Beef jelly recipe classic step by step. How to cook jelly with gelatin? A few simple tips

The most delicious and popular dishes are not always those that are prepared using special technologies, using exotic and fantasy. Most often, simple treats, but with an unforgettable aroma and taste, such as beef jelly, become favorites on a festive or everyday table. It sounds simple, but how appetizing, it’s not difficult to prepare, but with pleasure, and it’s eaten - for a sweet soul, so that you can’t take it away from the dish by the ears.

The success of aspic largely depends on the correct choice of meat. To make the dish truly tasty and festive, you need to know exactly which meat part is better to take, and which meat piece should be discarded.

Since our recipe for making “cold” involves the use of beef, then we will consider the rules for choosing exactly beef meat. So, what kind of meat is better to take for jelly?

  • Experienced chefs for jelly are advised to take meat with cartilage, bones and joints.
  • When buying a meat set for “cold” meat on the market, remember that the ratio of pulp and bones should be equal (1: 1).
  • It is also very important that such meat parts as beef head and legs participate in the preparation of the jelly.
  • Often, noble housewives, using a beef recipe, take a cow's shank (front) and a motorized leg (a part of a cow's (or bull's) leg located above the knees) to cook aspic. The motorcycle league and the drumstick contain jelly-like substances, therefore, using such meat parts in the preparation of "beef delicacy", no additional additives that create the stickiness of the broth will be needed.

Checking the freshness of meat

Do not forget about another important rule, without which a fragrant appetizing jelly will not work - this is the freshness of the meat.

How to make the right choice in favor of a fresh meat set? Everything is very simple. You need to carefully study the color and smell of beef. The aroma of fresh meat should be unobtrusively sweet and pleasant, and the color should be light and beautiful.

The same applies to frozen and chilled meat parts. They should smell good, be free of stains, and free of signs of frequent freezing and thawing. If the beef is not fresh, or as it is also called “old” by the people, then in no case should you buy it, it still won’t make a delicious jelly.

Secrets of a successful jelly

From the first days of its existence, jelly has become a favorite delicacy of adults and children. For many years, the exquisite jelly has not lost its fame.

Moreover, every year, it becomes an occasion for the emergence of new culinary recipes for its preparation. What is missing: both traditional technologies for creating a “cold king”, and extraordinary approaches to processing a dish, there is also an extravagant recipe for cooking, according to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich several varieties of meat are added to the jelly, it turns out such a cold cold meat platter.

We will try to pay attention to all kinds of cooking recipes, but for now we will focus on the classic creation of beef jelly.

Food preparation


How to cook a type of meat like beef for the cooking process itself? Not everyone knows about this. However, without proper preparation, a good dish will not work. Therefore, we will pay attention to such an important culinary stage.

So, before you directly process the beef, it is necessary to soak it thoroughly in water so that all the remnants of blood are washed off. Otherwise, the finished jelly will not acquire an aesthetic transparent appearance, but will be cloudy, which will spoil the overall impression of the dish, even if it is tasty.

As soon as the beef is soaked, it can begin to "disassemble". The pulp must be cut with a knife into medium pieces. You can do the same with the tail. But it is better to cut the leg with a hacksaw with large teeth. Because if a leg is cut, then sharp and very small fragments will remain from the bone, which simply have to be thrown away.


The taste of the future dish will also depend on the quality of the water. Be sure to take water that does not contain additional impurities and does not have a foreign smell or taste.

In order for the broth to be clean, almost transparent, it is advisable to use purified water, but not tap water.


All the necessary vegetable products must be thoroughly washed and cleaned in advance so that not to be distracted from the “culinary witchcraft” directly in the cooking process itself.


