Where people drink more. The spread of alcoholism in the world with the rating of countries

In the spring of 2017, a report of the World Health Organization (WHO) was presented, in which the 10 most drinking countries of the world in 2017-2018 are named. It should be noted that although the order of countries in the ranking varies from year to year, the traditional leaders of the list are the republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as the developed countries of Western Europe, while they least drink in Muslim countries of the world, which is quite natural, considering the attitude of Islam to alcohol, that is, its complete rejection. By the way, the majority of the world's population (more than 60%) do not drink at all, and the average world consumption rate is about 6.2 liters of pure alcohol per year. In addition, it is noted that approximately 16% of the total number of drinkers are people who are said to systematically abuse drinking, essentially being alcoholics.

Top 10 most drinking countries in the world 2017-2018

The list was presented by WHO Representative Gauden Galea and it looks like this:

10 Australia

Opens the top ten countries in the world where Australia drinks the most. The so-called Australian lifestyle is inextricably linked to beer consumption. It is this foamy drink, and also wine, that accounts for the lion's share of alcohol consumption in the country. Australia's biggest problem is the excessive drinking of alcohol by Australian Aborigines, for whom drinking and alcoholism have become commonplace. Therefore, the state takes quite tough measures to combat this problem. So in the Northern Territory, where the largest number of the indigenous population of Australia lives, the method of compulsory treatment for alcoholism is practiced.


There is no doubt that Germany owes such a high place in the ranking of the most drinking states in 2017-2018 to beer consumption. In addition, the country is quite loyal not only to drinking beer (beer and wine can be drunk from 16 years old), but also to the use of strong alcoholic beverages (allowed after 18 years). In the country you can drink while driving, but the presence of ethanol in the blood should not exceed the norm of 0.3 ppm. In addition, there is a precedent when a court in one of the German cities allowed drinking alcohol on the streets, arguing that the ban infringes on the rights of citizens and the authorities should not fight alcohol in public places, but directly violate public order. What is true, there are very few such people in the country.


France and Italy are not far behind their neighbor, where there are a large number of traditional alcoholic drinks, many of which are known throughout the world. Italian wines and vermouths are rightfully considered to be one of the best on the planet and it is not surprising that Italians themselves like to spend the evening with a glass, for example, of a good chianti.

7 France

Residents of a country where vineyards occupy 58 million hectares, which is equal to two Belgium in area, cannot help but use the results of their work, because France is one of the largest producers of wine and wine products in the world. The traditions of drinking alcoholic beverages in the country, such as dry wine, champagne or cognac, have centuries-old roots, so the French regularly fall into the ratings of the most drinking countries in the world.


Alcohol has long become a part of the country's daily life and, apparently, the British themselves are not particularly worried. The world-famous pubs and restaurants of Great Britain are rarely unfilled, and what often appears on the tables of their visitors? Although Great Britain is the birthplace of many world-famous alcoholic drinks, including whiskey and gin, the most drinkers in the country are beer, including the original English drink - ale. Drinkers are not particularly persecuted in the country and by law. So, in England and Wales, the use of alcohol in public places is not formally prohibited. In addition, British drivers, like their counterparts in most Western European countries, can afford to drink alcohol while driving, as they say. True, in strictly limited sizes.


Not only European states have made it into the Top 10 countries for alcohol consumption. South Korea ranked fifth in the ranking and became the most drinking country in Asia. It should be noted that Koreans consume alcohol traditionally a lot and among the most popular among them alcoholic beverages - Soochi or rice vodka. Koreans also like rice or fruit wine and local beer. Despite the fact that in Korea they drink a lot (among the local population it is considered commonplace to finish a working day in one of the drinking establishments) and you can often meet tipsy people, including drunk teenagers, on the streets of the cities, Koreans behave more and less decently, even under the influence of a large amount of alcohol.


