Doctor's sausage is the best producer. What kind of sausage is made from meat - research results

Roskachestvo tested the doctor's sausage. Experts assessed the 30 most popular brands on the Russian market. In 14 brands, the doctor's sausage actually turned out to be "doctor's" - traces of antibiotics were found in it!

The check was carried out on 70 indicators. The main conclusion of experts who tested sausages produced in the Belgorod, Vladimir, Vologda, Kursk, Leningrad, Moscow, Pskov, Saratov, Tver and Tomsk regions, in Mordovia, Stavropol Territory, Moscow and St. Petersburg is that they can be eaten. Moreover, almost all brands studied are safe for health. However, foreign impurities were also detected.

There is no tastier bird in the world than pork sausage

GOST prescribes the presence of minced pork and beef in doctor's sausage, but there should be no chicken in it. This rule was violated by products of the Egoryevskaya and Tsaritsyno trademarks. Mechanically deboned chicken meat was found in the sausage allegedly produced according to GOST standards.
In one case, horse DNA was found in doctor's sausage. The “Klinskaya” doctor’s department distinguished itself by the presence of horse meat in minced sausage. In one case, soy was detected in the sausage. At the same time, Novoaleksandrovsky Meat Processing Plant did not declare its presence on the label. Gorin Product uses corn in the production of doctor's sausage. However, the detected traces of corn do not allow us to know whether corn was added to the product intentionally or accidentally.

Doctor's sausage without toilet paper, cats and dogs

In the doctor's sausage "Starodvorskie sausages" the manufacturer indicates animal protein - these are particles of bones and cartilage, poultry skin and heart fragments. Since the sausage is declared not according to GOST, but according to TU, this is not a violation. In Atyashevo sausage, experts found parts of heads, particles of mucous membranes and cartilage. This is also a violation of consumer rights, since the manufacturer did not declare the presence of bones and cartilage on the label.
The main discovery of the study is the collapse of the popular myth that they put toilet paper in the sausage. The fears and fears were not confirmed - there is no paper, moisture-retaining phosphates, cat or dog meat in the doctor's sausage.

History of the doctoral question

“Doctor’s” sausage was developed by employees of the Mikoyan plant. It was given to the sick and party veterans who suffered in the Civil War. The composition of the sausage until 1974 was unchanged and simple: beef, pork, eggs, salt and milk. Current GOST also allows sodium nitrate and spices. If the sausage is produced according to technical specifications, and not according to GOST, then it may contain other types of meat, as well as antioxidants, flavorings, taste and aroma enhancers.
None of the manufacturers violated all sanitary standards, and also provided the sausages with the correct conditions for storing and transporting the products. No samples contained excess amounts of total microorganisms, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridia, Listeria, Salmonella, heavy metals, radionuclides, genetically modified ingredients and nitrosamines.

To the sausage store with a prescription from a doctor: doctor's note with antibiotics

Antibiotics were found in 14 out of 30 doctor's sausages tested. However, with a prescription from a doctor, you should go to the store, not the pharmacy, only for one type of doctor’s note. It is produced by the Provincial Meat Company. In the doctor's note of this brand, the amount of an antibiotic of the tetracycline group (oxytetracycline) exceeded the maximum level allowed by law. In another 13 cases, manufacturers simply did not indicate the correct composition of the sausage, hid ingredients such as soy or carrageenan, and violated GOST stated on the label, which is a violation of consumer rights.
All participants in the examination performed relatively well with preservatives, stabilizers and dyes. Benzoic and sorbic acids, used as artificial preservatives, were not detected in any sample. Starch allowed by GOST, but unacceptable by the advanced standards of Roskachestvo, is used by four brands out of 30: “Vyazanka” and “Starodvorskie sausages”, as well as “Vologda Meat Processing Plant” and “Gorin Product”. The last two manufacturers hide this fact from the buyer.
Manufacturers of eight brands added carrageenan, prohibited by GOST. They all chose not to include this on the product label. “Near Gorki”, “Velkom”, “Vyazanka”, “Gorin Product”, “Dmitrogorsky Product”, “Mikoyan”, “Borodin’s Meat House” and “Cherkizovo” were noticed in this violation.

Greed will destroy Velcom

The weight of almost all packages corresponded to that specified by the manufacturer. Only the doctor's sausage from Velcom turned out to be lighter: a half-kilogram loaf turned out to weigh only 416.4 grams. The underweight was 83.6 grams or almost 17%. Agree, this is a bit much for an honest business.

