I give you soup: what should be the first dish. Is it good to eat soup

Napoleon loved a soup with chestnuts. Elvis Presley and Hitler preferred vegetable. But Nekrasov asked that as much dill as possible be put in the soup. Endocrinologist, nutritionist, Herbalife brand expert Alla Shilina tells what the proper soup should be and why it is important for a balanced diet.

The first question is why is it important and necessary to eat soup?

Soup promotes the active secretion of gastric juice and prepares the body for the digestion process. Soup restores fluid balance, helps to assimilate to other dishes, and warms perfectly in the cold season. In addition, it is a voluminous food: we quickly saturated, while receiving a minimum of calories.

Which soup is the most healthy?

Each soup has its pros and cons. For example, meat soup is rich in protein, but it lacks fiber and a lot of hidden fats.

There is protein in fish soup, there are practically no hidden fats, but, again, there is not enough fiber there.

The most favorite product of nutritionists is vegetable soup. It contains a large amount of antioxidants and plant fiber, while it is low in fat and has a low calorie content. That is why nutritionists recommend regularly including vegetable soups in the diet, especially for those who monitor their weight.

However, in vegetable soups there is also a minus - a lack of protein.

Why is protein so important to us?

It is from amino acids that immunoglobulins (the main protective proteins of the body), enzymes, hormones are built.

Protein lasts longer for a feeling of fullness. If you ate a product in which there are a lot of carbohydrates - after a while you will again be pulled “to eat”. Because carbohydrates stimulate the pancreas, it releases insulin, which increases appetite. The protein has no such action.

We need protein for muscle formation. And as well as muscle mass is developed, so a person is resistant to external factors. Just imagine the following picture: a man went out into the cold - an adrenaline, cortisol, release is immediately in the body. Yes, we may have normal body temperature, normal heart rate and pressure. But these hormones are catabolics, they destroy muscle mass. And protein forms muscle mass. It is important that the body constantly receives protein food and physical activity - so that hormone metabolites are excreted faster from the body.

How much protein does the body need?

About 85-90 grams per day is the minimum that a person should receive during the day. 100 grams of meat contains 25 grams of protein. In fish - 17 grams. In cottage cheese - about 20 grams.

Vegetable soups have a lot of fiber. Tell us about its benefits.

For the formation of immunoglobulins, one protein is not enough. Need fiber - a source for the life of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. We underestimate fiber - we think that it is needed only for peristalsis and digestion. And it still removes unoxidized substances, is involved in cholesterol metabolism.

Today there is no such thing as dysbiosis. But there is the concept of "syndrome of excessive bacterial growth." In the intestine there are several groups of bacteria: beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, conditionally pathogenic flora (in moderation does no harm) and, finally, pathogenic flora. It is important that there are more bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the body, while less conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic flora. And for this we need fiber, which is a source of energy for beneficial bacteria.

The food of our ancestors consisted of 2/3 of plant foods, and 1/3 of the meat of wild animals (contains less fat). Today we eat mainly refined foods, so we need to include fresh vegetables and greens to the maximum - there is a lot of fiber there.

Tell us why it is even more important to eat vegetable soups more often.

I would like to draw your attention to the elimination of acidosis (a shift in the acid-base balance of the body towards an increase in acidity (decrease in pH)) and the elimination of accumulated metabolic products.

Most often, we consider products from the perspective of macronutrients - how many proteins, fats, carbohydrates are in them. American scientists have introduced the concept of acid load. This means that in the process of splitting any product, an acidic, alkaline, or neutral environment is formed. Our body as a whole has a slightly alkaline environment. And in the stomach the environment is acidic, in the duodenum - slightly alkaline. Protein, breaking down, forms a more acidic environment. Therefore, it is important that it is combined in a plate with products that, when split, form an alkaline reaction - that is, with vegetables and herbs. Vegetable soup is also very healthy.

1. Combine vegetables rich in dietary fiber and low-fat varieties of meat or fish to ensure sufficient protein.

2. Use stainless steel products to peel, chop and rub vegetables.

3. Put vegetables in boiling water, taking into account the duration of cooking of a product:

  • whole potatoes - 25-30 minutes, sliced \u200b\u200b- 15 minutes;
  • whole carrots - 25 minutes, sliced \u200b\u200b- 15 minutes;
  • whole beets - 3-4 hours, chopped - 30 minutes;
  • beans - 1.5-3 hours;
  • peas - 1-2.5 hours.

4. Avoid rapid boiling, as air circulation destroys nutrients.

5. Eat vegetable soup on the day of preparation.

To this topic

After an interview with Alla Shilina, we tasted tomato soup with basil, presented by Herbalife. And they were pleasantly surprised. Firstly, it’s easy to prepare: it is filled with water, and after a minute you can already take a sample. Secondly, you can experiment: add crackers, olive oil, sour cream, spinach, bell pepper, chicken and other ingredients. And you can add nothing - because the soup already contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the first dish, a sufficient amount of dietary fiber and protein.