  • Beef legs, soup pulp and tailthe whole set weighing about 2 kg + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 6-7 teeth + -
  • - 4.5 liters + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Allspice peas— 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -

How to cook beef jelly step by step

  • We take a large saucepan so that we get a lot of jelly at a time, and put the chopped beef into it.
  • Pour the meat pieces with water and put the pan on the fire.
  • We wait until the meat boils, and then cook it for another 15-20 minutes.
  • After that, the liquid is poured out of the pan, and all the meat ingredients that were cooked are washed with clean water.
  • Pour a new portion of fresh water into the pan, and put the meat pieces into it again.
  • Now you need to understand how to cook meat correctly. Typically, cooking as a whole takes from 5 to 10 hours. According to our recipe, jelly will cook for 6-7 hours. We start cooking by putting the container with meat on the fire and waiting for the moment when it starts to boil.
  • At the first sign of boiling, we take a slotted spoon and begin to carefully remove fat and scale from the broth.
  • We reduce the flame, add salt to the meat and cook it for 3-4 hours, while keeping the lid slightly ajar.

  • After a few hours of boiling, add vegetables peeled in advance to the future jelly, and leave the container with beef and vegetables on low heat for another 3 hours.
  • When the "cold" is almost ready, you can throw one bay leaf and pepper into the pan. The amount of pepper is usually determined by taste, but still you should not abuse it so as not to interrupt the delicate taste of an already special dish.
  • As soon as the meat pieces are boiled, we immediately take them out, cool a little and begin to separate them from the bone. How to do it right? You can separate the meat with your hands, or you can carefully cut it with a knife, the taste of meat delicacy will not suffer from this at all.

Filler is ready, what to do next

As soon as we separate the meat from the bones, it can immediately begin to chop. How to do this - everyone decides for himself.

Someone divides meat pieces into large (or medium) cubes, someone twists them through a meat grinder, but this option is good if there are small children in the house. In another case, it is better not to twist the meat in a meat grinder, because that special taste is lost.

But the most common method of grinding is the separation of fine fibers from whole meat parts.

  • Evenly lay out the meat fibers (or cubes) on trays and bowls.
  • Press the garlic cloves in a garlic press and mix with minced meat.
  • Be sure to filter the cooked broth through a double or triple gauze (it is possible through a fine sieve) and heat it over a fire.
  • Pour the warm broth over the fragrant beef, cool it, then cover the pan with a lid and take it to a place where the room temperature is much lower than room temperature. This is necessary in order for our meat dish to freeze and turn into a real jellied meat.

With what to serve and with what to eat jelly

The finished dish should be served in plates. Together with the “cold” one, you can put fresh bread, mustard, horseradish, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, etc. on the table.

You can eat jelly with a green salad seasoned with vinegar and delicious sour cream, or you can “accompany” a meat dish with adjika or tkemali.

How beautiful to decorate the "cold"

Many people think about how to cook jelly according to the classic recipe, but in such a way that in the end you get a festive version of everyone's favorite meat dish? You don't really need to guess. To get a luxurious beef jelly to the festive table, you just need to decorate it beautifully. And then you do not need to invent and look for any intricate cooking technologies.

What can be depicted on jelly, and what needs to be done for this? And all you need is a couple of ordinary ingredients and a little culinary imagination, and then you can depict anything you want.

Stars or daisies

For example, you can cut out stars from carrots and turn the transparent surface of the jelly into a “cloudless starry sky”, or make chamomile from the same carrot and evenly distribute them on the surface of the jelly to give the impression that you have a chamomile field in front of you.

Draw patterns

How to make other drawings on the "cold"? You can try using olives, dill sprigs and celery for decoration. From such a natural set, you can recreate any pattern.

And if you add eggs to the previous set, you can get a whole landscape, for example, you can make swans from eggs, reeds from greenery, and stones from olives. So you get a small corner of nature on your holiday table, created by your own hands.

If the dish will be prepared for the New Year's table, then you can safely depict the symbol of the coming year. In a word, here in creativity no one is limited. Create and delight yourself and your loved ones not only with taste, but also with a stunning view of a meat dish.

The preparation of jellied meat is not limited to using only beef. Very often, pork (ears, pulp, legs, knuckle) and poultry meat are put in the dish. How to cook jelly with this type of meat?

