Types of rolls - the perfect flavor of Japan. What are rolls?

“So, what is the difference between sushi and rolls?” The answer to this question should be sought in the distant Japanese past. Sushi, which the Japanese call "sushi", is a traditional dish, the recipe for which has come into modern culture from the depths of history. And although over the course of several centuries the technology for making sushi has changed significantly, the main ingredients are still rice and raw fish.

Rolls appeared much later, when the sushi recipe was finally approved finally and, accordingly, deserve recognition only as the little brother of sushi.

The difference between sushi and rolls in shape

Although these two dishes are very close to each other and even have “close family ties”, there are several aspects that testify in favor of their difference.

Sushi and rolls vary in shape.

  1. Classic sushi is nothing more than an oblong rice cake with a piece of fish laid on top and tied with a thin strip of pressed nori seaweed.
  2. In contrast to them, the rolls are initially twisted into a roll from a nori sheet, and then cut into portioned slices.

The difference between sushi and filling rolls

The composition of sushi and roll is also different. If the main component of two dishes is a special rice with increased stickiness, then the fillings can be very different.

  1. Sushi   in this regard, they have more restrained traditions: as a rule, they are made with a filling of raw salmon and tuna, smoked eel, shrimp and octopus meat.
  2.   in contrast, they provide gourmets with absolute freedom for imagination: fillings of meat, seafood, cheese, vegetables and even fruit.

In addition, some types of rolls are served hot, but sushi cannot boast of this, since traditionally this is a cold dish.

The difference between sushi and rolls by the method of preparation

Another difference is the principle of preparation of these two dishes. The process of making sushi is quite simple, but with rolls you have to “tinker” a bit.

  1. To make sushi, first boil rice in a special way, then make flat cakes and put fish on them.
  2. Rolls do this: put prepared rice and filling on a nori sheet, and with the help of a bamboo mat, roll it into a roll. Then it should be cut into pieces, it is of fundamental importance that all the ingredients in the rolls are evenly distributed, and also that the roll has an optimal thickness in order to eat it in one go.

Photo sushi roll:

   Classic sushi

You love to cook, but as always, you don’t know what to cook today. then section

Japanese cuisine has long earned the trust of adherents of good nutrition, and this is not surprising. A variety of sushi, rolls, sashimi - today all this is not considered exotic. But people who are just starting to get acquainted with the cuisine of Japan are wondering about the difference in certain dishes. Some still confuse sushi with rolls, and vice versa. How not to fall into the mud in front of friends, let's try to figure it out together.

Food ingredients

  1. You should start with the fact that rolls and sushi equally include rice. It is pre-boiled with the addition of rice vinegar and sugar. This technology does not allow grains to decay during the formation process.
  2. An important condition is the use of special rice, which contains enough gluten. Steamed is not suitable, with its use sushi and rolls break up when dipped in soy sauce.
  3. The two Japanese dishes in question also include nori. These are marine algae pressed into a leaf, in which the main ingredients are wrapped.
  4. The basis of rolls and sushi includes seafood. More often it is shrimp, tuna, salmon, eel. Cucumber, avocado and other ingredients are added to the rolls, which are placed inside the roll.

Submission form

  1. The Japanese have a special attitude to the ceremony of eating their dishes. The table must be spacious, clean, without unnecessary items. The tablecloth does not stand out, napkins are selected for it in color.
  2. In Japanese restaurants in our country, sushi and rolls are served on a special wooden tray. It can be made in the form of a boat, ship, swing, etc.
  3. As for the dishes, the institutions provide square-shaped plates, a deepened saucepan for soy sauce, a hot wet towel, the container itself with sauce and sticks.
  4. These types of dishes are served with soy or nut sauce, wasabi (Japanese horseradish), pickled ginger (used to fight bacteria and interrupt the taste of another type of sushi / rolls).
  5. Sushi are laid out one after another, resulting in a beautiful color balance. Since the rolls are previously cut into 6-8 pieces, they are all placed side by side.

