Salting whites at home. How to pickle whites for the winter homemade recipes

The end of summer, mid-autumn is a suitable time for picking mushrooms. Mushroom pickers during this period collect whites or white waves, as the people call them. These mushrooms are suitable for consumption only in salted form. How to salt white mushrooms? There are hot and cold methods for salting flakes or whites.

The reason for the great popularity of harvesting whites is a rather short period of mushroom picking. Whitefish blanks can be stored in the form of pickles. They pair well with all sorts of spices and herbs. The main condition is the amount of spices: there should be few of them. Harvesting hodgepodges is ideal for potatoes, which are cooked in any form.

  • How to pickle waves?

Methods for salting white mushrooms for the winter

For salting whites, you should choose young ones, because they have a denser texture. Because of this, they absorb salt well. However, mature mushrooms are also suitable for salting. They can be of different sizes. Large whites should be cut into small pieces, so they are better salted. Garlic can be added for a more spicy salty taste. Salted with garlic is ideal for meat or vegetable dishes. How to pickle whites for the winter?

For salting whites using the cold method, you need to take:
1 kg of mushrooms;
50 grams of salt;
5 cloves of garlic.

You need to salt the whites in a cold way in 5 stages. The first step is to prepare containers for pickling. It depends on the container how well the waves will be stored. Whites are usually salted in glass or wooden containers.

Glass containers are much easier to handle. The normal sterilization process is suitable for processing. The jar needs to be held for a few minutes over the steam in order for it to become sterilized. Wooden containers are treated with a special solution that can kill all microbes and make the container sterile.

The second step in salting mushrooms is to remove the damaged or rotten parts of the mushroom. Whites should be sorted out and washed thoroughly.

The third stage will be the cooking of whites. To cook, put them in a saucepan and cover with water. It should be clean and completely cover the whites. Then the mushrooms need to be brought to a boil and, reducing the heat to a minimum, cook for half an hour. After boiling the whole mass, a small amount of spices can be added to the waves.

The fourth stage is the process of squeezing excess water from mushrooms. To do this, discard the entire mass in a colander and rinse with cool water. The waves in this state must be left for two minutes so that the rest of the water can drain completely.

After that, the resulting whites must be placed in prepared jars. They should lie in jars in dense layers. These layers must be sprinkled with coarse salt and garlic cloves.
The last stage of salting should be considered oppression, which must be placed on top of the entire mass. Then the total mass must be covered with matter.

You can try volushki already a week after salting.

Hot way of salting whites in jars

How to salt whites in a hot way? In order to pickle mushrooms in jars in a hot way, you need to take:
1 liter of water;
55 grams of salt;
mushrooms - 2 kg.
First, the whites must be sorted out, removing all spoiled parts, soaked in cold water and rinsed a couple of times. In parallel with the process of removing dirt from the surface of the mushrooms, you need to put a large pot on the fire.

The prepared mixture must be put in boiled water and boiled for 10 minutes. The prepared mass should be stirred throughout the cooking process. During cooking, it is imperative to remove the foam that forms from the surface of the waves.

After cooking, the waves must be put in a colander or cheesecloth. This process is necessary in order to drain the liquid from the pulp of the waves.

When the mushroom mass is completely dry, it should be put in previously prepared jars in layers, heavily sprinkled with salt. For salting mushrooms in a hot way, you need to use not only salt, but also a small amount of various spices and spices.

After the waves are tightly packed in containers, they need to be covered with a plate with oppression. The mass must be left for a month. After a month, the resulting whites can be put into jars and rolled up for the winter. Thanks to this method, the mushrooms are more tasty, and the whole process can be considered correct. The blanks of the waves are stored for a long time, the mass does not become bitter over time.

Salting whites in wooden barrels

Any container is perfect for salting whites in a cold way: glass jars, buckets or wooden barrels. The most suitable option for salting mushrooms can be called wooden barrels. Waves are stored in them for a long time. The wooden tub has a completely different size, which will satisfy the requirements of the most capricious hostess.

For salting whites in a cold way, you need only two ingredients: salt and mushrooms. It is worth taking the ingredients with the calculation of 60 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of mushrooms.

Salt pickles must first be sorted out and rinsed thoroughly. Salted mushrooms can be completely different sizes. Large ingredients should be cut into small pieces. If necessary, whites can be soaked for a day.

