Currant preparations for the winter. Currant preparations What to prepare from black currants

Good afternoon dear friends. Black currant is considered a fountain of vitamins, a cocktail of useful elements that nature gave to humans to maintain health. The berry is very tasty, preserves its beneficial qualities well during storage, and is able to support the body in conditions of winter or spring vitamin deficiency.

To do this, during the ripening period it is canned, frozen, compotes, jam, etc. are prepared. At the same time, they also grab leaves from the bush and dry them. How are blackcurrants prepared for the winter? Today we have many recipes about this.

During the long winter months, an extra dose of natural medicine won’t hurt. The article will be useful to those who love this wonderful berry and want to enjoy its taste in the winter.

It is not known why this berry is so valued, for its unique properties as a medicine or excellent taste. The ability to heal black currants has been revered in Russia since the 11th century, and from the 15th century the berry was taken into account by the Pskov and Novgorod monasteries.

The berries are saturated with a huge amount of vitamin C, valuable for humans, for a food product; only 50 g of jam or fresh berries is enough to cover the daily requirement. And the currant itself will begin to work and protect a person from atherosclerosis and anemia, boost immunity, and cure kidney and upper respiratory tract diseases. Its folic acid will protect against radiation and help remove toxins from the body.

The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of berries do not need advertising. If you are taking antibiotics for treatment, an infusion of currant berries will increase their activity tenfold. By combining currants with honey, you will get a good cure for hypertension.

Finally, you can go over its antiviral properties: it fights the pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery, staphylococcus, and treats diarrhea.

Currant leaves (harvesting for the winter)

When picking currants, do not ignore their leaves. This is a real vitamin piggy bank.

For example, it is rich in vitamin C more than the berries themselves. So regular leaf tea will replenish your supply of vitamins.

In order for the leaves to subsequently bring maximum benefit, it is advisable to follow certain rules when collecting them:

  • Collect the leaves not with the berries, but earlier, when they have just blossomed.
  • In terms of time, the leaves are most saturated with vitamins in the first half of the day: before the bright sun rises, but after the dew has dried.
  • If you didn’t manage to get your bearings in time and you still don’t have the collected leaves, it doesn’t matter. It's not too late to pick them until autumn. Of course, they are no longer young, but they are well saturated with the aroma of currants, and the tea will be truly fragrant.
  • When choosing leaves for winter storage, discard those that are damaged, eaten away, or diseased.
  • There are several ways to dry the leaves; an oven, a place under a tree, or a veranda are suitable.
  • The main thing is to protect the leaves from direct sunlight while drying.
  • If you have a dryer, the question of where to dry the berries disappears by itself.

The resulting raw materials can be used instead in winter; in order to emphasize the medicinal properties, it is recommended to take it with milk and honey. Currant leaves are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic and disinfectant.

Pickled currants

Place washed, clean berries in jars, filling the space up to the hanger. Pour in hot marinade. Sterilize for 3 minutes. Screw on the lids, turn the jars over, and keep warm until completely cool.

Marinade: 1 liter of water, a glass of 9% vinegar, 800 g of sugar.

Recipe No. 2 for diabetics

Prepare the berries as per the recipe above, add water, sterilize for 5 minutes, roll up and keep warm, under a fur coat.

Recipe No. 3

The easiest way. In a separate pan, cook the blackcurrants, to which you have added a few tablespoons of juice or mashed berries. Add sugar in half the weight of currants. Cook for 5 minutes. Place into jars and roll up.

Blackcurrant without cooking

This recipe for jam, which doesn’t even need to be boiled, can be safely called sweet summer, because the entire vitamin complex of currants remains intact, while the aroma of summer is preserved. The recipe itself:

  • You sort the berries especially carefully, leaving only whole ones, without defects. Rinse with water and allow the moisture to drain to keep the berries dry.
  • Grind blackcurrants in a blender.
  • Combine the berries with the same amount of sugar by weight.
  • Stir thoroughly and wait to put into jars until the sugar dissolves.
  • Distribute the jam into sterilized jars. Stored in the refrigerator under plastic covers.

