Caesar salad with shrimps is a classic recipe with a photo and video. Caesar salad with prawns royal

Those who claim that they did not impress Caesar salad with shrimps, probably, they prepared it from boiled shrimps and watered shopping sauce. On a normal day, of course, you can eat and so, but for a festive case we will prepare a real royal caesar with shrimps.

Ingredients at 2 full-fledged portions of Caesar Salad:

1 bunch of lettuce leaves,
cheese "Cheddar" - 50 g,
shrimps are not boiled or boiled ice cream without shell 300 g (you need about 600 g.),
1 small elastic tomato or half of fleshy red pepper (can be without them)
Marinade for shrimp:
honey - 1 teaspoon,
lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
olive or vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
freshly floor mixture of peppers.
For crouthing:
150 g baguette without a crust,
garlic - 1-2 teeth,
dry olive herbs at the tip of a spoon (not required)
For sauce "Caesar"
1 Egg room temperature,
mustard - 1/4 teaspoon,
lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
olive oil "Extra Vergine" - 20 ml,
refined sunflower oil - 40 ml,
1 garlic clove,
worcestershi / Worcestershire Sauce (Worcestershire Sauce) - 1 teaspoon,

Salad shrimps will suit any, but large royal shrimps use more convenient, since all of them we will have to be cleaned manually.

Shrimps clean, leaving only meat. Be sure to remove the intestine, otherwise the shrimps will not look too aesthetic in our salad. We are preparing a marine for shrimp: on a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and a mixture of red, black, white pepper and paprika mix thoroughly, pour shrimps and keep them in marinade a couple of hours.

40 milliliters of refined sunflower oil pour a finely chopped clove of garlic and also leave it for a couple of hours, it will be needed for oil for sauce Caesar.

Baguette or white Baton cut into small squares, dry them in a pre-warmed up to 200 degrees Celsius oven to a light blush. Each Sukharik is neatly rubbed garlic. You can fry them in a frying pan in flavored garlic oil, but then the crackers will turn out fat. Also tasty, but such crackers will endure not every stomach and not every waist. We sprinkle all oscilting herbs.

We merge the marinade from shrimps and fry them slightly on a preheated dry pan, for 1-3 minutes on each side, depending on the size of the shrimp. See, do not try shrimp now, otherwise, nothing will remain for salad, they are very tasty :)

Preparing sauce: Egg carefully my soap, brazing "Skump". Yolk immediately remove and use for sauce. We add mustard, lemon juice, and add dropwise, whipping, a mixture of olive and prepared in advance of garlic sunflower oil. Must get liquid mayonnaise. We add to it, whipping, Worcester sauce, simulate if necessary. Add everything neatly, dropwise, otherwise the sauce will cut down.

Salad leaves withstand in cold water 10-20 minutes, dry with a paper towel and tear hands to small pieces. We lay out the salad on the dish and sprinkle Caesar sauce.

We are posting marinated fried cooled shrimp, spray sauce again.

The shrimp is thinly chopped or grated on the fine grater Cheddar.

On cheese - crackers. Again splash sauce sauce, we gently mix and immediately apply to the table. Ideally, the crackers need to get closer outside, but not to lose the "chrumbness".

Deliciously add to Caesar a little pulp of red pepper or tomato without skins and without juice, but you can easily do without them.

Very tasty salad, but despite the abundance of greenery, a rather calorie.

The recipe for this salad came up with an American cook of Italian origin Caesar Cardini in the early 20th century. The stenus of the salad was a refueling, which he prepared from eggs, lemon juice, garlic and Worcester sauce. The salad contained only lettuce leaves, rounds and parmesan. Over time, the cook began to add more raw ingredients to the recipe.

In addition to the most common recipe with chicken, Caesar with shrimps is also often found in restaurants around the world. It is preparing simply and on the festive table looks elegant.

Simple Caesar Salad with Shrimps

Cooking lettuce will not require much effort from you, and it takes a little time.


