Apples, apple treatment. Dried Apples - Health Benefits

Rarely does anyone dislike apples. It is not only a delicious fruit, but also extremely healthy. According to doctors, who eats 2 apples daily, will be able to protect themselves from 100 diseases. Moreover, apples should be eaten not only by people who are in good health, but also by those who have problems with it. In this article, our discussion will be about the benefits and harms of apples, as well as the treatment of these wonderful fruits.

Apples in their composition contain vitamin C - excellent support for the immune system. Vitamin C protects us from colds and infections, helps us recover faster if you are already sick.

In order to prevent colds, your task is to eat a couple of apples a day.

In apples there are, as well as components that are involved in hematopoiesis.

Vitamin P is necessary for the prevention of hypertension, is necessary to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.

Antioxidants like beta-carotene, selenium, tocopherol and quercetin can protect us from cancer and slow down aging.

Pectins in apples cleanse the body, participate in the excretion of radioactive elements and salts of heavy metals.

The use of these fruits improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes cholesterol, restores metabolism and gives us many other useful properties.

Apples also contain volatile products - substances that can actively counteract the pathogens of Staphylococcus aureus, influenza A viruses, dysentery, and Proteus.

If a person has had a heart attack, he is also advised to eat apples.

Apple juice also has many benefits. It improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, is useful to those who are engaged in mental work. Apple juice also contains substances necessary for blood formation.

There is a strong opinion that there are more vitamins in green apples than in red ones.

With the incredible benefits of apples, can they harm us?

When can apples be harmful?

When diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer, do not eat sour apples, choose sweet varieties, and for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, on the contrary, it is very undesirable to eat sweet apples.

I once wrote about, but in everything you need to feel the measure, you should not "sit" on apples for a long time, otherwise inflammatory processes in the digestive tract may begin, its work will deteriorate due to the rich in these fruits.

Fruit acids, which are also abundant in apples, can be harmful, causing inflammation in the gallbladder. And tooth enamel is destroyed by these fruit acids and apple sugar. Therefore, rinse your mouth with water every time you eat an apple.

Do not eat apples before going to bed, this can cause increased gas formation.

Apple seed damage

Recently, I published an article on the effects on our health, and casually mentioned apple seeds. Just there I did not write that they contain hydrocyanic acid - poison, using them in unlimited quantities, you can get poisoned. 5 apple seeds will not do such harm, you will only benefit, because in addition to hydrocyanic acid they also contain iodine.

  • If a worm is found in an apple or there was a worm before, do not be afraid to use such an apple, it will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, it will be useful - worms, most often, choose the most delicious fruits.
  • In small fruits, the concentration of beneficial components is greater.
  • Most vitamins contain the peel of the apple and the flesh directly beneath it. However, if you purchase these fruits in the store and they are shiny in appearance and sticky to the touch, then they were treated with wax. In this case, the peel of the apples will have to be removed.

From this video you will learn some more amazing facts about the benefits of apples, as well as recipes on how to cook healthy and delicious dishes from these fruits:

  • If you suffer from overweight, anemia or vitamin deficiency, prepare the following mixture: mix and consume 100 ml of apple juice, 50 ml of melon juice, 25 ml of lemon and 5 ml of tomato juice every day.
  • If you suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, gall bladder problems, obesity, drink 100 grams of apple juice before eating for a quarter of an hour.
  • If you are tormented by coughing and hoarseness, apples will also be useful in this case. Use this folk recipe: take the peel of apples (1 tablespoon), pour it with boiling water (250 ml) and let it insist, like tea. Use this drink before meals five to six times a day, 100 g each.
  • Or pour two or three apples with a liter of water along with the peel, boil for a quarter of an hour and drink a drink before meals, 250 ml three times a day.
  • Warm apple compote is another cough and hoarseness remedy.
  • If you have a cold, prepare an infusion of dried apple tree leaves (100 g of leaves per liter of water), add a little sugar and drink in a warm form, 100 g every two hours.

  • When coughing, gruel with onions and apples will benefit: on a coarse grater, grate onions (200 g) and the same amount of apples, mix everything well, add 20 g of honey, mix again. Eat 15 g between meals three times a day.
  • Apples with cracked lips, on the hands: grate apples on a grater 100g, mix with any animal fat (pork, goose) or butter in a 1x1 ratio. Apply the mixture overnight on damaged skin that has been previously cleansed with soap. If you have jammed in the corners of the lips, then a completely different treatment is needed. You can read more about this.
  • For burns, rubbed apples are also used to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • Warts, inflammation on the skin of the face - for this, masks from apples are used.
  • With eczema, you can make an infusion of apple peel: make tea from the flowers of viburnum (250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. Of flowers), grind the peel, take it 1 tbsp. and pour the prepared tea. For an hour, the drink is infused, then it can be drunk 100 ml before meals and at night for a month.
  • Anemia (). If you have found this disease, you will definitely be advised to eat apples with a half pound, and preferably green ones, for a month. There is still advice for anemia to use freshly squeezed apple juice (80%) and beet juice (20%). This juice should be taken 2 weeks in a glass twice a day.