At the beginning of the salting process, the bottom of the salting tub must be sprinkled with salt. It should be as large as possible. The use of such salt is due to the quality of the brine, which will turn out in the end. From fine salt, the brine is less saturated, and the mushrooms are not so salty.

Prepared mushrooms are laid in layers in jars or tubs, sprinkled liberally with salt. The more salt there is, the longer the mushrooms can stand. The thickness of one row of waves should be approximately 5 cm.

The last layer of whites must be salted and covered with heavy oppression. A mixture of mushrooms can be considered ready after a month.

After 30 days of salting, mushrooms can be eaten or canned in sterilized jars, covered with iron lids. Such preservation can be stored for 1 year in jars in a cool place. A suitable place to store mushrooms is considered to be a refrigerator or cellar.

Before using the waver, it is necessary to rinse and remove excess salt from the resulting mass. After washing, you can feel a more natural taste of whites. If, after washing the product, salt is felt, then it is necessary to pour the mushrooms with plenty of water and let them stand. It is very easy to prepare a delicious dish from them.

Making mushroom platter at home

Sometimes it happens that the harvest of mushrooms does not please lovers of pickles. Then the hostesses, who know many cooking recipes, salt the mushroom platter in order to please the household. For salting, lamellar mushrooms are suitable. You can salt volnushki, milk mushrooms or mushrooms. As seasonings, you can use all kinds of spices and spices: bay leaf, garlic, horseradish and allspice. All herbs and spices must be added in small quantities. After all, a large number of spices can give mushrooms an artificial flavor and completely overwhelm their natural taste.

Mushrooms for pickling should be well washed and soaked. Salting mushrooms should be carried out in barrels or buckets. If there is no such container, then glass jars or ordinary pans will do. Earthenware or tinware is not used. Before salting, the container must be thoroughly washed and dried over steam.

Before salting, the mushrooms are soaked for 2 days in salt water. During the whole process, the water must be changed 2-3 times. After soaking, the mass should be squeezed and rinsed. Then the resulting mushrooms must be laid in layers in jars, previously sprinkled with salt. The top layer of mushrooms must be covered with a cloth and put oppression on it. After 3 days, a brine should form in the jar: mushrooms with salt will release juice. If the brine does not stand out, the weight of the oppression must be increased. Mushrooms will salt for exactly a month. After that, they are ready for use.

How to pickle waves?

Mushrooms can also be marinated in a special marinade with spices and herbs. Salted mushrooms are most often canned. To do this, the resulting mushrooms must be transferred to a saucepan, pouring brine. The mixture of mushrooms must be brought to a boil while stirring. The resulting mixture should be decomposed into sterilized jars. Next, the jars must be placed in water poured into a bucket. The bottom of the bucket should be covered with a grate, and the jars should be covered with water only two-thirds of the total volume. Then the jars should be “boiled” in a bucket for 30 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, ready-made mushrooms in jars can be rolled up with lids and allowed to cool at room temperature.

In addition to traditional pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, in the kitchen of a good hostess you can also find a jar of spun mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers know firsthand how to salt white mushrooms. Oh, how good they look on the festive table in winter! Some say that tastier mushrooms cannot be found.
Salted whites have a very piquant taste. To prepare such an appetizer on your own, you will have to be patient. First of all, you will have to go to the forest so that only fresh and perfectly clean specimens get into the jar. And of course, in order to please yourself with delicious mushrooms with potatoes, you need to find proven cooking recipes. Or better yet, several. So, I propose to use my favorite methods of salting whites, from which the whole family is crazy.

What is the difference between pickling and salting mushrooms?

Marinating and salting are two of the most famous ways to harvest mushrooms for the winter. The first method is only suitable for tubular mushrooms, which include porcini, boletus, honey mushrooms. The second one is usually used in preparations of agaric mushrooms. You can salt volnushki, milk mushrooms and whites. Each of them implies that the mushrooms must be well washed and cut into pieces that are convenient for processing.

Not sure how to pickle mushrooms so that they turn out delicious? The secret is that the ingredients are poured with marinade cooked on mushroom broth. This will give the workpiece a specific natural taste. Most often, the liquid becomes cloudy due to the fact that mushrooms crumble during cooking.

You can pickle mushrooms with a clean marinade. To do this, the ingredients are pre-boiled. At the same time, the filling remains transparent, but the taste is not lost from this, and maybe even becomes richer.

