What dishes add soy sauce recipes. Cooking Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is very healthy. It is believed that it significantly suspends the aging process of cells, and also improves blood circulation. It contains many amino acids and mineral elements. And its part glutamic acid clearly emphasizes the taste of dishes.

Soy sauce is special productnot like everyone else. It is the most versatile and easy to use. It can be used in almost any dish as a seasoning. Its main difference from other products made from soy is a piquant, rich taste, due to a special way of cooking.

It is ideally suited to vegetables, flour, fish, cereals and other dishes. And in the countries of the East it is used as an alternative to salt, and mushroom, shrimp and garlic sauce are prepared on its basis.

The question of how to use soy sauce is rather controversial. Some people add it to almost all dishes: salads, dumplings, boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat, etc. It is not used unless in sweets or tea. Moreover, some dishes should be seasoned only with soy sauce, others with a mixture of it with oil or vinegar.

Soy sauce is dark and light. If you have not used it in cooking before, try a light sauce first, as it is more versatile. Dark sauce is best used for meat or dark dishes. It should be said that it is very saturated, so you need to add it to food carefully so as not to spoil the taste and appearance of the dish.

From soy sauce cooked famous teriyaki sauce. In addition to it, the composition of this sauce necessarily includes sugar, as well as wine, spices and some other ingredients. Teriyaki is used as a marinade for dishes of poultry, beef or fish before grilling them. Thanks to this sauce, dishes acquire an original taste and are covered with “glaze”.

Let's look at a few examples of how to make a delicious dish using soy sauce. Here is one interesting recipe. Chicken fillet must be cut into large cubes, onions - rings. They must be poured with soy sauce for 40 minutes, and then fry in a pan, covering it with a lid.

Add some carrots to the sauce and stew it. This dressing will emphasize the taste of pasta dishes. Thus, you can use soy sauce to cook two dishes at once.

The sauce can be added to fried rice. First, you need to boil it, then transfer it to a pan, add the fried green onions, a raw egg and mix all the ingredients. After a couple of minutes you need to add a spoonful of sauce, cover the pan with a lid and warm the dish for another 2-3 minutes.

You can also fry shrimp with soy sauce. A little garlic and ginger root should be added to this dish.

Another option is to bake salmon in a marinade of honey, soy sauce and finely chopped hot pepper. This dish is very tender and you will definitely like it.

There are two types of natural soy sauce - light and dark. It takes a lot of time to cook it - from several months for a light sauce to two to three years for a dark sauce. Not only color, but also the palatability of soy sauce, and accordingly its use in cooking, depend on aging and fermentation time.

Dark soy sauce is a longer-aging product, it has a thick consistency, a pronounced, rich aroma, but at the same time it is less salty than light-colored sauce. Dark sauce is used mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes and for the preparation of meat marinades. Light sauce does not have a characteristic aroma, it has a salty taste, lighter consistency and this makes it a great salad dressing. Its use in cooking is broader than that of dark sauce - the rich taste and dark color can spoil the appearance of the finished dish and its taste. Each of the two types of soy sauce is good in its own way, and it is desirable to have both sauces at home.

Most often, in cooking, soy sauce is used as the basis for the preparation of other famous sauces.   - shrimp, fish, mustard, mushroom. Additives are a variety of spices and spices - ginger, cinnamon, mustard, garlic, anise. Sesame oil, honey, tomato paste, lime and lemon juice, powdered sugar are added to soy sauce. Soy sauce can also act as an independent seasoning   to prepared dishes, for example, at the last moment it is added to chicken or meat cooked in a wok pan.

What can be cooked with soy sauce? It is used as a marinade for cooking chicken fillet, pork or beef previously sliced \u200b\u200bin small narrow strips. The meat is marinated in soy sauce with the addition of wine and spices and then fried with onions, carrots and peppers. Soy sauce is mixed with ketchup, chicken wings or chicken stomachs are pickled in it (they need to be cleaned) and then fried over high heat or stewed with broth or water. If you add a little honey to the dark soy sauce, you get an excellent marinade for shrimp or salmon.