Highest quality indicator

According to the Roskachestvo standard, doctor's sausage should not contain starch, benzoic and sorbic acids, antibiotics even in the form of traces and dyes E102, E110, E124, E131, E132. “Doctor’s” sausage of six brands was recognized as a product of improved quality: “Balakhonovsky Meat Processing Plant”, “Myasnov”, “Okraina”, “Pit Product”, “Tomarovsky Meat Processing Plant” and “Family Sausages”.
“Pit Product” and “Heirloom Sausages” were also among the best in the study of the quality of milk sausages.
A detailed report on each specific product is available on the Roskachestvo portal.

As part of a fan study by Roskachestvo, 40 brands of “Doctorskaya” sausage were studied using 70 indicators of quality and safety, 30 of which were sent for testing in 2017, and 10 in 2018. The sample included the most popular federal and regional brands among Russians . All of it was produced in Russia (in the Belgorod, Vladimir, Vologda, Leningrad, Moscow, Pskov, Saratov, Tver regions, the Republic of Mordovia, the Stavropol Territory, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg; now sausages from the Amur, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk regions, the Republic of Mari El and the Krasnodar and Perm territories). Today the study includes products from 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The cost of sausage weighing from 320 to 1310 grams ranged from 90 to 499 rubles. According to the results, “Doctorskaya” sausage of nine brands meets the requirements of current quality and safety standards, as well as the requirements of the leading standard of Roskachestvo. The State Quality Mark has already been awarded to the Okraina and Tomarovsky Meat Processing Plant sausages. Also, Doctorskaya will be able to apply for the Russian Quality Mark under the trademarks Agrokompleks, Balakhonovsky Meat Processing Plant, Myasnov, Pit-Product (Pit-Product LLC), Romkor, Snezhana and Family sausages."


The testing program for Doktorskaya sausage included the indicators of GOST R 52196-2011 “Cooked sausage products. Technical conditions". Roskachestvo also examined the product for the presence of foreign DNA. According to the standard of the Russian quality system, “Doctorskaya” sausage, applying for the Quality Mark, should not contain starch, preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and dyes: E102, E110, E124, E131, E132, as well as antibiotics even in trace quantities.

The study of “Doctor’s” sausage has become one of the most popular among citizens of our country. After its publication, consumers from different regions of the country began to actively write on the portal, on social networks and in the mobile application of Roskachestvo with a request to explore sausages of other brands: federal and regional, large and local. Of course, we could not leave these letters unanswered. Therefore, we decided to make the research regular and supplement it with the results of Doktorskaya’s testing of new brands.

Sausage: sterile product

Is what we eat safe? In relation to “Doctor’s” this question is especially acute. This is evidenced by the number of publications about the quality of “folk” sausage and the desire of consumers to see this particular study on the Roskachestvo portal. Let’s not languish fans of “Doctorskaya” for long. All examined “Doctorskaya” sausages are safe. No microbiological violations were found in it. It also does not contain heavy metals, radionuclides and genetically modified ingredients (GMI).

In particular, this indicates that production controls were not violated at the enterprises and sanitary and hygienic requirements were observed. According to test results, the sausage is produced under sterile conditions.

The Doctor’s sausage was so named because it was intended for “sick people whose health was compromised as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.” It was developed by employees of the Mikoyan plant by order of the People's Commissariat of Health. Initially, in the 30s of the last century, this sausage included beef, pork, eggs, salt and milk. The recipe remained unchanged until 1974 - then they decided to add a little starch and flour to “Doctorskaya”. Now in sausage made according to GOST, sodium nitrite and spices are allowed, and in sausage made according to specifications - flavorings, antioxidants, flavor and aroma enhancers.

"Doctor's" antibiotics

Again animal products - and again antibiotics (see studies broiler chickens). This time they were found in products from 17 brands, that is, in almost half of the products studied. Let us recall that the presence of antibiotics is associated with their residual content in meat, which is used for the manufacture of processed meat products.

Although it is worth mentioning that in the sausages of 16 brands there was no excess of the norms, but trace amounts were detected, indicating non-compliance with the terms of pre-slaughter holding or concentration. Manufacturers of these goods are not violators, but their products are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

But one manufacturer violated the mandatory requirements established by law. In branded sausage "Provincial Meat Company" the amount of tetracycline antibiotic is 1.5 times higher than the maximum permissible level.

For comparison: in the “Dairy” sausages of the “Provincial Meat Company” TM, no excess of antibiotics was recorded during the corresponding study. The reason for this instability is the imperfection of veterinary control (it is impossible to control the content of antibiotics in each carcass).

In turn, “Doctorskaya” sausage under the “Vladimirsky Standard” and “Rublevsky” trademarks contains trace amounts of antibiotics, which are allowed in the product. Let us note that the sausages of these brands contained antibiotics in quantities exceeding the norms of the CU TR.

