What dishes are basil added to? Basil: uses and methods of harvesting

Basil, which is used to prepare traditional Indian dishes, has been the subject of official research by pharmacists. It turned out that this spice has a very valuable property for any person. slow down the aging process.

Basil Properties  sacred or tulasi  studied by scientists from the College of Pharmacology of Pune, located in the state of Maharashtra. A scientific investigation showed that the extract of this type of basil enhances the natural defense against free radicals - chemicals that contribute to the oxidation of body cells and their destruction.

Numerous studies have shown that the activity of free radicals is closely related to the processes of aging and the formation of tumors, in particular cancer of the heart, kidneys, and liver. In addition, the activity of free radicals is detrimental to genes and nerve fibers.

Basil  actively used in Ayurvedic medicine as a means to restore strength and rejuvenation. Researchers at Pune College have confirmed: the healing properties of the plant, which the ancient doctors believed in, actually justify themselves - thanks to the powerful antioxidant effect of basil  the body becomes stronger and stronger. The results of this study were presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Manchester. Scientists strongly recommend adding basil to various dishes., which he will give a pleasant spicy taste and fill them with useful substances.

From the familiar basil tulasi  It differs in appearance - it has stiffer leaves with jagged edges and fluffy leaves, and the aroma is sharper. Tulasi usually has green stems and long panicles of inflorescences. Other studies have proven that this type of basil contains a large number of substances that have analgesic propertiesIt is also useful for the treatment of diabetes, as it has the ability to lower cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on blood glucose due to its strong antioxidant qualities.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum)


The birthplace of the basilica is Iran, India and other tropical regions of Asia, where this plant has been used for culinary and medical purposes for more than 5000 years. The word "basil" comes from the Greek "king", as in Greek and other Mediterranean cuisines this plant was considered the king of aromatic herbs.

It is curious that in ancient Rome they believed that the use of basil brings prosperity, and in India this herb was considered sacred.

There is about   70 types of basil. The most common basil is ordinary, or fragrant. It has oblong bright green leaves and has a strong pepper-cool smell and a bitter, but fresh taste. In Mexico, cinnamon basil is grown, in Southeast Asia - lemon, in America - lime, in Thailand - anise, in Africa - camphor with blue leaves. Opal basil has beautiful dark purple leaves, but its aroma is not as intense as that of green varieties.


Basil  - one of the most versatile aromatic herbs. It can be used both separately and together with other herbs and spices, be a part of sauces and simply decorate dishes. Since the main value of the basil - the smell - does not withstand heat treatment, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cold dishes or a few minutes before cooking - to hot ones. (The exception is Margarita pizza and Italian bread with basil and tomatoes - ciabatta.) One of the most famous Italian sauces - pesto (basil + pine nuts + olive oil + peccorino cheese) is prepared from green varieties of basil. In France, olive oil, garlic and basil sauce is served with meat, pasta and vegetables, and the combination of tomatoes and basil in French cuisine is considered classic.

In Central Asia and the Caucasus, the basil is called differently: rayon, regan, rehan, which means "fragrant." In Caucasian cuisine, this herb accompanies almost every meat dish, and basil seeds are used to flavor salads, soups and drinks. Traditional vegetable dishes of Transcaucasia are not without a basil. Especially popular are its combinations with eggplant, sweet pepper, cucumbers and tomatoes. From the basil, a beautiful purple “tea” is obtained, which, when lemon juice is added, changes color to bright pink.

Dried basil in a tightly closed package retains its smell for 3-6 months. Fresh basil does not tolerate long-term storage. In a refrigerator in a glass of water, a bunch of basil will last no more than a week, and left in a plastic bag - 1-2 days. However, basil is an unpretentious plant and can grow on a windowsill.

Basil - Properties

These emerald-purple leaves are a source of calcium, iron, rutin, and vitamins A, K, and PP. Basil has a calming property, stimulates digestion, raises the general tone, stimulates appetite. His broth is drunk like tea with flatulence, diseases of the bladder, stomach, rheumatism, arthritis, headache, vomiting. It is easy to drink because It has a pleasant taste and aroma. As an aphrodisiac, basil is prescribed to increase potency and sexual desire. Basil juice has bactericidal properties, cuts and wounds are lubricated, warts are removed with essential oil.

Unfortunately, basil has contraindications. It is not recommended for pregnancy, heart disease, post-infarction conditions, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis. Care must be taken when ingesting large doses of oil and balsam juice, this can lead to poisoning. And be sure to consult a doctor before the planned long-term appointment.

Calorie Basil   40 kcal.

Basil - cooking use

No wonder the basil is called royal grass. Its name is translated from Greek as "king", it is also close in meaning to the word "basileus", which means "king". It has a delicate taste and a pleasant smell. Basil gives the dishes to which it is added a gradually changing taste. First, it gives a bitterness, and then a sweetish taste. This spice is used to prepare the most delicious dishes in the best restaurants around the world.

