Is non-alcoholic beer harmful to men's health? What if the word “no” is not welcomed during the feast? Best non-alcoholic beer

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful? Why were soft drinks developed in the first place? Many patients ask these questions when visiting a doctor. As practice shows, many people are convinced that non-alcoholic beer does not harm the liver, since it does not contain ethanol, which negatively affects the body.

Some parents don't realize the harm without alcoholic beer and give it to their children, which is certainly unacceptable. The same applies to pregnant women. Doctors strongly do not recommend drinking non-alcoholic beer, since it contains a large number of substances that can harm the developing fetus. This problem manifests itself to a greater extent in the most early stages, at the time of the formation and formation of internal organs.

People who like to drink non-alcoholic beer should remember that it contains various chemical additives, enhancing taste and extending shelf life. And, of course, it is important to know what is stored in such a product minimum dose alcohol (0.2-1.5%). Even this concentration can negatively affect liver function.

Negative influence

The harm of non-alcoholic beer has been proven for a long time, only many patients want to deliberately remain in the dark. The drink can lead to a number of changes in performance of cardio-vascular system, since it contains cobalt, a chemical element that is designed to produce foam. If taken regularly, its amount can exceed the norm tens of times. In addition, cobalt can lead not only to liver inflammation, but to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following reason will be relevant for all men. The fact is that with the systematic consumption of beer, there is an active release of substances that suppress the secretion of the male hormone - testosterone. As a result of this process, the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone, is activated.

U drinking men the following changes can be observed:

  • growth of mammary glands,
  • pelvic expansion,
  • obesity.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer has not spared the fair half of humanity. If women regularly drink a foamy drink, they are likely to be at risk oncological diseases. Over time, a woman’s voice begins to become rougher, and “vegetation” can be seen appearing above her upper lip.

Having started with non-alcoholic beer, a person will sooner or later start drinking the alcoholic version. The point is that this version foamy drink turns out to be “ineffective”: it does not bring those emotions and feelings that appear after drinking alcohol. People who have these problems should not drink low alcohol drinks. They will cause equal harm, only extended over time.

Composition and pregnancy

Quite often, pregnant women believe that there is no harm from one bottle of beer. Their motivation is related to the fact that the absence of alcohol will not in any way affect the development of the fetus itself. In fact, there is not much difference between the two types of drinks, the main thing is to pay attention to the composition. Ultimately, there is no guarantee that the fetus will not develop diseases nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Before drinking a foamy drink, you need to refer to its composition. To establish a detailed picture of what is happening, you should simply compare the labels of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer. As a rule, the compositions are almost identical, with the exception of the alcohol concentration. Regular beer will contain up to 15-20% alcohol, and non-alcoholic beer will contain up to 1.5%.

For many men, beer without alcohol is considered a popular excuse when meeting with a traffic police officer. However special tests will be able to easily determine the presence of alcohol in the blood. Even a beautiful label with the inscription 0% will not guarantee the complete absence of alcohol in the composition, and even such beer will affect the functioning of the liver and other organs. Think about it: is it worth drinking intoxicating drinks at all?

Many people do not think that drinking during adolescence leads to serious problems that are associated with improper development of the nervous system. When regular use Damage occurs to various vital organs and systems: heart, liver, kidneys, etc. The greatest danger is associated with violation hormonal levels, which can be very difficult to restore.

What can you get from an intoxicating drink?

For many men, beer is identified with healthy kvass- a product of yeast fermentation. However, the benefits of non-alcoholic beer are depreciated due to the high concentration fusel oils, responsible for fermentation processes.

Hops, which give beer its “pleasant bitterness,” contain morphine, which is addictive to many men. The development is not accidental, but over time a person simply cannot do without another serving of beer. As practice shows, the problem is not only in the alcohol itself, but also in other substances that can be found in the composition. It should be noted that the drink is famous for its diuretic properties, which lead to the leaching of potassium from the body.

There will be no harm to the liver and other organs only if you do not drink beer at all. According to experts, the amount consumed plays a large role in the harm caused, and as the volume increases, the problems will begin to worsen.

To summarize, we can say that non-alcoholic beer is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Even a low percentage of alcohol will have toxic effects, just not as quickly. There is no doubt that pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, should completely avoid intoxicating drinks.


Drinking beer is considered by many citizens as a habit that carries increased harm body.

The attitude towards soft drinks is more positive, but its intake also has its own nuances. Under certain conditions, it can benefit your well-being or undermine your health.

Let's talk about the benefits of non-alcoholic beer for men and women, possible harm drink for the liver and overall health. Let’s answer a question that interests many: is non-alcoholic beer harmful or beneficial?

How to choose a good one and check its quality

The “0” format drink is sold only in bottles- the buyer’s main attention should be focused on the composition, its taste, and aromatic qualities.

The nuances of choosing quality beer:

  • compound. The perfect combination included ingredients are: hops, water, malt, yeast;
  • impurities. The presence of ascorbic acid, which has preservative properties, increases the toxic effect of the drink. Other undesirable components: maltose syrup, sodium benzoate, glucose-fruit syrup, additives E;
  • aroma. A good non-alcoholic product has a “deep”, strongly pronounced smell.

Especially Unknown manufacturers or manufacturers with little experience should be avoided release of “options for teetotalers.” Working out the mechanism for producing non-alcoholic beer is a strict and lengthy procedure, achieved by global brands over many years of trial and error. Companies with a dubious reputation do not have such experience.

For this reason, you will also have to pay a little more money to purchase this version of the drink than for a regular low-alcohol drink.

Fact: The best way to purify non-alcoholic beer is through dialysis.

How to make non-alcoholic light:

Composition, calorie content, nutritional value and glycemic index

The increased calorie content does not allow the drink to be used as a component dietary nutrition, Although Beer contains mineral compounds- potassium, .

Contains a wide variety of vitamins group B, but their concentration is low: to satisfy daily requirement, you need to drink almost 10 liters of the drink. Additional elements - and folates.

After consuming 100 ml, the body receives 26-40 kcal, the amount of protein and fat is 0 g, and carbohydrates are about 4.6 g.

The glycemic index of the product is 25 units, indicating the absence of a sharp increase in blood sugar when consumed.

What is healthier – an alcoholic drink or “nulevka”

Comparing the two options, experts come to the conclusion that The preservative content in non-alcoholic beer is often higher than in alcoholic.

Zero Option can't be fresh, it cannot be brewed at a brewery and immediately served to the buyer - it is prepared under the influence of a complex and multi-stage process and only then is it allowed to be sold.

Some manufacturers even exclude the fermentation process during cooking, which is responsible for the formation useful substances in the drink.

Distillation and vacuum evaporation are other popular technologies for eliminating ethanol, but they all introduce unnecessary impact into the manufacturing process, which is detrimental to the quality of the drink ( fusel oils are formed).

Is there any harm from non-alcoholic beer? Non-alcoholic product has lower benefits than the traditional ethanol version.

The rationality of taking it is more related to the convenience of taking it, which does not cause confusion.

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer - in the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

What is useful and harmful

Most citizens choose to drink a non-alcoholic version of beer in situations where drinking alcoholic product is unacceptable for medical reasons.

The most common case is taking antibiotics, which when combined with alcohol lead to hepatotoxic effects. You can also take non-alcoholic drinks if you have liver diseases, even hepatitis.

Useful qualities of non-alcoholic beer:

  • cools well;
  • is not addictive;
  • satisfies hunger;
  • does not allow intoxication.

The harm from drinking this drink lies in the deceptiveness of the complete absence of alcohol - the alcohol content ranges from 0.5 to 1.5% (compared to the usual 4–7%).

Therefore, its use in large quantities leads to mild intoxication, and blood saturation with alcohol may raise questions among traffic police representatives.

Few manufacturers manage to achieve almost complete ethanol removal - products have an alcohol content of less than 0.05%.

Any foamy drink awakens the appetite, often leading to an increase in food consumption.

For adult men and women

Men are traditional fans of beer, but the intake of their favorite drink may be limited to leisure or work conditions.

Is non-alcoholic healthy? You can drink a non-alcoholic version while driving or at work., which does not lead to impaired coordination of movements.

When controlling complex mechanisms, a foamy drink in a special format - in a dosage of no more than 1 glass - will also not become an obstacle to your usual routine.

Lack of degrees is not equivalent to a calorie deficit: the hop product has a huge amount calories, so for girls who want to lose overweight, this option is definitely not suitable.

There is still a positive aspect - some varieties of “nulevok” contain yeast, and this component is considered to have beneficial effects on the skin and hair.

Pregnant and nursing

Lack of awareness about the content of small concentrations of ethanol leads to the emergence of a common myth that the drink does not pose a threat to the developing fetus.

However, the negative impact is high and often leads to various disorders in children. Breastfeeding by women is also dangerous: the components of the drink accumulate in the nutritional mixture and poison the fragile body.

The baby’s digestive tract is only able to absorb milk, and the ingestion of ethanol leads to indigestion, colic and flatulence.

According to unofficial information, drinking beer by expectant mothers significantly increases the risk of developing a frozen pregnancy.


The absence of alcohol in the composition can create a deceptive illusion of the safety of a foamy drink that is not burdened with degrees.

However, another property of non-alcoholic beer poses a threat - tastes the same as the “real” one. Having fallen in love with a special aroma in childhood, a child is highly likely to start drinking beer earlier than his peers.

Children who are not given “zero” later get used to beer, because after the first tasting they are often put off by the unusual taste.

The pleasure of use develops gradually. Kids who try the non-alcoholic version early no longer have this barrier.

In old age

Due to the diuretic effect, the hop product should be taken with caution by persons with a tendency to dehydration - dehydration.

Carefully Cores should be taken into account: when removing ethanol, manufacturers often use cobalt, which stabilizes the foam, but it leads to severe dilation of the arteries.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases should drink this version of beer in minimal quantities.

However, several studies conducted in the USA and Italy have revealed an increase in the quality of life in pensioners when drinking the drink no more than 1-2 times a week.

Portuguese scientists also discovered that the intoxicating product prevents the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Allergy sufferers, athletes, diabetics

Allergy sufferers. You should not drink any type of foamy drink if you have an immune reaction to hops - the deterioration in your health will be the same.

Athletes. For this group of people, the “sober option” is only useful for relieving taste deficiency when drinking alcohol is impossible. Due to its calorie content, it is also not suitable during sports diets.

A limited effect can be observed when consumed before training: hops improve concentration and increase muscle strength for several tens of minutes.

Diabetics. Occasionally, non-alcoholic beer can be consumed by people experiencing problems with the pancreas.

The presence of a small amount of carbohydrates allows you to drink no more than 200-400 ml at a time without harm to health.

Potential dangers and contraindications

What is the harm from non-alcoholic beer? A foamy drink with the prefix “0 calories” is not recommended for many diseases, since most of the negative phenomena inherent in “Viking drinking” remain.

With prolonged use, men show signs of feminization (hips become larger and breasts grow), and testosterone levels drop.

Admission restrictions for:

Diuretic properties could make patients feel better if they have a diseased bladder, but this option also has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the body.

According to this influence, If you have cystitis, it is better not to drink non-alcoholic beer. The presence also leads to relapses and exacerbations, since the acidity of the stomach in such individuals increases sharply.

It is better not to drink a foamy drink at night, otherwise sleep will be burdened by frequent urges to go to the toilet.

The most favorable time- morning and afternoon. Bottle finished product, if it is used 1-2 times a week, it only brings benefits.

It is not recommended to drink it after a heavy dinner, otherwise feelings of fullness and indigestion arise. You cannot mix hops and sweets, or drink with dairy products. The recommended dose is 300 ml (1 glass).

Beer should not be mixed with wine, vodka and alcoholic products containing cream and syrup.

Nonalcoholic beer - interesting option, able to diversify the diet. Drinking an intoxicating drink allows you to maintain excellent concentration and enjoy the familiar taste without compromising your health.

However, the status of the drink should not confuse buyers regarding its nutritional value, since some gourmets make the wrong conclusions, considering non-alcoholic drinks to be completely “calorie-free.”

In contact with

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer are a very controversial issue, not only from a physiological point of view, but also from an ethical point of view. Of course, this drink is advertised as harmless to the body, including for teenagers, but doctors categorically disagree with such an advertising policy, as well as with the postulated harmlessness of electronic cigarettes.

How non-alcoholic beer is made

In production it is much more complicated than usual. Since such a drink differs only in the amount of ethanol, the main production steps remain similar, but a few more are added to them. The goal of these additional steps is to reduce the alcohol content of the drink as much as possible.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. By lowering the temperature, the fermentation process is stopped, thereby reducing the amount of alcohol.
  2. Maintaining the boiling point, the alcohol is evaporated from the finished beer.
  3. Freeze alcohol - since alcohol freezes slower than water, using this method they can be separated from each other.
  4. Membrane filtration or dialysis - finished alcohol is passed through several membranes with cells of such a size that alcohol molecules cannot pass through them. This method allows you to preserve the taste of the original drink.
  5. Yeast is replaced with special variety, which do not produce alcohol, but when used, lactic acid is formed.
  6. Finally, during the cooking process, fermentation is excluded from the stages, that is, yeast is not added to the wort. The downside of this method is that the drink barely resembles regular beer. The advantage is the complete absence of alcohol in the drink.

Chemical composition and calorie content of non-alcoholic beer

Beer 0 degrees is similar in composition to that containing ethanol. It refers to low-calorie foods– per 100 grams there are from 25 to 30 kcal, depending on the variety. As for BJU, there are practically no proteins and fats in the drink, and carbohydrates in the composition range from 5 to 6.5 mg.

Regarding vitamins and chemical elements, then in addition to water the composition includes:

  • vitamin A – 2 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin C – 0.5 mg;
  • potassium – 40 mg;
  • phosphorus – 12 mg;
  • calcium – 9 mg;
  • magnesium – 7 mg.

Among the elements that are harmful to health, cobalt is present in the soft drink.

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer

In general, since non-alcoholic beer still contains from 0.5 to 1% alcohol, it cannot be called completely non-alcoholic - and harmless. Non-alcoholic beer is not as dangerous to health as regular beer, but, like any weak drug, it is harmful to the human body.

Since it contains ethanol, it is, like other alcohol, toxic, although to a lesser extent. In addition, cobalt, which is used to create beer foam, harms the functioning of the heart. Since the composition includes hops and malt, harm is caused to the endocrine system, and non-alcoholic beer is dangerous for the liver and kidneys.

However, the drink still has several advantages.

For women

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer for women are as follows.

The advantages of the drink are:

  1. Low calorie content allows you to consume it without fear of gaining weight. In some cases, it is used as an element of the diet.
  2. The minimum alcohol content allows you to drink it without fear of intoxication - and therefore without exposing yourself to additional danger, that is, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, and so on.

Disadvantages include:

  1. Harm to the body, including ethanol toxicity.
  2. Possibility of addiction, and therefore alcoholism.

For men

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer for men in general do not differ from the harms and benefits that this drink brings to women. However, there are also those pros and cons that are important specifically for men.

Positive sides:

  1. Reducing the risk of cancer.
  2. No hangover.

Drinking the drink has the following disadvantages:

  1. Since consuming hops disrupts the functioning of the hormonal system, the amount of testosterone produced decreases, which means that female hormones begin to predominate in the body.
  2. As a result frequent use Possible disturbances in reproductive function.

For the elderly

Considering all the disadvantages of using this drink, it is highly not recommended for older people to drink it. From positive aspects can only be said to have lower toxicity compared to regular beer.

In general, if you cannot do without drinking alcohol, such a drink is better than one containing alcohol - but not due to the benefits of zero beer, but because of less harm.

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women drink non-alcoholic beer?

Due to the hormonal imbalances it causes, as well as the negative effects on the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and brain, drinking beer – both non-alcoholic and containing alcohol – is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Since during this period the child’s body is connected to the mother’s, the use harmful substances may affect the condition of the fetus, including problems with the development of the child or the occurrence of pathologies. It is also strictly not recommended to drink non-alcoholic beer while breastfeeding.

Non-alcoholic beer and children

In advertising campaigns this drink is presented as completely devoid of ethyl alcohol. However, this is not the case - depending on the cooking method, different varieties contain different quantity ethanol - from 0.5% to 1%. Since the body of children and adolescents is not fully formed, the negative effects characteristic of soft drugs affect them more strongly; even non-alcoholic beer can cause addiction.

Despite the fact that it is not legally prohibited to sell a soft drink to children if the alcohol percentage is less than 0.5%, it is still not worth doing. Many stores that sell alcohol do exactly this and refuse to buy non-alcoholic beer to those under the age of majority.

Non-alcoholic beer for athletes

Since physiologically people involved in sports are not much different from others, the harm of non-alcoholic beer also applies to them. Cobalt is especially harmful because it negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and this effect increases after physical activity.

However, if you cannot do without drinking alcohol for some reason, it is preferable to use just such a drink due to its low calorie content and minimum quantity fusel oils in the composition.

Drinking non-alcoholic beer for certain diseases

Contraindications to use, in addition to age and pregnancy, include the following diseases:

  • cystitis:
  • prostatitis;
  • gout;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hepatitis C;
  • epilepsy.

You can drink this drink in small quantities if you have hypertension or hypotension, but it is important not to exceed the recommended amount of 300 ml, maximum half a liter. The same applies to psoriasis, but in this case it is better to choose beer with a minimum ethanol content.

Since almost any disease involves taking medicines, during this period it is better not to drink alcohol at all. This is due to the harm that can be caused by the distorted effect of medications.

Do non-alcoholic beer make you fat?

The low calorie content of the drink is perhaps its main positive feature. A number of diets are based on its consumption, but it is still better not to go on them, since even such a non-alcoholic drink is harmful to health.

Since there are only 26-30 kcal per 100 ml, it is difficult to recover from it unless you drink several liters a day.

Non-alcoholic beer when taking antibiotics and antidepressants

When interacting with alcohol, many antibiotics and antidepressants either change their properties or enhance their effect, which is extremely harmful in the case of antidepressants or sleeping pills. In addition, their effect may be distorted by the influence of other substances.

Another reason not to mix medications and beer, even if devoid of alcohol, is that a number of diseases are contraindications for drinking alcohol.

Can drivers drink non-alcoholic beer?

The answer to this question depends on the loyalty of the traffic police officers, as well as on the state of the body, the amount drunk and how much time has passed since drinking alcohol.

Theoretically, it is not prohibited to drink a drink containing less than 0.5% alcohol before driving, but in practice, after drinking, particles of alcohol may remain in the blood, and once detected, the driver may be fined or deprived of his license.

Can non-alcoholic beer be coded?

A coded person is strictly not recommended to drink even soft drinks, as this can cause intoxication. Another reason is that this increases the likelihood that the coded one will “relapse” and return to drinking alcohol at previous levels, and even large quantities.

Which beer is more harmful: non-alcoholic or alcoholic?

Comparing non-alcoholic beer with regular beer, it must be said that in both cases there is significant harm to the body. However, the organs that receive damage are different.

In the case of an alcoholic drink, the main damage - due to the toxins contained in beer - is caused to the brain, hormonal and endocrine systems.

In the case of non-alcoholic beer, it is mainly the cardiac and digestive systems that suffer.


The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer are incomparable, inherent in it positive traits are practically insignificant in comparison with negative ones. We can say that there is only one reasonable way to minimize harm to the body - to drink as little as possible, or better yet, not to drink at all.

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How non-alcoholic beer is made

All the main stages involved in traditional brewing are certainly followed during the manufacturing process. soft drink: grain turns into malt, malt into wort, wort is flavored with hops and finally yeast produces the final product the right degree. Don't throw away any of the steps.

Both in the case of preparing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer, the same proportion of phytoestrogens and fusel oils is retained. This means that everything is positive and negative properties, inherent regular beer, in non-alcoholic too there is. The percentage of alcohol is reduced by evaporation during high temperatures. And if this is also done using the method membrane filtration, this is reflected in the price. She is much taller.

In Russia, the production of non-alcoholic beer was mastered in the 70s, when the percentage of road accidents due to malicious drinking exceeded all conceivable limits. Those who know a lot about the art of brewing testify that the first attempts to create a non-alcoholic analogue were not so successful. Having tried a beer drink that is significantly different from natural beer, many refused it.

Benefit or self-deception

Non-alcoholic beer is a substitute for the alcoholic analogue of the popular foamy drink. Like regular beer, the non-alcoholic version can have negative health effects if consumed frequently.

Drink difference

Fusel oils

Fermentation products and additives

Hop cones, which give beer a slightly bitter taste, contain a small amount of morphine, which, however, when taken in large doses, is addictive, causing alcoholism. Consuming 2 or more bottles of soft drinks daily can lead to addiction. Some varieties additionally add cobalt, which not only negatively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, but also affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Hops, which are found in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, contain phytoestrogen, which affects testosterone production. Thus, in men who drink a lot of non-alcoholic beer, the appearance of a belly, pelvic expansion, breast growth and potency disorders are likely. The drink is also a diuretic, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases, since potassium will be removed from the body along with large volumes of fluid.


The drink does not have a particularly negative effect on the body with moderate consumption of 1-2 bottles every few days. The drink's qualities are similar to regular beer, which in small volumes can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in people over 40 years of age. Also, non-alcoholic beer is low-calorie and contains approximately 50% less calories. Product contains useful microelements, vitamins and amino acids, which, although in small quantities, benefit the body. The drink also contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc.

What is non-alcoholic beer made from?

How is non-alcoholic beer made?

At the beginning of production, non-alcoholic or “zero” beer is no different from regular beer, i.e. it is also made from malt, hops and water and passes through the entire technological process from preparing the wort and brewing the mash to fermentation. The difference is that at the end of the process, regular beer is packaged in bottles, while non-alcoholic beer is not. You still need to remove the alcohol from it. The most common method is heating. However, the result is a drink that can be drunk, but without any pleasure, since its smell and taste change when heated. To avoid this, brewers came up with vacuum distillation of beer, during which the beer does not heat up much.

Another method is called reverse osmosis. The liquid passes through a filter so hard that only alcohol and water can pass through. The alcohol is then evaporated from the water and returned to the viscous mixture of sugars and flavors. And, indeed, the end result is a drink that tastes similar to beer. After the alcohol is removed, non-alcoholic beer must be carbonated. Regular beer ferments due to the sugar and alcohol in its composition and is saturated with carbon dioxide. It would be possible to start the fermentation process in non-alcoholic beer, but it is quite difficult to correctly calculate how much yeast and sugar to add so that the alcohol does not exceed 0.5%. Therefore, brewers prefer to simply carbonate the drink with carbon dioxide.

Scientists believe that non-alcoholic beer can also become addictive, reminiscent of alcohol addiction.

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful?

To be honest, non-alcoholic beer is more of a low-alcohol beer. And do not think that its weak strength does not put a strain on the heart, pancreas and kidneys. This, of course, is not vodka, but it is not a harmless carbonated product either. It should not be drunk by children, pregnant or nursing mothers, as it has the same toxicological effect as any alcoholic drink. The dose of exposure depends only on how much you drink. In addition, any type of beer is a natural phytoestrogen, hence all sorts of consequences of the influence of female hormones on the body.

Non-alcoholic beer is becoming popular drink among the general population. People who don't want to give up good taste beer drinkers, but who care about their health, find non-alcoholic beer an optimal alternative to regular beer. Unlike an ordinary intoxicating drink, which contains 4-5% ethyl alcohol, non-alcoholic beer is almost completely free of it. But is this a beneficial property of non-alcoholic beer? Is it as harmless as many people think? It all depends on the production technology of this drink.


Beer found on store shelves is divided into three categories - regular (contains up to 5% alcohol), low alcohol (2%), and non-alcoholic (0.02-0.05%). The elemental composition containing a microscopic dose of ethyl alcohol determines some beneficial properties for human health associated with the absence of alcohol. Chemical composition beer - a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins - also allows us to talk about certain beneficial properties this drink.

Following from the opposite - harmful properties alcoholic drinks– we can name the key advantages of non-alcoholic beer for the human body:

  • does not cause alcohol intoxication;
  • allows you to drive a car after use (conditionally);
  • does not cause inhibition of reactions or drowsiness;
  • does not cause nervous excitement.

One of the main advantages of non-alcoholic beer is that the drink has virtually no effect on water balance body. Drinking regular 5% beer and other alcoholic beverages is known to increase urine output and promote dehydration. In contrast, non-alcoholic beer does not affect water balance and does not increase diuresis.

Low nutritional value– another plus of a non-alcoholic drink. While other alcoholic drinks are quite high in calories due to high content alcohol and carbohydrates, the soft drink is low in calories.

Medicinal properties

Hops, used in the production of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, have a sedative effect and thereby have a positive effect on sleep and reduce anxiety. The organic acids and compounds xanthohumol and myccenol found in hops increase the activity of the neurotransmitter aminobutyric acid. When BUN levels in the brain increase, neural activity decreases, which can reduce stress and improve sleep.

There is evidence of experimental studies examining the effect of soft drinks on sleep quality. During the experiments, two groups of people drank 330 ml of the 0.02% drink during evening meals for two weeks. The study found that people with busy schedules had improved sleep quality by reducing the latency phase (the time it takes to fall asleep). The results were compared to one week in which participants did not consume non-alcoholic beer during evening receptions food.

The quality of sleep also improved noticeably among university students during exam stress, and young people appreciated them overall quality sleep higher than the week before the experiment, when they did not consume non-alcoholic beer.

During experiments with the drink, the researchers came to a general conclusion: drinking 330 ml of non-alcoholic beer during evening meals for 2 weeks will reduce anxiety and stress levels. These results are promising, but it must be emphasized that such studies are still at an early stage and do not provide evidence for certain benefits of the soft drink.

The content of vitamins and microelements in the drink varies depending on the production technology. Non-alcoholic beer contains small amounts of B vitamins, niacin, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. But the total content of these substances in beer is small - no more than 2.6%. Therefore talk about great benefit non-alcoholic beer for human health would be an exaggeration.


The absence of ethyl alcohol in alcohol does not make this drink 100% harmless. Unfortunately, mass production technologies force manufacturers to retreat from traditional recipes brewing beer. Many companies prefer to use synthetic hops and malt instead of natural ones. flavorings, flavorings, and carbon dioxide. Besides, in different countries and even in enterprises, the composition of non-alcoholic beer is interpreted differently.

Not all manufacturers of this drink offer 0.02% alcohol content. In some brands of beer, non-alcoholic beer is considered to be one that contains 0.05-0.08% alcohol. By drinking such beer, you can no longer be sure of your body’s reaction to ethyl alcohol. U different people there is different resistance to alcohol, and if for one 0.05% ethyl alcohol is insignificant, then for another even a small amount of alcohol can affect the ability to drive a car.

Many types of beer contain plant analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens, which have bad influence on endocrine system humans: reduce testosterone levels, reduce libido, slow down metabolism, and promote excess accumulation of intercellular fluid in tissues.

Dietary properties

Depending on the brand and variety, non-alcoholic beer can have different flavors and nutritional properties. Expensive varieties, which are prepared in compliance with the technology of wort fermentation followed by the removal of alcohol by evaporation, distillation and temperature reduction, are distinguished by good taste qualities. Cheap non-alcoholic beer, which is prepared on the basis of synthetic additives, dyes and flavors, no longer has the usual taste properties beer - bitterness, intoxicating taste, sweetness.

Despite the absence of ethyl alcohol, this drink is not dietary product, although it is low in calories. It is not recommended to use it during a diet, because... the organic composition of the drink irritates the gastric mucosa, stimulating appetite.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of beer is determined by the content of solids and carbohydrates in the original wort, as well as the concentration of ethyl alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer contains only a small amount of carbohydrates - 4.7 g per 100 ml of drink, which determines low calorie content beer - 24 kcal per 100 g. This makes non-alcoholic beer conditionally safe product for a diet aimed at losing weight. To lose weight, it is recommended to give up regular alcoholic beer, because... nutritional value different varieties can be quite high:

  • light with a share of dry matter 20% - 75 kcal;
  • dark with a share of dry matter 20% - 74 kcal.

Average calorie content of popular brands– Bud, Zhigulevskoye, Baltika, etc. – varies in the range of 42-50 kcal. Consequently, a 500 liter glass of beer reaches 250 kcal in calories, which does not make it useful for weight loss. At the same time, non-alcoholic beer in equal quantities contains only 120 kcal.


The answer to the question of whether non-alcoholic beer is good for human health is ambiguous. Despite the microscopic dose of alcohol in the drink, such a drink has certain contraindications for consumption:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • kidney diseases;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Gluten intolerance (celiac disease).

Non-alcoholic beer is not a safe product for people with psycho-volitional disorders - current and former alcoholics. For them, drinking even non-alcoholic beer can provoke a breakdown and lead to a relapse of binge drinking. Children are also not recommended to drink non-alcoholic beer, because... children's body more sensitive to alcohol and can react even to small doses of ethyl alcohol.

The long process of fermentation and fermentation causes the irritating properties of beer on the stomach and intestines. People who are predisposed to gastritis or suffer from irritable bowel syndrome should drink non-alcoholic beer with caution.

Although there is no exact data on negative impact rye and barley non-alcoholic beer on the health of people with gluten intolerance, it is recommended to strictly limit the consumption of non-alcoholic beer. Constant consumption of this drink in large quantities can provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease - stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal malabsorption.

Is it possible for pregnant or breastfeeding women

During pregnancy, alcohol consumption is strictly contraindicated, even in an amount of 0.02%, especially in the 1st trimester. Although the dose of ethyl alcohol is negligible, there is no guarantee that even this small amount of alcohol will not lead to negative consequences for the health of the fetus.

Some doctors believe that drinking non-alcoholic beer during lactation in reasonable quantities is acceptable. It is believed that non-alcoholic beer can stimulate the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that enhances breast milk production. The mechanism of this phenomenon is unknown, but it may be due to the specific properties of the barley contained in the wort. Additionally, consumption of non-alcoholic beer may increase the antioxidant capacity of breast milk.

But at the same time, it is known that alcohol can penetrate into breast milk, with which it enters the child’s bloodstream. It takes about two hours to remove 10 g of alcohol from the body, but with a high frequency of feeding (every 2.5-3 hours), the mother’s body does not have time to remove all the alcohol. Therefore, many experts are categorically against drinking alcohol even in microscopic doses. In addition, ethyl alcohol can reduce the milk ejection reflex by suppressing the synthesis of the hormone oxytocin.

The nutritional value

Per 100 non-alcoholic beer contains:

Vitamins and microelements:

How to use

Theoretically, you can drink non-alcoholic beer in any quantity, but it is still not recommended to drink this drink before driving a car or using complex equipment. Remember to be safe daily dose alcohol:

  • 40 g of ethyl alcohol - for men;
  • 30 g of ethyl alcohol - for women.

40 g of alcohol is equivalent to 2 -2.5 bottles of regular 5% beer. When recalculated to 0.02-0.05% of the drink in a 0.33 liter container, it can be determined that in standard bottle 0.02% beer contains 0.06 g of alcohol. It increases permissible quantity up to 66 bottles of non-alcoholic beer per day, but this mode of drinking cannot be called healthy. For wellness It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 bottles of non-alcoholic beer per day.


Non-alcoholic beer is sold in tin cans, glass and plastic bottles from 200 ml to 2.-2.5 l. When stored in an airtight container, the shelf life of any beer is from 3 to 6 months, depending on the production technology and composition of the drink.

How to choose

There is no specific advice regarding the choice of non-alcoholic beer. You need to study the label yourself and look at the percentage of ethyl alcohol. Despite the fact that the manufacturer may put “0%” on the label, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and amount of alcohol on the center of the can or bottle - the actual amount of alcohol in the drink is indicated there.

What goes with it?

Non-alcoholic beer is a versatile drink that goes well with many dishes. It can be consumed as a stand-alone drink, or as a complement to various snacks. The drink is traditionally consumed with salty and dry snacks:

  • nuts;
  • chips;
  • crackers;
  • dried fish and seafood.

A popular beer combination in Germany is fried sausages and pickled white cabbage. Many people prefer beer to wine along with pizza and dishes Japanese cuisine. The pleasant bitterness of the drink sets off the rich taste of many meat and fish dishes.