Dried fruits of all types and names. Dried fruits: sweet oriental tales

Dried fruits are a priori considered useful product. However, few people know not only what exactly their benefits are, but also what this or that variety represents.


The need to preserve fruits and berries on long journeys suggested a way to prepare them for future use - drying. This technology was first used in the countries of the Middle East and Asia. This is how dried fruits appeared, which today occupy a special niche among food products. Despite the possibility all year round purchase fresh fruits; people do not refuse to consume dried fruits. This is due to the high nutritional value of the latter, their higher content of vitamins and useful substances.

Almost any fruit can be turned into dried fruit. True, each of them requires a special drying technology. To do this, use ripe and even slightly shriveled fruits on the branch. Green fruit or unripe berries, as well as rotten ones, are not suitable for these purposes. Among the most common are prunes (a derivative of plum), raisins (dried grapes), dried apricots (obtained from apricots).

Depending on the drying method, dried fruits can be divided into those that are dried under natural conditions and those that have been dried in industrial ovens. The former, in turn, can be dried in the shade (soyagi method) and in the sun (oftobi technology), as well as in loznitsa, which is a device for drying fruits and berries on coals. Dried in the shade, they are soft and delicate in taste. They are best used in fresh. Sun-dried fruits are harder and are good for compotes and uzvars.

Depending on what kind of fruit is dried, dried fruits are divided into those obtained from fruits and those whose “base” is berries. The first group includes dried apricots, obtained by drying apricot halves in the sun. However, the list of dried fruits obtained from this fruit does not end there. If you dry large fruits in the same way, after removing the seeds from them, you will get kaisa. Leaving the seed behind, you get another type of dried fruit, they are called apricots. Moreover, the latter is prepared from apricots that remain on the tree for a long time; in fact, it dries out already on the branch.

Prunes are produced by blanching and then cooling the plums, which are then dried in industrial ovens. Quality product should not be bitter or have a brown tint. Dates are obtained by drying the fruits of the date tree. At the same time, in dry form they received greatest distribution, since when fresh, the fruits have a very limited shelf life (several days).

Kumquat represents special kind citrus fruits that are dried. It is similar to the tangerine, but is smaller in size and has edible skin. Figs are obtained by drying the fruits of the fig tree or fig tree. This is one of oldest plants planets, lifespan fresh fruits which is also short-lived. They are poorly stored and almost impossible to transport. Dried fruits obtained from fruits also include slices or rings of apples and pears. As a rule, these blanks are affordable.

The most common berry-based dried fruit is raisins. Since grape berries come in different varieties, they are also varied in dried form. The variety, as well as the technology for drying grapes, determine the difference between dark and light varieties of raisins. In addition to grapes, cherries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, and currants are also dried.

Calories and vitamins

Due to the evaporation of moisture, dried fruits turn out to be much higher in calories than their fresh “ancestors”. So, if 100 grams (g) of fresh apricots contain 50 kilocalories (kcal), then the same amount of dried apricots is about 225-230 kcal.

Fresh nutritional value of plums is 60 kcal per 100 g, while prunes have 250 kcal. If the calorie content of grapes is 70 kcal per 100 g, then raisins are 280 kcal for the same weight.

Due to their high energy value, dried fruits should be eaten with caution by obese people. Their caloric content should be taken into account when calculating KBZHU, since if you eat the product uncontrollably, there is a high risk of gaining weight.

Almost all dried fruits contain large quantities of B vitamins (B1, 2, 3, 5, 6), as well as vitamin A and nicotinic acid (PP). But there is no “ascorbic acid” in dried fruits, since vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment and prolonged contact with oxygen. The mineral composition is represented by iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc. High content of sugars, such as glucose and fructose.

Benefits and harms

Compared to fruits, the mineral content of dried fruits is higher. First of all, this is true for potassium, magnesium and iron. This determines the benefits of dried fruits for the heart muscle and blood vessels. Potassium and magnesium have a strengthening effect, and iron takes part in the function of hematopoiesis. Lack of iron provokes anemia, while the level of hemoglobin within the normal range is a guarantee that the blood is saturated with oxygen, which it delivers to organs and tissues.

Fiber-rich dried fruits improve intestinal motility, which improves digestion. Food is better absorbed, which means it brings more benefits. Moving through the intestines, dietary fiber from dried fruits collects waste and toxins and is eliminated from the body along with them. As a result, the likelihood of food fermentation in the intestines and the resulting abdominal pain, feeling of heaviness, and flatulence are reduced.

Most dried fruits have a mild laxative effect, so they act as a natural, safe laxative. They can be given to children and pregnant women without fear, even at later. The most famous among these dried fruits is prunes.

Dried fruits protect the walls of the stomach, enveloping them and reducing the impact of excessively fatty, spicy, and pickled foods.

It should be noted that each type of product has a characteristic composition, which means special healing properties. Thus, dried apples are rich in iron and can also improve intestinal microflora. Raisins are rich in B vitamins, so their regular use has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

In addition, it is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The first one helps to increase hemoglobin and strengthen nerves. Raisins improve lactation and increase taste characteristics milk.