Such a spicy and aromatic plant like basil, simply could not help but use in cooking. He came to Europe quite late in the 16th century, but it was thanks to his fragrant aroma that he quickly gained great popularity.

In cooking, dried basil is also used, but fresh is the most valuable and popular. It is added to vegetable salads, sauces, soups, pizza, meat, fish, egg dishes. It goes well with vegetables, especially tomatoes, cheese, butter, seafood. Dried spices are used in the production of sausages, pastes, ketchups, pepper mixture.

Examples of recipes with Basil:

Recipe 1:

Pumpkin can turn not only into a carriage, but also into a dish with an amazing taste, having eaten that, I want to lick the plate, forgetting about the rules of decency. The recipe also includes potatoes, garlic and chicken breasts. Spices and basil set the tone for the orchestra. Instead of foil, you can use the baking sleeve, and instead of the breasts, take the hips.

Ingredients: chicken breasts - 0.5 kg, 4 potatoes, pumpkin - 0.5 kg, hard cheese - 30 g, seasoning for chicken, salt, black and allspice, 4 cloves of garlic, half a lemon (for juice), vegetable oil - 3 tables. lodges., dried basil, foil.

Cooking process:

Cut the breast into four parts. Grate them with salt, pepper, seasoning and juice squeezed from half a lemon. Leave to pickle, and at this time to do the preparation of vegetables.

Peel and cut the potatoes and pumpkins into large pieces, at least two centimeters, otherwise the smaller pieces of pumpkin will turn into porridge. Pepper and salt the vegetables cubes, sprinkle with basil, pour oil and mix.

Now it's time to do the assembly of the dish. It is necessary to prepare 4 pieces of foil, it must be sized to fit the meat with the side dish and there are loose ends to wrap the envelope. For strength, it can be folded in two layers.

Put on a foil a pumpkin with potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic cloves, and lay a piece of meat on this whole vegetable pillow. It is necessary to wrap the edges like an envelope for writing and bake 40-45 minutes in the oven (190C). About seven to ten minutes before the end of baking, open the foil, put a thin slice of cheese on the meat and send it back to the oven until the cheese melts and forms a crust.

Recipe 2:

This dish will decorate any table. White mozzarella compares favorably with the juicy colors of red tomato and green basil. You can mix the ingredients in a bowl and you get an elegant salad, but it is more refined to present them as a snack, strung on skewers or regular toothpicks. For the dish you will need fresh basil leaves, mozzarella cheese (can be replaced with feta cheese or other pickled cheese) and cherry tomatoes. This is if you make a snack, because due to its small size, cherry is easier to string on skewers. In the salad, you can crush tomatoes of usual sizes.

Ingredients: cherry tomatoes - 15-20 pcs., mozzarella - 150g, vegetable oil, vinegar (6%) - 1 table. lodges., salt, a bunch of basil.

Cooking process:

Cut the little tomatoes in half. Cut the cheese into slices the size of a half tomato. Leave the basil leaves at your discretion whole or chop by hand.

String on a skewer alternately: half a tomato, a couple of basil leaves, cheese, basil leaves and again half a tomato. Put the appetizer on a plate, salt and drizzle with vinegar and vegetable oil. As an option, basil is not strung on a toothpick, but sprinkled with a snack on top of it, right on the plate.

Recipe 3:

A very simple and healthy salad for lovers of seafood, in particular squid. When serving, a salad slide at the edges is decorated with slices of fresh tomato and decorated with whole basil leaves.

Ingredients: squid - 0.5kg, salt, 1 tomato, ground pepper, a spoon of vegetable oil, a bay leaf, a small bunch of basil.

Cooking process:

Boil squid in the usual way. This means adding salt, a leaf of lavrushka (optional) to boiling water and putting the squid carcasses. As the water boils again, cook for no more than three minutes, otherwise the squid meat will become stiff. Cool and cut into noodles. Pepper, pour oil, sprinkle with chopped straws basil and mix. Cut it like this: put a few leaves in a stack, twist it into a tube and cut across thin rings, which, when straightened, turn into straws.

Cut the fleshy tomatoes into large slices, bell pepper - in small cubes. Add parsley and chopped basil. Pour the salad with soy sauce, mix and season with vegetable oil.

A quick recipe for excellent tomato pizza sauce with green basil, garlic and olive oil. Thanks to this sauce, your pizza will acquire a unique Italian taste and rich aroma. The quantity of the given ingredients is enough to spread 2 standard pizzas.

In addition to pizza, this sauce goes well with pasta, vegetables, and it’s also delicious to just spread a crispy baguette with sesame seeds on them.


