delicious aroma. A wide range of uses in weight loss, cooking, treatment, traditional medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy made cinnamon sticks simply irreplaceable. How to use, grind them at home and how to choose the right spice and distinguish it from a fake, we told you in our article.

Video: methods for determining natural cinnamon

In this video, the traveler Olga Rogozina will show how to distinguish this spice from a fake:

BUSTAN BUDUR Collection.

Does not contain fragrances, dyes, preservatives.

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices on earth., known in ancient India and in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians even used it for embalming the pharaohs. To date ceylon Cinnamon is considered the best cinnamon.   This spice is considered one of the most festive and is among the three Christmas aromas (along with the smell of citrus and vanilla).

For industrial use, cinnamon is grown for two years, and then cut under the root. Subsequently, about 10 new shoots are formed at the cutting site during the year. And already from these shoots, when their length reaches 3 meters, and their diameter is not less than 2.5 cm, the bark is cut off. It is dried, separated from the outer wood layer and a thin, literally 0.5 mm, inner layer of the bark is left. It turns out a kind of meter-long brown strip, which, when dried, curls into a long tube. The strips are dried so that strips from several shoots enter into one tube. For sale, long tubes are cut into pieces of 5-10 cm.
Thanks to a suitable climate, in India and Sri Lanka this work is carried out 2 times a year, at the end of the rainy season.

The plant is not very whimsical. Cinnamon easily adapts to a variety of soils and climatic conditions, withstands adverse environmental factors. Cinnamon tree grows well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. It is cultivated in non-irrigated areas with an average rainfall of 200-250 mm per year. On the west coast of India, cinnamon is grown on sandy soils with poor mineral nutrition.

Cinnamon is used in different types. - in the form of powder, sticks or tubes (the best is in tubes). Ideal for jams, jams, compotes, dairy products and jelly. It is added to vegetable and fruit dishes (especially dishes with apples, quinces, pears), puddings, sweet cakes, rolls, drinks. It goes well with salads from carrots, red cabbage, corn and cucumbers. In oriental cuisine, it is used for cold dishes of poultry (turkey, chicken) and second courses of beef (fried, stewed), in China and Korea - when cooking fried pork.

Cinnamon good combined with other spices: cardamom, coriander seeds, zira, cloves, black and white pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg. In India, it is part of the national mixture of spices “garam masala”, and in Chinese and Syrian cuisine it is part of spicy mixtures with black pepper, star anise, fennel seeds, cloves, paprika, coriander.

If you need to use whole cinnamon sticks in hot spicy seasoning (chutney) or in rice dishes, then the sticks must be removed before serving. Than buy chopped cinnamon, buy whole sticks, fry them to dryness and chop when necessary. The strong-smelling, slightly bitter cinnamon, usually sold on the market, has the appearance of thick individual pieces or is in the form of a powder. This is a faint resemblance to real cinnamon, whose taste is delicate and sweet.

Cinnamon sticks - exclusive on the Russian market of spices. Real quality cinnamon in sticks, rather than ground substitute, is almost impossible to find.

Whole cinnamon is added not only when canning, but also in casseroles, rice, wine and punch, stir hot chocolate and coffee. The taste of cinnamon sticks is stable, delicate and sweet.

Serve tea or compotewith cinnamon sticks - this will stir sugar without a spoon, give a wonderful aroma to the drink and look original.

Chef Tips:

  • Cinnamon is used to flavor sauces, marinades, confectionery, preserves, compotes, various cottage cheese dishes, etc. Cinnamon gives a very interesting taste to yogurt, Varents, kefir.
  • Cinnamon powder is best bought in small quantities - it quickly loses its flavor.
  • The taste of cinnamon sticks is much more stable, although it is quite difficult to finely grind them.
  • Cinnamon powder is added only at the very end of cooking (no more than 10 minutes before the end), since with prolonged heat treatment, cinnamon will give the dish an unpleasant bitterness.
  • For marinades and dough you can use. It is many times more aromatic than dry cinnamon, so be careful with dosages.

Cinnamon Application:

In general form   cinnamon is added to liquid dishes, in the ground   - in the second courses and in the dough. They lay it 7-10 minutes before the hot dish is ready, and immediately before serving it - in fruit salads, curds, drinks, etc.

In various countries, cinnamon is added to food in different quantities. Especially they put it in dishes of Oriental, Indian and Chinese cuisine - an average of 0.5 to 1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of food.

At ceylon cinnamon   the aroma is sweet and very delicate, so most often it is used in confectionery and culinary.It is added to cookies, muffins, gingerbread cakes, sweet pies with fruit filling, as well as puddings and sweet pilafs, compotes, preserves, mousses, jellies and curd pastes.

In modern Western European cuisine, cinnamon can be found in trendy fruit salads and even in some vegetable salads. She   goes well   with spinach, carrots, red cabbage and dairy corn, as well as dishes from apples, quinces and pears. It is also added to cold fruit soups made from fresh or dried fruits.

In Eastern, Central Asian and Transcaucasian cuisine, cinnamon is added in the preparation of cold and hot dishes and poultry and second courses of lamb.

Cinnamon can be found in kharcho, chikhirtme and a variety of pilafs. In China and Korea, it is believed that cinnamon ennobles the taste of fatty meat. Cinnamon is also a part of various mixtures of dry spices - curry, Yerevan mixture, Christmas dessert mixture, spices for mulled wine, as well as a mixture for fruit, mushroom and meat marinades. Cinnamon aromatizes liqueurs, punches, grogs, homemade drinks and desserts.