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Some say that you need to eat soup for lunch, others, on the contrary, insist on the dangers of soups. Which of them is right

© Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy

To listen to from your grandmother or mother, “Eat soup, or you will earn an ulcer”, it used to be customary for children in our country. But now, in the age of the Internet, a lot of information on healthy eating habits has become available, which is sometimes quite contradictory. Some say that you need to eat soup for lunch, others, on the contrary, insist on the dangers of soups. Which of them is right?

What good soups are ...

1. Hot soups - very good food in the autumn and winter. They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, warm and are quickly absorbed, supplying the body with energy.

2. If the secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups on meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, providing better digestion of food.

3. Despite the fact that the products in soups are subjected to heat treatment, unlike stewing or frying, some of the substances useful to the body are not destroyed.

4. Including soups in your diet, you can control the fluid balance. Most people do not drink enough water during the day, and with the help of first courses this deficiency is easy to fill.

5. Soups on chicken broth are able to fight the symptoms of colds and positively affect immunity. This is due to the fact that during the cooking process, the proteins contained in chicken partially decompose into specific peptides that act as immunostimulants.

6. Proper weight loss or maintaining it at the right level is easier to organize if there is soup for lunch, and not main dishes. With the same volume, the first dishes contain fewer calories, but there is no reason to stay hungry - the broth creates a feeling of fullness. American nutritionists even conducted a special experiment: two groups of subjects were offered to dine with dishes prepared from the same products, but one in the form of soup, and the other in the form of the second. Everyone had the opportunity to eat until full, but estimates showed that the group that was offered the soup consumed an average of 35% fewer calories.

... and what's wrong with them?

Suppose that soups have many undoubted advantages, but they also have disadvantages:

1. If you have a sick stomach (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied by high acidity), then meat broths are undesirable, as they stimulate additional secretion of acid. But even in this case, you can eat light vegetarian soup with pleasure and health benefits.

2. The liquid, which is the basis of the first courses, dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing down the digestion of food. For this reason, supporters of the principles of separate nutrition even drink tea no earlier than half an hour after eating, and they completely refuse soups.

3. Fatty, rich broths of meat or fish, doctors recommend excluding suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, gout from the diet. It is also useful to refuse them to people with high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially the elderly.

4. In the process of cooking the broth, most harmful substances from meat get into it. Most often these are various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in the process of raising livestock. If the broth is cooked from bones, then it also contains compounds that are undesirable for our body and are deposited there throughout the animal’s life, such as salts of heavy metals.

5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, although it is quite gentle in comparison with other methods, destroys vitamins. If instead of soup, you make salad from the same vegetables, such a health dish will be healthier.

Is it worth eating soups?

Vegetarian light soups, especially mashed vegetable soups, which are quickly absorbed by the digestive system, are good for everyone, but in moderation: you should not lean on them to the detriment of eating vegetables without heat treatment. You can eat soups and meat broth for lunch, if you do not have diseases in which they are contraindicated. Do you want this soup to be healthier? Just follow these cooking rules:

Meat should be taken pitted and low in fat. It is best to use chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit. A broth from such meat is considered dietary, especially if its first broth is drained.

Before cooking, cut the fat and veins from the meat, dip it into a pan with cold water, and after boiling, cook for at least 10 minutes. The most active harmful substances from meat during this time will go into a decoction, after which it must be drained. Next, fill the meat with water again and cook the broth as usual. Some supporters of a healthy lifestyle repeat this procedure even twice in a row, but one is enough.

In order for your soup to acquire not only a pleasant aroma that stimulates the appetite, but also a solid portion of the vitamins your body needs, add fresh greens to it after it is finally ready.

It’s up to you to decide for yourself whether it is worth eating soup for lunch. But one thing is certain: the idea that one must eat it, and every day is an old Soviet myth. Some peoples do not have such a tradition, but at the same time they eat healthy healthy food and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system due to the lack of first courses. Therefore, the main thing is to eat right, eat varied, and be healthy!

Our distant ancestors did not always manage to get enough food for every day, therefore, in the process of evolution, they developed mechanisms that not only protect the body from the negative effects of hunger, but also turn it for good. Of course, this applies only to a limited period of time. If the body does not receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins for a long time, then this affects health in the most detrimental way, however, short-term fasting, subject to certain rules and the correct way out of this condition, does not harm a healthy body.

Daily fasting once a week is considered optimal, but in order to notice a positive effect it must be carried out regularly for at least several months.

Contraindications for therapeutic fasting

Even daily fasting is strictly contraindicated for women during and for patients with diabetes mellitus, people with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, those who have been diagnosed with cancer, tuberculosis, stones and purulent inflammations of internal organs.

People who suffer from ischemic or hypertensive heart diseases, arrhythmias and other cardiovascular diseases should also refrain from.