Fresh green basil - 1 bunch
  Garlic -3 cloves
  Olive oil -7 tbsp. l
  Salt -2 pinch
  Ground black pepper -1 pinch
  Tomatoes -10 pcs.

Grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater or use ready-made canned grated tomatoes. Peel and chop the garlic. Wash and chop the basil with your hands into large pieces.

Heat the pan, add olive oil and garlic. After 5 seconds add basil and simmer for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Then add the tomatoes and simmer a little. Add salt, pepper and keep on fire for another couple of minutes. Next, grind the sauce with solid particles through a sieve. Then simmer the sauce for another 5-10 minutes in a pan until the mass has reached the desired consistency. Tomato sauce is ready. Can be stored in a refrigerator in a bank for up to 7 days.

And of course

And its Indian variety is tulsi tea. Dried and brewed in tea leaves of this variety of basil taste like smoky black tea. Without thein in the composition, he is able to invigorate. It has long been considered a powerful adaptogen and immunomodulator.

- So that fresh basil does not lose its magical aroma during heat treatment, it is added to the dish at the very end of cooking, so that essential oils do not have time to evaporate, dried - 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

- If you need to chop the basil, it is better to tear the leaves with your hands, and not cut with a knife.

- If you put a couple of fresh leaves in a bottle of vinegar, it will gain a piquant aroma. Such vinegar is recommended to be added to sauces and vegetable salads.

- Basil salted for storage preserves the aroma, all the useful properties and substances of fresh.

Live healthy! : Basil - royal grass

Basil belongs to the family Yasnotkovye. Its genus is represented by annual or perennial plants. The basil is popularly called reagan, rayon, rean or fragrant cornflowers.


Some species are in the form of shrubs. The stems reach a height of 0.4-0.8 m and have a dark green color. The stem has branches, but no more than several rows of lateral branches.

Basil leaves are oblong, oval in shape, reach a few centimeters in length. They have a light green color, although in some species they are even purple. Leaves are planted on short cuttings. On the stem and on the leaves are special glands with essential oils.

Flowering basil falls on the last month of summer. Its flowers are small, 5 mm each, painted white or pink. They gather in inflorescences, reaching up to 0.3 m in length.

In early autumn, the formation of fruits occurs, which are represented by black nuts of a very small size.

The roots of the basil are branched, located in the upper part of the soil.


In total, about 70 species are observed in the genus. However, only a few are most popular:

  • Genoese Basil (Ocimum basilicum): the most famous species represented by annual plants with dark green leaves and white flowers. It reaches a length of 0.6 m. The view is very aromatic. The Genoese basil has large oval leaves, pointed at the tips. They have a slightly convex shiny surface. The view is very popular in Italy, so it is the hallmark of Italian cuisine. In German, the Genoese basil is called Gew? Hnliches Basilikum, Suppenbasil, Braunsilge, in English - sweet basil, in French - basilic, grand basilic.
  • Green Curly Basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Green Ruffles’): this look has a very strong aroma with sweet notes. The yields of such a basil are very high. He is loved most of all in England. The species is represented by annual bushy plants reaching half a meter in height. The leaves are large, have a curly edge and lime color. There are related curly species with purple or reddish-brown leaves.
  • Provencal Basil (Ocimum basilicum): originated from the southern regions of France. It brings high yields, has narrow and smooth leaves of medium size with denticles along the edges. This species also has an intense aroma and is represented by squat annual plants.

   Genoese basil is very popular in Italian cuisine

   Provencal Basil is part of the famous mixture of Provencal herbs

There are other types of basil:

  • basilica “Fino Verde” (Ocimum basilicum): has an intense aroma and small leaves of dark green color;
  • greek bushy basil (Ocimum basilicum var. minimum): species represented by annual bushy plants growing in spherical shape. The height reaches 0.4 m. The leaves are small, have a strong aroma;
  • turkish bushy basil (Ocimum basilicum var. minimum): the aroma is sweetish, the leaves are very small;
  • lemon basil (Ocimum species): as the name implies, has notes of lemon in the aroma. It reaches a height of 0.4 m, has narrow leaves;
  • mexican Spicy Basil (Ocimum basilicum): has notes of cinnamon in aroma and a stalk of red color;
  • thai basil (Ocimum basilicum): an annual plant with notes of pepper in taste and anise aroma. The leaves are pointed, and the flowers are painted in red tones;
  • thai basil "Siam queen":  similar to the previous view, only with darker leaves. It has the aroma of anise and licorice;
  • wild basil (Ocimum americanum):  has the aroma of pimento and flowers painted in lilac tones. It tastes like a mixture of mint and ginger;
  • wildes Purple Basil (Ocimum canum x basilicum):  massive plant with a bright aroma. Has red leaves and pink flowers;
  • african Blue Basil (Ocimum kilimandscharicum x basilicum):  has green leaves with red veins. The taste is tart, smells like a mixture of cloves, anise and mint;
  • cypriot bushy basil (Ocimum species):  it has large fleshy leaves and a bright aroma of basil;
  • russian bushy basil (Ocimum basilicum v.):  has medium-sized and green leaves and a strong aroma;
  • cuban bushy basil (Ocimum basilicum v.):  almost no blooms, but has a strong aroma;
  • basilica “Rotes Lesbos” (Ocimum basilicum):  its leaves are red-green and spotty. The flowers are painted in pink tones;
  • bushy basil "Corfu" (Ocimum basilicum ssp. minimum):  it has fragrant and delicate leaves of small size and light green in color;
  • east Indian Eugenolic Basil (Ocimum gratissimum):  it has large, fallen leaves, the aroma has clove notes;
  • indian Basil, or Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum):  it has a red-violet stem, green leaves with red veins. It has a spicy strong aroma, but is most often used in religious ceremonies.