  As a flavoringthey use not only bark, but also the so-called "cinnamon buds" - the unripe fruits of cinnamon, collected immediately after flowering and outwardly similar to cloves. "Buds" are less fragrant than bark, but their smell is very interesting - soft, clean and sweet (to achieve maximum fragrance, they must be very finely ground). Such a spice is loved in China (although it is harvested here from cassia) and in India (Gujarat state). Indian and Thai culinary experts also appreciate the leaves of Chinese cinnamon tree as an aromatic additive in curry. The leaves are very similar to laurel, but smaller and thinner.

  In Russiawith cinnamon, traditionally prepared milk soups, pancakes, cereals and jellied fish, in the Caucasus it was added to dishes of meat, vegetables and beans, put in soups (for example, in kharcho and chikhirtma) and in mutton pilaf. In Belarus, they flavored soaked lingonberries, and in Ukraine they were used for pickling cucumbers and pickling watermelons. However, not only in Ukraine. Back in Domostroy, a rather curious recipe for such storage of watermelons is given.

The warm enchanting aroma of this spice is especially well combined with apples, pears and chocolate, so real gourmets always add a whisper of grated chocolate and cinnamon to coffee-cappuccino. Or for example, classically cooked stuffed eggplants or Greek lamb stews are simply inconceivable without cinnamon.

Cinnamon, like a fairy fairy, can turn the simplest dish into a treat - for example, cinnamon toasts sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon turn into a favorite treat at traditional tea parties at Oxford and Cambridge colleges.

One of the culinary highlights of France are cinnamon cupcakes from Bordeaux (le canelle de Bordeaux). They were invented by thrifty nuns. In the holds of the vessels that delivered the flour, they collected the leftovers, mixed them with butter and sugar, filled the dough with bronze molds sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. In a hot oven, sugar was caramelized, and the muffins were aromatic and festive-elegant - smooth and shiny. In some European countries, cinnamon, along with ginger, is often added to home-made beer, which probably went from the tradition at Christmas to regale with warmed beer or spiced wine (mulled wine).

The bark contains 1-2% of the essential oil, consisting mainly of cinnamaldehyde (about 90%), as well as some tannins. The smell of bark is aromatic, pleasant, the taste is sweetish, spicy and slightly astringent. TO oritsa contains essential oils, as well as cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, resin, starch, tannins,magnesium, dietary fiberiron, calcium.

Calorie 1 tbsp. spoons - 6 kcal

Medical use of cinnamon:

The beneficial properties of cinnamon come from the 3 main components that make up the essential oil: cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, cinnamon.

This spice also contains poisonous substance coumarin, which in large quantities can adversely affect the liver. According to EU standards, the content of coumarin in foods should not exceed 2 mg per kg. The small amount of cinnamon that we eat, for example, with food is not harmful to health. But trying to normalize blood sugar by eating cinnamon with spoons is harmful. Also use with caution to people who have:   increased nervous irritability, early pregnancy, hypertension, use with caution in the elderly.

  • In medicine, it is used as an antiseptic.
  • Alcoholic extract of Chinese cinnamon bark is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has a detrimental effect on tubercle bacilli and viruses.
  • Cinnamon helps increase appetite, improve digestion, and normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Activates the work of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder.
  • Avicenna claimed that cinnamon oil miraculously helps with trembling limbs, and today homeopaths use cinnamon as a remedy for motion sickness.
  • Cinnamaldehyde inhibits blood clots.
  • Cinnamon essential oil has an anti-microbial effect, inhibits the growth of fungi, including Candida yeast.
  • Cinnamon is able to normalize blood sugar. Studies show that less than half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder lowers blood sugar, increases insulin activity and the ability of cells to absorb and use glucose.
  • The aroma of cinnamon activates the brain and functions such as attention and visual memory.
  • Dietary fiber and calcium in cinnamon help prevent colon cancer. Calcium and fiber bind salts of bile acids and remove them from the body, thereby preventing the damage that salts can do to the cells of the large intestine. Fibers also help prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  • Cinnamon, added to tea and mixed with fresh ginger, can be used for colds and flu as a warming agent.
  • Cinnamon is a great cosmetic product!   Her oil is good for cellulite, to increase lip volume and tighten the skin, as well as remove dandruff and stimulate hair growth.

The magical properties of cinnamon

In magiccinnamon is credited with many different properties. Cinnamon belongs to the element of fire, according to various sources it is a plant of the Sun, Jupiter and, according to more rare references, Mars. The governing zodiac sign of cinnamon is Leo.
  The fiery properties of the plant are amazingly illustrated by one legend.   You all know about the magic bird Phoenix, a symbol of immortality, rebirth, the Sun. Its colors symbolize the rising sun. And you all know that once every 500 years, a bird makes a funeral pyre and burns itself so that in three days it will be born again from the ashes. But few people know that the funeral pyre should be composed of wild cinnamon leaves. Phoenix lights cinnamon, flapping its wings under the rays of the sun and, shrouded in cinnamon fire, burns down, mixing its ashes with cinnamon ashes.
  Who knows, maybe this is the connection with the Phoenix that gives cinnamon such magical properties as protection, healing, purification, love, mental perception. The occult significance of cinnamon is good.

  In the language of flowers   Victorian cinnamon meant: "My fate is in your hands." In Austria, lovers exchanged bouquets, which included cinnamon, symbolizing tenderness and love.