For cooking, it is quite possible to use the above recipe. The technology can be safely observed, only beef can be replaced with pork or chicken. And, if you want to truly surprise yourself and your relatives, then you can add several types of meat to the jelly at once. For example, if you add chicken or duck meat to beef, then as a result, the jelly will turn out to be very tender and especially fragrant.

The jelly does not freeze, what to do

Often there are cases when the hostess is a little mistaken in the proportions of the ingredients or chooses those meat parts that contain very few jelly-like substances.

All this negatively affects the freezing of jelly. However, do not be upset if something did not work out, the situation can always be corrected. Gelatin can help. It is with gelatin that the recipe is often used to help the “cold” solidify to the desired consistency.

In such cases, gelatin is poured into warm broth, but not into boiling water. This is provided that the gelatin is instant.

If gelatin dissolves slowly, then it must be prepared in advance.

  • To do this, take 45 g of gelatin and fill it with 1.5 tbsp. boiled water.
  • We leave it for 30 minutes so that it can swell.
  • Then mix it well and pour it into a warm, but not hot, broth.

It is the recipe with gelatin that will help achieve the desired result and make your aspic the one you dreamed of.

Cooking "cold" is quite troublesome, but worthwhile. To please your family with a delicious dish, you can and even need to spend time and effort.

Having learned how to cook jelly, what ingredients to take for its preparation, how to decorate and how to serve the dish on the table, you can safely take, in every sense of the word, appetizing beef jelly, turning it every minute into your own culinary creation for souls.

Beef jelly always turns out to be especially nutritious, fragrant and rich. For its preparation, even economical soup sets are used, which allows you to make the dish budget. The main thing is not to spare seasonings for such a treat.

Ingredients: beef joint with pulp, part of the shank and leg (weighing about 4 kg), 2 large onions, 2-3 medium carrots, a couple of bay leaves, 7-8 garlic cloves, salt, 4 liters of filtered water.

  1. The meat components are coarsely chopped, freed from bone fragments, washed well and, if necessary, cleaned with a knife. Then they are poured with water, and it takes 5.5-6.5 hours to cook. The fire should be minimal so that the liquid does not boil away, since it cannot be topped up.
  2. After about 2.5 hours, washed, but not peeled vegetables, salt, and lavrushka are sent to the pan. At this stage, you can add any spices. Peeled garlic cloves are also poured into the pan.
  3. When the broth is cooked, you need to remove all the beef from it. The meat is removed from the bones and placed in suitable vessels. The broth is carefully filtered through cheesecloth and poured over the meat pieces.

At the stage of straining the broth, you can add salt if necessary.

Festive recipe of three types of meat

Ingredients: a kilo of beef shank, a little more than a pork knuckle, a pound of pork and chicken legs, 2 large carrots, half a celery root, 3-4 small onions, 22-24 black peppercorns, table salt.

  1. The meat is well washed, if necessary, scraped with a knife. If you have time, it is worth soaking pork and beef in a bowl of cold water for 3-4 hours to rid the pieces of blood and unpleasant odors.
  2. On low heat under the lid, all the meat will be cooked for about 5-7 hours. In order for the broth to eventually turn out to be transparent, in the very first minutes after boiling, it will be necessary to remove foam flakes from it several times.
  3. 1.5 hours before readiness, peeled carrots, celery or parsley root, onions are added to the container with meat parts. You can immediately salt the ingredients and add pepper.
  4. All products are removed from the finished broth with a slotted spoon. Vegetables are thrown away. The meat is removed from the bones and laid out on the bottom of wide salad bowls. Strained and salted, if necessary, broth is poured on top of it.

Kholodets is served to the table after complete solidification in the cold.