Comments on the situation Maxim Sinelnikov, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the National Meat Association:

– In some product samples tested, traces of antibiotics were found within the error level. On the one hand, this is a problem for manufacturers who, when monitoring input raw materials, missed raw materials with residual traces of antibiotics. On the other hand, this problem is due to the fact that slaughterhouse enterprises do not sufficiently control antibiotic residues in slaughter products, livestock enterprises carry out insufficient control of feed for the content of antibiotics, or enterprises abuse antibiotics and use them in violation of the recommendations for use.

– In this case, it is advisable for processing enterprises and raw material suppliers to establish deeper interaction to eliminate problems with raw materials. Already today, the meat industry is actively introducing electronic veterinary certification, which ensures traceability and allows the manufacturing enterprise to receive exclusively safe meat raw materials from suppliers. Mandatory electronic veterinary certification should come into force in 2018, and the introduction of traceability in enterprises cannot be delayed. In addition, there is a problem in the current regulation, namely in the standardization of maximum permissible levels (MALs) of antibiotics. For example, the MRL for tetracycline for finished meat products is 10 times stricter than the MRL for raw meat. In other words, when raw meat at the incoming control meets the established requirements, at the same time, during the control of finished products - sausages and sausages containing 60-80% of meat ingredients - the MRL indicator may be exceeded. This problem has been repeatedly identified by the meat processing industry. To solve it, it will be necessary to make changes to technical regulations and synchronize MRL indicators.

Horse, soybeans, corn - what did you find in the sausage?

What is the sausage made from? This issue worries consumers. There are a lot of rumors around sausage, like around any other folk product. Therefore, experts examined “Doctorskaya” for the presence of foreign genetic material (DNA from sheep, horses, dogs and cats, as well as corn and soybeans) and found out:

  • In branded sausage "Novoaleksandrovsky meat processing plant" soybean detected. The manufacturer did not consider it necessary to notify the buyer about this using labeling. However, it is impossible to estimate the amount of soybeans - there is no methodology. There may have been a small amount of soy that got into the spice products.
  • Branded sausage "Gorin product" contains corn. However, the quantities in which it was found do not allow us to know whether corn was added to the product intentionally or accidentally. Therefore, this fact is not considered a violation, but the products of this TM will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.
  • The situation is similar with trace amounts of horse DNA that were found in sausage. "Klinsky".

Read more about where “foreign” DNA comes from in meat products. .

In addition to excess genetic material, experts looked at whether the sausage also contained the declared meat. In particular, they looked for DNA from pigs and cattle. As a result, for the first time during our research, in the supposedly pork and beef “Doctor’s” we did not find the declared beef at all! This is how the sausage manufacturer deceived consumers "Yola"(Mari El Republic). To be fair, it is worth noting that Yola sausage is one of the cheapest sausages that took part in the study. Its purchase price was 190.08 rubles. for one kilogram.

Despite this, experts have identified many positive facts that even debunk popular myths:

  • In most of the sausages examined, experts found exactly the DNA that corresponded to the meat declared in the composition (pig or cow). And in principle, regardless of whether there are any additional ingredients in the composition, the DNA of pigs and cows is recorded in sausages of 39 out of 40 brands. Sausage is actually made from meat.
  • Of the 40 brands, only one contained soy. Thus, the myth about the widespread use of soy was not confirmed.
  • Cellulose was not found in any of the samples - there is no paper in the Doktorskaya composition!
  • And the absolutely terrible myth about the use of cat and dog meat in the production of sausage was smashed to smithereens. The DNA of our pets was not found in any of the samples examined.

Our expert comments Maxim Sinelnikov:

– The study showed that there is a problem with the so-called trace effect. This is when an in-depth analysis reveals ingredients not declared by the manufacturer on the label. Existing research methods have very high sensitivity at the DNA level. These methods only say that there is a detection, but such methods cannot tell how much of the undeclared ingredient as a percentage of the product was detected. It is impossible to say unequivocally that the manufacturer is a violator, since, for example, carrageenan or starch could get into the product unintentionally. For example, when using a complex food additive or spice that contained an undeclared ingredient, traces of it, that is, hundredths or thousandths of a percent, were detected during the study. The legislation does not establish threshold values ​​for such cases, which automatically makes any manufacturer of processed products a violator. This problem needs to be solved in two directions. First, it is necessary to develop methods that allow the amount of an undeclared ingredient to be determined. Secondly, it is necessary in the legislation to establish a requirement for mandatory indication on the labeling of all ingredients if their quantity exceeds the established threshold. Such a mechanism has now been implemented for cases where the manufacturer did not use GMOs in the production of food products, but may contain traces of GMOs. In this case, the content of 0.9% or less GMOs in food products is an accidental or technically irremovable impurity and such products do not belong to food products containing GMOs. Detection of an unlabeled ingredient in a laboratory test in quantities below the threshold value will mean no violation. After the legislation changes, it will be possible to clearly say which manufacturer has fulfilled the requirement in good faith, and which one is deliberately misleading the consumer, which is falsification and a serious violation of the law.