  The aroma of cinnamon helps to gain independence and originality, strength and confidence.   Cinnamon is very actively used in aromatherapy. In winter, its aroma helps to get out of the winter spleen, warms, revitalizes, spurs on actions. The magical power of cinnamon helps to restore confidence in oneself and hope for the best, and simply bestow good mood. Do you miss the creative upsurge? Arrange yourself an evening with a cinnamon smell, and there will be a thirst to live, create, striving for the most full use of your time.

  Cinnamon is known for attracting money with its properties.   It is also used in love potions. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, attracts luck.

Cinnamon was especially respected in China. There it means immortality, the Tree of Life in paradise, a tree on the moon, luck, ascent to greatness.

  Here are some specific tips for magically using cinnamon:

  To increase well-being,   You can add a little ground cinnamon to your wallet or wallet (preferably in combination with mint). If you have a major purchase - rub between your palms dried mint with a little cinnamon and imagine how everything spent returns to you in three times.

And here is a curious ritual for those who are looking for work. For the ritual you will need a candle of a pure white color, one black, green and brown one, candle holders for them - so as not to be afraid to leave candles unattended until completely burned, a dry leaf or patchouli oil and cinnamon (you can cinnamon oil).
  In complete solitude, sit at the table, light incense, put a bowl of water and a towel next to you. Imagine your problems and failures. Take the black candle in your hands and warm it with your own hands. Imagine how all your problems will burn in her flame. Sprinkle the patchouli powder from the bottom up, but only it - the rest of the candles should remain intact. Place it in a candlestick in the center of the table. Rinse your hands from patchouli. Sprinkle cinnamon over the other three candles. The white candle is you. Place it so that it rises above the black. You must set yourself up for problems and getting a good job. Green is a symbol of future wealth. Sprinkle it with cinnamon, think about this. Put it on the right. Brown is work. Mentally articulate to yourself what specific job you want to get and keep it in mind. Put a candle to your left.
  Light a white candle with the words: "What I ask is mine rightfully."
  Light a black candle with the words: "Sorrow burns, the enemy is defeated."
  Light a brown candle with the words: "I find a job I like."
  Light a green candle with the words: “Good luck will come! May it be so!"
  Candles should be burned whole. It’s not necessary to be near them. Now you are ready for an interview and an active job search. But do not wait for her from heaven. Act! Search, go for interviews, post resumes. And the ritual will help you conduct this search purposefully, consciously and calmly.

Actively use cinnamon in combination with basil - for making a love talisman.   The same combination is also suitable for making witch's ink, basil is added for love, and cinnamon for the mind.

But do not overdo it. Cinnamon essence can be used not only to attract love, but also to cause disgust.

And finally, fortune-telling with cinnamon.   Wait for the rain, not strong, but with large drops, in the summer such are not uncommon. Think about your question and hold out cookies or a pie, sprinkled with plenty of cinnamon, in the open palm in the rain.
  Return to the house and look at the marks left on the cinnamon. In the silence and comfort of home, focus and try to understand what exactly the rain painted on cinnamon. This will be the answer to the question.

Structure: whole cinnamon bark of Cinnamomum verum.

Weight: 70g

Production:Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria.

Raw materials: Sri Lanka.


It turns out that spices not only can significantly improve the taste of our culinary masterpieces, but significantly reduce our volumes, making the figure slimmer. Today we’ll talk about cinnamon and its ability to lose weight.

Such a spice as cinnamon has been known all over the world for a long time. In the old days, it was used in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and also used as an air freshener. Today, it is increasingly used for weight loss, since it is believed that it has the ability to burn fat. For many of us, the very word “losing weight” causes a lot of unpleasant associations: hunger, a strict diet, constant training in gyms, etc.
  because besides all this there are simpler, and at the same time effective ways to reduce weight, while they are safe for the health of our body. In particular, this is the use of cinnamon. Nutritionists around the world recommend adding it to semolina and oatmeal, cottage cheese, coffee, tea, juice, milk, etc. It should be noted that any baked goods with cinnamon do not help to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the high content of fats and sugar in it, which, in fact, increase the calorie content of the product several times. And here no cinnamon will help.

The benefits of cinnamon for weight loss.
This spice has the property of lowering blood glucose levels, which is especially important for patients with diabetes. It is high blood sugar that stimulates the formation of fatty deposits. Eating just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon will boost your sugar metabolism several times daily and prevent unwanted problems. In addition, this spice favorably affects the general condition of the body and the nervous system, increases vitality and energizes. It is also known for its properties to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body. The benefit of cinnamon for weight loss is that it dulls the hunger, reducing appetite. After all, the less we eat, the higher the chance to maintain our weight at the optimal level for you.

In addition, the use of cinnamon helps to improve blood circulation, which is the prevention of venous insufficiency.
By adding it to milk, colds can be cured. The combination of cinnamon with honey helps lower blood cholesterol, is an excellent prophylactic against heart attack, strengthens the heart muscles. In addition, this combination slows down the aging process of the body, perfectly cleanses the intestines, neutralizing the pathogenic flora and normalizing the digestive system.

The use of cinnamon for weight loss.
In order to maximize the benefit of cinnamon in the process of weight loss, two factors must be taken into account: freshness and the quality of the spice itself, which can be determined by aroma. Cinnamon for weight loss can be used not only in powder form, but also in the form of sticks. The powder should be stored no more than six months, and the sticks - no more than a year in a dark place in a glass bowl.