Salting volnushki or whites is different in that in the process of preparing the workpiece, it is not necessary to prepare the marinade. Some recipes call for the mushrooms to be brined, others simply allow the ingredients to be sprinkled with spices. It is this processing method that makes the mushrooms salty, crispy and extremely tasty.

How to salt whites for the winter in tubs

Belyanki can only be eaten in a salty form. And you need to choose, of course, only young, not overripe mushrooms, so that they have a dense texture and can be salted well. If you suddenly come across a large mushroom, you can not throw it away, but put it in a jar, after cutting it into several parts. Whites according to this recipe have an unusual taste, as garlic harmonizes well with them and gives a few piquant notes.

You will need:

1 kg of white mushrooms;
50 g coarse salt;
4-5 garlic cloves

Cooking process:

1. You need to start cooking with the selection of a container in which whites will be salted. If you want to use wooden tubs, but then they will need to be filled with a special disinfectant solution.
2. Next, sort through the mushrooms - remove all rotten parts. After that, rinse the selected material well.
3. This stage involves heat treatment, so the whites need to be put in a large saucepan, poured with clean water so that the mushrooms are completely covered with it. Next, add some salt and bring the contents of the pot to a boil. For half an hour, you can leave the workpiece alone and go about your business. Just do not make the fire too big, otherwise the water will quickly boil away, and the whites will not boil, but stew or even fry.

4. When the water boils, you can add your favorite spices.
5. After the allotted cooking time is up, the mushrooms will need to be thrown into a colander and washed. It is better if you do this with cold water so that the whites cool faster. Excess liquid should drain.
6. After cooking, only the pulp should remain from the mushrooms. You will need to lay it in an even layer on the bottom of the tub, tamping well. Each mushroom layer is shifted with coarse salt and garlic cloves.
7. When all whites are covered with salt, put oppression on top, and cover with a blanket or any dense material on top.
In a week it will be possible to take a sample.

Hot salting of whites in jars

Glass jars that are simply steam sterilized are great for hot pickling. This process will help keep the preparation for the winter in banks, and it has its own secrets. In addition, this method of preparation allows you to save the workpiece for a longer period.


2 kg of whites;
55 grams of salt;
1 liter of water.

To prepare this dish with my method, no special skill is needed. How to pickle whites for the winter in jars, I'll tell you now.

1. First, put a large pot of clean water on the fire so that while you process the mushrooms, it warms up.
2. Whites need to be sorted out in the same way, that is, remove all wormholes, dry foliage and spoiled or broken areas. It is best to rinse them several times in clean water or soak them. After that, let the excess moisture drain.
3. Cooked foods should be sent to a saucepan, with already warm water, and salt. Don't use all the salt as you will need it later. While the mushrooms are cooking, remove the foam. After 10 minutes, the process can be completed.
4. When the mushrooms are ready, their pulp should be thrown into a colander and dried a little. All the liquid will drain only after a few hours, so you can do something else. In order not to wait so long, take gauze and wrap the mushrooms in a "knot" that you hang over a basin or a deep plate. This will allow the water to drain faster.
5. Next, put the mixture of mushrooms in a large container, you can another pan, in layers, sprinkling them with coarse salt. They should also be covered with oppression and left to salt for a month. After that, pickled whites can be transferred to clean, sterile jars and screw on the lids.

Salting whites without heat treatment

Salting whites in a cold way is quite simple, which is important for the hostess. The main thing is that such an appetizer turns out to be incredibly tasty. For this recipe, any convenient container is suitable - an enameled bucket or glass jars. But the most delicious ones are obtained in wooden tubs - it’s not without reason that our ancestors harvested not only mushrooms, but also vegetables, and even fruits in this way.

For the recipe, you will need 1 kg of whites and 60 g of coarse salt.

How to salt whites in a cold way:

As a rule, only hats are taken from the whites, and the legs are thrown away at the stage of picking or cleaning mushrooms. To begin with, the crop must be sorted out and discarded bad specimens and rotten parts. Then the mushrooms must be poured with cold water and left for a while so that all the smallest particles of debris are cleaned. Usually they are left for several days.

When you are sure that the mushrooms are clean, they must be dried and prepared for processing. Large whites are cut into several pieces, and small ones can be left whole. In order to end up with a delicious snack, salting should take place in a good mood and without the slightest rush. So, if you are in a hurry somewhere today, it is better to postpone the preparation of blanks for another day.