   Basil "Thai Queen"

   Sweet Basil

Where is it growing?

The plant is thermophilic, therefore the regions of its cultivation are mainly southern. There are suggestions that Africa was the historical homeland of the basilica, however, according to some opinions, Asia can be considered it.

Now basil is common in tropical and temperate regions. It is more common in the countries of the Old World (southern countries of Europe, Africa).

A method of manufacturing spices

As a spice, fresh basil leaves or dried shredded leaves and flowers can be used.

How and where to choose a spice?

You can evaluate the quality of the basil by eye. Basil is prone to rapid wilting, so when choosing it fresh you need to consider this. High-quality dried basil is a large piece of leaves without any side impurities. It has a strong aroma, and the leaves themselves have a purple or dark green color.

You can buy fresh or dried basil in any supermarket or in spice shops.


Certain types of basil are used to make sweets or tea. When stored properly, basil can retain aroma and taste for up to two years.

   Cold and hot teas are prepared with basil, purple varieties are especially good for this


Basil has the following characteristics:

  • is a spice present in dishes of cuisines of the whole world;
  • has a medicinal effect;
  • it can be used both by itself and in combination with other herbs.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of fresh basil contains 23 kcal.

The nutritional value of the product is as follows:

  • proteins - 3.15 g;
  • fats - 0.64 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.65 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
  • ash - 1.49 g;
  • water - 92.06 g;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides - 0.3 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.041 g.

You can learn more about the basilica and its properties from the excerpt from the program "Live healthy!"

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of basil includes the following components:

  • vitamins:β-carotene - 3.142 mg; A - 264 mcg; B1 (thiamine) - 0.034 mg; B2 (riboflavin) - 0.076 mg; B5 (pantothenic) - 0.209 mg; B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.155 mg; B9 (folic) - 68 mcg; C - 18 mg; E - 0.8 mg; K (phylloquinone) - 414.8 mcg; PP - 0.902 mg; choline - 11.4 mg;
  • macronutrients:  calcium - 177 mg; magnesium - 64 mg; sodium - 4 mg; potassium - 295 mg; phosphorus - 56 mg;
  • trace elements:  iron - 3.17 mg; zinc - 0.81 mg; copper - 385 mcg; Manganese - 1.148 mg; selenium - 0.3 mcg.

In that part of the plant, which is located above the surface of the earth, contains a large amount of essential oils, causing such a smell.

   Basil is rich in bioflavonoids, which stabilize the structure of the chromosomes of the cells of our body.

Beneficial features

Basil has the following useful properties:

  • the plant is an excellent antiseptic;
  • basil is useful as an antidepressant;
  • basil helps increase body tone;
  • the plant is effective in aromatherapy;
  • basil can help in the fight against stress;
  • considered an aphrodisiac.

In aromatherapy, basil essential oils are used, which have a general calming effect on the nervous system.

   Watermelon tea with basil will increase the tone, refresh and remove excess fluid from the body


Unfortunately, basil has some side effects:

  • serious poisoning;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • convulsive convulsions;
  • allergic reactions.

Basically, such phenomena can occur only with serious overdoses.


Do not use basil:

  • pregnant women
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • after severe heart disease;
  • in the presence of blood clots in the blood;
  • in case of poor blood coagulability;
  • with personal intolerance to the product.


The basil contains essential oils, most of which are concentrated in leaves and inflorescences. The stem has a lower oil content.

Basil oil is obtained by steam distillation. There are 100 kg of fresh plants per liter of essential oil. The oil is colorless, but can sometimes be colored yellow (depending on the type of basil).

The use of oil is quite extensive. It is actively used in cosmetology; existing skin care procedures are not without it. It allows you to smooth wrinkles, slow down the aging process of the skin, make it supple and elastic. Oil is often added to various anti-aging agents. It also controls metabolic processes in the body and maintains a balance of water and fat.