With pig's feet

Ingredients: a kilo of pork legs, about 1.8-1.9 liters of filtered water, 840 g of beef pulp, salt to taste, carrots and onions, 3-5 garlic cloves, salt to taste, 2 pcs. cloves, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The legs are soaked in cold water all night, and in the morning they are cleaned with a hard washcloth. It is necessary to remove pollution even from hard-to-reach places so that they do not end up in the broth in the future.
  2. Prepared legs are sent to the pan. The beef pulp is also placed there. From above, the meat components are poured with water and boiled for 3 hours.
  3. Next, vegetables, peeled garlic, salt, spices are added to the meat. Cooking continues for a couple of hours. When a clearly visible film begins to form on the surface of the broth, it means that it is completely ready.
  4. The meat is removed from the bones and carefully disassembled into fibers. Together with thin circles of carrots, it fits into the vessels.
  5. Top the ingredients with strained broth. The dish is left in the cold.

If you want to change the recipe for jelly pork legs with beef, you can experiment with spices.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: a liter of filtered water, a whole leg of beef and pork, a large carrot, onion, 1 teaspoon of table salt, dried herbs.

  1. Water is poured into the bowl of the device, and pre-prepared meat parts are laid out. First, in the "Meat" program, they are cooked for 60-70 minutes.
  2. Next, peeled vegetables, herbs are laid out in the container, salt is poured. Garlic cloves can be added if desired. Together, the ingredients are cooked for another 80-90 minutes.
  3. Then the meat is separated from the bones, torn into fibers and placed in small bowls. Strained broth is poured on top.

If you want the garlic to be felt in the finished dish, you can add it in pieces to the meat.

with gelatin

Ingredients: about 1.5 kilos of beef shank, 2 onions, carrots, 8-9 black peppercorns, 35 g of gelatin (instant), any aromatic herbs to taste, rock salt.

  1. To cook delicious beef jelly, the first step is to cut the meat components into large pieces and soak in ice water from evening to morning. This will allow you to cook a perfectly transparent broth in the future.
  2. In the morning, the meat is poured with water, brought to a boil. It is very important at this stage to remove all foam from the surface of the liquid.
  3. Next, all peeled vegetables, black pepper, salt, aromatic herbs are added to the dish.
  4. The broth will cook for 7-9 hours. If you need to add water to the pan, it should be no more than 1 cup.
  5. Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of water (according to the manufacturer's instructions).
  6. Ready meat components are extracted from the liquid and cut off from the bones. It must be placed in deep bowls.
  7. The broth is well filtered, gelatin dissolved in water dissolves in it. The resulting liquid is poured over the meat pieces.

To make the dish look elegant, decorate it with canned corn, herbs, carrot slices, quail egg slices, and only then send it to the cold.

Jellied beef and pork knuckle

Ingredients: 2 pork legs, 1 beef shank and pork knuckle, carrots and onions each, parsley root, any seasonings, rock salt.

  1. Washed and chopped meat is placed in a large container. From above, it is poured with water and cooked for 4.5-5.5 hours.
  2. Next, all other ingredients stated in the recipe are added to the meat, and cooking continues for another 1.5 hours.
  3. Ready pork and beef is removed from the bones, finely chopped and poured into small bowls.
  4. The broth passed through cheesecloth is poured on top of the components. If necessary, it can be topped up.

It is more convenient to filter the jelly with gauze folded three times. After solidification, you can take a sample.

Beef jelly

Very tasty jelly

We cooked this delicious aspic for the New Year together with Lamara Konstantinovna, a skilled and experienced hostess. The composition of the jellied meat was advised to her by a friend, and I did technical and ideological work: I advised on the degree of boiling and cooking time, and sorted out the jellied meat. And numerous guests ate it with pleasure.

We took beef for jelly from the leg, in Abkhazia the housewives call this part of the cow - motolyga (or matalyga?). There was a lot of meat in it (the generous hand of the hostess) and 3-4 times less bones, while in our usual jelly, bones predominate, and the meat is already - what you take from them - and rejoice at that.

Our Abkhaz jelly turned out to be very tasty, densely meaty. Like a wonderful cold appetizer in a hospitable, rich house. Beef gives a very tasty broth, and its meat, saturated with wonderful jelly juices, is perceived as very tasty food. I am not a fan of jelly, but, I confess, my hand reached out to break off another piece. Delicious.

