Harmful effects of juices from a package. The harm of store-bought juices

What should you know about freshly squeezed juices and smoothies to get the most out of them and avoid possible harm?

When talking about the benefits and harms of juices, I mean only freshly squeezed juices, and not those drinks that are sold in the store in colorfully decorated cardboard boxes. If you nevertheless decide to purchase such a drink, then you should give preference to the so-called directly pressed extracts or reconstituted juices. There is no need to talk about the benefits of these drinks, but at least they do not contain harmful artificial food additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors and taste enhancers).

A drink called “nectar” contains 25-50% natural fruit extract, and fruit juice contains even less - only 15%. The rest of the contents of the “juice” package are water, sugar, citric acid and a variety of artificial additives designed to improve the taste, smell and color and extend the shelf life of the drink.


The benefit of juices is the concentrated content of vitamins and minerals.

It's difficult to eat a lot of fruit. But one or two glasses of juice contain vitamins and minerals from several fruits and are easy and enjoyable to drink.

The benefits of juices are better absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Even if you eat the same amount of fruit that was used to make the juice, the vitamins and minerals from the juice will still be absorbed better, simply because liquid is easier to digest than solid foods. Vitamins and minerals from smoothies are absorbed slightly less well than from juices, but still much better than from solid foods.

Comparing juices with vitamins and minerals in tablets is completely pointless. Even the best complexes, which take into account the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, are not able to compete with the complexes created by nature itself. Drinking juices is definitely healthier than taking vitamin tablets.

The benefits of juices are green smoothies (adding greens to juices).

Can be added to freshly squeezed juices and smoothies different kinds greenery For example:

  • Greenery: dill, parsley, cilantro (coriander), spinach, sorrel, celery, mint, oregano (oregano), rosemary, stevia (an excellent natural sugar substitute), sage.
  • Sprouts and young sprouts: wheat, lentils, buckwheat, beans, flax, etc.
  • Root leaves: beets, horseradish, carrots.
  • Wild herbs: nettle, dandelion, burdock, quinoa.

Greens contain many useful substances that fruits have little or none at all (for example, essential amino acids, chlorophyll). Not many people will enjoy chewing a bunch of fresh parsley or dill, but they will be happy to drink juice or smoothie to which greens chopped in a blender or green juice have been added. In both forms, greens are perfectly absorbed by the body.

It is important to alternate different types of greens in order, on the one hand, to provide the body with the most diverse set of useful substances, and on the other hand, to avoid excessive consumption of any substances.

The benefits of juices are the improvement of intestinal microflora.

Unlike fresh vegetables and fruits, juices do not have much fiber (cellulose). Fiber is not digested in the body, but it feeds symbiotic bacteria living in the intestines. At the same time, putrefactive bacteria cannot feed on cellulose. Therefore, foods rich in fiber help shift the balance towards the predominance of beneficial microorganisms over pathogenic ones.

Our health largely depends on the composition of the intestinal microflora. Beneficial bacteria provide us with many important microelements. Harmful microorganisms poison our body with the toxins they secrete. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of maintaining a healthy symbiotic microflora.

There is a theory that juices that lack fiber completely are inferior in benefits to juices with pulp, as well as various smoothies. But is it? Not always.

Therefore, everyone whose diet includes a significant amount of boiled and fried food and, especially, animal products (meat, eggs, milk and dairy products) should give preference to smoothies and juices with pulp.

Also, you should not add sugar to juices - putrefactive bacteria feed on it. If the vegetable juice does not seem sweet enough, you can add some sweet fruit, stevia leaves (natural sweetener), maple syrup, agave syrup or honey (if you use it).

The benefits of juices are cleansing the body.

Freshly squeezed juices help cleanse the body due to the fact that they are significantly less stressful digestive system than solid food. The energy that usually goes into digesting food can be directed by the body to cleansing and restorative processes. The most striking results come from a complete transition to liquid nutrition for a period from several days to several months. But regular fasting days on juices they also give excellent results. Even replacing one meal a day with juice has a significant impact on your well-being.

Some juices have a cleansing effect on certain organs. For example, juices from apples, lemons, beets, and radishes are used to cleanse the liver. Juices from radishes, beets, cabbage, apples and carrots are especially effective for cleansing toxins. Black radish and lemon juices are used to cleanse joints.

Some of the safest juices that cleanse the body, which can be used with almost no restrictions, are apple and carrot.

If you decide to spend several days eating exclusively juices and smoothies, for cleansing or for weight loss, then remember that juices should be prepared exclusively from fresh plant products that have not undergone heat treatment. If you add any heat-treated products to your smoothie (for example, boiled vegetables), or products of animal origin (for example, milk), then the effect will be completely different.

The benefit of juices is blood thinning.

Due to the ability of many juices to reduce blood viscosity, you can avoid taking some medicines(such as aspirin). The effect of juices on blood clotting is explained by the content of organic acids in them. Most organic acids contain anions - substances that slow down blood clotting. Freshly squeezed juices can be consumed instead of medications in the following cases:

  • At elevated temperature body caused by a cold or viral disease. By reducing blood clotting, you can lower your body temperature during illness. This is exactly why aspirin is taken.
  • To prevent the formation of blood clots. People who regularly take cardiac aspirin to prevent blood clots (or other blood thinning medications) may want to change these medications after consulting with their doctor. regular use freshly squeezed juices.

The following juices have a blood thinning effect:

raspberry, strawberry, viburnum, currant, cranberry, lemon, orange, carrot, apple, peach, pineapple, pomegranate, tomato and many others.

To enhance the effect, you can add it to juice fresh ginger, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, spinach - these foods also thin the blood.

And some foods can, on the contrary, increase blood clotting. For example, foods such as bananas, leeks, sorrel, lettuce, and nettle thicken the blood. These products can be added to balance the thinning effect of the juice.


The harm of juices is excess sugar.

The main problem with fruit juices is the large amount of fructose they contain. This is especially true for juices such as banana, grape, and pineapple. To a lesser extent - apple, orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Fructose is, of course, healthier than white sugar, but, nevertheless, it also refers to simple carbohydrates - sugars. Fructose from fruit juices can be digested by harmful, putrefactive bacteria. The extent to which this problem is relevant specifically for you depends on your usual diet:

  • If your diet consists mainly of meat, eggs, dairy products and flour, then your microflora consists mainly of putrefactive bacteria. In this case, sweet fruit juices will do you more harm than good. Pathogenic microorganisms will receive additional nutrition, and many useful material from juice, the absorption of which requires assistance beneficial bacteria, they will never get into your body.
  • If you eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and little (or no) animal foods, then you are probably the happy owner of a healthy microflora. In this case, sweet fruit juices will not feed putrefactive bacteria, and all vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances will be absorbed by your body, with the help of beneficial bacteria, in the best possible way.

Juices bring both harm and benefit to the body.. But you must always consider both sides. Most fruit juices contain a lot useful elements for our body. However, doctors also believe that juices are harmful to health. After all, they contain high level Sahara. Therefore, doctors insist not to get carried away with juices. For example, some people drink only juice instead of water. And this greatly increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Therefore, dear parents, keep a close eye on your children and under no circumstances allow them too much juice.. The thing is that every person, in addition to juices, daily consumes foods and drinks containing sugar. Therefore, in most cases the body receives more than daily norm Sahara. As a result, even World organization Health officials are sounding the alarm and insisting that you consume no more than six teaspoons of sugar daily.

Benefits and harms of juices:

Lemon juice is very beneficial for our body. Because it contains a lot of antioxidants. In addition, it has been used for many centuries to treat many diseases. The main thing is that it strengthens immune system and acts on the body as a protective barrier against many ailments. In addition, it is famous for its high amount of vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens our immune system. And most importantly, it fights cancer and can prevent heart failure.

At the same time, doctors also declare harm lemon juice . It should absolutely not be used by people with gastritis and heartburn. Because lemon juice has an irritating effect. In addition, it has a very bad effect on teeth, damaging their enamel.

According to doctors, you should drink one glass of apple juice every day.. Because it has a very beneficial effect on the intestines. Plus it contains the most great amount antioxidants and ascorbic acid. These substances can amazingly remove all toxins and chemicals from the body. Moreover, even some scientists claim that Apple juice can remarkably slow down aging.

Meanwhile, experts also say that apple juice is harmful.. It, like citric acid, contains a lot of acid, which is contraindicated for people with increased acidity. Therefore, it should absolutely not be used by people with gastritis, ulcers and various allergic reactions.

Bright, tasty, refreshing, healthy... His Majesty JUICE! Does the drink we love since childhood really bring only benefits? Can I drink it all the time? Can juice be a medicine? If you want to know the answers to these and other questions, read the article to the end; you will look at many facts regarding juice with completely different eyes!

How many vitamins are in a juice carton?

Recently, there has been a widespread belief that there is absolutely nothing healthy in packaged juice. Let's think about how true this statement is.

The technology for producing juice in bags is approximately as follows:

  • squeeze juice from apples as the cheapest raw material;
  • the liquid is evaporated from it (concentrated), and stored in this form;
  • are being bred concentrated juice water to which sugar, flavorings, dyes, and citric acid have been added.
  • pour the resulting drink into bags.

Of course, it would be unfair to say that Cherry juice They don’t add cherries at all, but add orange to the orange one. They add it, but the content of cherries, oranges and any other fruit or berry is so small that it can be ignored.

In addition, only something that consists of 100% fruit components has the right to be called juice. Are there many such miracles available for sale? When keeping natural juice up to 50% the drink will be called nectar, and if the fruit part is less than 10% - then it’s just a juice drink!

Is there really anything good about packaged juice? Of course there is. The vitamins that managed to survive concentration, heat treatment and storage are still there and are probably actually contained in this juice. But, frankly speaking, their content is negligible, and it is not recommended to use such juice as a remedy for vitamin deficiency.

To drink or not to drink packaged juice

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Undoubtedly, juice from the supermarket is very convenient, fast and tasty. On the other hand, everyone already knows that flavorings, flavor enhancers and dyes are harmful. The conclusion suggests itself: you can drink such juice, the main thing is to choose it correctly.

Some tips for choosing juice:

  • Pay attention to the composition and percentage of the fruit part.
  • Buy juice from a proven manufacturer that you trust.
  • Don't forget, the more saturated and unnatural the color of the juice, the more dyes it contains. For example, natural apple juice has a color from light brown to dark brown; “juices” that are bright green cannot be called natural.
  • Don't go for cheap! To reduce the cost of juice production, unscrupulous producers add more water or use low-quality raw materials.

Freshly squeezed juice - a panacea or a trip to the hospital?

There is no doubt that fresh juices are healthy. Of course, because such juice contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances in pure form, is quickly absorbed and has therapeutic effect on the body. Moreover, there are many treatment methods using freshly squeezed juices that promise to get rid of all diseases. However, it is worth noting that there are a number of contraindications to taking fresh juices; drinking them uncontrollably is not recommended.

Basic rules and precautions when drinking freshly squeezed juices:

  • You should drink juice (except beet juice, which must be kept for 2 hours before drinking) immediately after preparation; the destruction of vitamins in air occurs very quickly.
  • You should not drink juice with food, this starts the process of rotting and leads to excessive gas formation. Best time for juice - half an hour before meals.
  • To avoid destruction of tooth enamel, it is advisable to drink juices through a straw and under no circumstances brush your teeth immediately after fresh juice.
  • If you take any medicines Be sure to consult your doctor about drinking juices.

In addition, each type of juice has a list of contraindications that must be studied before deciding to heal the body with the help of juices.

Choose your juice

All freshly squeezed juices have their own characteristics, indications and contraindications. For example, using apple juice a healthy adult does not need to limit it; it has a positive effect on the entire body. It is not recommended to take apple juice only for peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis in the acute stage.

Orange juice – a storehouse of vitamin C, it is used for prevention colds and improving immunity. Experts advise diluting this juice in half with water, and do not drink it for those with high acidity, or for those with digestive disorders.

Grape juice helps speed up metabolism and improves digestion, cleanses the blood, and is good for the heart. It is also advisable to dilute it half and half with water and take no more than half a glass at a time. Contraindications to taking this juice are peptic ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and inflammatory processes in the lungs.

One of the most useful - carrot juice , it improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on digestion, the circulatory system, improves vision and cleanses the body. It is important not to overdo it in drinking carrot juice, and also not to use it during an exacerbation. peptic ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea and diabetes mellitus.

With a reasonable approach, freshly squeezed juice can be an excellent help in healing the body, helping to cope with existing diseases and prevent new ones. Drink juices correctly and be healthy!

A fashion for certain food products often arises in society, which, reaching its peak, gradually declines and disappears. Sometimes this process is accelerated due to the “debunking” of products, the discovery of harmful properties. This whole process is very clearly illustrated by the example of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

When and how did the fashion for freshly squeezed juices begin?

Of course, there were people who always consumed freshly squeezed juices, but fashion, that is, a mass passion for this product, began with the appearance of the first books by Paul Bragg in our country. Propagandist healthy image life, Paul Bragg advised everyone to consume more plant food, drink freshly squeezed juices, periodically fast and move more. The advice seems to be good, but taken to extremes by some followers, it at one time brought a lot of troubles: excessive use Not everyone benefits from freshly squeezed juices.

How do freshly squeezed juices affect the body?

All freshly squeezed juices contain biologically active substances that are immediately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and take part in biochemical processes, that is, in the metabolic process. Metabolism is the transformation of products entering the body into substances from which the cells of our body are built, the energy necessary for the life process and active substances that take part in biochemical processes. Freshly squeezed juices actively influence this process. In most cases, this turns out to be beneficial for the body, but everything is good in moderation, drinking liters of freshly squeezed juice is not at all healthy, and sometimes even harmful.

Depending on the type of juice, it contains certain vitamins (more of them in fruit juices) and minerals (more of them in vegetable juices). Both are very useful, but, in addition, juices, as it turned out, contain other equally useful substances that can have unpredictable effects on the body. We should not forget that nowadays we often take medications; some people have to do this for a long time and even for life. How do these active chemicals interact in our body with equally active biological ones? chemicals juices?

The process of identifying such substances has only just begun. But today it is absolutely clear that, for example, grapefruit juice contains the substance naringin, which can increase or, conversely, decrease the activity of certain medications. This happens because naringin stops the action of enzymes that break down certain drugs in the liver, causing them to accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. By destroying other enzymes, naringin reduces the effect of certain medications. And this despite the fact that naringin itself is beneficial for the body. Today, a similar effect has been discovered in a number of juices; research into them continues.

And one more disadvantage of freshly squeezed juices: it’s good if the vegetables and fruits from which you get them are grown in environmentally friendly conditions without adding chemicals. Of course, the bulk of the “chemistry” remains in the fiber, but a lot also gets into the juice - and for this reason you shouldn’t drink liters of freshly squeezed juice.

To drink or not to drink?

Of course, drink. But wisely, weighing all the pros and cons and consulting with your doctor if you have to take certain medications.

Rules for preparing and receiving freshly squeezed juices:

  • You need to prepare the juice immediately before taking it, since after just a few minutes the biologically active substances contained in it begin to break down; exception - beet juice, it must first be kept for about 2 hours in the refrigerator, then it will destroy the substances that have harmful effects on the body;
  • you need to drink the juice 30-40 minutes before meals, then it will be most useful, since it will be absorbed very quickly in an empty stomach and immediately enter into biochemical processes; After eating, it is better not to drink juice (especially fruit juice), since, when mixed with food, it will cause the release of a large amount of gases in the intestines;
  • It is better to drink the juice through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water - juices contain a lot of organic acids, which soften and destroy hard dental tissues; this is why dentists do not recommend brushing your teeth after drinking juice;
  • vegetable juices(with the exception of tomato) should not be drunk in large quantities; it is better to add them to fruit juices, for example, apple juice; carrot and beet juice should make up no more than a third of the total volume; It is better to get used to beet juice gradually, starting with small amounts diluted with water, since some people cannot tolerate raw beet juice;
  • juices of fruits containing seeds (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) are not recommended to be mixed with any other juices; juices of fruits and berries, which contain seeds inside (apples, grapes, currants) mix well with other juices; for example, apple juice goes well with vegetable juices such as carrot, beet and cabbage.
Is it worth treating with freshly squeezed juices?

With the help of freshly squeezed juices, if taken regularly and in moderation, you can perfectly heal the body, that is, remove it from the body. harmful products metabolism (waste). All this will make your metabolism work faster and more actively, give you vigor and health, calm your nerves, and strengthen your immune system.

But you should always remember that it is impossible to cure a disease with juices, since this is not a medicine, but food product. Therefore, you should not refuse the treatment prescribed by your doctor, replacing it with juices; you need to consult with your doctor and choose a combination of juices that will suit the medicine prescribed to you, and therefore will bring benefit and not harm.

Freshly squeezed juices: harm or benefit?

Freshly squeezed juice in our minds is always a healthy, wholesome, tasty, necessary product, in a word. The more curious is the opposite opinion/ They say that fresh juice can sometimes be harmful, moreover, it can lead to diabetes.
Whether this is true or not, I decided to scour the net. Diabetes is, of course, absurd, at least that’s what endocrinologists and gastroenterologists say. Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits have amazing cleansing and restorative powers, have a natural structured water, coloring matter, internal charge, essential oils, organic acids, alkalis, vitamins, microelements, phytoncides. Vegetables and fruits have great importance in our diet and therefore in our health. They serve as a source of not only vitamins and mineral salts, but also contain fiber, organic acids, pectin compounds, aromatic substances and essential oils. They contain a large number of vitamins B, B2, B6, E and A. In addition, they have medicinal properties for the treatment of many diseases. And also, freshly squeezed juices are consumed 100% in the body, unlike fruits and vegetables in fresh. If you have an electric juicer, they are easy to prepare and enjoyable to use.

  • First group. Vegetables and fruits that deliver mainly vitamin C to the human body, as well as minerals, sugar, fiber, vitamins A and B. This group includes tomatoes, lemons, oranges, grapefruits, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), currants, gooseberries, berries, Bell pepper, raspberries, strawberries, parsley.
  • Second group. Vegetables and fruits supply the body mainly with carotene. Vegetables and fruits of this group also supply minerals, vitamin C, sugar, fiber, and vitamin B2. This group includes carrots, tomatoes, melon, apricots, pumpkin, leeks, Brussels sprouts, green pea pods, beans, parsley, red pepper, rowan.
  • Third group. Vegetables and fruits containing a small amount of minerals and vitamins that are soluble in water and have a positive effect on metabolism in the body (vitamin C and B vitamins). This group includes beets, cucumbers, celery, onion, radishes, parsley, apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes

Apricot juice

Apricot juice is rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and helps eliminate excess liquid from fabrics. But diabetics are not recommended to drink this juice - too much sugar.

Pineapple juice

The best of the best juices for women watching their figure, doing fitness, dieting, and rejuvenating their body. Pineapple juice contains bromelain, a natural remedy that burns fat and rejuvenates the body. Pineapple juice is also useful in the treatment of sore throat and kidneys, is indispensable for chills and stress, has an excellent effect on the functioning of the pancreas, removes fluid from the body, which helps in the prevention of cellulite (which, as we know, is not a disease at all).
Pineapple contains only 48 kcal per 100 g of fruit. Pineapple juice is recommended for edema and thrombosis. Drink and lose weight, but remember that everything is good in moderation.
But don't forget that Pineapple juice V large quantities Harmful for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Orange juice

This is a storehouse of vitamin C, so it must be drunk in the cold season for the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as vitamin deficiency. Orange juice helps improve tone, relieve fatigue and strengthen blood vessels. Doctors recommend drinking orange juice for liver disease, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Good thirst quencher Orange juice one of the lowest calorie juices.

Grape juice

Grape juice contains significant amounts of sugar and potassium. It is recommended for nervous exhaustion and loss of strength. In grape juice dark varieties contains substances that reduce the risk of heart disease. It also has bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant effects.
Not recommended grape juice for gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs. It is also undesirable to drink grape juice if you are prone to flatulence. WITH therapeutic purpose Natural grape juice should be drunk half a glass three times a day for three weeks. Before taking it, it should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Cherry juice

Improves blood composition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates the body, helps with constipation, improves metabolic processes, improves appetite, and is used as an expectorant.

Pomegranate juice

The benefits of pomegranate juice are undeniable - it contains more antioxidants than even green tea. Pomegranates are rich in potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B (niacin). Pomegranate juice increases hemoglobin levels, increases appetite and regulates stomach activity. Serves as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and even analgesic, in addition, it increases resistance human body radiation. Recommended for pregnant women to drink, especially in combination with carrot and beet juices
Contraindicated for gastric ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and pancreatitis. Anyway pomegranate juice It is recommended to drink it diluted with water, as it contains a lot of acids that irritate the gastric mucosa and destroy tooth enamel.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice is also rich in vitamin C. Helps with stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, liver disorders, lack of appetite, insomnia, poor digestion.
Contraindications are typical for all citrus juices: stomach or duodenal ulcers, intestinal upset, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis.

Pear juice

Pear juice serves as a good diuretic and has a bactericidal effect on the entire body. Recommended for people with a tendency to diseases of the circulatory system and kidney problems. This product contains a large amount of pectin compounds, which improve intestinal function and digestion in general.
Pear juice is rich in sorbitol, which is useful in the prevention and treatment of vascular diseases. It is also indicated for people suffering from obesity, as it regulates digestion and has an antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic effect. Pear juice is recommended as an antipyretic for neuritis and cystitis, as an astringent, strengthening and wound-healing agent.

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice contains easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins C, PP, folic acid and amino acids. It also contains a special anti-ulcer vitamin U. In this regard, it is used warm as a means to prevent exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm, freshly squeezed cabbage juice for stomatitis and gum inflammation.
Besides, cabbage juice inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, therefore useful for obesity. You can drink it 30 minutes before meals and between meals several times a day.
Despite the fact that cabbage juice has a healing effect on the gastric mucosa, it is not advisable to drink it in the midst of exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers.

Kiwi juice

Kiwi juice helps with heart disease by burning fats that form blood clots and block arteries. Norwegian doctors recommend drinking kiwi juice daily. It has been found that a kiwi juice diet helps reduce the risk of blood clots by 18% after just 28 days and reduce the level of fatty acids in the blood by 15%.
Vitamin C in 1 glass of freshly squeezed kiwi juice will replenish the daily requirement of an adult. Therefore, cardiologists recommend kiwi juice as an alternative to cardio-aspirin.
People prone to allergic reactions should be careful with kiwi juice.

Redcurrant juice

Lemon juice

Rich in vitamin C, potassium, silicon and sugar (as strange as it sounds). Recommended for vitamin deficiency (mix with warm water and honey). Lemon juice will help maintain mental balance, for example, before an exam or a difficult, unpleasant conversation, speech, drink a cocktail of lemon juice and water. This will also help improve memory, brain activity, and concentration.

carrot juice

Carrot juice is considered the elixir of youth. It contains a lot of carotene, vitamin E, and various microelements. By drinking this juice regularly, you will improve your appetite and digestion, strengthen your teeth and nervous system, increase your body's resistance to infections, improve your vision, and cleanse your body. Young children especially need carrot juice as a multivitamin that improves their development.
Carrot juice is indicated for: atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, thyroid diseases, dermatitis, eczema, urolithiasis.
Abuse carrot juice It’s not worth it, because with an excess of carotene in the body, the skin acquires a yellowish tint. In addition, due to an excess of the same beta-carotene, the liver is overloaded. For vitamin prophylaxis, half a glass will be enough.

Sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn bush on garden plot is a factory for the production of biologically active substances. Sea buckthorn juice contains almost all fat- and water-soluble vitamins, sea buckthorn berries are rich in nitrogenous substances, sea buckthorn is one of natural sources vitamin E, a lot of minerals in it, necessary for the body person.
Due to the rich chemical composition sea ​​buckthorn juice has a wide range healing properties: It is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, scurvy, tumors, diseases digestive tract, in case of metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis and some skin diseases. Sea buckthorn juice is tasty and healthy. But sea buckthorn juice is also the basis for the preparation of a very valuable medicinal drug - sea ​​buckthorn oil.
To prepare sea buckthorn oil from berries, you need to squeeze out the sea buckthorn juice and leave it in a cold place. The oil floats when it sits, and it must be very carefully removed with a spoon (or carefully drained). This oil is considered the highest quality.
ATTENTION! Sea buckthorn oil (as well as freshly prepared juice) should not be taken by people with acute cholecystitis and pancreatic diseases

Beet juice

Beetroot juice contains a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, sugars, iodine, iron, and manganese. Freshly squeezed beet juice helps improve blood composition, cleanse the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, gallbladder, increase resistance to viruses, stimulate work lymphatic system, restore strength, improve memory, dilate blood vessels. Fresh beetroot is the best natural remedy in the treatment of hypertension, strengthening nervous system for neurosis and insomnia, improves overall well-being.
It is worth keeping in mind: freshly squeezed beet juice contains harmful compounds that are destroyed upon contact with air. Therefore, before drinking, beet juice must be left in the refrigerator in an open container for at least 2-3 hours.
Beetroot juice is contraindicated for some people. Sometimes it causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and general weakness.

Celery juice

Most valuable property raw celery is that it contains an exceptionally large percentage of (live) biologically active organic sodium. One of chemical properties sodium is to maintain calcium in a dissolved state.
Celery juice contains four times more organic sodium than calcium. This fact makes it one of the healthiest juices for people who consume concentrated sugars and starches more or less constantly throughout their lives.
Also dry hot weather It is easier to tolerate if you drink a glass of celery juice in the morning and the same amount in the afternoon, before eating. This normalizes body temperature and we feel great.
A mixture of celery juice with other juices is very useful and gives almost phenomenal results in cases of vitamin deficiency and other ailments. The discovery of the effects of these mixtures and recipes brought invaluable benefits weight patients of all ages.
For nervous disorders resulting from degeneration of the nerve sheath, drinking carrot and celery juices helps restore them.
Celery juice is very rich in magnesium and iron, and it is this combination that is very valuable as food for blood cells. Many diseases of the nervous and circulatory system are mainly a consequence of the introduction of inorganic substances into the body mineral elements and salts.
Celery and carrot juice provides perfect combination these organic substances to prevent these diseases and restore the body in case these diseases already occur.

Plum juice

Fresh plum juice is very useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It contains a lot of potassium, which removes water from the body and table salt, and therefore is especially recommended for those suffering from rheumatism and gout. But, again, plum juice is not recommended for people suffering from flatulence and constipation.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and, when boiled, reduces the risk of cancer. It is very useful for pregnant and lactating women. Due to its low calorie content, it can be safely drunk by overweight people. It is best to take tomato juice 20-30 minutes before meals, as it increases the readiness of the stomach and intestines to digest food.
However, from tomato juice It is better to refuse in case of exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice is useful for kidney and liver diseases, insomnia, metabolic disorders, diabetes, kidney stones and bladder stones. For men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland, ethnoscience recommends drinking a glass of pumpkin juice daily for 2-3 weeks.
It cleanses the kidney-bladder system, stimulates their work, removes excretory fluid, and facilitates the excretion of urine.
Pumpkin juice is unusually rich in vitamins (in particular, carotene), potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, organic acids and at the same time contains little fiber (like pumpkin), which makes it very useful for all gastroenterological diseases. You can consume it in unlimited quantities. Pectins in pumpkin juice remove excess cholesterol from the body. Moreover, as it turned out, ordinary pumpkin juice has a detrimental effect on microbacteria. You need to drink half a glass of it daily all year round half an hour before meals. This juice tastes well with apple and carrot juice.

Blackcurrant juice

Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, increases sweating, relieves inflammation, calms nerves. Destroys influenza viruses, improves immunity. Used for vitamin deficiency, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, acute bronchitis, influenza, sore throat.

Apple juice

Apple juice contains minimal amount calories, helps remove kidney stones, contains a lot of iron and is useful for anemia. Apples are rich pectin substances, capable of acting as adsorbents that cleanse the body of toxins, which makes apple juice indispensable for various diets and fitness activities.
Apple juice should be consumed by people with frequent bronchitis, lung problems, and smokers. It is recommended for atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys, urolithiasis. In addition, apple juice normalizes intestinal function...
Apple juice will be of great benefit if you mix it with other juices: carrot, orange, celery - fruit juices are rich in sugars, and vegetable juices contain a large amount of mineral salts. That's why they serve good addition to each other. You can drink up to one liter per day without harming your health.
However, apple juice is contraindicated for exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcers and pancreatitis.

As we see, even this healthy product, as a fresh juice, may not be useful to everyone and not always. Therefore, leading gastroenterologists recommend to all those who have problems with gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and, of course, those who suffer from allergies, before getting hooked on any juice, be sure to consult a doctor and remember a few simple rules:

  • Freshly prepared juices should be consumed immediately (except beet juice). Otherwise, they quickly (within 1-2 minutes) oxidize from air, scattered light and lose their activity. Such juice is ineffective for cleansing the body. Even short-term storage in the refrigerator accelerates fermentation and spoilage of food, although its taste may not change.
  • Canned juices act less actively than fresh ones.
  • The fruits must be ripe.
  • It is necessary to consume fruit and vegetable juices, as well as their mixtures, a few minutes before meals. They quickly pass through the stomach and are absorbed in the intestines in 15-20 minutes
  • After drinking juices, many may experience a certain reaction in the body, anxiety, and stomach upset. All this is natural and indicates a cleansing process.
  • You can drink juices as much as you want. During the day it is necessary to drink at least 600 g to obtain noticeable results.
  • Since vegetables and fruits are often contaminated with microbes and sometimes with chemicals (plant protection products), pepper processing should be done very carefully. Special attention pay attention to tubers, which can be very contaminated with soil and the microbes found in it. Wash tubers with a brush.
  • It is better not to peel fruits and vegetables, since most of the vitamins are concentrated under the peel itself.
  • Drinking juice is a kind of healing procedure, so drink the juice without haste, in a calm environment. Under no circumstances should you drink juice in one gulp, in large sips, like water. The juice is drunk slowly, in small sips, as if dissolving it in the mouth. It is advisable to drink juice through a straw.
  • It is not advisable to add salt or sugar to juice. To improve the taste, juices can be seasoned with honey, finely chopped parsley or dill, lemon or orange zest, caraway seeds.

Juice prophylaxis, or what else you need to know about juice...

Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices complement each other perfectly. Fruit juices richer in sugars and vitamins, and vegetable ones - in mineral salts.
It is better to consume juices 30-40 minutes before meals or in between meals. This recommendation must be observed especially carefully for juices made from sweet fruits. If you drink sweet juice after lunch, it can increase fermentation in the intestines and cause bloating.
Freshly prepared juices (with the exception of beet juice - it must be kept for at least two hours) should be drunk immediately. Even short-term storage in the refrigerator reduces medicinal value juice, although the taste may not change.