I agree with Maxim Sinelnikov Ekaterina Luchkina, executive director of the National Union of Meat Processors:

– Let’s think together: a manufacturer whose products contain 95% pure meat (!), plus milk, eggs, salt, spices, who values ​​​​his name and reputation, will he put some fraction of a percent of soybeans in order to damage his image? Of course not! But at present, the regulatory framework does not imply clear distinctions between trace values ​​and the actual presence of a particular type of raw material in a product. To analyze the species composition of products, a qualitative method is used (the result is “yes/no” or “found/not found”), rather than a quantitative method (if found, how many?), the sensitivity of the method is extremely high, almost two molecules are enough to determine the presence ( qualitative method - found). The National Union of Meat Processors considers it extremely necessary to legislatively regulate this issue.

For details on when it is not profitable for manufacturers to adulterate sausage, read.

Chicken question

According to the recommendations of GOST R 52196-2011, Doctor’s sausage must be made from minced pork and beef. There shouldn't be any chicken meat in it. However, it is cheaper, and, as previously shown research on “Dairy” sausages, some manufacturers use this.

So, in “Doctorskaya” under the trademarks "Egoryevskaya" And "Tsaritsyno", manufactured according to GOST, chicken meat was found. The Egoryevskaya sausage contains mechanically separated poultry meat (fragments of bone, cartilage, muscle tissue), and the Tsaritsyno sausage contains meat and fragments of poultry skin. Moreover, both manufacturers did not indicate poultry meat in the composition on the labeling. By doing so, they violated consumers' rights to accurate labeling. Information about the violation was sent to the control and supervisory authorities.

Poultry meat has also been found in some other brands of sausage. But, firstly, the manufacturers manufactured their product according to their own standards (TU), and secondly, they indicated the presence of chicken on the product packaging. Therefore, these manufacturers are not violators. At the same time, they will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark, since they used an ingredient in production that was not recommended by GOST.

Among the sausages manufactured according to specifications, we will highlight the product under the TM “Starodvorskie sausages”. In addition to chicken breast fillets, the composition contains animal protein. What is this - discovered by histology analysis. The composition of the “Doctor’s” “Starodvorskie sausages” includes animal protein itself, as well as particles of bones and cartilage, poultry skin and heart fragments. Apparently, all this is also hidden under the phrase “animal protein”. As stated above, the product is manufactured according to specifications, therefore it is not officially a violator. That is, we are talking not only about the presence of chicken meat in the sausage, but also about the content of offal and mechanically separated meat in the sausage.

In the Atyashevo TM sausage (made from minced pork and beef), experts found parts of heads, particles of mucous membranes and cartilage. By the way, fragments of bones and cartilage were also found by experts in Atyashevo TM sausages. Only then it was also poultry (the manufacturer makes Atyashevo sausage from minced pork and beef). In both cases, the manufacturer did not indicate the presence of bones, cartilage, etc. on the label.

What else is added to sausage?


Carrageenan is used to obtain the required consistency of minced meat when it itself does not contain enough functional protein. It forms the texture of the product. GOST does not allow the presence of carrageenan at all. Well, in any case, the ingredient must be indicated on the label. However, manufacturers of twelve brands added carrageenan to the sausage, but did not put it on the label. This JSC Cherepovets Meat Processing Plant, "Near Gorki", "Velcom", "Knitting", "Gorin product", "Dmitrogorsky product", "Yola", "Kuzbass food processing plant", "Mikoyan", "Borodin's Meat House 1997", "Cherkashin and Partner" And "Cherkizovo". These manufacturers violated consumers' rights to fair labeling. The regulatory authorities were notified about this.


Some manufacturers may use starch to improve the consistency of minced meat and “glue it together.” In principle, it is acceptable in a product manufactured in accordance with GOST. True, with a mandatory indication on the label. However, the Roskachestvo standard does not allow the use of starch for applicants for the Quality Mark. Manufacturers of branded sausages spoke about the presence of starch "Knitting" And "Starodvorskie sausages". On the "Doctor's" label TM "Vologda Meat Processing Plant" starch is not indicated, but experts found a starch-containing component here. The quantities detected indicate that it most likely ended up in a spice product. Finally, the sausage maker "Gorin product" did not indicate the presence of starch on the label.