However, I would say that our beef jelly was a little lacking in bones and their sticky juice in the broth. He froze without problems. But the consistency of the jelly was tender, not rubbery. And I would prefer a stronger jelly. Therefore, in the composition-proportions, I will advise you to put more seeds in it.

What meat to take for jelly

Be sure to include bones, joints and cartilage in the composition of meat pieces. This is the most important condition, the key to freezing jelly. Shanks (whole pork feet), tails, spine, pork feet, or a whole chicken have a lot of bones and bones that secrete a jelly secretion. Therefore, chicken and the listed parts of meat are so popular among those who like to cook aspic.

It is desirable that the bone-meat ratio is 1:1. But if you're making cheap jelly, the bones may predominate in it.

If you cook (very tasty, by the way), then their cartilage and skin will release all the necessary amount of gelling substances. And a pig's ear supplement can make up for your lack of bones in aspic. By the way, the skin (on legs, ears or other pieces of meat) is remarkably boiled soft in jelly, softening to tenderness, and also becomes a source of stickiness. It must be cut along with the meat, jelly pieces of boiled skin will enrich the taste of your jelly with extra smoothness and amazing deliciousness (unless, of course, impatient homemade ones grab these chic pieces before you add them to the jelly).

For a delicious jelly, you can take one meat with bones: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, or - cold cuts: meat with poultry (you can add both a whole chicken and its individual parts: breast, thighs, legs, chicken necks, spines - whatever). And you can cook aspic only, chicken paws - necks or from beef tails, or add these inexpensive components of aspic to good pieces of meat or chicken (turkey, duck and other poultry).

In general, the composition of aspic depends on your gastronomic preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing is that the meat with bones or bones with meat that you put in the jellied meat should give a sticky juice that thickens the broth and then hardens into meat jelly.

If the jelly does not solidify and you are forced to add extraneous thickeners such as gelatin to it, then it is not cooked correctly, you missed the proportions and composition. And your dish is now called not meat jelly or jelly, but meat aspic.

Proportions for jelly

for 1 pot

  • Meat with bones- takes up almost the entire pan, along with spice additives;
  • Water- poured into the remaining cavities. At the same time, you should be able to mix this meat in a saucepan. If the whole space is tightly clogged and the meat is firmly pressed against the bottom and walls of the pan (does not turn when stirring with a spoon), the jelly will burn. So, the pan is small, take more.

Something like this should be filled with a saucepan with jelly. Little liquid, meat with bones - a lot

Spicy additives for broth for jelly

  • Onion - 1-2 heads;
  • Carrots (you can - parsley root) - 1 large;
  • Black peppercorns - a generous handful (peas 15-20) - wonderful aroma and taste;
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 pieces;

Garlic - 1 head (put in ready-made jelly).

How to cook

1. Cook jelly

  • Rinse the meat well, scrape it (it must be very clean so as not to cloud our jelly with adhering dirt) . Place the meat in a suitable casserole dish. Add pepper, bay leaf (lovers can put a few more cloves and a cinnamon stick) + peeled: onion and carrot (cut the carrot into several parts along or across, in thick pieces). Boil.
  • Remove foam. Reduce fire to low. The fire must maintain a very, very small, barely perceptible boil. Cook under the lid (with a small slit for steam to escape) 5-7 hours. Stir regularly and make sure that the pieces of meat do not stick to the walls.

The transparency of the jelly depends on the intensity of its boiling, the more the broth boils, the more cloudy the jelly will be.

Ready jelly has a viscous dense structure, and the meat that is boiled in it is easily separated (falls off) from the bones.

Aspic is boiled under a closed lid, leaving a small crack for steam to escape. Our lid is closed because the design of the pan itself provides for ventilation.

2. Disassemble aspic

  • Separate meat with bones and broth: remove all meat and bones from the jelly and transfer to a separate bowl. Spice roots can be thrown away immediately, they have already played their role. Pass the remaining broth through a colander to filter it from bone fragments and peppercorns. In a clean hot broth, you can immediately squeeze the garlic.