Dried pears also have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system due to the presence of B vitamins. In addition, they have an immunostimulating effect and are also useful for diseases of the urinary tract and pancreas. Prunes exhibit diuretic and laxative effects. It is able to prevent anemia and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried apricots have similar properties, and in addition, they help maintain visual acuity. The product reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels - the risk of blockage is reduced, and the occurrence of cholesterol plaques is prevented.

Thanks to antioxidants, dried apricots help maintain youthful and attractive skin and hair.

No less useful Exotic fruits subjected to the drying process. Thus, figs are recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland and predisposition to them, since they are rich in iodine. In addition, it is characterized by an antiseptic, astringent and healing effect, therefore it is useful for stomatitis and other inflammations in the oral cavity. Figs contain dietary fiber more than other dried fruits, they are rich in potassium, and contain folic acid.

Peach is rich in potassium and magnesium, which is good for the heart, and its components also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys. Dried mango contains a lot of dietary fiber. In addition, it can be called a “beauty product”, since it contains vitamins E, C, A in significant quantities. They have a positive effect on the condition skin and hair, slow down the aging process of cells.

It also has a large amount of fiber dried melon. It is easily digestible, contains amino acids, B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, magnesium and potassium. This is due to the immunostimulating and tonic effect of these aromatic sweet pieces of a pleasant yellowish tint.

Dates, having a tonic and restorative effect, are especially useful during the period of recovery after illness or surgery. They strengthen the heart, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and are good for the liver and kidneys. They should definitely be included in the diet of pregnant women - dates strengthen the uterus, increase the body's immune strength and drive away the blues. Dates are no less useful for men's health. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs invariably began their day with them in order to improve potency.

The harm of dried fruits is primarily due to the fact that they contain dyes and other chemicals. The fact is that during the process of industrial drying, fruits and berries lose their attractiveness and bright colors. In order to attract customers and encourage them to buy, ready-made dried fruits are saturated with pigments and other synthetic additives. Bright shade, glossy shine - all this is the result of such processing. To increase the shelf life and protect the product from insects, it is again treated with less useful compounds.

The quality of raw materials and production features are also important. So, if cheaper unripe fruits are used, they are scalded with boiling water with the addition of non-baking soda. This causes the skin of the fruit to burst and drying proceeds faster. If you dry crops in a tunnel oven or using a burner, carcinogens accumulate in their composition, and bad smell gasoline or diesel fuel. It is clear that flavorings help hide it.

Manufacturers claim that such “chemistry” is used in minimal quantities. permissible quantities, and therefore dried fruits are safe.

However, the average buyer cannot determine how much dried fruit is “pumped up” with such components. Their regular use leads to the accumulation harmful substances in the body, weakens the immune system, causes the formation of toxins and radicals, and cell mutation.

Some categories of people, primarily allergy sufferers and young children, may feel a deterioration in their condition immediately after a single consumption of products processed in this way. If you are allergic to certain fruits, you should not eat them in dried form. Diabetes is usually a reason to stop using of this product or a significant reduction in its consumed volume.

Eating dried fruits should be avoided during the acute period of ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis. For a person with increased acidity stomach, the use of dried cherries and prunes is not recommended.

You can get the maximum benefit from dried fruits by consuming as much as possible. natural products. First of all, you should avoid buying overly aromatic, bright and shiny dried pieces. Real dried fruits are always wrinkled, have a dull color and are generally unattractive in appearance. Before eating, they should be soaked in warm water for half an hour, then washed well under running water. An excessively cracked skin of dried fruit indicates a defect, and a violation of the drying technology is indicated by the smell of gasoline or diesel fuel.

When purchasing papaya, mango and other exotic “dried fruits”, you should understand that in their true meaning they are candied fruits. That is, dried with big amount sugar fruits. Acts as a preservative sweet syrup, which replaces natural fruit juice. This causes high nutritional value and calorie content of these products.

Dates and prunes with pits contain a higher concentration of healing substances. The same can be said about dried fruits with stalks. Dried fruits should not be excessively dry and hard. This indicates a violation of the preparation or storage technology.

Almost every dried fruit can give a “signal” that eating it at this stage is undesirable. For example, if dried figs acquires a sour-salty taste and should not be eaten.

When taking dried fruits, it is important to remember that they are a highly concentrated product and therefore require moderate consumption. It is recommended to eat from 40 to 80 g of dried fruits per day. You should focus on your own palm. Any dried fruit should fit into the palm of a person. Everything else will be superfluous.

Can be cooked healthy mixture, taking prunes, dried apricots and raisins in equal quantities. They need to be scrolled through a meat grinder with 1 lemon along with the peel. Add 40-50 ml of liquid honey to the composition. You can put nuts. Leave for 10-14 days. Use in the morning with a spoon or dissolve 1-2 tablespoons in water.

It is better not to serve dried fruits as a dessert at the end of lunch or dinner, but to allocate a separate meal for them. Dried fruits go well with fermented milk products- cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and so on.


Optimal conditions For storing dried fruits, good ventilation, normal humidity levels and an air temperature not higher than +10C are required. If stored different types dried fruits, they should be wrapped separately, avoiding mixing.

