Method for the production of buckwheat. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is one of the main types of grain for cereal plants.
From it they develop:
- cereal kernel - whole, un chopped buckwheat kernels, freed from fruit shells;
- done - core particles freed from shells, cracked during processing;
- Smolenskaya groats - crushed groats - core, produced by special order.
- brown cereal - produced by special order. It is a nucleus subjected to additional hydrothermal treatment;
- dietary buckwheat flour is a by-product of the production of Smolensk cereals. It is also specially produced from the nucleus.
The process of processing buckwheat into cereal consists of the following sequential technological operations:
- purification of grain from impurities by a double pass through separators, through triremes (in cases where buckwheat is clogged with oatmeal or contains wheat and rye grains) and through stone separation machines;
- hydrothermal treatment of refined grain by steaming it in special steamers, drying to bring humidity to 13.5% and cooling;
- pre-sorting on BKG large-sorting machines into two streams (coarse and fine grain);
- final sorting into six fractions with the subsequent independent processing of each fraction separately. The sieves for the final sorting of buckwheat into fractions should have the following sizes.

Buckwheat is peeled on two-deck 2DShS-ZB or single-deck SVU-2 peeling machines.
The operating mode of the husking machines is set so that after skipping buckwheat, the number of husked grains is not less than previously indicated.
Intermediate core selection with screening of peeling products should be organized. This operation is carried out on bulk sorting machines BKG.
The husked grains after an additional pass through the sorting machines, where the flour is separated and thinned, are sent (after control) to. finished cereals. A mixture of unshelled grains and husk is screened to separate the husks and sent for re-peeling.
The produced cereals must meet the following quality standards: the content of a benign kernel in the first grade kernel must be at least 99.2%, 98.3% in the second grade and 98.3% in prod, including no broken grains in the first grade more than 3.0% and in the second - 4.0%. The number of unshelled grains in the first grade is not more than 0.3%, in the second grade 0.4% and in the proportion 0.1%.
The norms of outputs and waste during the processing of buckwheat basic conditions are given in table 41.

In addition to buckwheat, dietary buckwheat flour is produced from the kernel. For this, the nucleus is additionally cleaned on grain cleaning machines, subjected to washing in warm water (with a temperature of 35-40 ° C), followed by drying to 10% and crushed with a double pass through a roller mill. The size of dietary flour is characterized by a residue on silk sieve No. 27 of not more than 2% and a passage through silk sieve No. 38 of not less than 60%.

Raw materials for the production of buckwheat kernel cereals These are annual herbaceous plants with a bare branching stem and a stem root, large (arrow-shaped heart-shaped) and shiny leaves, alternately located on the stems. Fruit - a trihedral shape of nuts with sharp or blunt edges.

Finished Product Requirements

Color. The color of different cultures is not the same and depends on the pigments in the shells of the grain and endosperm, the technological modes of its processing and storage.

Fresh groats should have a typical color. For example, buckwheat should be cream in color with a yellowish or greenish tint; fast-cooking - brown with different shades. Depending on the conditions and shelf life, the color of the cereal may vary. Color is determined visually in diffused daylight or artificial lighting, sprinkling the croup with a continuous layer on black glass or paper.

Smell. In fresh cereals, it is slightly expressed and must correspond to this cereal. The appearance of a musty, moldy smell indicates its staleness and spoilage. The presence of extraneous odors is the result of non-compliance with the product proximity or the presence of extraneous impurities. Musty, moldy and extraneous odors - not allowed. To determine the smell - a sample weighing 20g. Pour out on clean paper. To enhance the smell, the cereal is placed in a porcelain cup, covered with glass and placed in a water bath preheated to boiling and heated for 5 minutes.

Taste. Benign cereal has a fresh or slightly sweet taste, sour, rancid is not allowed - indicates its staleness. The taste is determined by chewing 1 g.

Humidity. It is important in its storage and affects its nutritional value. Groats with high humidity quickly deteriorate. Dry cereal can be stored indefinitely. The maximum humidity of buckwheat is 14%. It is determined by drying a sample of ground cereals at t 1300С for 40 minutes (the mass difference before drying and after is compared with the mass of the original sample and is expressed in%).

The presence of impurities. They include weed impurities, unbroken grains (not freed from the flower and fruit shells), damaged kernels (rotten, moldy, with a clearly changed color), broken (pieces of endosperm of a certain size) nuclei. If the cereal contains impurities in excess of the norm, it is transferred to a lower grade or considered non-standard.

To determine the impurity content, a sample weighing 10-100 g is isolated, sieved through a sieve to separate the flour (crushed particles of the fruit, endosperm, etc.) or broken kernels. In the residues on the sieves, impurities are manually isolated and expressed as% by weight of the sample. The admixture worsens the appearance, shelf life of cereals, nutritional and taste.

Infection of cereals with pests. Not allowed. To determine 1 kg, cereals are sifted on sieves, carefully examined, the number of living pests is considered and their type is determined.