Equip a workplace for disassembling jelly: You will need several bowls:

  • for meat with bones from the broth;
  • for unnecessary bones and debris;
  • for defibrated meat for jellied meat

Large flat plate for disassembling jelly + fork and knife.

In addition, you will need containers for freezing jellied meat, a fork and a knife.

  • Disassemble jellied meat into fibers: n and lay out pieces of bones with meat on a clean flat plate. And, wielding a fork and knife, separate the meat from the bones. Immediately you need to disassemble this meat into fibers (width up to 0.5 cm, length - about 3 cm) and put in a separate bowl. If you come across a large piece of meat with long fibers, you need to cut it across these fibers - it is inconvenient to eat long meat strings.

We separate the meat from the bone and split it into fibers. It's very easy, the pieces of meat fall apart on their own. They melted well.

The meat can be cut into jellied meat and pieces, but the traditional recipe is to disassemble the meat into jellied meat (jelly) into fiber strings.

  • Choose a cold storage container: estimate how much liquid you have and how many dishes you need for jelly. Divide the disassembled meat into bowls and pour over the broth.

Evenly distribute the jelly in bowls and pour it with thick broth

  • Cover containers with future jelly with lids or tighten with foil.

These bowls did not have lids and I covered the jelly with foil

  • Cool the finished jelly to room temperature and put in the refrigerator or other cool place to solidify. After 3-4 hours (or earlier if you have a vigorous broth on a large number of bones), the jelly is ready!

Bon appetit!

Homemade beef jelly poured into bowls

Shelf life of jelly

Any additives from unboiled (raw) products: garlic, herbs, dish decorations, all this reduces the shelf life of the jelly. We added fresh garlic (so the jelly is more fragrant and spicy). Although in hot broth, but did not boil it. Such jelly can stand for 3-4 days. At the end of 3-4 days there is a threat of souring.

You can’t eat sour or slightly sour jelly, poison yourself.

If you cooked jelly and added garlic immediately during cooking (this is also delicious, but the aroma and sharpness of garlic is less pronounced), then it turns out that all the components of the jelly were cooked, it will last a little longer, for 2 days. But more than 5-6 no jelly for days, even if it stays for a week and does not deteriorate, I would not store it.

Many housewives have noticed that the fragrant aroma and excellent taste of jelly lasts for the first couple of days, and then gradually disappears. Therefore, even based on these features of the dish, you should eat jelly immediately and quickly, without putting it off for a long time.

How to disassemble jelly

For disassembly of jelly, a clean, smooth and flat ordinary plate (without cracks and chips) is preferable.

It is convenient to deal with meat for jelly on a flat plate

If you disassemble the jelly on a wooden or plastic board, you run the risk of attaching various microorganisms to the meat, which are much more numerous on the not-quite-smooth surface of the cutting boards than on a simple and well-washed earthenware or porcelain plate.

What to do if the jelly is not frozen

Well, you understand that there is no other simple and effective way to solidify liquid jelly, except for adding gelatin to it.

Gelatin must be soaked or diluted according to the instructions on the package. The method of preparing highly purified instant gelatin and regular gelatin is different, so follow the instructions, otherwise you have already done things.

Everything must be poured back into the pan. If you have a very fluid, liquid jellied meat, then you can drain the broth without meat. Just in case, I would boil everything again (both the broth and meat) for about 5 minutes, because the jelly had already stood for some time, while you hoped that it would harden.

Combine gelatin with broth in the manner described in the instructions. Pour the jellied meat into bowls again and wait for the result.

Beef jelly is ready! Delicious!

In general, if you had a lot of bones and meat in a saucepan with jelly and little water, you boiled the jelly for the prescribed period, then it will definitely freeze on its own.

Bon appetit and success in cooking jellied meat!

The classic recipe for jelly is rooted in antiquity. So deep that today no one will name the exact year and even the century. There is a widespread legend of its origin: someone cooked a steep broth, filled it with meat, and left one plate in the cold. So the world's first jellied meat turned out.