For weight loss, apply cinnamon effectively in the following ways:

  • Add to various dishes, at one meal you can eat up to half a teaspoon of cinnamon. The regular use of this spice positively affects the work of all internal organs: the metabolism is normalized, the absorption of food and the process of its digestion are improved, and the work of the kidneys is improved. But everyone knows that weight lost due to the normalization of the work of all organs and systems of the body gives longer lasting results, that is, weight gain will not occur, as is the case with the end of the diet.
  • Since cinnamon has a sweetish flavor, it is recommended to add it to all sweet dishes and drinks instead of sugar or to make a partial replacement.
  • Drink a honeyed cinnamon drink daily.

The addition of cinnamon to honey is also effective. Such a mixture can be smeared on bread (bran bread is suitable). You will get a wonderful and healthy breakfast, especially for the heart.

In order to achieve maximum results in the process of losing weight with the help of cinnamon, you should adhere to some rules:

  • for the preparation of the drink, non-pasteurized (natural) honey is recommended, since it contains much more vitamins and beneficial enzymes;
  • in no case add honey to hot water, this negates all its beneficial qualities;
  • a honey drink with cinnamon for weight loss should be drunk chilled, you do not need to warm up.

Regular intake of such a drink will help to get rid of one to five kilograms of excess weight, it all depends on the initial weight. And all this without exhausting workouts and hard diets. But gradually, the process of burning body fat will begin to slow down. This is due to the fact that this process was carried out mainly due to bowel cleansing. As soon as the digestive system is normalized, the weight will also become stable. Therefore, in such cases, you should take small breaks (three to four weeks) in taking the drink.

Tea with cinnamon.
Daily aromatic spice can be added to your favorite tea. According to your preferences (number of infusions), brew green tea in a liter of boiling water. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of lemon juice to it. The resulting drink should be divided into several receptions and consumed throughout the day.

"Food models."
200 ml of kefir mixed with half a teaspoon of cinnamon, the same amount of ginger, add a small amount of red pepper and mix well. Drink the resulting mixture. Such a drink speeds up the metabolism, which contributes to weight loss. The amount of pepper can be added at will, but it cannot be excluded from the drink.

You can mix cinnamon and ginger in half a teaspoon and add the mixture to tea. Such a drink also affects the normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which is important in the process of weight loss.

Cinnamon wraps.
Wrapping with this spice can reduce your volume by one centimeter in one session. Efficiency is achieved due to the fact that cinnamon wraps contribute to the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, significantly improve lymph outflow, stimulate the enzymatic process, improving blood microcirculation.

Before a wrapping session, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin using a scrub or peeling. For the same purpose, you can use anti-cellulite cream. After that, already on clean skin on the problem areas, apply a mixture for wrapping and wrap with cling film. Then you should lie comfortably and wrap yourself in a blanket. In this position, you should rest for at least an hour. After the session, the mixture should be washed off, and for greater effectiveness apply anti-cellulite cream to the skin.

The wrapping mixture is prepared as follows: combine fifteen grams of any cosmetic clay with a small amount of warm water, add a cinnamon stick, a few drops of grapefruit or orange essential oil.

Cinnamon cocktails.
Such cocktails can even replace snacks. In addition to great taste, they also benefit. For example, a pear cocktail with cinnamon: the pulp of half a pear mixed with twenty grams of condensed milk, half a glass of milk, two teaspoons of lemon juice and add half a spoon of cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients well.

Similar cocktails with the addition of cinnamon can be prepared from any fruit, combining with milk, oatmeal, sour cream, cocoa and other components.

Despite the benefits of cinnamon, its use has some contraindications. They mainly concern pregnant women, since cinnamon can cause uterine contractions, which may result in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). You can not eat cinnamon also to nursing mothers, in the presence of internal bleeding of various genesis, high blood pressure. Avoid cinnamon is also recommended for people with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to this spice. In addition, it should be borne in mind that an excessive amount of cinnamon in the diet can provoke a rapid heartbeat, as well as lead to increased excitability.

Everyone can choose their own version of cinnamon. The main thing is that the effect will be amazing in any of them. The loss of a few extra pounds is guaranteed. And if you add sports and proper nutrition to the use of this miracle of spice, then your figure will always be slim and toned.

Spices in our lives are more than flavors. History knows the times when they were killed and robbed, they paid debts and accumulated millions of fortunes. And cinnamon has always been the queen of spices - the most fragrant, warm and precious. Before using cinnamon sticks, they were offered prayers and asked for luck, and cinnamon helped: relieve ailments, relieve fatigue, give strength and faith. So maybe today you can use cinnamon sticks just as effectively, awaken their magic and healing properties?

Unfortunately, our contemporaries often simply do not know what to do with cinnamon sticks and how to use them. In supermarkets and even in markets, ground cinnamon is mainly sold, which, although it retains its characteristic smell, loses the lion's share of charm and wonderful properties. It is better to buy cinnamon sticks, chop them yourself as needed and use them in baking, in coffee, in recipes and even in the interior. Although in practice, as a rule, it all comes down to more mundane and practical tasks - for example, use cinnamon sticks for weight loss. Well, any task is good if you approach it with feeling and sense. And cinnamon sticks can be used in many different ways.

What is cinnamon? Composition and properties of cinnamon in sticks and powder
The “sticks” of cinnamon are not sticks at all, that is, not twigs, but the bark of the evergreen tree Cinnamon, a close relative of the laurel, shot in a thin layer and twisted into a tube. Cinnamon has been growing in the tropics and has been used by people for many thousands of years, starting long before our era. During this time, our ancestors learned not only to use cinnamon sticks in cooking, medicine and perfumery, but also were able to cultivate the cinnamon tree and distinguish its varieties. For example, cinnamon from Ceylon has a deeper and warmer flavor than Chinese cinnamon, and Malabar cinnamon is superior to other varieties with astringency and a dark color. But all these are trifles in comparison with the main properties of cinnamon:

Now you see, you can use cinnamon sticks with benefit and pleasure, in a variety of areas of life. Ground cinnamon, which is much more common on sale and delivers less troubles in everyday life, does not have the same strong properties and quickly loses a bright aroma. In addition, cinnamon powder is difficult to distinguish from ground cassia - a cheaper and less healthy spice that unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers often pass as cinnamon. But real cinnamon in sticks retains its qualities for a long time, if stored correctly and chopped a little as needed.

