How to make a pear jam at home. Transparent pears and apples jam slices

Summer is the time of the blanks for the winter. It is at this time of year that you can cook different types of jams from ripe and juicy pears, apples and other fruits and berries. In winter, sweet blanks will come across the way. Delicious jam or jam can be applied to tea or use it as a stuff for home cake. Such a delicacy will have to do not only soul. The best recipes of jam from pears for the winter are presented in our article. Step by step description will easily prepare any of the selected options.

Amber pears jam

The secret of this dessert consists in a special method of cooking. So that the sad slices remain safe and turned into a puree, they should be boiled in three approaches. Since this fruit is sufficiently sweet, sugar can add a moderate amount (500-700 g per 2 kg of purified fruit).

Prepared in a specific sequence:

  1. Ripe, but solid fruits are cleaned from the peel, the cores and are cut by slices.
  2. A syrup is prepared on the stain on the plate. For this, sugar dissolves in 350 ml of water and is brought to a thick consistency. It must remain transparent, and not turn into caramel.
  3. Pear slices are flooded with hot syrup and retransmitted to the side until complete cooling.
  4. Now the saucepan can be put on the middle fire and bring the pear to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove the jam from the stove and cool.
  5. Repeat similar actions twice again. The last time the cooking time can be increased to 45 minutes, which will make it possible to achieve the desired sirop thickness.

Transparent pears and apples jam slices

The following delicacy is perfectly suitable as a filling for pies and pies. After cooling, the jam for winter from a pear and an apple is obtained thick, like a jam or jumped, and does not spread when baked products. And cook it is quite simple:

  1. Apples (350 g) and pears (450 g) solid varieties are purified from peel and core, and then cut by slices.
  2. Fruits are folded into a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar (450 g) and leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours so that they let juice.
  3. At this time, a pair of lemon rings is cleaned from the peel and bones, cut into small pieces and added to apples and pears. Lemon will give jam acid, which is not enough in fruit.
  4. The saucepan with the ingredients is sent to the middle fire, bring up to a boil and boil apple and pears for 5 minutes. The dishes with jam are removed from the fire and leave overnight until the night of cooling.
  5. Similar actions are carried out twice.
  6. For the fourth time, the jam boils about 1 hour until it becomes sufficiently thick. The finished delicacy is laid out on banks, covered with covers and rush by cans.

Recipe jam made of pear with peel

For the next dessert, pears are suitable absolutely any varieties, including soft. But this does not mean that during the cooking, the slices turn into a puree. To avoid this, the fruits are not cleaned from the peel, but only from seeds and tied areas. As a result, the jam from the pears is suitable for amber, and the peel becomes soft, so it is completely not felt.

Step-by-step recipe lies in the following:

  1. Pears are cleansed, dry and cut into 4 parts. The core is cut out of each quarter, after which such pieces are cut on another 3-4 slices.
  2. Prepared fruits (2 kg) are folded into a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar (800 g) and shake so that it is evenly distributed. To cook jam can be started after 2 hours, when the juice is separated from the pears.
  3. The saucepan is placed on a slow fire, slices with sugar are brought to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, but no more.
  4. After a complete cooling, approximately 6-8 hours, the jam goes back on the stove. This time and the next 3-4 times you need to cook it for 5 minutes. Before each thermal processing, the jam is well cooled.
  5. Check how thick the delicacy can be drunk on a plate, which should not be drained if we tilt the dishes.
  6. The finished jam is unfolded along hot sterilized banks and rolled out. Turning over and wrapped them is not necessary.

Milk pear jam

The following taste to taste more resembles a homogeneous puree for baby food, and on consistency - condensed milk. But it turns out such a jam of pears is really very tasty, although not all winter is stored. Under the hermetic lid and in the refrigerator it can stand at no more than three months. Properly prepare such jam will help the next step by step instruction:

  1. Pears (17 pcs.) Clear from the peel, seeds, replenished places and cut the slices of arbitrary size.
  2. Grind prepared fruits with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Purplus a pear grouse with sugar (6 tbsp.), Pour with milk (5 tbsp.) And add a teaspoon of soda. In the finished jam, this breakthrower will not be felt, and in the cooking process will allow pears well to weld.
  4. Leave the prepared ingredients in a saucepan at room temperature for 2 hours.
  5. After the time expires to put a saucepan on a small fire, bring the jam to a boil, and cook it with a periodic stirring 8 hours. It should be sufficiently thick and slowly drag off the plates. During the preparation, the mass volume decreases 4 times.
  6. The finished jam is declined to banks, tightened with covers, cool and sent to the refrigerator.

Pear jam recipe with poppy

Such a dessert has an unusual appearance and taste. Pear pears jam is very tasty. It can be applied to the tea party, and the cake is interesting to cook out of it. Step-by-step preparation of such a dessert is as follows:

  1. Peel-purified pear pieces (1 kg) are covered with sugar (300-500 g) and citric acid (1 h. Spoon). In this form, fruits should stand 3 hours so that the juice is separated.
  2. Put a saucepan on the stove. Cook jam on a small fire for 20 minutes.
  3. To postpone half pears into separate dishes, cool and crushed the submersible blender in the puree. Return the crushed jam in a saucepan.
  4. Mac (½ Art.) Heat on a dry hot frying pan and add to pears.
  5. Prepare jam for another 15 minutes. Prepare banks and roll hot dessert for the winter.

