Skewers of turkey meat. Turkey kebab: delicious recipes

Step-by-step recipes for a delicious kebab: prepare marinade for turkey kebab

2018-04-23 Liana Raymanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr

7 gr.


   1 g

67 kcal.

Option 1. Classic turkey marinade recipe

Not everyone uses lamb and pork for cooking kebabs, many prefer to cook kebabs with more tender, easily digestible meat, for example, turkey. To make the kebab out of it truly juicy and tasty, it is necessary to properly marinate the meat. In the classic marinade, only fragrant seasonings and spices are used, so that the finished dish comes out not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • garlic - half a head;
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • seasoning hops-suneli - 35 g;
  • acute adjika - 55 g;
  • seasoning ground paprika - 45 g;
  • 40 g of salt and black pepper.

Step by step recipe

Peel the garlic, pass through the garlic directly into a deep container.

All seasonings are added to the garlic, the oil is poured, adjika is spread, salt, pepper, everything is thoroughly mixed.

The finished marinade is combined with turkey meat, again mixed, covered with a lid and set aside for three hours.

After the specified time, put pieces of meat on skewers and grill the barbecue.

If you want to give the kebab a slight acidity, you can sprinkle the pieces with vinegar, previously diluted with water, after frying.

Option 2. A quick recipe for turkey barbecue marinade

A quick recipe for turkey shish kebab marinade involves the use of highly carbonated mineral water. Carbon dioxide contained in the mineral water instantly penetrates the meat fibers, thereby softening it quickly, making it soft, tender and juicy. A variety of additionally used vegetables will give the kebab a delicious taste and aroma.


  • highly carbonated mineral water - 265 ml;
  • eggplant - 3 things;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • carrots - 250 g;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 55 g of salt, black pepper;
  • 25 g spices for meat dishes.

How to cook turkey marinade

Eggplant is washed, freed from the stalk, cut into small pieces.

Carrots with onions are peeled, the onions are cut into strips with a knife, slightly crushed with salt and spread to the eggplants, the carrots are rubbed on a grater with small holes, also added to the mixture.

Rinse the tomato, cut into circles and spread in a cup.

Pour mineral water, add salt, pepper, seasoning, mix thoroughly.

In the finished marinade, pieces of turkey marinate a little more than one hour.

You can diversify the taste of barbecue by pouring soy sauce, tomato juice at the same time as mineral water, or adding adjika or ketchup.

Option 3. Marinade for turkey kebab with wine

Turkey meat goes well with wine, so you can safely use this alcoholic drink for marinade. It also saturates tender meat well, making the finished dish fragrant, with an unusual, pronounced taste. And the various spices present in the marinade give it an unforgettable, appetizing flavor.


  • any dry wine - 200 ml;
  • ground ginger - 35 g;
  • ground paprika - 35 g;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • a mixture of Provencal herbs - 65 g;
  • 20 g of salt, black pepper.

Step by step recipe

Ground ginger, paprika are poured into a large cup, allspice is added, Provence herbs are poured into the wine.

Marinade is salted, pepper, everything is thoroughly mixed.

In the finished marinade, mix the turkey slices, cover and leave for several hours.

It is better to use dry wine, just do not use a cheap store, as it can spoil the whole taste of the finished barbecue. An ideal option is homemade wine, even slightly fermented. If the wine is sweet, mix it with lemon juice or diluted citric acid in water. All ingredients in the recipe are indicated per 1 kilogram of meat.

Option 4. Marinade for turkey kebab on kefir

The most suitable dairy product for marinating poultry meat is kefir. It makes it very soft, delicate, with a pleasant light acidity. Perfectly complement the kefir marinade with fresh onions, thyme herb, marjoram, which give the dish an amazing aroma.


  • kefir - 345 ml;
  • 30 g of salt, black pepper;
  • ground marjoram - 30 g;
  • dry thyme - 25 g;
  • 2 onions.

How to cook

Peel the onion, cut into strips, lay in a container.

Pour salt, pepper, all spices, lightly knead with your hands until juice stands out.

Pour kefir to all contents, stir with a spoon and immerse turkey slices.

Marinate the meat for several hours, periodically open the lid and mix.

For such a marinade, kefir can be replaced with ordinary yogurt or fermented baked milk. And to give the finished shish kebab a beautiful look, pour some tomato juice, ketchup into the fermented milk product or add tomato paste.

Option 5. Marinade for turkey skewers on mayonnaise

The second most popular marinade variant for turkey kebab. It is used not only for this type of meat, but also chicken, pork or lamb. It is marinated for a long time, but the finished barbecue turns out to be amazingly tasty, tender and incredibly soft.


  • 345 g mayonnaise;
  • 55 ml of 9% acetic acid;
  • 4 medium onion heads;
  • spices for meat dishes - 60 g.

Step by step recipe

In a clean bowl, combine mayonnaise with acetic acid, mix thoroughly.

Spices are introduced into the resulting mixture, stirred once more.