  • salad "Iceberg" - 1 Kochan;
  • shrimps - 250 gr.;
  • parmesan - 60 gr.;
  • quail eggs - 8-10 pcs.;
  • bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • clove of garlic;
  • cheese sauce;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Shrimps need to defrost and clean. Eggs are welded, and fill with cold water so that they are easier to be cleaned.
  2. Yesterday, clean from the crust, and cut into small cubes.
  3. Slush the crackers on the dry pan, and at the end sprinkle with olive oil.
  4. If there is, it is better to use oil infused on garlic.
  5. Salad disassemble on separate sheets. Brush the green part of the leaves into small pieces.
  6. Salad, which will serve a salad, lubricate the garlic, cut in half.
  7. Put the lettuce, crackers and shrimp leaves. Add halves of tomatoes and eggs.
  8. Add sauce, and mix.
  9. Stit parmesan and pour them salad.
  10. Decorate the slices of tomatoes, shrimp and halves of quail eggs.

Your simple caesar with shrimps is ready, it can be immediately served on the table.

Classic Caesar with Shrimps

If you want to surprise guests a authentic salad, you need to make a sauce yourself.


  • salad leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • shrimps - 150 gr.;
  • parmesan - 70 gr.;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • clove of garlic;
  • worcester sauce - 2 ch. l.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 80 ml.;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Letoth leaves wash and dry on a towel.
  2. Cut cubes from white bread without crust. Fry them on a dry frying pan and add a few drops of garlic oil.
  3. Shrimps need to defrost and clean.
  4. For the preparation of sauce eggs, it is necessary to lower in boiling water for a few seconds.
  5. Clear and put in a bowl. Add lemon field juice, olive oil and workshop sauce.
  6. Grind garlic clove with a knife and add to the rest of the products. Beat the sauce with the help of a blender. You can add dried herbs.
  7. In the salad bowl, brush the lettuce leaves, add crackers and shrimps.
  8. Pour the cooked sauce, and decorate the halves of Cherry tomatoes.
  9. Plush the chips from parmesan, and serve on the table.

Worcester sauce can be bought in the store.

Caesar with royal shrimps

And this salad looks spectacular. True, you will spend a little more time and money.


  • salad leaves - 8-10 pcs;
  • shrimps - 10-15 pcs;
  • parmesan - 120 gr.;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 80 ml.;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Shrimps need to defrost and clean. Fry shrimp on olive oil. Add chopped garlic and olive herbs into the pan.
  2. At the last moment you can add a drop of butter.
  3. Put ready shrimps on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat.
  4. Fry crackers from white bread without peel. Sprinkle with garlic butter.
  5. Sattail on the fine grater half of parmesan.
  6. Mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, crushed garlic and grated cheese.
  7. If necessary, salute, and add spices. Salt can be replaced by a couple of anchovs.
  8. In a bowl mix lettuce leaves, crackers and fill salad sauce.
  9. Put on a large flat plate slide.
  10. From above, put a beautiful shrimp, halves of tomatoes and quarters of boiled eggs.
  11. Cut the second half of the cheese with thin flakes with a special knife and sprinkle a salad.

Additionally, the dish can be sprinkled with sesame and dried basil.

Caesar with shrimps and salted fish

For a saturated taste in a salad, you can add a weakly salt salmon or trout.


  • salad - 1 beam;
  • shrimps - 250 gr.;
  • trout - 150 gr.;
  • parmesan - 70 gr.;
  • quail eggs - 8-10 pcs.;
  • bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 80 ml.;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Wash and dry salad leaves.
  2. Pry crackers, and add a drop of garlic oil.
  3. Shrimps need to defrost and clean, and salmon or trout cut into thin plates.
  4. Quail eggs are welded, fill with cold water, and clean.
  5. In Mayonnaise, squeeze the clove of garlic with the help of the press. Add a slightly grated parmesan and a mixture of dried herbs.
  6. If the sauce is too much thick, you can add a little olive oil.
  7. Lay out the salad leaves on a plate with a slide. Sprinkle with crackers, add shrimps and pieces of fish.
  8. Pour the sauce and decorate the halves of quail eggs and tomatoes.

For additional decoration of fish slices, you can roll roses, and spray with thin petals of parmesan.

Caesar with shrimps and avocado

Unusual, but an interesting combination of products in a salad will delight your guests.