Basil oil is useful for improving blood circulation in joint diseases. It is also used as an antiseptic. The chemical composition of the oil determines its effectiveness in colds and digestive disorders.

Basil oil helps increase blood pressure.

   Basil essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy and cosmetology.

   Olive oil with basil is used in cooking and cosmetology


Basil juice helps heal wounds or inflammations on the skin. Get it by squeezing from the surface of the plant before flowering. Basil juice tones the body, positively affects the nervous system. It is effectively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Juice is best diluted with water, otherwise it can be irritating to the esophagus.


In cooking

Due to its spicy aroma and bittersweet taste, basil has found a very wide application in cooking:

  • seeds are added to soups, salads and even some drinks;
  • used both fresh and dried;
  • fresh basil is ideal for some types of meat;
  • add to fish, vegetables, cheeses and soups;
  • an indispensable ingredient in Italian cuisine;
  • added to a variety of sauces;
  • goes well with other spices and herbs;
  • added to alcoholic beverages;
  • used in the preparation of canned foods and convenience foods.

Genoese basil is very popular in Italy. Its leaves and shoots are added to salads and pesto, as well as to dishes with garlic, tomatoes, fish and other seafood, eggplant.

Provencal and green curly basil have the same application.

The aroma of different types of basil is different. Those that grew in the Mediterranean countries have a sweet peppery taste with hints of anise and cloves. Some other species have a distinct flavor of lemon or cinnamon. Asian species have the aroma of camphor and anise.

Basil has excellent preservative properties, so it is part of many pickles and preservatives.

Basil should not be added to dishes during cooking, drying or freezing. Its bright aroma can be preserved exclusively in vegetable oil.

Certain types of basil are ideally combined with legumes, and also participate in pickling vegetables. Basil is also added to vinegar to give dishes a more original taste.

In Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, basil is seasoned with pasta dishes, and it is also added to cottage cheese, cheese, egg and crab dishes.


You can make wonderful pesto sauce at home, which is very popular in Italy:

  • you need fresh basil leaves, 100 ml of olive oil, 100 g of grated parmesan, 6-7 garlic cloves, a couple of tablespoons of pine nuts, salt and pepper;
  • garlic is very finely chopped and ground in a mortar with basil and nuts;
  • then the rest of the ingredients are added, as well as pepper and salt to taste.

Also with basil you can cook a simple but tasty salad:

  • an arbitrary quantity (to taste) of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper is cut;
  • cheese is added in small pieces (preferably mozzarella);
  • basil leaves are torn directly by hands and added to the salad;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste;
  • you can add olives to the salad, season it with olive oil and lemon juice.

In medicine

Basil has an extensive medical use. It is used:

  • to reduce cramping;
  • as an antispasmodic;
  • as an antidepressant;
  • in the role of a tonic;
  • for the treatment of cough and respiratory tract diseases;
  • as an antiseptic;
  • to calm the nervous system;
  • as a diuretic;
  • to improve blood circulation;
  • to reduce headaches;
  • for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

   Especially useful is basil with lemon, lime or garlic.

Sometimes they even drink tea with basil. Thus, it has a beneficial effect on digestive processes. Basil is actively used for colds. It is known to help lower heat. Basil oil is an excellent remedy for insomnia and neurosis. Basil leaf juice is used to treat fungal infections. Gargle with infusions or add them to the bath. Patients with asthma with the help of basil facilitate their breathing.

Seed cultivation

Basil grows best in warm climates. He is quite whimsical: he loves heat, sunlight, moderate moisture and fertile soil. If the climate in the plant growing zone is cool or temperate, then it is planted in greenhouses.


Basil seeds are planted in the soil to a shallow depth, maintaining a distance of 0.2 m between plants and 0.3 m between rows. It is also taken into account that basil grows in the form of shrubs. After planting, you need to water the seedlings well.

A week after planting, the seeds give the first seedlings. If the basil is propagated by cuttings, then the cut stems are first put into the water and wait until they take root. Usually this happens after a week or a little later. After a couple of weeks, the plant is planted in the ground. This usually happens in early May.

  • The name "basil" comes from the Greek language, where "basileus" means "king."
  • In India, basil is revered as a divine plant, which is the embodiment of Vishnu. The plant is used in sacrifices and for protection against evil forces.
  • In Christian culture, basil is also of great importance, as it is believed that it grew on the place where Christ was crucified.
  • Despite the fact that basil was once actively cultivated in many countries, it was not always held in high esteem, as it was associated with black magic. The plant was considered poisonous. It was also believed that basil brings trouble.
  • The ancient Egyptians used basil in compositions for mummification of bodies, as well as as a repellent.
  • Stalks of basil are used in the manufacture of rosaries.

Spice and seasoning added to it add special charm and depth to any dish. It is these “little helpers” that can make fundamental changes in the taste of the dish, making it a real masterpiece of culinary art. Herbs, in particular, all types of basil, are endowed with excellent aromatic properties and great benefits for the body. The leaves of this plant are often used as food, it is an integral part of Italian cuisine. How to use the spice, and in which recipes it will be most relevant - let's try to figure it out.

Purple and lemon basil - where to add?

Violet variety has a high content of essential oils compared to other types of plants, and therefore it is more fragrant. This property will be useful in the preparation of seafood, meat dishes and aromatic drinks such as lemonade. Its scope is very wide, and many housewives use the purple variety in their culinary experiments.

Green leaves of lemon basil have their own peculiarity - a delicate citrus aroma and a unique sour-lemon flavor. Unfortunately, this type of plant is not as widely known as ordinary purple or green, but this does not mean at all that it cannot be used. The product can be eaten, and best of all, it will be combined with fish dishes. You can achieve an excellent effect if you place the leaves in the carcass of the fish before baking in the oven - lemon notes will be present, best beating the fish, but there will be no citrus.

The use of fresh basil leaves in cooking

Consider the main directions of using fresh plant leaves in cooking.

Salad making

Salads with fresh herbs are an easy solution for a tasty and simple snack. The most popular and at the same time very sophisticated recipe is Caprese salad, which requires the use of tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and, of course, fresh basil leaves. Tomato and cheese are cut into circles and stacked alternately on a plate, after which they are supplemented with greens and sprinkled with vinegar and butter.

There are other options that can not be attributed to the number of classic recipes. So, you can mix cooked red and white beans, a little green onion, cilantro and basil, and pour it all with dressing from olive oil, garlic and orange juice. Salt and spices are added to taste.

How to use for winter blanks

Winter harvesting is not necessarily a complicated and monotonous activity, which only takes time and energy. The preservation process can be interesting and exciting, turning into a real hobby, and for this you just need to start trying new recipes and combinations. We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular recipes with the addition of basil leaves:

  • raspberry jam with mint and basil. Per kilogram of berries you will need about 500 grams of granulated sugar, the juice of half a lemon, 7 leaves of mint and 5 leaves of basil. Raspberries need to be filled with sugar to separate the juice, and then put on fire until it boils. The jam is cooled and repeated heating a couple more times. During the last procedure, you need to put a gauze bag with leaves and lemon zest in the jam - so the aroma and taste of the ingredients will go into the bulk, but will not interfere with food;
  • strawberry jam with basil is popular (for a kilogram of berries - 5 coarsely chopped plant leaves);
  • basil perfectly complements drinks, so another option is to add leaves to the cherry compote;
      You can add basil during the preservation of tomatoes and cucumbers, a particularly interesting combination is obtained with horseradish root.

Basil and meat - the perfect combination

Meat products with this spice acquire a special taste, which is simply impossible to achieve in other ways. You can vary this combination as you like, for example, as part of meat salads or baked main dishes. So, a chicken, baked whole in the oven with basil leaves, walnuts and small slices of lemon, will become a real discovery.

A good option would be to cook a stew where tomatoes, basil and garlic were used for gravy. In such an ensemble, the plant will best complement tomatoes and emphasize the taste of meat, making it more pronounced and piquant.

Use for making sauces

Sauce is the real crown for a good dish, it is he who can favorably emphasize all its advantages and harmoniously complement the taste. Today, in cooking, there is simply a huge number of recipes for sauces that can be matched to absolutely any dish. Perhaps one of the most popular green additives is the classic pesto sauce, the preparation of which just can not do without basil.

A traditional recipe requires fresh basil leaves, olive oil, hard sheep’s cheese, pine nuts and a little salt, but there are many variations, for example, with the addition of ruccola, mint or sun-dried tomatoes. The sauce involves cooking in a stone mortar by grinding, but you can speed up the process and use a blender. Ready sauce will perfectly complement the taste of Italian pasta and ravioli, but it can be added to meat and fish dishes.

Fresh basil can be a real decoration for any other sauce that allows the addition of greens. Thanks to the unique aroma and taste, you can create a unique combination, but you should not overdo it, especially in those recipes where basil is not the basis.

What dishes add dried seasoning

When dried, basil is used as a spice that gives the dish a special piquancy, aroma and taste. It is worth noting that dried grass is as useful as fresh, but a number of vitamins and substances from it disappear. Dishes seasoned with a specific spice acquire a light tart and bitter taste, which makes it possible to diversify even the most bored food.

Basil is especially popular in Italian cuisine, where it is added to virtually every recipe. Thus, after adding dried herbs, salads, pasta, pizza, stews and baked fish and even allspice tea get a great taste. Azerbaijani cuisine abounds with soups and snacks, which contain the described product.