How to use cinnamon sticks in coffee?
Coffee with cinnamon is so delicious that it can replace dessert. And if you consider that it will also be more useful than all desserts, it becomes clear why this classic combination does not lose popularity. There are many ways to make coffee with cinnamon, so we offer you several recipes at once, to choose from:

Depending on your habits and capabilities, cinnamon sticks can be chopped and coffee makers added to the holder to make cinnamon espresso. Coffee with cinnamon is good in hot and cold conditions, with liqueur and cognac, cream and ice cream. Adapting to each recipe, cinnamon softens the taste of the drink and gives it its own deep aroma.

How to use cinnamon sticks in baking and recipes?
Both cooks and gourmets adore cinnamon for its taste, culinary properties and digestion benefits. Cinnamon as a seasoning and flavoring is used almost more often than other spices, from desserts to meat dishes. Widely known are combinations of rice, cottage cheese, fruits, and alcoholic drinks with cinnamon. It will take a lot of time to try everything, but the most successful recipes can be implemented now:

  • Strudel with apples and cinnamon.   Take 1 cup (250 g) of flour, 1 cup of sugar, the same amount of water, 5-6 medium-sized or larger apples, 1 yolk, 100 g of walnut kernels, 2 cinnamon sticks, 50 ml of rum or cognac, 50 g of butter, 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, half a pinch of salt and a little icing sugar. Knead the dough from yolk, flour, half a glass of water and salt. Lubricate the dough with vegetable oil and leave for half an hour. Peel the apples from the skin and the middle, cut into cubes and pour with lemon juice. Fold the apples in a dipper, pour the remaining water, add sugar and a stick of cinnamon and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then remove the pulp and add cognac or rum to the syrup and cook for a few minutes until thickened. Chop and mix nuts with boiled apples. Roll the dough thinly and grease it with butter. Oil the breadcrumbs and apples and nuts. Roll the strudel and bake for 40 minutes in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C. Sprinkle the finished strudel with powdered sugar and serve with cinnamon-cognac sauce.
  • Pilaf with cinnamon. Take 400 g of basmati rice, 1 kg of chicken, 400 grams of canned tomatoes, 3 sticks of cinnamon, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, a little ground red and black pepper, turmeric, ginger, cumin and salt. Rinse the rice three times under the tap, then pour clean water and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a pan until golden brown. Peel the onion and cut into cubes, fry with ground spices. Add two cinnamon sticks, tomatoes and fried meat to the onion, bring to a boil and remove the cinnamon sticks. Boil a half liter of water in a cinnamon stick. Put rice in boiling water. After 7 minutes of boiling, remove the cinnamon and discard the rice in a colander. Put half of the rice in a bowl, put the meat with tomatoes and onions on it, cover with the remaining rice. Simmer under the lid over low heat for 30-35 minutes. Garnish with cinnamon sticks and serve hot.

As you can see, cinnamon organically fits into both sweet and main dishes, and does not quarrel with meat or vegetables. Therefore, feel free to use cinnamon sticks in your culinary experiments and do not be afraid to make a mistake - this spice will come in handy.

How to use cinnamon sticks for weight loss?
Cinnamon activates metabolic processes, including energy metabolism, therefore it is often found in recipes for weight loss. Here are the most effective ways to use cinnamon sticks in the fight against excess weight:

  1. Kefir with cinnamon.   Break off 1 cm of cinnamon sticks and put in a blender. Grind at maximum speed, then add 1 cup of kefir 1% fat and mix with freshly ground cinnamon. Such a cocktail can be drunk even before bedtime.
  2. Tea with cinnamon.   Break the cinnamon stick into several pieces and place in a teapot. Add dry tea leaves and pour boiling water, making tea as usual.
  3. Cinnamon infusion for weight loss.   In the morning after waking up, grind a piece of cinnamon stick and dissolve this powder in a glass of hot water. Cool to room temperature and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink water with cinnamon and honey half an hour before breakfast.

Adding cinnamon to other drinks and dishes reduces appetite in general and cravings for sweets in particular. Try replacing the curds and dessert curds with low-fat cottage cheese mixed with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. The aroma and taste of spice quickly saturates and permanently relieves hunger.

How to use cinnamon sticks? Folk recipes with cinnamon
The healing properties of cinnamon have found application not only in alternative, but also in official modern medicine. Instead of another visit to the pharmacy, try using chopped cinnamon sticks to treat and prevent various ailments:

  • For nausea and flatulence, take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon infusion half an hour after eating. To prepare the infusion, pour a full tablespoon of ground cinnamon with boiling water and leave at room temperature until cool, and then strain.
  • For colds and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, make 1 cup of chopped cinnamon stick and a pinch of ground black pepper in a glass of boiling water. Cool to room temperature, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  • In case of headache, grind a stick of cinnamon, add a little water to the powder and knead to a creamy consistency. Lie on your back, apply cinnamon paste on your whiskey and try to sleep.