Both of these countries consume about 12 liters of pure alcohol per year, per person. The fact that Russia did not get into the top three winners can already be called an achievement for a country where the use of strong alcoholic beverages is a national tradition. But the fact remains, and for three years now, the country has seen a tendency to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population, which cannot be said about Poland, which, on the contrary, has been rising in such ratings in recent years. It should be noted that the Poles are big fans of all kinds of parties and as the purchasing power of the population grows, which, of course, is good, the level of alcohol consumption also increases, which is not so good.


Another Baltic country was in the top three ranking leaders. At the same time, it is quite unusual to see her so high on the list, because the Latvians have not previously been noted in particular alcohol abuse. Nevertheless, 13 liters of pure alcohol is precisely such an indicator based on the per capita population of Latvia that WHO cites. Some measures are being taken in the country to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In particular, in 2014, alcohol advertising was banned, but this did not lead to a noticeable decrease in consumption. At the same time, the data of another study show such unpleasant facts: residents of Latvia spend twice as much money on drinking (about 100 euros per year) than on attending cultural events.

2 Belarus

15 liters of pure alcohol per capita allowed Belarus to confidently take second place in the list of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017-2018. It should be noted that the country is geographically located next to the leader, Lithuania, which means that the alcohol traditions in these countries are very similar to each other. The state has developed a special program to prevent and overcome drunkenness, designed for the period until 2020. Its goal is to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to 8 liters of pure alcohol per person, since, according to the World Health Organization, a higher level of consumption leads to the general degradation of society and negatively affects future generations.


“The largest drunkard in Europe, as well as the most drinking country in the world,” the above-mentioned official put it in relation to this small Baltic state, where, according to WHO estimates, 16 liters of pure alcohol are drunk annually. This news simply shocked the inhabitants of Lithuania and the local parliament immediately approved a number of changes to the legislation, which are designed to reduce alcohol consumption among the country's population. So, since 2018, only people who have reached 20 years of age will be able to buy alcoholic beverages. In addition, alcohol advertising will be completely banned in the country and temporary restrictions will be introduced on the sale of alcoholic beverages, both on weekdays and on holidays.

The rating of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017-2018 is calculated by the method World Health Organization, which is based on systematic sociological and medical research and is updated once every several years. Such attention of the WHO to the problem is caused by the fact that alcohol consumption is the third leading risk factor for deadly diseases in the world, and this is despite the fact that less than half of the world's population consumes alcohol.

Measures used to combat alcoholism

According to the same world health organization, the most effective measures to solve problems with excessive alcohol consumption are:

  • Restriction of access to alcohol, including minors
  • Ban on advertising alcoholic beverages
  • State pricing policy

Do not forget about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the creation of conditions for active pastime, excluding the use of alcoholic beverages. In Western Europe, the use of such measures leads to a decrease in alcohol consumption, even in countries where drinking has become a true national tradition. So, to drink a glass of wine in Spain, Portugal, Italy or France for appetite has always been considered commonplace, the same can be said about a glass of beer for a German.

Chronic causes pancreatitis in 60% of cases. 70% of murders and 62% of suicides are drunk. Despite this, per capita alcohol consumption is constantly growing.

Rating of countries in terms of alcohol consumption

Countries where alcohol consumption is particularly high include:

  1. Belarus This country has repeatedly led in the ranking of the most drinking states. In Belarus, not only the legal, but also the black market for alcoholic beverages is developed.
  2. Ukraine. The state traditionally occupies a leading position in the ranking due to the large number of wineries and affordable prices for alcoholic beverages.
  3. Italy. Wine in Italy is consumed during almost every meal. Diluted with water, an alcoholic drink is usually given even to children.
  4. France. Drinking is considered part of French culture. A bottle of wine almost always accompanies a Frenchman's lunch or dinner.
  5. United Kingdom. Many pubs and bars are open in this country around the clock. The most common causes of death in the kingdom include cirrhosis caused by alcoholism.
  6. Germany. You can buy an alcoholic drink in Germany even at a newsstand. In the country there is no ban on drinking alcohol in public places. Beer festivals are favorite national holidays.
  7. Spain. The Kingdom is the third largest alcohol producer in the world. Among the main causes of alcohol abuse is a hot climate. Spaniards quench their thirst with cocktails based on alcoholic beverages.
  8. Finland. Harsh climatic conditions push the Finns to drink a lot of alcohol. Despite the active struggle of the authorities against drunkenness and numerous restrictions, alcoholism is one of the most common causes of death and serious illness in this state.
  9. Australia. The use of rum as a currency contributed to the spread of alcoholism.
  10. Uganda. The state ranks first in alcohol consumption among African countries. Preference is given to a local alcoholic drink made from bananas, which in ancient times was used by soldiers to boost morale.

Drunkenness in Russia

The Russian Federation is among the most drinking countries in the world. Sociologists say that social, psychological, political and economic problems, and uncertainty about tomorrow often become the cause of drunkenness. Frequent drinking alcohol contributes to a large number of holidays.

Over the past decade, mortality from alcohol has increased in Russia: if in 2008 2.5 million people died, then in 2015 the number of deaths exceeded 3.5 million people. In most cases, death occurs after the use of surrogate alcohol products. The main consequences of excessive drinking include the birth of children with pathologies.

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of bills whose purpose is to combat the addiction and the spread of fake alcoholic beverages:

  1. Since 2010, appearing in a public place while intoxicated is punished by arrest for 15 days or a large fine. Criminal liability arises for persuading minors to drink alcohol.
  2. Since 2011, drinks, which include more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol, are recognized as alcoholic.
  3. Since 2013, the sale of alcohol in unauthorized places, as well as at stations and in small retail outlets (stalls, kiosks, etc.), has been banned.

In addition, themed alcoholic holidays and advertising of alcoholic beverages were canceled in the territory of the Russian Federation. In educational institutions, they give lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Figures and Reality

Statistics on the consumption of alcoholic beverages for 2017.

The growth in the consumption of alcoholic beverages is recorded both in countries with economic problems and in countries with more stable economies.

And where do not drink

A complete or partial ban on the use of alcohol is more common in countries where the state religion is Islam, which prohibits the use of alcohol:

  1. Bangladesh The local population is forbidden to drink alcohol. Tourists can bring a small amount of alcohol across the border, which is allowed to drink only in the hotel room.
  2. Kuwait. The ban applies to both the local population and foreigners. Violators awaits imprisonment. Foreigners are in most cases deported.
  3. Maldives Residents of the islands are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tourists are allowed to drink in bars after receiving special permission.
  4. Mauritania. Alcohol is not prohibited to people who are not professing Islam. You can drink it at home or in restaurants that have permission to sell alcohol.
  5. Pakistan. Non-Muslim citizens who consume alcohol must obtain permission. Authorities make concessions to support the state’s economy.
  6. Yemen. Sale of alcohol in Yemen is permitted only in Sana'a and Aden. A foreigner can bring alcohol with him, but he does not have the right to drink it in public places.
  7. United Arab Emirates. Alcohol sellers must obtain a special license. Non-Muslim people are allowed to visit bars, but appearing drunk on the street is unacceptable. Violators will face heavy fines, imprisonment, or public flogging.
  8. Sudan. Non-Islamic citizens of the country and foreigners can drink at home (in the hotel room). At the same time, visiting public places while drunk is prohibited.
  9. Saudi Arabia. On the territory of the state is a Muslim shrine - Mecca. Buying and selling alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited. All foreigners are warned about the ban upon entering the country.
  10. Somalia. Muslims who drink alcohol are facing imprisonment or corporal punishment. Non-Muslims drinking alcohol in public will also be punished.

In India, the prohibition on the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages varies by state. In some regions, prohibitions and restrictions are completely absent, in others there is a “dry" law. You can import alcohol into Iran. On the territory of the state it is permissible to produce and sell alcoholic beverages to persons who are not professing Islam.

There is a strong and well-established opinion that the Russians are one of the most abundant drinking nations. But there is one stubborn and indisputable thing - these are numbers and statistical indicators. Before arguing and carrying the idea to the masses, you need to arm yourself with statistics. The "dry" data does not carry an emotional connotation, they only offer to arm themselves with the truth and compare the current state of affairs.

Judging by the latest data obtained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, alcohol consumption per capita in Russia has a direction towards a steady decline. In the analysis, specialists compared the results adopted in 2010 and 2015. And how were things in 2016, do we have a reason for joy?

According to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumption in Russia is reduced

According to accepted UN standards, per capita consumption of 8 liters of ethyl alcohol is an extremely alarming indicator. And not only for every person, but also for the entire specific nation. By the way, a fairly large number of countries fall into the classification where this level is exceeded. In particular, in terms of 2015, the rating of the most drinkers was as follows:

Ranking place A country Per capita alcohol consumption (in l)
1 Czech16,45
2 Hungary16,27
3 Ukraine15,60
4 Estonia15,57
5 Andorra15,48
6 Romania15,30
7 Slovenia15,19
8 Belarus15,13
9 Croatia15,11
10 Lithuania15,03
11 The Republic of Korea14,80
12 Portugal14,55
13 Ireland14,41
14 Russia13,50
15 Poland13,25
16 United Kingdom13,37
17 Denmark13,37
18 Slovakia13,33
19 Austria13,24
20 Luxembourg13,01
21 Germany12,81
22 Finland12,52
23 Latvia12,50
24 Bulgaria12,44

The use of alcohol-containing drinks per capita in the Russian Federation from 13.6 liters (according to 2015) fell to 11.6 liters (according to statistics for December 2016).

So, given the statistics of alcoholism in Russia, do Russians frivolously rank as “the most drinkers”? If you study the figures obtained, it becomes clear that some of the countries with a developed culture are excessively indulging in strong-drinking. And if they do not reach the “record” of our country, then the difference is practically imperceptible.

Comparative characteristics of alcohol consumption in Russia and the USSR

Given the results of previous statistics, the WHO forecast for our country is quite favorable. In Russia, there is a downward trend in this unpleasant figure. So, is there a reason to be glad? There is, but, unfortunately, is very small.

We continue to abuse

If you don’t juggle the figures, do not compare them to one degree or another, the Russians drink alcohol and quite hard. According to available indicators, on average, against the background of abuse of alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation, mortality ranges from 75-85,000 for every 100,500 people. That is, it can be said, counting how many alcoholics are in Russia, that each year 1,400 Russian citizens die from alcohol abuse.

This figure is rather big, considering the size of our country and the number of people living in it. It is important to know that people who are addicted to alcohol and suffer from alcoholism have no chance of surviving safely to old age, because according to the same statistics, of them:

  1. 60.70% will die from pancreatitis.
  2. 62.10% will take their own lives.
  3. 68.7% die as a result of cirrhosis.
  4. 24.5% die due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The reasons that push people to drink

Studying the data provided by statistics on alcohol consumption in Russia and comparing them with the indicators of other countries, we can conclude that the problem of drinking is relevant for almost all world developed countries. What global reasons are guilty of this state of affairs?

Active urbanization

Experts argue that one of the main culprits of the rapid development of alcoholism is urbanization. It gave a sharp increase in the population of cities, due to the outflow of residents from villages and villages. Historical facts indicate that exchanging a quiet and measured rural life for the dynamics of large cities, most people can not cope with the growing stress and go into a drunken reassurance.

Urbanization is one of the reasons for the growth of alcoholism

Cataclysms and social problems

Additionally and quite strongly, the growth of alcoholism in Russia intensified economic crises, cataclysms, and the growing threat of using weapons of mass destruction. By the way, in the realities of the Cold War, against the backdrop of an impending nuclear disaster, a significant increase in the growth of alcoholism was noted. Other social problems also contributed. In particular, the growth of unemployment.

In Russia, the unemployment rate falls within 5.6%, while in the EU countries these figures are about 12%, which stimulates the growth of alcohol consumption. Here you can see the US figures taken in 2013. The country's authorities were able to reduce the percentage of unemployment from 9.5 to 5.4%. This also caused a pronounced tendency to decrease the total amount of alcohol consumption.

Social issues

As for Russia, the increase in the number of drinkers can be explained by the facts that over the past 25-30 years, our country has experienced a huge number of shocks on:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • political level.

The ruthless collapse of the huge, super-powerful state that the USSR was, provoked the global destruction of all the values \u200b\u200bthat have been established for years and the internal worldview of our citizens. The increase in alcoholism has intensified due to the fact that a different worldview and values \u200b\u200b(for that period) have not been established. The population, which has lost protection at the social level, has sharply increased poverty.

According to the statistical results, about 10% of Russian citizens face constant difficulties with good and nutritious nutrition.

And the decline in price increases for alcohol-containing products, which was observed during the collapse of the Union, also stimulated a sharp increase in alcoholism. People, having lost their jobs, not seeing a way out in this situation, went for solace in alcohol.

The consequences of alcohol dependence in the realities of the country

By established UN standards, it is estimated that alcohol consumption of more than 8 liters annually per capita is an extremely serious indicator. With the transition of this trait, a gradual degradation of a single nation will begin. Alcoholism leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

In Russia, life expectancy tends to increase

If we compare the average life expectancy, then in Russia it is 10-15 years less in comparison with the EU countries.

What shall we wait

The consumption of alcohol-containing products among the inhabitants of our country tends to decline. This is evidenced by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia by years, in particular, armed with data from Rosstat and WHO, we can see confirmation of this. Compare how the volume of sold alcohol products to Russians changed. The figures are taken for the period of the first half of the year (January-August):

  1. 2014: 72.3 million decalitres.
  2. 2015: 65.5 million decalitres (-7.4%).
  3. 2016: 64.7 million decalitres (-1.3%).

To complete the picture, you can arm yourself with statistics obtained by various public funds and the Russian Ministry of Health. So:

The ratio of non-drinkers and drinkers

Public Opinion Foundation. Statistics were carried out at the end of 2015:

  • 42% take alcohol several times a year;
  • 37% of Russians lead a completely sober lifestyle;
  • 19% drink 2-3 times a month;
  • 12% consume an antiperspirant 3-4 times a week.

Analytical Center "Levada Center". The survey was conducted in 2017:

  • 40% of our citizens do not drink alcohol at all;
  • 38% drink monthly several times;
  • 22% relax with a weekly hot drink.

Drop in alcohol consumption

Ministry of Health of Russia. According to the data obtained, the following trend is monitored:

  • in 2015, a drop in indicators of alcohol consumption (per capita) from 13.6 liters to 11.7 liters was noted;
  • over the current decade (data for December 2016), this level dropped from 18.2 liters to 10.4 liters.

Narcological Scientific and Practical Center (Moscow).   The use of alkaline products in the period from 2011 to 2016 decreased by almost 1/3. That is, from the original 18 liters per person, it dropped to 12.8 liters per year.

Reducing the increase in strong alcohol consumption

In the period 2012-2015. vodka production in our country decreased almost 2 times. In particular:

  1. The year 2013 was marked (for the first time in the history of the Russian Federation) by a sharp, almost 2-fold consumption of vodka. The share of use of this antioxidant decreased by 50% compared to 1995.
  2. In 2014, the share of vodka consumption was within the level of 45%, wine - 11%, beer - 41%, the rest fell to other alcohol-containing drinks.

Reduce alcohol intoxication

In the period from 2003-2013. the number of deaths caused by poisoning with alcohol-containing drinks in Russia decreased by almost 3 times. If in 2003 this number fit into 30 deaths per 100,000, but in 2013 this indicator varied in 10 cases.

Reducing the amount of alcohol produced in the Russian Federation

Vodka production, in connection with a fall in its demand, has a tendency to a steady decline. For example, in 2012, about 100 million decalitres of hard liquor were produced. Then, as in 2015, this volume dropped to 60 million decalitres. If we consider the production of beer, then the picture is quite rosy: its production also falls: from 11.5 billion liters (2007) to 7.3 billion liters (2015).