The container in which it is planned to salt the whites must be “covered” with salt so that the bottom is not visible. Coarse salt is great for this business, so if you only have fine salt, it is better to go to the store for coarse salt. Thanks to it, you can achieve a better salting.

Mushrooms are stacked in layers in a container, which you need to sprinkle with salt each time. The layer of mushrooms should not be more than 5 centimeters - watch this! Don't be afraid to oversalt. Before eating, mushrooms still need to be soaked in cool water for several hours.

So, you need to shift the mushrooms with salt until the container or ingredients run out. The last layer should be just salt.

Salted whites should be covered with a clean cloth and covered with oppression. After 40 days it will be possible to take the first sample. It is at this time that you can transfer the mushrooms to sterile jars and order them with lids.
Such a blank can stand for more than a year and not deteriorate if stored in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

Forest mushrooms are especially tasty. They can be salted in various ways. In this article you will find some tips on how to pickle mushrooms.

Recipe for pickled whites

You can salt the whites with the following products at your disposal (indicated for 5 kg of mushrooms):

  • coarse non-iodized salt weighing 200 g;
  • dill stalks - a few pieces;
  • horseradish root - 1 pc. (about 20 g);
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • allspice, bay leaf;
  • whites (mushrooms).

How to salt: step by step instructions

1st step

Take whites, wash and clean them of needles, dirt and leaves. Then place in cold water and soak for several days. In this case, you should change the water every 12 hours.

2nd step

While the mushrooms are soaking, prepare the container in which you will pickle them. As for pickling other products (for example, cucumbers), you can use a glass, enameled, wooden container that is designed for food. Any container you choose should be washed and, if possible, held over steam to sterilize.

3rd step

Time is up - the whites (mushrooms) are soaked. How to salt the product? First you need to drain the water, then put the stems of dill, parsley, garlic into the container. Place a layer of mushrooms on top with caps inside.

4th step

Salt the mushrooms generously, put a layer of seasonings on top again. Repeat this procedure until the whites (mushrooms) run out. How to salt the product, you now know. Prepared containers should be covered with dry gauze on top and oppression placed on it.

5th step

Put the container with mushrooms in a cold place. In a few days they will settle, and a new batch can be added to them. If after some time you notice that there is little brine left in the containers, then increase the weight of the oppression. You can eat whites in 40-60 days. Bon appetit!

Belyanki hot method

Salting the whites in a hot way is a more difficult task. The finished product is strong and tasty. It keeps longer and is safe to eat.

Belyanki: recipe and cooking technology

Clean the mushrooms thoroughly from needles, dirt and leaves. Then rinse well. Boil in boiling salted water. Put salt at the rate of 55 grams per liter of drinking water. When cooking, stir occasionally with a spoon. Don't forget to remove the foam. It is enough to boil whites for 10 minutes. Then the water must be drained, and the mushrooms washed and dried a little. To do this, you can use a sieve or a bag of cloth, in which the whites are laid out and hung so that all the liquid is glassed. After that, the mushrooms are salted in the same way as in the first recipe, using various spices and spices. You can do otherwise and put the whites in a bowl with a salt solution (approximate calculation: a liter of water and 200 g of salt), cover the container with a clean cloth and set oppression. The approximate ratio of mushrooms to liquid should be 5:1. hot, can be eaten after 3-4 weeks. Serve whites with boiled potatoes. You can season the mushrooms with sunflower oil, garlic and herbs. Bon appetit!

From mid-summer to mid-autumn, white mushroom grows in birch or mixed with birch forests. You can find it in the clearings, in groups. The abundance of this fungus in the northern part of Russia, in the forest zone. It is worth noting that this mushroom in the Volga region is also called Volzhanka.

The white cap is up to ten centimeters in diameter. At first it is flat, and in the center there is a small hole, but with age the hat becomes fibrous, funnel-shaped, and along the edge, which is bent inward, hairy. The color of the white cap is yellowish-pinkish or pinkish.

White mushroom is most suitable for salting. True, for pickling a mushroom, it is necessary to follow certain rules that are common to any type of mushroom.

Three general rules for salting mushrooms.

1. Do not use for salting the legs that are separated from the hats;

2. Insufficiently fresh, overripe, wormy, flabby and broken mushrooms are not suitable for salting;

3. We clean the mushrooms from twigs and leaves, and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Salting whites in a hot way

For two ten-liter buckets of mushrooms, we need:

125 grams of salt;

One bunch of dill;

two liters of water

Five teaspoons of 7% vinegar.

Cooking process:

Soak white mushrooms for twenty minutes in cold water, be sure to lay them with their hats down. This is necessary so that the dirt that floats above does not clog into those that lie below.

Then we thoroughly wash the mushrooms and put them in a bowl in which they will be cooked. If the caps are very large, then it is recommended to cut them into four parts.

Mushrooms pour water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Whites should be cooked for at least one hour, during which they must be stirred from time to time. Please note that when cooking, the mushrooms must be completely covered with brines, so if the indicated amount is not enough in your case, then you need to add it without sparing. During cooking, for flavor, put a bundle of dill tied with threads into the brine. Optionally, you can and (or) currants.

At the end of cooking, we take out the dill, put the boiling mushrooms in pre-prepared jars, add one teaspoon of vinegar per one liter jar and roll it up.

Store mushrooms in cool, ventilated areas. In winter, an open jar of mushrooms must be stored in the refrigerator, and the mushrooms themselves must be covered with brine. Then the mushrooms will not darken and the sour taste will not appear.

If you want the mushrooms to be more fragrant and taste better, then spices can be added during the salting of whites: allspice and bay leaf.

However, in the end, it is worth noting that mushrooms, despite their benefits, can cause irreparable harm to health. Therefore, if you collect mushrooms yourself, be extremely careful and do not take those that you doubt, as you can take a poisonous mushroom. Mushrooms also easily absorb radioactive substances. For this reason, it is necessary to collect white mushrooms as far as possible from highways.

Also note that an opened jar of mushrooms should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, since at a temperature of more than ten degrees the causative agent of botulism can actively develop - a very unpleasant disease with a possible fatal outcome. Follow all safety measures and then the mushrooms will be only a pleasure for you.

In addition to traditional pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, in the kitchen of a good hostess you can also find a jar of spun mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers know firsthand how to salt white mushrooms. Oh, how good they look on the festive table in winter! Some say that tastier mushrooms cannot be found.
Salted whites have a very piquant taste. To prepare such an appetizer on your own, you will have to be patient. First of all, you will have to go to the forest so that only fresh and perfectly clean specimens get into the jar. And of course, in order to please yourself with delicious mushrooms with potatoes, you need to find proven cooking recipes. Or better yet, several. So, I propose to use my favorite methods of salting whites, from which the whole family is crazy.

What is the difference between pickling and salting mushrooms?

Marinating and salting are two of the most famous ways to harvest mushrooms for the winter. The first method is only suitable for tubular mushrooms, which include porcini, boletus, honey mushrooms. The second one is usually used in preparations of agaric mushrooms. You can salt volnushki, milk mushrooms and whites. Each of them implies that the mushrooms must be well washed and cut into pieces that are convenient for processing.

Not sure how to pickle mushrooms so that they turn out delicious? The secret is that the ingredients are poured with marinade cooked on mushroom broth. This will give the workpiece a specific natural taste. Most often, the liquid becomes cloudy due to the fact that mushrooms crumble during cooking.

You can pickle mushrooms with a clean marinade. To do this, the ingredients are pre-boiled. At the same time, the filling remains transparent, but the taste is not lost from this, and maybe even becomes richer.

Salting volnushki or whites is different in that in the process of preparing the workpiece, it is not necessary to prepare the marinade. Some recipes call for the mushrooms to be brined, others simply allow the ingredients to be sprinkled with spices. It is this processing method that makes the mushrooms salty, crispy and extremely tasty.

How to salt whites for the winter in tubs

Belyanki can only be eaten in a salty form. And you need to choose, of course, only young, not overripe mushrooms, so that they have a dense texture and can be salted well. If you suddenly come across a large mushroom, you can not throw it away, but put it in a jar, after cutting it into several parts. Whites according to this recipe have an unusual taste, as garlic harmonizes well with them and gives a few piquant notes.