  • With heartburn, a peeled apple often helps.
  • If you are diagnosed, apples will also be beneficial for you. Try using this recipe: take green apples, peel the seeds with seeds, and grate them together with the peel on a fine grater. The resulting slurry should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, do not eat anything from food and drinks after that for 4-5 hours. This type of apple treatment is carried out daily for the first 30 days, the next 30 days - every other day or two, and the next 30 days - once a week.
  • From, do not refuse. Do not drink milk and strong coffee or tea, do not eat spicy and spices, fatty and salty foods, as well as freshly baked bread.
  • Another recipe for gastritis, but apples with honey: take 300 grams of green apples, peel the core, everything that remains, grate on a fine grater, add honey (20 grams) there. About 4-5 hours after eating this mixture, do not eat or drink anything. You use this slurry in the same sequence for months, as above in the recipe for apples without honey for gastritis.
  • If you have colitis or enterocolitis, eat 1.5 kg of apples a day for two days in a row for five to six meals.
  • If you have bad breath, eat 250 ml of apple compote at the end of lunch and dinner.
  • With constipation, 2 boiled 5-7 minutes apples in a mixture of 250 ml of milk and 100 ml of water help many. Try to eat them on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Acidic apple varieties will benefit from constipation and stomach problems that occur due to low acidity.
  • If you have or urolithiasis, you can try this decoction: we take 3 fruits of medium-sized apples, wash and cut them completely, not peeled. Pour boiling water with a liter and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then add sugar to your taste.

  • If there is an acute attack of gout, apply a compress from slices of soaked apples overnight on the sore joint.
  • If you have hypertension, pour a dried apple peel (1 tablespoon) with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for about 10 minutes, after which you can add sugar and drink 100 g before meals up to 6 times a day.
  • With atherosclerosis, it is worth drinking 15-30 minutes before eating half a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. Eating two to three fresh apples daily will prevent atherosclerosis.
  • From chronic bronchitis, make a decoction of wild apples and drink it hot for 15-20 days.
  • A cough can be cured with a mixture of grated apples, honey and onions (in equal proportions). The mixture is drunk three times a day for 1 tbsp.
  • If tortured pleurisy, bake some apples in the oven and eat them warm during the day.

Nature has created for us many beautiful fruits that can bring extreme benefits to our health. These include apples. Despite the harm described above, their benefits are incredible to us. Enrich your diet with these wonderful fruits and

Among the variety of dried fruits, apples are undoubted leaders, especially during seasonal vitamin deficiency. This is due both to the traditional prevalence of various varieties of garden trees, and the undeniable value of their fruits. According to experts, the composition of apples seems to be collected elements of the periodic table.

However, under normal conditions of storage only for 2 months of maturation, they retain their nutritional value. Therefore, you can provide yourself with such a pantry of healing substances until the next harvest with the help of such a simple method as drying fruits. Contrary to the belief that dried apples have fewer nutrients, this analogue of fresh fruits is a serious competitor to the latter. What is the “highlight” of dried apples, how to cook and apply them correctly, contraindications our article will help to understand.

Heat treatment of apples involves only getting rid of the liquid while maintaining all the beneficial properties. At the same time, the vitamins, acids, and minerals contained in them do not lose their originality even before the next harvest.

For more persuasiveness, get acquainted with the composition of the important for the health of the old and young substances in these dried fruits, namely:

  1. Minerals(iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, iodine). Without them, the normal functioning of the circulatory, cardiac, hormonal systems, metabolic processes is impossible.
  2. VitaminsA, groups B, C, E, K, PP, beta-carotene. Thanks to this, you can make up for the deficiency of vitamins from fresh fruits.
  3. Sugar(glucose, sucrose, fructose) make up 12% of the entire apple content. They positively affect the recovery of forces after physical, intellectual stress, and the functions of the nervous system.
  4. Polysaccharide Pectin Substances, without which metabolic and digestive processes are complicated, normalization of cholesterol levels.
  5. Organic acids(ascorbic, arabic, wine, lemon, chlorogenic, apple). These about 3% of the total product maintain the acid-base balance in the body and are reliable "enemies" of the infection.
  6. Tannins(catechins, tanides, flavanoids) with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant properties. They concentrate in the peel of dried apples, protect cells from damage, increase resistance to free radicals.
  7. Volatile,preventing the development of various fungi, pathogenic bacteria.

The value of dried apples also lies in the long-term preservation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, starch, and essential oils.

The calorie content of apple drying remains the same as that of fresh apples of any variety and color. So a fresh fruit weighing up to 120 g and lighter dried to a crisp will have 60 kcal. And 100 g of dried apples contain up to 250 kcal. Only wet storage conditions can affect calorie reduction.

Useful properties of dried apples

These many valuable components of dried apples help the human body with various diseases. Thanks to fiber, the development of beneficial microflora in the intestine, the elimination of toxins, and constipation are prevented. And if, with increased acidity, eating fresh fruits has limitations, then the benefits of drying are undeniable.

The presence of iron in dried apples makes them very useful for anemia, and phosphorus - for the brain. Vitamins B affect the improvement of metabolism, stabilization of the nervous system. These dried fruits also assist the body in the absorption of calcium, which is crucial in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. This mineral also beneficially affects the activity of the urinary system, the regularity of excretion of fluid from the body.

Those who want to lose weight can safely include dried apples in their diet. Such dried fruits are very effective as a fragrant, tasty prophylactic against obesity. Eating only about 10 cloves of dried apples can be an alternative to dinner or sweets.

They are able to increase immunity, improve memory, increase hemoglobin and prevent premature aging like fresh “rejuvenating” apples.

We offer you to get acquainted with some of the intricacies of eating dried apples for certain diseases.

With a disease of diabetes in the body, the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and water are disrupted. As a result, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted. Based on this, endocrinologists suggest eating dried apples with extreme caution. In particular, it is not recommended to take them directly to food. This is due to the fact that during drying, the moisture evaporates and the concentration of sucrose (glucose) rises. However, this does not mean a complete ban on such healthy dried fruits.

From this tidbit, it is advisable to use compotes without the addition of sugar and other dried fruits. A light, tasty and healthy drink prepared in this way can even be drunk instead of water.

To make a decision about including dried apples in their diet, diabetics should consult with their doctor or nutritionist.