Already for a long time, alcoholic beverages have been an integral part of almost every person’s life. Of course, among us there are those who categorically do not accept alcohol. This, of course, is very commendable. However, for those who are not averse to drinking a couple of cans of beer after a working day to relax, it is quite difficult to understand non-drinkers. However, statistics show that every year in the world the number of people drinking increases at a tremendous speed. And this data includes absolutely all people - from those who can drink purely symbolically or on a holiday, and those who get drunk almost daily until the pig squeals. The World Health Organization presented its list of the most drinking countries in 2018.

1. Belarus

Oddly enough, but it was Belarus that took first place in this rating. According to the World Health Organization last year, more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. In the country, each resident drinks an average of 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer is only 17%, other alcohol is 32%, and wine is very small - 4%. Women, by the way, also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These are official figures, but real ones, presumably, are much higher, since they could not get data on home brewing in conservative Belarus.

2. Ukraine

The second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, a country where they like to overturn a glass of a vodka and they are all stuck with bacon and green onions. In Ukraine, 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people who are addicted to alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohol; wine ranks third. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines of domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable cost in comparison with European brands.

3. Estonia

Estonia is also among the three leaders of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017. The national drink is Old Tallinn. Despite the fact that the capital of the country received the title “City of Culture” many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person per year. Of alcoholic beverages, beer is more preferred here. It costs $ 3 a glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $ 5. Locals love to spend time in crowded bars. It will be interesting for a tourist to visit the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4. Czech Republic

The national drink is becherovka. A Czech resident drinks an average of 16.4 liters per year. a strong drink. Beer accounts for almost 160 liters. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classics of beer varieties. There are many pubs selling draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and experience the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian, as most vineyards grow in Moravia.

5. Lithuania

According to the director of the Department of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and the Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle at the WHO European Bureau, in Lithuania in 2017, one resident consumed 16 liters of alcohol on average. As a WHO spokesman told reporters: “This, according to recent estimates, makes the country one of the most drinking countries in the world.”

6. Russia

It is possible that Russia takes only 6th place in the ranking, it will surprise many. But this is true. Despite the fact that in the last couple of years, alcohol consumption in the country has slightly decreased, the average Russian drinks 15.1 liters a year. alcohol. Women consume half less - 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, more preference is given to vodka and beer, the purely Russian habit of choosing “little white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined to get intoxicated when drinking alcohol. , as soon as possible. Russia's inclusion in the rating of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, compared to Europe - $ 4 per half liter and a low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other spirits has increased.

7. France

In France, the consumption of pure alcohol per year per person is 14.2 liters. Only one beer in the country is drunk annually per capita 35.5 liters. The image of the Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that the “paddling pools” have the same excellent taste. In this country, in addition to wine, they are well versed in food. In general, in France, exquisite wine goes hand in hand with delicious food, these two concepts here are inseparable, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be said simply - rarely when a meal is not accompanied by a meal.

8. Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Especially here is held in high esteem beer, which is cheap, by local standards. The country is deservedly one of the ten most drinking countries in the world, since alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, at gas stations, in kiosks with newspapers. The Germans are liberal, drinking beer in the park on a bench and in other public places is not prohibited. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. At Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, there are more than 12 million people, and beer costs up to $ 13 per liter glass.

The consumption of alcohol in the world is becoming one of the priority problems of a sufficiently large number of countries. Fatal addiction is spreading on all continents. Mortality from alcoholism, according to statistics, reaches 2.5 million people per year worldwide.

Consequences of alcoholism

The negative consequences of addiction affect not only people who drink, but also their surroundings. And above all, families suffer. It is alcohol - the cause of many illegal and unpleasant actions. Up to half of all crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol, families break up, the younger generation suffers.

Under the influence of alcohol, most of the crimes, car accidents with serious consequences, cases of violence, grievous bodily harm and so on are committed. In women with alcohol dependence, often inferior descendants are born. The educational impact of drinking parents has an extremely negative effect on children, and the material support of the family also suffers. Abandoned in such families, they often become homeless.

Alcoholism negatively affects the situation of society. It can cause disruptions in the economy and even lead to economic and political crises.

Addiction to alcohol negatively affects literally all human organs, leading to serious damage and death of the body, causing mental illness and loss of appearance, premature aging.

Alcoholism in Europe

According to established tradition, there is no concept of “alcoholism” and no such records are kept. Europeans call such people “having problems with alcohol” and they are typed, according to various estimates, about 10 -20%. Therefore, it is not possible to provide statistics on this problem.

Europeans drink the most in the world. The conclusion suggests itself that in countries with high alcohol consumption, the level and life expectancy should decrease. However, this is not confirmed by statistics.

Various factors influence the transition from drinking alcohol to abuse:

The consequences of drinking in Europe

  • comfortable living in the country;
  • culture of alcohol consumption;
  • traditional varieties of alcohol consumed in the country;
  • prevailing attitude towards those suffering from this vice.

About the social roots of alcoholism

The generally accepted opinion is that the representatives of low-status social strata are exposed to the harmful effects of alcoholism by low income and standard of living. This implies a behavioral reaction to a failed life and dissatisfaction with one's own position. Of course, such deviations also occur among quite successful people, representatives of top-level politicians, and stars of show business. But there are few mass phenomena of this kind in high circles. The very standard of living, communication, life tasks to be solved involves for a person to constantly be in good shape and adequate condition.

The culture of alcohol in Europe does not imply an end in itself, but only an accompaniment of the process of communication with others, so this level does not imply excessive consumption. In addition, the process of drinking alcohol occurs in public places - bars, pubs, restaurants, which also requires a certain level of behavior.

The level of prices for alcohol, which is several times higher than that in Russia, is also important. This applies not only to elite drinks, but also to ordinary vodka. This approach does not stimulate excessive alcohol consumption.

Any types of alcohol contribute to the development of alcohol dependence, it is traditional for many territories beer, and wine, and especially strong drinks. They affect alcoholization most aggressively at relatively short intervals.

It is characterized by a comparison with drinking wine Moldova. Having the highest level of alcohol consumption, it is characterized by the highest life expectancy.

Europe is characterized by a sensitive attitude towards people suffering from alcoholism. They try to draw them into public life, help them find work, take their rightful place in society, and start a family. Societies of anonymous alcoholics are widespread, contributing to the psychological unloading of addicted people, facilitating their full return to society.

In general, it can be noted that Europeans are not concerned about the problem of alcoholism. They are more concerned about the cure for somatic diseases, which are also one of the consequences of a painful addiction to alcohol.

Alcoholism in our country

The belief that Russians drink more than representatives of other countries is erroneous. Yes, they drink a lot, but there are many countries where it is more prevalent. This opinion is formed for various reasons, including due to a number of specific features of alcohol addiction in our country:

Alcoholism and drunkenness in numbers

Regarding this phenomenon, one cannot speak with confidence about the correctness of the data. In many countries there is no official record of those suffering from this defect.

And where such records are kept, it cannot be argued that they are fully objective, because not everyone is registered with the relevant medical institutions, a significant part of these statistics are not taken into account.

  It was found that in communities without restrictions on the free sale of alcohol, the number of people who want to receive medical help due to alcoholism is about 2%. Moreover, this figure is stable within the statistical error.

The number of “having problems”, that is, regularly drinking, but have not yet contacted doctors, is about 10-15% and this figure is also stable for most countries.

For Russia, the number of registered people will be about 2.8 million people, latent alcoholics, respectively, 15 - 20 million.

Accordingly, in the EU countries this will be 1 million and 50 - 70 million people.

Alcohol rating by country

In the ranking of alcoholized countries, the first places are occupied by European states, however, their attitude to alcoholic beverages is ambiguous. Using the data of 2014, you can identify the specifics. Let's pay attention to the first five countries leading in the use of alcoholic beverages:

Table 1

The composition of the first ten most drinkers are the same.