Indeed, this dish is very simple, even unpretentious. But at the same time, it's festive. That's how interesting psychology works. A tureen with borscht is unlikely to be on the table on New Year's holiday. And there will certainly be jelly. Although, if you think about it, jelly and soup are all meat broth with fillet pieces. Only the jelly froze. So, you can “play” with it - serve it beautifully, and pour it into a beautiful mold to make it both tasty and beautiful.

The classic recipe for jelly is based on long-term cooking of pork legs, without the use of gelatin. There is enough collagen in this part of the pork meat for the broth to solidify and acquire the desired consistency. Can you do the same with beef? Of course you can, but only if you know some of the nuances.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at the beef jelly recipe with photos and comments. First, let's try the option without gelatin. You don’t have to worry - the jelly will certainly freeze. But there is one condition - you need to choose the right meat. More precisely - the correct part of the beef. If in the case of pork we were talking about legs, then for beef jelly we will take the same part - i.e. shin.

We take the following components:

  • beef shank - 2 kilograms;
  • veal fillet - 1 kg;
  • carrots and onions - 1 each;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, bay leaf and pepper - to your taste.

Kholodets is a frozen broth, so we will definitely focus on cooking our soup.

The classic beef jelly recipe looks like this step by step:

  1. First, we prepare all the products. We will work especially carefully with meat. It is better to rinse the beef shank well under running water, and then chop it into pieces, then rinse again.
  2. We lay the leg and fillet in a pan with cold water. The water should completely cover the meat, and the level should be 2-3 fingers higher. Bring to a boil (high heat). As soon as it boils, immediately reduce to moderate. We remove all the foam.
  3. Now comes the crucial stage. Over the next 4 hours, our broth will cook at a slow boil. Water should not boil at all - just fluctuate quite a bit, give weak bubbles. Keep the lid tightly closed, otherwise the water will evaporate a lot. And it is undesirable to add a new one - the taste of the broth inevitably deteriorates, and besides, it darkens.
  4. Meanwhile, peel the onions and carrots. When 4 hours have passed, put them in a saucepan. And also - bay leaf, salt and pepper. We do everything to our liking. It is only important to consider that we salt at the end, and not at the beginning. Otherwise, you can oversalt - after all, the water will evaporate a little anyway.
  5. An hour after laying vegetables, turn off the stove. We cut the meat, remove the bones and onions with carrots. Pass the meat through a meat grinder or cut into small pieces with a knife. We put the resulting minced meat on the bottom, and then vegetables for decoration. Pour broth on top. You can lay it out both in another pan, and in special figured molds - this way the dish will look especially beautiful.
  6. And immediately after turning off the fire, do not forget to add finely chopped garlic - it is he who will give the appetizer a fragrant aroma.
  7. This completes the beef jelly recipe. It remains only to wait until everything cools down (in the refrigerator or on the balcony), and this will take many hours. But the result is worth it! Serve with mustard and herbs (appetizing option in the photo).


After preparing the broth, it would be nice if we strained it. To do this, use a large sieve and another pan.

Option with gelatin

But what if the recipe for beef legs cannot be reproduced step by step, and the photos do not help? After all, beef drumsticks may simply not be at hand. Of course, this is no reason to refuse a delicious holiday snack. Here gelatin comes to the rescue - a completely harmless food additive that does not affect the taste in any way. And gelatin will certainly create the desired consistency!

This time we will need the following products:

  • beef fillet - 700 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g (2 sachets);
  • carrots and onions - 1 large each;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, bay leaf and pepper - at your discretion.