With the addition of soy sauce, the original Shanghai pork dish is prepared.   A piece of pork is boiled with seasonings, then fried over high heat to a dark brown crust and then stewed with the addition of soy sauce, sugar and garlic. For cooking duck, there is also a recipe for an unusual sauce. Soy sauce and vodka are added to the dill broth and duck is cooked in this broth. Soy sauce improves the taste of soups, it is recommended to add to mushroom and meat soups. Soy sauce will make the taste of familiar cabbage or bell pepper salads more spicy, it will tone the taste of fish cakes, various types of noodles.

Soy sauce is considered a fully balanced product that combines beneficial properties and excellent taste. Of course, if it is prepared in a natural way and from natural products. A surrogate product cannot be useful, it contains a minimum of natural components and a maximum of all kinds of chemical additives.

Sauce. Its widespread use began only in the nineties of the last century.

Product History

The homeland of soy sauce is China. The first mention of this product is found in the 2nd century BC. There are many assumptions about the reason for its creation. Someone speaks of the shortage of salt at that time and the desire of people to use it most economically. Others argue that this was due to the desire of the ancient monks who, for religious purposes, tried to force people to eat only vegetarian food and completely abandon dairy and meat products. One way or another, it was then that an unknown soy sauce appeared. Its use in food has become mandatory and quite familiar. Very soon, this product crossed the borders of its country and began to spread rapidly around the world. The Japanese were the first to fall in love with an unusual sauce, and with the help of Dutch sailors they learned about it in many countries of Europe. Chefs gladly used this unusual Asian seasoning to give a new taste to long-known dishes.

The technology of manufacturing sauce and its varieties

Nowadays, soy sauce is prepared differently. However, in any case, the technology of its production is associated with the fermentation of a mixture of fried wheat and boiled beans in the presence of certain types of fungi and its subsequent fermentation and pasteurization. This is how real soy sauce is made. Its use in cooking has practically no restrictions with the exception of desserts. It is used as a piquant flavoring additive for meat and fish dishes, as well as for the preparation of various dressings and marinades. In addition, it is used as the basis for the preparation of other mustard, shrimp and others. Three types of soy sauce are distinguished depending on the aging and duration of fermentation of the product and the field of its application:

  • light coloured,
  • dark,
  • sweet.

Each of them has its own characteristic features in the recipe and cooking technology, and this in turn affects how the product is used. Take, for example, dark soy sauce. Its use is limited to meat dishes and all kinds of marinades. The reason is that this sauce is thick, concentrated, aromatic and almost not salty. The light type of sauce is less aromatic, but more salty and therefore used for the preparation of various salads. A sweet contains and is able not only to decorate a dessert, but also beneficial to emphasize the taste of any meat or vegetable dishes.

How to use soy sauce

Many people like soy sauce. Application, recipes and methods for its manufacture are constantly expanding and improving. Adding lime, tomato paste, sesame oil or honey to it allows you to cook completely new sauces. And the use of cinnamon, ginger, anise, mustard or garlic as an additive gives the dishes a completely unique flavor. Soy sauce can even make a real delicacy out of the most unsightly plants. For example, the classic "teriyaki". It can be easily done at home, measuring out the components with tablespoons. To do this, you only need:

3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of ground ginger and 3 tablespoons of Mirin wine (if it doesn’t turn out, you can use sake, dry vermouth or any

Teriyaki is being prepared in one go:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine all the components, mix, and then warm for 6-8 minutes over low heat.

Teriyaki is ready. Now it remains only to cool. This is best done in the refrigerator. After that, the aromatic mixture can be used as a dressing for all kinds of salads, as well as fish dishes and various seafood. The main role in this spicy mass is soy sauce. The use, recipes and choice of products depend on additional ingredients.

Meat in spicy sauce

Asian cuisine is given special attention. Among them, there are many different recipes that necessarily use soy sauce. Applying this aromatic additive to meat allows you to radically change its taste. Take, for example, the recipe for spicy sweet and sour chicken. First you need to prepare the following products:

half a kilogram of chicken (or legs) 6 cloves of garlic, 130 grams of fried cashew nuts, a tablespoon of starch, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper and a little green onion.

Cooking should be done as follows:

  1. Roll the chicken fillet (or legs) in starch, salt, sprinkle with pepper, and then fry for 5-6 minutes in oil in a hot frying pan.
  2. Put the meat in a bowl and set aside, and lightly fry chopped garlic with chopped onions in the same pan for 30 seconds.
  3. Put the meat back into the pan, add the sauce and half a glass of water. Simmer for 1 minute, and then put the products still hot on a plate and sprinkle with onions and nuts.

Such a dish to taste will be in good harmony with pasta.

Rice abundance

Where only soy sauce is not used? Application with rice, for example, is not limited to the combination of "main course + side dish". Both of these components can be easily combined and get completely new recipes from already known products. For example, rice with vegetables. You will need:

250 grams of rice (it is better to take "Basmati"), 1 piece of carrot, sweet bell pepper, onion and cucumber, a tablespoon of sunflower oil and soy sauce.

Process technology:

  1. Boil the washed rice for 10 minutes in boiling water, rinse and let stand under the lid for another 10-15 minutes.
  2. At this time, fry the chopped onion in oil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the grated carrots and continue to fry the same amount.
  4. Then remove from heat and pour a couple of tablespoons of sauce into the pan.
  5. Transfer rice, pepper, cucumber into the pan and mix well.

Now the dish can be eaten, and fans can pour it in a bowl with soy sauce in addition.

Fragrant addition to dishes

Quite often, recipes have recently come across that use soy sauce. Application for sauces and dressings does not limit the scope of its use. Often it acts as a “dip sauce”, that is, the liquid in which the cooked product is dipped. A good taste is obtained by a mixture prepared from the following products:

2 tablespoons of soy white sauce and white rice vinegar, 1 spoon of sugar and chili oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and ½ teaspoon of sodium glutamate.

How to cook such a sauce? To do this:

  1. Chili pepper cut into thin rings and passaged in a small amount of oil.
  2. Transfer it to the bowl and add the crushed garlic in the press.
  3. Then, alternately add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Add chili oil to taste.

Now you can serve ready-made fish, meat and all kinds of vegetables. It is equally good both in hot and in cold form.

Where is soy sauce used?

In many countries, this unique product is called the real king among the variety of sauces. And this is quite fair. Why is soy sauce so good? Its use in cooking is quite extensive. This product can simultaneously perform four different functions:

  • marinade,
  • gas station
  • component,
  • independent dish.

As a marinade, it not only gives a special flavor to the main product, but also significantly reduces the period of its preparation. And if special aromatic and flavoring additives are added to the main recipe, then you can get many different unique dressings. In addition, the use of soy sauce as an ingredient makes it possible to exclude salt from the recipe, and this helps to make any dish more useful for the human body. As a separate dish, soy sauce will never be superfluous on the table. There is always a product for which it is simply necessary. You only need to carefully think through the menu and add a couple of strokes in time.

Soy sauce has long been used in the culinary of Asian and Eastern countries, and recently it has been rapidly gaining popularity among our consumers. In addition to a rich taste and delicate aroma, the product is characterized by the content of components that are undoubtedly valuable for the body. It contains the lion's share of vitamins, essential elements and antioxidants that accelerate metabolic processes and prevent the development of many diseases.

Soy sauce can transform and emphasize the taste of any dish, but it must be used correctly for this.

The use of classic soy sauce in cooking

There are two types of soy sauce - light and dark, and if you plan the first acquaintance with this product, we recommend starting with a light sauce. Its taste is softer and more pleasant. Use light soy sauce as a dressing for salads, as well as flavor rice, pasta dishes or serve meat or fish dishes. Do not forget when adding soy sauce to familiar dishes that it is quite salty and salt foods when using it is not recommended at all or add salt to taste already during the meal.

The darker soy sauce, more saturated and concentrated to taste, is used for cooking and fish, served with sushi and rolls, and is also used as the basis for creating more complex sauces, such as teriyaki, mushroom, fish or shrimp.

How to make teriyaki sauce?


  • dark soy sauce - 110 ml;
  • rice wine - 110 ml;
  •   - 70 g;
  • large garlic clove - 1 pc.;
  • ground ginger - 15 g.


  1. To prepare teriyaki, grind the garlic in a mortar, peeled and squeezed through a press, then mix it with soy sauce, rice wine, ground ginger and honey and heat in a saucepan in a low heat until the latter dissolves.
  2. After cooling down, we use teriyaki sauce as a marinade for cooking baked or fried meat, fish, poultry or seafood. You can also dress salads with this sauce, as well as add it to rice dishes or stewed vegetables.