Current legislation does not regulate the presence of preservatives in sausage. However, the CU TR “Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids” contains a clause that sorbic and benzoic acids are not allowed in meat products for children. Parents often “equip” their children for school with a “Doctorskaya” sandwich. Therefore, Roskachestvo experts examined the sausage for the presence of preservatives. However, benzoic and sorbic acids were not found in it. By the way, about the product for which benzoic acid is mandatory, read .


Phosphates are stabilizers necessary for sausage production. In increased quantities they can have a negative effect on the body. However, in the studied sausage there were no excess amounts of phosphates.

Sodium nitrite

Also, there were no excesses in the content of sodium nitrite (a preservative and color fixative), which is mandatory for sausage. Read , why “Doctorskaya” is pink and how much you need to eat it to cause harm to the body.


Fiber is another moisture-retaining component. It can be used by manufacturers to increase product yield, reduce weight loss during heat treatment, improve structure, etc. Its presence in “Doctorskaya” is not prohibited by law, but the fact of the presence of fiber must be included in the labeling. Sausage producers did not take this into account "Yola", "Tomsky Pig Farm" And "Village Zelenoe": There is no fiber in the labeling of these products, but in fact there is.

"Traditional" underweight

And again the problem of underweight. No, no, and there is at least one manufacturer who deceives the buyer and sells him some air. As the results of the study showed, the manufacturer of the Doktorskaya sausage under the trademark "Velcom". According to the test results, the underweight was almost 17%: a loaf of Velcom sausage weighs 416.4 grams instead of 500 grams. Such deception is a violation of consumer rights.


As in other studies, the organoleptic evaluation of “Doctorskaya” took an important place. This examination was carried out, among other things, by certified organoleptics from the Federal Budgetary Institution “Test - St. Petersburg” in the laboratory.

As the study showed, the most delicious sausage is not always the most natural. The same thing happened with the Milk sausages. And since the main thing is naturalness, the assessment of organoleptics is given only for reference. Readers can see how the taste of “Doctorskaya” was rated by professionals and compare with their own assessment. Is your favorite sausage here?

*Sensory evaluation was carried out by certified sensory experts in the laboratory.

The autonomous non-profit organization "Russian Quality System" conducted a study of doctor's sausage. The study took place in two stages: last year, experts selected 30 brands of sausage from all over Russia, and this year - 10 more.

Specialists from Roskachestvo studied the “doctoral” document according to 70 quality and safety indicators: they checked for E. coli bacteria, antibiotics, foreign ingredients, and also studied taste and appearance. Based on research results, sausage from 9 brands meets not only the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also the advanced standards of Roskachestvo.

According to the results of the study, the best “doctor” on the Russian market in 2018 was sausage of the following brands: “Agrocomplex”, “Balakhonovsky Meat Processing Plant”, “Myasnov”, “Pit-Product” (Pit-Product LLC), “Romkor”, “Snezhana” and “Family Sausages”, “Okraina” and “Tomarovsky Meat Processing Plant”. The last two brands have been awarded the Russian quality mark. Thus, the highest quality sausage in Russia is produced in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Territory, Chelyabinsk and Saratov Regions, Stavropol Territory and Belgorod Region.

The experts also noted that all the studied sausage is safe; no microbiological violations were found in it. It contains no heavy metals, radionuclides or genetically modified ingredients (GMI). According to test results, the sausage is produced under sterile conditions.

No maximum permissible concentrations of antibiotics were found in the sausage. However, they were found in trace amounts in 16 brands. This, however, does not make manufacturers violators.

Roskachestvo experts examined the sausage for the presence of foreign genetic material (DNA from sheep, horses, dogs and cats, as well as corn and soybeans). According to this indicator, all brands included in the 2018 study successfully passed the test.

The experts also looked at whether the sausage contained the meat indicated in its composition. In particular, they looked for the DNA of pigs and cattle and found that sausage of 39 out of 40 brands studied was actually made from the pork and beef meat stated in the composition. Only one “doctoral” brand, “Yola,” does not contain beef (although the manufacturer indicated it on the label).

Roskachestvo specialists also looked for chicken in the sausage, which was cheaper compared to pork and beef. As a result, the producers of sausages of the Egoryevskaya and Tsaritsyno trademarks, made according to GOST, saved money and added chicken meat to the “doctoral” section, and even without indicating this on the packaging. Chicken was also found in other “doctoral” brands, but it was manufactured according to technical specifications (TU) and contained an indication of this on the labeling. These manufacturers cannot be considered violators.