Five-minute jam

Cooking is quick and easy, it only takes 5 minutes. The recipe is in front of you:

  • Sort the berries well, remove any bruises or defects. Fill them with water so that the last layer of berries on top is not covered with moisture.
  • Place the currants on the fire and bring to a light boil until bubbles appear.
  • Add sugar to the jam according to the weight of the berries. That's it - the time clock has started. There are 5 minutes left until the end of cooking.
  • Stir the jam while heating until the sensation of sugar disappears.
  • Pour hot jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids, turn the container over and wrap it in warm clothes.
  • You can take out the jars only after they have cooled down.

How to freeze

Freezing berries is the easiest and most cost-effective option for preparing berries for the winter. In addition, almost all vitamins are preserved in currants.

  1. We wash the berries, let them dry, put them in bags and put them in the freezer.
  2. Another option for freezing is to puree the blackcurrant berries in a blender, add a little sugar (100 grams per 1 kg of berries), mix again and place in containers and in the freezer. I use small 250 g ones with lids. These jars are very convenient to store in the freezer. In winter you get it, and the berries are fresh and aromatic.


It’s hard to imagine, but there are cases when the use of blackcurrant should be treated with caution.

Please note that if you have the following diseases, limit your consumption of black currants, or monitor your well-being and do not abuse the product:

  • in case of thrombophlebitis and blood clotting disorders, you should not uncontrollably consume black berries, they can cause thrombosis,
  • exclude currants from the diet of relatives who have just suffered a heart attack or stroke,
  • pay attention to reasonable consumption of berries during hepatitis, you can eat them, but with caution,
  • limit consumption of berries in case of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Perhaps many of the properties of black currant were familiar to you, and you have wonderful recipes in your collection of home secrets. Be sure to share, blackcurrant deserves to become the most respected berry on the winter table.

Bon appetit and good mood! If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends, press the social network buttons. See you again on the pages of the site.

Currants are a delicious berry, rich in vitamin C and containing natural pectin. It is great for making jam, jam, jellies and compotes. In our selection of recipes with currants you will find simple and tasty preparations for the winter.

For preparations you can use red, black and white currants. Red currant berries make better jelly, thanks to the pectin contained in the berries. Black currants are better suited for making jam and grinding with sugar. White currants can be added to compotes.

Making such jam is not difficult, and you can use it as an additive to desserts.

You will need: 250 g blackcurrant berries, 150 g cherry berries, 200 g sugar, 3 liters of water.

Preparation. Rinse the berries. Boil water, add sugar and berries. Cook until the berries float to the surface. Then transfer the berries to a jar, fill with syrup and immediately roll up.

Use only good, whole currants and gooseberries for compote.

You will need: 1 glass of currant berries, 1 glass of gooseberries, 100 g of sugar, 2 liters of water.

Preparation. Rinse the berries well. Boil water, add sugar and berries. To prevent gooseberries from losing their shape, you can pierce them with a toothpick. Boil the compote for 7-10 minutes, immediately pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Currant berries can simply be ground with sugar and frozen, and then used as a filling for pies or an ingredient for sauces.

You will need: 1 kg of black currants, 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Rinse the berries thoroughly and dry. Grind with a blender or grind in a meat grinder until pureed. Add sugar and stir well to dissolve. Place the container with the berry mixture in the refrigerator, then stir, place in clean containers and place in the freezer.

Currants prepared without sugar can be stored well for a year in the cellar or refrigerator.

You will need: currant berries.

Preparation. Wash the berries and place them in clean jars. Fill to the top with hot water, cover with lids, and place the jars themselves in a container with warm water (water bath), bring to a boil and sterilize depending on the size of the jars: sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes. Roll up immediately.

Use red currants to make jam. You will receive an attractive-looking blank with a bright, rich color.