Buckwheat production. A feature of preparing buckwheat for processing is the widespread use of sieves with triangular openings for separation; for more efficient separation of difficultly separated impurities, the fractional method of grain cleaning is used. Grain after two-time processing in the separators is divided in coarse sieving into coarse and fine fractions, each of which is sent for independent separation (Fig. 2.21). Mineral impurities are concentrated mainly in the fine fraction, so it is sent to stone separation machines. Long impurities are isolated on the trireme. In the preparation of buckwheat, GTO (hydrothermal treatment) is used.

The peculiarity of buckwheat production is the separate processing of grain by fractions. Grain is calibrated in screenings on sieves with openings with a diameter of 4.5; 4.2; 4.0; 3.8; 3.6; 3.3 mm (Fig. 2.22). In the process of calibration, difficultly separated impurities are additionally separated on sieves with triangular openings.

Subsequent peeling and sorting of each fraction is carried out separately. The differences are only in the numbering of the sieves used to separate the husked and unhusked grains. Therefore, the diagram shows only part of the process. Hulled grain in a valdedec machine. Due to the high fragility of the buckwheat kernel, the peeling coefficient of the grain is relatively low, especially for small fractions.

For separation of a mixture of husked and unpeeled grains in screenings and grain sorting, sieves with round holes are used, the diameter of which is 0.2 ... 0.3 mm smaller than the size of the sieve holes, from which this fraction was obtained. As a result, a mixture of unpeeled grains and husks is obtained by leaving the sieves, the latter is sifted in an aspirator, unhealed grains are returned to the waltz machine. Passing sieves get a mixture of nucleus, husks, prodel and flour. the nucleus and prodel are separated on sieves of size 1.6 ... 1.7 x 20 mm, the flour is isolated by passing sieves No. 08. To isolate husks from prodel, it is previously divided into two fractions on a sieve No. 1.4, each of which is screened separate suction columns.

Until recently, the production of cereals was based only on mechanical technology, which in general terms can be represented by the following scheme: grain cleaning from impurities, sorting of purified grain by size, peeling, separation of the core from the films, processing of the kernel in various ways, depending on the type of grain and the grade obtained cereals (grinding, polishing, crushing or conditioning) - sorting of finished products. Schemes are used in modern cereal plants, often supplementing it with other techniques.

For cleaning grain from various impurities, the process flow diagram includes aspirators, trimers, stone separation machines, barrels, scouring machines, magnetic installations. Grain sorting after cleaning before peeling is essential, since leveled grain is easier to peel.

In the process of machining, the core of some grains does not withstand the impacts and is crushed. Therefore, in the production of cereals of the main assortment, products of lower quality are obtained. The best kind of buckwheat cereal is the kernel, that is, the whole kernel of buckwheat, however, some of the grains are always crushed and obtained

crushed groats - done, giving during cooking the porridge - “smear”. An even greater difference in quality is between whole polished grains of rice.

During the production of cereals, a certain amount of flour is formed, used for feed or technical purposes. By the output of whole grains, crushers and torments, they judge the operation of individual machines and the enterprise as a whole.

To obtain a more nutritious and varied cereal, the process scheme of a modern cereal plant includes treating grain with water and steam, as well as cooking at high pressure. When steaming the purified grain, the strength of the kernel increases, and the shells become more fragile, as a result, the yield of higher grades of cereals increases, and the digestibility of cereals is accelerated. In addition, when steaming, grain enzymes are inactivated, which increases the shelf life of cereals. The industry produces flakes requiring only 10 ... 15 minutes of cooking to obtain porridge.

Technological process:

1. Pre-cleaning

The step includes a stone removal machine and a pre-screener.

2. Steaming

For easier husk removal, buckwheat is steamed in a rotating tank. Steam is produced using a boiler. The steaming cycle is 1 hour, during this hour, buckwheat is steamed at a temperature of 130 ° C, and a vapor pressure of 0.3 MPa (~ 3 atmospheres)

3. Calibration. Buckwheat with the help of 4 vibrating screens is divided into 8 fractions. There are two such sets in this line.

4. Peeling and separation (separation of the peeled kernels from the husk)
  Equipment for peeling and separation - performed as a single unit.

5. Roasting - dry heat treatment of cereals using hot air. The air is heated by a heat exchanger and inflated by a fan. The heat exchanger is heated by steam from the boiler.

6. Removal of “black” (poorly peeled) grains.
  The grains are detected by an optical sensor and blown out with a thin air stream under pressure.

7. Bagging

Types of cereals Varieties Processing method Characteristic
Unground buckwheat The first Second It is produced from unboiled grain by separating the kernel from the fruit shells.
Done Varieties not subdivided Also Chopped into pieces buckwheat passing through a sieve with holes 1.6 * 20 mm and not passing through a sieve from wire mesh No. 08
Fast-boiling core The first Second It is produced from steamed grain by separating the kernel from the fruit shells. Whole and chopped buckwheat kernels not passing through a sieve with 1.6 * 20 mm holes
Fast-breaking limit Varieties not subdivided Also Broken buckwheat kernels passing through a sieve with openings of 1.6 * 20 mm and not passing through a wire mesh sieve No. 08


1. World buckwheat market

2. Growing buckwheat in Russia

6. Buckwheat and health



Buckwheat is a tasty, healthy and nutritious product. Buckwheat is considered one of the best dietary products. Buckwheat has no affinity with wheat and is not even a grain (although it seems to be used). This is a triangular seed from a rhubarb family.