External signs

  1. Now let’s talk directly about the external similarities and differences in order to answer the question in more detail: "What is the difference between sushi and rolls?"
  2. Sushi is sold individually, they are a lump of rice on which a layer of fish is located on top. Rice and fish are pulled by a thin strip (1 cm) of nori, so that during the meal the dish does not break up.
  3. Rolls - a roll, inside which is placed a diverse filling of avocado, fish, shrimp and other ingredients. The roll is twisted into a seaweed formation, then cut into 6 or 8 equal parts.
  4. Conditionally, we can conclude that sushi is a unit, and rolls are a portion consisting of pieces of equal size and composition.
  5. Rolls can be external and internal. In the first case, fish and rice are visible on the surface. In the second - the filling is twisted in seaweed.
  6. Sushi is served, as they say, as is. That is, they are not watered with sauce, they are not sprinkled with sesame seeds. Rolls are usually decorated with unagi sauce, sake or také, depending on the added fish. Also pieces of roll are sprinkled with white or black sesame seeds.

Price difference

The price category between rolls and sushi is still different. In the menu of any restaurant and cafe, you can notice a significant difference. Everywhere, the price for sushi is indicated in the piece version. As for the rolls, the amount is written per serving, in which 6-8 pieces. As a result of simple mathematics, you can understand that a portion of sushi will be more expensive.

Drinks with which dishes are combined

  1. Original rolls and sushi have a sharp aftertaste, because they are usually eaten with wasabi. Therefore, drinks need to be given special attention. It is important that tastes complement each other and not interrupt.
  2. Classic green tea without any additives will be a great addition to such a dish. The drink will help cool the oral cavity from the effects of wasabi. Tea refreshes and interrupts the taste of previous foods eaten.
  3. In the Japanese tradition, not a single meal goes without green tea. If you prefer to drink alcohol with rolls and sushi, give preference to the original sake. Warm Japanese vodka should be drunk immediately before a meal.
  4. Vodka will keep you warm and irritate your appetite. Remember, the drink before meals should be taken in a minimal amount. Friendly companies with oriental cuisine mix beer.
  5. Another strong drink that goes well with sushi and rolls is wine. But it is worth drinking exclusively Japanese, plum varieties. Such products blend perfectly together.
  6. It is important to know that in the vastness of our homeland it is difficult to acquire an original drink, so white wine is an alternative to it. Such a composition will perfectly complement the meal.

Rules for the use of rolls and sushi

  1. The Japanese people honor and respect the traditions of their ancestors. A meal at any time of the day is not just a way of satisfying hunger for them, but a whole ceremony.
  2. Rolls and sushi should be eaten exclusively with wooden sticks. If you ordered a set for a large company, you need to take the product from the common dishes on the back of the device. On sticks there is a special flat section.
  3. Sushi should be eaten with a special sauce. Dunk them should be the fishing side. Rolls are placed in the sauce edge. There is a whole delicacy to eat. Ginger knock off the aftertaste of the product.

The difference between the products is that sushi is made from a lump of rice. Above it, a fish is laid out. Sometimes sushi is wrapped in a thin layer of nori seaweed. As for the rolls, they are prepared from various ingredients. After that, the products are wrapped in a roll with nori and cut.

Video: how to cook sushi and rolls

Fans of Japanese food, holding hands, could probably hug the globe! Sushi and rolls - the best sellers of Japanese cuisine - easily won the love of gourmets around the world. However, many are still completely confused by sushi and rolls, although these are two different delicacies. Today we will teach you to distinguish between them.

A small island state does not get tired of shocking the world: it will build an airport in the middle of the ocean, or it will create a robot actress. The Japanese are not accustomed to surprise, they simply can not do otherwise. When we talk about Japan, we first of all admire its progressive technology and cuisine. And Japanese cuisine for Europeans is, first of all, sushi.

Sushi was originally the food of the Japanese poor, today it is one of the most ordered dishes in the world.

Fans of sushi, holding hands, could probably hug the globe. This rice and seafood dish is rapidly winning the hearts of Russians. However, few people know that sushi and rolls are different from each other.

The basis of sushi is rice in combination with all kinds of seafood. Rolls (they are also “makizushi”, “maki-sushi” or sushi-rolls) are considered to be a variety of sushi.

