How long to boil eggs so that they are hard-boiled. Please note that finished soft-boiled eggs may be in different states.

Boiling hard-boiled eggs is one of the most simple ways cook quickly and tasty dish for breakfast, or diversify the salad with a new ingredient. How to boil soft-boiled eggs and full readiness, even a teenager learns easily. An adult will also need to know how to cook delicious quail or chicken products and prepare dishes from them.

How to boil quail eggs hard-boiled

Boiling quail eggs can last 2-3 minutes. But if you are wondering how long to cook quail eggs hard-boiled, it will take up to 5 minutes after boiling. This time is enough for fully cooked without loss of basic consumer properties of valuable delicious product. The shell does not crack, even if cooked for more than 15 minutes, but the white and yolk will become tasteless. Steep boiling water very quickly begins to coagulate the white and yolk inside the boiling egg. How to cook - compare the degree of readiness of the yolk using a photo from the Internet.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs in a saucepan

Preparing a regular chicken product starts with a few precautions. If you know how long you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, use the bookmark method. cold water. This will prevent the shell from breaking and maintain the integrity of the product. Early placement in cold water is recommended for cases where it is important to maintain the integrity of the mold for use in holiday dishes. A product that bursts during cooking may become shapeless and partially tasteless, and looks unaesthetic in the photo.

When placing it in boiling salted water, it is easier for the housewife to time it. Remember that in boiling water chicken product does not cook as quickly as quail. As a result, the white and yolk become suitable for cutting into salads and other dishes or eaten separately with the addition of salt and spices. Cooking the protein until it becomes solid guarantees protection against salmonella. Heat treatment in boiling water - The best way, how to cook healthy dish and keep the whole family safe.

How to Boil Eggs for Easy Peeling

Housewives who cook regularly know how to make hard-boiled eggs and peel them easily. The difficulty of cleaning is due to the fact that the film under the shell is poorly separated from the main mass of the protein. This effect is completely avoided by cooling the boiled product in cold running water or in a container. Carefully drain the pan, then pour in the eggs. cold water from the tap. 2-3 minutes of cooling is enough to easily separate the shell and film from the protein.

How many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling?

The main task of the housewife is to determine how long to boil hard-boiled eggs. When bookmarked in boiling water The cooking time will be from 6 to 9 minutes from the moment of boiling over medium heat. Select the time according to your experience, focusing on the desired hardness of the white and yolk in finished form. A photo or video demonstrating readiness will help you gain the missing experience. Do not exceed the specified cooking time - once cooked, immediately place the product in any convenient container.

Video: how to properly boil hard-boiled eggs

Chicken eggs are one of the most ancient and healthy foods for humans. They contain all the most valuable substances for the body in optimal proportions. Thanks to this, eggs are 98% digestible by humans. Fresh produce contains the bactericidal protein lysocine, which disappears with aging. Bactericidal properties fresh product decrease with aging. One tenth of the weight comes from the shell, more than 50 percent is the white and a third is the yolk. Energy value– 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. One medium-sized chicken egg, weighing 47 grams, contains 73.8 kcal. The egg consists of 74% water, 12.8% nitrogen-containing substances. The remaining few percentages are distributed between fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.9%) and minerals(0.8). The greatest nutritional value has a freshly laid egg, since the bactericidal substance lysocin, which is part of it, loses its bactericidal properties over time.

Which eggs are healthier: hard-boiled, soft-boiled or raw?

Studying the question of the greatest usefulness of eggs depending on the cooking time, scientists have still not come to a consensus, despite the ancient origin of the product. It is recognized that boiled chicken eggs are absorbed worse than raw ones. At the same time, during cooking, a number of substances and vitamins beneficial to human health are destroyed. Because of this boiled eggs are not very well absorbed. They require more calories to be absorbed by the body than they supply. Therefore, eggs are often present as ingredients in various weight loss diets.
Crude protein is well absorbed by the body if significant muscle loads were applied before consuming it. It is healthier to eat the yolk raw, but there is a possibility of infection through raw yolk salmonellosis. Can be added to raw yolk before use citric acid or Apple vinegar, since all microbes die in an acidic environment. Taste characteristics at the same time they become worse. So, unless you are an athlete involved in muscle sports, it is safer to eat hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs. Raw eggs are absorbed by the body by 50%, and boiled by 90%.
30 years ago, scientists declared chicken eggs to be a source of cholesterol that is harmful to blood vessels. Nowadays, this product has been rehabilitated, and we can again please ourselves with fried eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs for breakfast.
Cholesterol in eggs is 213 mg, and according to the norm, a person should not consume more than 300 mg per day. Today scientists know that in addition to cholesterol, eggs also contain phospholipids, which in turn lower cholesterol levels in the blood, that is, these products themselves regulate required quantity cholesterol. Therefore, today no one prohibits eating one or two eggs a day without harm to health.

How long to cook?

