Pickles for the winter with vodka recipe. How to close crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter - delicious pickling recipes

I chose a recipe with lots of garlic. I have plenty of garlic, planted winter for the first time in my life. The vegetation is excellent, large, but with the timing of the harvesting I did not guess, the heads turned out to be not dense. Such garlic heads are not stored for a long time, so I decided to find them to use as an additive to canned cucumbers villainous with vodka.

I had my own garlic. The approximate diameter of one head is 3.5-4 cm. I took 4 pieces. Shop, Chinese garlic heads are almost the same size, they need the same amount - 4 pieces. Cucumbers took their own, greenhouse.

Planted a precocious variety at the end of June especially for autumn consumption. At the end of August, pretty gherkins, ideally suited for pickling, were having fun in the bushes in the greenhouse.

I took 2 kg of the recipe, so I collected so many cucumbers, washed them, and soaked them for several hours in cold water. I would leave them all night if I used store cucumbers.

Preparation of spices and garlic

In addition to cucumbers and garlic, the recipe contains spices:

  1. Horseradish leaves.
  2. Currant leaves.
  3. Umbrella of dill.
  4. Citric acid - 10 g.
  5. Vodka - 50 g.
  6. Salt and sugar for 2 tbsp. l

The recipe for 4 heads of garlic had to be peeled. I cleaned every slice, cut off the bottom of each clove, and cut out the corrupted places. The peeled teeth were rinsed in running water.

Horseradish (leaves), currants, dill (umbrella) washed, soaked for an hour in water, rinsed several times in running water. I thought and decided to make cucumbers even more villainous. For this, I took the horseradish root of a centimeter 3 in length and 1.5 cm in diameter. The root peeled and washed thoroughly. You need to preserve clean vegetables and greens.

I thought about adding peppercorns, bay leaves and cloves to the marinade, but decided to limit myself to herbs and horseradish. I decided that with pepper and cloves, the taste of the cucumbers will be classic, like that of pickled cucumbers, and with herbs and garlic, it is closer to the taste of the pickled cucumbers.

Can preparation

I never regret the time to prepare cans. The cleaner the jar, the better the storage. If all the ingredients are observed during cooking, the pickled vegetables are well stored in the pantry at room temperature.

My cans of soda or laundry soap. Both that and another means well washes away dirt and disinfects a glass surface, kills harmful bacteria, microbes.

I rinse the jars several times in running water, be sure to sterilize.  Most often in a microwave, sometimes steamed over a pot of boiling water. Both methods have never failed me. Banks, without exploding, stand all year.


I take 1.5 liters of water, pour into a pan, put on the stove. I add only sugar, salt to the water and bring to a boil. While the water is boiling, I fill the jars. I lay all components in layers. A layer of cucumbers, a layer of greens, a layer of garlic.

I don’t cut the garlic, I put whole teeth. The jar will have delicious cucumbers and delicious pickled garlic. Marinade garlic cloves can be used in other dishes. They are especially good for meat.

With boiled marinade, pour cucumbers in a jar, let them stand for 8-10 minutes. I pour the marinade into the pan and bring it to a boil again. Pour the marinade into the jar. I take a bottle of vodka from the refrigerator, measure out 50 g and pour it into cucumbers, pouring citric acid in the same place. All. I twist the can, turn it upside down, put the blanket on top.

Family feast

In November, the usual family feast happened. Gathered children, grandson. For this occasion, I prepared jellied meat and cooked vigorous, red borsch with fresh cabbage.

A jar of my villainous cucumbers went to the table. They went to the jellied meat and borscht with a bang. Cucumbers, salted with garlic, were ideally combined with borsch and aspic. In the evening, a cleanly washed can of cucumbers was already standing in the pantry on the shelf. I advise all housewives to try this method of harvesting cucumbers for the winter. For a long time this salting will not stand idle; for the winter it simply will not suffice.

Alcohol-containing drink does not affect the taste of canned cucumbers, but it greatly increases the time and quality of storage of the workpieces. The properties of cucumbers in banks do not change; they remain strong and crisp throughout the entire period. Conservation is conveniently stored in heated rooms. The covers do not rise, the fermentation process does not occur, since alcohol prevents the development of any mold reactions, being a good preservative. For salting crispy cucumbers with vodka, recipes for the winter are enough. Sometimes it’s very difficult to decide and choose the most interesting.

The main goal of each pickling process is the correct conduct. What tricks do the hostesses just go to get a high-quality, stored for a long time product. Canned cucumbers are very moody, constantly fermented, and often explode.

To increase the preservation of pickles, culinary specialists use various preservatives. The highest efficiency was shown by pickled cucumbers with the addition of vodka. So that the taste of the product is always on top, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • before pickling, the crop must be soaked in a humid environment;
  • pickled cucumbers pickle faster;
  • for pickles use oak leaves or bark, this increases the strength of the vegetable;
  • zelentsy is not too tightly placed in the container;
  • vodka, horseradish roots, dry mustard will save the workpiece from an explosion.

Preparation of the main ingredients

For canning cucumbers, an crop grown in open ground is ideal. Fruits should be small, hard, with a hard skin, dark green tips or prickly pimples. In traditional recipes, leaf blades of currant, horseradish, cherry, dill umbrellas are used.

Spices are also added: peas, bay leaves, garlic. For pickled cucumbers, the main composition will require onions, carrots, celery parsley, caraway seeds. The volume of herbs is determined depending on preferences, only the proportions of the liquor remain unchanged.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers with vodka at home

Canned cucumbers in banks are in great demand among amateurs. Each housewife tries to preserve the harvested good harvest in the form of conservation. Pickles pickle, pickle. To keep the workpieces better, during the preparation of each recipe, a certain amount of liquid containing alcohol is added.

Quick way to a liter can

For cans of one liter take small cucumbers. Before the process, the glass is carefully treated with a cleaning agent, rinsed. The fruits are kept for some time in a liquid, washed, laid in a container.

To get unusually delicious pickled crispy cucumbers, the bookmark is layered with finely chopped sheets. Boiling liquid is poured into the container, covered, let it brew. Next, the solution is poured into a saucepan, and the marinade is prepared. Lastly, an alcoholic drink is poured, rolled up with an iron seaming lid.

No sterilization

Salting without sterilization is particularly simple. In a well-washed large glass container put a standard set of spicy foliage. Add all the necessary spices. Pure water is put on fire, pour out all the components for the marinade.

The boiling composition is poured into a glass vessel. After ten minutes, the brine is poured back into the pan, boiled again. Cucumbers are poured with the finished solution. Add two tablespoons of vodka. Close tightly with a nylon tightening lid.

Cucumbers can pamper ardent opponents of conservation with the addition of acid.

"Mountain ash" with citric acid, honey and vodka without sterilization

Fans of billets with a mild taste canned cucumbers without vinegar and sugar. Salt medium-sized fruits in a three-liter container. Preparatory procedures are performed traditionally, only to the main composition of spices and herbs in a jar add a sprig of mountain ash with fruits.

For pouring, use three large tablespoons of salt, four of the same liquid honey, two teaspoons of acid, one hundred grams of an alcoholic beverage. Pour boiling water into cucumbers, insist, pour the solution into a saucepan, and boil the brine. First, vodka is poured into the vessel, and then boiling marinade. Cork iron caps, turn over, put in heat.

With lime and cognac

To prepare savory cucumbers, you will need not quite ordinary ingredients. For salting one liter jar you need:

  • five slices of lime;
  • granulated sugar, two teaspoons of salt;
  • cinnamon, star anise, nasturtium buds, cardamom, cherry leaf blades, tarragon;
  • alcohol-containing drink - one and a half large spoons;

Preparation of vegetables, laying in jars of greenery and spices is carried out in the same way as the preparation of marinade - as standard. Before pouring the brine into the jar add alcohol. Canned under a metal cover, the first day the jar is kept in a dark, warm place.

Assorted Tomatoes

This is one of the most delicious winter harvesting options. You can salt cucumbers and tomatoes at the same time. Fruits with different tastes complement each other, this makes the canned product even tastier.

Preserves vegetables according to the usual recipe. The first to put the cucumbers in the jar, pour them with herbs. Then to the brim filled with tomatoes. For a rich, tasty brine, you will need salt, vinegar, fifty grams of vodka, sugar sand - one hundred grams.

With onion vodka and vinegar

The fruits are soaked in water, washed, laid in jars. In order to get real pickled cucumbers, the bookmark is layered with herbs, chopped vegetables, spices. At the initial stage, boiling water is poured into the jar and left for ten minutes. Then the solution is drained, boiled again.

The boiled composition is poured into a jar, left for a few more minutes. The infused liquid is placed in a saucepan, the necessary ingredients are added, brought to a boil, poured into cucumbers. At the last stage, add vodka and roll the jar with a metal lid. To sterilize correctly, the container is turned upside down and left in a dark place.