The main components of sushi and rolls are rice with a high level of gluten, rice vinegar, soy sauce and seafood.

The difference between sushi and rolls is that the latter are rounded, for which they got their name (from the English “roll” - “roll; roll”), while sushi are oblong lumps of seasoned rice, covered with a slice of fresh fish or seafood and tied with a ribbon of seaweed. Sushi and rolls differ not only in form, but also in the filling, seasonings and the manner of combining them.

Remember: rolls can be served hot, and sushi can only be cooled.

Rolls are prepared using makisu - a bamboo mat. Most often they are cut into 6-12 pieces. Rolls are twisted so that the noriya leaf (pressed algae) is on the outside, while the rice is on the inside, but the reverse order is also encountered (when the rice is left on the outside). There are "color" and "mosaic" rolls, "rolls inside out", "California" and other varieties.

The process is not so complicated, the main thing is to master the technology and not make a mistake when choosing the ingredients. Thus, you can easily cook them at home. By the way, since the late 70s, even robots have been “working” on the manufacture of sushi in Japan. Well, who really doesn’t need to explain how sushi differs from rolls!

Gourmets all over the world have appreciated oriental dishes such as sushi and rolls. However, not all of them know how these two types of goodies differ from each other.

What is sushi

Rolls and Sushithey are ideal for people who practice a healthy diet or diet. Those who have tried this food know that it quickly saturates, and at the same time it is able to give real pleasure. Generally speaking, rolls and sushi are to some extent “relatives”, or more precisely, rolls represent a variety of sushi. Let's try to figure out how they differ from each other.

often often, especially few in this, knowledgeable people confuse sushi and rolls, taking them one after another. In order to feel the difference between these two dishes, you will need to understand the intricacies of their preparation. They cook according to a special technology, according to which small rectangles in the form of bricks are molded from boiled rice. After that, they put pieces of fish or other seafood on them. Sushi is a classic Japanese dish that was considered the main food for the poor of the Japanese population. At first, it became widely popular in North America, from where the land-based enthusiasm gradually passed to Europe, and later to Russia.

Sushi has several types

Manual dressing (nigirizushi), pressed (osizushi), sushi with ingredients (inarizushi), loose sushi (tirasizushi), etc. Especially for children, they prepare nigiri, which is a block of rice, covered with seafood: crab meat, shrimp or Japanese omelette. If the design is unstable, it is bandaged with a thin ribbon of nuri (dried seaweed) or a stalk of green onion.

What are rolls?

Rolls or Makizushi -(twisted sushi) are considered one of the types of sushi. In order to cook them you will need a special bamboo mat. The pressed nori seaweed is placed on the mat. Then the algae is evenly covered with rice, and some other filling is placed on top of the rice. Then the mat is wrapped in the manner of sausages, which are not cut into small thin lobes. In some varieties, the algae roll is laid in and the rice out.

All kinds of products are allowed to be used as fillings in the roll, and sushi includes rice and seafood. In addition, certain types of rolls are served preheated, while sushi is exclusively cold.

Rolls are even more diverse than sushi.   They are made thin and thick, closed and “inside out”, simple and complex. And fillers, which are popular outside of Japan, number in the hundreds. But at the same time, the original manufacturing technique does not change.

They are not very thick and contain one or two filling ingredients. Mostly used fish, vegetables. A typical combination of ingredients is salmon with avocado, eel with cucumber, shrimp with cucumber.

However, there are many varieties of uramaki, futomaki, luxurious mosaic or multi-colored rolls that attract with their harmonious taste and beauty.

Rolls - modified sushi (makizushi), which are twisted into a dense roll using a bamboo mat. Due to sticky rice and nori seaweed, the filling does not crumble even during slicing. Unusual dish surpasses its ancestor with its colorful and rich flavor range. Rolls can be baked, browned in deep fat, instead of seaweed, use a thin omelet or multi-colored mame nori. Last time we talked about. Now let's look at the types of rolls and the whole variety of this appetizer, which is quite capable of cooking at home.

The variety of rolls is impressive: uramaki and futomaki, sharp and sweet, in batter or in sauce. How to understand this vast sushi subgroup?

Composition and names

Hosomaki is the tiniest

To prepare the smallest roll, dryers take half a sheet of nori, 80-90 grams of finished rice and one type of product for the filling. The peculiarity of Hosomaki - pressed algae is located outside the roll, hiding snow-white sticky groats. It is not easy to twist without training due to its small size. Kegs should be flat, equal, not wrinkled from moisture, with beautiful, not torn edges. They can be formed square or round, in the form of a droplet, sometimes the roll is cut diagonally.

  For the filling, avocados, cucumbers, fresh or salted fish, smoked eel, soft cheese, pickled daikon (takuan), prepared chicken breast and squid are usually used. The product can be cut into neat little blocks or thin long straws. The edges are even or with protruding bunches of vegetables (on a plate such slices look original). They put only one ingredient, but it’s easy to diversify the gamut by adding tobiko, white or black sesame, peanut or spicy sauce, and Japanese mayonnaise. When serving, hosomaki with eel is watered with unagi, with salmon you can sprinkle with grated parmesan. Sushi recommend preparing a thick mass of soft cheese and squeeze out for each piece through a pastry bag.

Futomaki - huge rolls with a bright flavor

A feature of large Japanese rolls is an interesting combination and variety of fillings. Sushi use more than 3 components with different colors, textures and taste. To prepare a weighty roll, take a whole sheet of pressed nori seaweed and 130-160 g of glutinous rice. The ingredients are placed tightly to each other so that voids do not form, complementing with sauce, herbs, wasabi. Often the filling is divided into several parts with a narrow strip of nori. Then, during curling, the products do not mix and do not get dirty about the sauce, and the roll in the context looks more presentable.

  You need to shape the product very carefully, because sesame, vegetables and sauce can be outside. Rolls are given a square, round, triangular shape, cut into 8 or 10 even pieces, which are usually laid out with a slide, ladder or in a checkerboard pattern. Top with a slide of tobiko, a bunch of microgreen, a drop of Japanese mayonnaise, a cheese mass, or watered with unagi sauce.

Mosaic rolls - culinary masterpieces

Mosaic futomaki amaze with beautiful patterns, bright colors. Dryers add green, red, black caviar of flying fish to the grits as a dye. Rice takes on an interesting hue and looks beautiful on rolls, especially in the square Shakai Maki product.

  It is impossible to create amazing pictures without training, it is better to start with simple compositions:

  • twist hosomaki without filling;
  • give the rug any shape, cut along in half or into 4 parts;
  • place the resulting blank on a prepared nori sheet with rice;
  • between the pieces of a simple roll lay the bars of vegetables, supplement with black sesame seeds, arugula branches, straws, and twist the roll.

Often the filling is divided with the help of wide strips of nori, having previously been bent along half and putting rice or another component in the middle. The simplest recipe for mosaic rolls: place another roll (smaller) inside the futomaki and spin. It is advisable to sprinkle uramaki with caviar, herbs, black sesame seeds to separate the two layers of rice.

Uramaki - unique rolls

Rice in rolls is located outside, so twisting uramaki is much easier than hosomaki and futomaki, even without using a bamboo mat. Algae is not deformed, and the seam is easy to close with grains. Sushi usually take half a sheet of nori, 90-120 g of aromatic cereals, 2-5 components. However, the filling should not exceed 50-60 grams or occupy more than a fourth of the roll, otherwise the product will crumble. If a fish plate is laid on top (usually within 40 grams), then the weight of the remaining ingredients is desirable to reduce. It is worth remembering that all products inside and out must exquisitely emphasize the taste of each other.

Strips of salmon, tuna, smoked eel, thin plates of fresh cucumber or avocado, scallops or shrimp are usually laid out on a roll, encircled with a small strip of seaweed. After the product is formed with a rug, so that sticky rice holds products. No component should fall off the roll, especially during slicing or eating! The dish can be decorated with sauces or bouquets, like futomaki.

Uramaki rolls are easy to give a luxurious look, sprinkled with colorful products on all sides (or with one):

  • green, black, red or orange tobiko;
  • chopped herbs (arugula, basil or parsley);
  • ground pistachios;
  • white and black sesame seeds;
  • ready-made couscous;
  • small or wide strips of nori;
  • tuna flakes or crab meat.

Properly choosing the components and decor, it is easy to prepare a mouth-watering roll with a bright and unforgettable taste palette.

Hot rolls - the highlight of Japanese cuisine

To please the inhabitants of Europe, Japanese culinary specialists constantly improve the taste of the rolls, cook with crab meat, chicken and other unusual products. Raw fish is considered a non-hazardous component, because it is impossible to deliver it fresh. To reduce the risk to a minimum, dryers began to bake rolls or deep-fry.

For heat treatment, futomaki or uramaki are usually used (rice is not advisable to sprinkle with sesame seeds or caviar). Hot products are fragrant, with a crispy crust, rich aftertaste. How to cook amazing rolls?

Baked rolls - simple and tasty

The cooked rolls are cut, a teaspoon of thick sauce based on mayonnaise, grated cheese and various flavors: kimchi, soy sauce, spicy paste Tabajan, small shrimps, tobiko (10-50% of the total mass) is laid out on each piece. Bake in the oven for 3-6 minutes, like cheese sandwiches. The product is not recommended to be kept in the oven so as not to dry out (especially uramaki). As soon as the top rises and lightly browned, you need to immediately serve, pour unagi on the table, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Rolls can be prepared with raw fish, but tastes best with slightly salted salmon and smoked eel. Warm pieces acquire a sophisticated aroma and aftertaste.

Tempura rolls - sophistication in every barrel

Products beckon with their crispy texture, intriguing taste palette and a special batter. Fragrant rice perfectly combines with warmed components and a special mixture - tempura. It consists of high-quality flour (rice and wheat), salt, pepper, garlic. It is bred in a small amount of water, the egg is added and slightly stirred (small grains should be obtained). The prepared roll, usually round, is dipped whole in batter and thrown into boiling oil (over 170 degrees). The dough should instantly set, and the roll should rise to the surface of the fat. If it sticks to the net, you need to gently pry it with a spatula. When the product acquires a golden crust, it is advisable to immediately pull it out, otherwise the liquid part of the filling will float (Philadelphia, sauce). Blot the fried roll with a napkin, cut into 6-8 parts and immediately serve

Tempura rolls will be amazing if you add soft cheese, smoked eel, vegetables to the filling.

Spring rolls - an original dish

Nori is a pressed red seaweed with a specific taste and texture. It gives the roll a special piquancy, but if you replace the dark green sheet with rice paper, the rolls will turn out with a more delicate aftertaste. They are cooked with or without rice, with vegetable filling, couscous or minced meat. In China, without spring rolls (huramaki), the New Year is unthinkable, and Vietnamese often make nem pancakes.

Rice paper - round or square sheets of white. Before you put the fragile and thin plates on the mat, they are dipped in boiling water for a moment, slightly dried on a towel. The preparation of spring rolls does not differ from a traditional dish, only cooks sometimes close their ends, as in cabbage rolls. The product is cut diagonally and served cold or fried in a pan, deep-fried, often baked. They fascinate with a crispy golden crust, under which a warm fragrant filling is hidden. Sushi do not recommend seasoning the ingredients with spices, rolls are better to complement sauces.

Spring rolls are served as an independent dish, enriching the refined natural taste of products with various dressings: garlic, sweet and sour, spicy, tomato, lemon, sour cream and others. It is advisable to take into account the peculiarities of the filling, because sour cream sauce does not go well with smoked eel, and rich garlic will kill the delicate aftertaste of salmon.

Colorful rolls - delicate taste in a bright shell

Bright orange, green or yellow rolls on a snow-white plate look elegant and appetizing. The dish has a particularly delicate taste and pleasant texture that is not typical of traditional products. Colorful pieces are made from mame nori - pressed and tinted sheets made from bean curd. They are sold in hermetic packaging, moist and elastic to the touch. To prepare a colorful roll, it’s worth a bit of training: rice with filling slides, because mame does not have roughness like seaweed. During twisting, the colorful sheet may break, and the seam of the roll may separate (the ends will have to be moistened again with water and glued). Products should turn out with perfectly even sides, without creases and irregularities. Krupa can be replaced with soft cheese, spreading a thin layer on nori.