Applying Teriyaki Soy Sauce to Meat - Recipes

It is amazingly delicious cooked with soy sauce chicken meat. We also recommend preparing pork in Shanghai - the inimitable taste of the resulting dish will cause the most pleasant emotions. And where without shrimps pickled and fried with soy sauce. For piquancy, add a little garlic and ginger. Below we will analyze in detail these three chic dishes.

Fried chicken with soy sauce and onions


  • chicken fillet (breast) - 540 g;
  • soy Teriyaki Sauce - 80 ml;
  • onions - 140 g;


  1. To prepare the dish, we chop the washed and dried chicken fillet in large cubes or cubes, and peeled the onions in half rings and pour in forty minutes with soy sauce.
  2. If desired, you can add your favorite spices and spices.
  3. Now we spread the chicken with onions in the sauce in a pan heated with oil and fry over high heat until the meat is ready and the onions are soft.

Shanghai style pork with soy sauce


  • pork (pulp) - 720 g;
  • soy sauce - 120 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar or honey - 1 tbsp. spoon or to taste;
  • seasonings and spicy spices - to choose from and to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 45 ml.


  1. To implement the recipe, we cut the pork into large pieces and boil them in water with spices for thirty minutes.
  2. We spread the dried slices in hot oil and brown them over high heat.
  3. Now pour the soy sauce in the pan, add sugar or honey, throw the chopped garlic, season the dish to taste with spices and stew the pork under the lid until soft and cooked, stirring occasionally.

Shrimp with Soy Sauce, Garlic and Ginger

Soy sauce publicly available, the main thing is to choose high-quality soy sauce prepared by the method of natural fermentation. Soy sauce has a unique taste, it goes well with many products, emphasizing and enhancing their individuality. A few words about what soy sauce is eaten with. These are meat, poultry, fish and seafood, cereals and vegetables. There is even ice cream with soy sauce. Let's talk about the most popular dishes and recipes with soy sauce. The first place here, of course, is chicken in soy sauce. Tender chicken meat is quickly soaked in soy sauce. Soy sauce can be used as the basis for some more complex chicken sauce. For example, often cooked chicken in honey and soy sauce, wings with honey and soy sauce. Wings in honey-soy sauce have a piquant sweet taste, mouth-watering crust and are cooked quite quickly. But without honey you can cook delicious chicken wings in soy sauce, chicken legs in soy sauce, chicken fillet in soy sauce, chicken wings in soy sauce with spices. It turns out very tender chicken breast in soy sauce, for this pieces of meat are stewed in soy sauce. With soy sauce, you can and well marinate a whole chicken before sending it to the oven. Chicken marinated in soy sauce is guaranteed not to be fresh and tasteless. In Asian cuisine, duck is no less common than chicken. Similarly, like chicken, duck is cooked in honey and soy sauce. A duck pickled in soy sauce is softer, and the marinade also brightens up its fat content. Surely you will also like meat in soy sauce. The choice of meat is yours, whether it is pork in soy sauce or beef in soy sauce. It is very easy to cook marinated meat in soy sauce; just lower the meat for at least half an hour in soy sauce. The recipe can recommend and marinate meat overnight, so you should consider the availability of free time. Marinated pork in soy sauce due to the fact that pork is softer, it cooks faster, marinated beef in soy sauce is cooked a little longer. Meat with soy sauce - a recipe that can be prepared by stewing meat in soy sauce. The meat can be cooked in the oven, slow cooker or just in a skillet. First, fry the marinated meat in oil on both sides, and then cook over low heat, it turns out delicious pork with soy sauce. Recipes with soy sauce may not use salt, since soy sauce is already quite salty.

Soy sauce   one of the most beneficial for various seafood. A dish that is amazing in aroma and taste is fried shrimp in soy sauce. Soy sauce for rolls, along with wasabi, is a prerequisite for real sushi. If you want to make a delicious side dish or vegetarian dish, also use soy sauce, which will give the dish a rich and spicy flavor. Rice with soy sauce, noodles with vegetables, soy sauce are some of the most common dishes with soy sauce in Asia, which can be cooked extraordinary. Various spices can be added to soy sauce, such as garlic and soy sauce, ginger and soy sauce. Recipes with soy sauce also often use sesame, which goes well with the taste of soy sauce. Soy sauce and marinade are often added to various cold snacks. This, for example, salad with soy sauce, pickled vegetables with soy sauce.