With mustard

You can pickle cucumbers with mustard in the usual, simplest, fastest way. Mustard gives the workpiece a piquant taste, makes cucumbers more crispy and mouth-watering. Close the jars of cucumbers, adding a pinch of dry mustard, even a culinary specialist can do without much experience.

With red currant

Each housewife, preserving vegetables for the winter, tries to roll up as many cans as possible. But, in addition to the number of canned cucumbers, it should surprise with the quality and appearance of conservation. Branches of red currants, placed in jars with pickled cucumbers, not only complement the workpiece with a new taste, but will also add colorfulness and elegance.

Most recently, housewives began to use vodka as a preservative. The thing is that alcohol does not spoil the taste of the workpiece, but does not allow fungi and mold to develop, stopping the fermentation process, which cannot be said about vinegar. It softens the cucumbers, the workpiece loses the characteristic crunch that everyone likes so much. Alcohol is a natural preservative that prevents the workpiece from deteriorating. Your banks are never bloated.

Classic recipe

To prepare this blank, small dark cucumbers with pimples are selected. It is an ideal product for winter conservation.

Products for one three-liter jar:

  • cucumbers - about 2 kg;
  • purified water - 5 glasses (250 ml);
  • diluted alcohol (vodka) - 2 piles (high-quality moonshine can be);
  • salt - 0.5 cups;
  • seasonings for any cucumbers.

The taste of the finished roll depends on the seasonings laid. Often add tarragon, marjoram, caraway seeds and oak leaves to cucumbers.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Rinse the cucumbers well, trim the tips and soak in ice water for 12 hours. Water needs to be changed periodically. Soaking allows you to fill all the voids in the vegetable and give the crunch ready preservation.
  2. In the meantime, rinse and sterilize the cans (you can use three cans of one liter each).
  3. Season dry seasonings and leaves in dry, sterile jars, which must first be scalded with boiling water. At the same time, it is better to cut the cloves of garlic into slices, which will give the aroma to the finished roll.
  4. Cucumbers are laid in prepared cans with herbs. It is not necessary to ram the vegetables too tightly, otherwise they will be poorly salted.
  5. Put salt in each jar.
  6. Fill the cucumbers with cold water and cover.
  7. In this form, leave the workpiece for the starter culture.
  8. After a few days (about three), check the cucumbers, if a film has formed on the surface, then the process has begun. It's time to start conservation.
  9. The brine is poured into a pan and boiled.
  10. Pour into a prepared jar a glass of alcohol.
  11. Pour jars of cucumbers with hot brine and cork.
  12. After the jars with the cucumbers have cooled, they are put into storage in the cellar.

Recipe for Crispy Salted Cucumbers

Vegetables in this recipe are closed under a nylon cover. You can store the workpiece in a closet or pantry. The taste of the finished workpiece resembles barrel cucumbers, the same crispy and aromatic.


  • young cucumbers per one three liter jar;
  • purified water - two liters;
  • salt - 1 stack with a slide;
  • moonshine or vodka - 1 pile;
  • seasonings optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the cucumbers and soak in cold water for about 3 hours.
  2. Wash and lay the three-liter bottle on the bottom of the spice.
  3. Cook brine from water with salt. When it boils, add vodka or moonshine.
  4. Put cucumbers in a bottle and pour boiling brine.
  5. Cover the jar with a napkin and stand for 12 hours in a warm place.
  6. Close under the nylon cover and put into storage.

You can eat cucumbers in a few days. If desired, the workpiece is stored all winter. Mold does not form on it, the brine does not cloud.

Canned cucumbers with vodka for the winter: the recipe "villain"

According to this recipe, we preserve cucumbers in one day. Why is the villain? The recipe contains a lot of garlic, which in combination with vodka gives the workpiece a crunch, firmness and piquancy.

For 2 kilograms of cucumbers you will need:

  • salt and sugar - 1 stack without a slide;
  • lemon - 10 g (one pack);
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 heads (large);
  • water - 5 glasses (250 ml);
  • greens and seasonings for cucumbers.

Add horseradish root, allspice, hot pepper, lavrushka, tarragon to this roll. This will give a special aroma and taste to your preservation. On winter evenings, under a glass, such cucumbers - that’s it!

