Harmful nutrition: how to distinguish harmful cookies from normal. Cookie rating: which is more beneficial for children

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Many of us love cookies from childhood. And, of course, I want to periodically treat myself and my family to them. But for people who are on a diet or counting calories, the question about the calorie content of cookies is very important.

Cookies can be different, so the calorie content of various types also changes. So, everyone knows that with diets associated with gastrointestinal problems, doctors recommend biscuit cookies, the calorie content of which, by the way, is lower than the calorie content of shortbread cookies. Confectioners distinguish the following main types of cookies: sugar, biscuit, lingering, shortbread, pastry, whipped, puff, oat and biscuit.

How many calories are in cookies

On any pack or box should be indicated how many calories in cookies. However, to draw up a preliminary menu and calculate the total number of calories per day, you can focus on the following values.

  • Sugar is a porous and lush cookie that breaks easily. It contains 436 kcal, with 9.2 g of protein, 10.2 g of fat and 68.4 g of carbohydrates;
  • The name biscuit speaks for itself, such cookies have a calorie content of 349 kcal, while 3.6 g of protein, 8.5 g of fat and 64.7 g of carbohydrates;
  • Lingering is done from an elastic and elastic dough, its calorie content is 418 kcal, with 8 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 76 g of carbohydrates;
  • Shortbread cookies have a calorie content of 379.1 kcal, (7.2 g of protein, 12.7 g of fat and 59 g of carbohydrates);
  • Butter has a lot of sugar and fat, as well as eggs, therefore, this cookie has a much higher calorie content: 458 kcal (10.4 g of protein, 15.2 g of fat and 76.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • In protein-whipped sweets, 464.6 kcal (2.7 g total protein, 25.8 g fat and 54.7 g carbohydrates);
  • Puff pastry, for example, many beloved “Ears”, has a calorie content of 395 kcal, it contains 7.7 g of protein, 14.3 g of fat and 58.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • The calorie content of oatmeal cookies is 437 kcal (6.5 g of protein, 14.4 g of fat and 71.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • And finally, the calorie content of biscuit cookies is 394.53 kcal, it contains 9.45 g of protein, 9.35 g of fat and 66.58 g of carbohydrates;
  • Add that favorite jubilee cookie, calorie content is 463 kcal, it contains 7 g of protein, 19 g of fat and 66 g of carbohydrates.

No one talks about the complete rejection of cookies, but they don’t need to get involved. Knowing the energy value, you can choose the optimal amount for yourself, so that it is tasty and not harmful. Note that whipped sweets and anniversary cookies have the highest calorie content.

It should be noted that we gave general numbers, but often in the cookies there are various additives and fillings: chocolate, nut, fruit and others, all kinds of creams and glazes. Of course, all of them affect the calorie content of cookies, as well as the content of fats and harmful carbohydrates in it. This should not be forgotten, wanting to pamper yourself delicious.

About the dangers and benefits of cookies

I want to say a few words in defense of cookies. We are accustomed to consider it a harmful product, and, of course, in large quantities, cookies do nothing but harm. Any species, even those that are considered more useful, like biscuit and oatmeal cookies, have a considerable calorie content. Therefore, it is impossible to absorb them uncontrollably neither for adults, nor even for children.

However, cookies can also be beneficial: it contains many B and PP vitamins, it is rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, and organic acids. Sometimes pediatricians even recommend giving children cookies as a source of energy. Many varieties are made with the addition of dried fruits, nuts, vitamins, which also benefits.

Unfortunately, we must not forget that some manufacturers make cookies in heavy fatty oil, add chemical additives, dyes with preservatives.

What to do? The conclusion is simple, you can make cookies yourself. Of course, it’s more difficult to calculate calorie content of such cookies with the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but you will know exactly which ingredients are put there.

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Harmful food very often begins with negligence or laziness. If everyone had a good habit of reading labels on all the products they decided to purchase, there would be much less health problems. Unfortunately, not all people have acquired such a habit. In addition, we quite often buy products by weight and therefore do not have the opportunity to find out what manufacturers “delight” us with. This happens especially often when buying cookies. We will name a few signs of butter baking, which indicate that this product is full of E-shek.