  • salad - 1 beam;
  • shrimps - 250 gr.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • parmesan - 70 gr.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • cheese sauce - 80 ml.;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Rinse and dry the salad leaves on the towel.
  2. Shrimps defrost and clean.
  3. Cut the cubes from white bread without a crust, and fry them in a skillet. At the end sprinkle with garlic butter.
  4. Avocado must be cleaned, remove the bone and cut into thin plates.
  5. Square with lemon juice so that the pieces do not darken.
  6. In the finished cheese sauce, you can slander garlic, lemon juice, and add olive herbs.
  7. Collect the salad, pour it with sauce, and decorate it with the halves of tomatoes.
  8. Upset salad with grated parmesan on top. Or cut the cheese with thin petals, and sprinkle in sesame.

Before serving, you can add several capers and decorate the coolest boosteries.

Caesar with shrimps at home can be prepared with different gas stations. For fans of acute sauce, you can prepare on the basis of egg yolks and mustard. And you can add a spoonful of honey to the sauce, spicy herbs or anchovies. Experiment and you will have your own recipe, which will be the highlight of your festive salad Caesar. Bon Appetit!

    Classic ingredients are greens, dried pieces of bread and cheese with exclusive refueling. But creative thought does not stand still! Since the birth of salad in it, many products were born. Tomatoes, meat, eggs and shrimps. The latter became especially tightly friends with classics and compete even with chicken. Especially when we prepare for a festive table or a romantic dinner. Seafood - Popular Aphrodisiacs.

    Below we offer you three recipes with shrimps and all the secrets of Caesar.

    Do not be afraid to pay attention to the trifles. They are simple and fast, but guarantee success at home.

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    Four secretions of the perfect salad "Caesar" with shrimp

    Three whales for success like in a restaurant:

    1. Juicy greenery with a distinct crunch;
    2. No less crispy, but soft inside crackers (rounds);
    3. Multicomponent sauce.

    The fourth brilliant barcode from chefs is not just boiled, but roasted or baked shrimps.

    Let's do everything impeccably! Note that any of the steps can be easier to simplify. We offer you several options to choose from - for crackers, shrimp, sauce.

    Secret number 1. Maximum crunch and juice of greenery

    Be sure to make greens in cold water at least 20 minutes. It is better to throw ice into the water and hold at least half an hour. We dry the leaves between the towels and immediately cut or rot in the salad.

    If you need to save the leaves, lay them into paper in a wet state, on top of a plastic bag, twist and put in the refrigerator. In the average case, such storage will retain the maximum moisture content of the greenery to 12 hours.

    Salad leaf crunch decreases when changing varieties. The most crisiting at the expense of a thick foundation is expensive Roman salad. A little lags behind the iceberg and a thin part of the leaf of the Beijing cabbage, and completes the line with the usual latch. It is especially advantageous to soak, so that the slim sheet is liked moisture.

    The most important secret of any "Caesar"!

    With sauce we mix only greens.

    Shrimps or meat can be dipped into refueling, or drop aiming to the protein component of the salad.

    In the extreme case, mix the salad cutting and shrimp at the same time. It is convenient if you use a small seafood.

    But to mix the refueling along with Crochon crackers means spoil the salad. The breads will quickly splash, and beautiful styling, where every piece is assigned tempting, it will not work.

    Secret number 2. How to cook exquisite rounds

    This is a special kind of crackers whose crust is crusted, and inside the air is soft. More like well-fried croutons. These are supposed to be used in salads, since fully dried crushers are too tough.

    The easiest way to take no more than 20 minutes with yesterday's white bar.

    Cut your crust with bread slices and cut them with small cubes - one bite. To taste, sprinkle with small (!) Salt and a mixture of dry Italian herbs. For fragrance, the grass with fingers into dust. We cover the neck of the neck with an olive oil and a thin jet (!) Pour bread cutting. We put into one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We are brushed in the oven at 180 degrees.

    Another version of the preparation of impeccable curtains includes two stages :. For them, there will be a toast bread and up to 25 minutes of time.

    Secret number 3. How to cook delicious and simple sauces

    The recipe will not require step-by-step photos. All elementary - with the help of a blender. Moreover! In our composition - only available components. This makes the appetizing refueling for the Caesar salad with shrimps available and easy to prepare. All products for it buy in the nearest supermarket.

    1) Simple cheese sauce with mayonnaise drip

    We need:

  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Sweet mustard with grains - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs. (puree through the press)
  • Lemon (juice only) - 1 pc. Large size
  • Salt - ½ h. Spoons
  • Black pepper (ground) - ½ h. Spoons
  • Refined oil without a bright smell (we love olive) - 200 ml
  • Parmesan Cheese or other solid grade (grated chips) - ½ cup

Oil and cheese set aside. The remaining components put in a blender. We twist them to the state of the emulsion - at high speed. We leave the blender to work and pour oil in the jet. Cheese chips We send to the refueling at the very end and make several clicks in the pulsating mode.

Thick, with a subtle aroma, a nice natural shade, our sauce will have to any "Caesar" and not only to him!

2) Classic sauce with Worcestershire accent

With Worcester Sauce. This component is more complicated, but cooking, as above, not difficult. And you spend not much time - up to 20 minutes.

3) Dietary sauce based on Greek yogurt

Please note that in the diet recipe ( second from the selection below) We offer lightweight sauce on natural yogurt. Such an approach opens the road to a diet for weight loss if you confess the PP with a balanced composition of KBJ.

Secret number 4. How to boo or fry seafood

Break the shrimp in the broth from the shells

  • Shrimps large - 400 g
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Garlic salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Black Ground Pepper - ½ h. Spoons
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs. medium size

Cooking with photo step by step.

Shrimp purify, leaving tails to conveniently take hand.

Poles do not throw out (!). We put them in a saucepan, salt, pepper, add water, put on the stove and let it boil on a strong fire. How boils, add purified meat and cook until seafood flood, changing the color to pink. It takes 2-3 minutes - depending on the size.

We drain the water and immerse the shrimp in cold water to stop the process. The queen for the salad "Caesar" is ready!

Garlic salt can be replaced by putting water as a soup (pleasant salinity) and garlic powder. This is a dried garlic in the form of a separate spice. Usually there is in supermarkets on racks with spices and gelatin.

Video recipe How to Clean the Salad Queen

Already at 0:27 - strictly in the case, Finding from the polycar of large (royal) shrimps at home. Large plans without unnecessary words. Learn easy!

We collect the first option step by step

We need:

  • Shrimps are large - 400-500 g
  • Salad leaves - 1 beam

We love to unite iceberg and a salad mix.

Also tasty to connect the Beijing cabbage and arugula.

  • Solid grade cheese - from 30 g
  • Cutons - 1 cup
  • Simple cheese sauce (see above) - from 4 tbsp. span

How to cook rounds and sauce, read above.

Step-by-step process to organize so that for more steps to begin first. Machine greens (up to 30 minutes). Then we put the oven for the oven (up to 15 minutes). While they rumble, proceed to the preparation of seafood chosen way (up to 30 minutes). Zamiksya sauce (up to 7 minutes).

When all the ingredients are prepared, let's start collecting salad.

Inside and cut the greens. We mix cutting with sauce and lay it on a flat dish. Top to put shrimps with which it is better not to remove tails. So they will be comfortable to eat. Spend the colutors and cheese chips. It is easiest to grasp it right above the plate with a frozen piece (put the cheese for 5 minutes in the freezer).

A little bit of negligence in the design and a lot of delicious participants. Handsome is ready!

In the photo below, a few more options, how can I grind components and serve a wonder salad. Do not sin peel and new ingredients.

Dietary "Caesar" with baked shrimps

  • Calorie 1 portion - no more than 300 kcal.
  • You can not bake, but just boil shrimp. Before laying on a green pillow, loosen in the sauce.
  • If we bake seafood, it is easy to adjust the amount of oil during marination and not thicken sauce with cheese. It will increase the benefit from salad and choosing bread for curtains. Increased fiber content in buns with bran and whole grain flour bats.

For 5 servings we need:

  • Roman Salad (or Iceberg) - 1 beam
  • Any greens in addition - 1-2 jb

Best - Salad Mix with Non-standard Leaf Color

  • Cutons - 1 cup (how to modify the bread correctly, see above)
  • Shrimps (large size) - 450 g

For marinating shrimp:

  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Paprika red (dry) - 1 h. Spoon
  • Garlic - 3 Town (Mashed Press)

For dietary sauce:

  • Neutral low-fat yogurt without additives - 1/3 cup
  • Lemon juice - to taste from 1 tbsp. Spoons
  • Dijon mustard - 2 h. Spoons
  • Garlic - to taste, from 1 teeth
  • Salt - ¼ h. Spoons
  • Black ground pepper - ¼ h. Spoons
  • Cheese (any solid grade) - at will and taste, for thickening

How to cook.

Marinate shrimp in a big bowl. We combine the ingredients of the marinade, we scribble, pour to the seafood and mix. We leave in the coolness for 10-20 minutes.

We bake shrimps to pink color in the oven. We put the seafood on a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and put in a preheated oven - at 200 degrees Celsius. It takes up to 10 minutes depending on the size.

Cut the salad or swear with your hands. We love to experiment with greens and do not deny cutting thin stripes. Although the classical tradition involves very large bands - at least "for one bite."

We beat all the components of the sauce in the bowl in the bowl, watering the leaves, gently mix.

We lay out the greens on the plates: the pillow is ready. And a couple of minutes on the chaotic layout of ruddy minibers and shrimps (you can slightly dip in the sauce). Enjoy the meal!

Video recipe with shrimps and tomatoes

A pretty sample, where even more protein due to the egg base for the sauce. Shrimps are fried in a frying pan. Otherwise, consider all the secrets of classics and luck will remain on your side.

We need:

  • Shrimps are large - 350-400 g
  • GREEN - 1 bundle
  • Solid cheese - from 30 g
  • Cutons - 1 cup
  • Cherry tomatoes - from 10 pcs.

Cooking well explains the concise video without excess chatter about the recipe.

Pay attention to the sauce. It echoes the classical tradition on whipped eggs. For him we need:

  • Quail eggs - 5 pcs.

Or 1 chicken egg

  • Mustard sweet - ½ h. Spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 120 ml
  • Lemon juice - 2 h. Spoons
  • Finely grated cheese - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Marinated carors - 2 h. Spoons

Can be replaced with pickle cucumber without skin

  • Sugar and salt - 1 pinch

We whip the eggs with mustard, sprinkled with sugar and salt - 30 seconds. Thin weaving pour oil. Add lemon juice, capers, grated cheese. Be whipped again. At the end, add natural yogurt to soften the consistency.

Salad leaflets are mixed with shrimps, pour sauce and let it stand a little. We lay out on the dish, sprinkle with grated solid cheese and add halves of Cherry and Cutons.

We will be glad to find out that the Caesar salad with shrimps fell in love with the first sample. Recipe with photos of step-by-step and secrets of exquisite dishes guarantee pleasant and successful troubles. A beautiful feed from other cooks seduces to take a picture of a personal masterpiece. Feel free, the era cameras in each phone requires memorable still lifes!

Thank you for the article (6)

Step-by-step recipes of the stunning salad "Caesar" with shrimps and mussels, cherry, eggs, bacon, chicken or salmon

2017-11-02 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of finished dishes

13 gr.

17 gr.


10 gr.

249 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Caesar salad recipe with shrimps

The most famous North American salad consists of just four ingredients. These are romene leaves, parmesan cheese, wheat crumbs and a special sauce, which is something like mayonnaise. As a result, the snack is easy, literally air. Therefore, more diet ingredients are added to its recipe. For example, today it will be shrimp.


  • kochan Salad Romen;
  • 150 grams of parmesan;
  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • 5 bate slices;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 egg;
  • 15 grams of lemon juice;
  • 4-5 grams of mustard;
  • salt;
  • 140 grams of olive oil;
  • 5-6 grams of worstshire sauce;
  • black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe "Caesar" with shrimps

Bring a couple of water glasses to active drilling. Turn off the fire and carefully put inside the raw egg. It is better to rinse it better.

A minute later, get the egg and break into a tall glass. Sweet salt, pour olive oil (110 g) and add mustard.

Now introduce lemon juice, finely grated parmesan (50 g), spoonful of the woofer sauce and 2 pressed cloves of garlic. Blender beat a delicious refueling for 3-4 minutes. Move it into the refrigerator.

Cut (preferably yesterday) Baton in small cubes. In a small heat-resistant bowl, connect the remaining oil (30 g) with a crushed garlic (2 tooth).

Leave in a good warm oven gas station for 5 minutes. During this time, the oil "pulls" garlic flavors.

Share bread cubes on the baking sheet. Lubricate them with garlic butter and bake everything in the same oven until golden shade. This approximately leaves 5-6 minutes.

In parallel to omit stripped shrimps (medium size) in steep salted boiling water and on a strong heat to peel seafood about 2-3 minutes. Put them into a sieve and give a stroke of hot water.

When crackers and shrimps are cooled, rinse disassembled romene leaves. Protrunk from droplets of water and break through small pieces.

Disink equal portions of the leaves on flat plates. Top to fall asleep with crackers. Also add shrimp and grated parmesan (100 grams). Generously pour spicy sauce from the refrigerator. Incredible salad "Caesar" with shrimps is ready!

If you have no opportunity or desire to prepare a difficult sauce, you can buy it in the store. Today, many manufacturers on a par with ordinary mayonnaise produce Caesar sauce. It is also permissible to replace the Romen by Salat Iceberg or to the extreme case of a young white or Beijing cabbage.

Option 2: Fast Caesar salad recipe with shrimps and yogurt

Create an amazingly beautiful and delicious salad "Caesar" with shrimps is quite simple. And to make it even faster, we advise you to purchase ready-made crackers and use yogurt as refueling.


  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • pack of garlic crackers;
  • salt;
  • 90 grams of natural yogurt;
  • ground pepper;
  • half of the romine coach;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 80 grams of parmesan;
  • 4-5 grams of Dijon mustard.

How to quickly cook salad "Caesar" with shrimps

Preheat water in a saucepan, enter salt and lay shrimp without chitin and intestine. Prepare ingredient 2-3 minutes without changing the temperature of the plate.

Boiled shrimps lay out in a sieve. Then pour yogurt without sugar and additives in a high bowl. Lay inside ground pepper, a spoonful of mustard beans, salt and a pressed garlic.

Beat the wreck and leave the refrigerator briefly.

At this time, break the washed salad and decompose pieces on a flat plate. From above add wheat crumbs with garlic and gentle shrimps. Fall as a dish with grated parmesan.

Cool the cool sauce and submit the Caesar salad with shrimps for lunch.

Yes, we will miss several technological processes at once. But thus significantly reduce the time required for cooking. If you are categorically against a yoghurt refueling, get a ready-made sauce for Caesar in advance. It can be bought in any supermarket.

Option 3: Caesar Salad with shrimps and mussels

Since we use shrimps as the main ingredient of our snacks, it is permissible to include other seafood. For example, unique mussels. But in this case, try to rinse them especially carefully to get rid of bottom sand and other garbage.


  • 150 grams of parmesan cheese;
  • kochan Romen;
  • black pepper;
  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • 5 bread slices;
  • 150 grams of mussels;
  • salt;
  • 150 grams of sauce "Caesar";
  • clot of garlic.

How to cook

Medium shrimp Clean from chitin, removing the intestine. Mussels pre-defrost and rinse from sand. Lower seafood into boiling water, which is important to escape well. Cook them 3-4 minutes. Throw into a sieve and leave for cooling.

Cut the relatively thin slices of yesterday's baton with cubes. To put bread on a dry baking sheet and bake 7-8 minutes (without oil!). After complete cooling of crackers, grate them with purified garlic.

From Kochan to cut rumna leaves. Wash and break your hands on small pieces. Dispatch salad on a flat dish.

Carefully scatter fragrant crackers and chilled shrimps. Fall asleep with a small grated parmesan. Also introduce black pepper and, if necessary, salt.

To taste, to hide the Caesar salad with shrimp ready sauce and immediately serve for breakfast. If you plan to feed guests or a family a little later, do not add refueling. Otherwise, the ingredients will become soft, which will spoil snacks.

Let you not worry so a short seafood cooking time. Most likely you will use frozen shrimps and mussels that are already boiled. And if you just catch the caught specimens, they are boiled about the same. Only in this case, it is desirable to add some lemon juice and greens in the water.

Option 4: Caesar Salad with shrimps and bacon

Crisp fried bacon can fill any dish with exceptional flavors and taste nuances. And if you are not afraid of a few unnecessary calories, be sure to try to make such a variant of the known salad.


  • 90 grams of parmesan;
  • ground pepper;
  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • 3 slices of wheat bread;
  • half of the romine coach;
  • 3 pieces of bacon;
  • 90 grams of Caesar Sauce;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt.

Step-by-step recipe

Several slices of wheat bread (baton) cut into cubes. One layer to put on the baking sheet and fry without oil at 180 degrees. Suchariki should become hard, beautiful golden color.

Purified shrimp boil in well salt for 3-4 minutes. Leave in sieve for graze and cooling.

Bacon's thin plates briefly fry in a frying pan. Cut the crisp meat with small pieces.

Washing romen leaves break and place on plates. Shoulder with crackers and decompose gentle shrimps. By the way, crackers after cooling are recommended to graze garlic.

Pour the Caesar salad with shrimps with grated parmesan and fragrant bacon. Pour chilled sauce.

In the last stage, add ground pepper. If you wish to save.

If you use small shrimps, you first need to boil, and then it is quickly cleaned. In addition, ready-made sauce is desirable to replace your hands made.

Option 5: Caesar salad with shrimps, cherry and quail eggs

Eggs and tomatoes can be called the perfect ingredients if you want to supplement the Caesar salad. The only thing you want to advise is to use neat cherry and quail eggs. They will look in the snack much more beautiful.


  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • 5 Cherry;
  • 150 grams of parmesan;
  • ground pepper;
  • kochan Romen;
  • 5 quail eggs;
  • 150 grams of Caesar Sauce;
  • 5 bate slices;
  • garlic at will.

How to cook

Quail eggs boil and, when they are cool, remove the shell. Also leave for 3-4 minutes in boiling water frozed shrimps.

Float in a frying pan fine chopped Baton (without oil). Optionally, grasp it with garlic.

Rip the washed rumna leaves and place them on a suitable dish. Beautifully and evenly put sliced \u200b\u200bon 4 pieces of eggs and cherry. In addition, pour out golden crackers.

Now add boiled shrimps and grated parmesan.

Pour the Caesar Salad with shrimp spicy refueling and serve with any cool drink on the table.

Since the appetizer presented does not provide for a large number of ingredients, do not stop with eggs and Cherry. One on the plate will be enough. Also allowed to add a little fresh parsley or basil to the recipe.

Option 6: Caesar salad with shrimps, baked salmon and greens

Another, of course, a flawless product for the presented salad can be called fish. Namely, salmon, trout or salmon. Here we will make a delicious snack right now.


  • 150 grams of salmon;
  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • 140 grams of parmesan;
  • kochan Romen;
  • 150 grams of Caesar Sauce;
  • baton slices;
  • salt;
  • rosemary twig;
  • parsley, basil and dill.

Step-by-step recipe

Carefully washed salmon fillet, save and put on foil. Place a sprig of rosemary from above and loosely cover the fish. Bake salmon at 195 degrees about 8-9 minutes. Then the foil is revealed and cook another 5-6 minutes.

Slices (5-6 pieces) Baton cut into cubes. Fry without oil on baking or in a frying pan until a golden shade.

Shrimp clean and boil in salted water. This will require 3-4 minutes.

On a large flat plate decompose the broken leaves of Romen. From above add shrimp and salmon. The latter is required to cut into pieces, after a complete cooling.

Also put crackers and chopped greens. Purplify the generous layer of grated parmesan and pour the cool sauce.

If you are confused by baked salmon, you can fry it. Or use weakly salted fish. In the latter case, it is not recommended to use salt for Caesar salad with shrimps.