In what desserts is spice used

By its popularity in the application for creating desserts, basil can only be compared with mint. This wonderful spice goes well with fresh fruits, pastries and dairy products. For this reason, cakes are often seasoned and decorated with basil, spice is added to cocktails, smoothies, pies and casseroles.

Spicy plants, as a rule, are used in three areas: cosmetology, medical and culinary - as seasonings and fresh herbs.

Basil, the use of which is possible in all variants, is extremely popular in the kitchens as a spicy plant. We learn what properties this spice has and how it is used in various dishes.

Properties and uses of basil in cooking

Most often, basil, whose use in medicine and other fields has been observed since ancient times, is used by culinary specialists. When you hear the name of this spice, fresh salads, pesto sauce and other goodies immediately come to mind.

There are dishes where dried basil is added, there are recipes only with fresh herbs. We learn what plant properties are valued in cooking, and where basil is used.

Culinary properties of basil

This spice has the following culinary properties:

  • Beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines. Basil helps to better absorb food.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. This plant contains many useful substances that help keep the body in good shape and provide energy for life.
  • Soothes the nervous system. Basil flowers, which are used on a par with leaves, help with stress and nervous breakdowns.
  • Gives special taste to dishes. Dried basil, the use of which is no less popular than fresh, gives the dishes a spicy taste with unusual notes inherent only to this plant. Basil flavor combines a lot: astringency, a bit of a bitter aftertaste, and at the same time tenderness and pleasantness. Dishes with basil never get boring!
  • Gives a wonderful aroma to everything, even tea. If you add a few seeds of basil to tea, it will turn into a drink of kings!
  • It goes well with other spices. It can be mixed with parsley, rosemary, mint, thyme or thyme.

These properties make basil an indispensable seasoning. Find out where you can add purple or green basil.

As a seasoning or raw material for tea, the aerial parts of the plant are used. Find out where they are added:

  • Basil: stems, application. Culinary stalks are used along with greens. The main thing is that they are young: coarsened stems for cooking are not suitable. They are added to dishes of meat, fish, various sauces and marinades.
  • Basil Flowers: Application. The flowers collected at the beginning of flowering go to season for all kinds of dishes and are added to teas.
  • Seeds. Teas, meat pastes, fresh salads and soups flavored with basil seeds.
  • Basil Herb: Application. Fresh greens are the best addition to a salad of tomatoes, scrambled eggs, sea and river fish, pasta, cheeses, soups, vegetable salads and meat, especially lamb.

The main thing is to add this spice in moderation and at the very end of cooking to preserve the smell.

Where is basil used?

Basil, the preparation of which is so popular among homemade cuisine lovers, can be used in certain dishes depending on the color of the leaves or aroma.

Where to add basil purple

This variety contains many essential oils, provitamins, various vitamins and minerals. And there are more of them in it than in other types and varieties.

Where do fresh purple basil add? In meat and seafood dishes, marinades and pickles, sauces and salads.

The use of lemon basil

The leaves of this species smell like lemon and therefore are used as an additive to cheeses, refreshments and canned foods.

The use of green basil

Delicate taste and fragrant smell like all culinary specialists. The leaves of this spicy plant are eaten separately or added to vegetarian or meat soups, offal dishes, minced meat, salads, pastes, canned goods, teas and other drinks.

Having learned how widespread the use of basil is in cooking, you will probably want to cook several dishes with this spice. Here are some recipes with basil.

Alsatian salad

Let's make a delicious salad with ham and cheese.


  • Basil - 6 branches;
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Ham - 150 g;
  • Celery - 4 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • Green salad - 7 leaves;
  • Gherkins - 4 pcs.;
  • Bow feather - a small bunch;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Sugar-free yogurt - 2 tbsp .;
  • Black pepper and salt - to your taste;
  • Cream - 2 tablespoons

How to make basil salad

We prepare Alsatian salad as follows:

  • Cut boiled eggs into circles
  • We clean celery, pour tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin.
  • Cut the cheese and ham into two centimeter cubes.
  • Cut the tomatoes into 8 parts, remove the stalks and achenes.
  • We spread washed lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, on top - egg circles.
  • Mix chopped celery stalks, tomatoes, ham and cheese. We lay in the middle of the salad bowl.
  • Grind onion feather and celery and basil. Beat yogurt, cream and sour cream until foam, salt, pepper, mix with herbs.

Water the salad with this sauce and decorate with basil leaves and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bgherkins.

Brussels sprouts with basil sauce

Cabbage with basil is a real storehouse of vitamins! We will prepare this dish for ourselves and the whole family.


  • Fresh basil - one bunch;
  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • White flour - 1 tbsp;
  • 10% cream - 150 ml;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Pepper and salt - to your taste.