Watch out for glaze

Bagels, gingerbread cookies and iced cookies - almost an absolute guarantee that you have a product from the category "Unhealthy diet."  Indeed, E200 (sorbic acid), E160a (carotenes) are almost always present in the glaze. These two supplements often cause allergies in people, especially in children. E475 (esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids) with regular use disrupt the intestinal microflora. But the most dangerous of all E-shek that can appear in cookies is E322. In addition to the food industry, it is also used in the production of ink, fertilizers, pesticides. It is clear that the doses are different, but the fact remains.

Conclusion: icing on cookies, bagels and gingerbread cookies - a signal that in front of you harmful product, which is not worth buying.

Oatmeal Cookies - Diet?

This statement is doubtful from the very beginning: of course, there is less wheat flour in it than in ordinary cookies. But a lot of sugar and fat. This is when it comes to homemade cookies. Industrial oatmeal cookies are a regular member of the group “Unhealthy diet”  due to its "enrichment" with ammonium carbonate E503. Cookies with such an additive are usually more beautiful than usual, glossy, with a rich bright brown color. Better oatmeal liver, nondescript in appearance, grayish.

Shortbread Cookies - Liver to the detriment

Shortbread cookies quickly lose their marketable appearance. To prevent this from happening, ammonium hydroxide - E527 is added to the dough. Nutritionists are, in principle, against the frequent consumption of shortbread cookies, because the attractive friability of the product is provided by a large amount of fat, often vegetable hard, that is margarine. And this is pure bad cholesterol, the main reason for the appearance in the vessels of cholesterol plaques and, as a consequence, cardiovascular diseases. Adding ammonium hydroxide E527 to the dough immediately displays shortbread cookies in the category " junk food».

Oats - the power of healing

Oatmeal Cookies: Multiplying Benefits

Friendship Cookies and Diet

Oatmeal - calories

Sweet tooths often wonder what kind of flour products or sweets can be consumed while observing diets, and in what quantities. Today we will consider in more detail one of the most common products - oatmeal, which is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cookie composition

Traditionally, oatmeal is made from oat and wheat flour, hence the name of the product. Sugar, animal or vegetable fat are also added to cookies. Many confectioners like to add additional ingredients to create a unique taste for the product. These include honey, dried fruits, vanilla, nuts, cinnamon, chocolate or poppy seeds. All this in combination with a crisp and moderately soft dough inside is familiar to all people since childhood. However, it is worth adding that oatmeal cookies on an industrial scale are often made with the addition of all kinds of food additives and flavorings.

Nutritional Information of Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal, from which cookies are made, is a storehouse of vegetable fats and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. In addition, oatmeal cookies include useful substances such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements. Proteins, which are so numerous in oatmeal, are quickly absorbed by the body.

Calorie Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal cookies contain an average of 437 calories per 100 g of product. Of these, proteins - 6.5 g, which is 26 kcal, fats - 14.4 g (130 kcal), carbohydrates - 71.8 (287 kcal). And 1 pc. oatmeal cookies - this is 20 g, and therefore 87.4 kilocalories. The energy value of oatmeal cookies is 1745 kJ, which is 20% of the average daily rate for a dieter (2000 kcal / day).

The method of preparation of dietary oatmeal cookies

As you know, no one will prepare diet food better than ourselves, and culinary delights can be added to this category. So, to cook dietary oatmeal cookies you need:

  • 2 cups chopped oatmeal;
  • 200 g of fruit puree without sugar;
  • 40-50 g of dried fruit + 10 g of coconut.

Then mix all the ingredients with each other and put in the oven, having previously formed small rounded liver from the dough. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees. Bake at this temperature is no more than 20 minutes. The exclusion from the product of eggs, butter and sugar will make its digestion by the body more comfortable, and you will not only be pleased with excellent taste, but also with beneficial properties.

The benefits of oatmeal cookies

This confectionery product has a lot of useful properties - a balanced composition with moderate use stimulates digestion and helps to remove toxins from the body. Beyond this, cookies can help lower your blood sugar. For those who are on a diet, the dietary option described above is perfect.

Harm of oatmeal cookies

As such, oatmeal cookies have no contraindications, however, for people who are obese or overweight, it is better to eat only a dietary version of their own cookies, when you can independently monitor the composition of the product. Another option is to use low-calorie cookies, which can be found in the department for diet food or for diabetics. Do not forget that it’s difficult to “tear yourself away” from oatmeal cookies because of impeccable taste, so buy cookies of a small size and clearly identify how much product you can afford to eat in 1 sitting or 1 day.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal

Oat is a unique cereal containing vitamins of groups B, E, P, trace elements magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc. The content of a large amount of antioxidants in it helps the body withstand various negative factors. So, beta-glucan is indispensable in the fight against harmful cholesterol.