Choose one day when you will only consume pure drinking water, such as boiled or distilled. You can drink mineral water without gas in such an amount that the daily allowance is 1.5 - 2 liters.
At first, when you are not used to such a regimen, you can add a little honey and lemon juice to the water, this cocktail is tastier and more nutritious.

The first time will be especially hard. By the end of the day, weakness appears and begins, so try to avoid any physical and psychological stress, refuse massage, visit the sauna and pool. A hungry person is prone to manifestations of excessive irritability, meditation and relaxation will help to avoid this.

Way out of starvation

The next day, it is recommended in the morning to drink a glass of kefir or freshly squeezed juice. After a half to two hours, you can eat a small amount of oatmeal, a salad of fresh vegetables or yogurt.

Throughout the day, it is advisable to eat light wholesome foods, such as cottage cheese, steamed meat and fish, soups, jelly, cereals, salads.

We all know from childhood that the benefits of liquid foods for the digestive system are incomparable. What is the history of the use of first courses and why did they become the main component of the diet of many peoples?

The first hot stews began to cook more than 500 years ago, as soon as refractory dishes appeared. Today, the “first” is cooked and eaten in different countries. Traditionally, soup is a dish containing 50% liquid.

In Ukraine, first courses are especially popular, and for a long time. They not only satisfied hunger and warmed, but also helped a lot with a hangover. The whole world associates Ukrainian cuisine with fragrant borsch, fish soup, cereal stew, cabbage.

A full meal by Soviet standards should have included the first course. So, school and kindergarten canteens still serve the "first" for children for lunch. The tradition has also reached us to serve dishes for lunch in a certain order: appetizer, soup, second, dessert.

Today, however, there are peoples who do not eat liquid foods. Just like some of us have not eaten soups for years, citing the fact that they do not like it. The question arises: is liquid food so necessary for health or is it still possible to refuse it?

There are endless discussions about the benefits of liquid food. On the one hand, the benefits of soups and light broths have been proven by time. From time immemorial, patients with colds or intestinal diseases have been sealed with dietary broths. Also, chicken soup is useful in the postoperative period, as it has a number of nutrients, is quickly absorbed and restores strength. On the other hand, opponents of the “first” claim that liquid food contains harmful toxins secreted by meat during cooking of the broth. In addition, they are confident that soups and other first courses can wash out the gastric juice over time, which will lead to problems with the digestion of food.

We listen to the opinion of leading gastroenterologists, who argue that the use of liquid foods is not a prerequisite for our health. On the contrary, it can harm him when it comes to people suffering from high acidity, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer. In general, according to doctors, most of the population today suffers from gastritis, however, this disease is not directly related to the rejection of first courses. It should be remembered that liquid food causes increased acid formation and is useful only to people with low acidity. The main thing is to include in the diet such products as meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables. It does not matter how to use these products - as part of soups or other dishes.

There are a number of tips for people who cannot imagine their life without first courses:

  • do not use very hot or cold "first";
  • do not overdo it with spices - acute is harmful to the stomach;
  • cook the broth on lean meats - chicken, turkey, beef;
  • do not use artificial food seasonings - they are toxic to the body;
  • make a vegetable "frying" for soup in olive oil to avoid the formation of trans fats.

Whether or not to eat first courses is up to you! Remember our recommendations and be healthy!

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught us that liquid foods for lunch should be eaten, otherwise there will be digestive problems. Is this really so?

Tradition eat soup

Soup is a liquid dish with at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of refractory, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, served as an excellent remedy for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borsch and cabbage. Also, from ancient times, we prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soup. The word "soup" in Russia and Ukraine appeared in everyday life under Peter I, who brought it from France along with dishes of French cuisine.

In Soviet times, the first dish was the basis of a full meal. There is still a tradition of serving dinner, first a snack, then soup, then a second and dessert. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

At present, nations are known in the traditions of which there are no first courses. Some of our compatriots do not eat soups for years simply because they do not like. So still: do you need soup for lunch?

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Benefit or harm

There are a lot of debates about the beneficial properties of the first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product, broths are especially useful. Not for nothing grandmothers soldered chicken broths of grandchildren suffering from colds. The broth is also useful in recovering from operations. But there are also opponents of the first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking broth from meat, substances harmful to the body are released. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups leaches gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked gastroenterologist at the Boris clinic Oksana Romanenko whether soup is required in the diet.

“Often, the lack of main dishes in the diet is associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, at present, this disease is present in almost everyone, regardless of whether he eats liquid dishes for lunch. All products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, that is, it is not necessary at all, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses enhance acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only to people with low acidity. If a person has a peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer or stomach inflammation with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person’s daily diet must include meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And whether these products will be in the composition of the soup or any other dishes - it does not matter. ”

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

the soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

spicy first course is also undesirable;

do not cook soup in fatty broth. Better for this to take chicken, and not pork meat or bones;

when cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical food additives, instant soups from sachets and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina