Delicious pear jam in slices. Quick five-minute jam from whole pears without sterilization - step-by-step recipes for winter

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Few housewives do not like pear jam. Moreover, each of us probably knows how to make pear jam. We will share with you the most the best recipes making pear jam.

Most likely it will be classic recipe jam. This beautiful, fragrant, sweet mass can captivate anyone with its unforgettable taste. Pear jam is ideal for simple tea drinking and for filling a pie.
It is known that the pear is the most nutritious fruit, which also has low calorie content. In progress heat treatment the pear does not lose its useful properties, and therefore, in the form of jam it will become a wonderful, valuable winter supply.
Pear fruits are rich in vitamin A, which regulates the functioning of the liver and vision.
Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and improves immunity.
Vitamins B and PP have a beneficial effect on work immune system person. Renew cells and rejuvenate the body as a whole.
The low sugar content of pears and the presence of fructose make this fruit an integral part of the diet of diabetics.
Pear contains microelements such as pectin, sulfur, zinc, cobalt, iron and much more. Pectin helps regulate work digestive tract, and iron restores normal hemoglobin levels in the blood.
Potassium in pears has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Regular use pears are indicated for overweight people.
With all my positive properties pear also has contraindications: it is not recommended to be consumed raw by those people who suffer from stomach ulcers. However, they can also consume pears in the form of compotes, dried fruits and jam.
And today we will reveal a few to you unusual recipes making pear jam.

How to prepare pears for jam

To make jam, as a rule, it is recommended to take those varieties of pears whose flesh is quite dense. Most often they use lemon or duchess. But you can use any other pear, as long as it is not overripe. For jam you need to collect whole fruits with elastic skin.
Some experienced housewives recommend using late ones for jam. autumn varieties pears
It is worth saying that you can choose for yourself the period of pear harvesting and its variety. Fortunately, the ripening period of this fruit is quite long, so there is plenty of room for imagination.
Wash the pears thoroughly, remove the core and stems, and cut into cubes or slices of the desired size. All dark spots and rotten areas on the surface of the pear must be cut off.

Vessels in which pear jam is cooked

It is best to cook pear jam in a copper or aluminum basin. In such a container, honey pear jam will not stick or burn.
Pear jam jars must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Can be sterilized over steam or heated in a microwave oven.
To make pear jam, you will need a wooden spatula and a plate for skimming.

Tips from experienced housewives on how to make pear jam

The taste of pear jam can be varied by adding various ingredients in the form of spices or other fruits and berries.
It is best to collect fruits for making jam on a sunny day, when the pears are saturated with the energy of the sun and reveal their aroma to the maximum.
When making pear jam, you need to closely monitor the process. Pear jam loves to burn.
If the peel of the pear is too thick, it is better to cut it off. Otherwise the jam will turn out rough.
If you want the pear slices to remain intact in your jam, it is better to cook it in three stages of 20 minutes each, instead of one hour long.

Classic pear jam recipe

This simple recipe for making pear jam is known to almost every housewife. However, you can bypass the reusable boiling stages and cook the delicacy in one go. This jam will become a favorite among your household thanks to summer scent and honey consistency.
Pear - 2 kg.,
Sugar - 2.4 kg.,
Water - 2 tbsp.
How to make pear jam:
Prepare the pear fruits, cut them and put them in a bowl for making jam.
Pour sugar there and smooth it over the surface of the fruit pieces. Prick the pear well with a fork in many places. Leave for two to three hours until the juice appears.
It may happen that the pear variety is not particularly juicy. In this case, it is recommended to add water to the fruit in the specified amount. Now put the basin on the stove and bring the jam to a boil.
Reduce heat and cook sweet mass over low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally. Pour the hot jam into jars and close the lids tightly. The jam is ready! Bon appetit and happy winter!

Recipe for pear jam with lemon

If you add it to pear jam fresh lemon, then the delicacy will become light citrus taste and aroma. And the color of such jam will look like a bright sunny day. You will love this delicacy!
Pear - 2 kg.,
Lemon - 3 pcs.,
Sugar - 2.5 kg.
How to make pear jam with lemon:
Wash the pear fruits thoroughly, remove the core, stalks and dark spots on the peel. Slice the pear or large cube, or a slice, and put it in a container for making jam.
We pass the lemon through a meat grinder along with the peel and send it there. All fruit mixture add sugar and leave for at least three hours. It is advisable to poke the pear with a fork in several places so that it releases the juice faster.
As soon as the sugar is well saturated with the juice, you can stir the mixture and put the jam on the stove. Bring the jam to a boil and simmer over low heat for about an hour. Be sure to stir the jam and skim off the aromatic foam.
Pour the hot jam into hot prepared jars and close the lids tightly. We put the jars under the fur coat until they cool completely. Fragrant jam ready. Bon appetit and happy winter days!

Recipe for pear jam with almonds

It will be interesting if you add vanilla and almonds to the pear jam. The taste of this jam is unusual and very attractive. This delicacy will serve great dessert for winter tea.
Pears - 2 kg.,
Sugar - 2 kg.,
Vanilla - 0.5 teaspoon,
Almond- 100 gr.,
Water - 1.5 l.
How to make pear jam with almonds:
The pear must be prepared, cored and cut into slices.
In a container for making jam, you need to boil water and put the prepared pear into it. Boil for about three minutes. After that, you need to drain the water into a separate container and, adding all the sugar there, boil the syrup.
Pour the prepared sweet syrup over the pear pieces and leave them like this for three to four hours.
After this time, put the jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Reducing the heat, simmer the jam over low heat for about 10 minutes. Now we insist on it again for about four hours.
Next time, cook the jam for 20 minutes and 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla and chopped almonds into the jam.
Pour hot jam into jars and roll up the lids. It is necessary to wrap the workpiece until it cools completely. Interesting jam ready for winter. Enjoy your meal!

Pear and apple jam with mint

And in this recipe we suggest you combine pears and apples and add a little mint to them. You’ll see, you won’t be able to drag your household members away from such a dessert by the ears. The aroma of such jam will also attract guests to your home.
Pears - 1 kg.,
Apples - 1 kg.,
Sugar - 2 kg.,
Citric acid - 1 tsp,
Fresh mint - 2-3 sprigs.
How to make pear and mint jam:
Wash apples and pears thoroughly and remove stems, cores and rotten areas. Cut the fruits into cubes or slices and place them in a container for making jam.
Cover the fruits with sugar and, having poked them thoroughly with a fork in many places, set them aside overnight.
During this time, the workpiece should release juice and dissolve sugar in it. If this does not happen due to the dryness of the fruits, then you can add a little water to the fruits. Mix the mixture and put it on fire.
Bring the jam to a boil, then cook over low heat, stirring constantly. We will cook the jam for an hour and a half. 20 minutes before ready, dip into jam citric acid and mix thoroughly. You also need to put washed mint sprigs there, but do not let them drown in the jam. They will need to be removed before pouring the jam into jars.
So, take the boiled mint out of the jam and pour it into hot, dry jars. Close the lids tightly and put them under a fur coat until they cool completely.
The winter jam is ready. Have a good mood and good health!

Recipe for pear jam with orange

And in this recipe we suggest you use it as an additive to the main one. pear taste fresh orange. The jam will turn out beautiful, thick and very, very aromatic and tasty.
Pear - 2 kg.,
Orange - 3 pcs.,
Sugar - 2.2 kg.
How to make pear and orange jam:
Wash the pears, core them and cut into slices or cubes. Place the prepared fruits in a container for making jam.
Peel and seed the orange, cut into cubes and add to the pear slices.
Cover the entire fruit mass with a layer of sugar and poke it well with a fork. We leave the workpiece in this state overnight. The fruits should release plenty of juice. If suddenly the pear turns out to be a bit dry and does not give abundant juice, then you can add one or two glasses of water to the container with the fruit.
Put the jam on the fire and, bringing it to a boil, cook over low heat for an hour and a half. Do not forget to constantly stir the jam and skim off the foam. Pour the finished delicacy into hot, dry jars and close the lids tightly. Fragrant preparation ready for the winter. Bon appetit and good good health!

Violetta Londareva told how to make pear jam.

As always, I am glad to see all my guests!

Prepare not only tasty, but also beautiful jam cutting pears into slices is a completely doable task! Of course, if you know some of the nuances. These are exactly what I will talk about in my publication today.

In this article about pear jam in slices (recipe with photos), I will show you consistently and in detail how to achieve the desired result, and will also reveal all the secrets of obtaining magnificent amber pear jam.

I hope that my culinary experience will serve as a good guide for young housewives. I remember well how in my green years I collected bit by bit successful recipes(only by taking a sample) and tried to achieve perfection. How long ago was it...

But I think that even today the status of a good housewife has not been canceled!

First of all, let's determine the amount of ingredients. From the following I got the 2nd floor liter jars pear jam for the winter and a little more so that you can take a sample now and immediately enjoy the result.


  • Pears – 1.2 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Purified water – 0.200 ml
  • Maintain proportions for any quantity
  • HOW TO CHOOSE fruit for pear jam in slices

Strange as it may sound, not every pear can produce something beautiful. amber jam! The selection of fruits here has great importance. Only pears with dense flesh are suitable, one might even say slightly underripe. But not green either, having not yet reached the proper taste. Therefore, I advise you to definitely try what you buy.

And, of course, to obtain clear pear jam in slices, you should in no way use soft, fully ripe or overripe pears. It is better to make excellent jam or marmalade from them. Which is also generally not bad, winter will pick up everything!

And so, we decided on the choice of source material. I bought 2 kg of pears. After processing, 1.2 kg remained. So factor waste into your calculations. Let's move on.


Let's start with the fact that the purchased fruits will first need to be washed. Then, using a housekeeper's knife, remove the skin from them, that is, peel them. And then cut the pear into four parts and carefully cut out the seeds. Then cut the quarters into slices approximately 3-4 ml thick.

While we are doing this process, water is already heating up on the stove for cooking. sugar syrup. After all, without it you won’t get amber clear jam from pears into slices.

Add granulated sugar (according to the recipe) into boiling water, stir well and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can rest assured: will it dissolve? specified quantity granulated sugar in this small quantity water, just follow the recipe and everything will work out!

The sugar syrup has been boiled, and we have already prepared the pear slices.

We pour them into the pan in which we will cook the pear jam. And immediately pour boiling sugar syrup.

Leave for a while until the pears are saturated with sweetness and the syrup has completely cooled.

Then we put our future pear jam in slices on the fire, slowly bring to a boil and boil for literally 5-6 minutes. Then turn off the heat and wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely.

Raspberry jam in five minutes it would have been ready, but this is a different process.

When this happens, you can move on and light the fire again and simmer for about the same amount of time. With this process our pear slices They will gradually become saturated with syrup and become transparent. You need to do 2-3 such approaches.

After which you can begin the final stage of making the jam. But this time the boiling time will be about 1 hour. However, you will see for yourself how it gains an amber color and becomes thicker.

Just don’t forget that the jam should simmer over low heat and it must be stirred during the process (touching the bottom of the pan), preferably with a wooden spoon with a long handle.

I suggest making aromatic amber jam from pears in slices for the winter. This was my first time making this jam, but it turned out so delicious that I tried it again and again! The pear slices turn out almost transparent. The jam tastes somewhat like dried fruit.

Ripe soft pears are not suitable for this jam, but only pears with dense pulp. But green fruits are not suitable either, since the jam will not be as fragrant.

I prepare the products according to the list.

Pour water into the pan and add sugar. I cook the syrup on the stove over low heat.

At this time, I wash the fruits and peel them.

I cut the pears into four parts.

I cut out the core with seeds and stalks.

This way I clean all the pears. To make the jam, I measure out 1.2 kg of peeled pear quarters.

I cut the pear quarters into slices about 3-4 mm thick.

I transfer the slices into the pan.

By this time the syrup should be ready. If the syrup turns out not transparent, it’s okay; when cooking the jam, the sugar grains will dissolve.

I pour boiling syrup over the pear slices.

I leave the pears for two hours. During this time, the slices will release juice.

I put the pan with the pears and syrup on the stove, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about 6-8 minutes. I remove the pan from the stove and let the jam cool completely.

During this time, the pear slices will become more transparent. I put the pan of jam on the stove again, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about 6-8 minutes. I remove the pan from the stove and let the jam cool completely.

I repeat the cooking procedure again.

I put a pan of jam on the stove, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about an hour.

I put the jam into dry, sterilized half-liter jars. I ended up with 2 jars, and a little more jam left for sampling.

I cover the jars with boiled metal lids.

I roll up the cans using the key.

Pear jam slices are ready for the winter! When the jars of jam have cooled, I transfer them to the cellar.

Enjoy your tea!

Jam made from pears is not very popular, which is most often explained by people's lack of awareness about the benefits of the product. Sweet and aromatic composition It can improve the digestion process, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate coughs and fevers. Dessert prepared in slices preserves useful material to the maximum extent. This determines its analgesic, antiseptic and diuretic effects. If you cook a product without sugar, it can become a great option treats for people suffering from diabetes.

Important points

When closing a product for the winter, you need to adhere to a number of rules. Although pears are not a fussy ingredient, there are ways to improve the quality of the final composition.

  1. We choose fruits that are ripe, but not soft. Unripe pears turn into inexpressive jam without aroma and taste. Overripe ones become overcooked and the product loses its texture.
  2. If you plan to prepare the product in slices, you need to take fruits of the same degree of ripeness and only one variety.
  3. Regardless of which recipe is used, before closing the fruits for the winter, they must be cleared of the seed box and peel.
  4. The peeled pieces are placed in lightly salted water and kept there until cooked. Then the components will not darken and retain their attractive color.
  5. Small pears can be cooked in halves or quarters. Large fruits are cut into slices no thicker than 2 cm wide.
  6. Sweet fruit jam does not need large quantities Sahara. For 2 parts of such types of product, it is enough to take 1 part granulated sugar.
  7. No matter how long the main component is processed, it may burn. Therefore, the mass will have to be stirred regularly with a wooden or silicone spatula.

The risk of product spoilage can be significantly reduced if you cook the preparation for the winter more than once for a long time, but do several short-term approaches.

Recipes for one-ingredient pear jam

Making high-quality and healthy pear jam is not so difficult. You just need to choose suitable recipe and strictly follow his recommendations:

  • Option with pear decoction. For 1 kg of fruit we take 1 kg of sugar. Cut the peeled fruits into slices, add water and boil until the products soften (but they should not fall apart). We pour the broth into a separate bowl; we will need 2 cups of the product. In a cooking container, mix the prepared broth with sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Dip the pears into the resulting syrup and wait until the mixture boils. You need to cook it until the slices become transparent. Place the cooled product in jars and close for the winter.

Advice: If, after sorting the fruits, there are crumpled or overripe specimens left, do not throw them away. It is these fruits that make it tasty and aromatic. pear jam. You just need to boil the products until tender, adding a little sugar and spices to taste (vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon).

  • Classic option. We take pears and sugar in equal quantities. Cut the peeled fruits into cubes or slices. Place the preparations in a cooking container, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours until the juice appears. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, cook it for half an hour, regularly removing the foam. Then cool the product, leave for another 6-8 hours, then cook again for half an hour. We put the jam into jars and seal it for the winter.

The taste of the product will vary significantly depending on the type of product and how much sugar is used. Therefore, it is recommended to boil it first a small amount of composition to determine the proportions of the components.

Options for preparing desserts from pears and citrus fruits

Sweet pears pair well with lemons, oranges and limes. The result is the most delicate jam with a subtle unobtrusive aroma and pleasant sourness.

  • Delicacy with pears and lemon. For 1 kg of pears we take 1 kg of sugar, lemon and a glass of water. We cut the peeled pears into slices, the lemon into slices along with the skin, but without seeds. Pour boiling water over the lemon and leave for 3 minutes over very low heat. We filter the mass, we only need lemon decoction. We cook from it and sugar thick syrup, with which we pour the pear slices and leave for 2 hours. After this, the workpiece must be placed on medium heat and cooked until cooked, i.e. transparency of the slices and thickness of the syrup. We put the product into jars and close it for the winter.

  • Dessert version of pears and orange. For 1 kg of pear slices we take 1 kg of sugar, almost a full glass of poda and half a large orange. We make syrup from water and sugar and pour it over the prepared fruit slices. The mass should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes, after which the product should be cooled and left to infuse for at least 8 hours. Then boil the mixture for another 5 minutes and leave for another 8 hours. We repeat the entire cycle one more time, after which we add the orange, cut into pieces along with the peel (remove the seeds), into the composition. Almost ready-made jam keep for half an hour on low heat, stirring regularly. Place the dessert in jars and seal.

When making these recipes, you should not overuse sugar. It is clear that it must be present in preparations for the winter, serving as a preservative, but its excessive presence can ruin all the charm of the dessert.

Delicious and unusual pear delicacies

To prepare not just a tasty, but an exquisite and extraordinary dessert, you should try the following recipes:

  • Pear jam with almonds. Take 2 kg of pears and sugar, half a teaspoon of vanilla, half a glass almonds, 1.5 liters of water. Peel and cut the pears into slices or cubes, place in a cooking container, add water and cook for 3 minutes. After this, drain the broth, mix with sugar and prepare syrup. Pour it over slices of fruit and let it sit for 3-4 hours. Cook the preparation for 10 minutes, leave for another 4 hours. Now the composition needs to be cooked for 20 minutes, 10 minutes before turning off, add chopped nuts and vanilla, mix everything thoroughly. Pour the jam into jars and seal.

  • Fruit slices with mint. Take 1 kg of pears and sweet apples, 1.5 kg of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid and a few sprigs of mint. We peel the fruits and remove seeds and cut them into equal slices. Pierce each piece along the flesh with a fork, being careful not to spoil the shape of the pieces, and cover with sugar. Leave the mixture overnight, during which time the fruits should give juice, which will dissolve the sugar. If the fruit is too dry, you can add a little water to the composition. Stir the product, put it on the stove and, bringing it to a boil, cook over low heat for at least 1.5-2 hours, stirring regularly. About half an hour before turning off the jam, add citric acid to the mixture. And 10 minutes after that, place mint on the surface of the mass, not allowing it to sink. All that remains is to remove the branches when the dessert is ready and pour it into jars.

Typically, pear jam is not candied or crystallized. But, if this does happen, it is recommended to boil the product again without adding sugar or heat it in a water bath until the mass returns to the desired consistency.