Eating oatmeal not only lowers cholesterol, but also reduces the risk of blood clots, helps increase muscle tissue, as well as cleanses the body. Oatmeal is a source of slow carbohydrates that provide energy. Having eaten such porridge for breakfast instead of the usual dry dryer, a person gets rid of drowsiness, bad mood and does not remember food until lunch. The calorie content of oatmeal is about 320 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oatmeal cooked on water is included in the diet to reduce excess weight, to improve the condition of internal organs, skin, hair and nails. Oatmeal is a porridge mucosa, so it envelops the digestive organs and is an indispensable and useful dish during the treatment of gastritis or gastric ulcer. Regular consumption of oatmeal (without milk) reduces the acidity of the stomach, helps get rid of heartburn, constipation and colitis, normalizes digestion and liver function.

Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, the use of this porridge improves memory and thinking. Hyaluronic acid contained in oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and joints. Hyaluronic acid is a part of medical cosmetics - creams based on it perfectly protect and moisturize the skin, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles. The alcohol tincture of oats in folk medicine is used as a sedative, and the infusion of straw or grains is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic.

Among the most sophisticated inexpensive desserts, the obvious favorite is oatmeal cookies. Its unobtrusive taste and high nutritional properties are familiar to everyone since childhood. This delicacy has a low cost, which increases its popularity ratings. In addition, such cookies can be easily prepared in any home kitchen.

A bit of history

The Scots came up with oatmeal cookies in the 17th century. For two centuries, oat treat has won the sympathy of consumers on different continents. And he succeeded, because the advantages of the product are obvious:

  • it is simplicity of preparation;
  • available ingredients;
  • nutritional value.

A product is being prepared from flour obtained from oats, an unpretentious cereal that grows everywhere. The authors of this product prepared cookies on hot stones. At first, grain by auxiliary methods turned into flour, which was diluted with ordinary water. From the dough obtained in such a simple way, small cakes were rolled out and laid out on a hot stone surface. The new dish was really liked by compatriots of the inventors of the product, and soon it appeared on the table of royal persons.

When World War I broke out, oatmeal cookies were included in the dry ration of many armies in European countries. His excellent taste and satiety helped the soldiers to bear the hardships of military life. Therefore, it is no coincidence that at one time this product was called "soldier's cookie."

The composition of the product and its caloric value

It is difficult to specifically determine the energy parameters of oatmeal cookies because different manufacturers add flavorings and other non-harmful components to saturate the taste, in addition to sugar and margarine. All this increases the energy value of products. But on average, 100 grams of a store product contains about 400 kcal. Therefore, even a few pieces of biscuits eaten at breakfast will provide the body with energy for the whole day. But the calorie benefits of oat product are not limited. Indeed, in its composition there are a lot of elements that our body so needs. The favorite treat contains:
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin component (E, B);
  • trace elements;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids.

All of these components in a single composition have a beneficial effect on brain function, digestion, improve muscle tone and raise mood.

Useful properties of oat treats

One particular characteristic of the oat product should be particularly highlighted. Unlike other desserts, after which a person feels heaviness in the stomach and satiety, cookies made from oatmeal do not give such an effect. Its composition is so organically selected that it has only a positive effect:

  • normalizes digestive functions;
  • regulates the intestines;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • favorably affects the condition of the skin of the face;
  • perfectly cleanses the body;
  • normalizes blood formation;
  • quickly gives a feeling of fullness;
  • relieves constipation;
  • activates the production of serotonin.

The last fact explains that oatmeal cookies positively reflect on the emotional background. This feature is especially pronounced in children. Once a child eats a couple of cookies on the go, it’s as if it is charging from a battery: live energy is in full swing and the baby is ready to play endlessly.

Another outstanding quality of oatmeal cookies, which should be mentioned, is the ability to destroy the deposits of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. True, a product prepared in industrial volumes contains a lot of carbohydrates, therefore diabetics should not eat such cookies.