In addition, 12 out of 40 sausage manufacturers added carrageenan to the product without specifying it in the composition. But experts did not find starch in the sausage. There were no excesses of either phosphates, preservatives, or sodium nitrite in the examined “doctoral” section. But in the brands: “Yola”, “Tomsky Pig Farm” and “Selo Zelenoe”, moisture-retaining fiber was found.

Organoleptic evaluation showed that the most delicious sausage is not always the most natural.

Sausage is a daily consumption product in most Russian families. But when buying this or that brand, you cannot always be sure of its quality. Today, the high price of a product cannot be a guarantee of its usefulness.

Roskachestvo conducted a study of popular sausage products on the Russian market for 2 years. Most recently, the first results were published on the website. Based on the data received, we present to you rating of the best sausage of the Doktorskaya brand. The maximum score that a product could score is 5 points.

Let us remind you that Roskachestvo recently investigated and.

10. Romcore – 4.68 points

Romkor received the highest overall rating based on the following criteria: safety indicators of the sausage composition and absence of falsification in the documentation. Roskachestvo recommends this product for use.

9. Agrocomplex – 4.69

The quality of the “Doctor’s” sausage from the Agrokompleks company is confirmed by research by the state organization Roskachestvo. The average price on the Russian market starts from 330 rubles per kilogram. The type is a stick of 15 centimeters and weighing 500 grams.

No hazardous substances for the human body were found in the sausage, and there are also no traces of the use of third-party meat products: dogs, cats, sheep, etc. The Agrocomplex sausage received the maximum rating for compliance with GOST safety requirements and the absence of falsified data in the documentation.

8. Heirloom sausages – 4.71

Doctorskaya sausage, produced by the Russian company Family Sausages, occupies the 8th place in the rating. The species has the shape of a stick 21 centimeters long. The average market price is 335 rubles per kilogram.

The Roskachestvo company in its studies recognized the brand as harmless for food consumption. No traces of arsenic, nitrite or other hazardous substances were found in the product. The highest ratings were awarded to “Doctor’s” sausage “Agrokompleks” for compliance with safety requirements and the absence of falsified data.

7. Sausage shop “Seryshevsky” - 4.73

The next line in the rating goes to sausages produced by the Seryshevsky meat shop. The market price starts from 365 rubles per kilogram. The product is in the form of a 16-centimeter loaf weighing 480 grams.

Research data states that the product is safe for human consumption, since no harmful substances or deviations from standards were found in it. The sausage received the maximum score for compliance with GOST requirements, excellent labeling quality and the absence of false data in the documentation.

6. Tomarovsky meat processing plant – 4.77

The sausage products of the Tomarovsky meat plant are among the 10 best sausages of the Doctorskaya brand. You can buy the product for an average of 337 rubles per kilogram. The appearance is made in the form of a loaf 16 centimeters long and weighing half a kilogram.

“Doctorskaya” does not contain arsenic, dangerous bacteria and DNA of other animal species not declared in the composition. The following quality criteria were awarded a score of 5 points: safety and absence of false information in the documentation.

5. Myasnov – 4.79

The top five in the ranking of the best “Doctor’s” sausage is opened by the products of the Russian manufacturer “Myasnov”. The cost of goods starts from 400 rubles per kilogram. The appearance of the sausage resembles a 27.5 centimeter long loaf in additional plastic packaging.

According to the Roskachestvo study, Myasnov is recognized as one of the best representatives of the Doktorskaya brand sausage family for a number of reasons: the absence of harmful substances in the composition, the absence of foreign animal DNA, and the product’s compliance with GOST requirements. The criteria for safety and the absence of falsified data received the highest rating from experts.

4. Snezhana – 4.8

Sausage products produced at the plant with the piquant name “Snezhana” occupy 4th position in the ranking. The national average cost is 523 rubles per kilogram. The sausage is packed in 16 cm sticks.

The products of the Snezhana plant are recognized as safe food products. The sausage contains no traces of DNA from foreign animals or harmful chemicals. Meat products received the highest rating from experts for meeting the following criteria: production safety, quality of raw materials, absence of false information in the documentation.

3. Pit-Product – 4.81

The third place of honor goes to the sausage produced by Pit-Product, located in St. Petersburg. The average market price in Russia starts from 577 rubles per kilogram. “Doctor’s” sausage is presented in the form of a 15-centimeter long loaf with additional cellophane packaging and weighs 500 grams.

The products are recognized as safe for consumption. The meat product does not contain any foreign harmful substances. Experts rated the criteria of safety, quality and absence of falsified instructions with the maximum number of points.