The best containers for storage are wooden, glass or ceramic containers, always with a lid. By sealing dried fruits hermetically, you can be sure that they will not absorb foreign odors, will not be infected with insects, and will not become soggy from moisture. Dried fruits should not be stored in plastic bags. They begin to rot, which leads to the formation of mold and rot.

You need to periodically check stored dried fruits, removing spoiled fruits. The shelf life of dried fruits is no more than 12 months.


Perhaps the most famous dish, more precisely, compote is a drink based on dried fruits. It is known to the older generation primarily from school, student, and factory canteens. The unchanged taste of the drink is due to the fact that it was prepared strictly according to the technological map.

Dried fruit compote according to GOST


  • 1.5 cups dried apples;
  • half a glass of raisins, prunes and dried apricots;
  • 200 g fine sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

First you need to boil the syrup. After waiting for the sugar to completely dissolve, add apples to the liquid. Reducing the heat, simmer them for 10 minutes, after which dried apricots and prunes are introduced, and after another 5 minutes - raisins. Cover the compote with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes. After removing from heat, leave for half an hour. This compote is especially tasty when chilled. The sweetness of the drink can be adjusted by adding more or less sugar. You can add new flavor notes by replacing some of the regular sugar with brown or vanilla. Cloves go well with the resulting drink. A couple of stars can be put into the compote a minute before the end of cooking.

When cooking compote, it is important to observe the time heat treatment dried fruits If there is not enough of it, the drink will not have time to absorb the taste of the dried ingredients, its taste will be inexpressive. Excessive boiling of dried fruits leads to their loss of healing components. When boiled, the fruits make the drink cloudy.

Should be simmered in syrup for the longest time firm pears and apples, they are added before other ingredients. General valid time their cooking time is half an hour. Prunes and dried apricots should be kept on the fire for no more than 15-20 minutes, raisins - no longer than 5-7 minutes.

The richness and taste of the drink also depend on the ratio of dried fruits and liquid. It is optimal if you take at least 6-7 liters of water per 1 kg of dried fruit. It is important to choose the right pan, because during the boiling process, dried fruits almost double in size.

If the compote is prepared with apples or pears and other dried fruits, then the volume of the former should be about 50% of the composition.

Compote without sugar

It is usually prepared for young children. It is also suitable for those who are on a diet or suffer from certain types of diabetes.


  • 200 g dried apples;
  • 100 g of dried pears and prunes;
  • 3 liters of water.

Boil water, put apples and pears in it, after 15 minutes – prunes. Cook for another 10-15 minutes, leave for 30-60 minutes.

Vitamin compote with pumpkin

It has a pronounced immunostimulating and anti-cold effect. When hot, it has a slight antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. The presence of pumpkin gives the drink a pleasant hue and an unusual aftertaste.


  • 250 g dried apricots;
  • 200 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 150 g dried rose hips;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 150-200 g sugar;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Chop pumpkin pulp without skin and seeds small cubes. Prepare syrup, put dried apricots in it and cook for a quarter of an hour. Then add pumpkin and rose hips and simmer for the same amount of time. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon.

From the point of view of benefits, uzvar is much more valuable. Unlike compote, which involves boiling dried fruits, in uzvar they are simply poured with boiling water and infused. Traditionally, this drink was prepared for Christmas.

Uzvar Christmas

Need to take:

  • 100 g of dried apples, pears and prunes;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • 5 liters of water.

Pre-soak dried fruits in water for half an hour, then rinse well. Place them in a thermos and pour hot water. Leave for 1.5-2 hours, then pour into a jug and wait until the temperature of the drink drops to +40C. After this, add honey.

Important point– during heat treatment, honey loses its healing properties, so it should not be placed immediately with dried fruits.

Apple-honey uzvar


  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 200 g dried apples;
  • 50 ml honey.

Pour hot water over the apples and leave for at least 3-4 hours. After this, strain and, making sure that the temperature of the drink is not higher than +40C, add honey. Stir the mixture until the sweetener is completely dissolved.


  • 500 g of any dried fruits;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 tablespoons potato starch.

Boil syrup using water and sweetener. Dip dried fruits into it (don’t forget to soak them in water and wash them first). Place the uzvar on low heat and bring to a boil. IN cold water(a third of a glass) dissolve the starch and add it to the drink, stirring constantly. Keep on the fire for another minute and remove, do not allow the starch to boil.

The thickness of the drink depends on the amount of starch - the more there is, the thicker the uzvar will be. It is better to use potato starch, since rice and corn starch do not give the same transparency to the jelly soup. Sweet dried fruits can be added to tea or served as dessert. You can also make healthy candies from them.

Prune candies

This recipe uses a harmonious and already traditional combination of prunes, dried apricots and raisins. The addition of natural chocolate especially emphasizes the taste of prunes and softens the sourness of dried apricots.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 g each of prunes (quantity indicated for pitted product) and raisins;
  • 50 g dried apricots;
  • 100 g dark chocolate (cocoa bean content must be at least 70%);
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • 60 mg butter.

Soak dried fruits in water, rinse and dry, and then turn into a homogeneous paste using a blender. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter, and mix everything thoroughly. Mix the chocolate mixture with dried fruits, add honey and mix everything well again. Fill candy or ice molds with the composition, or simply roll into balls or sausages. Place in the refrigerator until the candies set.

The dessert should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days, always in a container with a lid.

Christmas cupcake

Initially, such baked goods were prepared in England during the Christmas holidays. It was a rather labor-intensive process that required special proportions of ingredients. The finished cake was not consumed immediately, but wrapped in baking paper and left for several days in a cool, dry place to “ripen.”

This recipe is not a classic one, but rather a variation on this theme. It doesn’t have to be left for several days; it can be served immediately.


  • 250 g of dried fruits (usually raisins, prunes, dates, dried apricots);
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 1 apple and 1 orange;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 100 g ground hari;
  • 100 g butter;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • a glass of strong sweet tea without additives;
  • 90 g sugar, brown if possible.

Cut dried fruits into small pieces, chop nuts with a knife. Add to dried fruits orange zest and soak the mixture in sweet tea. Beat eggs with sugar well, add honey and cooled melted butter. Can't add hot melted butter- the eggs will curl. Carefully mix the future dough, preventing it from losing its airiness.

Mix egg mixture with dried fruits, grate the apple without the skin. Add flour and crackers, knead the dough again, add nuts and mix everything again. Place the dough in the pan, greasing the sides and bottom first. butter. The dough must be compacted well and covered with foil, tying it with a silicone rubber band.

Place the mold in a baking tray filled with water. The latter should reach the middle of the cake pan. Place in the oven at 170C (this temperature is maintained throughout the entire cooking time) and wait for the water to boil in the pan. After this, note the time and cook for another 1.5-2 hours. The finished cake will be quite dense and slightly springy. The inside will be moist and crumbly. Another baked product that is unthinkable without dried fruits is Easter cake, which is prepared for Easter.

Cottage cheese cake with cherries

The composition of Easter cake may contain various dried fruits and their mixtures. This recipe uses curd dough, the tenderness of which is emphasized by the slightly noticeable sourness of dried cherries.


  • 100 g dried (dried) cherries;
  • 3 tablespoons cherry juice;
  • 330-350 g of flour (30 g for the dough, the rest for the dough, as much as you need);
  • 7 g dry yeast;
  • 150 g and 1 teaspoon (per dough) sugar;
  • 60 ml milk (preheat, it should be warm);
  • 250 g of fat cottage cheese (9% optimal option);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 g melted butter.

All ingredients must be room temperature. The flour should be sifted 2-3 times beforehand. Cut the cherries into halves and pour in the juice, leave for an hour. The dough is prepared on dough, since the presence of cottage cheese makes it heavier; without dough it will not rise. Mix 30 g of flour, a teaspoon of sugar, yeast, and pour warm milk over everything. Wrap in a towel and leave to rise for half an hour in a warm, draft-free place.

After the specified time, the dough will increase in volume by 2-2.5 times. Now you can prepare the dough, for which you should mix the cottage cheese (if it is large, first grind it through a sieve) and eggs. Add vanilla, sugar and salt, and lastly add melted, but not hot, butter. Mix everything thoroughly with a spatula. After this, use a whisk to stir in the dough and add the cherries without juice. Lastly add flour. Knead into a thick dough that should stick to your hands.

Cover the dough cling film and leave in a warm place for another 30 minutes. By this time, it will increase in volume again, and the film will begin to bubble. Immediately after this, the dough is kneaded and distributed into molds. The form needs to be filled only halfway, otherwise the dough will rise and “run away” during baking. Before putting the molds in the oven, they should be left for another 30-40 minutes (the dough will rise again).

Bake at 180C for about 40-50 minutes. Readiness to check by piercing the cake with a toothpick. It should be dry. If the top is browned, but the cake is not yet baked, the tops can be covered with baking paper. Remove the finished cakes from the oven and let cool slightly in the molds. Remove and decorate with glaze.

Protein cookies

Based on dried fruits, which are pre-crushed, they prepare healthy cookies and bars. They usually also include protein-rich bananas, nuts, and oatmeal. You can add protein powder (sports nutrition). These bars are especially popular among athletes because they allow you to quickly satisfy your hunger and replenish your strength after a workout. An example of one of these cookies or bars is in the following recipe.

The special feature of this cookie is its moisture content, which is provided by the banana. However, it remains crispy - this is due to coconut crumbs. Dates and bananas are quite sweet, so no other sweeteners are needed.


  • 200 g of ripe, or possibly overripe, bananas (weight indicated for fruits without peel);
  • 10 large dates;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of flour (the exact amount depends on the consistency of the dough and the type of flour, can be replaced with ground oatmeal);
  • 150 g coconut flakes.

Puree bananas and dates using a blender. If the dates seem a little dry, they should first be filled with water and left in it for half an hour. Pour oil into the mixture, add flour and coconut flakes. The dough should be quite thick, but sticky. It should be rolled into small balls, which are then flattened. Cakes are formed.

Bake cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper at 180C for 15-20 minutes. You can store it in a tin box or craft bag for up to 7-10 days. Another dish that is present in the diet of most athletes and those who adhere to the principles healthy eating- This is granola.

Homemade granola

Granola is oatmeal baked with honey and dried fruits, which is usually topped with milk, kefir or juice before consumption. Granola combines the benefits oatmeal, dried fruits and nuts. It can be prepared in reserve and stored in an airtight glass container.

To prepare, take:

  • 300 g oatmeal (you need to take the classic one, which requires long cooking);
  • 1 apple and 1 pear;
  • 150 g dried fruits;
  • 100 g nuts.

Finely chop dry fruits. Chop the nuts if necessary. Make a puree from the apples by grating them on a fine grater. Add these ingredients to the oatmeal and stir. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread the mixture onto it in a thin layer and bake for half an hour at a temperature of 130-150C. If using raisins, dried cherries or cranberries, it is better to add them to the granola 5 minutes before readiness.

Watch the following video about the benefits of dried fruits.

The question of what is more beneficial or harmful from dried fruits worries many. Doctors give an unequivocal answer to this question - the benefits of dried fruits are extremely high. Dried fruits can only cause harm if they are processed incorrectly.

Below you will learn about what types of dried fruits there are (goji, dates, raisins, apricots, etc.), how to choose the right dried fruits and how to eat them. You will also receive information about what to cook from dried fruits and what is healthy about dried fruits.

What is useful in dried fruits and their properties

Nature itself once suggested to us the recipe for this natural vitamin-mineral complex, having dried ripe fruits and berries under the warm rays of the sun. Having stocked up on the healthiest dried fruits, you don’t have to wait for next summer, but can benefit from their taste and aroma all year round. The passion for dried berries and fruits among adherents of a healthy diet is so great today that it can easily be called “dried fruit mania.”

Dried fruits are not just a delicacy, but a real medicine from nature’s first aid kit; All of them are natural vitamin energy drinks. Dried fruits are recommended for use for diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia; they have anti-inflammatory properties and are also indicated for people with weakened immune systems. What else is useful about dried fruits is their excellent cleansing effects in cleansing the body - they perfectly contribute to the normal course of metabolic processes. In addition, different dried fruits to varying degrees, they have a laxative and diuretic effect.

What are the benefits of dried date fruits?

Dates - dried date palm fruits - contain vitamins A, C, group B, many trace elements and 23 amino acids. In addition, dates are distinguished by a high concentration of tannins, which have antiseptic and hemostatic properties.

What are the benefits of dates: Thanks to the presence of phosphorus and selenium, regular consumption of these dried fruits strengthens tooth enamel and maintains the beauty and health of hair and nails.

What are the benefits of dried fruit raisins?

Raisins - dried in the shade or in the sun - can be light or dark, both with and without seeds. It retains up to 80% of the vitamins and microelements contained in fresh grapes. Thanks to its rich composition, raisins have a positive effect on almost all body systems, including the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous. Dried grapes are rich in antioxidant vitamin C (most of this vitamin is in dark seedless varieties), which is responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin and strengthens the immune system. Raisins are a champion in potassium content, which regulates the water-salt balance in the body. It also contains significant amounts of boron, which supports thyroid health and protects against the development of diseases such as osteoporosis.

Other benefits of raisins: promoting cleansing of the body; normalization of blood circulation; strengthening the immune system.

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

Dried apricot fruit is called apricot (see section “Fruits and Berries”, article “Apricot”) with a pit. In addition to it, seedless dried fruits are also obtained from apricots - dried apricots and kaisa - however, it is believed that apricots are much healthier for the body than them. Like raisins, apricots boast a high potassium content, which removes excess sodium from the body. Apricots are rich in beta-carotene (it is what gives apricots their orange color), which prevents the occurrence and development of cancer.

What else is useful for apricots: relieves swelling and normalizes blood pressure.

What are the benefits of goji berries (wolfberry fruits)

The benefits of goji berries (wolfberry fruits) are best known in China, the homeland of the tree. Relatively new to Europeans, goji berries have become a truly sensational discovery by scientists. In terms of its incredibly high content of vitamins and microelements, goji berries currently have no competitors. Thanks to antioxidant vitamin C (there is 5 times more of it in goji than in orange), the aging process in the body is significantly slowed down and the immune system is strengthened.

The abundance of carotenoids (there are 20 times more of them in this berry than in carrots) supports visual acuity, improves memory and serves as a preventive agent in the fight against cancer. And the high iron content (16 times more than in pomegranates or apples) normalizes blood circulation and heart function.

What other dried fruits are there?

One of the most popular dried fruits is prunes, the dried plum fruit. It contains a large amount of antioxidant vitamins A and C, B vitamins, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc, as well as phytoncides. Wide known property Prunes cope with constipation due to the content of coarse fibers in it, which not only remove toxins, but also enhance intestinal motility. Dried plums normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse the body and prolong youth.

How to choose the right dried fruits

Unfortunately, not all dried fruits are equally useful: it all depends on the method of processing to which they are subjected. The best option is to dry fruits in the shade, in which case they retain the maximum of nutrients. Fruits can also be dried in the sun. But the worst way for our health to dry fruits involves the use of chemicals. Alas, often packaged in bags, brightly colored dried fruits on supermarket shelves are precisely a chemically processed product. It is better to refuse to purchase such “miracle fruits”. It should be remembered that any dried fruit is a concentrated and high-calorie product. From fresh fruit they differ increased content sugar, so moderation in their consumption is especially important for diabetics and overweight people.

How to choose and eat dried fruits

Before choosing dried fruits, always stick to the same fail-safe principles. Firstly, avoid buying caked fruits with traces of mold, rot or moisture. When purchasing dried fruits in packaging, make sure it is sealed. Secondly, dried fruits should not be coated with crystallized sugar, and fatty-looking fruits with a strong shine have clearly been treated with glycerin. Third, pay attention to the color of the fruit.

Unnaturally bright shades indicate the use of chemicals: manufacturers do this to give the product marketable condition, because naturally dried fruits darken and do not look very attractive.

So, prunes should be dark purple, not brown, as we often see them on the shelves, and should not leave marks on the hands. The “correct” dates should be dark: light color indicates the immaturity of dried fruits. And when buying raisins, give preference to matte, wrinkled berries with dry tails.

Why you should eat dried fruits:

To cleanse the body; normalization of digestion; normalization of blood circulation; strengthening the immune system.

How to eat dried fruits: It is best to consume dried fruits without heat treatment, but only after washing and pouring boiling water over them; You can cook compotes from dried fruits and add them to porridge.

What to cook from the healthiest dried fruits

First of all, before eating, purchased dried fruits should be thoroughly washed in cold water, kneading them with your hands, and then doused with boiling water. To further protect dried fruits, you can soak them for a while in sour milk: this treatment will not only rid the fruit of harmful preservatives, but will also soften them somewhat. It is best to consume dried fruits in their natural, raw form - this way you can get maximum benefit from this delicacy.

Compotes made from dried fruits are also very useful, the main thing is to prepare them correctly. Unfortunately, housewives often make two serious mistakes: adding sugar and boiling the compote for too long. It is better to replace sugar with honey, and you should avoid boiling altogether: just pour boiling water over the mixture of dried fruits, close the lid tightly and let it brew.

During the Soviet era, we knew only a few types of dried fruits. They were usually consumed in the form of compote: in kindergartens, schools, canteens and other catering establishments.

But there are a lot of dried fruits in the world - almost as many as we know of fresh fruits: not all fruits can be dried, and candied fruits are not the same. Fruits are dried whole (with or without seeds) and pieces, cut into halves or thin slices.

We are interested in the taste and benefits of dried fruits, including the possibility of using them in diets for weight loss. Many people think that it is not worth introducing dried fruits into the diet for weight loss - they are too sweet, but at the same time there are a lot effective diets on them. The sugars in which dried fruits are so rich are broken down and absorbed slowly, and they help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, unlike bars, candies, cakes and other “unhealthy” sweets. There are no sudden releases of insulin into the blood, causing the growth of adipose tissue, from dried fruits, but the body receives useful substances in considerable quantities.

Sweet and aromatic, dried fruits are not only healthy dietary product, but also a delicious delicacy: you can safely “eat up” stress with them. This does not mean that you can consume them in excessive quantities. The calorie content of dried fruits is high, but they are also rich in fiber, which perfectly cleanses out all toxic “deposits” and “accumulations” and helps strengthen the immune system.

Some dried fruits are found in stores and markets in Russia more often, others less often, but they all bring benefits. First, about the more high-calorie types.

Healthy calorie content of dried fruits

Dried apples (253-231 kcal) help the body quickly process proteins and fats, relieve hunger for a long time, and have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Their regular consumption means normal hemoglobin, calm mood, strong immunity, well-functioning intestines, clean skin and many more wonderful “health and beauty effects”.

Photo: low calorie dried fruits

Bananas (245 kcal) and prunes (233 kcal) are rich in vitamins and soft fiber, remove excess fluid and waste, increase tone and mood, improve metabolism and memory, prevent the development of cancer cells and CVD diseases. By combining these dried fruits, you can feel light and calm, but you should not get carried away with bananas if you have diabetes or problems with the pancreas.

Dried apricots, dried apricot seedless - perhaps the most popular dried fruit in Russia. Calorie content – ​​240-245 kcal; nutritionists say that dried apricots are “an ideal healthy food product” with very high energy value. For those who want to lose weight, it is enough to eat up to 100 g per day and drink up to 2 liters clean water: a wonderful fasting day that helps normalize stool and remove excess liquid. Effective method tame your “raging” appetite: suck on one dried apricot fruit until it becomes soft, chew slowly and swallow - you won’t want to eat for 2-4 hours.

Uryuk is the “brother” of dried apricots, considered even more useful. Apricots of medium-sized varieties dry on trees, in natural conditions and in their entire form, retain more useful properties and have a more pronounced medicinal effect.

Photo: low-calorie dried fruits

Figs, or figs, are the champion among dried fruits in terms of fiber content. The calorie content varies - 245-260 kcal, but it plays a vital role in weight loss and therapeutic diets. Facilitates the course of many diseases associated with disruption of the functioning of any organs and systems; Regular consumption of figs in reasonable amounts allows you to maintain excellent health for many years.

Even the lowest calorie dried fruits contain a lot of calories. Therefore, you should not expect to lose weight by using them not as a replacement for harmful and heavy products, but as tasty treat in addition to the usual diet.

This is what they call dried naturally or in a dehydrator fruits or berries. If everything is done correctly, the product retains 18–30% moisture and a lot of useful substances: vitamins (except vitamin C, since most of it is lost), mineral elements. Store dried fruits in wooden boxes, glass or metal containers, plastic containers, bags made of natural fabric from six months to a year. They are eaten as snacks (8–15 pieces per day are enough) or added to baked goods and meat dishes.


Translated from Turkish raisins means "grapes". There are four types of raisins in total: light small seedless raisins from sweet white and green grape varieties, dark blue seedless, medium-sized light olive with one seed, large fleshy, very sweet in taste with several big bones. At the same time, as in the case of grapes, dark varieties raisins are more beneficial than light ones.


The name of the tree and the fruits of the same name. Historians believe that figs are one of the most ancient plants cultivated by humans. The fig tree has been known since ancient times and has been cultivated for more than 5 thousand years. It is believed that figs were first introduced into cultivation on the fertile lands of part of the Arabian Peninsula, where they can still be found in the wild. Gradually, figs appeared in Phenicia, Judea, Syria, Egypt, Central Asia, and then in the Mediterranean countries. Currently, it is widespread in the Mediterranean countries, Egypt, Central Asia, India, the Americas, Iran, Afghanistan, the Caucasus and the South Coast.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried fruits produced from apricot fruits by natural drying for a week in the sun. Central Asia and Northern China are the birthplace of the apricot tree. Today, apricots for the production of dried apricots are grown in the gardens of the Krasnodar region of Russia, in the Caucasus, Far East, Central Asia and Crimea.

Date fruit

Edible fruits Date palm is a common food item and is widely available as dried fruit. For industrial cultivation, certain varieties of date palm are used. Dates are highly valued in Islam: the Prophet Muhammad himself loved these fruits, and they are mentioned 29 times in the Koran. Saint Onuphrius also ate dates.

We have known the Christmas goose surrounded by delicious prunes and the pleasant compote with dried apricots since childhood. Helpers of culinary magic are dried fruits, the names of which make up a huge list of delicacies known to residents of various places on the planet.

The requirement to preserve the harvest has long evolved into a tradition of turning fresh fruits into dried fruits. Fruits and berries available in a particular area were dried and dried, turning into a healing, tasty delicacy. Dried fruits were taken by sailors on long journeys, using them as an invaluable storehouse of vitamins and tasty food. The development of the industrial capabilities of society has proposed new technologies for producing dried fruits, preserving in them all the beneficial qualities of fresh gifts of nature.

Types of dried fruits

Now there are no problems in purchasing dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, melon, mango, raisins, apples, pears. Raspberries, blueberries, mulberries, currants, rose hips, and many other types of products decorate markets and store shelves. They come with or without a bone. In the form of whole fruits, cut into pieces, slices, lumps. sprinkled powdered sugar, boiled, glazed, oiled fruits. They are dried in the sun, in the shade, and made fruit chips. Industrial technology Pre-chemical processing processes are used, which protects dried fruits from mold and pests. They last longer, but must be washed well before use. Drying methods include dried fruits dried in the sun (oftobi), in the shade (soyagi), and in loznitsa. These are ancient devices for processing fresh fruits on coals for a week. Used in private households. Dried fruits, dried in the shade, are soft, tasty, suitable for consumption without prior preparation. After exposure to the sun, the fruits become hard. It is best to cook compotes from them. Modern production facilities are equipped with special drying chambers adapted for the mass production of dried fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, figs, and other types.

Numerous dried fruits are usually divided into two groups. One of them includes dried fruits. Another group includes various dried berries. Among the list of the first group of dried fruits, the following types are known:

  1. Dried apricots. This type of dried fruit is obtained from pitted apricot halves by natural drying in the sun. Large apricots, dried without seeds, are called kaisa. After drying, dried apricots should retain their natural shade. Too bright a color indicates the use of chemical treatment. The main suppliers of dried apricots are considered to be China, California, Asian countries, and the Caucasus region. Going on sale different varieties dried apricots, differing in cost. This is a table grade, first, highest, extra. They are produced in different quality fresh apricots. Dried apricots and kaisa contain large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and mineral salts. Sugars, carotene, iodine, other vitamins, fiber, minerals. Harmonious chemical composition Dried apricots, when consumed regularly, can improve blood composition and normalize processes in the intestines. Strengthen vision, relieve blockage of blood vessels, create a general strengthening effect for the entire body.
  2. Prunes. More and more often we use recipes meat dishes, drinks, salads, pilaf containing prunes. Slightly shiny black shade, soft dried fruits obtained from the fruits black plum, have long enjoyed success in cooking. To get it, choose juicy, large, ripe fruits. They are blanched, cooled in running water, and dried in steam dryers. The quality of prunes is confirmed by the absence of a brown tint that appears when the drying process is disrupted. There should not be even a slight bitterness in prunes. Properly dried black plum fruit is considered a real gift for human health. It helps normalize work digestive system, cope with heart disease, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases. High content vitamin A, has a beneficial effect on strengthening vision. The antioxidants contained in dried fruit absorb free radicals and serve as a preventive barrier against the development of malignant tumors.
  3. Dried apricots. The inhabitants of the East call dried fruit a fruit of beauty, a gift from Allah. Otherwise it is called Sheptala, kandak. In many of its properties, apricots differ from, for example, dried apricots. The apricot remains on the tree until the amount of moisture contained in it becomes minimal. A natural concentrate is formed, a clot of useful substances. If you drink an infusion of wild apricots every morning, you can live more than a hundred years without illness. This is what the Tajiks think. The fruit of beauty rejuvenates the skin and hair. Sweet varieties of apricots are used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Sours relieve a person from migraine attacks and serve as a preventive measure against colds. In terms of the amount of potassium, apricots are considered a champion among other dried fruits.
  4. Dates, melon. The fruits of the date palm, valued by the world's population since the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, are in constant demand among people. Interesting fact is the chemical composition of the date, which differs from modern types of fruit found in Israel. Its age is about 5000 years. Unfortunately, this type of palm tree has not been found on the planet. Easterners considered dates to be “second bread”. Composition, useful qualities exotic fruit allow them to be the main type of food for humans for a long time. The energy volume of 100 g of dates is about 350 Kcal. Sweet, tasty fruits do not keep fresh for long. You can get a sea of ​​vitamins, minerals, and numerous beneficial components of dates by regular use dried fruits Melon is sold in the form of original braids and cubes. Among them, cantaloupe or dried Thai melon is considered popular.
  5. Kumquat. Orange-like fruits belonging to the family citrus plants. Their taste contains a slight sourness, similar to tangerine. The sweet skin of the kumquat is edible. Industrial plantations of dried kumquat fruit are located in China, Asia, Japan, Corfu Island, and America. Six species of the plant and several hybrid forms are known, for example, kumandarin, limequat, calamondin, demonquat. Candied fruits, marmalade, and liqueurs are made from healthy fruit.
  6. Figs The fruits of the oldest tree on the planet, called the fig tree, fig tree. You won’t be able to enjoy fresh fruits for a long time. They do not tolerate transportation well, they quickly begin to ferment, losing their taste, beneficial features. But dried figs have been known for a long time and are used in recipes. traditional medicine in the treatment of cough, anemia, as a laxative, etc. The healing abilities of figs are recognized by official medicine.
  7. Pears, apples. One of the common types of dried fruits used by peoples of different climatic zones. Used in home cooking in winter.
  8. Raisin. Dried grapes are considered the main representative of the second group of dried fruits obtained from berries. In terms of beneficial qualities, it ranks first among all types of dried fruits. Raisins retain 100% of the properties of grapes. There are various varieties of raisins available in the markets. For example, dark seedless raisins (cinnamon, shigani, bidana). Light seedless raisins (kishmish, sabza). Varieties of sultanas differ in drying methods and the type of grapes used. White raisins are obtained by drying in the sun without pre-treatment. Tailed raisins are dried together with the stalk. This allows you to preserve the appearance of the berries. Each variety of raisins has numerous beneficial properties. Regular, competent use of it in nutrition brings great benefit to the human body.

Dried berries of rose hips, hawthorn, blueberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, despite the price, are worthy for constant use. Many of nature’s most valuable gifts can be dried efficiently at home.

Nowadays exotic dried fruits are attracting attention on the shelves dried watermelons, lychee, kiwi, lime, pomelo, jujube or Chinese date, many others healthy treats.

Benefits and medicinal properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits and berries serve as a healing “pill” for the entire body at any time of the year. High concentrations useful elements provide all its systems necessary materials. Nutritional qualities, unique chemical composition, and the possibility of long-term storage have created fame for dried fruits popular product nutrition. At the right time they come to the aid of diseases, for preventive purposes, the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, intestines. They are convenient to take on the road. Along with a small amount of nuts, dried fruits will replace lunch and dinner. Even small children, starting from the age of 1.5 years, are introduced to their diet with certain types of dried fruits. In winter, they are able to compensate for the lack of vegetables and vitamins. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the body, for example, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of specific diseases, and choose the right dried fruits.

How to choose and store dried fruits

Industrial technologies for drying fruits and berries use various ways their processing. Long-term storage of the product cannot be ensured without the use of sulfur dioxide, caustic soda, and numerous types of preservatives. These compounds are toxic to the body. To reduce them harmful effects You need to carefully examine the dried fruits. The fruits must have a whole, undamaged shape. They should be free of mold, rot and stains. Brilliant, bold look dried fruits confirms the use of fat, glycerin to improve appearance. A bright color that does not match the natural shade indicates an undesirable chemical treatment. It is not recommended to buy such dried fruits.

It is recommended to store dried fruits in a glass jar, away from direct sunlight and heating equipment.

All types of dried fruits are useful for people of any age. When going after them, it is useful to remember tips on choosing and consuming each specific type of dried fruit. Delicious, healthy treats should become a regular guest in every home.