We stock up on vitamins: dried apples at home. Dried apples Dried apples for decorating the cake

Dried apples (candied fruits)

Dried apples

Very tasty dried, almost dried apples (candied fruit). Sour and sweet. They are pleasant to gnaw, like seeds or nuts. The hand reaches out for a new piece. You can store at room temperature in cardboard boxes or in bags made of baking paper.


for 2 baking sheets

  • Apples - 3-3.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg + a little more (~ 0.5 cups);
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Lemon - 1-2 pieces.

Apples in a bag

How to do

  • Prepare everything: peel apples, cut into slices ~ into 12 parts (into 4 parts, then each quarter into 3 more parts). Line baking sheets with baking paper. In a saucepan, boil a syrup of 1 kg of sugar, 1 cup of water and lemon juice (stirring).
  • Boil in syrup in turn 3 parts of apples: Throw 1/3 of the chopped apples into boiling syrup. Cook for 1 minute, stirring. Turn off the heat and let the apples stand for 5 minutes (stirring a couple of times in the process). Then take them out with a holey spoon (or put them on a sieve to drain excess syrup) and put the apples on a baking sheet. Then - boil in the same syrup and insist in the same way the second, and after it - the third part of the apples. Arrange apples evenly among 2 baking sheets.
  • Dry: turn on the oven to minimum ( 50-60° C). Put the apples there and dry with the door ajar for 5-6 hours. In the middle, you can sprinkle them with sugar (that remaining half of the glass). When a pleasant apple smell appears, look after the apples, if they are already dried enough, you can take them out.
  • Keep dried apples can be at room temperature in cardboard boxes or wrapped in baking paper. It is also possible in packages, but in them apples will be stored for a shorter time.

Dip apples in boiling syrup and cook for 1 minute. Then we insist for a short time so that they are soaked in syrup.

Apples after infusion in syrup, before drying in the oven. In the background, apple marmalade is being dried in boxes. His recipe is also on the site.

Baking tray with dried apples. Delicious!

The remaining syrup can be used to make other compotes, preserves and jams. I added it to and did with it.

A bag of dried apples

In everyday life, you probably often heard the expression "dried foods." But have you ever wondered how a dried product differs, say, from a dried one? In fact, drying is a type of cooking that is quite close to drying, which differs from it in only two features:

Insignificant participation of heat or its complete absence in the drying process;
.gradual, slow drying, and not complete, but partial. At the same time, the dried product, unlike the dried one, retains a soft texture and elasticity, while the dried product becomes brittle, brittle and hard.

In the past, the products were dried, as a rule, in the open air, in strong winds, but today this process is increasingly carried out in special heating installations: drying cabinets, gas or electric stoves, or a Russian oven (if any). If this year has turned out to be extremely fruitful, and there is no way to process all the vegetables and fruits, the drying method is just what you need. The main thing to remember is that only juicy products that cannot dry completely are dried. The drying process itself looks like this: from fresh fr uktov and vegetables, first the juice is separated, and the remaining mass is dried at a temperature not exceeding 65 ° C. As a result, two types of blanks are obtained at once: juice and dried vegetables and fruits. It is very important that during such processing fruits and vegetables are not exposed to high temperatures, which allows them to fully preserve their valuable substances.

Dried product is ready to eat immediately, without any processing. It is quite capable of replacing candy. It can be consumed, for example, with tea or coffee. If you pour dried berries and fruits with hot boiled water and let them brew for two hours, you will get a very tasty and healthy compote. But that's not all. Dried fruits and vegetables are used to prepare fillings for pies, desserts and main courses, added to salads, used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, used to decorate cakes, and the juice obtained during the drying process is used to preserve vegetables and fruits or added to compotes. Store home-cooked dried foods in sealed glass jars or paper bags. In such packaging, they are stored for a long time, the main thing is to monitor the temperature and humidity, otherwise the dried food may become damp and moldy.

For any housewife who decides to take up such a simple way of harvesting her crop, it will be useful to find out how dried vegetables and fruits are useful. First of all, drying is good because it almost completely preserves fiber, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, which are so important for the life of the body. In addition, dried foods are a great addition to the diet of women during pregnancy. For those who want to lose weight, it will be useful to know that these wonderful preparations can be eaten at any time of the day, replacing dried foods, such as a sweet bun or chips. This will bring much more benefit to the body.

If you are interested in such an interesting and, in general, inexpensive way as drying vegetables and fruits, it's time to turn to recipes.

1 kg carrots
200 g sugar
3 g citric acid,
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Rinse the carrots, peel and cut into slices 0.5 cm thick, then sprinkle with sugar along with citric acid and vanilla, set the oppression and let the carrots stand until the juice is released. Then put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove it from the heat, drain the juice, and place the carrot circles on a baking sheet and dry in the oven so that the carrots remain elastic.

Dried zucchini

1 kg zucchini,
200 g sugar
5 g vanillin,
5 g citric acid.

Wash the zucchini, peel, remove the core with seeds and cut into equal pieces, sprinkle with sugar, add vanillin and citric acid. Set oppression and put in the cold for 8-10 hours. Then drain the separated juice, boil, pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Dry the remaining zucchini in the oven, put in glass jars, close the lids and store. In the same way, you can wither a melon.

Dried pumpkin with apples

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg of apples
400 g sugar.

Wash the pumpkin and apples, peel and core, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put oppression on top and put in the cold. Soak for 8-10 hours and drain the released juice. After boiling it, pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up. Dry the remaining pumpkin and apples in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C and place in a glass container.

1 kg sugar beet,
3 g citric acid.

Wash the beets, pour over with boiling water, peel the skin (like a young potato), cut into slices and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding citric acid. Evaporate the beets under a lid over low heat, making sure that they do not burn, for 2 hours. Then cool the beetroot without removing it from the pan, spread it in one layer on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven at 60°C. Store the dried beets in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

1 kg physalis,
200 g sugar.

For drying, it is best to use physalis varieties "Confectioner" and "Berry".
Free the plants from the covers, pour over boiling water, wipe each fruit with a cloth, cut in half, sprinkle with sugar and put in the cold for 8-10 hours, then heat to 85 ° C and cool. Remove the fruit from the juice with a slotted spoon and dry in the oven at 65°C. Place in glass jars, close with lids and store. Boil the remaining juice, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

1 kg rhubarb stalks,
300 g sugar.

Wash rhubarb stalks in cold water, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put oppression on top and leave for one day. Drain the juice that stands out, place the remaining petioles on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C. Boil the juice with sugar and immediately roll it into a sterilized jar. Place the dried rhubarb in a box or linen bag and store at room temperature in an odor-free place.

They are very good as a preparation for the winter and, moreover, an inexpensive, but tasty snack for all occasions. They can be added to various dishes: soups, meat dishes, pizza.

In the fall, when there are a lot of tomatoes, and nobody eats salted and pickled ones, you can cook delicious tomatoes for the winter in a new way. They came to us from Italian cuisine and every year they gain more and more admirers.

1.5 kg of tomatoes,
1 tsp provencal herbs,
1 tsp coarse salt,
odorless vegetable oil
garlic - to taste.

Wash the tomatoes, cut in half and remove the stalks at the base of the tomatoes.
Scoop out the seeds along with the juice. Grease a baking sheet with oil or line it with parchment paper. Lay the tomato halves cut side up on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with Provencal herbs, salt, brush with vegetable oil. Put in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100-120 degrees, for 3-4 hours. Open the oven a little to allow the evaporating moisture to escape. Remember to check the tomatoes periodically to make sure they don't dry out (they should stay moist and pliable, but still baked). In the process of cooking, the tomatoes will decrease in size by about 3-4 times. The tomatoes may also cook unevenly, so some may need to be pulled out earlier. Put the finished sun-dried tomatoes in a jar, shifting them with thinly sliced ​​​​cloves of garlic. Pour in odorless vegetable oil and leave to infuse in the refrigerator. Such a savory snack of sun-dried tomatoes can be stored for quite a long time, up to 3-4 months.

Dried eggplant

500 g eggplant (preferably young).
For filling:
120-150 ml vegetable oil,
1/4 tsp red hot pepper,
2/3 tsp paprika,
1 large garlic clove,
0.5 tsp basil and rosemary
salt to taste.

Wash and clean the eggplant. Cut into thin slices, about 5 mm thick. Salt and leave for 15-20 minutes to release bitterness. After that, drain the juice and blanch the eggplant for a few minutes. Take out the prepared eggplants and arrange on a baking sheet. Dry at 50°C for 2.5-3 hours. While the eggplants are drying, prepare the filling by mixing all the ingredients. When the eggplants are dry (dry on the outside, but soft on the inside), put them in a jar not too tightly, fill with filling and refrigerate for at least a few hours. The longer they stand, the tastier they will be. There is only one remark regarding sun-dried tomatoes and eggplants: you need to store these products only in a filling of oil, since without it they quickly deteriorate. These are the only products that require exactly this method of storage.

Dried apples

2 kg apples,
200 g sugar.

Wash the apples, peel and core, sprinkle with sugar and put in the cold for 8 hours, putting oppression on top. Drain the juice that stands out, and dry the apples soaked in sugar syrup in the oven at 60 ° C and place in glass jars or boxes. Store at room temperature. Use apple juice immediately or prepare it for the winter, as in previous recipes.

1 kg pears,
200 g sugar.

Wash the pears, peel, remove the core, cut into slices, sprinkle with sugar, set oppression and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. Remove the pears, dry in the oven, put in a glass container for storage, closing it with a lid. Boil the remaining juice with sugar, pour into jars and roll up. In the same way, you can wither plums, apricots and even juicy peaches.

Using the drying method, you can also prepare berries for the winter. They turn out to be no less tasty and healthy than dried vegetables and fruits. And for those who love muesli for breakfast in the morning, this is just a godsend! I added a handful of various dried fruits or berries to the cereal, poured it with yogurt, brewed a little - and a delicious, and most importantly, healthy breakfast is ready!

Dried gooseberries

1 kg gooseberries,
200 g sugar.

For drying, it is desirable to use a large green unripe gooseberry. Wash the berries, cut along each of them or prick with a fork, sprinkle with sugar, put in the cold for 8-10 hours. After separating the juice, heat the berries to 85 ° C, then remove with a slotted spoon, dry in the oven, put in a glass container, cover with a lid and store in a cool, dry place. Boil the juice, pour into jars and roll up.

Dried cherries can be used in muffins, Easter cakes, various pastries. It can easily replace the usual raisins. Often found in old recipes, “cinnamon” is just dried cherries.

3 kg cherries
800 g sugar
1 liter of water.

Remove the stalks and rinse the cherries, then remove the seeds in any way convenient for you. Dip pitted cherries in portions (1 kg each) into boiling syrup for 7-8 minutes. Then put the boiled cherries on a sieve, meanwhile lowering a new portion of the fruit into the syrup, thus boil the whole cherry. Let the boiled berries cool down. Once they have cooled and the syrup has drained from them, arrange them on a baking sheet or a large dish, then put them in a dry, shady place. Use the remaining syrup to make compotes or simply add to tea. Turn the berries over after 2-3 days. The cherries will shrink in size and can be transferred to a smaller dish. Literally in 2 weeks, dried cherries are ready. Put it in jars and close the lids, it is stored quite well.

If you do not have an oven or you are concerned about the safety of vitamins in products, use an electric dryer with a temperature controller for drying. Our site has repeatedly presented to your attention reviews of a variety of dryers for vegetables and fruits, so choosing the right model for you is not difficult. Harvest dried vegetables and fruits at a temperature of 30 to 45 ° C, this will slightly increase the cooking time, but the vitamins will be preserved most fully.

Everyone knows that in winter all supplies are good, just prepare, do not be lazy. For some, dried vegetables and fruits will be new. But you should not be afraid of something new, because if you follow our recipes and put a piece of your soul and good mood into your work, everything will certainly work out!

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

A wonderful type of dried fruit is dried apples, the benefits of eating them are significant, because they contain even more nutrients (vitamins, pectins, trace elements) than fresh ones per unit weight and volume. So we prepare as much as we can. In the autumn-winter-spring period, we will be seriously pleased with such reserves.

It should be noted that drying means drying in a natural way in the open air, always in the sun. It is clear that this technology is more suitable for individual country houses and is more applicable in warm climates. In a simpler version, apples are dried in ovens or ovens, but the industry replaces the concepts to promote products. Dried, of course, is better than dried, but not bad either.

Some recommend cooking dried apples with sugar and cinnamon. It seems that without these ingredients it is quite possible to do. Apples learned to dry (as well as dry) long before pure sugar appeared in wide popular use, and even more so - granulated sugar. A very useful cinnamon distorts the great taste, and sugar is completely unhealthy.

Sun Dried Apple Recipe

Cleanly washed and dried ripe apples are cut into slices about 7 mm thick and laid out on baking sheets, or on boards, or on clean panels (or, like mushrooms, lower on threads). The slices should be loose. Now you have to slack off. In the air, in the sun. Sometimes we flip.

How to dry in the oven?

With a Russian oven, everything is simple: you place the baking sheets with apples in a heated, but already cooling oven, loosely cover the damper and wait for the oven to cool down completely (in a good version, this happens within 16 hours). Just by this time, the apples are ready. If you are not ready, we will repeat the cycle or let it dry in a bright, dry, ventilated room, under a canopy or in the sun.

Dried apples (dried) in the oven

With an oven - a little more complicated. The main thing is not to rush. We place baking sheets with apples in the oven and dry at the lowest temperature. The door should be slightly ajar, it is good if there is a forced ventilation mode. We dry in 3-4-5 receptions with breaks for cooling (it all depends on the specific oven).

Ready-made dried apples should have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, a pleasant aroma and a golden-cream ruddy beautiful color on the cut with a slightly darker skin tone. Well dried apples are elastic when folded, do not stick to hands and do not stain them. It is better to store in cardboard, paper or linen bags.

Dried apples have a calorie content of about 210-245 calories per 100 g of product (it all depends on the initial sugar content of the fruit, which may vary in different varieties depending on the place of growth and in different years of harvest).

It should be noted that although dried apples are perfectly used for making delicious compotes and confectionery, it is still better not to subject these wonderful dried fruits to additional heat treatment. And that's why it's better ... just chew, serve or make infusions in a thermos, pouring water at a temperature of no more than 80 degrees C. Alternatively, a water bath. Thus, we will save the maximum of useful substances.

Drying fruits, berries and vegetables is one of the home canning methods. Dried fruits and berries can be made at home. In addition, the scope of dried fruit is much wider than ordinary jam or compote.

At home, for drying, they use an oven or fruit dryers. Today I will tell you how to make sun-dried apples.

How to make dried apples

For drying, you can use apples of both summer and winter varieties. In summer apples, the skin and pulp are more tender compared to winter varieties. Summer varieties produce less juice than autumn and winter varieties. For processing, first of all, it is necessary to use varieties with low keeping quality.

There are several ways to dry apples. In the first method, varieties of summer, autumn and winter varieties are used. Apples are sorted according to the degree of maturity and varieties. Wash and cut into slices 2.0 x 2.5 cm thick. Remove the stalks and seeds.

Then washed with boiled water and dried on gauze or clean cotton, linen.

Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar at the rate for 1 kg of apples 350-450 grams of sugar. Depends on the degree of maturity and taste of apples. Top the apples with a clean cloth or plate. Put oppression.

Apples are kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees for 22-24 hours. During this time, the apples will secrete juice that needs to be drained.

Apple slices are placed in sugar syrup, prepared at the rate for 1 kg of apples 380 ml of water and 350-400 grams of sugar. In this syrup, apples are kept for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 degrees. The exposure time depends on the variety and degree of maturity of the apples. You can not boil apples, otherwise the slices will boil and will not be suitable for drying.

The syrup is drained, and the apples are laid out on a wire rack set over a baking sheet. Dry in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 80-85 degrees. The baking sheet does not need to be placed close to the oven heater, it is better to place it on the very bottom or in the middle of the oven. If this temperature cannot be set, leave the oven door open.

Then the apples need to be dried twice more at a temperature of 65-70 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Ready dried apples are stored in closed glass jars.

According to the second method apple slices are sprinkled twice with sugar at the rate of 200 grams of sugar per 1 kg of apples. The juice is also drained twice. Then dry as in the first method. In this way, varieties of winter and autumn apples with a dense skin and sour taste are dried.

Boil the juice released during the preparation of apples and pour into sterile jars. Seal hermetically. The juice of sweet varieties of apples can be blended with more acidic varieties or juice of other fruits and berries.

The syrup is also poured immediately after draining into clean sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

Third way make sun-dried apples like this. For 1 kg of prepared apples, i.e. chopped and peeled, take 100 grams of sugar. Slices of apples are poured with sugar, oppressed and kept for a day at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Then the juice is drained and dried at a temperature of 65 degrees in the oven until the apples are completely cooked.

Now on sale there are electric dryers for fruits and berries, different in volume and material. such a dryer greatly facilitates and simplifies the drying process. With an electric dryer, making your own homemade dried apples is not difficult. And in winter, there will always be a useful vitamin product on your table.

Dried apples with pumpkin

Dried apples with pumpkin are very tasty. I myself don’t really like pumpkin, except for porridge. But dried with apples I eat with pleasure. And the juice is delicious.

The preparation process does not differ from the preparation process for drying some apples. Pumpkin and apples are taken in equal proportions. It is better to cut the pumpkin into small sticks no more than 2 cm thick. In order for the pumpkin and apples to be dried at the same time, they must be approximately the same in size.

For 1 kg of apples and 1 kg of pumpkin take 400 grams of sugar. Slices of pumpkin and apples are sprinkled with sugar and put oppression. Withstand eight, ten in a cool room at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Then the resulting juice is drained, and the slices are laid out on a wire rack and dried in the oven at 65-70 degrees.

The juice must immediately be brought to a boil, poured into jars and sealed tightly.

In winter, dried apples with pumpkin can be used for making pies, as a filling for pies, for making cereals and sweet soups.

It's also easy to make dried apples with pumpkin in a fruit dryer.

When it comes time to harvest apples, gardeners need to preserve the fruits for the winter by preparing them in various ways. Traditionally, in addition to boiling and corking compotes, housewives are busy preparing dried fruits. The article is devoted to drying apples, it describes the methods of such harvesting and gives recommendations for storing the finished product.

Advantages and disadvantages of drying apples

This method of harvesting apples has many positive aspects, which is why the method has been popular for many decades. In addition to apple slices, plums, pears, cherries, and peaches can be cooked in this way. Of the shortcomings of the method of preparing dried fruits, only the duration of the process can be noted.

In winter, when there is little or no fresh fruit of good quality, it is worth trying to eat dried fruits. They are a valuable and nutritious addition to meals. This product can also be used as a snack on its own. Dried fruits are much healthier than sweets with sugar, although they have a sweet taste.

  • Benefits of drying apples:
  • You can use fruits that are poorly stored or have already begun to deteriorate. The spoiled parts of the fruit are simply cut off.
  • Home dried fruit can be stored for a long time without losing taste and nutritional qualities.
  • Dried fruits can be given to children instead of sweets without fear for the integrity of the teeth.
  • Dry apples are added to various dishes, thereby enriching their taste and saturating the human body with vitamins.

Did you know? Dried fruits, along with grains and oils, were placed in the tombs of the dead Egyptian pharaohs. These products symbolized the future prosperity in the afterlife of the ruler.

In winter, people's health often deteriorates, as the body feels a deficiency of nutrients. Many of them can be found in dried fruits and make food more varied and tastier.

Health benefits of eating dried fruits:

  1. The process of drying fruits involves the evaporation of water from them. The result is a condensed product with a high content of trace elements, mineral salts, vitamins, and fructose. Since about 80% of raw fruit is water, consuming the same amount of dried fruit by volume (compared to fresh) provides the body with much more nutrients.
  2. They are also a very high-calorie product, so although they are a valuable addition to the diet, they do not need to be eaten without restrictions.
  3. Dried fruits are especially recommended in conditions of physical and mental fatigue. It is worth giving them to children as an addition to the second breakfast, because this product improves concentration and facilitates learning. They are a good source of energy for athletes and people who work hard. Dried fruits provide important micronutrients for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children. They are also invaluable as a healthy substitute for sweets for people of all ages.

What varieties are suitable for drying?

To get dried apple slices, you can take the fruits of summer and autumn varieties as raw materials. In early ripening fruits, the skin and pulp are not too dense, unlike late ripening varieties. Early apples are less juicy than later ripening varieties. For drying, both early and late varieties are usually used.

Apple varieties suitable for drying:

  • Granny Smith;
  • Rennet;
  • Grandee.

Did you know? 100 g of dried fruits contain 3.5 times more fiber, vitamins and minerals than the same amount of fresh and juicy fruits.

Preparing apples

Drying apples are washed well in several waters until the water remains absolutely clear. Such a thorough washing is necessary for fruits due to the fact that dried apples are eaten with the skin. Washed apples are laid out to dry from moisture, after which each fruit is additionally dried with a napkin or kitchen towel. Dry fruits are cut with a sharp knife into slices, while removing testes and seeds from them.

For drying, slicing apples can be done in several ways: quarters, rings and half rings. The thickness of the fruits intended for drying should not be too large, as the fruits will not dry well. It is also advisable to make not too thin slices when cutting, so that the fruit is not overdried during the cooking process. The optimal thickness of fruit slices is 2–2.5 cm. To enhance the taste, you can soak the slices in sugar syrup.

