Ghee: health benefits and harms, norms and methods of use. Ghee at home - lick your fingers ...

Ghee, butter, in Sanskrit ghee (gi) is a unique product that has truly magical properties. It contains the purest energy of fire on earth. In Vedic times, ghee was valued along with grain and gold. It was considered the main wealth in every home.
Modern Ayurveda (the oldest science of health) highly values \u200b\u200bghee as an important element of a healthy diet. Ghee is considered the best cooking oil. One of the Ayurveda texts says that 1-2 teaspoons of ghee per day "improve vision, stimulate digestion, cleanse the skin, improve memory, prolong life and protect the body from disease."
With excellent taste and healthy properties, a long shelf life, ease of preparation and a wide range of applications for treating diseases, Ghee ghee is an indispensable food product and a natural safe medicine for a number of diseases.
Why is ghee better than other oils? It does not smoke during frying and does not lose its beneficial properties even during prolonged storage; and it can be stored at room temperature. Ghee is an ideal source of fatty acids, and protects the body from free radicals.

Making ghee (ghee) is not at all difficult, but it takes a lot of time. To identify the sweet nutty flavor of melted butter, you need to heat it for a long time over low heat until all the water has evaporated from it, and the solid particles of milk are not separated and float to the surface. By removing these particles, you get a clean, amber-colored gi.

You will need from 1 to 5 kg of unsalted butter of good quality, without an admixture of vegetable fats and other extraneous components.

Melt the butter in a large thick-walled pan (or cauldron) over medium heat and bring it to a boil. When a white foam forms on the surface of the oil, reduce the heat as much as possible and leave the pan open on the fire. From time to time, remove solid particles that rise to the surface. Make sure that the oil does not burn. If the oil is heated over high heat or for too long, it will darken and begin to emit a pungent odor.

Cooking time for ghee depends on the amount you heat.
Amount of Butter / Cooking Time / Yield
1 kg / 1 hour / 800g
2.5 kg / 3 hours / 2.2 kg
5 kg / 5 hours / 4.6 kg

The finished ghee has a golden color and is so transparent that through it you can see the bottom of the pan.

Gently pour the gi into a jar or clay pot and allow to cool to room temperature without closing the lid. Solid protein particles taken from the surface of the oil and the sediment remaining at the bottom of the pan can be added to vegetable dishes, soups, boiled rice, etc.

Properly prepared gi can be stored indefinitely. Keep it in closed vessels in a cool, dry place. Moreover, the more it lies, the higher its therapeutic effect. So, ghee of a hundred years of aging is a medicine of rare strength, and in ancient times it was used to treat kings.

Ghee is almost the only oil that does not lose its good properties when frying. Fried foods for ghee, used no earlier than 10:00 and no later than 15:00, in small quantities will not harm even people with dietary restrictions on fried foods. For example, with chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis. For its use in food, there are practically no contraindications. It was at this time that the fiery energy of the Sun and ghee created harmony among themselves, contributing to the qualitative digestion of food.
If you are going to fry something in ghee, make sure that it is completely dry before putting the oil in the pan. Beware of water getting into hot ghee, otherwise it will start to splatter. If you fry wet vegetables in ghee, then ghee can foam, so you should not lay vegetables to the brim so that the oil does not overflow. If the ghee is overheated, then the products will not be fried properly; if it is not heated enough, then they are too saturated with oil. In order not to waste your ghee, which is called “liquid gold,” let it drain the fried foods in a colander or sieve, then collect it in a container. Before using it a second time, be sure to filter it through gauze or a fine sieve, otherwise the remains of what you roasted in it earlier will burn, discoloring ghee and spoiling its taste. Fry foods in the same oil for several weeks, until it starts to burn. If ghee even after filtering remains dark or emits a pungent odor, it must be discarded.

Baked ghee (chula ghee)

This is the best method for making large quantities of ghee. Since in this case the heat surrounds the dishes with oil from all sides, and not just at the bottom, the gi is cooked, although slowly, but almost without any intervention on your part. The surface of the oil will be tightened with a crust, and solid particles will settle to the bottom of the pan and become soft, slightly gelatinous. The size of the pan depends on the amount of oil you want to melt. Do not forget that the pan should not be filled to the brim - there should be a gap of 8 cm from the surface of the oil to the edge of the pan.

* Preheat the oven to 150 ° C. Depending on the amount of ghee that you want to get, take the appropriate amount of unsalted butter (according to the table above) and cut it into pieces of 100 g, put in a thick-walled pan with a thickened bottom . Let the butter be heated and slowly cleaned in the oven, uncovered and without stirring, until it turns into a pure, amber-golden ghee - ghee, with a hard thin crust on the surface and with a mass of light golden sediments at the bottom. Remove the pan from the oven. Cooking time depends on the amount of butter. For 500 g it will take at least an hour and a half, for 15 kg -12 hours or more.