You will need: 1 kg of red currants, 0.5 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Rinse the berries, place in a saucepan and crush with a potato masher. Add sugar and place the pan over low heat. Cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.

Then increase the heat and cook, stirring frequently, until the jam thickens. Immediately pour the jam into jars, sterilize and roll up or cover with lids, cool and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

For this preparation, it is better to take black currant berries; they have a richer taste and aroma.

You will need: 1 kg of black currants, 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Rinse the berries thoroughly, dry and place in a blender bowl along with sugar. Puree the berries until smooth. Place the resulting berry mass in sterilized jars, sprinkle sugar on top, close the lids and store in a cool, dark place.

Currant juice can be prepared without sugar or add a little to taste.

You will need: 1 kg of black currants, sugar to taste, 0.5 liters of water.

Preparation. Place the washed berries in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Then cool, strain into another pan, and squeeze the juice out of the berries. Strain again, add sugar and bring the juice to a boil. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Save it for yourself our selection of recipes with currants to make delicious preparations for the winter!

Blackcurrant is so healthy that preparing several jars of berries for the winter without cooking is the task of every housewife who cares about the health of her family members. You can make a preparation by simply grinding currants with sugar. Cold, fresh jam will provide a good dose of vitamin C, for which the berry is famous, which is very important in the cold. They make live jelly and jam. Many people prefer to freeze or dry the berries, thereby ensuring maximum benefits.

An important preparation condition is the selection of berries. For any type of preparation, select not too overripe, whole berries, without signs of spoilage. If you break this rule, you risk soon losing your preservation, since currants are not heat-treated.

How much sugar will you need

When preparing currants, it is important to maintain the correct ratio of sugar and berries. As a rule, unless specifically stated in the recipe, the proportion is 1:1, that is, exactly a kilogram of berries is taken per kilogram of granulated sugar.

Black currants, pureed with sugar without cooking

The sugar mixture can be distributed into jars and placed on a shelf in the refrigerator. A good way is to put it in trays or bags. Then freeze in the freezer and pack compactly, taking up very little space.


  • Currants – 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.

How to make cold jam:

  1. Remove the berries from the branches, free them from other debris, and select specimens suitable for harvesting for the winter.
  2. Wash and dry on a napkin. Many people try to remove the outer tails from the berries. I think this is extra and unnecessary work - leave it.
  3. Next, you have several options. Pound the currants with a masher, use a blender or pass through a meat grinder. There is one nuance here: the mass will turn out completely homogeneous. Many people like to find whole berries in the ground mass (I am one of them).
  4. Therefore, I put a third of the currants in a bowl. I chop the main amount, then return the whole berries to the total mass.
  5. The next step is to sprinkle the berries with sugar and stir. Leave it for a while. The sweetness should completely dissolve. How long will it take? In different ways, the process depends on the juiciness of the berries. If you want to speed up the process, stir more often.
  6. When the sugar dissolves, fill the jars with the ground berries and send them to a permanent storage location.

Preparing blackcurrants without sugar

There are three ways to make a healthy preparation for the winter without using granulated sugar.

Grated currants without sugar

In the previous recipe, I told you how to prepare pureed currants with sugar. To preserve fresh berries, adding sweetness is not at all necessary. Grind, transfer to trays or plastic bags. Place in the freezer.

How to dry berries

Nowadays, few people are engaged in drying berries, and in vain. This makes it possible not to lose vitamins, and will save space on the shelves of the refrigerator.

Pick currants in sunny weather. It is not necessary to pick the berries from the tassels. Place loosely on a baking sheet and place in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 60 o C. I advise you to open the oven door slightly to evaporate moisture. Place the dry berries in a jar and screw the lid on tightly.

How to freeze currants

As with drying, currants do not need to be washed, since the berries may become deformed when frozen.

Place the berries in a layer on a tray and place in the freezer. Set it to fast freeze mode. After a day, take it out, package it in bags and place it tightly in a freezer container.

