Mushroom caviar from pigs (harvesting for the winter). Recipes for harvesting mushroom caviar from cowsheds for the winter Mushroom caviar from pigs for the winter


As a rule, mushrooms are harvested by salting or canning, but there is another equally popular method of preserving this product - mushroom caviar for the winter.

Mushroom caviar prepared in canned form can be used to make hot or cold sandwiches, and also as a dressing - to saturate dishes with mushroom flavor and aroma. In addition, such caviar is an excellent ingredient for salad dressings based on mayonnaise or sour cream. Which mushrooms to choose for this blank is up to you. And we will tell you about two recipes. The first one is from the very popular autumn mushrooms, and the second from an unusual type of mushroom (it is unusual in that not everyone collects this species) - pigs.

How to cook mushroom caviar from butter:

  • Fresh boletus - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 4 - 6 pcs;
  • Water - 800 ml;
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l. for 0.5 l. caviar;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Greenery;
  • Garlic;
  • Spices;
  • Hell leaves.

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan and dissolve the salt in it, put the pre-peeled oil there (you need to carefully remove the brown film from the hat), then cook them over medium heat until they settle to the bottom.
  2. We clean, cut the onion. Fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Mushrooms, onions - grind through a meat grinder, simmer for 10 minutes. Season the resulting mass with vinegar and spices to taste.
  4. Mushroom caviar from butter for the winter is preserved in dry sterilized jars, on the bottom of which, first of all, greens and garlic are placed, and then the mushroom mass.
  5. We tightly cover the surface of the caviar placed in jars with horseradish leaves, then close the jars with lids (you can use plastic or iron ones).
Store in a similar way cooked caviar in a cool place.

Mushroom caviar for the winter from pigs

You can eat pigs only after you clean, rinse and boil these mushrooms well.

  • Boiled pigs - 1.5 kg;
  • Onion - 750 gr.;
  • Carrot - 400 gr.;
  • Tomatoes - 400 gr.;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • Vegetable oil 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar essence.

  • Pigs are boiled for 30-40 minutes, after which they are thrown into a colander, washed under cold water. The cooled mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder, followed by bell peppers and tomatoes in the same way.
  • Sliced ​​onions and grated carrots are fried in vegetable oil. Then using a blender, they make a homogeneous mass from them, which is added to the mushrooms.
  • In a container, for subsequent stewing of mushrooms, pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, spread processed vegetables and mushrooms there. Add sugar and salt to taste. After boiling, cook it all over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour.
  • 20 minutes before the end of cooking, chopped garlic is added to the caviar, for convenience, a spadefoot is used. At the very end of cooking, caviar is tried again for salt, if necessary, vinegar essence is added to it.
  • Hot mushroom caviar is laid out in sterilized jars, closed with iron lids. Banks are turned upside down and left to cool.

Mushroom caviar for the winter - video:

Mushroom caviar from pigs (harvesting for the winter)

Pigs cleaned

Yesterday we were in the forest, picking mushrooms: we found boletus, raw milk mushrooms and pigs (I'll fry them). And last year I made caviar from pigs for the winter. It is very tasty, then such a mushroom blank can be used as a filling for pies and casseroles. Caviar is oily and juicy.

Mushroom caviar can be preserved from different types of mushrooms. I give a recipe for harvesting caviar from pigs.

Composition for pig caviar

for 1 basin of mushrooms (7 l)

  • Pig mushrooms - approximately, a bucket (peel);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Onions - 2-3 heads;
  • Vegetable oil for frying onions.

For the marinade, about a basin of mushrooms

  • Allspice - 5 peas;
  • Dried cloves - 2 buds;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • Vinegar essence (70%) - 1 tablespoon.

Preparation of mushroom caviar from pigs

  • Soak the pigs (1 day), periodically changing the water.
  • Boil mushrooms in salted water (1 hour). When cooking, add spices: allspice and cloves (preferably in a gauze bag, so that it can be conveniently removed from the mushrooms later).
  • Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Salt.
  • Drain the water from the mushrooms (put the pigs in a colander). Chop the mushrooms with a blender.
  • Add fried onions to mushrooms. Mix well. Taste and add salt (if necessary).
  • Pour the pigs with 1 cup of vegetable oil (so that the mushrooms are oily), add vinegar essence. Mix everything well, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. You need to stir frequently so that it doesn't burn. Pack hot in prepared jars, roll up with prepared iron or close.
  • Store in a cool place (underground, basement or refrigerator).