You will need:

1 kg of white mushrooms;
50 g coarse salt;
4-5 garlic cloves

Cooking process:

1. You need to start cooking with the selection of a container in which whites will be salted. If you want to use wooden tubs, but then they will need to be filled with a special disinfectant solution.
2. Next, sort through the mushrooms - remove all rotten parts. After that, rinse the selected material well.
3. This stage involves heat treatment, so the whites need to be put in a large saucepan, poured with clean water so that the mushrooms are completely covered with it. Next, add some salt and bring the contents of the pot to a boil. For half an hour, you can leave the workpiece alone and go about your business. Just do not make the fire too big, otherwise the water will quickly boil away, and the whites will not boil, but stew or even fry.

4. When the water boils, you can add your favorite spices.
5. After the allotted cooking time is up, the mushrooms will need to be thrown into a colander and washed. It is better if you do this with cold water so that the whites cool faster. Excess liquid should drain.
6. After cooking, only the pulp should remain from the mushrooms. You will need to lay it in an even layer on the bottom of the tub, tamping well. Each mushroom layer is shifted with coarse salt and garlic cloves.
7. When all whites are covered with salt, put oppression on top, and cover with a blanket or any dense material on top.
In a week it will be possible to take a sample.

Hot salting of whites in jars

Glass jars that are simply steam sterilized are great for hot pickling. This process will help keep the preparation for the winter in banks, and it has its own secrets. In addition, this method of preparation allows you to save the workpiece for a longer period.


2 kg of whites;
55 grams of salt;
1 liter of water.

To prepare this dish with my method, no special skill is needed. How to pickle whites for the winter in jars, I'll tell you now.

1. First, put a large pot of clean water on the fire so that while you process the mushrooms, it warms up.
2. Whites need to be sorted out in the same way, that is, remove all wormholes, dry foliage and spoiled or broken areas. It is best to rinse them several times in clean water or soak them. After that, let the excess moisture drain.
3. Cooked foods should be sent to a saucepan, with already warm water, and salt. Don't use all the salt as you will need it later. While the mushrooms are cooking, remove the foam. After 10 minutes, the process can be completed.
4. When the mushrooms are ready, their pulp should be thrown into a colander and dried a little. All the liquid will drain only after a few hours, so you can do something else. In order not to wait so long, take gauze and wrap the mushrooms in a "knot" that you hang over a basin or a deep plate. This will allow the water to drain faster.
5. Next, put the mixture of mushrooms in a large container, you can another pan, in layers, sprinkling them with coarse salt. They should also be covered with oppression and left to salt for a month. After that, pickled whites can be transferred to clean, sterile jars and screw on the lids.

Salting whites without heat treatment

Salting whites in a cold way is quite simple, which is important for the hostess. The main thing is that such an appetizer turns out to be incredibly tasty. For this recipe, any convenient container is suitable - an enameled bucket or glass jars. But the most delicious ones are obtained in wooden tubs - it’s not without reason that our ancestors harvested not only mushrooms, but also vegetables, and even fruits in this way.

For the recipe, you will need 1 kg of whites and 60 g of coarse salt.

How to salt whites in a cold way:

As a rule, only hats are taken from the whites, and the legs are thrown away at the stage of picking or cleaning mushrooms. To begin with, the crop must be sorted out and discarded bad specimens and rotten parts. Then the mushrooms must be poured with cold water and left for a while so that all the smallest particles of debris are cleaned. Usually they are left for several days.

When you are sure that the mushrooms are clean, they must be dried and prepared for processing. Large whites are cut into several pieces, and small ones can be left whole. In order to end up with a delicious snack, salting should take place in a good mood and without the slightest rush. So, if you are in a hurry somewhere today, it is better to postpone the preparation of blanks for another day.

The container in which it is planned to salt the whites must be “covered” with salt so that the bottom is not visible. Coarse salt is great for this business, so if you only have fine salt, it is better to go to the store for coarse salt. Thanks to it, you can achieve a better salting.

Mushrooms are stacked in layers in a container, which you need to sprinkle with salt each time. The layer of mushrooms should not be more than 5 centimeters - watch this! Don't be afraid to oversalt. Before eating, mushrooms still need to be soaked in cool water for several hours.

So, you need to shift the mushrooms with salt until the container or ingredients run out. The last layer should be just salt.

Salted whites should be covered with a clean cloth and covered with oppression. After 40 days it will be possible to take the first sample. It is at this time that you can transfer the mushrooms to sterile jars and order them with lids.
Such a blank can stand for more than a year and not deteriorate if stored in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator.