Recipe home mayonnaise without mustard. Video on how to cook delicious mayonnaise at home

Mayonnaise is one of the most common additives to food, refueling for our favorite salads. Mayonnaise was invented for quite a long time, but his main recipe remained almost unchanged. So, consider the recipe for cooking home mayonnaise.


For cooking we will need:

  1. Egg
  2. Sugar (approximately half a teaspoon)
  3. Salt (also about half a teaspoon)
  4. 100-150 ml of vegetable oil (can be used both sunflower oil and a mixture with olive 50 to 50). You should not take a lot of olive oil, as mayonnaise can work out with mustard.
  5. Half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  6. I will add that all products should be about the same temperature, preferably room (products from the refrigerator need to warm).

Cooking method

The crown is well whipped with a raw egg, add sugar and salt into it. Also to give piquancy to our mayonnaise you can add pepper and greens (but it is better to add it at the very end). After we have threatened the mixture well, we gradually add oil into it and mix until our mixture thickens. Our mayonnaise is almost ready. We add lemon juice to our mixture, mix and put in the refrigerator. Mayonnaise is prepared. You can add finely chopped greens in the finished mayonnaise. If you have a blender, you can use it, you cut the cooking time. If your mayonnaise turned out too thick, add some warm water and mix. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator to four days. Bon Appetit!

Without mayonnaise, there is no salad, it's not a hot, even a side dish without refusing. Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce in the world. On the shopping counters are full of packs allegedly with mayonnaise. So manufacturers call a product with preservatives, substitutes and taste additives.

At home and from good quality products, it turns out, of course, completely different mayonnaise. Delicious, real and useful.

Sauce, the fat content of which is less than 50%, the mayonnaise is not to call itself. Manufacturers must clarify that they sell a mayonnaise substitute, but not the original. It is easier and more profitable to prepare a refueling at home. How to make home mayonnaise?

You can not do without a blender or mixer. Bailing mixed products need intensively.

Ideally try to find homemade eggs. The yolks are brighter, which means the color of the finished product will be appetizing and sunny. If the store eggs are too pale, you can add the colors of turmeric.

The egg mixture is invariably put salt, mustard, sharp seasonings, vinegar and the most important ingredient - lemon juice.

Most often (it is cheaper) Sunflower oil is used, but try to buy olive. So tastier. You need to pour it with a thin trickle.

The deplete product depends on the amount of oil. Do not spare!

Classic recipe

  • A glass of vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • Lemon juice
  • Some mustard and sugar

Chicken yolks rub with sugar and salt. If the forces are missing, we do it easier - fill in a blender. Crupins should disappear.

Bearing Do not stop and pour a slow glass of oil. If everything is done correctly, you will get a thick mass. Check her lemon, put a spoonful of mustard and mix again.

A liquid mixture can be fixed by adding some more oil and without stopping scrolling clockwise.

Classic mayonnaise at home without mustard on yolks

  • 150 grams of sunflower oil
  • 2 yolk.
  • Salt, Sugar.
  • A few drops of vinegar table
  • Pepper black hammer

There are two nuances not to spoil mayonnaise. This is intense whipping and facilities of room temperature. Mayonnaise at home blender is preparing easier than simple.

Yellow mugs separating from protein. They put all the seasonings and vinegar at once. Turn on the mixer and act according to the traditional scheme. In the egg mass we pour oil fluid. We put in the saouse, a couple of twigs of parsley from above. That's the whole recipe, how to cook home mayonnaise without mustard.

Dietary mayonnaise

You will be surprised, but in this recipe we completely refuse oil, the main ingredient. It is too calorie to get into the dietary list. We take:

  • Boiled yolk
  • Some mustard
  • 100 grams of liquid cottage cheese

Three ingredients whip up to a single thick mass. It remains to put salt and sauce ready.

Lean mayonnaise is preparing from natural yogurt, sour cream, kefir. Oil substitutes are much more useful. In such recipes, yolks in the boiled form are often used, they give a dense product. True, the result differs anyway to taste. Make it saturated, adding mustard, pepper, spices, dill, parsley.

Mayonnaise on quail eggs

  • 6 eggs quail
  • 250 ml. vegetable oil
  • Dessert salt spoon
  • On a teaspoon mustard and sugar
  • Lemon juice

Exit from the listed number of ingredients - 350 grams of the finished product.

Treat eggs before putting them in a blender. We turn on the speed all the products together, except the oil.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, add an oily liquid, continuously the entire glass. White pulling threads should be formed first, then the mass is thickly completely, acquiring the pastel shade. Lemonic acid add at the end.

How to make mayonnaise at home and save for a long time? Will not work. Fresh home sauce is not stored for a long time. Not more than 4 days. Natural ingredients do not withstand such terms as artificial additives in the store.

It happens that the result is too thick. The answer is one: somewhere you broke the proportions. Fix the problem is easy. Just add some boiled water or milk. Scroll into the mixer again.

Mayonnaise with lemon juice


  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc
  • Teaspoon mustard
  • A little sugar, salt and spices
  • Dining spoon squeezed lemon

Dishes choose a cylindrical shape, for a mixer it is the most suitable form so that the whipped mixture rose.

Citrus juice and all the listed seasonings are first lowering in a bowl. Fill with oil, and we pour a spoonful of mustard on top. No product can be stirred, they are laid as if layers.

Very jewelry break the egg, pour into the container so as not to damage the yolk. It will become the center of intense mixing by a blender. Seconds of 10 with interruptions include full power unit.

A thick mass will show the readiness of our dish.

From cottage cheese

  • A bundle of cottage cheese
  • Several spoons of milk
  • 2 yolk.
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil (you can replace on just vegetable)
  • Art. Mustard
  • Fruit acid or vinegar


We make the workpiece like on cheesters. Cottage cheese, yolks and milk we connect.

Clockwise without stopping, we mix the mass, slowly adding olive oil. Monotonous kneading - the secret of success. In the process, we gradually add all the ingredients.

The mixture is thick, thanks to the curd. For a homogeneous consistency, it is better to be confused or wipe through the siete. So make the famous additive in Switzerland.

In such a sauce, small garlic, fresh greens. And you can eat it apart from everything else, just spread it on a piece of baton.

Lovely mayonnaise

The name itself should be understood literally. This product is for those days when believers limit themselves in food.

  • A glass of flour
  • Water is 750 ml.
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil - a little more than half a cup
  • Standard Set - Salt, Mustard, Lemon

We make liquid flour solution. We put it on the stove and stirring, cook. It turns out quite dense like a hubble.

The rest of the products are combining in the same dish. We pour slowly brewed flour and work a blender. On this basis, lean mayonnaise is created.

The recipe is too simple. Many hostesses instead of water use broths, from boiled vegetables, or mushroom. Taste, of course, improves.

Lovely mayonnaise without eggs

The basis of vegetarian or lean mayonnaise is a variety of products. It is sour cream, water, milk, flour. Consider one of the recipes.

  • A glass of sour cream
  • Chipping turmeric

Since there is no fastening product - an egg, then you should not resort to the help of a mixer. Mix manually all that is. And the sauce that many is called landing mayonnaise is ready.

Garlic mayonnaise

This variety belongs to the spicy sauces. "On an amateur", but ideal for those who appreciate garlic. Delicious, fragrant, indispensable additive for meat.

And the composition and method of cooking can not be described. The recipe is completely similar to the traditional mayonnaise. The difference is only three cloves of garlic. Three of them and add to the already thick sauce.

How to cook home meson bender

Elementary business even for nonsense. Provided that there is a blender in the house. It is almost impossible to spoil the sauce with it.

The main thing is that the blender is fixed clearly in the center of the dishes. In the first embodiment, we whip in advance the mixed egg mixture. We pour a thin jet oil.

Can be done differently. Egg yolk not damage, pour neoply with butter and, pressing the yellow circle, turn on the blender. First, white threads are formed, then the whole mass thickens.

You can also prepare homemade mayonnaise. Twist is important clockwise, at one speed.

The benefits and harm of home mayonnaise

With all the popularity of the oil product, any nutritionist will advise: smaller put it on the table. Why?!

First of all, the sauce universally hides the original taste of the dish, making the most unsuccessful cooking appetizing.

This mayonnaise is very calorie. It harms not only figure, but also prone to excess cholesterol people.

If the store mayonnaise is risk even more. There are full of preservatives, which are removed from equilibrium the gastrointestinal system.

But if you like so that you cannot refuse, look for pluses in this product. For example, you can significantly reduce the number of calories if you do a homely lean sauce.

Fats, no matter how cool, useful for the body. Especially exhausted.

There are vitamins in mayonnaise! Due to the products that are included in its composition. Vitamin "E" from oil, vitamin "D" from yolk. And if you take the basis of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream - then the daily dose of calcium is provided to you.

Do not forget about lemon juice. Vitamin "C" you also get plenty.

How to diversify the taste of mayonnaise

From the simplest mayonnaise, you can create a masterpiece in the form of additive to any dish. Fantasy is limitless. Garlic, spices, fresh herbs are successfully added to the sauce, horseradish, someone even puts ketchup, making supposedly pink mayonnaise.

As a fill for the roast, the oil mass is mixed with cheese. Baked the mixture is surprisingly tasty.

Put the petty pickled cucumbers, olives, capers and add the sauce to meat and fish.

Want a color gravy? Slit carrot juice. Orange your guests probably did not try.

No matter how much to go about the benefits and the dangers of mayonnaise, it is useful for what is loved and soul. Without mayonnaise, there will be no such delicious sandwich, soup, refueling to mantam and other dishes. Know the measure and do not refuse yourself!

You have never thought about how homemade mayonnaise is done and what way to make this sauce during cooking stratified, got up correctly and turned out to be homogeneous, thick mass? Everything is quite simple, take a blender and observe the order of bookmarking products, which will leave only 5 minutes of your precious time.

This sauce made with your own hands is different from the shop purchased in the store, natural taste, ease and tenderness. Purchased product because of various additives, thickeners and starch enough, its substance is heavier and more denser.

In today's article, you will learn how to make it possible to prepare mayonnaise at home with step-by-step preparation with the help of a blender. Where is the compliance with the data of all tips to me, guarantees the result from the first time! And I suggest evaluate

Even in the post you want to taste something with mayonnaise ... For this, we will analyze the recipe for a lean sauce made by your own hands. Moreover, very simple and unpretentious, accessible to each person ...


  • Beans - 125 gr
  • mustard - 0.7 hours
  • vinegar or lemon juice - 1 h. l
  • sugar - 1.5 h. l
  • vegetable oil - 160 gr
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

To begin with, we prepare all the necessary products, and then proceed to cooking. Open the can of the beans and pre-draining the whole liquid from it, we shift the above mass into the blender bowl.

Now when everything is ready, we shift the resulting mixture into a suitable container and use for the purpose as a refueling.

Prepare on health.

How to prepare provence at home without eggs

Prepared only once such a sauce, you never buy it in the store.


  • Milk room temperature - 150 ml
  • mustard - 1 tsp. without slide
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml
  • sugar - 2 h. l
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. L.
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

First of all, squeeze the juice of lemon. And for this you need to put it on the table with a little effort, then cut in half and easily squeeze out the amount of liquid we need from it.

In the deep container, we pour milk at room temperature, oil, add mustard, salt, sugar and beat a blender for only 6-8 seconds. We stop, we pour lemon juice and bring again for a few seconds to uniformity.

Try to cook and you will just be surprised, because it is simpler, faster and tastier simply does not happen.

Mayonnaise with mustard

Simple preparation of such a delicious homemade sauce can not not please the hosts. How it is right and with a large savings of time to cook it with mustard, read in this recipe below. Everything is extremely simple and understandable!

We need:

  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • sunflower oil - 220 ml
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. L.
  • sugar - 1 h. l
  • mustard powder - 1 h. l
  • ground pepper - 1 pinch
  • salt - 0.5 h. l

Cooking method:

In a glass for a blender, we drive the eggs, squeeze the desired amount of lemon juice, spice spices and pour sunflower oil.

Put it in the appropriate capacity and pleasant appetite!

Recipe for milk at home

This sauce is one of the most popular in French cuisine. They are filled with various salads, decorate meat or fish dishes and served to soups, as well as well suitable for baking.


  • Refined vegetable oil - 300 ml
  • milk - 150 ml
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. L.
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. L.
  • sugar - 1/2 h. l
  • salt - 1/2 h. l.

Cooking method:

1. Give in advance the milk from the refrigerator so that it is one temperature with vegetable oil (all room temperature).

It is very important that milk is room temperature, otherwise mayonnaise will not work.

2. Now in a bowl, or the bowl is pouring milk and vegetable oil. Here we put salt, sugar, mustard and begin to beat the submersible blender, first hold a nozzle for a few seconds near the bottom, and after moving the movements up and down.

3. When the whole mass starts thick, you need to add lemon juice (you can replace it with any vinegar). And bring it to a good density.

4. We try to get the resulting mayonnaise, then add this delicious home sauce in salads! It will be delicious and truly natural.

Delicious mayonnaise with vinegar without mustard

For real natural and caring handles, homemade sauce will not compare to taste with purchased in the supermarket. The choice of packages on the store shelves, I would say, impressive, but obviously he is not able to surpass in quality made by his own hands. It remains only to find the right recipe, master all its technology and make an excellent refueling for saladovikov.


  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc
  • sunflower oil - 160 gr
  • sugar sand 1/2 h. l
  • vinegar table - 1 tbsp. L.
  • salt - 1/2 h. l.

Cooking method:

1. Mayonnaise prefer to do at home, since in the store a lot of chemistry purchased in the store. I did a mustache with mustard and I really liked my wife.

2. In my case, I do immediately into the floor of a liter bank in order not to dislay for storage. We put sugar to the jar, and add salt, sunflower oil and egg, then we pour a non-full tablespoon of vinegar and whipped by a blender.
3. It turned out thick and very tasty sauce that can be perfect for the preparation of different salads and not only. It can also be given to even children, because its composition includes components known to us.

Video dietary mayonnaise without oil

Bon Appetit!!!

What do you think, what is the most favorite sauce for most people of our country? Right, mayonnaise! Without it, not a single salad, meat marinate in it, they simply serve to different dishes. I can not say that in our family it is eaten by spoons, but in the refrigerator it is always there.

And if you at least once paid attention to how many Ezhek and taste enhancers are part of the purchase of mayonnaise, then, for sure, they thought about how to cook this sauce at home. And in fact, there is nothing complicated. Now almost everyone has blenders or mixers who will just help us in this matter.

In order for the sauce to be, it is necessary to follow some rules. All ingredients should be the same room temperature. Try to add the seasonings, garlic or greens in your taste. Thus, every time you will have a new and delicious refueling.

Mayonnaise Provence at home blender

Classic Provence is always preparing with. The recipe uses a raw egg, so you must be 100% confident in it. Do not forget about the fact that the ingredients should be one temperature. Therefore, get them out of the refrigerator in advance that they cooled to room temperature.

We will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 300 ml;
  • mustard - 0.5 h. Such;
  • salt - 0.5 h. Such;
  • sugar - 1 h. Such;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp.


1. Pour egg to the container from the blender so that the yolk is not growing. We add salt, sugar, mustard and lemon juice to it. And also gently pour vegetable oil.

2. We take the submersible blender and put it in the container so that it concerned her bottom, and the egg itself was in the center of the nozzle. And only after that we begin to beat immediately at the highest power.

When the mass begins to be white, gradually raise a blender, mixing all components.

Mayonnaise should turn out thick, light yellow and very tasty!

Last mayonnaise from white beans. Cooking recipe

If eggs are not used in mayonnaise, then they are usually replaced by milk. But during the post, I also want something delicious, so various recipes come to the rescue, which will help you most and easily and just make a replacement to your favorite sauce. Of course, the taste will be somewhat different from purchased refueling, but still it is a very tasty mayonnaise, which will easily replace other options if necessary!

We will need:

  • white beans in its own juice - 1 bank (400 g);
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 0.5 h. Such;
  • salt - 0.5 h. Such;
  • mustard - 1 h. Such;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.


1. Open the bean's bank and drain the liquid from it. Pass the beans itself in the bowl of the blender and begin to crush it.

In the process, add salt, sugar, mustard. Sunflower oil is poured with a thin jet, without stopping all this time to beat.

2. At the end we pour lemon juice and beat mayonnaise once again.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use one tablespoon of vinegar.

You will have no more than 5 minutes on all cooking! Store in the refrigerator under the closed lid.

Classic homemade mayonnaise recipe

Another simple recipe for the preparation of which will take no more than five minutes. It is based on raw egg. And I repeat once again, it is worth using proven products, as we are talking about our health.

All ingredients must be room temperature. It is very and very important. Do not miss this moment.

We will need:

  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil without smell - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 0.5 h. Such;
  • salt - 0.5 h. Such;
  • apple vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp.


1. In the bowl, we pour vegetable oil and introduce one chicken egg into it.

Important! During the breakdown of the yolk should not grow.

Next, at once, add salt, sugar and bite.

2. We start to beat. But there is one nuance here. Odja Nozzard for a blender, we lower it specifically on the yolk straight to the end (to the bottom of the bowl).

And immediately begin to beat at the highest power. When a white emulsion appears (as in the photo below), the blender can be slightly lifted.

We interrupt the next layer with a blender and raise a little again and so before the top.

And when the mass becomes thick, you can just continue to beat, without adhering to any rules so that the oil intervene in mayonnaise.

Put it in the sauce and serve it on the table!

The most delicious mustard sauce on a simple recipe

Despite the fact that the classic mayonnaise, to which we are accustomed, includes mustard, many do not like her taste in sauce. Therefore, it can not be boldly at cooking. Lemon juice will give the necessary sourness, and everything will be very tasty and harmonious!

We will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • half juice of lemon;
  • salt - 1 h. Such;
  • sugar - 1 h. Such.


1. Clean, washed egg split into the container from the blender. We start to beat at low speed.

2. Then we pour sunflower oil with small parts. That is, we poured a little, we continue to beat, then they poured a little more, beat again.

3. The next step we introduce lemon juice to the sauce. If you soak lemon in advance in cold water, then juice from it will squeeze much easier and easier. We continue to work by a blender.

4. At the end I introduce salt and sugar, beat again and everything!

Natural and useful mayonnaise on milk without eggs in 5 minutes by blender

The case when it is terrible to use raw, thermally not treated eggs. They can be replaced with milk. Mayonnaise will be less dense by consistency, but the taste will remain as bright and saturated. Such a sauce can be all. And you will definitely like it!

We will need:

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • mustard - 1 h. Such;
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tables;
  • salt to taste.


1. We pour milk and vegetable oil into the bowl of the blender, whipping everything with a blender that these liquid components are completely mixed. For this you need about 1 minute.

2. We add to the mass mustard and salt and continue to beat 1-2 minutes.

3. At the end, we pour a tablespoon of lemon juice. We continue to work by a blender for about two minutes. After that, overflow mayonnaise into storage tank and remove into the refrigerator. First, he will remind a liquid sour cream according to the consistency. But spending a couple of hours in the refrigerator, he thickens a little.

How to cook lean mayonnaise at home without eggs?

Another wonderful mayonnaise recipe without eggs. So that the sauce has become thick, we use starch for this. Quickly, simple and cheap! An excellent option of a lean sauce on an ambulance hand.

You can use not only sunflower oil, but also combine it with olive. The only thing that should be no more than 25% of the total amount of oil, otherwise mayonnaise can be patched.

We will need:

  • starch - 1 tbsp with a hill;
  • sunflower little - 200 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 h. Such;
  • sugar - 1 h. Such;
  • mustard - 1 h. Such;
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 st.


1. Pour in a saucepan of 100 ml of water and bring to a boil. The remaining water mixes with starch.

When water on the plate boils, we pour starch into it and brewed to the state of thick, transparent jelly.

It must be very thick.

We shift the resulting weight into the container from the blender and let it cool to room temperature.

2. Then add salt, sugar, mustard, vinegar and sunflower oil into starch.

We hit the submersible blender for 2-3 minutes first on small revolutions, increasing the speed to the maximum.

All is ready! Store in the refrigerator in a closed container, as well as the usual, purchased mayonnaise.

Homemade mayonnaise on yolks with vinegar mixer

Mayonnaise on yolks will become one of your loved ones. It is easy to prepare. Add salt and sugar to your liking. And, as you can see, with the help of a mixer, it turns out great, homemade sauce. He is thick, rich, and will have to do everyone who tries it.

We will need:

  • yolk - 3 pcs;
  • sunflower oil - 250-350 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • mustard - 1-2 h. Such;
  • sugar - 2 h. Such;
  • salt to taste.


1. Eggs split, separating proteins from yolks. Yolksa Sakharic and Solim. We whip the mixer for a couple of minutes until the yolks are brightened.

Add a pinch of salt. At the end of cooking, you will try and, if necessary, overhears.

2. We gradually begin to pour sunflower oil. We have a new portion when the previous one is mixed with yolks. Otherwise, the oil will not be swollen and will stall.

The recipe states that oils are required from 250 to 350 ml. If you want mayonnaise to be less liquid, then add a smaller amount of oil. For a more thick sauce - more oil.

3. Add mustard and continue to interfere.

At the end I introduce vinegar. He will serve as a preservative, give mayonnaise Kisluk, and also make it color lighter.

Try to taste and bother if you need it. Such a sauce is stored in the refrigerator. Serve to the table with your favorite dishes!

Video about how to cook a lean sauce without oil - do not distinguish from the usual

Lean mayonnaise, which may have vegetarians, and those who adhere to the rules of proper nutrition. In general, an excellent alternative to sauce with which your dishes will gain new taste shades. Be sure to try!

How to make mayonnaise on boiled yolks at home?

I am impressed by this option to prepare mayonnaise, because the yolks in it are boiled until readiness. Such a sauce is good in boiled vegetables salads. Lemon juice, mustard will make your sauce with tasty, saturated. It can be tasteful and children and girls in the position. In general, a completely safe recipe that is worth trying to repeat it yourself.

We will need:

  • boiled yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 h. Such;
  • sugar - 1 h. Such;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • mustard - 1 h. Such.


1. In the beating container, we add milk, add salt, sugar. We whip a little and immediately pour vegetable oil, everyone is whipped again to make food well with each other.

Milk and oil must be one room temperature.

2. Now we pour lemon juice and beat again.

3. We smear the protein for a fork and mix them with mustard.

We connect yolks and milk-oil mass. First, mix all the fork, and then blender.

We shift in a sauce and preparing to surprise your relatively delicious, and most importantly safe mayonnaise!

I tried to collect various recipes for you. Here everyone can choose for themselves the best option. After all, there are a lot of them! Someone adds some ingredients, someone is completely different. Someone can add a raw egg to the mayonnaise, someone will not dare. In general, cook with pleasure and find recipes that will be with you for a long time.

Bon Appetit!

Mayonnaise has become a favorite ingredient from many owners. If earlier all salads, borshs, stewed dishes fled the real thick sour cream, now for some reason many began to seem tastier and easier to use this sauce.

And now what options do not meet on store shelves. This product is prepared with olive oil, with avocado oil, on quail eggs, on one yolks. There are even "light" low-calorie options.

So you can choose which you want. However, more and more often began to prepare this sauce at home.

For example, quite recently I had to prepare a festive dinner for you. And at some point I found that there is neither mayonnaise or sour cream. And then the recipe for home mayonnaise surfaced in memory, which is preparing in a matter of minutes, and much more useful of the "chemical" shop.

This noble sauce prepare at home is really easy and simple! The main thing is that all its components be fresh and room temperature.

Consider the classic option to prepare a basic home product. It can be prepared using a conventional whipping, but still a submersible blender is recommended for speeding process.

We need:

  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, sugar - 0.5 h.


1. Podcolt and split fresh egg in high capacity and immediately add salt with sugar.

If you want to get the famous provence flavor, then add 0.5 h. The finished casual mustard - she will give a touch of bitterness.

2. Immerse a blender into the container and thoroughly beat the content until the homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. Continuing to beat the egg mixture, introduce a thin jet of the maslice until the consistency of the desired denotation is possible.

The less sunflower oil to pour, the more liquid the substance will be. Therefore, if you like a rich product, so that the spoon was standing, add all the specified amount of oil.

4. Add lemon juice to thickened mass and continue the beating even about a minute so that the juice mixed with the egg-oil mousse to a homogeneous state.

5. Transfer the resulting product into a glass, tightly cleaned dishes and cool.

And let such a mayonnaise are stored for only a few days, but you will be sure that no preservatives, stabilizers or artificial dyes are not mixed there.

In addition, when you cook yourself, you have freedom of creative expression. And you can add different seasonings, spices and other components that will allow achieving incredibly tasty and unusual taste combinations.

How to cook mayonnaise without eggs in a blender

In the absence of thermal processing of eggs, there is always a risk of picking salmonella wand. In this regard, many hosts do not risk preparing something with raw eggs.

However, it turns out, you can prepare a magnificent product and without eggs. And moreover, it turns out so delicious that the whole family will be happy to fly him for both cheeks!

Do not believe! Judge for yourself!

We need:

  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 300 ml.
  • Mustard ready - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - incomplete 1 h.


1. In high tank, mix the oil with milk.

Do not forget that absolutely all ingredients should be room temperature. If you just got them out of the refrigerator, you can not get the sauce of the desired consistency. Moreover, he can also be buried.

2. Gently pour salt and lower the mustard mass.

If you like a little creamy-velvet taste, then a pinch of sugar will not hurt. And the mustard better take weakly sharp.

3. Lower the submersible blender to almost the bottom and beat to a homogeneous emulsion.

4. Do not ceasing to beat, pour lemon juice, which directly in the eyes will help the mixture to thholate to the usual state.

The resulting sex liters are amazing and absolutely harmless favorite additives seasoning to dishes can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed bank for almost a week.

Home Recipe Cooking Sauce without Eggs in 5 minutes

Do you know that vegetarians also love mayonnaise? Yes Yes! You did not hear! But the whole secret is that they use a special vegetarian or lean recipe that you can even use a great post.

In this case, it turns out not very mayonnaise, but more sauce. To taste, it is more present with acid lemones.

We need:

  • Olive oil - 50 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard ready - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar, salt - to taste (approximately a pinch)


1. Mix sunflower and olive oil into a single mixture.

2. Mix ready-made mustard from 1 tsp. Combined oil and thoroughly mix a whipping wedge.

3. In this mixture, in small portions to introduce a slowly part of the oil and beat well so that the mass does not smell.

If you immediately add oil in large quantities, then the emulsion from the very first steps to fuse and fix it will not be!

4. When half of the oil is small portions of this, add lemon juice and sugar salt. Continue whipping.

Emulsion with the introduction of lemon juice lightly bother, but not much.

5. Gradually introduce all the remaining oil with small portions, without stopping the contents.

Since the main secret of the lean mayonnaise is a methodic whipping mustard with oil, it can be used even when restricting nutrition for medical testimony and during diet for weight loss.

It is also worth noting that such a sauce is not too thick. It looks more like an emulsion, and when stored in the refrigerator is thick.

Cooking mayonnaise in a blender with vinegar

I would never have thought that this delicious seasoning to dishes can be prepared with the addition of vinegar. For some reason, it always seemed that the egg from the acid would be "brewed". But once I tried this recipe, now I can confidently say that nothing like that does not happen and taste from light kissing will only become richer and piquant.

We need:

  • Vinegar table - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - a little less than 0.5 h.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 gr.
  • Sugar, salt - to taste.


1. Break the raw egg into a large capacity. Mass during a shot will increase, and it is important that there is a place for it in the tank.

2. Add salt with sugar and mustard to egg.

3. Egg mixture to beat with a special blender nozzle at the highest speed so that it thickens and become lemon homogeneous color.

4. Continuing to beat, add a thin flowing of sunflower oil. Continue whipping to the formation of thick mousse.

5. To pour the vinegar with a tonomous jet, without ceasing to use a blender.

6. Send the resulting mixture to the sex of the watch to cool so that it thickens. After that, it can be served on the table.

The product turned out to be dense and appetizing.

Mayonnaise cooked at home on yolks

The most beautiful and gentle color is obtained if you cook mayonnaise not from whole eggs, but only from yolks.

We need:

  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 120 ml.
  • Sugar, salt, mustard - 0.5 h. L.


1. In wide dishes put salt with sugar, mustard and egg yolks.

2. It is good to beat them with a mixing nozzle in the form of a whisk on a small speed mode.

3. Without ceasing to beat, pour half the oil on the droplets so that the result is a homogeneous egg-oil mixture.

4. Now you can already pour out the dended jet of oil residues, constantly looking at the mixture to have to communicate in a homogeneous consistency.

5. As soon as the required density appears, pour lemon juice and mix the mixer thoroughly on medium speed.

6. Share a ready-made mass in tightly closing dishes and put cooling.

It is worth remembering that such mayonnaise eat it in the first couple of days until yolks spoiled. Yes, and fresh it seems much more tastier!

Delicious recipe on quail eggs

In recent years, more often people prefer purchased plastic packaging favorite seasonings with the image of quail eggs. And whether they are there in fact in fact - a controversial question.

And here, very many moms consider quail eggs much more useful for the body of the younger generation. Yes, and the children themselves are glad to eat these little "spotted cockskins." Therefore, home cooking with children will be much more exciting.

We need:

  • Quail eggs - 11 pcs.
  • Sugar salt, mustard - 1/3 h. L.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 h.


1. Break the eggs and put them in the bowl of the blender. Watch out so that the shells do not fall into.

2. You can immediately add sugar with salt, mustard and lemon juice.

3. Beat the egg mixture at the maximum mode half a minute. Must get a lush mass.

4. Pour vegetable oil and thoroughly beat to the density.

In order to remove the taste of sunflower, it is possible to prepare from the combination of sunflower-olive oil, and the second must be contained no more than a quarter of the total volume of oil.

5. Add a pinch of ground pepper and mix at minimum speed mode.

6. Cool for about 30 minutes and you can eat.

Pravda is the taste of a little different from mayonnaise cooked on chicken eggs?

How to cook mayonnaise with dry mustard in a blender

For the most part, the ready mustard is included in the recipes. And if it is not observed in the refrigerator? A good solution will be the use of a conventional dry mustard powder.

We need:

  • Egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar - 0.5 h.
  • Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
  • Apple vinegar - 2 h.
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Olive oil - 150 ml.


1. Mix both oils in a separate large circle.

2. Smash the egg to the blender cup.

3. Put the same mustard powder with salt and sugar.

4. At the middle speed, beat to the state of the foam.

5. Continuing to beat, pour the combination of oils with a thin weaving.

6. Add apple vinegar and beat to thickening.

Instead of apple vinegar, you can use both wine and white rice vinegar. But it is not necessary to abuse - use it from the calculation to a maximum of 1 h. on one egg.

7. Transfer to storage tank and send to the fridge.

Due to the combination of apple vinegar and mustard powder, the taste is very close to the industrial "Provence".

Lean mayonnaise from flour

Another interesting recipe found when I wanted something delicious on a very long week. Surprisingly, the fact - the magnificent refueling to salads can be done with the help of ... flour!

We need:

  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Olive oil - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ready mustard - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 h. L.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 3 glasses


1. Pour flour into a saucepan and add 0.5 glasses of water.

2. Carefully stir so that it turned out a homogeneous creamy cashier.

Be sure to look so that no flour lumps remain, otherwise the taste will be spoiled irrevocably

3. Pour the remaining water, mixing well.

4. Boil the flour mass to the first bubbles, and then remove from the stove and put it cool.

5. Pour oil into the container. Add mustard with sugar, salt and lemon juice.

6. Carefully move and beat before the formation of air mouss.

7. Do not ceasing whipping, add in parts into a flour mass.

8. Continue to beat to the necessary consistency.

9. To shift the resulting lean mayonnaise into clean dishes and close the dense cover so that the air does not come.

The taste turns out quite peculiar, very similar to the American store for vegetarians, but perfectly combined with vegetables in salads.

How much can i keep home mayonnaise

Many doubt the feasibility of storing homemade mayonnaise in refrigerators. It would be more - because the presence of raw egg yolks makes the cooked sauce very perishable.

The best option is to cook, cool and immediately use.

But what if you did too much and do not eat at times?

Sanitary norms are permissible to store the prepared emulsion in a clean, tightly closing glass dishes at a temperature of 4 - 7 ° C, with a maximum humidity of 75%.

Store even when complying with these conditions, you can only 3-7 days.

  • The minimum term is recommended if there is a large number of eggs in the product.
  • The average period of 5-6 days is recommended if there is a sour cream or milk.
  • And the maximum storage time is allowed only to those home sauces that do not contain previous components and are prepared with mustard.

So, we have a wonderful and inexpensive alternative to the store mayonnaise, which we can easily cook at home from what is almost always at hand.

And if at the last stage of cooking, add grated cheese, salt cucumbers, garlic or crushed greenery, it will already be a full-fledged restaurant sauce, which is cooking chefs with such skill.

Now that you know how to cook this sometimes irreplaceable product, you can always do it easily.

Enjoy your appetite and useful healthy refills to your culinary creations!