Blackcurrant jam with orange without cooking

  • Berries – 2 kg.
  • Oranges - a couple of pieces.
  • Sugar – 3 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the currants for harvesting, rinse and dry.
  2. Place in a saucepan and chop using any method you choose.
  3. Wash the orange without removing the skin and divide into 4 parts. Then also turn into puree (use a blender or meat grinder).
  4. Combine the orange mixture with the berry mixture, add sugar and mix well.
  5. Forget for a few hours, waiting for the sweetness to completely dissolve. Don't forget to stir to help the sugar dissolve.
  6. Place the cold jam in jars, tighten and transfer to a cool place. Store for no longer than a year.

No-cooking blackcurrant jelly

I advise you to make powder from sugar, then the texture of the jelly will be soft. Since currants contain natural pectin, no thickeners are required.

  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Black berries – 1 kg.

How to prepare jelly for the winter:

  1. Grind clean berries in any acceptable way. then rub it through a sieve, removing the seeds and skin. Don’t throw away the cake - freeze it, and in winter you can use it when cooking compote.
  2. Add powdered sugar (sugar) and stir. Place the powder in small portions; it will be more convenient to distribute it over the currant mass.
  3. Distribute into sterile containers, roll up, and refrigerate.

Video recipe for black currant jam for the winter without cooking. Good luck with your preparations, and pleasant winter tea parties!

Currants are a tasty and very healthy berry that makes excellent preparations for the winter. You can make preparations from red and black currants for the winter, as well as from white ones, which are no less healthy and tasty. The best recipes for currant jam and jelly with and without sugar can be found in this section.

The most famous recipes for winter preparations with photos and videos from currants (black and red): these are currant jams, which can be cooked quite quickly and easily, as well as jellies, jams and other delicious delicate preparations from black or red currants. It is also worth noting the following unusual recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants with photos and videos:

  • recipes for winter preparations with photos of black and red currants pureed with sugar;
  • recipes for making jam for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • delicious recipes for five-minute preparations for the winter from black currants;
  • unusual recipes for preparing marmalade for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • delicious preparations of black and red currant jelly for the winter with photos and videos;
  • recipes for raw winter jam from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • unusual recipes for Kyiv jam for the winter from black and red currants;
  • unusual recipes for winter blackcurrant jam;
  • unusual winter recipes from frozen black and red currants;
  • recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants.

And also here you will find:

  • delicious recipes for winter preparations from seedless black and red currants;
  • original recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants for diabetics;
  • preparations of black and red currants with fructose for the winter with photos and videos;
  • recipes for winter preparations from assorted black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants in the microwave with photos and videos;
  • unusual recipes for the winter from black and red currants without water;
  • recipes for black and red currants with raspberries with photos and videos;
  • twisted blackcurrant, blackcurrant compote;
  • blackcurrant fig;
  • unusual homemade blackcurrant jam;
  • blackcurrant tkemali sauce;
  • blackcurrant puree.

Desserts are almost impossible to spoil during the preparation process and you can easily make them according to our proven recipes. All recipes for black and red currant preparations present in the section are equipped with thematic photos and videos, so the cooking process will be clear to you. Video recipes for black and red currant preparations may differ slightly from the text recipe, and you can choose any recipe you like. In any case, currant preparations will turn out unusual and tasty, piquant and tender.

The experiments have not been canceled and you can mix both types of berries (black and red currants) and try to prepare such an unusual preparation for the winter. All kinds of jellies, preserves, jams are very tasty. Follow only proven recipes for preparing red and black currants for the winter with photos and videos that are given in this section, and you will always have delicious currant desserts on your table in winter.

Any preparations from berries and fruits, including preparations from black and red currants for the winter, will always please everyone without exception on cold winter days. Preparing dishes is not at all difficult, and everyone will certainly like the result. Read our unusual and delicious recipes with photos and videos and you will be satisfied with the amazing taste of black and red currants prepared for the winter.