The birthplace of buckwheat is North India, where it is called "black rice." On the western spurs of the Himalayas, wild forms of the plant are concentrated. Buckwheat bred in culture more than 5 thousand years ago.

In the XV century BC e. it penetrated into China, Korea and Japan, then into the countries of Central Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus and only then into Europe (apparently, during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, because it is also called the Tatar plant, Tatar).

In France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal it was once called the “Arabian grain”, in Italy and Greece itself - Turkish, and in Germany - simply grain. The Slavs began to call her buckwheat because they brought her to them from Byzantium in the 7th century. Or, according to another version, it was originally cultivated by Greek monks at monasteries.

In many European countries it is called “beech wheat” because of the similarity of seeds in shape with beech nuts. Hence the Latin name of the genus Fagopyrum - "bucket-shaped nut".

Buckwheat varies in grain integrity - kernel (whole grain), minced (grain with a broken structure), Smolensk groats (heavily chopped grains), buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat contains less carbohydrates than other cereals. At the same time, it is a valuable dietary protein product with a high content of amino acids. And most importantly, buckwheat is a rich source of iron. Buckwheat contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins contained in buckwheat: B1, B2, B6, PP, P, rutin (a substance with vitamin activity). Mineral substances contained in buckwheat: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron salts, oxalic acid.

Buckwheat is a complex carbohydrate that is absorbed by the body for a long time, giving a long saturation time.

Buckwheat strengthens capillaries and detoxifies the liver, it is very useful for the intestines, especially for constipation, in addition, it is known for its cholesterol lowering properties, helps with osteoarthritis, diseases of the abdominal cavity, and also helps get rid of mild depression by raising dopamine levels.

Buckwheat flower and leaf preparations reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels, accelerate wound healing, have beneficial effects in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, scarlet fever, measles, radiation sickness. Scientists explain such a diverse action of buckwheat not only with a rich chemical composition, but also with a high content of rutin in the leaves and flowers, which has a P-vitamin-like effect.

In order for buckwheat to be friable, it is necessary to observe the proportions when cooking: one part of buckwheat into two parts of water. When all the water is absorbed, you can remove the buckwheat from the fire, wrap it in a towel and put it “under the pillow”. If you have no time to wait, then buckwheat can be cooked in a different proportion: one part of cereal to three parts of water. During cooking it is not recommended to open the lid, and even more so - to interfere with the porridge.

Before cooking buckwheat, you should fry it, then it will become more aromatic. Put the buckwheat in a dry pan and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring until golden brown. Do not stop stirring, since buckwheat can burn out quickly. To preserve the largest amount of useful substances contained in buckwheat, you need to pour buckwheat with boiling water in the evening, let it brew at night and eat in the morning.

1. World buckwheat market

The annual collection of buckwheat in the world is approximately 1.5 million tons, of which half falls on Russia and other CIS countries.

The world import volume of buckwheat varies from year to year. In 2011, more than 120 thousand tons of this cereal were imported in the world.

The main importers of buckwheat in 2011 were Japan, France and Italy. The main suppliers of buckwheat to Japan are China, the USA and Australia. The share of these countries in January - September 2011 exceeded 95%. Export of buckwheat in the world in 2011 exceeded 130 thousand tons.

The leading buckwheat exporters in 2011 were China, the USA and Poland. These three countries account for more than 70% of world exports, of which China accounts for 45%, the United States - 21%, and Poland - 5%.

2. Growing buckwheat in Russia

Buckwheat in Russia refers to national products. On the territory of our country, it has been growing for more than two millennia. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries in Russia, buckwheat occupied 2% of the total arable land (more than 2 million hectares), while the collection amounted to 73.2 million pounds (1.2 million tons of grain). Over the past 9 years, the area under buckwheat has decreased by more than 70%.

In 2010, the cultivated area under buckwheat amounted to 932.1 thousand ha, and in 2011 - 569.4 thousand ha.

In proportion to the size of the sown area, the volume of gross harvests also fluctuates: a reduction in the area leads to a decrease in the buckwheat yield. In 2010, the gross yield of buckwheat amounted to 564 thousand tons, in 2011 - 372.3 thousand tons. It should be noted that despite the significant difference in the size of sown areas from 2001 to 2011, the gross yield of buckwheat has not changed: in 2001 - 573.981 thousand tons, in 2011 - 564.04 thousand tons. This is due to an increase in the yield of this crop. The yield of buckwheat has grown since 2001 by almost 2.5 times compared with the year 2010: 3.6 c / ha versus 8.3 c / ha.

3. Production technology of buckwheat

Grain - this is grain free from dust, litter and flower films, packaged in bags or bags. What machines or units do you need to purchase in order to ensure the technological process for the production of cereals?

Grain cleaning machine (ZM) for separating weed impurities + peeling (W) + grain cleaning machine (ZM) for separating peeling products + cyclone battery (C) for dust and flour removal + packing machine (UP): + ZM + Sh + ZM + Ts + UP + \u003d CROUP, where the “+” sign means a conveyor screw or scraper, noriya or pneumatic conveying pipes.

Different cultures have their own characteristics.
The process of freeing the grain from the shells in a centrifugal scrubber is reduced to the impact of the grain on the deck or wall under the action of centrifugal forces. Each culture has its own engine speed. But it is not so easy to remove six films of wheat with one blow, therefore, in addition to centrifugal shellers, there are other machines where the grain is driven between rotating abrasives and the lattice wall - this is husk-grinding machine (SHM), and until the shells are completely removed, the grain needs to be driven through a series of these machines or several times to return the flow of grain to one machine.

In technological buckwheat production lines, the main machines for cleaning and sorting buckwheat are air - sieve machines, stone screening machines, paddy machines, and triremes. Sorting by size is usually carried out in six fractions, less often in 4 fractions on air-sieve machines. To separate pieces of land, equal in size to the grain, buckwheat is passed through stone screening machines, the principle of which is based on the phenomenon of "fluidization" in the ascending air stream. For buckwheat peeling, centrifugal shellers (grits) are used.

As a result of the buckling of buckwheat grain, a mixture is obtained from husks, crushed grains (whole or crushed), unbroken grains, and flour. This mixture is conveyed to the air-sieve machine. Since buckwheat completely collapses is achieved only by repeated exposure of the working bodies of the sheller to the grain, unbroken grains are returned to the peeling after the air-sieve machine, and the unbroken grain in the core is allocated in the paddy machines (in the PM scheme). The paddy machine shares the grain mixture of buckwheat or oats mainly in terms of elasticity. If one paddy machine does not extract husked grains from the mixture, then they also set up a control paddy machine. I note that neither canvas slides nor triremes give such a quality of separation as paddy machines.

So, what technological operations must buckwheat raw materials go through to become a marketable product - cereal?

1) purification from weedy impurities (\u003d part-time) and separation into fractions on air-sieve machines;

2) steaming for 10 minutes at a pressure of 2.5 atm .;

3) smoothing - drying and cooling steamed grain with cold air to a moisture content of 18%;

4) peeling;

5) the separation of the nucleus from the husk, nebrush, flour, pebbles and lumps of earth, equal in size to the buckwheat grain, on air-sieve machines, paddy machines, in stone collectors, burates;

6) drying to a moisture content of not more than 14%;

7) packing in bags or packages.

A common feature in processing technologies for cereals such as buckwheat and oats, which are different in properties, is that a steamer (STE) with a breaker (OTV) and a dryer (SUSH) are necessarily included in the process technology. Then, conditionally, the buckwheat groats production scheme can be designated as follows:

+ 3M + STEAM + OTV + SH + 3M + SUSH + PM + UP \u003d BREAK.

4. Buckwheat groats production line

The line is designed for processing raw buckwheat into peeled and sorted groats. The line capacity is about 100 tons per day. You can compose a line of both smaller and larger performance.

The technological process includes the following stages - buckwheat groats production:

1. Pre-cleaning

The stage includes a stone removal machine (Fig. 1) and a pre-sorting screen.

2. Steaming

For easier husk removal, buckwheat is steamed in a rotating tank (Fig. 2). Steam is produced using a boiler.
The steaming cycle is 1 hour, during this hour, buckwheat is steamed at a temperature of 130 ° C, and a vapor pressure of 0.3 MPa (~ 3 atmospheres)

3. Calibration. Buckwheat with the help of 4 vibrating screens is divided into 8 fractions. There are two such sets in this line.

4. Peeling and separation (separation of the peeled kernels from the husk)
Equipment for peeling and separation - performed as a single unit (Fig. 3).

5. Roasting - dry heat treatment of cereals using hot air. The air is heated by a heat exchanger and inflated by a fan. The heat exchanger is heated by steam from the boiler.

6. Removal of “black” (poorly peeled) grains.
The grains are detected by an optical sensor and blown out with a thin air stream under pressure.

7. Bagging

Fig. 1 - Stone Remover

buckwheat groats porridge

Fig. 2 - Steaming tank

Fig. 3 - Block peeling and separation

General hardware requirements:

The equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 27962-88, GOST 26582-85, GOST 12.2.124, GOST 12.2.003, PB 14-586-03 and GOST R IEC 60204-1

Methods for determining the quality of finished products:

Sampling - according to GOST 26312.1.

Determination of color, smell, taste and digestibility - according to GOST 26312.2.

Determination of impurities - according to GOST 26312.4.

Ash determination - according to GOST 26312.5.

