What are the differences between black tea and green. Black and green tea: which is healthier

The debate about which type of tea is healthier has been going on for a long time, and they don’t see the end

Tea is produced in different countries - Kenya, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal, but most of all tea grows in India and China. We can say that both green and black (in the East it is called red), as well as some other "types" of tea (for example, oolong tea - a mixture of black and red, or white tea) originally grow on the same bush. And the main difference is in the collection technique and in the processing of leaves. Not only the variety, but also the beneficial properties of the drink depend on them.

If you do not go into subtleties, the manufacture of different teas can be divided into several main stages. Initially, the tea leaf goes through a withering stage. Before becoming white tea, it is dried. After drying, future green tea is partially dried, then curled and dried again. The sheet, which will become oolong, curls immediately after drying, then undergoes partial fermentation and drying. Making black tea differs from oolong only in that the leaf, instead of partial fermentation, undergoes a complete leaf.

Tea caffeine


The leaves of this noble drink contain an interesting element thein, which has an invigorating effect, familiar to us from coffee. However, "tea caffeine" acts on the body in a slightly different way. A burst of energy may not follow as quickly, but it will last much longer: if the charge of coffee lasts for half an hour, a cup of tea will last for two, or even three. Not to mention the harm to the heart: tea is much more humane compared to caffeine.

Green tea


The difference in processing is that the leaves are dried and subjected to various manipulations (drying, partial drying, etc.) almost immediately after harvesting, which stops the fermentation process.

In green tea, thein is found in b about in smaller quantities than in its black counterpart. In the latter, a significant part of this substance is destroyed due to prolonged fermentation. Therefore, green tea invigorates more than black. In this case, the drink is able to calm the nerves.

According to experts, if you insist green tea for two minutes, the tea will have tonic properties. And if five minutes - soothing. You do not need to brew green tea longer - then all the benefits are lost.

Vitamins and other beneficial substances are preserved in it much more than in black tea. One of the most useful elements is epigallocatechin gallate. Thanks to the presence of this compound, even one cup of green tea can very significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.

It is green tea that has a reputation as a drink of centenarians. Thus, a large-scale study by Japanese scientists, during which data of 40,000 people were analyzed, showed that five cups of green tea per day reduce the risk of premature death: by 12% for men and 23% for women.

Due to the large amount of bioactive substances, this noble drink accelerates metabolism, and a large amount of antioxidants slows down aging.

In addition, slightly brewed green tea is better than black quenches thirst.

Black tea


This type of tea is more fermented, so it is more unpretentious in brewing. It also tones well. But less often than green tea, it overexcites the nervous system and provokes insomnia - therefore, for nervous and excitable people, as well as in the evening , regardless of temperament, doctors advise drinking black tea.

According to scientists, you can not minimize the benefits of black tea for the lungs - numerous studies prove that it can protect them from the harm of tobacco smoke.

Even the use of this drink will have a positive effect on cholesterol level, and, which is important, will reduce the risk of stroke.


As shown by a recent study by scientists from Ohio State University, enzymes found in large quantities in black tea not only help keep bad cholesterol “within”, but also reduce the absorption of fats in the intestines. That is, they prevent the appearance of extra pounds. A study by British scientists also proved that fermented black tea better than unfermented "varieties" protect liver cells, including from fatty hepatosis.

This type of tea in large quantities contains vitamins B and PP, which improve vascular tone, and this makes it useful for people with low blood pressure. But hypertensive patients do not want to get involved in the black look, especially very strong.

Plus, with regular use, you can normalize the work of the kidneys and stomach. However, do not get involved in the consumption of black tea, especially on an empty stomach - there will be a reverse effect.

By the way: It is better not to brew tea more than three times. And also do not use tea leaves, which costs more than five hours.

There are a huge number of different varieties of teas, and each person has their own preferences. There are three main groups:

  • fermented, which includes black tea;
  • unfermented: white and green;
  • half-fermented: red, yellow, blue.

Each type of tea is not only prepared in a special way, but also grown and harvested using special technologies. And the process of preparing a drink differs radically. However, for many years the question remains: which tea is healthier, black or green? We will try to answer it.

Useful properties of tea

The therapeutic effect of tea, as a rule, is due to the presence of alkaloids, which include caffeine, nofilin, hypoxanthine, xanthine and others. They are in sufficient quantity both in black tea and in green, therefore it is impossible to say which tea is healthier.

It is caffeine that first acts on the body, which provides the tonic effect of tea. However, this effect is rather unstable, since the effect of caffeine is replaced by the action of its antagonists. As a result of such an effect on the body, there is a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, due to which blood pressure gradually decreases. So affects the body of green tea. Therefore, if you are interested in which tea is healthier, black or green, for hypertensive patients, the answer is definitely green.

The action scheme of black tea

As for black tea, the scheme of its action is slightly different, since the second phase is absent here. This is possible due to vitamins P, PP and B, which are stored in tea due to a special processing method - fermentation. Due to the influence of these vitamins on the body, a decrease in vascular tone does not occur, and therefore the pressure will not decrease. Therefore, you need to drink hypotension.

If we compare the tonic effect of green and black tea, then in the first case it is more pronounced.

What is the value of green tea

To find out which tea is healthier, black or green, you need to compare their features.

Green tea is more popular, especially among nations like the Chinese. They drink it exclusively.

As for the collection and processing, green tea is processed in such a way that all of its biologically active substances are preserved. The preparation process is as follows: the leaves are dried, after which they are dried with hot air. Thus, fermentation occurs. After this, the leaves curl, which distinguishes this variety from others.

Green tea classification

  • leafy;
  • broken or broken.

They are also distinguished by the degree of torsion, however, this classification is quite complicated:

  • slightly twisted, most natural;
  • twisted along the axis, the leaves at the same time become like grass;
  • twisted across the leaf, making tea resembles balls;
  • flattened leaves.

All these varieties are radically different from each other in taste and aroma. Green briquettes are made of special briquettes, which are pressed not only from leaves, but also twigs, crumbs. Outwardly, it is an olive-colored tile of various saturations.

It is worth noting that numerous customer reviews say that the long-term use of green tea led to normalization of weight. To say which tea is healthier (black or green) for weight loss (reviews say that green), you can study the mechanism of action of drinks.

Features of black tea

Which tea is healthier - black or green? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. This is due to the different effects of the product on the body.

Black tea on the market is presented in several versions:

  • in the form of tiles;
  • granulated;
  • long leaf;
  • in the form of sachets.

The composition of black tea includes more than 300 ingredients, which makes this product almost the most beneficial for the human body. It is in this drink that there are alkaloids (caffeine and thein), which have a tonic effect on the body. You can also find tannins that affect the digestive system. It is worth noting that it is thanks to them that tea has a tart taste.

Paradoxically, black tea can simultaneously tone and soothe the human nervous system, because in addition to alkaloids, there are a large number of essential oils.

Slimming Tea

Many are interested in the question of which tea is healthier, black or green, for weight loss. You need to know that in black tea there are substances such as pectins, carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and amino acids that are directly involved in metabolic processes, while enhancing secretory functions and the removal of toxins from each organ.

The main secret of black tea lies precisely in the fact that it simultaneously tones and soothes. This property is given to the drink by the combination of caffeine, tannin and tannins, as a result of which the effect of caffeine begins much later. This allows the tonic effect to last much longer than after drinking coffee.

The differences between black and green tea

If we compare the effect of one tea or another on the body in order to answer the question, which tea is the most useful, then we can say that green tea has a more pronounced tonic effect, since there is more caffeine. Black tea, in turn, has a milder effect on the body, which is longer. Also, such a drink does not cause dry mouth, unlike green tea.

After drinking hot green tea, vitamin C, theophylline, theobromine, and other alkaloids are simultaneously affected by the body. As a result, the tone of the blood vessels decreases, and blood pressure drops. This is very good for hypertensive patients, but hypotensive patients should not drink this.

If green tea in the second phase causes a decrease in blood pressure, then when drinking black in the second phase, the therapeutic effect of this drink occurs, in particular, catechins and other similar substances come into play. They participate in the process of activating the tone of the capillaries, and also prevents the expansion of blood vessels, which are responsible for theobromine, theophylline, vitamins PP and C. Contained in black tea and vitamin B, which also takes a direct part in toning the body. Therefore, such a drink can be safely consumed by hypotensives, unlike green tea. However, it is impossible to answer the question of which tea is the most healthy, since everyone chooses for himself.

Indications for use

Tea can really be used as a folk remedy, in addition, there are indications for the use of a certain one (knowing them, everyone will answer for himself the question of which tea is healthier: black, or green, or white):

  • Green tea is recommended to be used to normalize the metabolism, create a favorable atmosphere for the propagation of beneficial bacteria, which helps to remove toxins and pathogenic bacteria from the body, to restore the nervous system and stimulate brain activity (which is why it is good to drink green tea during exams), it is fully restored vital energy and slowing down the aging process.
  • Black tea is recommended for infections of the gastrointestinal tract (everyone knows that for stomach upsets it is recommended to drink because the active components of the drink contribute to the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, it is also recommended for infections of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol and sugar in blood.
  • It can protect you from cancer, strengthen blood vessels and muscle fibers of the heart, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, as well as blood thinning, and white tea is also recommended for respiratory diseases.

Remember that only a quality product has the beneficial properties of tea, so you need to approach the choice with all responsibility. When choosing, pay attention to aroma, color. At the same time, tea should be stored in an airtight dark container. It is also not recommended to choose if chemical essences were used. Remember that good tea cannot be cheap.

The history of black and green tea dates back thousands of years, and debates about their benefits have not subsided to this day. And today, often guided by the choice between black and green tea only by their taste sensations, people don’t think much about the benefits or harms. But for people who care about their health, it is necessary to know about the benefits of drinking various types of tea. This article describes the beneficial properties of black and green tea, and also answers the question of which tea can be considered more useful.

Before proceeding to the analysis of the beneficial properties of black and green tea, it is important to note that all types of tea are tea tree leaves. All kinds of tea are distinguished in the used parts of this tea tree. And also in how the processing of collected leaves occurred. Black tea, which is one of the most popular and familiar for Russians, is obtained from tea tree leaves that are completely fermented (oxidized). Following the collection, the leaves are subjected to a number of procedures: felting, twisting, oxidizing and drying. Black tea can be of several types: long leaf, granular, powder and pressed, it all depends on the quality of tea leaves. The difference between green tea and black tea is that its leaves are oxidized for only one or two days, and then the process stops by forced heating. Ultimately, you get a light with a taste of herbs drink that has a non-bitter, mild taste.

Useful properties of black tea

Black tea is made from the collected leaves of adult tea bushes. Black tea has the following beneficial properties: the presence of the substance TF-2, which reduces the risk of cancer, and also reduces the risks of oncology of internal organs. Also, regular intake of black tea can normalize the activity of the heart and the entire vascular system, destroys microbes that cause the appearance of cystitis and herpes, and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  The disadvantages of black tea include: it is not recommended to use it in volumes of more than four cups per day, this is due to the high content of caffeine and aromatic agents that cause nervous system overexcitation. Also, drinking large amounts of tea can cause darkening of the teeth.

Useful properties of green tea

Since the leaves of green tea are minimally oxidized during processing, all its beneficial properties are preserved in the proper size. The beneficial properties of green tea include: activation of vitality due to the presence of antioxidants, normalization of metabolism, improvement of the vital functions of the intestinal flora, preventing the appearance of stone on the teeth, increasing the strength of capillaries, improving the absorption of ascorbic acid. It is an excellent tool for those who decide to lose weight.
  The downside is the presence of caffeine, and its use in the evening - night time is also not desirable.

What type of tea is healthier

In general, to summarize, it is important to note that green tea, due to the fact that its leaves are less oxidized, retains more beneficial properties than black tea. Therefore, it will be right to consider green tea more useful, although not significantly. But in the end, the use of any tea helps to get rid of fatigue, increase tone, raise mood, in reasonable, of course, quantities.
  Speaking from a medical point of view, black tea is useful for people with impaired heart function, and green tea is for people with gastric tract problems, as well as for people who want to lose weight.

Indeed, which tea is the most healthy? Moreover, there are a lot of varieties of tea. And are they really so different from each other in their properties, type and method of welding, or is it just a marketing ploy? What is the difference between tea grown in different areas? What is a tea drink? And finally, is there really tea that gives people immortality?

White tea

Tea trees, the leaves of which are used for the production of white tea, grow only in China and Sri Lanka. In production, take the top two leaves from each branch, which are slightly dried and kept for a couple no more than a minute.

What is white tea good for?

The beneficial properties of white tea are undeniable. White tea is also called the "elixir of immortality" because of its complete preservation and trace elements. The use of white tea slows down the aging process, inhibits the formation of tumors, strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes wound healing, and protects against viruses and bacteria.

Cons: the taste of white tea is so delicate and delicate that it is difficult for people accustomed to strong tea leaves to appreciate the taste of white tea.

How to brew white tea: 3-5 minutes. Water temperature - 100˚.

Black tea

Leaves are collected from adult tea bushes. The processing process includes drying, curling, drying and complete fermentation.

What is black tea good for?

The beneficial properties of black tea are based on the presence of the substance TF-2, which blocks the development of cancer cells and helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach, intestines and chest. It normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, kills microbes that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and herpes, and lowers blood cholesterol.

Cons of black tea: you should not drink more than 4 cups per day, and also after 18.00. A high content of caffeine and aromatic substances can cause nervous system overexcitation and insomnia.

Green tea

It is made from the same leaves as black. But after collection, the leaves are immediately dried. Minimum fermentation (2-3%) allows you to save almost all the beneficial properties.

What is green tea good for?

Useful properties of green tea: activates vitality, normalizes metabolism, vital activity of the intestinal flora, has a diaphoretic effect, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, prevents tooth decay, increases capillary strength, promotes better absorption of ascorbic acid.

Cons: Contains a lot of caffeine. Only suitable for morning and afternoon tea parties.

How to brew green tea?

How to brew: 5-7 minutes. Water temperature - 60-90˚.

Yellow tea

For this type of tea, only kidneys are collected that are kept for a couple, then wrapped in tissue or in special paper, where the tea is dried and fermented.

What is yellow tea good for?

Useful properties of yellow tea: similar to the properties of green tea - normalizes blood pressure, heart function, activates mental activity.

Cons: refers to elite teas - one of the most expensive varieties.

How to brew yellow tea?

How to brew: 3 minutes. Water temperature - 60-80 °.

Red Tea (Oolong)

The tea leaf is harvested from adult tea bushes at the time of full maturity and dried twice before the leaves become chestnut or reddish-brown.

What is red tea good for?

Useful properties of red tea: slows down the aging process of the skin, strengthens the immune system, lowers arterial and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cons: the most specific kind of tea. A strong, pungent aroma, astringent taste, ruby \u200b\u200btint of infusion can not be appreciated by everyone.

Indian tea

India, the largest producer, produces the most varieties of black tea. The most famous tea regions of the country are Assam and Darjeeling. Assamese - the standard of strong black tea - gives an infusion of a rich brown-red color and is distinguished by a tart taste and a delicate velvety aroma. Darjeeling, which is called tea champagne, is the most valuable tea variety.

Ceylon tea

Gives a bright infusion with a reddish tint, has a strong, but unpretentious taste and pronounced aroma. Brewed hard enough, ideal for making grog.

Kenyan tea

It is said that the taste of Kenyan tea is similar to the African climate - dry and hot. The main thing in Kenyan teas is not taste and aroma, but strength. Mostly granulated Kenyan teas are available on the Russian market, which are produced using accelerated and simplified technology.

Chinese tea

Tea has been produced in China for more than five thousand years, so the Chinese have managed to master the production culture perfectly. 350 types of tea bushes grow there, of which more than a thousand varieties are produced. The most famous is the Yunan variety, which combines a smoky flavor and a touch of prune.

Japanese teas

Japan produces only green teas, the most famous of which is Sencha tea. This variety, according to statistics, is preferred by 80% of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. It has an unusual “silk” tart taste with fresh herbal and nutty notes. Sencha has a low caffeine content, so this tea can be drunk in the evening.

Choosing a tea or a tea drink?

- Mate - a drink from the leaves of a tropical tree.

Useful properties: mate is rich in antioxidants that stimulate the immune system and promote active longevity.

Contraindications: it has a choleretic effect, therefore it is not recommended for cholelithiasis (it can cause stone migration).

- Karkade - a drink from the flowers of Sudanese roses.

Useful properties: a storehouse of anthocyanins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regulate the permeability of capillaries. Hibiscus also helps cleanse the body.

Contraindications: use cautiously for people with pressure surges. In hot form, hibiscus increases pressure, in cold - lowers.

- Rooibos is a drink from a red shrub tree growing in Africa.

Useful properties: a refreshing drink with a pleasant taste. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, copper and fluoride. Caffeine free, so even small children can drink it. There are no contraindications.


FROM how long is welding considered fresh and when is it dangerous?

Tea should be drunk no later than 20-30 minutes after brewing. After this time, unhealthy chemical processes of spontaneous oxidation of phenol, lipids, essential oils and aromatic ones begin. The first sign that the “process has begun” is the film that appears on the surface of the tea leaves.

Choose tea by geography

General rule: the colder the climate in which tea bushes grow, the more valuable the variety.

Tea, both black and green, is a leaf product from the same plant. However, due to the peculiarities of the production of these varieties, they have slightly different characteristics. The properties of these two types of drinks are discussed in sections of this article.

Comparative characteristics of green and black tea

So, both of these drinks are made from the leaves of the same shrub.

However, green tea is almost not oxidized during its manufacture. Therefore, it contains more natural components than in black. Due to this feature of its chemical composition, green tea is considered the most beneficial for health.

It is characterized by a grassy flavor with a bitter-sweet, refreshing notes. Black tea has slightly different properties. His taste is more astringent, astringent and intense. Some varieties of black tea have a honey and floral flavor.

It should be remembered that the drink should not be too bitter. Too pronounced tart taste indicates poor quality products.

As for color, green tea has a light green and yellowish tint, and black tea has orange, reddish, chocolate or light brown. The following sections of the article discuss in detail the properties of these two varieties of drinks.

Many are interested in the question of which tea is healthier, green or black. The answer to this question is ambiguous, since it all depends on the situation and on the amount of drink consumed.

The chemical composition of black tea

This drink is consumed daily by many people around the world. They drink it both in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening. Many people drink much more black tea daily than water. This drink has a pleasant, tart and astringent taste. It goes well with lemon, and milk, and with thyme herb. In addition to the characteristic taste, it has a lot of useful properties.

Black tea can be consumed for medicinal purposes. It is also used as a cosmetic product.

As already mentioned, there are certain differences in the composition of black and green tea. They are determined by the fact that the second type of drink, in contrast to the first, is oxidized. The composition of black tea includes the following components:

1. Tannins.
2. Polyphenols.
3. Essential oils (in small quantities).
4. Proteins and amino acids.
5. Vitamins C, P, K, B1, B2.
6. Caffeine and thein.
7. Microelements (calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium).

As for the effect of the drink on the body, the question of which tea is healthier - green or black - cannot be answered exactly. However, you need to know about the positive properties of each of these products and about contraindications.

Useful qualities of black tea

The positive properties of the drink are determined mainly by the characteristics of its chemical composition. How does tea affect the body? What is the benefit and harm of this drink? First of all, remember that black tea contains tannins. They have an astringent effect and help the body cope with pathogenic microbes. These substances have beneficial effects on blood vessels. In addition, they are useful in slowing down the aging process. Polyphenols, which are also part of black tea, help to cope with gastrointestinal diseases and improve brain activity. Vitamins and trace elements normalize metabolism, and amino acids regulate the central nervous system. Caffeine and tannin, which are also found in this drink, have an invigorating effect.

In what quantities is it recommended to drink black tea? The benefits and harms of this drink are of interest to many. It all depends on who and in what dosage uses tea. It must be remembered that in the presence of certain diseases and conditions, drinking it in large quantities is extremely undesirable.


Black tea is an almost harmless drink. It does not have any negative effect on the body, if not exceed the daily rate of its use. It is recommended that you drink no more than four servings of black tea daily. This drink should be used with caution in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

1. Anxiety and nervous strain.
2. Increased intraocular pressure.
3. Accelerated heart rate.
4. High blood pressure.

5. Cephalgia.
6. Thyroid pathology.
7. Pregnancy.
8. Constipation.
9. Gastritis with high acidity.

Green Tea Ingredients

In the production of this drink, a fermentation process takes place. Due to this, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. Speaking about which tea is healthier - green or black, it can be argued that the second variety is significantly inferior to the first in the content of these substances.

Antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, there are many other components in green tea. Among the substances that are contained in this drink, you can list the following:

1. Caffeine.
2. Minerals.
3. Flavonoids.

Many people are worried about the fact that black or green tea has more caffeine. In the first variety of this drink, this component is contained in a smaller amount than in the second. Therefore, those who are in an excited state and are experiencing nervous strain should limit the use of this product.

Useful Features

The positive qualities of green tea have been known since ancient times. It is used in the manufacture of face masks and other cosmetic products for skin care. This drink speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, it is an integral part of the diet of people who adhere to proper nutrition and follow the figure. Speaking about how green tea differs from black tea, it should be emphasized that the first variety contains more caffeine. This substance gives strength and vitality, activates the central nervous system.

The minerals that make up this drink contribute to improving the condition of hair, nails, tooth enamel.

Antioxidants strengthen the immune system, protect the body from harmful microbes, and reduce the risk of developing tumors. Green tea is able to cleanse the digestive organs (liver, stomach and intestines) from toxic substances.

Possible harm to the drink

Like any product, green tea should be consumed in moderation. This drink should be limited or completely excluded from the diet in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

1. Increased anxiety, trouble falling asleep.
2. Pregnancy (this drink deprives the mother's body of the substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus).

3. Exacerbations of gastritis and liver disease.
4. Gout, arthritis and rheumatism.
5. Lack of iron in the blood (green tea prevents its absorption).
6. Elevated body temperature.

Can black and green tea be mixed?

Manufacturers of various products are always trying to create something new for consumers. Recently there has been a tendency to mix black and green tea leaves. This drink has interesting taste and new positive properties.

As you know, black tea is most often consumed sweet and hot. As for green, it is sometimes drunk cold, without sugar, add ice or jasmine to it.

A mixture of these varieties has original characteristics. Knowing the difference between green tea and black tea, you can combine the beneficial properties of these drinks into one whole. It turns out a healing mixture with a lot of positive qualities. Such a drink helps to recover from diseases and surgical interventions, relieves the body of toxic substances, improves the condition of blood vessels and strengthens the immune system.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which tea is healthier - green or black. Therefore, by mixing these varieties, you can get a product that has many medicinal properties.

It is known that tea is a product that people have been using for many centuries. There are certain methods for storing and brewing different varieties of this drink. It should be noted that it is undesirable to cook it in dishes made of iron, since in this case it acquires an unpleasant aftertaste of rust. During traditional tea ceremonies, it is brewed and served in teapots and porcelain cups. This is not only a beautiful, but also the most reasonable way of cooking. It is also not recommended to drink tea that was brewed about a day ago. Such a product not only does not bring benefits, but can also harm health. White plaque that forms on its surface indicates the propagation of dangerous microorganisms.