Delicious jam with lemon and pears

The following delicacy is prepared in lemon syrup. It turns out to be completely different from him than the ordinary amber jam from pears, more interesting and sophisticated. Step by step is prepared in several stages:

  1. Pears are cleaned from the peel and the seeds with seeds, cut down slices and weighed. For jam, exactly 1 kg of fruit is needed.
  2. In a small casserole, the lemon is sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles without seeds and 250 ml of water is poured.
  3. After 3 minutes, the finished decoction should be strain and add 1 kg of sugar to it. Prepare a thick sugar syrup in moderation and pour them pears in a saucepan.
  4. Insstruct the slices in the syrup 3 hours. During this time, the amount of fluid will double.
  5. Prepare jam on slow fire in 3 approaches to 10-15 minutes. Before the next cooking, it takes to cool it every time.
  6. For the fourth time, the jam is boiled up to the necessary density, after which it rolled into cans with cans.

Recipe of pear jam with orange

Such a delicacy can be prepared very quickly. But it is boiled in 2 approaches, and before subsequent heat treatment it will need to be cooled within 12 hours. Otherwise, everything is very simple:

  1. Pears brush from the core, and the peel can be left. Fold them into a saucepan, fall asleep as the same sugar (1 kg) and add sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin slices of orange. It is not necessary to delete the peel, but the bones will have to be removed.
  2. Put a saucepan on a weak fire, and after boiling pears with sugar and orange 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the jam from the stove and cool it. During this time, the slices are impregnated with syrup, will become dense and transparent.
  4. Put jam on the fire again. Cook it with 5 minutes and you can roll in sterilized banks.

Barberry jam and pears

The delicious dessert can be prepared according to the following recipe. Jam from a pear with a lingonberry is preparing in this order:

  1. Berries (2 kg) move, wash and dry.
  2. Purified pears (2 kg) are cut by small pieces.
  3. Sugar (4 kg) is poured into the pelvis for cooking jam or into a deep saucepan and poured with a glass of hot water.
  4. On a small fire, syrup is cooked until sugar dissolved. As soon as he starts thick, pieces of pears are added to it.
  5. Fruit slices are boiled 15 minutes, after which a lingonberry and spices are added to them (10 clove buds and a teaspoon of the ground cinnamon.
  6. Preparing 45 minutes jam, until it becomes quite thick. In sterilized and hermetically closed banks, it can be kept in a whole winter.


The following delicacy is prepared in such a sequence:

  1. Clean berries of sea buckthorn (300 g) are folded into a saucepan. 700 g of peashed peashed and pear seeds are added here.
  2. The prepared mixture is covered with sugar (1.5 kg) and left on the table for 8-10 hours.
  3. The next day you can proceed to the cooking process of jam. It is recommended to cook it in three approaches for 5 minutes. Every time the jam must be well cool.

The finished delicacy is obtained transparent, very beautiful and tasty. It rolled into banks and store all winter.

In the summer-autumn season, a variety of fruit vegetables regularly appear on our table. Indeed, it is difficult to overestimate the benefit of fresh fruits for the human body, because we get a significant part of all useful substances and vitamins. However, in the winter so I want to be enjoyed with tasty apples, pears, plums - at least in the form of jam or jam. So in the season of the hostess's blanks, they try to fill the shelves with pantry jars with different fruit-berry delicacies, so that until the next summer it is to provide seven delicious and affordable desserts to tea. Today we learn how to cook the fragrant jam from pears, whose recipes with step-by-step pictures are represented in our culinary "piggy bank". As a rule, the fruits of autumn varieties are used for the cooking of a transparent pear jam, more juicy and solid consistency. With our simple recipes, every hostess easily prepared for the winter a thick amber jam - "five minutes" without sterilization, as well as the original germ delicacy entirely. In addition, lemon, orange, poppy or cinnamon are added to enhance the taste of a pear dessert during cooking. Taking a few spoons of pear jam daily in food, you can not only fill the shortage of vitamins, but also ensure the prevention of colds. So, write the recipes and go for pears!

Fragrant jam from pears for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization with citric acid, step by step with a photo

Pear on the right is called "Queen of Gardens" - juicy, beautiful golden color and very appetizing. The fetus includes mineral, nitrous and tannyl substances, as well as vitamins B, C, R. In addition, the pear is extremely rich in folic acid - even in black currants, the level of the main "female" vitamin B9 is much lower. Following our simple recipe with a photo, you can easily prepare for the winter the fragrant jam of pears, and citric acid and vanillin will give a dessert a refined spicy notch. When cooking such a tasty pear jam, you can do without sterilizing the finished product - it is enough to treat banks for conservation.

The necessary ingredients for the workpiece for the winter of fragrant pear jam without sterilization:

  • pears - 1 kg
  • lemon acid - ¼ h. l.
  • vanilla - to taste

Cook syrup from:

  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water in which pears were boiled - 2 glasses

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for pears with lemon acid, without sterilization:

Amber jam from pear slices - recipe in a slow cooker, with a photo

In the season of workpieces for each mistress, the "hot" time is to have time to reach the efforts as much as possible of nature as possible! Many homemade canning fruit-vegetable fruit is associated with boiling water saucepans, dozens of glass cans and kilograms of "raw materials" for processing in marinades, pickles and jams. However, thanks to the "smart" kitchen appliances, a significant part of the labor-intensive processes of winter blanks can be simplified. So, we propose to cook with a delicious amber jam of pear slices - by recipe with a photo for a slow cooker. Of course, it will take time for cooking such a pear jam - but the result is worth it!

Ingredients for the recipe for amber jam with pears slices in a slow cooker:

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 - 800 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

The billet for the winter of amber pear jam slices, according to the recipe with the photo:

  1. My fruit is in running water, we clean from the inside and cut the medium-size pars. It does not need to cut the skin, because the shell pears are sufficiently soft and the taste of the finished jam will not affect.
  2. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruit slices place in a multicooker's bowl and fall asleep sugar - the amount of ingredient depends on the grade of pears and personal preferences of the pastry. Now turn on the "quenching" mode for about 1 hour, so that the fruits be powered by sugar.
  3. After the sound signal, we leave the peasure jam cool - about 2 hours. Then proceed to productive product.
  4. To begin with, we set the program "Cooking" for 15 minutes, and wait for the end of cooking. When the jam cooled, repeat the cooking procedure for the same time. You need to slaughter three times, alternating with a complete cooling. During cooking, the multicooker cover must be a bit partitioned so that the jam does not roll out.
  5. Squeeze the juice from lemon and a couple of spoons add to the cooled pear jam. If desired, a spicy lemon note can be made in a treat - in the form of chopped citrus pulp. I exhibit the "Cooking for a pair" mode (for 15 minutes) and cook again. We leave the jam to cool at room temperature for a couple of hours.
  6. In completion, we turn on the cooking mode for a couple and after a quarter of an hour we obtain a finished product ready for packaging on sterilized banks. We ride clean covers and after cooling under a warm blanket, we remove the jars with a pear jam in the storage room or cellar. Having twisted in winter a jar of such a delicacy, you will enjoy the unique aroma - and the taste of jam from pears is simply unmatched!

Simple pears jam - recipe for winter with orange, photo

During the ripening period, pears can be prepared for winter a few jars of delicious scented jam. So, to obtain a delicacy in the form of a puree, it is best to use soft juicy pears, and from the fruits of winter solid varieties it turns out excellent jam "slices". Today we will study a simple recipe with photos of a pear jam for the winter - with an orange. Such an original combination will give the finished product an unusual thin taste and a gentle citrus fragrance. Holding a recipe, even the newcomer-confectioner will cope with the preparation of jam from the pears - everything is very simple and tasty!

List of ingredients to the recipe for jam with pears and oranges by winter:

  • pears - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 cup
  • orange - 2 pcs.

The order of cooking orange-pear jam for the winter:

  1. Ripe pear fruits are swore, rinse and, removing the core, cut the slices directly with the skin. I fall asleep sugar and leave for about 3 to 5 hours - to the juice.
  2. When the slices of pears are as impregnated with sugar, put a saucepan on fire, we pour water to fruit and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove and give the jam to cool. Then, we coordinate the mass in the same way 2 times - after each journal, we leave for complete cooling. During the third cooking, we add oranges, purified from peel and missed through a meat grinder. We welcome everything together for 15 minutes.
  4. At this time, we are sterilized by cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters and metal covers. Hot jam with pears and oranges lay out in pure banks, we roll up and turn up the bottom. We cover the preservation with a towel or blanket, and after a day, the cooled delicacy is ready to take its place on the pantry shelf. The orange will give the jam not only a beautiful sunny orange color, but also a stunning fragrance. Pleasant tea drinking in winter!

Transparent Solid Pear Jam Slotted Cinnamon for Winter - Recipe With Photo

For the preparation of jam from pears for the winter, various spices are successfully used, attaching refinery and fine fragrance. We bring to your attention a simple recipe with a photo of a transparent pear jam slices with cinnamon - an excellent dessert for tea or addition to pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casserole. Alternatively, instead of cinnamon in a pear jam, you can add Badyan, carnation or other favorite spice. We are sure of this taste and fragrance of delicacy will acquire new interesting shades - successful experiments!

List of ingredients for cooking transparent jam with solid pears and cinnamon by winter:

  • pears (summer or autumn varieties) - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • cinnamon in chopsticks - 2 pcs. (or 1 h. Hammer)

Step by step description of the recipe for transparent pear jam slices with cinnamon:

  1. Pears mine and dried, laying out on a paper towel. Each frost is cut into two parts, we remove the core with seeds, and then crushing the middle size slices.
  2. Separate fruit pieces in a saucepan with a thick bottom and fall asleep sugar. Now you need to leave the chopped fruits to seen juice - an important stage of cooking jam. To do this, take several hours, depending on the juiciness of the fruit.
  3. We put a saucepan with pears on fire, add cinnamon and cook on low heat about 35 minutes - without a lid. Do not forget to regularly remove the foam.
  4. Turn off the fire and wait full cooling of the jam from pears. Then weganize again for 35 minutes, removing 10 minutes before the end of the cooking sticks of cinnamon.
  5. In pure sterilized banks, we lay a hot pear jam and roll around with covers. When the delicacy completely cools, we remove the banks in the storage room or the cellar. Try, very tasty!

Delicious pear jam with poppy seeds - step-by-step recipe with winter blanks

In search of original jam recipes, jam or jam, many mistresses are literally "prescribed" on culinary sites or thematic forums. However, in our selection you can always find an interesting option of conservation - take at least a jam of pears with poppy. Using step-by-step instructions with pictures, everyone will be able to cook a couple of jars of fragrant pear jam "in Krapinka". We are sure your guests will be delighted with such creative delicacy!

Ingredients in the recipe for a delicious jam with pears and poppy:

  • sweet pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 300 - 400 gr.
  • lemon Acid - 1 tsp.
  • poppy - ½ cup

Cooking for the winter of a pear jam with poppy pushing:

  1. Washed pears free from the core and, if necessary, remove the peel (if very dense). Cut into cubes of medium size and fall asleep sugar in a pelvis or a saucepan, not forgetting to make citric acid. The amount of sugar is adjustable, based on the personal taste and the varieties of selected pears - for juicy sand fruits will need less, and green or unripe fruits need to be more thoroughly "sugar". For a uniform distribution of sugar, the contents of the pan thoroughly mix and leave for 2 to 3 hours.
  2. When the pieces of pears generously "will share" juice, we put the container on weak fire and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. The appearance of foam "We meet" with a wooden spatula, carefully removing the white "cap" from the surface.
  3. Measure the "on the eye" half of the jam and cast into separate dishes, where weching the immersion blender in the puree. We return the spent the mass back into the pan and bring to a boil.
  4. While the delicacy is cooked, pour poppy into a frying pan and dried on a moderate heat about 2 to 3 minutes. Pour in the boiled jam, mix and cook 5 - 10 minutes.
  5. Fill with hot maak-pear jam sterilized jars, rush and leave cool under the blanket. Surprise households and guests with such a "cracked" fruit dessert - just a look!

Useful pear jam - recipe "five-minute" on video

Whole pears, filled with transparent amber syrup, look very beautifully in jars. Prepare a useful jam- "five minutes" from the whole pears - according to our recipe on video it is easier to do simple!

How to cook thick pear jam from green fruits - video recipe

Pear jam from green fruits is simple and very fast - you will need only 3 hours for the preparation of delicacies. How to cook dense "green" jam with pears? See a detailed video recipe!

Pear jam - recipe with lemon, with photos and videos

Lemon gives a pear jam to the tart notch of sourness and fresh citrus fragrance. With our recipe with photos and videos, you prepare a gentle scented pear jam with lemon.

How to cook for winter jam from pears? The recipe of this delicious amber delicacy can be chosen in its taste - from the fruits entirely and sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, transparent and saturated thick, with lemon, oranges, cinnamon, poppy. Following our simple step-by-step recipes from the photo (pictures) and video, each hostess will easily prepare fragrant pear jam in a slow cooker and in the usual way without sterilization. After choosing a quick recipe for a "five-minute jam", you will save time spent in the kitchen - this option will have to do with the lips of the ladies. Successful billets from pears!

One of the delicious winter treats today can rightly consider such jams like a pear. It is necessary to note the fact that this jam can be prepared in different ways using completely different ingredients by adding alloying taste additives. And so, thanks to the huge number of recipes, you can cook a pear jam and pear jay, and a large number of other desserts for the winter. It should also be noted that when cooking you can use different pears, in terms of varieties, different berry supplements and fruit. Also pay attention to the fact that this type of delicacy is excellent and zest, and cranberries, pineapples, and mint and still a huge amount of something else.

Pear jam. Recipe with step-by-step photo

Pear jam is not very popular among the owners, as a rule, in large sizes, this product is not closed for the winter, and so for the sake of diversity. Well, if you have a whole tree of beautiful pears at the cottage, do not disappear good. A mig at the bazaar is sugar and proceed to the cooking of a pear jam.

For this jam, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Pear - 1 kg;
  • Water is 1 cup;
  • Sugar sand - 850 grams.

Let's start cooking a pear jam

To begin with, we will wash the pear thoroughly.

Cooking jam we will be in a fairly big bowler, as for me it is really the best cookware for cooking jam, it is better not a cauldron. The jam in the Kazan does not burn, and in general it is very convenient to cook in this dish.

On top of a pear with sugar, in the ingredients one quantity is indicated, but you need to understand that it all depends on your whims and sweets of a pear, if you love the pear jam is very sweet, you can add sugar more, if everything is exactly on the turn, then Accordingly, the sugar is added less.

Everyone will prevent well and leave for a couple of hours, it is broken, during this time the pear must let juice.

If you have a pear not very juicy, add more water, but if you have a juicy pear, you need as much as stated in this recipe.

Cooking pears jam need an old proven method, in several goals. Boil the jam for 20 minutes, turn off, let the time to cool and so four times.

Until our pear jam is brewed, we mean, in the meantime, we will prepare banks, we will carefully wash them, do not forget about the lids.

We also do not forget about the sterilization of cans with lids.

Well, and when our jam is welded, it remains for small, lay it out in banks, pre-her heated.

We close the lids, we give the jam to cool, and send to a cool dark place, for example, in the cellar, stored until winter.

Here, we prepared such a jam for the winter, stay with us and recognize about all the most popular pear jam recipes.

Classic pear jam

And so, pass to cooking jam. The next in line is worth a recipe for classic jam from pear. To prepare this type of winter dishes, you will need, firstly, two kilograms of sugar flour, secondly, as much pears with a rather solid flesh, and thirdly, no more than three glasses of water.

The cooking process is quite simple and at the same time complicated. You can easily divide your actions into several. The first step on the way of finished and tasty jam is that you will need to choose ripe pears, after which they are thoroughly wash them and cut off the skin. After that, you will need to choose all seeds and cut into small pieces, not more than one centimeter. The next step will be that you will catch out the soda into a small saucepan and give her to boil, after which you lose the fire slightly and start the heat treatment of chopped fruits. This boiling should take about 15 minutes. After this action, you can remove the saucepan from the fire and pour water into another ass. And the fruit themselves, over which you just conducted blanching, let cool, and you can pour your cut with cold water. In the water in which you blanched pears you need to fall asleep sugar and continue to boil, not forgetting to remove the foam. The next step will be laid out in the resulting syrup of your little favorable fruits, after which it is possible to cool this substance. After passing over three hours, you need to put pears again on fire and boil, holding 10 minutes on fire. And so, this action you will need to repeat several times, approximately 5 times in total. After this boost and subsequent cooling, your jam will be completely finished. And so, the last step that you will need to produce is to lay out the received jam on pure jars and roll them with lids.

Pear jam with lemon.

The next recipe, with which you can prepare a very tasty delicacy, is: pear jam with lemon adding. For cooking this yummy, you will need such ingredients as two kilograms of pears, two glasses of water, as well as two and a half kilograms of sugar and two lemon medium size.

The main stages in the cooking of this dish for you will be what you need to determine with pears and citrus. Which, by the way, add interesting not only the taste of your product of culinary art, but also a wonderful fragrance, and he will surely please you in the winter. And so, as in the former recipe, you will need to wash pears, clean them from the skin and clean it from annoying seeds. After that, cut the pear into small slices, approximately one centimeter. The next step will be the fact that you will put water on fire and give her to boil, after which you put your lemons into it, which should be cut with circles and also cleaned from the bones. It will take about three minutes to boil citrus, after which it is necessary to strain the jersey from lemon and put on the stove again, while adding sugar and starting to cook the syropych. While your syrup is hot, you will need to pour them the pear and give a little time for cooling, about two hours. Next, put this substance to the fire again, and it should be slow, and be sure to not forget to shoot on top of the foam. And so, it is completely ready to determine that your jam is completely ready for a pear, it will become a bit transparent, and the syrup itself will take a thick shape. The latter action that will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy this culinary product in winter, it will become routine on jam jars with sterile lids.

Pear jam with cruising.

The next recipe, which also has the place to be among the culinary delights, is: jam with pears along with a lingonberry.

To prepare this jam you will need about three kilograms of pear, two kilograms of sugar, one and a half kilograms of lingonberries, as well as zest and juice with two lemons. And so, the main stages when cooking this delicious jam, which will be even very fragrant, is that you will need to wash the lingonberry and take the whole whole, after which it is to throw it on a drying sieve. Next, wash pears and brush from the peel, after which you will need to cut the core so that the "tails" themselves are completely integer. You also need to pay attention to that you should not throw out the pear parts that remained after cleaning. The next step will be what you must cut into the resulting flesh with small slices. Next, you have enough painstaking work, namely cutting from the lemons of the zest, after which the juice is squeezed and splashing them a bit and put into the bowl, covering the film. To the other bowl gently lay out a lemon zest, a lingonberry, as well as pears after cleaning. In this saucepan, fill a little more than half a litter of water and put on fire. When this substance boils, you will need to upload lights, cover with a lid and cook approximately twenty minutes, without forgetting to interfere with this mass. And so, your guideline will become that the lingonberry turn into Cashitz. Having received such a substance you can turn off the fire and leave for a small amount of time that it has raised. After that, your next step will be that this mass you need to skip through the sieve and put in the dishes with pears, in parallel, adding sugar there. And so, begin to boil your future jam until the sugar is completely dissolved. This cooking on the stove will take about forty minutes and your main landmark will be what your jam thickens a little. The last step will be the fact that the finished delicacy you will overcome on jars and tightly sunk with lids.

Standard pear jam (jam)

The fifth recipe for the queue was no less tasty than the old, namely the pear jumped. In order to prepare this winter treat, you will need, firstly, two kilograms of ripe, or even you can slightly having fun, four large lemon, two kilograms of sugar, as well as three boxes of the cardamom.

And so, for the preparation of this yummy, the first thing you need to do is. It gets all seeds from the cardamom boxes. The next step will be what will need to be thoroughly wash lemons, give a little time that they would dry and remove the zest. After that, you should also carefully wash the pears and give them a completely dry, get seeds from them, and also completely remove all the skin. If a small note, which lies in the fact that if the fruits have fun and it is simply physically impossible to remove the skin, then you can boil pears with it. After removing the peel, you will need to cut the pear on small slices and put in a saucepan, with freshly thick sabers. When you lay out your fruit, pay attention to the fact that they need to be laid in parallel sprinkling sugar. Next, you can begin the cooking itself. And so, the first to which you also need to pay attention to that the fire should not be too strong, and the time of such a cooking will last until the sugar completely melts. Next, after you stop seeing the sugar crystals, come a little fire and continue to cook another half an hour. Your guideline in this case should be the fact that fruit should become very soft. After this stage, let the jam completely cool and move the resulting mass in the blender, then wipe it through the little sieve. The next step will be the laid out of this substance again in the saucepan. After performing this action, you will need to add to the stitch jam, as well as the previously squeezed lemon juice. Next, light the fire tiles and bring to a boil, then put the fire almost to the minimum. Be sure to keep in, when cooking this jam, you can not forget to interfere with it. And so, again Zakipev you need to cook this delicacy for about four minutes, after which you add cardamon seeds, and cook further, but quite a bit, about one minute. After removing from the fire, you can start boldly pouring your jacket on jars and start rolling with clean caps.

Pear jam with whole fruits.

Another recipe, prepare for which you can boast before the familiar, is pears jam with integer parts of this fruit.

To prepare this jam, you will need such ingredients: two and a half kilograms of sugar, four kilograms of pears, eight hundred millibers water, three carnation boutons, as well as a third of citric acid coffee spoons.

For cooking jam on this recipe, you will need to perform a large number of actions, but do not doubt, the result will be fully justified by your efforts. And so, the first action that you must perform when preparing jam, it is thoroughly wash the pear, and they can be, both ordinary and dips that will be very comfortable in the subsequent. After washing, give the time a wild pear to dry up and pinched them in several parts by a needle, after which you gently lay out in a saucepan. Next you will have to be welded in a separate saucepan with water and sugar syrup, subsequently whom you will board your fruits. After that, you will need to give a little to stand this mass for the purpose of small cooling. When all this fruit substance is completely cooling, you will need to start the coaching process, which will take about ten minutes. After remove from the fire and let cool, then repeat this process several times, that is, again on a small fire and 10 minutes of heat treatment. And so, during the last baptism, you will need to add cloves, as well as citric acid. After this crickeling, you can start laying out the extensive jam on jars, and start rolling with clean covers.

Pear jam with poppy.

And so, the last prepacked recipe for the preparation of a pear jam is this delicacy with poppy.

For cooking, two kilograms of pears will come in handy, a little vanilla, five boxes of the cardamom, two teaspoons of poppies, as well as 4 tablespoons of home honey, which does not suacherly and has a light color.

And so, the process of cooking this jam will consist of several steps, the first of which will be the laptop of the Cardamom seeds in the mortar. Next, you will need to thoroughly wash the pears, after which it is possible to give some time to dry, and subsequently removing the peel and getting the solid heartings along with seeds. Next, take the pears and lay them out in a saucepan, after which the honey will fill there, and also pour the resulting card seeds of the cardamom. The next step will be the beginning of bakingbinding your fruit, which is that you need to put this saucepan on fire and report twenty minutes to thermal processing. Also note that the cooking time of the pears depends on their variety, your guideline in this business will be the full evaporation of all juice. At the end of the cooking, be sure to add the remaining items, that is, poppy and vanilla. After this adding, you have a little more to slaughter the resulting substance and you can start the layout of jam on jars and their rigging. You also need to draw attention to the fact that the poppy can be replaced with nuts that will be finely chopped or sesame.

And so, after cooking the jam, you will get on your table, and no way depend on the situation is a beautiful delicacy that will delight you from day to day. Pay special attention not only for a wonderful taste, but also on a great aroma, as well as beautiful amber color. Please note that this delicacy looks great with tea. You can also use this product of homemade culinary art and in pies, and in cakes, and in buns. As they say, you only need to come up with and begin to embody it for yummy.

Solk, without water prepared, can conquer the heart of any sweet tooth. Aromatic, delicious, beautiful, sweet dessert - who can resist? The pear jam is ideal not only for tea drinking, but also as a filling in various pies.

The benefits and harm of pears

This fruit is one of the most nutritious, while the calorie content is so small that, even by eating kilograms of these beautiful fruits, you can not worry about what it will affect the figure.

The pear includes vitamins A, C, RR, as well as vitamins of group V. and the low content of sugar and the presence of fructose makes the fruit of the perfect fruit for diabetics. Also, a pear is rich in such trace elements as zinc, sulfur, iron, cobalt, potassium and others.

But, with all its positive qualities, the use of pear is contraindicated to people with diseases of the stomach. But they can pamper themselves with this fruit in the form of dried fruits, compotes and, of course, jam. Experienced hosts came up with no one recipe for pear jam slices, consider the same best and easy to prepare.

Preparation of fruit

For the preparation of pear jam, varieties are usually used, which have a dense pulp, such as Duchess or lemon. But from any other variety of pear jam slices, without water prepared, it will be no less tasty. The main thing is that the fruits are not overripe or misappropriate.

Due to the fact that the ripening period of this fruit is quite long, you can try different recipes.

Fruits Before cooking should be thoroughly wash, remove the fruits and the core, cut into slices, and it is necessary to cut off the existing dark specks or fallen.

  • The taste of pear jam can be changed a bit by adding other berries or fruits to the recipe.
  • Fruits for cooking dessert to collect better day, on a hot sunny day. At this time, pears are most fragrant.
  • Pears jam loves to burn, so it is necessary to monitor the cooking process especially carefully. Ideal to use pig-iron dishes: the taste will turn out to be more saturated, and much less likely to stick the sweet mass to the bottom of the tank.
  • If the fetal skin is not delicate, but rough and dense, then it is better to cut it, otherwise the jam will not be so tasty.
  • So that the slices remained solid and did not weld, follow the detailed preparation instructions.

Classic pear jam

Such a recipe for sure is known to many experienced hostesses. But some are labored prepare delicious delicacy due to the need for multiple boiling. This option is simplified, now you can cook the pear dessert in one approach.

For cooking you will need two kilograms of pears, two and a half kilograms of sugar sand.


  1. Prepare fruit: Wash, clean, cut. Put them in a saucepan for cooking.
  2. Cash each slot toothpick in several places.
  3. Top of fruit pour into a flat layer of sugar sand, put a saucepan for a couple of hours in a cool place. During this time, sugar fell, and pears will give juice.
  4. If pears were not very juicy, then the components in the container need to add two glasses of water before cooking.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil, then reduce the fire and cook the dessert on the highest heat for 40 minutes. Do not forget to stir every five minutes, otherwise the fruits can stick to the bottom.
  6. Pour jam in the prepared container, close tightly, cool down and remove storage.

If you like citrus, then this recipe is exactly what you need. Instead of lemon, you can also use orange, but then sugar will need to take 500 grams less.

Prepare the following products: two kilograms of pears, two and a half - sugar, three lemon.


  1. Wash fruit, clean, cut down the slices and fold into the container in which you will cook.
  2. Lemon also rinse, thoroughly rubbing the peel, cut the tips. Skip through the meat grinder and add to pears.
  3. Pour sugar into the fruit mixture, clean it in a cool place for three hours, to be fed. In order for the pear during this time, the juice launches, pour it in several places with a toothpick or fork.
  4. Move the real jam is neatrately mixed, trying not to remember the fetus slices.
  5. Boil on slow heat, periodically removing the resulting foam, about 45 minutes.
  6. Ready jam run in hot by sterile package, close the lid.

Pear jam with almonds

And what will happen if adding almond and vanilla pears and vanilla jam? You definitely do not spoil the taste of these components, but only give a dessert of something unusual and very interesting. And the fragrance that will turn in the apartment during cooking and when you open the bank with finished jam will cause any desire to try it rather.

You will need: two kilograms of pears, as many sugar sand, two pinching vanilla, roasted almond nuts (the number take, focusing on their taste, in the original it is necessary to take a glass), one and a half liters of water.


  1. Prepare the main component of the jam - a pear. Wash, clean, remove the core, if necessary - remove the skin, cut the fruit with slices.
  2. In the saucepan for cooking jam boil the water, lower the prepared slices of pears.
  3. Boil the water, then drain it into a separate pan, add sugar to the resulting syrup. Boil to thickening, about 15 minutes.
  4. Fill pear syrup, leave to cool about three hours.
  5. When the jam cooled, boil it again, after which heganing about 10 minutes on slow heat. Cool down.
  6. The last time the jam will need to cook after boiling 20 minutes, 10 minutes before the end of the preparation, pour the vanilla and the chopped nuts with a blender.
  7. Boil the dessert in the hot way to banks, tightly close. After complete cooling, remove storage.

Now you know how to cook pear jam slices. Everything is easy enough and quickly. Bon Appetit!

My mother-in-law is a woman, pleasant in all respects. Refers to me gently and flutterously, often pampers with gifts from his garden and garden. Yesterday yesterday we gave us two buckets of ripe pears. And I immediately processed them - it was preparing several cans of fragrant compotion, and a transparent jam. I'll tell you now, as I usually cook for the winter Amber pear jam slices. I have several proven recipes - your fingers are license!

Note: Ripe and dense fruits are suitable for jams, not overrevised. Best of all - late varieties. Cook a dessert in small batches, in a wide dish with a thick bottom.

Pear jam for winter: a simple recipe without sterilization

Let's start with the simplest recipe for the jam from pears for the winter - without sterilization. For better preservation, we boil it with citric acid.


  • 1.3 kg pears;
  • 300-350 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 t. Spoon of citric acid;
  • 1 l of water;
  • Some mint and vanilla - to taste and desire.

As you prepare:

  1. Rinse fruits with running water, we dry. It can be cleaned, but I prefer to cook with the skin - the fruits then preserve the form better. We remove the core with seeds, cut on the slices.
  2. My jars with soda, sterilize them and covers. I spread in the jars the slices of pears.
  3. Pull water into enameled dishes with a thick bottom, sacking sugar. We heat up to boil. Still so that sugar is dissolved.
  4. Will with pear syrup in banks, cover with covers. After 5 minutes with a salt of syrup in a saucepan, boil again and climb into the jars. Leave another 5 minutes.
  5. We transfix the syrup into the pan, add citric acid, pinch a pinch, a little dried mint, boil.

We fill with fragrant syrup slices of pears for the third time and ride banks. Let them cool down in an inverted form under the blanket - and delicious delicacy is ready.

Pear jam slices "amber"

A very convenient recipe for a 3 liter jar without sterilization. Cooking in two stages so that the syrup is gentle and transparent, like amber, and slices of pears did not boil into porridge, and they became similar to the candied.


  • 2.2 kg pears in the shaped form;
  • 1.5-2 kg of sugar sand;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Note: The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of pears. If the fruits are not too sweet, sugars are less.

As you prepare:

  1. Washing pears cut on the quarter, cut out the middle with the branches. Then cut slices.
  2. Preparing syrup in a saucepan: fall asleep sugar, we pour water. Heat, stirring until it boils. Do not be afraid that little water: sugar will quickly dissolve.
  3. Pour fruit slices with thick syrup. Gently mix with a wooden blade. Pears will soon be allowed juice, and the syrup will become more.
  4. After complete cooling of the pear in the syrup we put on the stove. Heat to boil, cook 5 min. Then turn off the fire and let me cool.
  5. Again, put the syrup with pears on the stove. How much do you cook pear jam in time after the second boiling? Depends on the desired dish thickness. Usually - from 10 to 45 minutes. At the same time, we wash and scrape a can of boiling water and a lid.

Hot harvesting in a dry jar and spin the lid. Let us cool down under the blanket. It turns out very tasty and truly amber jam!

Pears jam with lemon


  • 1 kg pears;
  • 800 g of sugar sand;
  • 0.5 pcs. lemon;
  • 120 ml of water.

As you prepare:

  1. Lemon will wash, apply her slices, remove bones from them so as not to proud. Will with water for half an hour. Then the liquid with salt into separate dishes - she will need us.
  2. Speed \u200b\u200bsyrup: in a saucepan with water with sugar, stirring, to a homogeneous mass. When it boosts, I will throw a lemon lobby there and cook a couple of minutes. We will remove from the fire.
  3. Pears clean, lower in lemon water for 5 minutes. Then cut the middle with the branches, put the fruit with thin slices.
  4. We post a pear into the sugar-lemon mixture, leave until the morning.
  5. We put the container with fruit on the stove, bring to a boil. Turn off the fire again, let it cool. Sterilize banks and covers.
  6. Catch the slices of pears and lemon skimmer. Lay out in banks.

The remaining syrup is brought to a boil and pour into jars. Spin the transparent delicacy with sterilized lids. That's all.

Pear-five-minute jam

In five minutes it is difficult to cook pears until complete readiness. Therefore, first put them in syrup a few hours to get a succulent pear jam for the winter, slices.


  • 1 kg pears;
  • 500 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  • 25 ml of lemon juice;
  • 0.5 h Vanilla spoons.

As you prepare:

  1. Washing pears clean and apply slices.
  2. Moving fruits in the dishes for cooking, add sugar, liquid honey, lemon juice and vanilla. Let's cover folded gauze and leave for several hours (you can at night).
  3. Steriline to the container and covers for the workpiece.
  4. Then hesitate the impregnated fruits on fire before boiling, stirring. Next, cook with weak boiling for five minutes.

Hot jam pour into banks and ride. Fragrant pear 5 minutes ready!

Grush jam whole with tails

Cooking jam is a creative process, but a little painstaking. There is an option simpler - cook fruit whole, along with tails. You can take any small peaks. But the grade "Leemon" is ideal.


  • 1 kg of strong pears;
  • 900 g of sugar sand;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • Chipping citric acid.

As you prepare:

  1. Pretty promotion fruits, slightly cut the tails. Let's enter the fork to the skin in several places.
  2. Sugar pour into the pan, pour water. Gray, stirring until it boils.
  3. Now immersing whole pears in syrup, cook for five minutes. Turn off the fire, cover the gauze and leave for a day.
  4. Then we put the dishes with impregnated fruit on fire. Cook until readiness (about 30 minutes). Stir. At the end, add citric acid.

While the pears are boiled, sterilize banks and covers. We shift the hot fruits into the cans, pour if necessary from above the remaining syrup and ride. After cooling under the beds, we transfer to a cool place for storage.

Pear jam with walnut for the winter: a simple recipe

Especially for gourmets I will tell you how to make a piquant jam of pears with nuts, as well as with cinnamon and other spices to taste. An excellent component for the fillings of sweet rolls, pies and other desserts. And just to the tea to file in a vase is not ashamed.


  • 1 kg pears;
  • 60 g of walnuts (0.5 glasses);
  • 2 kg of sugar sand;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 5 carnation boutons;
  • 0.5 h. Spoons of ground cardamom.

As you prepare:

  1. We prepare pears: mine, clean, cut into slices. I fall asleep sugar, we leave for 5 hours, sticking gauze or a thin towel.
  2. Purified nuts we run by boiling water, drain the water, we dry on the napkin.
  3. Sterilize the entire container for the order.
  4. We put infused pears on fire. Add chopped cinnamon, nuts, cardamom and carnation. Cook after boiling about half an hour. Watch that the dessert is not burned.

Hot exotic delicacy with fragrance of distant wanderings Fasting to banks and tighten the covers. Very simple and unreal delicious!

And so that you were not boring to cook, see more such a detailed video.

I hope you liked the recipes of a pear jam. Personally, I ran out a few jars of fragrant delicacy at a time prepared in different ways. I love when there is from what to choose, because the monotony bothers, especially a long cold winter. And you can choose any option that is more like. Pleasant and sweet tea drinking!