Aromatherapy and oral cinnamon are effective and almost safe. Cinnamon is prohibited only during pregnancy, in case of blood coagulation and individual intolerance. In all other cases, feel free to use cinnamon sticks in cooking, home medicine, and even in interior decoration. Let the cinnamon flavor fill your home and keep it warm and comfortable.

Cinnamon Slimming Properties

According to studies, the use of cinnamon leads to lower levels of glucose, cholesterol in the blood and stabilizes the production of insulin. Cinnamon also reduces appetite and prevents the formation of new fat cells in the body, and starts the process of splitting old ones. All these properties make cinnamon an effective tool for weight loss. It was on this positive effect that new weight loss programs by nutritionists began to line up. But you can not resort to their services - cinnamon for weight loss can be used independently.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss: recipes

Cinnamon is on sale in the form of sticks or in the form of a powder, like a spice. The most convenient way to use cinnamon for weight loss is to make tea with honey and cinnamon. You can dip a hard stick of cinnamon into tea, stirring it, pre-adding honey, or you can sprinkle with cinnamon powder - as is often done in a cafe. Buy cinnamon in powder form and sprinkle coffee on it or add it to tea when brewing in a teapot. Cinnamon can also be added when baking. But still, to speed up the metabolism, nutritionists recommend consuming cinnamon in drinks.

Convenient recipe - 1 tsp. add cinnamon to tea with honey or juice. You can also add a teaspoon of ground ginger and a pinch of ground black pepper to it. You need to drink such a drink immediately and once (250 ml) in two days.

Before drinking such a mixture, insist it for 30 minutes, but rather cook it in the evening, put it in the refrigerator and drink without heating in the morning.

Be careful with the dosage of cinnamon for weight loss, as each organism is individual, and it is better to consult a doctor for contraindications.

Want to lose weight? Drink kefir with cinnamon!

Kefir with cinnamon as ingredients are part of the most popular and effective cocktails for weight loss.

In addition, there are several simple recipes that allow you to make kefir with cinnamon as your daily weight loss aids:

  • mix 1 tablespoon honey with warm boiled water, add 1 tsp. ground ginger, a pinch of cinnamon and a slice of lemon, then pour 200 ml of low-fat kefir and mix;
  • in 250 ml of low fat kefir add 0.5 tsp. cinnamon and as much ginger in powder form, you can add a pinch of red pepper;
  • take 300 ml of low fat kefir, add 5 grated apples without a peel, and beat the mixture in a blender. Finally add 1 tsp. mix cinnamon.

Slimming Cinnamon Tea

You can also make tea from drinks with cinnamon for weight loss. The easiest recipe is to add 1 tsp. cinnamon powder in a teapot with green or black tea. There are also such recipes:

  • brew black tea, pour into a mug not to the brim, add milk and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon
  • you can make tea with the addition of cinnamon and honey, and just make a decoction of 1 liter of hot water and 1 tbsp. cinnamon, and when it becomes room temperature, add 2 tbsp. honey.

Lose weight with pleasure and delicate aroma of cinnamon!

Slimming with cinnamon. Why is this effective?

Allegations that cinnamon is good for weight loss are based on a study by scientists of the beneficial properties of cinnamon. As a result of such studies, it became known that:

  1. Cinnamon reduces the level of glucose in the blood, normalizes the production of insulin. As you know, our extra pounds are often the consequences of excessive accumulation of glucose. But regular consumption of cinnamon helps our body to properly and efficiently assimilate this very sugar so that it does not turn out to be superfluous for our figure. Plus, blood glucose levels are normal and cinnamon is very useful for type 2 diabetics. Pay particular attention to this.
  2. Cinnamon promotes proper metabolism, activates metabolism, normalizes the digestive tract. With the use of cinnamon, the intestines receive the necessary stimulation, without burdening our body with unnecessary accumulations. And for weight loss, a well-established metabolism is one of the paramount conditions.
  3. Cinnamon dulls hunger, saturates and reduces appetite for a long time. And this, you see, also affects the pace of weight loss.

What to consider when you decide to use cinnamon for weight loss?

  • See all contraindications. Very often we miss these subtleties. I wrote about everything in detail here
  • It’s best to use cinnamon sticks for recipes, rather than ground cinnamon.
  • Keep track of dosage. To be very wise in this matter. The daily rate of ground cinnamon is considered acceptable about half a teaspoon, not more.
  • Cooking recipes is best for the day. No need to store everything. Apply everything as you did during this day.
  • Be wise if you want to lose weight, read also all the tips from me in the article How to lose weight effectively?

Cinnamon for weight loss. Recipes and reviews.

About how cinnamon in combination with honey helps for weight loss, I told in the article Cinnamon with honey - a sweet couple for weight loss. I will not just repeat here. For everyone who is interested in such recipes, I invite you to read this article. Everything is very, very effective. The main thing is to accept everything in the system and at the same time not to lose wisdom. The article aroused your keen interest, and many decided to use the recipes I proposed. Judging by your reviews, you liked the honey-cinnamon method of losing weight. I hope you remember how to make a drink based on cinnamon and honey for weight loss. And today I want to introduce you to a few more recipes and ways to use cinnamon for our harmony.

Cinnamon Slimming Recipes

The easiest way is to add cinnamon directly in dry form to your meals. It can be soup, and lean meat, and cottage cheese, and anything else. Unless baking cinnamon is unlikely to be beneficial in terms of weight loss. So we eat fragrant cinnamon rolls just for pleasure, putting claims to the waist away. You can add cinnamon to juice - about a quarter of a teaspoon per glass. Below are some examples with specific recipes.