With pancreatitis

In inflammatory processes of the pancreas (pancreatitis), a special diet is supposed. And this significantly reduces the list of acceptable food dishes, including vitamins. Since this disease in the acute phase involves a rather meager diet until starvation and fiber foods are excluded. But in chronic pancreatitis, dried apples are one of the few permitted dried fruits.

Pancreatitis sufferers should be moderate in their use. This applies both to the amount and to the cooking method sparing with respect to the pancreas. It is best to cook the apple-dried compote with the addition of a small amount of sugar or a quality substitute for it. According to users, such a drink turns out to be tasty, aromatic, absolutely harmless.

The easiest way to use these dried fruits is to replace them with an evening meal. To reduce calorie content, before consumption, 100 g of dried apples are recommended to be soaked and then used without combination with other products. Such daily use of dried apples without radical changes in diet allows you to lose up to 3 kg in 1 month.

Along with this, you can use some types of diets, where dried apples are the "first violin", namely:

  • Apple diet  includes the use of 200 g of this drying, along with any varieties of nuts for 5 days. A daily portion divided into 10 parts is taken every hour. In parallel with this, you must definitely drink a lot of water without gas and unsweetened tea (better than green). During this time, it is quite possible to get rid of up to 4 kg of excess weight.
  • Fasting day  involves 1 time a week throughout the day to eat 200 g of dried apples. At the same time, the requirements for drinking plenty of fluids remain valid. This method allows you to maintain weight at the right level.
  • Apple and Kefir Diet  lasts 3 days and helps to get rid of up to 2 kg of weight. To do this, you need to drink 1 glass of kefir (fat content up to 2.5%) daily 5-6 times a day, and then jam with 4 slices of dried apples. It is important that the drying is not swallowed whole, but chewed well. The maximum allowable volume of kefir should not exceed 2 liters. Avoid the use of low fat kefir.

It should be remembered that apple drying will be an alternative to debilitating weight loss due to the rejection of the use of other products.

Dried apples for children in the form of drinks are introduced into the diet along with special vegetable, fruit mixes. Starting from 6 months, infants can already be given a very useful compote of dried apples. This drink is especially recommended for babies with stomach cramps, intestinal diseases.

Compote for babies

The recipe for compote for babies is quite simple.

He will need dried, but not over-dried apples (20 g), water (250 ml). After washing, 10-minute soaking, dried fruits are poured with boiling water, boiled over medium heat for about 10 minutes and infused in covered form for up to half an hour. After that, the compote is filtered and cooled to room temperature. You can sweeten it a bit by adding a little honey.

Please note that this drink must be introduced into the diet carefully. Therefore, first give the baby 1 teaspoon to test the reaction of the body. In the absence of any deviations (redness, rash, etc.), the dose is increased to 2 spoons for 1 dose. The daily norm is up to 100 ml. The drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

When tasting your child a healthy drink from these dried fruits, avoid mixing apples with other ingredients. This will allow his body to get used to the drink faster. Gradually supplementing such a compote with prunes, dried apricots, raisins is better after a couple of months.

Eating dried apples during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to “charge” the baby to health with the help of these dried fruits even during the period of gestation and lactation. However, here, as in all other cases, it is important to know the measure.

Pregnant women should not use environmentally friendly products cooked at home. Refusal from drying from the distribution network is due to the fact that unnatural allergenic additives can be used here. Therefore, it is better to cook them yourself at home. This can be done this way:

  • Cut fresh apples into slices up to 1 cm thick.
  • Dry until fully cooked.
  • After cooling, the tasty healthy apples are ready to eat.

One of the most affordable methods is the dosed (up to 25 g) daily use of dried fruits. During pregnancy, it is also useful to brew apple drying with rose hips (1 tablespoon of each ingredient). After a half-hour infusion, you can drink up to 3 glasses of this drug daily.

These dried fruits positively affect the quality of breast milk, its consistency without any side effects in the baby. At the same time, fresh fruits can provoke an increase in the acidity of my mother's diet, and in a child - the appearance of colic.

It should be remembered that excessive consumption of dried fruit can affect the weight gain of a future mother in childbirth.

The characterization of the merits of dried apples would be incomplete without a reservation on the “reverse side of the coin”. After all, their reckless use can be fraught with individual pathologies of the body. Here we are talking, however, not about a complete exception, but about restrictions.

So, high calorie content, specific gravity of sugar, fiber in apple drying suggests restrictions for diabetics and those who suffer from obesity, gastric ulcer, acute pancreatitis. The acids in the workpiece can irritate the gastric mucosa. And this is especially harmful with gastritis.

This also negatively affects the presence of dental caries. Here, the reception of this valuable product in its pure form is very doubtful, and compotes are more appropriate.

Excessive enthusiasm for dried apples by pregnant and lactating women due to the possible appearance of unnecessary weight, toxicosis is excluded. And one more nuance - care should be taken to the bones present in them. The fact is that, along with the useful vitamin B17, iodine, they also contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid, which, with an excess, can cause serious consequences. For health, it is safe to eat no more than 5 seeds.

In all cases, it is very important to follow the advice of doctors about the amount and time of use (before or after meals), depending on the type of disease. But a normal gastrointestinal tract can also respond to the uncontrolled eating of such a product by constipation or diarrhea, stomach spasm.

Even the absence of any disease does not imply excessive consumption of dried apples. Especially here to focus on purchased options. After all, unscrupulous manufacturers often use a toxic sulfur dioxide preservative to make the dried fruit look more attractive. Many people react very sensitively to it. In this case, symptoms such as: headache, nausea, cough, sore throat may occur.

And if you add to these problems such a mercantile moment as the price per 1 kg from 115 to 800 rubles, then it is much more profitable and safer to dry apples yourself.