* Remove the hardened foam from the surface of the oil with a wire slotted spoon or a large metal spoon and put in a small jar.

* Drain clear ghee through a colander or sieve covered with a linen towel or four-layer gauze. Pour as much oil as possible, without disturbing the sediment, and scoop up the remainder (approx. 2.5 cm) with a large spoon.

* When the gi cools slightly, transfer it to the storage utensil and stick the label, and when it cools to room temperature, close it with a tight-fitting lid.

* Add the remaining ghee along with the golden precipitates to a jar of hardened foam and use in different dishes - soups, pastries, sandwiches. Store closed and refrigerated for no more than 3-4 days.

When preparing the oil, some spices (pepper, cloves, ginger, cumin) can be used for flavoring.

The healing properties.
So many people are afraid to eat butter, scared of stories about cholesterol. But from this point of view, there is nothing dangerous in ghee. First, high blood cholesterol is just one of the many risk factors for atherosclerosis. Secondly, cholesterol itself is vital for the human body: it is involved in such important processes as the production of vitamin B, various steroid hormones by the adrenal glands, female and male sex hormones, as well as in the activity of the brain and supporting the immune system, including protection against cancer . Thirdly, pure cholesterol is insoluble in water, and can travel by blood only in lipoproteins. The latter can be divided into several groups: high density, low, very low density and chylomicrons. High density lipoproteins transport cholesterol to the liver to exit the body, and other types of lipoproteins, on the contrary, to tissues. Ghee increases the amount of high density lipoproteins, thus contributing to the elimination of cholesterol. However, you should not overeat ghee, because a high level of cholesterol of any density is not very favorable.
As for atherosclerosis, a common incurable disease, ghee cannot be the reason for the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels due to the absence of casein (milk protein, which is separated during melting). Moreover, according to Ayurveda, atherosclerosis is not a disease of a high fat content, but a disease of a defiled mind. When a person eats meat products for a long time, his mind is greatly polluted by the energy of killing animals. This leads to numerous disorders in mental and physiological self-regulation. As a result, at first there are signs of a weakening of mental activity: decreased performance, decreased concentration, pessimism, depression. Then, numerous metabolic disorders are detected, including the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels. In fairness, it should be noted that eating a large amount of unheated butter can theoretically provoke atherosclerosis, but a normal person must vomit, try to eat at least some dangerous amount of it.
Digestion is a clear sign of the onset of the development of numerous diseases. On the other hand, any oil carries the power of the sun and with its tejas greatly affects the digestion of a person. Therefore, adding oil to food always leads to an increase in digestion. Excessive amounts of oil in food cause excess acidity. However, ghee oil, with all the positive qualities of the oil, practically does not have negative ones. Ghee is one hundred percent creamy fat that does not contain casein, so people who can not tolerate milk protein can eat it. Even with excessive use, ghee does not lead to any pronounced violations, from its use there are practically no complications. With moderate use, it regulates the acidity and power of the digestive fire, is an indispensable tool for the prevention of numerous diseases of improper digestion. No other oil acts so well and gently. Thus, ghee is the best, simplest, fastest and most effective way to restore poor and weak digestion: it is enough to suck in the mouth and swallow one teaspoon of the ghee before and after meals.
Ghee can even regulate cholesterol. This is possible, since ghee, having very pure tejas energy, simultaneously accelerates all stages of digestion and stimulates the metabolism, which helps to cleanse tissues from toxins. This in turn helps to remove cholesterol. A similar effect is possible, but mainly only among vegetarians.
With a diseased liver, a patient with a pancreas, high acidity, it is usually not recommended to eat fried. However, if you fry food on ghee, eat it only at lunchtime and do not get too carried away, then there will be no deterioration in health.

In Ayurveda, Ghee is used in various ways for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Ghee is used for massage, being the basis (essential oils are added to it), rubbing, and also as a food product used inside. For example, to improve digestion, you can take one teaspoon of ghee before and after a meal, slowly absorbing it in your mouth - the solar energy contained in ghee enhances the fire of digestion and metabolism.

According to Ayurveda, digestive disorders lead to the development of numerous diseases, and in this case, ghee is the fastest and easiest way to prevent and treat diseases caused by poor digestion. Surprisingly, no other oil acts just as softly and effectively. The Vedas claim that Ghee is the most beneficial oil for human health.

You should also know that ghee many times enhances the useful and healing properties of spices, herbs, natural balms and ointments, for this ghee is mixed with a therapeutic agent. mixtures with individually selected herbs, ghee repeatedly increases their therapeutic effect. To do this, it is enough to mix ghee with grass powder (in proportions 2 to 1) and suck this mixture in your mouth.