Cooking time depends on several factors:
Freshness level. For fresh chicken eggs, the cooking time increases by 3-4 minutes.
Cooking time depends on the size of the eggs and the intensity of the heat under the saucepan. It has been experimentally determined that eggs with white shells cook faster than those with brown shells.
The white shell is thinner than the brown one, which is why it cracks more often during cooking and the egg cooks faster in it.
Boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling for 7 to 10 minutes.
To determine how long to boil hard-boiled eggs to obtain the desired consistency, it is better to buy a timer and empirically find the optimal time, which you then stick to.
Approximate time for boiling eggs of varying degrees of readiness:
Lightly cooked white and runny yolk - 3 minutes,
Classic soft-boiled egg - 4 minutes,
Eggs in a bag - something between soft-boiled and hard-boiled - 5 minutes,
Hard-boiled egg – 8 minutes.
It is not advisable to overcook hard-boiled eggs.

  1. Firstly, in overcooked eggs, the yolk shell acquires an unpleasant gray-blue tint.
  2. Secondly, overcooked protein becomes rubber-like in consistency and loses its taste.

How to boil chicken eggs?

Never place cold eggs directly from the refrigerator into hot water. The shell will probably crack when boiling. After refrigeration before cooking, it is better to keep them for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then choose the right size saucepan. The eggs should fit tightly on the bottom of the pan. If the eggs lie too loosely, they may break against each other during boiling. A cracked testicle will look unsightly after cleaning. Pour enough water so that the water level covers the eggs by 5 centimeters. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook further over low heat. On high fire and with intense boiling, the white becomes rubbery, and the yolk takes on an unpleasant hue. To prevent the shell from cracking during cooking, you can pierce it with a sewing needle blunt end. As a result of this manipulation, the shell will not burst and will be easier to clean.

How to peel?

Just demolished fresh eggs They are difficult to clean from the shell. It is incredibly difficult to clean them beautifully in order to put them in a salad or decorate the table with them. The date and time when the eggs were laid by the chickens is indicated on the store packaging. Unfortunately, buyers do not always pay attention to this valuable information.
Sometimes people ask how long to boil hard-boiled eggs so that the shells can be cleaned better? Cooking time does not affect shell cleaning. The freshness of the egg matters. To easily clean the shells after cooking, drain the boiling water and add cold water instead. Leave the saucepan like this for 5 minutes. To prevent the water from heating up quickly from hot eggs, you can add pieces of ice to the pan.

Hard boiled eggs in an air fryer

How to boil eggs in an air fryer


Rinse raw eggs in warm water, this will warm them up, which will protect them from cracking.

Place eggs on the middle rack of the air fryer. Cook at 200 Cº and medium fan speed for 20 minutes.

If you want to get the eggs “in a bag”, then cook for 10 minutes. For large eggs to cook evenly during cooking, it is better to turn them over after half the time has elapsed.

Not only does a simple chicken egg serve as an ingredient, it is also loved by many boiled and soft-boiled, in the form of scrambled eggs, as a component for salad. Another day when eggs are widely consumed is the bright holiday of Easter. At Easter, eggs are specially boiled for painting, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher and the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, it is important to know how long to boil eggs.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs in boiling water

The first way to boil an egg - placing it in a regular pan - is simple. Initially, you should pour cold water into the pan and put the eggs in it.

Some housewives prefer to throw eggs into boiling liquid, but this is not recommended in order to end up with a product without cracks

After waiting for the water to boil, you should soak the eggs for 7-10 minutes in boiling water.

To make them easy to clean after boiling, you should keep the eggs in cold water for some time.

How long does it take to hard boil eggs in a double boiler?

It is possible to get hard-boiled eggs on an electric stove using a double boiler. This will be more difficult since there are many factors influencing the cooking process, including the volume of water, the size of the eggs, and the model of the device.

You should not give up at the first failure. Over time, each housewife will be able to choose the optimal mode for herself, which will allow her to cook not only chicken eggs, but also quail eggs, while the product will be easy to clean and it will be possible to avoid cracks in the shell.

It is advisable to choose models that have special devices for cooking this product

Before cooking, each egg should be thoroughly washed, wiped thoroughly and placed in individual recesses.

It will take 15 minutes to get a hard-boiled egg. If you want to boil an egg “in a bag”, then the device timer should be set for 10 minutes, and for a soft-boiled egg the cooking time will be only 7 minutes.

How long does it take to boil eggs in a slow cooker?

There is an opinion that eggs boiled in a slow cooker are healthier.

It should be noted that special regime for boiling eggs is not provided in any model of multicookers available on the market.

During operation, the optimal mode is selected, which will allow obtaining the product to the required degree of readiness.

There are two ways to cook eggs in a slow cooker: simple recipes, the use of which depends on the specific device model.

  1. If the multicooker does not have a special bowl for steaming, then simply place chicken eggs in a container, add enough water and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  2. If you have a special container for steaming, eggs should be placed in it. Next, you need to pour 2-3 glasses of water into the multicooker bowl. Then you need to select the steaming mode. After boiling, the hard-boiled eggs will be reached within 20 minutes. To get a soft-boiled egg you only need to wait 10 minutes.

Is it possible to boil eggs in the microwave?

Despite the established opinion that raw eggs cannot be placed in the microwave, as they may explode; it is quite possible to boil hard-boiled eggs in this household appliance.

There are two options for boiling eggs: microwave oven– in shell and without shell

In order to get white hard-boiled eggs in the microwave, you will need to take an appropriate container, pour a small amount of water and place the eggs there in one layer, trying to arrange them without touching.

Important: To prevent the eggs from exploding, add a tablespoon to the water first. table salt. The cooking time in this case will be 14 minutes.

In the case of boiling without the shell, which is sometimes called "dry boiling" because not a drop of water is added, the egg must be cracked onto a microwave-safe plate.

The plate must be lubricated first. butter. It is also recommended to separate the yolks from the whites. After placing the egg in the desired dish, the plate must be covered, which is suitable for plain film or wax paper.

The duration of such cooking will be a minute for one egg. If there is a need to boil up to 4 eggs, the time will increase to 3 minutes. It should be borne in mind that overcooking will lead to a loss of taste of the product and a change in its structure: the eggs will become “rubbery”.

To understand how to boil hard-boiled eggs without bursting, you can look at the corresponding photo. If done correctly, the result will be a hard-boiled egg, which will be a great addition to your breakfast.

Video on the topic

How many minutes to boil eggs: video

How to cook hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are not only an excellent basis for breakfast or a light snack, but also a common ingredient in pies, salads, and as an addition to various soups. It is very important that such an egg does not have an unpleasant gray rim around the bright yolk, so that the white does not turn into rubber or, conversely, the yolk and white do not turn out to be liquid. Helps you avoid these culinary disasters correct sequence action and strict adherence to the boiling time.

Just as Swift’s famous heroes, the Laputans, could not come to a consensus at which end to break eggs, so cooks cannot agree on what kind of water to put them in to hard-boil them - boiling or cold. Proponents of the first method say they see no difference, and the cooking time is significantly reduced. Those who advocate the second option argue that this is how you will definitely protect the eggs from cracking.

Those who boil eggs in boiling water suggest piercing them with a special machine to avoid cracks, or adding a little vinegar, salt or soda to the water, which promote coagulation of the protein and thus prevent it from “escaping” through the cracks.

Regardless of the cooking method, eggs should initially be room temperature

Place one or more eggs in a saucepan or ladle. If you are boiling a lot of eggs, pay attention to the fact that they should all lie on the bottom of the dish in one layer, or you should cook them in several stages. Pour cold water over the eggs so that the liquid rises 3-4 centimeters above them. Bring the water to a boil. You can cover the eggs with a lid and turn off the heat, or you can lower the heat to medium and cook the eggs uncovered. Eggs covered will be ready in 12–15 minutes; eggs in boiling water will be cooked in 10–12 minutes. The exact cooking time also depends on the size of the egg. The smaller it is, the faster it will be ready, and vice versa.

To stop the cooking process, be sure to cool the eggs quickly. There are also two ways here. You can carefully drain the hot water and pour the cold water into the pan with the eggs, or you can use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the boiling water and place them in a bowl of ice water.

If you cook eggs for longer than 15 minutes or leave them in for a long time after cooking hot water, the yolk will become discolored and will emit an unpleasant sulfuric odor

How to cook soft-boiled and poached eggs

Preparing a soft-boiled egg is not much more difficult than hard-boiling it. Here, too, time plays a decisive role. Just undercook the egg a little and you will have runny whites. Overcook - instead of a soft-boiled egg, you will get an egg in a bag, with the yolk set at the edges, still runny in the middle. But by boiling an egg in a bag and not calculating the time, you can get either a soft-boiled egg - with a delicate yolk and set white, or a hard-boiled egg with a “crumbly” yolk.

Use a ladle or saucepan large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer. Fill the bowl with enough water to cover the food completely, and bring the liquid to a boil. Take eggs at room temperature and, using a slotted spoon or a tablespoon, place them in boiling water. Reduce heat, the water should boil “gently”, without bubbling. To soft-boil eggs, prepare: - large egg– 3 minutes 30 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes exactly; - small egg, for example quail - 2 minutes 40 seconds.

To get an egg in a bag, cook: - large egg - 4 minutes 20 seconds; - medium egg – 3 minutes 50 seconds; - small egg – 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Place the finished eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes. Drain and refill with fresh cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Choose eggs for boiling that are at least 5-7 days old. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to remove them from the shell without damaging the squirrels.

The famous “culinary chemist” Heston Blumenthal prepares soft-boiled eggs a little differently. He places them in a pot of cold water, just as he would for hard-boiled, covers and brings to a boil over high heat. Once the water is bubbling, Blumenthal turns off the heat or removes the pan from the stove and keeps the egg, covered, in the hot water for exactly 6 minutes. He serves hot eggs immediately, cutting off the lids with a special guillotine device.