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Rinse the jars, put spices and herbs on the bottom.
  2. Cucumbers folded into jars (tightly).
  3. Boil separately two liters of water and pour cucumbers. Let stand and drain the water, it is no longer needed.
  4. From 5 glasses of water, sugar and salt, prepare a brine.
  5. Add a lemon to the boiling brine.
  6. Pour cucumbers with boiling marinade and pour vodka into cans.
  7. Roll up with sterile metal caps.

Wrap the workpiece until it cools. You need to store cans in the cellar.

Assorted vegetables: canned cucumbers and tomatoes with vodka

According to this recipe, tomatoes are harvested along with cucumbers and sweet peppers. For conservation, pick tomatoes with a dense skin, and use Bulgarian pepper.

Recipe for a three-liter jar:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) - how much will go into the jar;
  • vodka - 2 piles;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • dry leaves of cherry, horseradish;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.;
  • ground coriander - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt and granulated sugar - 1 stack each;
  • water - 4 cups (250 ml).

Add some ground cinnamon to the spices. This will give the sunset a peculiar taste. Tomatoes respond very well to this seasoning.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare banks: rinse and sterilize.
  2. Put half the spices and herbs in dry jars.
  3. Fill the jars with vegetables, put the rest of the spices on top.
  4. Boil water and pour jars of cucumbers. When the cans have cooled, drain and boil the water.
  5. Add sugar and salt to the marinade, let it boil.
  6. Pour vodka and hot marinade into the jars.
  7. Ready jars roll up with sterilized lids.

The seaming is removed to heat until it cools. You can store anywhere.

Salad: a simple recipe for canned cucumbers with other vegetables and vodka

The amount of vegetables in the recipe can be changed at your discretion and taste. All vegetables are cut like a salad, in large slices or rings.

On a 1 liter jar:

  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • granulated sugar and salt - 2 tbsp each. l .;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 1 leaf;
  • vodka - 1/2 tbsp. l .;

For lovers of spicy, you can add 1 bitter pepper.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Rinse and sterilize cans.
  2. Put all the spices on the bottom.
  3. Stack vegetables in the order you like.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and place the jars in a large pan for sterilization.
  5. Pour water into the container so that it reaches almost to the "shoulders" of the cans. When the water boils, reduce the heat and boil the workpiece for up to 15 minutes.
  6. Banks to take out and roll up.

After cooling, the salad is stored at room temperature.

Universal marinade: a recipe that will definitely appeal

Marinade prepared according to this recipe is used for preserving cucumbers, tomatoes or mixed vegetables.

For 5 liters of drinking water:

  • Small salt - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Vodka.

How to do:

  1. The marinade is brought to a boil, spices are added and boiled for several minutes.
  2. Vegetables are placed in prepared jars and poured 1 tbsp each. l vodka.
  3. Pour jars with hot marinade and roll up with sterilized lids.

Salad "Finger": canned cucumbers with onions, vodka and vinegar


  • small cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • refined oil - 150 ml;
  • onions - 4 heads;
  • small salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • ground pepper to taste
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • vinegar - 200 ml.

How to make a salad:

  1. Wash and soak the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  3. Cucumbers cut lengthwise into bars.
  4. Make marinade from vegetable oil, sugar, salt and spices.
  5. Pour cucumbers with onions in the marinade, add vinegar and vodka.
  6. Let it brew for several hours. Stir the salad periodically.
  7. The salad is laid out in sterile jars, slightly condensing the cucumbers.
  8. Pour marinade over the salad to the top.
  9. Pour water into a large pot and install cans for sterilization.
  10. Sterilize the salad for 20 minutes.
  11. Cork the finished salad and cover it with a blanket.
  12. You can store the blank anywhere.

Vodka in the recipe does not allow cucumbers to become too soft after sterilization, which gives the salad a special taste.

Vodka pickles (video)

Vodka is an excellent preservative. It can be added to any workpiece, which will save conservation from darkening. It is enough to add 1 tablespoon of vodka to the cans “under the cover”.

Unusual recipes: preservation of cucumbers with vodka

Most recently, housewives began to use vodka as a preservative. The thing is that alcohol does not spoil the taste of the workpiece, but does not allow fungi and mold to develop, stopping the fermentation process, which cannot be said about vinegar. It softens the cucumbers, the workpiece loses the characteristic crunch that everyone likes so much. Alcohol is a natural preservative that prevents the workpiece from deteriorating. Your banks are never bloated.


To prepare this blank, small dark cucumbers with pimples are selected. It is an ideal product for winter conservation.

Products for one three-liter jar:

  • cucumbers - about 2 kg;
  • purified water - 5 glasses (250 ml);
  • diluted alcohol (vodka) - 2 piles (high-quality moonshine can be);
  • salt - 0.5 cups;
  • seasonings for any cucumbers.

The taste of the finished roll depends on the seasonings laid. Often add tarragon, marjoram, caraway seeds and oak leaves to cucumbers.

  1. Rinse the cucumbers well, trim the tips and soak in ice water for 12 hours. Water needs to be changed periodically. Soaking allows you to fill all the voids in the vegetable and give the crunch ready preservation.
  2. In the meantime, rinse and sterilize the cans (you can use three cans of one liter each).
  3. Season dry seasonings and leaves in dry, sterile jars, which must first be scalded with boiling water. At the same time, it is better to cut the cloves of garlic into slices, which will add flavor to the finished roll.
  4. Cucumbers are laid in prepared cans with herbs. It is not necessary to ram the vegetables too tightly, otherwise they will be poorly salted.
  5. Put salt in each jar.
  6. Fill the cucumbers with cold water and cover.
  7. In this form, leave the workpiece for the starter culture.
  8. After a few days (about three), check the cucumbers, if a film has formed on the surface, then the process has begun. It's time to start conservation.
  9. The brine is poured into a pan and boiled.
  10. Pour into a prepared jar a glass of alcohol.
  11. Pour jars of cucumbers with hot brine and cork.
  12. After the jars with the cucumbers have cooled, they are put into storage in the cellar.
  13. The alcohol content in the brine is less than 1%, which allows the preparation to be used by drivers and children.


Vegetables in this recipe are closed under a nylon cover. You can store the workpiece in a closet or pantry. The taste of the finished workpiece resembles barrel cucumbers, the same crunch boxy and fragrant.


  • young cucumbers per one three liter jar;
  • purified water - two liters;
  • salt - 1 stack with a slide;
  • moonshine or vodka - 1 pile;
  • seasonings optional.

  1. Rinse the cucumbers and soak in cold water for about 3 hours.
  2. Wash and lay the three-liter bottle on the bottom of the spice.
  3. Cook brine from water with salt. When it boils, add vodka or moonshine.
  4. Put cucumbers in a bottle and pour boiling brine.
  5. Cover the jar with a napkin and stand for 12 hours in a warm place.
  6. Close under the nylon cover and put into storage.

You can eat cucumbers in a few days. If desired, the workpiece is stored all winter. Mold does not form on it, the brine does not cloud.


According to this recipe, we preserve cucumbers in one day. Why is the villain? The recipe contains a lot of garlic, which in combination with vodka gives the workpiece a crunch, firmness and piquancy.

For 2 kilograms of cucumbers you will need:

  • salt and sugar - 1 stack without a slide;
  • lemon - 10 g (one pack);
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 heads (large);
  • water - 5 glasses (250 ml);
  • greens and seasonings for cucumbers.
  • Add horseradish root, allspice, hot pepper, lavrushka, tarragon to this roll. This will give a special aroma and taste to your preservation. On winter evenings, under a glass, such cucumbers - that’s it!

  1. Rinse the jars, put spices and herbs on the bottom.
  2. Cucumbers folded into jars (tightly).
  3. Boil separately two liters of water and pour cucumbers. Let stand and drain the water, it is no longer needed.
  4. From 5 glasses of water, sugar and salt, prepare a brine.
  5. Add a lemon to the boiling brine.
  6. Pour cucumbers with boiling marinade and pour vodka into cans.
  7. Roll up with sterile metal caps.
Wrap the workpiece until it cools. You need to store cans in the cellar.


According to this recipe, tomatoes are harvested along with cucumbers and sweet peppers. For conservation, pick tomatoes with a dense skin, and use Bulgarian pepper.

Recipe for a three-liter jar:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) - how much will go into the jar;
  • vodka - 2 piles;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • dry leaves of cherry, horseradish;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.;
  • ground coriander - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt and granulated sugar - 1 stack each;
  • water - 4 cups (250 ml).

Add some ground cinnamon to the spices. This will give the sunset a peculiar taste. Tomatoes respond very well to this seasoning.
  1. Prepare banks: rinse and sterilize.
  2. Put half the spices and herbs in dry jars.
  3. Fill the jars with vegetables, put the rest of the spices on top.
  4. Boil water and pour jars of cucumbers. When the cans have cooled, drain and boil the water.
  5. Add sugar and salt to the marinade, let it boil.
  6. Pour vodka and hot marinade into the jars.
  7. Ready jars roll up with sterilized lids.
  8. The seaming is removed to heat until it cools. You can store anywhere.


The amount of vegetables in the recipe can be changed at your discretion and taste. All vegetables are cut like a salad, in large slices or rings.

On a 1 liter jar:

  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • granulated sugar and salt - 2 tbsp each. l .;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 1 leaf;
  • vodka - 1/2 tbsp. l .;
  • For lovers of spicy, you can add 1 bitter pepper.

  1. Rinse and sterilize cans.
  2. Put all the spices on the bottom.
  3. Stack vegetables in the order you like.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and place the jars in a large pan for sterilization.
  5. Pour water into the container so that it reaches almost to the "shoulders" of the cans. When the water boils, reduce the heat and boil the workpiece for up to 15 minutes.
  6. Banks to take out and roll up.
  7. After cooling, the salad is stored at room temperature.


Marinade prepared according to this recipe is used for preserving cucumbers, tomatoes or mixed vegetables.

For 5 liters of drinking water:

  • Small salt - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Vodka.

The marinade is transparent and clean.

The marinade is brought to a boil, spices are added and boiled for several minutes.To prepared banks

stack vegetables and pour 1 tbsp. l vodka.Pour jars with hot marinade and roll up with sterilized lids.



  • small cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • refined oil - 150 ml;
  • onions - 4 heads;
  • small salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • ground pepper to taste
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • vinegar - 200 ml.

  1. Wash and soak the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  3. Cucumbers cut lengthwise into bars.
  4. Make marinade from vegetable oil, sugar, salt and spices.
  5. Pour cucumbers with onions in the marinade, add vinegar and vodka.
  6. Let it brew for several hours. Stir the salad periodically.
  7. The salad is laid out in sterile jars, slightly condensing the cucumbers.
  8. Pour marinade over the salad to the top.
  9. Pour water into a large pot and install cans for sterilization.
  10. Sterilize the salad for 20 minutes.
  11. Cork the finished salad and cover it with a blanket.
  12. You can store the blank anywhere.

Vodka in the recipe does not allow cucumbers to become too soft after sterilization, which gives the salad a special taste.

Salted Cucumbers with Vodka (VIDEO)

Vodka is an excellent preservative. It can be added to any workpiece, which will save conservation from darkening. It is enough to add 1 tablespoon of vodka to the cans “under the lid”.

   Calories: Not Specified
   Cooking time: Not indicated

I propose to cook pickled cucumbers with vodka, the recipe for the winter is simple, but the cucumbers turn out crispy, moderately sweet and sour, very tasty. In addition to vodka, we will use a little vinegar essence, spices and sweet pepper. Spices can be added to your liking. Cucumbers are perfect for any dish, they can also be used to prepare first courses - pickle, hodgepodge, etc.

- cucumbers - 1 kg;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- dill - 5 branches;
- sweet pepper - 1/3 part;
- salt - 1 tbsp;
- vinegar essence - ½ tbsp .;
- vodka - 1 tbsp;
- sugar - ½ tablespoon;
- horseradish - a small piece;
- hot pepper - to taste.

Step by step recipe with photo:

  Prepare cucumbers in advance - wash with a washcloth and pour clean cold water, leave it at rest for 6-8 hours, the only thing is that you can change the water several times. After trimming the tails of cucumbers on both sides, also peel sweet bell pepper. Wash fresh fragrant dill.

  Prepare a liter jar, wash and sterilize in a convenient way. Also do with lids - boil in clean water for 15 minutes. At the bottom of a liter jar place dill, strips of pepper, horseradish, garlic. Add hot pepper to taste.

  Fill the jar with cucumbers, in the process shake the jar several times so that the cucumbers lie more densely to each other. In parallel, put a pot of clean water on the stove, bring to a boil.

  Pour hot water into the jar, cover the jar with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

  After a while, put a capron cap with holes on the neck of the can. Drain the hot water into the pan. To the resulting norm of water add 70-100 ml, just in case. Also pour a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of sugar, boil for a couple of minutes.

  Pour vinegar essence and vodka into the jar of steamed cucumbers, immediately pour boiling marinade.

  Immediately throw a lid and immediately roll up the jar with a key or simply scroll tightly. Put the jar upside down and wrap it with a blanket. Leave pickled cucumbers with vodka for a day alone. After storing in the cellar.

Good appetite!
  And also very tasty