About the dangers of the product

Everything tasty is useful if its use is limited to a certain measure. This rule applies to oatmeal liver. Due to its high nutritional value, the product is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities by people prone to overweight. Diabetics also need to carefully select the product. For this category of consumers, special dietary varieties of cookies are produced, where instead of sugar, its substitute for fructose is present. People with oily skin should also refrain from using this delicacy. This rule also applies to those who are allergic to the ingredients of the product.

Oatmeal Cookies and Diet

Many fans and fans of healthy eating are concerned about the possibility of using oatmeal cookies as a basic diet product. It is impossible to answer in a monosyllabic way. After all, this product in its classic version is very high-calorie, it has a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. For this reason, oatmeal cookies can appear on the menu only when you want to quickly quench your hunger, relieve fatigue, add emotional positive. For example, you can eat a few pieces of cookies before an exam test or an important meeting. Such a light snack will give strength, activates the brain. Oatmeal cookies can replace breakfast when it is not possible to cook a full meal. These are all situational cases, but you should not build a diet as a whole on an oat dessert, and people who are overweight should generally forget about this product.

What supplements are there in oat dessert

Today, many manufacturers include oatmeal cookies in their product range. Everyone prepares this delicacy according to his own recipe, this explains the variety of options on store shelves. But there is a list of required components:

  1. Confectionery fats. Without them, it is impossible to cook this type of dessert.
  2. Baking powder helps the dough to take the desired consistency, so that later it turns out friable soft cookies.
  3. Sugar. Its content in the product is high, but there are alternative options where sugar is replaced by fructose. True, the taste of such a product is significantly different from the original.
  4. Vegetable oils. Modern manufacturers often replace margarine with vegetable oil. But, if there is only benefit from sunflower oil, this cannot be said about palm oil.
  5. Fillers diversify the taste and are beneficial. It can be seeds, raisins, dried apricots. Such supplements energize and stimulate the intestines.
  6. Honey is also often used in baking. It gives the product a dark shade and a distinctive honey flavor.
  7. Preservatives are considered the real scourge of modern sweets in industrial production. The presence of these, not very useful additives, says the long shelf life of the product. That is, the longer this period, the greater the number of chemical additives in cookies.

How to choose a quality cookie

A good quality product should be purchased at private bakeries. They usually cook cookies according to classic recipes in compliance with the quantitative and qualitative selection of ingredients. If you want to guarantee complete safety for health, you can try to cook a treat at home. This is not a complicated and time-consuming process.

As for store products, when choosing should:

  1. Give preference to goods in transparent packaging.
  2. Choose a whole product.
  3. A good quality confectionery is even in color.
  4. The product should be soft.
  5. By the expiration date, you can easily determine how many harmful additives are in the cookies.
  6. For the preparation of a quality product, usually not egg powder, but natural eggs are used.

All this information is usually indicated on the packaging. Just before you pay for the purchase, you need to take a few minutes to study the characteristics of the product. Excellent oatmeal cookies always bring a useful variety to the diet.

Video: how to make oatmeal cookies without flour

Baking usually means lush, tasty buns, cheesecakes and pastry stuffed, used as a treat. They are loved by adults and adored by children. Is such food good? We will discuss this today.

The role of baking in the diet

To begin with, the body cannot do without carbohydrate food, which includes bakery products. The main source of energy is glucose resulting from the breakdown of carbohydrates. It nourishes the brain, serves as fuel for the nervous system, during heavy work or a disturbed diet allows you to quickly satisfy hunger and restore strength.

In many cases, baking is a supplier of useful micro and macro elements, especially when dried fruits, spices and berry jams are used for the filling. Traditional rolls contain vitamins B1, B2, PP. In small quantities, such substances are present:

- sodium

- calcium

- magnesium

- phosphorus

- iron.

Finally, fancy sweets improve emotional tone and enhance mood. It is so nice to feel their aroma and pamper your taste buds.

What a treat. But how harmful are they?

Video: What is the harm of sweets and how to stop wanting sweets?

Negative features of baking

The medal also has a “shadow” side. And in this case it is much darker and more prominent than light. In excess of flour products bring extra calories. And the body, as a thrifty host, lays them on the waist, hips and sides in the form of fatty layers. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and fear for their figure, buns and loaves are a serious obstacle to harmony.

This is the whole picture. Now let's talk about the details, namely about the ingredients. Modern factories and plants are guided in the production process not by current standards, but by independently developed recipes. Often they bake products based on ready-made factory dry kits, including a huge number of synthetic and dangerous additives. It may be harmful to the consumer, but convenient and profitable for the seller.