Bon appetit!

Posted on June 8, 2017

Continuing a series of articles about preparations for the winter, I publish the following recipe, which I really liked. Today we will talk about how mushroom caviar is made. In autumn, when mushroom hunting begins, many people go to the forest to collect as many mushrooms as possible and then cook them deliciously accordingly.

You can cook soups from mushrooms, fry them with potatoes, pickle them. Yes, much more can be done using forest mushrooms as a basis. Yes, it is forest mushrooms that are best used in this recipe, since they have a wonderful aroma that only those mushrooms that have grown in the forest can have.

The list of dishes in which you can use mushroom caviar is huge. It can be used as an independent dish, boil pasta and add caviar to pasta, it is also perfect for fried potatoes as a side dish. Yes, just opening a jar and spreading mushroom caviar on a piece of fresh bread will also be just great.

Recipe for mushroom caviar with onions

The recipe is quite simple. peel and boil the mushrooms then overcook the onions. add boiled mushrooms passed through a meat grinder to the fried onions. Well, in general, read about all the stages of cooking in more detail.


  • 1-1.5 kg of forest mushrooms.
  • 2 heads of onions.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Lavrushka 1-2 leaves.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vinegar 9% half a tablespoon.
  • Ground red pepper half a teaspoon.
  • Black ground pepper half a teaspoon.

Cooking process.

Of course, the dish will turn out much tastier from forest mushrooms, but mushroom caviar is no worse from those grown on special farms. So you can cook caviar from any mushrooms that you come across.

First you need to sort out the mushrooms. If it is forest, look it over so that there are no worms left in the mushrooms. They especially like to hide in mushroom stalks.

You also need to scrape off the dark forest plaque.

If these are farm mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms, they are grown on sunflower husks that remain on the legs of mushrooms and must also be disposed of.

If there are worms in mushrooms, especially in forest ones, from which it can be problematic to get rid of, there is one sure way. Pour warm water into a saucepan, salt and throw mushrooms into salted water for 30 minutes. From the salt, the worms will crawl out of their hiding places and settle at the bottom of the pan. You just have to carefully collect the mushrooms from the surface and drain the water from the pan. This method, of course, does not apply to those mushrooms that are very heavily populated by worms; of course, it is better to get rid of such mushrooms.

Cut the prepared mushrooms into small pieces. Then we send them to the pan and boil for 30 minutes. To speed up the process a little, before throwing the mushrooms, throw a tablespoon of salt into the water. This will make the water boil much faster.

When you cook mushrooms, foam will appear, which you need to get rid of. If this is not done, there will be so much foam that it will roll over the edge of the pan and spread over the entire stove. So it's best to skim off the foam as needed.

I cook the mushrooms on a gentle boil for 30 minutes. Then I drain the water through a sieve and leave the mushrooms in the sieve so that water drains from them while I work on the rest of the ingredients.

While water is draining from the mushrooms, you can peel the onions. Although I do it at the stage when the mushrooms are cooked. But when they lie in a sieve, by this time the onion is completely peeled and cut into thin half rings. And now you can start frying the onion in vegetable oil. I fry the onion until light brown.

When the water is glass from the mushrooms and they cool down a little, they need to be passed through a meat grinder.

After the meat grinder, the resulting minced mushroom is sent to the onion in a frying pan and stew the mushrooms with onions. Stew mushrooms for about 40 minutes, constantly stirring the mushroom mass with onions.

10 minutes before the end of the stew, you need to throw black pepper and vinegar. Also at this stage, I throw in a couple of leaves of parsley, which will give the dish an additional fragrant aroma. Stir and simmer for another 10 minutes. After we remove the heat completely and remove the lavrushka from the pan, it will not go into jars, as it can give excessive bitterness.

We can say that the caviar is completely ready; now it can be laid out in sterilized jars and screwed on the lids. How to properly and correctly sterilize jars you can read in the article how to sterilize jars for conservation.

We put the jars filled with mushroom caviar in a saucepan with and sterilize for some more time. We sterilize jars with salads according to the following scheme.

Banks of 0.5 liters 30 minutes.

Banks of 0.7 liters 45 minutes.

Banks of 1 liter 60 minutes.

We take out the jars from the pan, twist the lids and make them with the lids down. Cover with something warm and let cool completely. This may take you about a day.

Then you can turn the banks back to normal. And it is desirable to observe them for about a week. If everything goes well and the lids do not swell, then you can transfer the jars with mushroom caviar to a place for long-term storage.

Mushroom caviar recipe with onions and carrots

This recipe will include carrots. It will give an additional sweetish taste to mushroom caviar. Prepared without much effort. Has a pleasant taste. Mushroom caviar will help embellish any dish not only with a beautiful color, but also with an excellent aroma.


  • 1 kg. Mushrooms.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • 2-3 medium carrots.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt pepper to taste.
  • A tablespoon of 9% vinegar.
  • Spices.


We will sort and sort the mushrooms. Only the best specimens will go to caviar. We clean and boil the mushrooms in a lightly salted solution. When cooking mushrooms, do not forget to monitor the foam that will constantly appear on the surface of the water. This foam must be removed with a spoon. Otherwise, it may accumulate so much that it will flow over the edges of the pan.

Then we take out the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a sieve in order to remove excess water from the mushrooms.

While the mushrooms are cooling, prepare the carrots and onions.

Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.

We clean the carrots and pass it through a meat grinder.

Chopped onion must be sent to the frying pan.

Pour a little oil into the pan, wait for it to heat up and throw onions. Fry it for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

We take a deep frying pan because we will add carrots to the onions, and then mushrooms. This of course can be done in a cauldron.

And so, while the onion was fried, I passed the carrots through the meat grinder, and then the cooled mushrooms. But only all in different dishes.

Now add the carrots to the onions and fry the carrot mass a little along with the onions. Approximately 5-10 minutes.

Then I add ground mushrooms to the carrots and onions, mix them, reduce the heat under the pan and simmer the dish for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the caviar from sticking to the walls of the dish.

After 20 minutes of stewing, you need to add the necessary spices to our mushroom caviar, mix and taste for salt. If necessary, add salt to your desired consistency. Also at this stage, I add vinegar and a couple of leaves of parsley.

After another 10 minutes, stop simmering the product.

If you were preparing caviar in order to prepare it for the winter, that is, it is planned to preserve it, I recommend removing the laurel. And if the caviar is eaten in the coming days, then you can leave the laurel in the dish.

Now mushroom caviar can be laid out in a covered with lids and caviar sterilization can be continued directly in jars.

We put the jars in a pot of water, do not forget to put a piece of gauze in 3-4 layers on the bottom. And we sterilize the jars along with the caviar. Above there is a plate which jars need to be sterilized how much.

This completes the recipe. mushroom caviar with onions and carrots is ready. Now you can serve it to the table and delight yourself and those around you with its magnificent aroma and enjoy the wonderful taste of winter days, remembering the hot summer days. I wish you that everything turns out tasty and fast. All the world of goodness and health.

We need:

  • Boiled mushrooms - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 700 g
  • Carrot - 600 g
  • Black pepper (ground) - 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic (we have dried powder) - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons + to taste
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - to taste (for frying and stewing, we take up to 150 ml)

If the garlic is fresh, then 5-7 large cloves.

If you want more spices, then 2 bay leaves and 5 peas of allspice.

Important details.

  • The yield of conservation is about 2.2 liters.
  • It is believed that for a rich result it is better to use fresh forest mushrooms and not even all in a row, but only lamellar ones. Ideal for preparing caviar from mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and champignons.
  • In cases with a meat grinder, this principle is not so important. Feel free to cook from a mixture with tubular. These are white, Polish, flywheels, boletus. Some sliminess during boiling and roasting will be lost in the general ensemble.

How to cook.

Wash the mushrooms well. Better in running water, turning over with hands. Boil in salted water - an average of 20-30 minutes. Mushrooms are cooked if they sink to the bottom.

Drain the liquid through a colander. Excess moisture is useless to us. You can put it on a towel to air dry while we prepare the onions and carrots.

With them, everything is also simple: clean, grind and fry in a pan, like a soup dressing. First, the onion in hot oil - hold for 2-3 minutes until translucent. Then we pour carrots to it - another 5-7 minutes on fire. We process this colorful mixture through a meat grinder. It is better to put a large grill.

Following the root crops, we send boiled mushrooms to the twisting. Mix the mass, salt and add pepper and garlic powder.

We extinguish everything on a small fire. This takes up to 50 minutes. At the end, we taste for salt, adjust for ourselves and pour in the vinegar. Stirred, sweated for another 5 minutes and laid out hot in sterilized jars.

If we use fresh garlic, then it is better to chop it with a knife and put it in the stew 15 minutes before the end.

Let's add variety

With the same composition, you can make caviar differently.