Slimming Cinnamon Tea

The recipe is pretty simple. In the teapot where you make tea (I emphasize that it should be natural pure green or black tea without flavoring), add a teaspoon of cinnamon or one or two or three cinnamon sticks. It all depends on the size of the kettle and on your preferences.

If you add kritsa in powder, then be prepared and calmly react to this, that the tea will be a little unclear. This is normal. Brew and consume as usual. You can dilute such tea with boiling water. If you want to soften the taste, you can add some milk to the tea. Such tea with cinnamon is very useful for drinking with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon Tea Video Recipe Option

Inveterate coffee lovers can also lose weight with cinnamon, adding it to your favorite drink. The combination of cinnamon and coffee is not only effective in fat burning. It turns out that cinnamon can soften the excessive nervous excitement that usually appears after caffeine is consumed.

I want to add that when drinking tea or coffee with cinnamon, it is better to forget about sugar. Firstly, sugar will level the effect of cinnamon, and secondly, it will only interfere with the real taste and good combination of the drink.

The recipe for coffee with cinnamon is the same as tea.

How to make coffee with cinnamon in a turk?

For a small Turk, take a teaspoon of coffee, (of course, it is better to use better coffee) who love sugar, you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar (better than cane, brown), add 1/3 ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon, pour cold water, mix everything, put to a slow fire and wait until boiling.

If you will do everything with instant coffee, make yourself instant coffee and add cinnamon in about the same proportion. Someone else likes to add a clove bud.

Kefir and cinnamon for weight loss

Add one teaspoon of cinnamon to one cup of fat-free kefir. It is better to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. And if you add a small pinch of red pepper to this drink, you can activate the metabolism.

Another tasty and healthy cocktail based on kefir and cinnamon: take 3-4 apples without a peel and chop them on a blender or grate on a fine grater. Add a glass and a half nonfat kefir and a teaspoon of cinnamon to the resulting puree. A delicious cocktail is ready. By the way, on fasting days, kefir with cinnamon for weight loss is good to eat for breakfast or dinner. Both useful and pleasant.

Slimming Ginger and Cinnamon

Another seasoning, which is famous for its good effect in reducing weight, is ginger. We talked about it in more detail in the article Tea with Ginger for weight loss. It is quite logical that you can combine two spices in order to become slimmer. To use both cinnamon and ginger in this case it is better to grind - in the form of a powder. The point is that one spice successfully complements the other and together they work as fat burners and activate metabolic processes. Here is such an efficiency squared.

Use a combination of cinnamon with ginger for weight loss can again be in a different form. Either simply adding to your favorite dishes (especially good in soups, steamed veal, fish), or preparing drinks - ginger tea with cinnamon, tea with the addition of cinnamon and ginger powder, kefir, juice.

Cinnamon Slimming Wrap Recipes

It turns out cinnamon powder can not just be added to food to burn all unnecessary from the inside. Outside it can also be consumed. The effectiveness of this procedure will confirm its relevance and popularity in beauty salons. But, knowing the recipes, such a procedure can be carried out at home.

1. Wrapping honey + cinnamon

Mix honey and cinnamon in a ratio of 1: 3 (for example, for 3 tablespoons of honey - 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder). First, a little heat in a water bath literally to room temperature. Mix the ingredients well and apply to prepared areas of the body (most often these are the hips, buttocks, stomach). Coat the area with cling film and insulate on top. Keep for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

2. Wrap cosmetic clay + cinnamon

You can get cosmetic clay at the pharmacy, we need one bag. We dilute clay powder in warm water to a consistency that resembles sour cream in density. Add 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Mix well and apply to problem areas, wrapping on top with a film and wrapping it further. Hold for about 30 minutes and rinse.

I must warn you right away: cinnamon wraps are a warming procedure. So it can not be made pregnant or those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular disease, hypertension.

Of course, only the use of cinnamon will not give stunning results. However, the use of these recipes against the background of proper nutrition and at least minimal physical exertion can bring a fairly effective effect. So I wish you to lose weight reasonably, tasty and healthy.

My sincere gift for today I Surrender To Your Love - Ernesto Cortazar Did you recognize the music? I hope ... it's all from the subscription page of our magazine. It’s just that many people write to me, but what kind of music is so magical ... Save it to yourself. Listen, when suddenly you want something special. I hope this music just gives magic ...

I wish you all health, beauty, harmony, good mood and everything that you want to fill your soul. Do not forget to fill it. It is so important for life.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon

This is not just a dizzying warming aroma - cinnamon in diabetes mellitus reduces the level of glucose in the blood, and in colds without temperature it fights its causative agent. The benefits of cinnamon for women or men are noticeable, because it acts as:

  1. Antipyretic drugs.
  2. Antimycotic drugs.
  3. Antimicrobial agents.
  4. A substance that improves concentration.
  5. Anti-inflammatory in the treatment of ulcers or gastritis.
  6. A cholesterol-lowering natural medicine.

The calorie content of the spice is 261 kcal per 100 g, but the recipes use a much smaller amount, so it takes up a small part of the diet. The medicinal properties of cinnamon are contraindicated in medicine in some cases:

  • The first is carrying a child. Cinnamon in early pregnancy is harmful, causing miscarriage due to stimulation of uterine contractions. In another period, consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • With lactation, spice, on the contrary, is included in the diet of a nursing mother.

Other cases when cinnamon can not be consumed:

  1. Hyper excitability, diseases of the nervous system.
  2. Infections with fever.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Bleeding.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.