2. Outskirts – 4.9

The meat products of the Okraina company scored almost the maximum number of points in the study. The cost of such sausage starts from 626 rubles per kilogram - not a cheap pleasure. The product is produced in the form of a loaf of 15 centimeters and weighing 500 grams.

The sausage confirmed the previously received “Quality Mark”. Experts have not identified any substances harmful to humans in the composition. The maximum number of points was given to the criteria of safety, quality and reliability of information in the documentation.

1. Balakhonovsky meat processing plant – 4.93

The first place in the ranking of the best sausage of the Doktorskaya brand goes to the Russian manufacturer Balakhonovsky Meat Processing Plant. You might think that the product costs a fortune, but that is not the case. The cost of a kilogram is only 310 rubles. Appearance: a sausage stick 20 centimeters long and weighing 500 grams.

The best “Doctor’s” sausage scored the highest number of points in almost all criteria. The disadvantages are minor deviations in the indicators of compliance of the product with the labeling and declared information. The "Doctor's" sausage of the Balakhonovsky plant is recognized as the best meat product according to the decision of Roskachestvo experts.

Today we have to clarify a very important question about whether there are bona fide sausage producers on the Russian market. To do this, it is necessary to examine the consistency of price and quality of the products offered. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to compile a rating of sausage producers in Russia.

Types of sausages

So, sausage is one of the types of meat products, which consists of minced meat or chicken placed in an artificial or natural (sinyugi, casings) casing. There are several types of sausages:

  • Boiled sausage consisting of twisted minced meat, prepared by boiling at a temperature of 80-85°C. This product contains quite a lot of liquid, so it can be stored without heat treatment or freezing for no more than 3 days.
  • Smoked is divided into semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, and raw smoked. Semi-smoked is fried, then boiled, and then smoked. Boiled-smoked is boiled and then smoked; this type differs from the previous one in that it may contain milk, lard, starch, and flour. Raw smoked sausage, as you might guess from the name, is not subject to preliminary heat treatment. It is cold smoked at a temperature of 20-25°C.
  • Dried meat differs from raw smoked meat only in that the meat used for minced meat is pre-marinated in spices. This sausage is dried in cold smoke for about 3 days, and then it is smoked at a temperature of 15-20 °C.
  • Liver sausage is the cheapest type of sausage. Made from offal (chicken, pork, beef livers, hearts, kidneys, brains, etc.).

Composition of sausage according to GOST

To understand what is an acceptable composition for sausage, GOST standards should be given:

According to the interstate standard GOST 23670-79, per 100 kg of sausage there are: premium trimmed beef - 25 kg; pork, trimmed, semi-fat - 70 kg; chicken eggs or melange - 3 kg; Whole or skimmed cow's milk powder - 2 kg; spices and other materials (per 100 kg of unsalted raw materials): table salt - 2090 g; sodium nitrite - 7.1 g; granulated sugar or glucose - 200 g; ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50 g. The shelf life of the sausage according to GOST was 72 hours.

Of course, this is not the best composition of a meat dish, since the sausage itself is essentially a processed product, and in any case, a piece of meat will be healthier than any sausage. But in this case we are talking about the highest quality product offered on the market.

Sausage producers in Russia

Every year the range of products offered grows and expands, more and more flavor additives and types of sausages appear. In the vastness of our vast country, there are many manufacturers. New companies appear almost every day, thereby posing considerable competition to old-time firms. The struggle for buyers is constant. The list of meat product manufacturers can be continued endlessly, because almost every, even small town in Russia, has its own meat processing plant that produces sausage. The quality of a product is primarily determined by its composition, shelf life, appearance, smell and, of course, taste. It is by these criteria that we, as consumers, can choose a quality product. However, not all sausage producers in Russia conduct honest business and use high-quality raw materials for their products. Which companies are the best?