Determination of infection by pests of grain stocks - in accordance with GOST 26312.3.

Determination of acidity - according to GOST 26971.

Moisture determination - in accordance with GOST 26312.7.

Determination of metallomagnetic impurities - according to GOST 20239.

Requirements for the preparation of the premises for installation and commissioning:

The dimensions of the room must ensure the placement of the module with dimensions (length x width x height): 12x6000x12 meters in compliance with the required passages.

Requirements for easily removable structures: according to PB 14-586-03.

The room must comply with the requirements of ПБ 14-586-03 and ПУЭ, class of premises В-IIа.

Climatic conditions according to the requirements of the performance of category 3.1 according to GOST 15150-69.

Installed power, kW, not less than: 100.

Electrical network parameters: voltage 380v, current frequency 50 Hz, when the supply voltage deviates from minus 15 to plus 10% of the rated voltage and frequency of 1 Hz from the rated frequency.

Degree of protection of starting electric equipment: not lower than IP54 according to GOST 14254.

Degree of protection of boxes for placement of electrical wiring: not lower than IP 33 according to GOST 14254.

Steam consumption, kg / h, not less than: 700.

5. Recipes of buckwheat porridge and products from it

1. Loose buckwheat porridge

Sort the core, weed out the flour dust, but do not wash. Then fill with water, cover with mushrooms ground in powder and put on a strong fire, closing the lid. When the water begins to boil, reduce the fire by half and continue cooking for about 10 minutes until thickened, then reduce the fire to low again and cook for another 5-7 minutes until the water is completely evaporated. Remove from heat, cover the pan with a towel for 15 minutes.

At the same time, heat oil in another pan, fry finely chopped onion in it, and salt. Finely chop the steep eggs and add them to the porridge with the onion fried in oil and stir evenly.

2. Milk buckwheat porridge

Sort the egg, sift it from flour dust (but do not wash), pour milk and cook until it boils completely. Then pour cream, add a little salt and put for 10-15 minutes in a warm oven.

3. Krupenik from buckwheat and cottage cheese

Fry buckwheat in a dry frying pan, pour into boiling water, add salt, a lot of oil and cook over low heat until the cereals swell, then add milk. When the porridge becomes thick, cool it. Mix cottage cheese with egg, sugar, spices and mix with porridge. Lubricate the form with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, fill with the prepared mass, put pieces of oil on top. Bake in the oven.

4. Greek buckwheat with tomatoes and feta cheese

Pour oil into a heat-resistant cookware or large pan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid and place on medium heat. Put onion and chili, fry, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until the onion is soft but not fried.

Pour the buckwheat and stir for about 2 minutes, until you feel the characteristic smell of fried cereal. Add canned tomatoes with juice, broth, dried tomatoes and sugar. Tie together 5 sprigs of mint and put in a saucepan, lightly salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan tightly and cook for 10 minutes with a quiet boil, without opening the lid, until all the liquid has absorbed and the cereal has become soft.

Remove a bunch of mint. Crumble the feta cheese and add to the pan with olives. Cover the pan with a folded tea towel to absorb excess moisture, then cover again and let stand for 5 minutes.

Tear the mint leaves remaining on the branches and sprinkle the dish. Serve immediately.

5. Buckwheat-rice porridge with mushroom assortment

First you need to cook two crumbly cereals. We take a cup, a little less than the one in which you usually measure the cereal for porridge, because it will turn out as if twice as much. We measure buckwheat and rice.

To make a tasty buckwheat, you first need to calcine it in a dry pan until a pronounced buckwheat smell appears. Then fill it with hot water, the water should be exactly twice as much as buckwheat (i.e. two cups). Salt, cover, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes on very high heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 10 minutes. Loose buckwheat porridge is ready.

Now how to cook crumbly rice. Water needs 1.5 times more than rice. Rice is best poured with boiling water so that the crust "on the surface" is brewed and they do not stick together. Salt too, cover, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

While our porridge is boiled, we will take care of the mushrooms. Peel the mushrooms, cut not large.

Cut oyster mushroom too. Dice the onion. First, fry the onion in vegetable oil and pull out. So the onion will give the aroma to the oil, but you need to pull it out so that it does not burn.

Then, in turn, mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms over high heat and until the crust appears, do not salt. If you salt it right away, then the mushrooms will give juice, which will take a long and tedious to evaporate.

Combine the mushrooms together, add the onions and fry a little more.

6. Buckwheat and health

Buckwheat is a truly healing product, and it must certainly be used if health and beauty are your choice. Perceiving buckwheat porridge as something mundane and everyday, we do not even imagine how much benefit our regular use brings to our body.

In our country, buckwheat appeared more than 7 centuries ago. And it owes its name to “buckwheat” or “Greek cereal” to the Greek settlements, which for the first time began to cultivate in Russia this most useful cereal on the Black Sea coast.

And in their homeland (in India), buckwheat was given a very interesting name - “black rice”.