Margarine is an emulsion mixture of natural and modified vegetable oils and animal fats. Its danger is the presence of trans fats, which are attributed to carcinogenic properties, called the cause of cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, allergic reactions, decreased immunity and a deterioration in blood composition.

But there is a way. This component replaces rustic butter, and in some types of dough (custard, yeast) - refined squeezes from sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.

Baking powder

This component is necessary to give products friability and splendor. But if it is made on the basis of phosphates, it poses a danger to the stomach (provokes ulcers and erosion), causes a lack of phosphorus and calcium.


Sweet, tasty, but healthy?

Most flour desserts are high in sugar. After preparation, a product with a high glycemic index is obtained, which sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood. This is one of the reasons why muffin lovers are at risk for occurrence:

- diabetes

- thrush,

- obesity.

In addition, too sugary products are harmful to the teeth.


Baker's yeast is a type of biological baking powder of the dough - a unicellular fungus without a mycelium. The product is quite controversial. Some insist on its usefulness, others give arguments about the harmfulness. The arguments of both parties seem convincing, but who is right remains unclear. The main “phobias” regarding these microorganisms are as follows:

1) Once in the human digestive system, yeast begins to "steal" carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for their life from human food. The result is a deficiency of elements in the body.

2) Aggressive fungi multiplies exponentially. They create a putrefactive environment and upset the balance of intestinal microflora in the direction of "bad" bacteria, which leads to a weakening of protective functions. Food absorption is also deteriorating. There is dysbiosis, problems with the pancreas and liver.

3) Increases acidity, which contributes to chronic fences, the formation of ulcers and gastritis, stones in the gall bladder. The body tries to normalize the acid-base proportion by drawing calcium (an alkaline element) from bone tissue. Therefore, baking, in theory, can become an indirect cause of bone fragility and osteoporosis.

4) As a result of alcoholic fermentation, toxic substances are formed: diacetyl, acetoin, butyric aldehyde, isoamyl, etc. These compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of flour products. In small quantities, they are not dangerous.

An alternative to factory yeast will be natural analogues from hops and rye starter cultures.


Vanillin is a synthetic additive with a characteristic pleasant aroma. In certain cases, it provokes allergic reactions and even skin irritations, up to the development of contact dermatitis, pigmentation and eczema.

In the manufacture of this powder, coumarin is often used - a carcinogen that destructively affects liver cells. At the same time, a person feels heartburn.

How to refuse baking and how to replace it?

Refusing white bread and butter is an important step towards health. Someone such a decision is given easily, and some simply can not step over themselves. Dramatically defeating the habit of eating sweet pastries is hard. But goodies can be squeezed out of the diet gradually, replacing them with more wholesome food:

  • marshmallows based on pectin, egg whites and applesauce;
  • marmalade from fruit and berry juices, with or agar-agar;
  • nuts
  • dark chocolate;
  • whole grain bars and bread rolls;
  • turkish delight made from mashed potatoes, nuts, honey, seeds, starch;
  • dried fruits.

Sweet yeast rolls, crackers and puff pastries should be avoided. Instead, it is better to give preference to pastries from whole grain flour, products without confectionery glaze and biscuits.

Little Cooking Tricks

It is known that the body most actively metabolizes calories in the morning. Therefore, for breakfast it is quite acceptable to eat a delicious cheesecake with tea, a croissant with coffee, kalach with cocoa or even a piece of cake. But do not overeat and try to shove the daily rate into yourself, since before lunch everything is so well digested.

To make baking more useful, at home cooking reduce the serving of sugar by 40-50 percent. Typically, the proportion of this ingredient in recipes is indicated in excess. It is also recommended to do with fat: the amount of butter can be safely reduced by a third, or even half. At the same time, the taste and quality of the dessert will not suffer, and the energy value will significantly decrease.

When baking in the oven, do not grease the pan and the forms with grease. Better line the bottom with a non-stick coating. Cakes or rolls will remain the same tender and airy.

Finally, fruit purees and slaked vinegar can be used instead of chicken eggs.

Remember! Baking is not so harmful as to refuse it at all. For health, moderation and rationality are important. With this approach, you do not have to deprive yourself of pleasure in feasting on baking.