Drying these fruits at home requires simple steps such as:

  • Fruit selection. It should be juicy, sweet and sour apples, which have elastic, not watery pulp. Preference should be given to unripe pods, because they have more disinfecting properties compared to mature ones. Too sweet varieties make drying friable, and caked sugar forms dark spots. The greatest yield is given by apples with a thin peel and a small seed box. It is best suited for drying varieties Antonovka, Aport, White filling, Brown, Pepin, Titovka.
  • Apple preparationconsists in washing with running water and drying. After that, if purchased fruits are used for drying, they are peeled. Ecologically clean fruits grown at home do not need to get rid of the peel. Further removed all damage core. Then the apples are cut into slices of arbitrary shape of the same size up to 7 mm thick.

Several methods are used to protect the workpiece from oxidation. This can be boiling (blanching) in boiling water or immersion in weak saline or vinegar solutions for several minutes. When planning the use of a future product in desserts, short-term aging of slices in sugar or honey syrup is used. On the eve of drying, they are placed in the refrigerator overnight.

Remember, in order to avoid premature oxidation, fresh apples are processed in small parts!

Methods for drying apples

The choice of this or that method depends on the preferences of the procurers, living conditions and weather. The most popular among gardeners is drying in the sun (air), in the oven, electric dryer or microwave. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Drying apples in the sun

This is the least economical way and does not require any energy resources. It is carried out in summer at high air temperature.

Sliced \u200b\u200bapple slices are laid out on a flat surface (baking sheet, net, etc.), covered with gauze, exposed in a sunny place or at partial shade. In addition, you can string the slices on a strong thread, cover with gauze and hang in the sun, under a canopy.

Every day, the future drying is turned over and the absence of penetration of various insects under the gauze is checked. For their full readiness it will take 3-4 sunny days and a little more in partial shade. It is necessary to ensure that the raw materials at this time do not get in the rain.

Dry apples in the oven

Initially, the pan is covered with parchment and placed in the oven, heated to 80 ° C. After a half-hour heating, the temperature decreases by 10 ° C and apple slices are laid on a baking sheet to evaporate moisture from them. This approximately lasts for 5 hours. After that, the slices are turned on the other side, and the temperature is reduced to 50 ° C. In this mode, they are dried for another 4 hours with constant turning.

Drying in an electric dryer  carried out at temperatures up to 60 ° C for 8 hours. Slices of apples are laid out in a pallet in one layer.

Microwave dryinglasts only up to 5 minutes. With a power of 200 W, 2 times in 1 minute, you need to constantly turn the laid out slices. However, it is a question of the duration of the drying of one small batch of milkings. With the operational harvesting of a small number of apples, this is considered the fastest drying method.

In all cases, the drying readiness is characterized by the absence of juice, stickiness of the pulp, brittleness in compression in the hand. In finished products, the skin should fade. In this case, dried apples in the oven become light brown, and in the microwave - cream.

When choosing any of the methods, it is important to consider the need for the quantity of the workpiece. After all, the remaining unused dried apples can lose their value. Therefore, one of the guidelines here may be data on the drying output from 1 kg of fresh apples to 120 g. This is due to their dehydration up to 90% of the total weight. But vitamins, minerals under natural conditions (in the air, the sun) are maximally preserved.

Among the various uses of these available vitamin and mineral concentrates, classic drinks are especially popular. After all, even with heat treatment, they retain the maximum amount of their useful properties. Therefore, they are included in the diet, both for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of diseases.


It is prepared from only 0.5 cups of dried apples per 1 liter of water. After re-grading, the drying is washed and dried. When placed in boiling syrup, the sweetened beverage is prepared within 30 minutes. This time can be reduced by pouring slices with cold water and boiling for only 15 minutes.

This drink can be supplemented with cloves, cinnamon, chamomile, lemon balm, lemon juice. One vivid example of such a drink is the Christmas pattern. When combined with other fruits, spices, herbs, you need to consider the duration of their preparation. Combination options depend on individual tastes, indications, and recommendations of doctors.


A decoction of dried apples differs from compote in the absence of sweet additives in the form of sugar, fructose, honey. This is not only a healthy drink to quench your thirst, but also an effective invigorating remedy. Even avid coffee lovers appreciate it.

For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 200 g of dried-in pouring 1.5 l of water to a boil and cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Then cool the resulting liquid, strain. To saturate the broth with vitamin C, add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice (one tablespoon each). In warm form it can be drunk instead of tea during cold weather. And in the summer, when stored in the refrigerator, it will be a pleasant soft drink.


Infusion on dried apples is a worthy competitor of drugs against colds, seasonal vitamin deficiency. With this affordable drink, you can saturate a weakened body with vitamins and quench your thirst. This is a great addition to the treatment recommended by your doctor.

It is prepared very simply, without cooking. A few slices are poured with boiling water, a little lemon and honey are added. The volume of one preparation is calculated for 1 day.

Dried apples - beneficial properties and vitamins. Drying apples at home

In addition to their excellent taste, apples have useful properties in very large quantities. In our country, this is the most familiar fruit and it is nice that it is extremely useful and necessary for our health. The healing properties of apples can be explained by their healing composition. These fruits contain C, E, B1, B2, carotene, as well as potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, boron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, aluminum, magnesium, fluorine, manganese, zinc, pectins, fiber, organic acids and sugars . And in the peel of the fruit there are flavonoids.

The beneficial properties of these vitamin-rich fruits have found wide application in folk medicine, in cooking, and even in cosmetology.

  Apples: for health

The fruits of the apple tree contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, and are also used to increase appetite and prevent constipation. One fruit with a peel contains more than 10% of the required daily allowance for the fibers that the body needs. Insoluble fiber in apples removes harmful substances from the body and prevents constipation. The use of this fruit improves intestinal microflora and digestion.

An apple lowers cholesterol in the blood due to its pectin content. The use of this product in food promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and clogging of blood vessels. And pectin helps to bind harmful substances (for example, arsenic and lead) that enter the body, and then remove them from the human body. The biologically active components of these fruits are able to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

It strengthens the cardiovascular system perfectly. And if you eat a couple of Antonov apples an hour before breakfast, the risk of premature death from heart disease is reduced by 20 percent.

Polyphenols and flavonoids contained in fruits have an antitumor effect: they bind free radicals that are dangerous to health. These substances have even stronger antioxidant properties than vitamin C, which apples also have.

The beneficial properties of these fruits help to improve the condition of the teeth. It is especially useful to eat fruit on an empty stomach. Pectins present in the pulp are bactericidal. When chewing apple flesh, tooth enamel is cleaned of unpleasant plaque, thus, the oral cavity is sanitized. At the same time, with careful chewing of a piece of fruit, gums are massaged, improving blood circulation, and this also favorably affects the state of the oral cavity.

People who regularly consume apples have better lung function, moreover, they have a lower risk of respiratory illness (even asthma). Apples are recognized as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protect the lungs from the effects of tobacco smoke and other harmful impurities in the air.

The peel of the fruit contains a huge amount of antioxidant quercetin, together with vitamin C it does not allow harmful effects of free radicals on the body.

Apples have a light diuretic effect, reduce fat absorption, and fiber in the fruit causes a feeling of fullness. For this reason, apples are suitable for those who want to lose weight. And you can make unloading "apple days" in which to eat one and a half to two kilograms of these wonderful fruits in five meals. These days are especially useful for hypertension.

They also have healing properties. They contain a lot of iodine, so it is better to eat apples with seeds. Five to six seeds contain the daily norm of iodine.

Since about 70% of flavonoids are lost during the heat treatment of apples, it is better to eat them raw. Although also useful, especially for people who have an increased acidity of gastric juice. The most useful substances are in the peel of apples and directly under it, for this reason it is not necessary to clean them before use.

Apple volatile are active against pathogens of influenza A viruses, Staphylococcus aureus, dysentery, Proteus. Eating apples is also recommended after a heart attack.

Red apples are sweeter than green apples because they have more sugars. And what is useful In green varieties of iron and vitamin C more than in red ones, moreover, they almost never cause allergies. And green fruits help to better digest fatty foods - therefore, when baking poultry or meat, it is green varieties that are added.

With gastritis, green apples are also the most effective.

  Apples: useful properties for cosmetology

Consumption of apples favorably affects the appearance, prevents or significantly delays the appearance of wrinkles, stimulates hair growth. Often, wonderful masks for the skin are made from apples. They give an excellent effect and are suitable for any type of skin.

Apples give the skin a healthy look, quickly relieve fatigue. You can just massage your skin with a piece of fresh apple, it will immediately tighten and rejuvenate.

Externally grated apples are used for burns, they cover the affected areas, this reduces soreness and inflammation. With the help of apples, warts are reduced, and with facial inflammation, apple masks are widely used.

  Cooking Apples

Apples are also widely used in cooking. They are baked with honey, nuts and other fillings, put in meat, chicken, baked pies with them, etc.

Are apples good? I think the answer is obvious. This is an incredibly valuable fruit that has excellent palatability and an incredibly large amount of nutrients.

But note: raw apples are undesirable for people with stomach ulcers, since the acid they contain irritates the mucous membrane. Also, you can not eat a lot of apple seeds - they have dangerous hydrocyanic acid. But eating one apple after a meal will not hurt.

Let's talk about the benefits of apples, about the most necessary and favorite fruits, without which we can not do either in winter or in summer. What are apples good for?

Apple tree - this is the most important type of tree fruit crops around the world. And the apple is the most common and valuable of all fruits grown in the middle lane. It is no accident that they say that an apple among fruits is a potato among vegetables: it occupies a leading place.

The apple tree has been serving man since time immemorial and has long been considered among the people to be a healing plant. The Caucasus, Central Asia and China are considered to be the birthplace of the apple tree, currently more than 20 species of wild apple tree are found there. In Europe and Asia Minor, large-fruited apple varieties have been grown for several millennia.

In Kievan Rus under Yaroslav the Wise on the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra an apple orchard was laid. And in the XII century, on the orders of Yuri Dolgoruky, the first gardens near Moscow were laid. Subsequently, apple trees spread widely in the monastery and landowner gardens, and since the twentieth century, the apple tree has become a used culture throughout central Russia, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

The house apple tree (garden) is a tree from the Rosaceae family, a deciduous tree with a height of 3-6, rarely up to 14 meters. The trunk of old trees with a diameter of up to 90 cm. Flowering apple trees begins in April - May. The flowers are large, pale pink, less often white or purple, very fragrant. The apple tree is an excellent honey plant; from a tree, bees can collect up to 6 kg of honey.

The fruits of the apple tree are juicy apples of various colors and tastes. The apple tree begins to bear fruit for 4-12 years, within 40-50 years. The plant lives up to 100 years, wild species - up to 300 years.

For a person, eating fresh or dried apple fruits serves as a source of strength and longevity, helps to cleanse the body and gives you a light sleep. Two juicy apples a day will help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack, since the pectin contained in these fruits lowers blood cholesterol. Due to the high content of mineral salts, apples are very useful for rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases, and help with insomnia.

Apples contain malic, citric, tartaric acid, glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamins A, B, provitamin A - carotene, tannins, essential oil, pectin substances, as well as mineral salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, which are very important in human nutrition others. It has been established that apples contain 28 trace elements, including copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, etc.

Apples in any form are useful and necessary for anemia, pregnancy, after radiation therapy and just in winter with a lack of light, especially in the Far North, as they contain such a trace element as iron. They are used for vitamin deficiency, headache, as a diet and restorative remedy for the prevention of influenza, heart and endocrine diseases.

Apples are taken as a diuretic in dropsy, edema and jaundice, with diseases of the heart, kidneys, hypertension. With gout and obesity - it is useful to make apple fasting days. Apples improve digestion. A large amount of fiber in the fruit enhances intestinal motility. Therefore, with chronic constipation, it is recommended to take raw or baked apples on an empty stomach. Apples have a beneficial effect in dysentery, acute intestinal colic. In pureed form, sweet apples are used to treat gastritis and acute colitis.

The Russian generic name "apple tree" dates back to the Latin Abella - the name of the city in Campania in southern Italy, famous for its apples. The countless varieties of apple trees bred by breeders over the course of several centuries make it possible to grow and store these healthy fruits for six months or even longer.

Apple treatment at home

With colds, cough, hoarseness, with edema of the vocal cords,

as a laxative and diuretic, to improve digestion,

with gastrointestinal disorders:

A decoction of fresh apples:

- boil some unpeeled fresh apples in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes, then insist for 4 hours. Drink the broth warmed up several times a day. Especially good results can be achieved with prolonged use of this tool. This decoction is also useful for sclerosis, gout, bleeding gums, and attacks of kidney stone disease.

The benefits of dried apples

For colds, coughs, digestive disorders,

with kidney stones, bleeding gums:

- apples, dried for the winter in slices or circles, cook 5 minutes after boiling, and then insist 30-40 minutes under the lid - this is how vitamin C is best stored in them. Drink the broth several times a day.

With rheumatic diseases of the joints:

- take a decoction of dried fruit peel powder - 1 tbsp. tablespoon of raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, drink for a long time.

The benefits of baked apples

For diseases of the digestive system it is good to use baked apples - they do not irritate the stomach and act laxatively. Baked apples are recommended for chronic constipation.

With inflammatory processes on the skin, with burns and frostbite: apply gruel from fresh apples to sore spots.

Tea from the leaves and petals of the apple tree is brewed and drunk with a cold, it softens the cough.

Apple seeds contain a lot of iodine. It is useful to eat 5 - 6 apple seeds - this will provide the daily requirement of the body for iodine.

Apple juice benefits and harms

Apple juice is a storehouse of valuable substances that help in the fight against many diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. The healing properties of apple juice are also due to the high content of pectins, enzymes, sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, starch and carbohydrates in this drink, as well as a whole complex of minerals and vitamins.

Treatment with apple juice helps with a post-infarction condition, anemia and vitamin deficiency.

Regular consumption of apple juice helps stabilize cholesterol and heart function. In addition, this drink protects against radiation and improves sleep.

Useful is freshly squeezed apple juice, as well as home-made juice that does not contain a large amount of sugars, substitutes, additives, preservatives and preserves all the healing properties of this drink.

Freshly squeezed apple juice quenches thirst, tone and strengthens the immune system. It is useful to drink juice in 1/2 cup 20 minutes before meals.


Sour apples and juice from them should not be used for gastritis with high acidity, duodenal ulcer, in this case, it is advisable to use apples of sweet varieties.

With exacerbation of gastritis, it is good to use baked apples in the oven.

Red apples may be contraindicated for allergies.

With reduced acidity of the stomach, you can eat apples of sour varieties.

Apples in cosmetics

  • grate a fresh apple, mix with whipped protein;
  • knead the baked apple, mix with the egg;
  • boil the apple in a small amount of milk, knead well,

put the prepared mass on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such masks nourish, refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the face well.

Gruel from fresh apples is used to quickly heal wounds, abrasions, ulcers, cracks in the skin, especially on the lips - it stops the inflammatory processes of the skin and promotes quick healing.

Sour juice of forest apples or garden - Antonovsky and others is used to remove warts: you need to rub the skin formation with a fresh slice of sour apple several times a day.

To strengthen the hair - rinse the head after washing with a decoction of fresh leaves of the apple tree.

Apples can be consumed in any form: fresh, dried, baked, soaked, canned.

Watch a short video about the beneficial properties of apples:

What happens if you eat three apples every day

Apples are widely used in the food industry, they are used to make jam, marmalade, jam, juices, marmalade, pastille, jelly, canned food, and they are widely used in the confectionery industry.

Apples are useful properties for the preparation of compotes, jelly, apple cider vinegar, sauces, various wines, drinks, both pure apple and other fruits and berries.

Eat apples in any form and be healthy!

Apples have long been famous for their amazing taste and lots of useful properties. Not for nothing in Russian fairy tales they were called "rejuvenating." In ancient Russia they were endowed with a special sacred meaning: they were considered a symbol of chastity, hope, a symbol of life and fertility. These fruits are literally woven into Russian folklore and cultural traditions. What is only the great Slavic holiday of the first harvest - Apple Savior? It was on this day that various culinary products from apples were served. In many villages, this tradition can be found to this day.

The juicy fruits of the apple tree, which have an amazing taste, are unforgettable by us since childhood, endowed with a mass of nutrients. We will consider further what health benefits of “paradise” fruits are.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The beneficial properties of apples are determined by the rich chemical composition of the fruit. Nutritional value is represented by proteins, carbohydrates, fats and dietary fiber. A lot of apples and various acids: malic, citric, tartaric, and polyunsaturated mono acids, pectins, sugars, vitamins and minerals.

They also have a low calorie content. 100 grams of fruit contains only 47 calories.

In addition, apples contain a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine selenium, zinc, boron, etc. The lack of most of these substances in the body leads to serious health problems, dysfunctions of systems and organs. But separate groups of substances are especially important in apples, without which our eyesight, skin, hair and internal systems of the body suffer.

Apples Contained bioflavonoids (vitamin P).  These substances well strengthen the vascular system. Reduce the level of permeability of the venous walls, which is especially important for people after 40 years. Bioflavonoids increase the concentration of ascorbic acid in the body, normalizes oxygen metabolism in tissues. Participates in the work of the endocrine system. They help stop bleeding, and contribute to the rapid regeneration of tissues.

Everyone knows that a lot of apples gland. And this element is very important for increasing hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to organs and systems, and vice versa, carbon dioxide to the lungs. Deficiency of the element causes anemia, and the complications associated with it.

Do not forget about the high content in apples   potassium  - an indispensable element for the work of the heart muscle. It has a powerful diuretic effect, removes excess fluid and salt from the body.

As in other varieties of the species of pome seeds, in apples prevails fructose. Unlike sucrose and glucose, it is more useful and easily digestible. It is slowly digested, but quickly excreted from the blood without increasing sugar levels. Therefore, apples are useful for people prone to diabetes. This element goes into glycogen acid. Glycogen acid saturates muscle tissues, organs and systems with energy, gives a person endurance and strength.

Availability   pectin  Helps the body form compounds with toxic metals and remove them. This is especially true for urban residents, because there is air more polluted by emissions that enter the human blood. In addition, pectin substances break down harmful cholesterol and remove it from the blood. This prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, heart failure, and other problems associated with the development of atherosclerosis.

These fruits are present coarse dietary fiber. Fiber is an essential element for proper digestion. It forms a beneficial microflora, inhibits the action of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, cleanses the blood of toxic substances and decay products. Coarse fibers strengthen intestinal motility, activating the digestive process, and reducing the frequency of constipation.

Beneficial features

Any kind of apples is useful, but preference should be given to green, since they do not have coloring pigments. So they are hypoallergenic. Children can eat them without fear, starting at four months of age. The pulp and peel of apples is very rich in iron and vitamins. Especially the skin, which many often just throw away. To protect yourself from chemicals, you need to thoroughly wash the apples before using hot water with a brush.

Green fruits have more fructose and less sucrose. This is an ideal snack for people with high blood sugar. Regular consumption of apples in all types is beneficial for both children and adults.

With regular use, apples have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Stimulate the digestive tract, thanks to fiber.
  • Normalize appetite, stimulating the production of gastric juice.
  • Strengthen the immune system thanks to its rich vitamin complex.
  • They increase the level of iron in the blood, prevent the development of anemia.
  • They give a diuretic and choleretic effect, cleansing the body.
  • Reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  • Strengthen the nervous system, help withstand stress.
  • Prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
  • Favorably affect skin and hair.

Fruits for women are especially beneficial. They have a lot of folic and pantothenic acid, which is necessary during pregnancy. Retinol and tocopherol have beneficial effects on the skin and the condition of hair and nails. Iron and potassium are needed for the weaker sex, especially during menopause. Calcium strengthens bone tissue, which prevents the appearance of osteoporosis. It is an ideal product for fasting days.

Apples contribute to fast weight loss.

They are suitable for babies. This is one of the first products that pediatricians introduce into lure. From about 6-7 months for babies who are breastfeeding, and from four to five for those who are breast-fed. They strengthen the immune system, the skeletal system, accelerate teething, and saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients necessary for the child during the period of growth and development. Apples can be given in the form of mashed potatoes, juice, or add pieces of fruit to porridge, natural cottage cheese, or casseroles. Baked apples are well absorbed by children.

Cooking Apples

There are cases when the body does not tolerate fresh apples. They cause stomach problems, flatulence, diarrhea, and other stomach problems. As an alternative, baked apples are suitable. Of course, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are destroyed. However, pectin substances, carbohydrates and other goodies remain fully. Baked apples are easier to chew, they are much softer, so they are suitable for those who have problems with their teeth and oral cavity.


Baked  the fruits have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, binding and enveloping properties. Baked apples have a mild laxative effect, help with gastritis diseases. Relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, reduce the manifestations of bronchitis.

You can bake fruit in the oven or microwave. A microwave will do this in a few minutes. You can add honey to them. They have few contraindications. Is that individual intolerance, but there are a lot of indications for use


In soaked  apples retain all the beneficial properties of fruits. Especially if you add cabbage leaves to them. It improves their taste and benefits. Therefore, if you have sauerkraut in a barrel, you can put Antonov apples there. Soaked apples are easily digested. They have a lot of ascorbic acid, so they are better to eat in the cold season, when there is a high risk of SARS. In addition, they are rich in calcium and are very useful for people with osteoporosis who have brittle bones. They also have contraindications for use - increased acidity of gastric juice.

For soaking, late varieties of green fruits are suitable. They must be freshly picked and without damage. Take a three-liter jar. Cover the bottom with cherry and currant leaves. Put the fruits in a dense layer, sprinkle with leaves, and again a layer of apples and so on to the top of the jar. Pour a handful of cranberries to make the taste brighter. Then pour the brine.

For brine, you need five liters of water, half a glass of granulated sugar and a quarter glass of large sodium chloride (not iodized). Boil the composition and cool. Pour one and a half tablespoons of mustard powder into the cooled brine. Stir well, and pour into jars. Close cans and place in a cold, dark place. After about three weeks, you can feast on soaked apples.

This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make soaked apples.


Recently, dried vegetables and fruits have again reached the peak of popularity. And apples have always been eaten dried. They persist for a long time without losing beneficial nutritional properties. They have many minerals and trace elements, fructose, biotins, nicotinic acid, tocferol. However, their calorie content is higher than that of fresh fruits, so a lot of them can not be eaten. If you are overweight or have high blood sugar, then just eat them once a week.

Dried apples  activate immunity, stimulate brain function, have a general strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system, and are rich in antioxidants. You can eat just dried apples without additives. You can add natural honey or sugar. Use for stewed fruit, jam, an additive to desserts and pastries. Of course, they have contraindications. In this type of apples, there are more acids and fiber, so people with ulcers and acute gastritis cannot eat them.

To dry fruits, it is necessary to wash fresh apples under hot water with a brush, cut the core and seeds and chop into equal halves. Dip apples in salt water for two minutes. Take out the fruits and spread on a flat surface (tray, plywood). Take out under open sunlight. Stir every three hours to dry the fruits evenly.

The use of apples for diseases

Apples are widely used in traditional medicine against various diseases. The skin and pulp of the plant is used. Seeds and cores are best removed - they contain toxins.

From anemia  you need to eat half a kilo of green varieties daily. Do not peel. Duration of the diet is a month. If there are no allergic reactions, daily prepare vitamin fresh from apple and carrot juices in a ratio of 80 to 20. The course of treatment with fresh juices is two weeks.

From bronchitis apples will also help. Remove the peel from the apples, cut into equal slices. Fold in a saucepan and pour a liter of water. Simmer on medium heat for about fifteen minutes. Cool the apple broth. Take three glasses a day half an hour before meals. You can add a teaspoon of honey.

From coughpeeled apples and one medium onion are rubbed through a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix well. Drink one tablespoon before each meal, but no more than three times a day.

With laryngitis  fruit leaves help. Two tablespoons of dried leaf per 250 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for at least two hours. Infusion to drink half a glass daily.

For stomach painjust one big green apple. Grate with peel. Add some honey. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach. About five hours before breakfast.

For constipation  cut two apples into medium sized slices. Pour a glass of fresh milk and 125 ml of water. Boil the mixture for no more than seven minutes. Take on an empty stomach one hour before a morning meal.

For stones in the bladder  in traditional medicine, it is recommended to take apple broth. Grind three fruits with a skin randomly into medium-sized pieces. Add a liter of boiling water. Stew on low heat for about ten minutes, stirring slightly. Cool and add honey or sugar to improve the taste. Drink half a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

From atherosclerotic plaques and thrombosistwo medium fruits should be taken. And pour boiling water so that the water covers. Cover and leave for four hours. Mash the steamed apples with a crush, without draining the water. Mix mass well and filter. Pour a tablespoon of liquid honey. Take 200 ml of the mixture per day. In addition, it is recommended to mix half a glass of carrot and apple juice. Drink daily.

Against skin diseases  it is necessary to pour the skin of one large apple into warm viburnum tea. And leave for an hour. Drink half a glass of drink daily 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is four weeks.

From cracks in the heels  fruits can be cut into slices. Fold in a pan and pour a small amount of milk. Keep on fire until viscous gruel is obtained. Apply the cooled mixture to sore spots with a film and a bandage. Leave on for thirty minutes. The duration of treatment is a month.

From joint inflammationapple peel will do. It is necessary to peel the apples and dry it. Crush dry skin into fine powder. A tablespoon of crushed apple peel pour 250 boiling water. Cover and set aside for thirty minutes. Take 125 ml half an hour before a meal. Three times per day.

From high blood pressure  a medium-sized fruit is suitable. It needs to be peeled and the skin dried. Pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about fifteen minutes to insist. Add some honey. Take 125 ml five six times a day before meals.

To increase hemoglobin in babies  useful mixture of apple and carrot juices to raise hemoglobin. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

To sleep better  you can use vinegar-honey mixture. On a glass of warm boiled water - 2 tsp. vinegar and 1 tsp honey.

Apples are also used to reduce weight. There are several types apple diet:

  • One day a week on apples with plenty of water. At least two liters per day.
  • In one day, use one and a half kilograms of fresh or baked fruits. Do not drink water.
  • Within six days, eat one apple, washed down with a glass of kefir. At least six times a day.

Apple diets are safe for the body and do not cause stress. Extra pounds are not returned.


Despite all the useful qualities, there are certain contraindications to the use of apples. The harm from these fruits is minimal, especially if the measure is followed. Therefore, it is important not to overeat them, and some should not eat apples at all.

Allergic reaction  on natural coloring pigments in fruit. Not only is the apple peel rich, but also its flesh. It is recommended for allergy sufferers and children under three years of age to eat green varieties of apples.

Limit the use of apples to overweight people and   high sugar in blood. Because they have a lot of carbohydrates and sugars. Therefore, one or two apples are enough for them.

Raw fruits of acidic varieties are prohibited. with acute gastritis.  This worsens the course of the disease, causes severe discomfort and heartburn.

Selection and storage

To get the most out of apples, you need to choose them correctly. There are a number of subtleties that you need to consider when buying fruits.

Tips for choosing apples:

  • The fruit should be dense, strong, without bruises and specks, with a slight apple smell.
  • The size is better than average fruit. If possible, cut it, and watch how quickly the apple darkens. Ripe fruits darken faster.
  • It is recommended to look at apples with wormholes. So the fruit is grown without chemical fertilizers.
  • Seeds must be dark. White or brownish in unripe apples.

Apples must also be stored correctly so that they do not deteriorate and retain useful properties for as long as possible. If you want to keep the fruits for several months, then you need to process them before placing them in containers. Apply a little glycerin to the cloth. And it’s good to wipe every fruit. Alternatively, you can wrap fruit in food paper. Place apples in a cardboard or wooden container. If there is sawdust or sand, you can sprinkle the fruit with them.

Do not put onion and garlic bunch near the fruit. They interrupt the natural smell of apples. A box or box is best placed in a dark and cool place. Another storage method: tie fruit in polyethylene and bury in an earthen pit. It should be shallow - about fifty centimeters. To protect the fruits from their pests.