Cinnamon Slimming Recipes

For maximum effect, spice is included in the daily menu, seasoning diet meals or drinks. At the same time, they use cinnamon powder stored for six months, as well as sticks, the shelf life of which is about a year. Below you will find many recipes - by choosing any of them, you can lose weight, strengthen immunity, and even cure some ailments.

Cinnamon Drinks

If you supplement sports and diet with cinnamon drinks, you can get a more effective and quick result. Especially this option is suitable for fans of "seize" stress, because the spice is a sedative. In addition, for a slimming person, cinnamon is useful because of the ability:

  1. Increase the speed of sugar processing, which limits the deposition of new fat.
  2. Start the process of splitting existing fat.
  3. Normalize insulin production.
  4. Activate internal organs.


The inclusion of such a mix in the menu will help to lose up to 1 kg per week, and with proper nutrition - up to 4-5 kg. Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss, cook according to the instructions:

  1. Combine 250 ml of kefir and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon.
  2. Add a pinch of red pepper if desired.
  3. Drink a cocktail before meals, about half an hour.

Tea with Ginger and Cinnamon

The combination of two products is considered the best for weight loss, because both seasonings are fat-burning - with proper nutrition, you can lose about 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bin 7 days. Tea is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a few slices of peeled and chopped ginger root, or pre-soak 0.5 tsp of this ingredient in powder form. Pour 1 tsp. cinnamon.
  2. Put everything in a container with the usual serving of black tea. It is allowed to add cloves, vanillin or lemon if desired.
  3. Pour boiling water.
  4. Hold for 1 minute. over low heat.
  5. Drink prepared tea on an empty stomach and a couple of times a day.


The base of the next fat burning product is classic coffee or its substitute - chicory. If you season a strong drink with a healthy spice, then about 2 kg per week will leave:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon into a Turk. ground coffee, 0.25 tsp spices, granulated sugar to your taste.
  2. Warm the mixture on fire to reveal the coffee aroma.
  3. Pour 150 ml of water, wait for the mixture to boil.
  4. After boiling, immediately remove from heat to pour a small portion of the drink into a mug.
  5. Put the Turk on fire again and repeat the previous procedure again.
  6. Have a drink in the morning, and also at lunchtime.

Honey water

Ground cinnamon for weight loss with the addition of honey improves the digestive system and eliminates 2-3 kg in one week. Use this recipe:

  1. Before going to bed, put in a glass of 0.5 tsp. cinnamon. Pour in boiling water. Leave the infusion to stand all night under the lid.
  2. In the morning, strain the drink, and then add 1 tsp. honey.
  3. On an empty stomach, drink only half a glass, and leave the other half for the evening.


The next drink not only allows you to lose extra pounds, but also wakes the body in the morning, and in addition, milk with cinnamon is better absorbed. Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Pour 1/3 tsp into a glass of milk. spice.
  2. Stir well, boil.
  3. To improve the taste, add 0.5 tsp. honey, but only when the cocktail cools down.
  4. Half an hour before a meal, drink such a cocktail, but no more than 3 times a day.

Cinnamon with honey

Honey enriches the body with useful trace elements, and spicy spice helps to lose weight, which gives the right to call this combination of ingredients ideal. Their use is possible in a variety of forms:

  1. Tea. In ordinary tea, preferably green, add 0.5 tsp. cinnamon powder, and after cooling 1 tsp. honey.
  2. Decoction. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of cooled boiling water. cinnamon powder, then 2 tbsp. l honey. Insist a towel-wrapped broth for half an hour. Take 0.5 tbsp. fasting daily.

Apple with cinnamon

On a diet, it is not necessary to exclude desserts - just cook them from healthy foods, for example, like this:

  1. Slice 4 washed and peeled apples into plates, lay on a plate.
  2. Sprinkle with aromatic spice on top.
  3. Add 3 walnuts, a few raisins and pour 1-2 tsp. honey.
  4. Place in the oven, bake for about half an hour in a form half filled with water.

Cinnamon Curd

Another perfect combination is low-fat cottage cheese with a pinch of spice. You just need to sprinkle with spice the fermented milk product and eat it for breakfast. If the usual cottage cheese is already bored - prepare the casserole:

  1. Add 1 tsp to pureed cottage cheese. cinnamon, 100 g flour, 2 tbsp. l sour cream, 3 beaten eggs, slaked with vinegar 1 tsp soda. Add salt and sugar as you wish.
  2. Take oil to grease the baking dish. Put the mass there.
  3. Bake at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.

Slimming Wraps

A good addition to weight loss will be cosmetic procedures with spices - anti-cellulite wraps. Folk recipes offer several options:

  1. Pepper and cinnamon wrap. Combine 3 tbsp. l cinnamon powder and red pepper. Drop 3-5 drops of essential oil, add 4 tbsp. l vegetable. Distribute in problem areas, rub with a washcloth. Having wrapped a film, you can go to have a rest for half an hour and even lie down under a blanket. Then rinse with cool water.
  2. Wrap with honey and spice. Prepare the mixture by combining 1 tsp. cinnamon with 2 tbsp. l ground coffee. Drip up to 3 drops of citrus essential oil. Warm the composition in a water bath. Then add 2 tbsp. l honey, grease problem areas, and rinse off after half an hour. Do not wrap with cling film. The course of procedures is at least 10.
  3. Clay and spice wrap. Prepare a healing composition by diluting 100 g of white or blue clay with water. Add 3 tbsp. l cinnamon and optionally essential oil of any citrus. Distribute the composition evenly over problem areas up to 0.5 cm thick. Turn into cling film. After half an hour under the covers, rinse off the mixture and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Alternating a day of rest and a day of wrapping, do 10-15 sessions.