Possessing solar power (and this is male power, in contrast to moon power - female), ghee is useful not only for men, but also for women, because women often lack the solar energy of joy and optimism that is contained in ghee. To replenish this energy, ghee is better to eat from 10 am to 15.

With the help of ghee, it is possible to effectively treat physical weakness and immunity disorders. To do this, ghee is taken in the morning, mixing with dried fruits, honey, spices (such as cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, saffron, licorice, etc.), almonds, pine nuts or walnuts. You can also add fermented baked milk or sour cream to this tasty and healthy mixture. In addition to the above products, in the morning it is better to give up other types of food. The result will be visible after a few days of such a simple treatment.

Ghee can treat migraines. To do this, you need to rub ghee of whiskey, palms and feet (and for women also the area of \u200b\u200bappendages) for the night. For this procedure, a small amount of ghee is used - only 0.5-1 teaspoon - a thin layer of ghee on the skin will be quite enough. The therapeutic effect is best manifested in vegetarians, after about 10-15 days of using such procedures.

Since ghee contains a large amount of fine solar energy, it has a warming property, giving soft heat, useful for the body. Therefore, if you are concerned about pain in the joints, lower back, if you are cold, have colds, suffer from a bad mood or have a weak immunity, be treated with ghee. It is enough to rub your palms and feet (as well as the place of pain in the joints) with a little warmed ghee. This is done in the evening, about half an hour before bedtime. Oil consumption for such rubbing usually does not exceed one teaspoon. Excess ghee (if done too much) can be gently wiped off with a dry cloth before going to bed.

Also, people with all kinds of impaired mental functions - memory, quick thinking, speed and power of concentration - will not hurt to increase the amount of ghee in food. A particularly good effect will be if mental disorders are accompanied by mental weakness, passivity, depression, apathy, weakness.

Mental impact

The use of ghee in a lamp gives the fire enormous power to cleanse the mind. The mind is filled with happiness, joy, vivacity; reason - determination, deep faith in the triumph of the laws of justice; and the body - with good immunity and health. The method of purification using fire on ghee is quite complicated to describe in this article. However, the range of improvements is so wide that we recommend that the reader find and understand this issue on their own. In short, this method is recommended for people who are easily susceptible to the influence of others, people with an inert sensitive psyche, weak intellect, and mental deviations.
Ghee basically possesses solar masculine power. But it is no less useful for women. Due to their psychic nature, women often lack optimism and cheerfulness. All these problems can be solved if ghee is used in sufficient quantities. For these purposes, it is also best used in the daytime.
Use during pregnancy

Starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy, ghee should be consumed with milk, then just ghee, and already at the 6th month with various sweet herbs. This allows the fetus to develop correctly. In the last month of pregnancy, enemas are made with ghee to prevent constipation and maintain internal moisture, which also facilitates birth.


The abuse of melted butter leads to excessive activity of fiery energy, which in turn is the cause of mental overload. The energy of tejas, consumption and increase in mental activity, may at some point begin to exceed the energy of ojas, the synthesis of nutrients and mental calm. If you need a guarantee that there will be no harm from butter, try to use it as much as possible only from 10:00 to 15:00. The exception is people with impaired digestion. They should actively use butter also in the morning and in the evening.
Ghee should not be treated for burns and overheating in the sun.

The benefits of ghee have been known to people for thousands of years.

The first documented evidence of the use of this product is dated 2000 BC.

Mankind has used and uses ghee not only as a food product, but also for ritual practices, as well as in Ayurvedic medicine, whose experts believe that this product cleanses both mentally and physically.

What is ghee butter?

Ghee is called creamy, which was cleaned of impurities, excess water, sugars and protein by slow boiling. The elimination of impurities makes the product more resistant to subsequent exposure to high temperatures, without depriving it of any useful properties.

Which oil is more useful: butter or ghee?


And that's why.

  1. There are no dairy components.   Some people suffer such that they cannot eat even butter. Ghee is completely devoid of both lactose and casein. Therefore, it is allowed to all.
  2. A lot of short fatty acids.   Ghee is much more than butter, short-chain fatty acids, especially. This compound has anti-inflammatory activity and helps prevent cancer, normalizes digestion and maintains the correct level of sugar in the blood, promotes weight loss and improves the cardiovascular system.
  3. Higher smoke point.   For butter, this figure is approximately 176 degrees Celsius, for ghee - 232. Why is it so important? Because the higher the smoke point of oil, the more it is suitable for cooking, since it does not oxidize for a long time when heated. Namely, oxidized fats have the most powerful negative effect on the body.
  4. A lot of fat soluble vitamins. There is much more vitamins in ghee than in butter, such as A, D, E. Vitamin A absorption is often impaired in people, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and many pancreatic pathologies. Vitamin D is formed in the sunlight. That's just this light in our country is a rare phenomenon. And even in the summer it is not accessible to everyone, since it is quite difficult to sunbathe in a metropolis. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, a lot of which virtually no one has. In addition, this compound is necessary to maintain the correct hormonal levels and reduce "bad" cholesterol.
  5. Pronounced taste.   The aroma and taste of ghee is stronger than that of butter. And therefore, much less is required for cooking this product.

Does ghee oil help you lose weight?

Yes. And in several ways at once.

  1. Medium and short chain fatty acids, which are very numerous in this product,. And at the same time, they prevent the formation of new body fat.
  2. In Ayurvedic practice, ghee is one of the central elements of a general healing and weight normalization diet. It is believed that it improves the functioning of the gallbladder, which immediately positively affects the entire digestive system. And the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the necessary conditions for sustainable weight loss.
  3. The anti-inflammatory activity of short fatty acids helps them eliminate chronic sluggish inflammation in the body, which is the trigger for a large number of diseases, including for gaining excess weight.
  4. Butyric acid and other short chain fatty acids maintain proper blood sugar levels. This is important not only for patients with type 2 diabetes, but also for people who are overweight. Since it is usually formed on the background of insulin resistance, it is impossible to get rid of it without lowering the level of glucose in the blood.

Ghee and linoleic acid

Another positive property of ghee is the theoretical presence in it, which helps to lose weight, reduces inflammation, normalizes blood pressure and has other useful properties.

Why is the presence of this compound in ghee called “theoretical”? Yes, because linoleic acid is available only in that oil, which is obtained from the milk of cows grown on free pasture on the grass, and not fed with soy and fish flour.

Which ghee to use: purchased or home-made?

Only made by yourself at home. On the shelves of stores under the guise of a melted pastel very often lie trans fats.

Is there any harm?

No. If you use the product in reasonable quantities.

The negative effect of ghee, which he has been credited with for many years - an increase in cholesterol, is not confirmed by any modern studies.

Moreover, according to fresh scientific data, against the background of a regular likening of ghee oil, the level of low density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides decreases. Moreover, positive results are noticeable, both in blood serum and in the liver.

Ghee is considered a very useful product: the Indians consider it almost liquid gold - in the sense that it has a surprisingly beneficial effect on human health. Of course, ghee was also used in Russian cuisine, but today they almost forgot about it, and there are not many recipes for its preparation.

But in many sources you can find a description of the properties of ghee from the point of view of Ayurveda - the ancient science of the Indians on a healthy lifestyle. This is not to say that we do not understand the attitude of the Indians towards this product at all, but it seems to many of our compatriots that they are exaggerating its healing properties too much - if everything is so simple, then why do not we know about it? Indeed, in Russia, dairy products, including butter, have always been very popular among all segments of the population - why do not we use it in the treatment of diseases?

In fact, ghee really has healing properties, but because of the sharply different nutritional characteristics, these properties in our country could not appear as in India and other countries of the East. Russians used to traditionally consume a lot of different protein foods - meat, fish, poultry, generously flavoring them with fats; Indians are more committed to plant foods, which go well with ghee - they call it ghee or ghee.

Ghee Production

Just how to cook ghee, few also know. Most people buy it in a store, believing that if the package says "ghee", then this is the very natural healthy product. In the best case, you can buy butter prepared in the right industrial way: first it is melted at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, using a centrifuge, water, milk sugar and milk protein are separated. The remaining butter is quickly heated to 100 ° C in special vacuum boilers - while all the remaining water is evaporated, then beat, using compressed air, and packaged in airtight containers.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers, wanting to reduce the cost of the process, add vegetable ingredients to such an oil, and also use non-standard or even spoiled butter as a raw material - in fact, what kind of oil can I still melt? They even manage to use the finally spoiled product as raw material: when reheated, hot water is added to it - about 15%, a small amount of soda and other additives that eliminate the unpleasant odor and taste.

How to make ghee at home

It is still better to cook ghee at home, on your own, but not always there is time and effort; then you should be more careful and choose the most famous and trusted brands, both foreign and Russian.

High-quality ghee has no special smacks and smells - it should have the smell and taste of melted milk fat. The consistency of the oil is soft but grainy; if it is melted, it will be transparent, uniform in color, yellow or light yellow - there should be no precipitate either.

Ghee recipes are very different. There are a lot of recipes where it is recommended to simply melt it in a pan, collecting foam with a slotted spoon and removing solid particles, until the water from it completely evaporates, and then strain. You can do it this way - it will still be healthier than butter with milk proteins and liquid; it will turn out a clear golden yellow oil, and the food cooked on it will be much tastier than usual.

For example, if you fry fresh mushrooms in this oil, and then pour them on top of them and put in the refrigerator, they can be stored for several months and remain fresh, as if they had just been picked and cooked. Ghee is great for frying - it does not smoke and does not foam, and over time it becomes even more useful.

However, such medicinal properties that are mentioned in Ayurveda do not have such oil - the real ghee used for the treatment and prevention of diseases is prepared according to other recipes, which are completely simple and do not require special conditions.

Cooking ghee

It is better to cook ghee from homemade butter, but if it is not available, you can choose it in the store by carefully reading the composition and checking for hardness - the real oil in the refrigerator always becomes very solid. To cook ghee, you need to boil water in a large pan, and put a smaller pan in it so that its bottom is in the water, but does not touch the bottom of a large pan.

The oil is put in the upper pan - it can take several hours to cook; first it will melt, and then foam will appear on it - it must be removed; a precipitate forms at the bottom - no need to touch it.

If you put 1 kg of high-quality butter in a pan, then after 4-5 hours it will turn into real ghee - transparent, golden or amber-yellow - it depends on the degree of its fat content. When the sediment at the bottom becomes clearly visible through the melted butter, you can remove the pan from the water bath and carefully drain the oil so that this sediment does not get into the finished product. You can also strain ghee through cheesecloth - then certainly there will be no impurities left; thickened ghee may have a whitish yellow color.

With this reheating of oil, it is cleaned of all that is superfluous - milk proteins, water, etc., and it cannot burn, even if you are distracted and “overlooked” the cooking process. You can use an enameled or glass pan - you do not need to take aluminum.

Properly cooked ghee can really be stored for years - this only increases its healing properties. Of course, we are unlikely to store it - it will end quickly with us, but even if we replace it with ordinary butter in our diet, our health will definitely improve in many ways.

According to Ayurveda, ghee ghee is much easier to digest than regular butter; it does not raise blood cholesterol, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system; improves the condition of tissues, has a beneficial effect on perception, mental activity and the reproductive system of a person.

Benefits and properties of ghee

When in the autumn, in cold and windy weather, the nasal mucosa begins to dry out - this happens with many people - you need to grease it with ghee - this will protect you from colds and infections.

From a cosmetic point of view, ghee is also miraculous - it can quickly penetrate the pores of the skin, and is perfectly absorbed into it. Once inside the skin layers, it begins to dissolve and remove the accumulated toxins of salt and toxins, so that the skin after procedures with ghee - for example, after massage, becomes soft, smooth and tender.

Ghee treatment

As for treatment with ghee, there are some nuances here. With weak immunity, for example, it is recommended to use it in the morning, along with spices - fennel, saffron, cardamom, etc .; nuts, dried fruits, honey; fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, but apart from these products, nothing else is needed for breakfast.

Inflammatory processes, digestive disorders, metabolic disorders are treated with a mixture of ghee (2/3) and herbs (1/3), spreading certain parts of the body with this mixture or simply holding it in the mouth.

Migraine, atherosclerosis, and other diseases can also be treated in a similar way, but the effect of this treatment is promised only to vegetarians, as the followers of the teachings of the Vedas say. They call meat, fish and eggs “violence products” - this explains why in Russia, as well as in European countries, the treatment of diseases with ghee has never been used - our nutritional traditions make such treatment inappropriate.

Nevertheless, nobody bothers us to use ghee in cooking. Replace it with ordinary butter and other animal fats, and you will soon feel that it has become easier to move, and the mood always remains upbeat and cheerful.

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The benefits and harms of ghee have long been known. This product has been used for several centuries in traditional cuisines of some nations. It differs from ordinary butter in greater usefulness, improved properties and a long shelf life. Its use is not limited only to cooking: such oil is used in cosmetology and medicine.

What is ghee

Ghee is a dish of Russian and Indian cuisine. This product is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. The temperature treatment of butter changes its properties: components of milk fat are melted out of it, which makes it more useful.

In this case, water, some components of milk and many impurities are removed from the product. In fact, only the pure fat remains from the original constituents.

This fat can be heated to a temperature of about +200 ° C, while it does not form carcinogens, and it does not burn. This means that when frying there will be no foam and smoke. In addition, such a procedure significantly extends its shelf life.

The composition and calorie content of ghee

The composition of the oil includes the following components (per 100 g of product):

  • vitamin A - 660.0 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.12 mg;
  • vitamin B5 - 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin E - 1.5 mg;
  • vitamin D - 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.1 mg.

The product also contains provitamin A (beta-carotene), cholesterol and water residues. The proportion of the last two components does not exceed 1%.

The mineral composition of the product is as follows:

  • iron - 0.2 mg;
  • potassium - 5.0 mg;
  • calcium - 6.0 mg;
  • magnesium - 0.4 mg;
  • zinc - 0.1 mg;
  • phosphorus - 20.0 mg.

In addition, it includes manganese, copper and zinc.

Calorie content of the product is 892 kcal. Almost 99% of it consists of fats, the proteins in it are about 0.2%.

What is useful ghee

The benefits of ghee for the body are as follows:

  • improving digestion due to the normalization of the digestive tract (vitamin PP, sodium, phosphorus);
  • strengthening immunity (due to the content of zinc and copper);
  • decrease in headache and migraines (vitamin B5 and potassium);
  • strengthening bones and joints, maintaining their good shape (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D);
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system (potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin E);
  • improving metabolism, the functioning of the immune system (vitamin B5, copper, zinc);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes, antioxidant properties (provitamin A).

The benefits of homemade ghee are manifested in the treatment of many diseases (rickets, osteoporosis, colds, radiculitis and others); it is used for injuries - bruises, fractures, wound healing.

It is also used in cosmetology, helping to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin and hair.

For pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of ghee for women are manifested primarily during pregnancy. As a product rich in vitamins A, E and D, oil is simply irreplaceable. The absence of these vitamins can lead to fetal abnormalities. When breastfeeding, a set of these vitamins, as well as phosphorus and calcium, will be useful for the baby.

In addition, ghee, rich in medium chain fats, is much better absorbed in the body of a pregnant woman than butter, since bile is not required for their splitting.

For the elderly

For older people, this product will be useful primarily due to its ability to restore joint health. Not the least role is played by the normalization of processes occurring in the brain. Using the product in old age, you can permanently maintain clarity of thinking.

Is ghee possible for children

It is possible to use this product as food for children only after the formation of a full gastrointestinal tract, that is, after they reach 10-12 months of age. The norms and rules for its use are similar to the use of ordinary butter. There are practically no contraindications, since its allergenicity is very low.

Important! Doctors proved that children who did not consume enough oil, much later completed the stage of early development. We can say that this product is critically important for them.

The use of ghee is much more preferable than butter: it is more easily absorbed by the body and does not contain any traces of lactose.

Ghee treatment

In folk medicine, ghee is used to treat and prevent various diseases:

  • Angina. Take orally for 1 tbsp. l every 2-3 hours with the addition of a small amount of turmeric. In this case, it is strongly recommended once a day to lubricate the throat from the outside.
  • Flu. The oil is mixed with finely ground black pepper in a ratio of 1 to 30. Three times a day after meals, slowly dissolve 1 tsp. mixtures.
  • Hypothermia. In this situation, in order to avoid the disease, when you come home, you should rub your back and feet with oil.
  • Intestinal inflammation.   Dissolve 1 tsp. clean butter half an hour before meals.
  • Constipation. Make a compress on the lower abdomen from molten oil.
  • Radiculitis. Heated oil with a temperature not exceeding +45 ° С (i.e., actually molten) is applied to the back in the lumbar region, where it is kept for up to 40 minutes. To prevent fluid from spreading, “sides” should be made on the back in the lumbar region, for example, from dough.
  • With fractures. The product should be eaten mixed with cottage cheese in a ratio of 1 to 1 once a day, preferably for breakfast.
  • With bruises and sprains.   The product in its pure form or in a mixture with rye and cinnamon is applied locally to the site of damage.

The use of ghee in cosmetology

In cosmetology, oil is used to create masks for hair and facial skin. Its beneficial properties can moisturize the skin, prevent its peeling, smooth wrinkles and eliminate minor defects. The hair treated with it has a healthy appearance, it becomes more durable.

Face masks

Preparation of masks for dry and normal skin:

  • in a small container, mix 1 tbsp. l ghee and 1 yolk;
  • mix thoroughly and wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply on face skin for 20-30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Advice! Such a mask can be used no more than once a week.

The mask for oily skin is made according to the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp steamed in water l with a hill of oatmeal for 5 minutes;
  • flakes are removed in a separate container and 1 tbsp is added to them. l product
  • the components are thoroughly mixed;
  • after 1 min in the resulting mixture is added half a tbsp. l liquid honey, and the mixture is mixed again;
  • a pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face, where it is aged for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Re-use of such a mask is allowed after 10-15 days.

Hair masks

The simplest recipe for a nourishing hair mask is to simply apply the product to your hair and cover your head with a plastic cap for half an hour. Then the mask is washed off with shampoo. This procedure is not recommended more often than 1-2 times a week. If the hair is oily, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus extract to the mask.

Restoring hair mask is done as follows:

  • in equal proportions, melted butter, olive and milk are mixed;
  • 2-3 drops of castor extract are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is applied to the hair, and also rubbed into the scalp;
  • it is necessary to withstand the mask on the hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

How to cook ghee at home

For cooking, butter of 72% fat is needed. It is preferable to use homemade. It should be cut into pieces and placed in a dry container.

The start of heating is done on a medium-intensity fire. Once the solid pieces melt, the intensity of the fire is reduced to a minimum. As the foam appears, it should be removed.

Important! The resulting liquid must not be mixed!

As sediment appears, pour liquid into a new container and continue the process. When the precipitate is almost gone, the procedure can be considered complete. The cooking time of 1 kg of product is about 1-1.5 hours.

Is it possible to fry in ghee

Ghee is ideal for frying. Its boiling point is +252 ° С, while the first signs of evaporation appear only at a temperature of +205 ° С. This means that in such oil you can fry any products, and they will not burn.

What is more useful: ghee or butter

The structure of the product is significantly different from butter, and in general, from all fats of animal origin. Its main component is unsaturated fatty acids. Their share in the total mass can reach up to 35%, while in butter only 24%. Ghee has a higher content of vitamins A, D and E.

Otherwise, the products are similar and can be said to be identical.

However, given that the product contains only fat without impurities and water, it is cleaner. And compete in usefulness with it can only butter of high fat content and very good quality. Also, the product has a significant plus - almost an order of magnitude longer shelf life.

On the other hand, ghee is more high in calories, so if you use the same amount of both products, the weight gain from it will be greater. But this factor is subjective, as someone should gain weight and lose someone.

Harmful ghee and contraindications

This product has only one harm - extremely high calorie content. When this product is abused, there is an increase in fat reserves in the body, obesity and related diseases develop. First of all, these are diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

The contraindications to the use of ghee in their overwhelming majority do not relate to any diseases, but to the volumes of its consumption. In a small amount, it has no harm and no contraindications. Since dairy components leave it during heating, even people with lactose intolerance can use it. Cases of allergies from this product are extremely rare and are single.

If we approach the issue of contraindications from a formal point of view, then use should be limited or used with caution to people who have the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney disease
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diseases associated with obesity (hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, arthritis, etc.)

However, there are several diseases that have direct contraindications that completely prohibit the use of ghee in food. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity of internal organs.

How to store ghee

It is recommended to store the product in a hermetically sealed container (jars with lids, bottles with a wide neck, etc.). At room temperature, its shelf life is about 9 months. In the case of storage in the refrigerator - about a year. If a freezer is used for storage, then it does not lose its beneficial properties for a year and three months.


The benefits and harms of ghee do not cause any questions now. This wonderful pure and natural product is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Its only drawback is the high calorie content, which significantly limits both the volume of its use and accessibility for certain groups of people.

Ghee used to be more popular in Russia than plain butter. And there is only one reason - ghee is stored longer. Often, in the old days, in cellars in pots, this product could stand fresh for more than one month. But the most important advantage of such an oil was and consists in the following: After heat treatment, it becomes safer and even healthier than creamy.

Ghee is a product that is obtained by heating ordinary butter. And in order to get it of high quality, you need to use real butter, without impurities and additives. How to choose in the store or make butter yourself at home can be found in the article:

Ghee is especially popular in India. They call him there ghee   and are widely used not only in nutrition, but in medicine and cosmetology. Ghee in India is also called "Yellow gold". There is even such a legend, if ghee ghee is regularly found in the house, then the house will be - a full bowl. It is believed that if ghee is cooked correctly, then it can be stored for up to 100 years.

How to make GHI Oil

The recipe is not complicated, the main thing is to remove the pan from the fire on time and stock up on patience and time.

1. Take unsalted butter and put in a pan with a thick bottom. The thickness of the bottom is important in order to subsequently avoid unnecessary burnout.

2. We put the pan on low heat and do not add it in the heating process. The oil begins to drown and we get the first result: It starts to gurgle and a foam appears, which we carefully remove in a separate cup. When the oil starts to heat, you can stir slightly. Further we see that the oil begins to gradually turn yellow and becomes more and more transparent and transparent.

The next stage is when small bubbles appear and the oil boils evenly. Then it becomes completely transparent, takes a beautiful, amber color and begins to crack slightly. This is a sign that the oil is almost ready.

3. Turn off the fire and make the pan. When all the sediment settles to the bottom and the oil becomes transparent, then it's time to drain it. As a rule, a pleasant smell with nutty notes spreads throughout the kitchen. Sometimes too strong, sometimes very weak.

4. Prepare dishes for liquid oil and a small sieve. The dishes should be strong, as the oil is very hot. Sieve for better filtration is additionally covered with a layer of gauze.

5. Double filter the hot oil through a sieve into the cooked dishes. All films and foam residues remain in a sieve on gauze. We are waiting for the oil to cool.

Important!   Ghee absorbs odors, so all utensils for storing it must be perfectly clean. Glass is well suited for this. But you won’t immediately strain it into a glass jar, since it is likely that the glass will burst from hot. Therefore, it makes sense to pour the hottest oil into a metal dish, allow it to cool slightly, and then pour into a glass jar for further storage.

How to make Russian ghee at home (old recipe)

Indeed, in Russia there was a way to heat oil. If everything is done correctly, then this oil can be stored in cool without a refrigerator from one to three years. Of course, in the old days, when living conditions were worse and they didn’t know about refrigerators, such ghee was prepared for the summer heat so that it would be constantly and fresh in the cellar.

1. Take 1 kg. butter and put in a pan. Pour 10 glasses of water and put on low heat. We are waiting for the oil to melt and mix with water. Bring the oil to a liquid consistency, but do not boil.

3. We repeat this procedure several times until the drained water becomes completely transparent and clean. Already ghee is usually added a little fine salt and laid out on the dishes. Some even pour saltwater, cold water on top for better storage.

Such oil can be stored for a very long time, but it is still advisable to keep it in a cool place. Ideal for frying, dressing porridge and main dishes.

How to make ghee in the oven

1. Preheat the oven to 150 ° and prepare a pan with thick walls and a bottom.

2. Take the unsalted butter, after cutting it into slices, and put it in the cooked pan. On top we leave a stock of 8-10 cm. This is necessary so that the oil does not splatter the oven during the languishing process.

3. Place, open without a lid, pan in the oven and leave the oil to heat.

4. We are waiting for the oil to take a golden amber color and become transparent. In this case, it will be covered with a hard, thin crust, and at the bottom there will be a light precipitate. If we talk about time, then, for example, to make melted butter from 500 grams of butter, it will take an hour and a half to languish it in the oven.

5. Remove the pan from the oven and remove the firm foam with a metal slotted spoon or spoon.

6. Drain the oil through a sieve with gauze into the cooked dishes very carefully, leaving a residue. We are waiting for the oil to cool completely, close the lid and put it in a cool place.

All residues, and this is the foam and sediment at the bottom, can be used in baking or in the preparation of other dishes. But the shelf life is limited - 3-5 days.

Why do they like ghee?

The advantage of ghee is obvious. Although in Russia, its benefits have been slightly forgotten. But in vain ...

You can fry on it, since during its production milk protein is destroyed. This allows the oil to not burn with strong heating. And secondly, you can cook a meal more delicious and without carcinogens, which everyone today is so afraid of (and rightly so).

It contains a minimum amount of saturated fatty acids - less than 8%. Due to this, the oil is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, without provoking vessels to the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques. Ghee is even difficult to call a product of animal origin, since its molecular composition is significantly different from other animal fats.

For one more valuable property they love it. Ghee reveals the taste of other products and also has the effect of enhancing their action. This also applies to drugs. Often it is added to tea and various medicinal infusions of herbs or their powders are washed down with such tea. Especially in India they love and appreciate this oil.

In order to restore and establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, experts recommend sucking a teaspoon of melted butter before and after eating. The stomach and intestines begin to work like clockwork. Metabolism improves significantly.

Especially ghee is of great benefit to those who adhere to plant-based nutrition. It easily and delicately compensates for the lack of fat for the body, bringing only benefits.

Ghee is believed to have a strong warming effect. The Vedas on this subject even write that ghee has the energy of the sun. Therefore, if in the winter you constantly freeze, your arms and legs get stiff, your joints hurt and ache, your lower back hurts, regular colds, disgusting moods and you are on the verge, then ghee can really help you improve your condition.

  • For treatment, you will need to rub your legs and hands with warmed ghee before bedtime. And this must be done until there is a significant improvement. For one evening procedure, no more than 1 teaspoon of warm oil is consumed.

It has already been noted that everyone who uses ghee in their diet has a beautiful and healthy complexion and skin color.


But you need to know the fact that ghee is a mega-calorie product. On 100 gr. oil accounted for 900 kcal. Therefore, excessive use of it can lead to obesity, and hence the problems of all body systems.

In all other cases, ghee is useful and necessary for the human body to a reasonable extent. As the Vedic scriptures say, it brings the greatest benefit to a person if consumed from 10-00 to 15-00 hours of the day. During this period, the Power of the Sun in him reveals healing for a person.