  • We chop the mushrooms with a knife - at home, randomly, then smaller, then larger. Through a meat grinder we turn only fried onions and carrots. It will turn out richer and very harmonious. We have this option - one of the most favorite stocks for future use.

There is also a third algorithm for the indicated proportions.

  • It is for lovers of homogeneous alternatives, when caviar falls on bread like a pate. All at once - through a meat grinder with a large grate, salt and stew. Garlic, favorite spices and vinegar put closer to the end. In this case, the evaporation time of moisture increases - up to 60 minutes. We focus on the readiness of carrots and be sure to test for salt before putting vinegar.

By the way, among the ingredients there may be ripe tomatoes of not the most watery variety (cream, etc.). We slightly reduce the carrots and onions, and decorate the composition with tomatoes for their total weight. Another idea with a consistent result for our recipes is munching!

"Kaleidoscope" of boiled mushrooms with vegetables

Let's not limit ourselves. Let the first violin be accompanied not only by the usual duet, but by a whole vegetable orchestra. Moreover, this mushroom melody can be preserved until the new year even without vinegar.


  • Mushrooms (boiled) - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 600-800 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Carrot - 300 g
  • Sweet pepper (red) - 300 g
  • Salt - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Oil - 150-200 ml
  • Parsley - 1 medium bunch
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste
  • Allspice (peas) - to taste

Yield - approximately 3 l


Let's prepare the mushrooms. We wash them and boil them in salted water - an average of 20-30 minutes. Drain excess liquid through a colander.

Now the key point is to choose one of the three grinding options. You can skip everything through a meat grinder, beat in a blender to a consistency with small pieces or finely chop with a knife. This will determine the texture of the snack.

We especially like the contrast, when the gifts of the forest and tomatoes go through a meat grinder, and we chop the vegetables finely with a knife or use a grater. Try it if you have an extra minute.

So, in different bowls, scroll mushrooms and tomatoes through a large grill.

Finely chop pepper and onion. Three carrots on a grater, size to taste, large regular - as always, out of place.

Fry the onion until golden - 3-4 minutes. Add pepper and carrots to it - 5 minutes on fire. The next tomatoes - stew for 5 minutes.

The mushroom mass is sent last to the mixture. Stew caviar - 30 minutes. Do not forget to wield a spatula with passion a couple of times - so the dish does not burn.

By the end of cooking, add salt and sugar, herbs and spices. Simmer for another 10 minutes and hot lay out the caviar in jars.

For long-term storage, sterilization is needed: 500 ml - 10 minutes, 1 liter - up to 20 minutes. We count from the moment of boiling water, which we pour on the shoulders of the cans.

Hermetically rolled up, let the stocks cool under the blanket. It is best to store in a cool place, away from light.

The charm will stand all winter, if you add 1 teaspoon of vinegar per jar (0.5-0.7 liters). Without a bite, only acids from tomatoes act as a preservative.

"Solnechnaya" with carrots, onions and zucchini

The case when additional vegetables are tasty to cut. Zucchini is the basis here. Our favourites! How easily they adapt to the mushroom disposition. We will get a very tender dish, where, however, there will be something to chew on. A wonderful ensemble not only for bread, but also as a side dish.

According to the algorithm, the recipe is similar to the previous ones, but will require sterilization. But we do not need to pre-boil the mushrooms. If there is a choice, it is better to take lamellar ones or their mixture with tubular ones.

We need:

  • Zucchini - 2 kg
  • Fresh mushrooms - 800 g
  • Tomatoes - 800 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Carrot - 300 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Turmeric - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 60-80 g
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml (150+100)
  • Apple cider vinegar (6%) - 5 teaspoons

Important details.

  • The yield of conservation is about 4.5 liters.
  • We take young zucchini whole. We remove the skin and seeds from the old ones. The latter can be easily scraped off with a spoon.

How to cook.

We cut the zucchini into small cubes. In the same size, chop the tomatoes (you can peel). Finely chop the onion. Three carrots on a grater.

We twist the washed and slightly air-dried mushrooms through a meat grinder. If you want to cut, then in the size of zucchini.

In a large saucepan, fry the onion and add turmeric and salt. Zucchini are sent to them - simmer the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat. Then put the tomatoes and sugar - another 10 minutes on the fire.

During this time, separately fry the mushrooms with oil so that the liquid evaporates a little. We send the condensed mushroom mass to a saucepan. Stir and simmer gently for up to 10 minutes.