Top 30 best manufacturers

  • Brewery house "Bavaria" (Vladikavkaz).
  • Meat processing plant "Ankomkolbasa" (Moscow).
  • Stara Zagorsk meat processing plant TM "StZ-Kozelki" (Samara).
  • Company "DIEV" (Smolensk).
  • LLC "VIT" (Yurgamysh).
  • Poultry farm "Galichskoe" (Galich).
  • Mikoyanovsky meat processing plant (Moscow).
  • OJSC Mikhailovskaya Poultry Farm (Tatishchevo).
  • TM "Bakhrushin" (Dmitrov).
  • Gvardeysky meat processing plant (Gvardeysk).
  • TM “Glazov Bird” (Glazov).
  • Yegoryevsk sausage and gastronomic factory named after. K. Yu. Afanasyeva (Egoryevsk).
  • OJSC "Bryansk Meat Processing Plant" (Bryansk).
  • Agro-industrial holding "TSAR-MEAT" (Bryansk).
  • Manufacturer of sausages and dairy products “Dmitrogorsky Product” (Dmitrova Gora village).
  • Meat processing plant "Snezhana" (Moscow).
  • Volovo Broiler Company (Volovo).
  • "Borodin's Meat House" (Moscow).
  • Simferopol meat processing plant "Stolichny" (Simferopol).
  • Meat processing plant "Veles" (Kurgan).
  • "Bashkir poultry complex" (Meleuz).
  • Meat plant "Bychkov" (Smolensk).
  • Argun meat processing plant (Argun).
  • Meat processing plant "Balakhonovsky" (Kochubeyevskoye village).
  • Meat processing company "MYASOYAR" (Yaroslavl).
  • ABI PRODUCT (Vladimir).
  • Novouralsky Meat Dvor LLC (Novouralsk).
  • Sausage factory "Stolichny" (Moscow).
  • LLC Poultry Farm Varaksino (Varaksino village).
  • Petrovsky and K company (Moscow).

The best producers of raw smoked sausage

Many people love the raw smoked product. Top 10 producers of raw smoked sausage in Russia:

  • Malakhovsky meat processing plant (Lyubertsy).
  • "VkusVill" (Moscow).
  • LLC "Ostankino - new standard" (Moscow).
  • LLC "Dymovskoye Sausage Production" (Moscow).
  • LLC "TVERSKY MPZ" (Tver).
  • LLC MPZ "Moskvoretsky" for LLC TD "Rublevsky" (Moscow).
  • LLC MPZ "Rublevsky" (Moscow).
  • LLC MPK "Chernyshevoy" (Kazinka village, Lipetsk region).
  • Olympia Meat Processing Plant LLC (Georgievsk).

The best companies producing boiled sausage

Top 10 producers of boiled sausage in Russia:

  • LLC "Meat processing plant REMIT" (Podolsk).
  • Velikiye Luki meat processing plant (Velikie Luki).
  • Starodvorskie sausages (Vladimir).
  • TM "Okraina" (Moscow).
  • OJSC "Sochi Meat Processing Plant" (Sochi).
  • LLC "Torgovaya Ploshchad" (Moscow).
  • Rublevsky Meat Processing Plant LLC (Moscow).
  • LLC "Ermolinsky Meat Processing Plant" (urban settlement Ermolino).
  • Cherkizovsky meat processing plant (Moscow).
  • LLC "TD Tsaritsyno-Ural" (Ekaterinburg).

The best Moscow companies

In Moscow and the Moscow region there is a record number of meat processing plants producing various The capital of our country has the largest number of factories that are among the top best sausage producers in Russia. There are a huge number of them in Moscow alone.

Top 10 sausage producers in Moscow:

  • Mikoyanovsky meat processing plant.
  • OMPK - Ostankino meat processing plant.
  • MK "Pavlovskaya Sloboda" ("Velcom").
  • Meat processing complex Snezhana+D LLC.
  • LLC MMPZ "Kolomenskoye"
  • Meat processing plant "Borodin's Meat House".
  • LLC "Meat processing plant REMIT"
  • OJSC "Tsaritsyno Branded Trading House".
  • Yegoryevsk sausage and gastronomic products factory.

The benefits and harms of sausage

You can complete the sausage topic by talking about the benefits and harms of sausage. If everyone has heard that sausage is harmful, then the correlation of the words “benefit” and “sausage” will be new for many. Surprisingly, a product can be considered healthy if it is prepared without adding or with a minimal amount of sodium nitrate, which gives it its red color, and various phosphates, which improve the taste of the finished product. In this case, the sausage will be equal in energy value to meat, and it will be included in the list of healthy products. Turkey sausage can be considered one of these healthy sausages; it has a minimum fat content and 70% natural meat. But, unfortunately, this type of sausage is beyond the means of the average resident of our country, so manufacturers are in no hurry to launch the production of such types of elite products.

How to choose quality sausage?

Finally, a few tips for choosing a quality product:

1. The best type of sausage (based on the percentage of meat in it) is considered to be raw smoked. This is the only type of product that requires almost twice as much raw material as the output. This is explained by the fact that high-quality sausage dries out greatly during the cooking process.

2. In order to choose a raw smoked product, you need to pay attention to the wrinkles on its surface. The more wrinkled, the better quality.

3. To determine the quality of the boiled food, take several pieces. If the edges of the pieces rise when frying, this is a quality product.

4. Pay attention to the sausage casing. Give preference to a product in a natural shell.