Buckwheat - useful properties:

Perhaps one of the most important properties of buckwheat is  cancer protection. Thanks to its flavonoids, buckwheat prevents the growth of tumors. This is especially important in modern environmental conditions.

In addition to the anti-cancer properties, the use of buckwheat reduces the risk of thrombosis, helps cleanse blood vessels of "bad" cholesterol and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Buckwheat stabilizes blood sugar, which is very important for diabetes. After eating buckwheat porridge, the sugar level rises slowly, and not spasmodically, as with other carbohydrate-containing foods.

In addition, buckwheat is rich in folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy and during the preparation for it. Also, due to the content of folic acid in buckwheat, the overall resistance of the body to adverse environmental factors increases.

Buckwheat diet is the main secret:

Buckwheat contains routine, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body. This property is one of the main secrets of such a popular today, buckwheat diet. Using buckwheat for 3-5 days, all excess fluid is removed from the body. Due to this, a loss of several kilograms is achieved, which, when switching to normal nutrition, in 90% of cases return to their rightful place.

In addition, buckwheat, unlike other cereals, is digested much more slowly. Due to this, a longer period of sensation of satiety is achieved, which allows us not to overeat and maintain our harmonious forms.

Naturally, for dietary purposes, buckwheat should be boiled in water (without milk) with a minimum amount of salt and eaten without oil. After all, the calorie content of buckwheat without these additives is 355 calories per 100 grams. Even better, in the evening, brew buckwheat with boiling water and cover. By morning, buckwheat porridge will be ready, and with a minimum loss of vitamins and minerals.

Buckwheat in traditional medicine:

Fresh  shredded buckwheat leaves are used to treat boils and purulent wounds, and conjunctivitis is treated with the juice of this plant.

From buckwheat flour, poultices and ointments are also made, which are used for various skin diseases and malignant tumors.

In folk medicine, not only the leaves and fruits of buckwheat are used. Buckwheat honey also has healing properties. It is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia and cardiovascular diseases.


1. Aizikovich L.E. Technology for the production of flour and cereals. - M .: Agropromizdat, 2001 - 391 p.

2. Alexandrov S.N. Feed and cereal production. - M.: AST, 2003 .-- 240 p.

3. Demsky A. B. et al. Equipment for the production of flour and cereals. - M .: Agropromizdat, 2001 .-- 351 p.

4. Zhelobova A.A. Technology of automated production. - M.: St. Petersburg: Design-PRO, 2006.- 347 p.

5. Chebotarev O.N. et al. Technology of flour, cereals and animal feed. - M .: March, 2006 .-- 688 p.

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  Buckwheat is very useful, but it is worth talking about green buckwheat separately. So called non-steamed and not fried cereals. The absence of processing (steaming, frying) ensures the green color of the product and the preservation of the maximum amount of nutrients in it. The maximum benefit of the product can be obtained by eating germinated grains.

Composition and nutritional value

Compared with the usual brown buckwheat, subjected to heat treatment, its green counterpart contains 2-3 times more dietary fiber. In addition, the composition of the cereal includes other components:
  • almost all B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins E and PP;
  • amino acids (lysine is especially important);
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • silicon;
  • cobalt;
  • antioxidants;
  • flavonoids.
As part of green buckwheat, there are 18 amino acids, including all irreplaceable ones. The product also contains many acids - oxalic, linoleic, chlorogenic, coffee, maleic, malic, folic, catechol, citric.

The calorie content of cereals is 345 kcal per 100 grams. Green buckwheat has a high carbohydrate content of 71.5%, 10% fiber. In this case, fat is only 3.4%. Green buckwheat contains about 15% vegetable protein, among cereals such an indicator is rare.

After heat treatment, the properties of the product change. If you cook green buckwheat without salt, then its calorie content will decrease to 110 kcal, the fat content - up to 1 g, protein - up to 4 g, carbohydrates - up to 21 g. The amount of water and dietary fiber remains unchanged.

Beneficial features

The complete absence of preliminary heat treatment makes it possible to preserve the maximum benefit in the product. Green buckwheat attracts many useful properties:
  • general strengthening effect;
  • beneficial effects on metabolic processes;
  • normalization of sugar level;
  • removal of excess cholesterol;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • pressure normalization;
  • cleansing of the intestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • oncology risk reduction;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • increased potency;
  • blood purification.
Oncology prevention is ensured by the high content of antioxidants in green buckwheat. This composition allows you to slow down the growth of pathological formations, which is important for people with cancer.

It is useful to include cereals in the diet for diabetics. Green buckwheat, unlike most other cereals, contains a small amount of starch and has a low glycemic index. The beneficial effect of cereals on the cardiovascular system is useful for the prevention of complications arising from diabetes.

The use of the product has a positive effect on the appearance of the person used. This cereal is useful for nails and hair, gives the skin a healthy color.

It is worth including green buckwheat in the diet for people suffering from:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • obesity
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous disorders.
An important point in the use of such cereals is diet food. With a sufficiently high calorie content, the product has a low glycemic index. A large number of slow carbohydrates requires large amounts of energy, which is important for a healthy lifestyle and a slim figure. Another important point about the benefits of the product is the high content of coarse fibers.

Green buckwheat does not contain gluten (gluten), which is very important for people who are allergic to such a protein or follow a gluten-free diet.

Non-heat treated cereals are good for men. The regular use of such a product enhances physical endurance, helps to gain muscle mass, and has a positive effect on potency.

Previously, buckwheat was sold only as green groats. Much later, they began to apply heat treatment to improve the taste of the product, but the manufacturers did not take into account the loss of useful properties.

How to cook green buckwheat?

You can use the product in food in various forms. Porridge is often made from such cereals. Unlike the usual processed buckwheat dishes, the use of green beans provides a delicate texture and a mild taste.

To prepare porridge from green buckwheat, cereals need to be soaked for at least half an hour. The best option is to soak the product overnight.

After soaking, it is necessary to drain and thoroughly rinse the cereal, pour it into boiling water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and remove from heat. Ready porridge should be infused for at least 15 minutes.

You can cook buckwheat porridge from green cereals in another way: thoroughly rinse the cereals, place in a thermos and pour boiling water. After a few hours, the dish will be ready to eat.

Minimal heat treatment allows you to save maximum benefit in buckwheat porridge.

To improve the taste, you can add butter - cream, ghee, and vegetable to the finished porridge. Krupa goes well with various vegetables - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, beets.

You can also use the following options for its use:
  • The product benefits most when raw. Green buckwheat should be sprouted and added to salads. It can be mixed with honey - this option is great for breakfast.
  • To actively cleanse the intestines, green buckwheat is ground into powder and eaten with water.
  • Croup can be used for baking, when frying pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. To do this, dry buckwheat needs to be crushed in a coffee grinder or blender and replace with it part of the flour. It will not work to completely replace flour with buckwheat, since there is no gluten in it.

Heat treatment of the product means the destruction and partial loss of nutrients. For maximum benefit, cereal should be eaten raw after germination.

Up to 150 grams of green buckwheat can be consumed per day (dry calculation). Athletes can increase this norm by 1.5-2 times. Green buckwheat can be eaten at any time of the day, even by dieters.

How to germinate green buckwheat?

The greatest health benefits can be obtained by eating sprouted green buckwheat. It is necessary to germinate its grains correctly. To do this, follow a certain algorithm:
  • Rinse the raw material several times.
  • Pour the cereal with water. Those particles that come up must be removed with the garbage.
  • Cover a colander or sieve with one layer of gauze and put buckwheat on it.
  • Croup should be covered with a piece of gauze folded in half and washed again.
  • When the water drains, the container with the raw materials must be left for 8 hours.
  • Moisten the top layer of gauze with water. When all liquid has drained, leave the container for another 6 hours.
  • Transfer the cereal into a deep bowl and rinse to remove mucus and odor.
  • Sprouted buckwheat is stored in the refrigerator. The maximum shelf life is 3 days.
You can sprout green buckwheat in another way. In this case, the procedure is as follows:
  • Rinse the cereal in cold running water, at the same time sorting it.
  • Place the grains in a container of plastic or glass and pour water (room temperature) so that it is 1-2 cm higher than the laid out mass. Leave for 6-7 hours.
  • Rinse the buckwheat. Lay moist gauze on top and cover with a lid so that air can flow. If you do all these manipulations in the evening, then in the morning the grains will germinate.
The number of sprouts depends on the duration of soaking cereals. The longer you soak it, the more sprouts there will be.

If you still have questions about how to properly sprout green buckwheat, watching this video will help you:

Sprouted buckwheat must be washed before use.

Sprouted green buckwheat effectively cleanses the body and saturates it with antioxidants,. The use of the product in this form is especially useful for people with high physical or mental stress.

Contraindications, side effects

Green buckwheat can be harmful to people with increased blood coagulation, as it contains routine, which enhances blood coagulation.

When using green buckwheat, there is a risk of increased gas formation. Due to this property, the use of this product should be limited or completely excluded for people suffering from flatulence. Do not introduce this cereal into the diet of children with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Small children can eat green buckwheat, but in small quantities, since this product can cause constipation. Grains should be introduced into the child’s diet gradually.

For most people, green buckwheat is not only possible, but even needs to be included in the diet. This product is useful for dietary and sports nutrition, suitable for a gluten-free diet, and can be used as a prophylaxis for various diseases. Green buckwheat in its raw form is most beneficial - for this, cereal must first be sprouted.

Recently, the Russian Institute for Consumer Testing conducted a study of buckwheat, the results of which are published on our website. This topic was extremely relevant. Journalists of the electronic magazine for consumers "Demand" interviewed the Chairman of the Higher Council of the RIPI Irina Vinogradova, which we give below. As it turned out, we don’t know much about buckwheat, although we consider it one of the main Russian products.

Irina, please tell me why you decided to check the buckwheat?