Options for cooking apples at home

You can cook apple drying at home in several ways and according to different recipes. Each hostess chooses, depending on her capabilities, the most suitable cooking method. Owners of an electric device for drying vegetables (dehydrator) can easily cook any fruit, not just apples.
It is also convenient to use the oven to harvest fruit for the winter. You can also cook homemade fruit preparations in the old proven way that our grandmothers used - drying in the open air.

Drying apples in the sun

The least energy-consuming way of winter harvesting is drying fruits with the help of the sun and wind. This method has long been used by orchard owners to harvest dried fruits for the winter.

Important! So that the apples do not darken during cutting, it is recommended to lower the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsections into a basin of water, where a little citric acid is added (1 tbsp of citric acid per 10 liters of water).

How to dry apples in the sun:
  1. Sunny and windy days are chosen for drying.
  2. Prepared fruits are laid out both on metal and mesh pallets in one layer. After that, the drying trays are taken out into the open air (in the courtyard of a private house or on an open balcony). Also, if desired, you can string pieces of fruit on a thread and dry in bundles, placing them in a draft and the sun.
  3. One of the obvious disadvantages of this method is the possibility of penetration of insects (flies, bees and wasps) to the drying fruit. Since insects can carry all kinds of bacteria and viruses on their paws, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of their contact with fruits. Trays with drying apples can be covered with gauze or other thin and well-permeable fabric.
  4. During the day, fruits need to be dried outside, under the hot rays of the sun. In the evening, drying is recommended to be brought into the room, since dew often falls in the morning (it may rain), and the dried fruits will get wet.
  5. Depending on the weather, it will take 5 to 10 days for the apples to dry completely. Dried apples ready for storage will make a pleasant rustling dry sound.

In the oven

To dry the apple slices in the oven, the hostess should be patient, as this is a lengthy process. For these purposes, you can use both an electric and a gas oven. Using the oven is convenient, as you can dry a large amount of fruit at the same time.

Important! You can not cover the baking sheets with newspaper sheets, as they are covered with paint. The contact of fruits and chemicals used in printing ink is hazardous to human health.

Drying apples in the oven:
  1. The trays are lined with white paper.
  2. Fruit slices are laid out on top of the paper in one layer. The layout is carried out so that the fruits do not touch each other. It is not recommended to stack apples in several layers, as in this case the fruit will not be able to fully dry.
  3. From 2 to 3 baking sheets filled with apple slices are placed in the oven at the same time. During the drying process, the hostess should periodically swap the baking sheets (upper down and vice versa).
  4. During the first two hours, the oven thermostat is set to 80-85°C. This temperature is recommended during cooking until a dry crust appears on the fruit slices (2.5–3 hours).
  5. Next, let the oven cool down, then turn the oven on and off again twice. The duration of each subsequent drying period is about 40 minutes, during which time the thermostat is set at 65-70°C. Between each drying phase, the oven (together with the contents) cools down completely.
  6. During the entire cooking process, the oven door should remain slightly ajar (1–1.5 cm).
  7. Usually, with this method of preparation, dried apples are ready in 5–6 hours. But it is impossible to specify a more accurate cooking time, since in each case it depends on the amount of fruit and their juiciness.

In an electric dryer

This is the easiest way to dry apples. To do this, pre-soaked in sugar syrup and dried fruit slices are laid out on trays for drying, after which the temperature specified in the instructions for the device is set. Further, the electric dryer copes on its own.
At the end of cooking, the device will beep, and the hostess only needs to remove the finished dried fruit. Depending on the model and capacity of the dehydrator, the drying process will take from 3 to 6 hours.

What do they eat and where do they add dried apples?

Apple fruits prepared in this way are eaten throughout the year. During dietary nutrition, dried fruits replace sugar in the diet. Also chopped fruit pieces added to the curd mass, cereals and pastries. Dried fruits are also popular as a snack between main meals.

How to store at home?

Ready dried fruits are placed in a dry, hermetically sealed jar, where they are stored for a year.. The jar can be made of glass, plastic or ceramic. The most suitable place to store a container with dried apple slices would be a dry pantry or mezzanine. In the room where dried fruits are stored, the positive temperature must be observed.

The main condition for good preservation of the product will be the absence of temperature differences, which can cause condensation and moisture penetration to the fruit. In this case, mold will develop on the dried fruits, and they will become unsuitable for human consumption.

Did you know? Before the advent of sugar, fruits for the winter were harvested in the form of drying or jam boiled with honey.

Dried apples are a popular and easy-to-prepare preparation for the winter. The hostess should spend a little time, and the family will be provided with sweet, tasty and healthy dried fruits for the winter.