Sweet rolls - gourmet dessert

Dessert rolls captivate with a beautiful presentation, a bright palette of colors and taste. The roll consists of a shell, an adhesive layer and a filling. A variety of unusual products is impressive!


Instead, nori seaweed uses rice paper, colorful mame, thin pancakes prepared on the basis of milk, a large number of eggs, a mixture of flour and starch (1: 2). Sweet stuffing can be twisted in a special omelet. It is made on the basis of sour cream or another milk product, flour, eggs, sugar, Japanese alcohol are added, the mixture is whipped, applied with a brush to a silicone mat and sent to the oven. Important: the shell of the rolls should be very thin and elastic (not dry). Some cooks bake an omelet in a pan, but it often turns out to be too thick and uneven, which affects the quality of the rolls.


As an adhesive layer, dryers use various products:

Rice is boiled in cream, sugar and seasoning (cinnamon, vanillin, cocoa) are added, but grains can be prepared in the usual way (in a rice cooker) and mixed with sweet dressing.

Instead of cereals, put a mashed banana, densely sprinkle with coconut.

Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream, confiture, condensed milk or jam will become a piquant layer between rice paper and fruits.

Whipped homemade cream will turn the roll into a tender and sweet treat.


Dryers use orange fillet, kiwi, strawberries, mandarin, banana, soft cheese, nuts, topping, cream and chocolate sauces for the filling. The components must be carefully selected so that the product does not turn out sugary-sweet or sour. Neutral rice and soy leaves will blend in well with fragrant rice and wild berries. Sugar pancake roll is best supplemented with sour fruits and sauces.

Roll the rolls carefully so that thin sheets do not tear, and the filling does not give the dish excessive juiciness. When serving, it is advisable to garnish with fruit slices, berries, icing sugar, cocoa, chocolate chips or mint. The sauce should be thick so that the shell of the product does not get wet during the meal.

We have a site that is easy and simple to make at home.

How to choose the right stuffing?

Roll is an amazing canvas for fantasies, colorful colors and a bright finish. How many options of Japanese food can you come up with, changing components, sauce, cutting form, using different cooking technologies! How to combine vegetables, fruits, seafood and fish to enjoy an exquisite taste palette?

  • any fish, crab meat, tiger or sweet shrimp are perfectly combined with fresh cucumber, avocado, tomatoes, tobiko, greens;
  • with ground nuts, it is desirable to supplement vegetable rolls or products with salmon filling;
  • with the help of spice sauce and Tabasco it is easy to make the rolls sharp;
  • it is advisable to warm smoked eel in the microwave, then the rolls will turn out tastier and more aromatic;
  • several strips of iceberg, mango, fresh cucumber can be added to the chicken breast (mint will give a refreshing touch);
  • place the orange fillet, red tobiko and Philadelphia in the middle of the roll of uramaki, and strip the tuna and salmon alternately on top;
  • civid salad will add zest to vegetable products;
  • crab meat is perfectly combined with cucumber and red fish;
  • great salmon with Philadelphia, tobiko and arugula sprigs;
  • boston, lacedru, avocado, seaweed (hiyashi), caviar can be supplemented with tuna and shrimp with perch, laying them on top;
  • decorate the uramaki vegetable roll with tuna, salmon and lacedra;
  • the taste of daikon, nut sauce, chicory, asparagus, avocado can be supplemented with couscous, sprinkling the product on all sides;
  • prepare the filling of shiitake, avocado, arugula, and put golden eel on the roll;
  • uramaki with salmon, crab, avocado, hiyashi scallop;
  • green asparagus goes well with eel, avocado, hiyashi in the big futomaki roll;
  • with shiitake, avocado, ruccola, a delicious filling is obtained, and the uramaki themselves can be sprinkled with ground pistachios;
  • iceberg, tuna, soft cheese ("Buka"), shrimp, avocado are perfectly combined.

Rolls - a suitable dish for experiments and new discoveries! You should not dwell on one "Red Dragon" or "California", because you can much more successfully choose products for the filling! Now watch a video about the difference between rolls in Russian from authentic Japanese.