In this case, we are essentially reproducing the classic jelly recipe step by step, which is described above. However, there will be one change:

  1. The recipe for beef jelly begins, as usual, with boiling the broth. We put the fillet in a saucepan, bring to a boil, remove the foam and put on a slow fire.
  2. All this time, we carefully monitor that excess liquid does not evaporate. And besides, we constantly remove the foam - it will certainly still stand out.
  3. When 4 hours have passed since the boil, put onions, carrots and spices. We are waiting for another hour. Put finely chopped garlic into the broth.
  4. And now the important stage begins. We dilute gelatin in hot water, let it swell a little. And pour into the broth. Let it cook for literally 5 minutes. Turn off the stove, grind the meat in a meat grinder and put it on the bottom of the mold.
  5. Well, then, as usual - pour the broth, decorate with carrots and other vegetables (as fantasy tells).
  6. You can cut the beef jelly into beautiful slices and serve with pickles and garnish with a sprig of rosemary (see photo below).

Festive jelly will be ready in a few hours. So it's better to start cooking ahead of time.

It just so happened that jelly, like Olivier, is one of the five most popular dishes that are prepared for the festive New Year's table. But how else, wonderful, tasty and very satisfying. There are a lot of cooking options for this dish, they make it from different types of meat, with the addition of vegetables. With and without gelatin. Our today's recipe is Jellied meat with chicken and pork gelatin.

Jelly with gelatin

If you are preparing jelly for the first time or are not a dock in preparing this dish, then we recommend this recipe to you. Since, the use of gelatin will save you from unpleasant moments and you will not eventually wonder why the jelly has not frozen. The meat we need is chicken thigh and pork. Suitable pork knuckle, pork legs. These products have jelly-forming components that help to set the finished dish.

But, since we are preparing jelly with gelatin, we can do without the shank and legs at all, and use only pork pulp. Gelatin will do the job better than pork knuckle.

If you are preparing jellied meat for a festive table, then we strongly recommend using gelatin, since with its help the dish will not leak 15 minutes after it is put on the table. Gelatin holds the consistency perfectly, and your dish will not turn into a puddle of broth for a long time.

Attention! If you are preparing a dish for the New Year or holiday table, then pay attention to the step in which you must definitely remove the layer of fat in the broth and strain it through cheesecloth. Then your festive jelly will be transparent and without a layer of fat on the surface.

This recipe is designed for cooking jellied meat in a three-liter saucepan.


  • Chicken leg - 1 piece
  • Pork - 500-600 gr (knuckle or pulp)
  • Bulb - 1 piece large
  • Peppercorns, bay leaf
  • Gelatin
  • Water - 3 l
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves

If you took a knuckle or pork legs, you need to clean them, wash them, and scrape them off in cold water. To keep them clean.

Put all the meat products in a saucepan, pour water and put on medium heat. When the water boils, carefully remove all the foam. Reduce the heat to a minimum, so that the boil is barely noticeable and leave the jelly to cook for 7 hours. Convenient to put on at night.

After 7 hours, add some water to the pan if you see that the water has boiled away a little. Add the peeled whole onion, peppercorns and bay leaf. Salt well. Remember that the taste of hot broth should be a little saltier than you want, as the jelly will be less salty when it cools.

Leave to cook for another hour.

After 8 hours of cooking jellied meat, turn off the stove and take the meat and onion into a clean saucepan.

If you want a transparent jelly, without a layer of fat on the surface, then carefully remove the top layer of broth with fat into a jar with a clean tablespoon. All fat rises to the top and it is the top layer of broth that needs to be removed. If you like jelly with a layer of fat, then you don’t need to remove anything.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth into a clean saucepan.

Now we are waiting for the meat to cool down a bit. While the meat is cooling, prepare the dishes in which we will pour the jelly. it can be bowls, containers, or beautiful deep plates if you plan to serve aspic on the festive table.

We separate the meat from the bones, remove the skin from the shank and fat. We probe with our hands so that small bones do not come across. We shift the sorted meat into a separate clean bowl, mix it so that the chicken is evenly mixed with pork.

Arrange meat on plates. We cut very finely or pass the garlic through the garlic. Add a little bit to the meat dishes.

We take gelatin and cook according to the instructions for our liquid volume of 3 liters.

Gently pour the gelatin broth into bowls. Now take a fork, and carefully distribute the meat in each plate so that it is not a piece.