Buckwheat is present in the diet of almost every resident of our country. This product is affordable, healthy and tasty, if it is, of course, of high quality and properly prepared. Therefore, we could not pass him by.

Which buckwheat did you study?

We purchased steamed fast-growing cereals for testing. Unpaired buckwheat is now rare in stores.

You said: "if the product is of high quality." And what determines the quality of buckwheat?

From a variety of factors, from sowing and harvesting to industrial processing and storage conditions. Buckwheat groats production technology is a multi-stage process. First, buckwheat is sorted, cleaned of impurities and hydrothermal treatment is carried out. This is a very important stage, since such processing makes buckwheat kernels more durable and improves their preservation, because as a result of hydrothermal treatment, buckwheat is partially sterilized. Then the groats are dried and crushed (the process of separation of inedible shells from the grain). Then they sort it again, sieve it and only after that they pack it.

Only buckwheat is subjected to hydrothermal treatment?

No, not only. This technology is also used in the production of peas, oats and millet.

In stores, buckwheat is often sold in dark brown. Can I buy one?

I would not recommend buying dark brown cereal. The fact is that darkening of buckwheat is associated with steaming: the higher the steam pressure and the processing time, the more the cereal darkens. But the problem is not only in appearance. Under severe heat conditions, buckwheat groats lose its vitamins.

Sometimes, instead of steaming, buckwheat is processed using fryers with infrared radiation. It almost completely destroys vitamins and significantly degrades the composition of proteins and carbohydrates contained in grain. In addition, when cooking such cereals, porridge becomes viscous, buckwheat will not boil well and look friable.

If you poured buckwheat with water before cooking and saw that the water has darkened too much, it is better not to eat such cereals. It may contain pigments of organic resin, passing into buckwheat from the shells (husks). This is not useful.

How to determine the digestibility of buckwheat?

This indicator depends on the cooking time (it is calculated in minutes). Ready is considered completely soft, but undeformed buckwheat. When crushed between laboratory glasses, it should not contain powdery, undigested particles.

According to the standard, the digestibility of buckwheat is determined as follows. 50 g of cereal (do not wash it before cooking) is poured into a container with boiling salted water (1 g of salt per 125 cm 3 of water), covered with a lid and placed in a boiling water bath. The water level in the bath should be higher than the level of cereals during cooking. After 20 minutes, a spoon from the middle of the container takes a sample of 5-6 grains on a glass slide. The sample is covered on top with another glass and the grains between the glasses are manually crushed. Subsequent samples are taken every 3 minutes until buckwheat is fully cooked.

Packages of buckwheat often indicate different cooking times. The smaller it is, the better?

No, this statement is incorrect. Buckwheat cooking time (not more than 25 minutes) was established back in Soviet times by the Nutrition Institute. If cereal processing technologies are followed in production, then the reduced cooking time is a virtue, if not, then a disadvantage. Steaming cereals in very severe conditions makes it dark brown and deprives vitamins, as I already mentioned. In our study, we checked the time of boiling buckwheat and compared it with the one stated on the packages. In three cases, it was confirmed by laboratory data, and in two producers, the time for preparing cereals was clearly underestimated.

Arsenic was detected in four out of five test samples. Is it dangerous to health?

I must say right away: there is no need to be scared. According to the results of our tests, the arsenic content complies with established standards and ranges from 5% to 30% of the acceptable level. Moreover, in this case we are talking about non-toxic organic arsenic, which, for example, is used in medicine.

Why is buckwheat so popular in our country? What is the peculiarity of this culture?

Buckwheat is just an amazing plant! Firstly, it is completely undemanding to the soil. In other countries, it is cultivated only on "waste" lands - in the foothills, on wastelands, etc. Grechikha, like sunflower, is used for herbal medicine, that is, for cleaning contaminated soil. It is not necessary to wait for the ripening of the culture, it is enough that the plants reach 60–70 cm in height. Then they are mowed and taken to landfills. Buckwheat is mowed three times during the season, two sunflowers.

Secondly, buckwheat is perhaps the only agricultural plant that independently fights weeds and does it successfully: it crowds out weeds, dampens, kills them already in the first year of sowing, and in the second leaves the field completely clean. And she does not need any pesticides. This is a huge economic and environmental plus.

And, thirdly, buckwheat is an excellent honey plant. Apiaries next to buckwheat fields give a double effect: honey collection sharply increases and buckwheat yield increases by 30-40% as a result of pollination by bees.

Well, do buckwheat have cons?

The word cons is not appropriate here. She has her own Achilles heel - she is afraid of cold weather, especially morning frost. Therefore, in Russia, buckwheat was sown after all other crops, when good warm weather was established. There is even a special day from which the sowing began: June 13 is the day of Akulina-buckwheat.

In conclusion, another important question for all housewives is whether it is necessary to wash buckwheat before cooking?

Traditionally, buckwheat is not washed, although personally I always wash any cereal (all the litter pops up). But here it is advisable to adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturers. Of the five brands that participated in the test, only two manufacturers advise rinsing buckwheat before cooking.