How to cook brussels sprouts

Cooking cabbage with basil, using a step by step recipe:

  • We make basil sauce: put oil in a saucepan and heat it. Pour flour and fry for 3 minutes, stirring all the time. Add the grated cheese with cream and simmer for five minutes over medium heat.
  • Cut basil leaves into thin strips, squeeze lemon juice.
  • Put the greens in the same saucepan, pour the juice, pepper and salt. Stew for three minutes.

Boil water and cook Brussels sprouts for 5-6 minutes, then take out and pour over the sauce. The dish is ready!

Omelet with basil herbs

We prepare for breakfast a fragrant omelet with a delicious taste!


  • Basil - 1 bunch;
  • Chicken eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Cooked ham - 100 g;
  • Zucchini squash - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled noodles - 150 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp .;
  • Pepper, salt - to your taste.

How to fry omelet with herbs

To cook an omelet with pepper and herbs, we use the following plan:

  • We cut the bell pepper into halves, remove the leg and achenes, and chop the straws.
  • We cut the ham into cubes, zucchini into small slices, squeeze the garlic.
  • Fry the pepper and zucchini in oil for five minutes, put the noodles and ham cubes, and continue to fry for a couple more minutes.
  • Beating the eggs, mix them with garlic, pepper and salt. Pour the mixture over the contents of the pan, close and continue cooking until the omelet becomes firm.

Sprinkle the cooked omelette with basil leaves and serve.

Basil tea

Tea lovers will surely enjoy basil tea with a rich spicy aroma and amazing taste.

Here are some recipes for basil tea.

Plain Tea with Basil
  • Sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Fresh purple basil - sprig;
  • Black tea - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook

We put greens and tea in a teapot, pour boiling water and insist for ten minutes. Pour into a cup with sugar, stir and enjoy the taste.

Lemon Tea with Basil
  • Cane sugar - to your taste;
  • Basil greens - a bunch;
  • Mint leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • Zest from 1 lemon.

How to cook

Pour boiling water over the basil leaves, add sugar, add lemon zest, mix and leave for 10 minutes. We place the infusion in the refrigerator and drink chilled.

This is just a small fraction of recipes with basil. The main thing is not to abuse this spice, especially hypertonics and cores.

Basil is a spicy, medicinal plant with green or purple-purple leaves. It has useful properties and a bitter-sweet taste. Very widely used in cooking.

Basil is an annual, highly branched plant with a height of 30 to 60 cm. Its leaves are oblong, their color is green or purple, sometimes green-purple or almost white. Inflorescences-brushes with small flowers appear on the ends of the stems in the middle of summer. All parts of the plant contain essential oils. They give aroma to a basil.

This plant contains a rich collection of B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, choline, niacin. It contains vitamin A, and vitamin C, and vitamin E, and vitamin K, as well as many trace elements, which determine the medicinal properties of basil.

The spice is the leaves and flowers collected at the beginning of flowering. There are many types of basil, the aroma may resemble cloves or lemon, nutmeg or cinnamon. The taste is bitter, aniseed, slightly bitter aftertaste

Even a simple recipe when adding a few leaves of basil becomes immediately more interesting, and the taste of the dish becomes more vivid. The properties of basil are manifested in culinary dishes gradually - at first it gives them a small bitterness, and then a sweetish aftertaste and a delicate aroma arise.

How to use basil

Both fresh and dried basil are used in cooking. You can mix the dried leaves with rosemary, savory, marjoram, tarragon, mint, coriander and other herbs, it turns out an excellent spicy mixture.

Collect it before flowering or during flowering, dried in the shade, in places with good air circulation, at a temperature of no higher than 35 ° C. Store in tightly closed glass jars.

Fresh and dried basil leaves and flowers are appropriate in pasta (pasta), in pizza, in sauces, in meat dishes, in soups, in salads, as well as in smoked meats, in sausages, in the production of alcoholic beverages, especially liquors.

This spice, whether dried or fresh, is used in the preparation of various national dishes in Mediterranean cuisine. As a seasoning, basil is added to meat and fish dishes, as well as to flavor canned vegetables, pickles.

Basil goes well with tomatoes, green vegetables, it is added to all sauces with tomatoes. It is an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of the famous Italian pesto sauce, as well as spaghetti and pasta dishes.

Fresh basil is added to most salads and cold dishes, and it is better to add dried grass to dishes of boiled and aspic fish and stew. In dried form, basil is used as a substitute for pepper in cooking, sausage and canning.

Good to know:

  • Basil is added no earlier than 10 minutes before the dish is ready, and preferably 3-5 minutes, otherwise it will lose all its flavor.
  • It is better not to cut fresh grass with a knife, but to tear it with your hands, then the aroma will be more pronounced.

How to choose basil

Fresh basil is not difficult to choose, twigs and leaves should be resilient, and to determine the aroma, just gently rub the leaf. As a rule, in violet varieties it is sharper.

To buy a good dried basil, you should remember.