The onions are peeled, chopped with strips and spread into the mixture, while squeezing the juice out of it with your hands.

The marinade is thoroughly stirred, the turkey is laid in it, marinated for up to 4 hours.

During this time, open the lid 3-4 times and mix the meat.

To add spice, you can add chopped fresh pods of chili pepper or ground red pepper to the marinade.

Option 6. Marinade for turkey skewers with honey and kvass

The following recipe for turkey barbecue marinade was used in antiquity. Kvass perfectly replaces acetic acid and any wine, making the dish very useful. Honey gives the dish an interesting sweetish flavor.


  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 liter of bread kvass;
  • 6 Bulgarian peppers;
  • 4 onions;
  • 55 g of salt, black pepper;
  • 30 g of any spice.

How to cook

The onions are peeled, cut into strips, Bulgarian peppers are freed from the stalks and seeds, rinsed, cut into strips too.

Honey is placed in a small metal container, placed in a steam bath and melted.

Combine honey with vegetables, add black pepper, salt, spices, pour kvass, mix thoroughly.

Dip the turkey into the finished marinade, close the lid and marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

For a sweet taste, you can add a little granulated sugar instead of honey.

Option 7. Marinade for barbecue turkey on apple juice

Another great option, apple juice acid saturates well and quickly softens the meat. With it, the finished barbecue turns out to be especially tasty, with a pronounced light sourness. A large number of spices give it a rich aroma.


  • apple juice - 7 glasses;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • ground coriander - 35 g;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • 40 g of salt, black pepper;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • cinnamon - 1 little thing;
  • caraway seeds - 30 g;
  • fresh basil - 8 leaves.

Step by step recipe

Apple juice is poured into a deep saucepan, combined with water.

Pour all the spices and basil leaves, mix.

Onions with garlic are peeled, chopped onion in small cubes, garlic is passed through the garlic and added to a mixture of juice and water.

Place the pot with all contents on medium heat and let it boil for 3 minutes after boiling the liquid and remove from heat.

The marinade is cooled, the turkey pieces are poured over it, left for pickling for several hours or all night.

Apple juice is best used freshly squeezed, with it kebabs will be more useful and pronounced in taste. Also in such a marinade, you can marinate not only poultry, but also pork, beef or lamb.

Shish kebab is an indispensable companion of every trip to nature. In the summer, not a single trip to the cottage, let alone a picnic, is complete. Traditional recipes involve the use of fatty meats - pork or lamb.

However, now there are more and more followers of the principles of healthy eating who prefer kebabs from turkey. The meat of this bird is dietary, and when cooked on charcoal, it retains all the beneficial properties. In addition, the turkey absorbs various marinades very well, which allows you to experiment with tastes.

Turkey kebab - general principles of preparation

Before you start grilling kebab, you need to thoroughly prepare. One of the most important tasks is the choice of meat. You must decide which part of the body you will use: thighs, breast or lower legs. The thighs are the fattest part of the bird, and on the contrary, there is no fat in the breast, but it is very dry. Different parts of the carcass can be combined, but try to cut them into equal pieces so that they are evenly baked.

If you plan to cook skewers on skewers, you should cut the meat in large pieces about 5 centimeters thick - so after frying the juice will remain in them. For skewers, you should prepare three-centimeter cubes (if you make pieces more, they will turn over from their own gravity).

Before direct cooking, turkey must be marinated. This will improve the taste of meat and significantly speed up the process of cooking barbecue. Rinse the meat under running water, cut the veins from it, put in a pan. Add coarsely chopped onions, mix with salt and pepper. Squeeze 1 lemon into the pan, mix thoroughly again and leave for 6 hours. This is one of the classic marinade recipes for turkey shish kebab, in reality there are much more of them - based on wine, kefir, mineral water, etc.

After the meat is marinated, it remains to plant pieces on skewers. Cook on charcoal for about 12 minutes.

Recipe 1: Spicy Turkey Kebab

A fairly simple and budget version of the recipe, in which, in addition to meat itself, only spicy seasonings and garlic are used.


1.5 kg of turkey thighs;

5 garlic cloves;

A teaspoon of oil;

Half a teaspoon of hops-suneli;

A teaspoon of adjika;

Half a teaspoon of paprika;

A teaspoon of black pepper;

Cooking method

Rinse the turkey meat thoroughly, cut the veins from it, and dry it. Cut into slices of 5 centimeters. Crush garlic, pour into a glass or enamel pan, which you will use for pickling. Pour spices there, add oil, mix everything thoroughly. Wait 10 minutes and add the turkey slices, mix and leave for 2-3 hours under the lid.

After 3 hours, put meat cubes on skewers and cook on the grill for 12 minutes, turning the skewers every 2 minutes. After cooking, shashlik lightly sprinkle with vinegar water.

Recipe 2: turkey skewers with sesame seeds on skewers

Another simple recipe in a hurry. Infusion in sesame marinade is only 1 hour, which, compared to other methods of pickling, is very fast.


A pound of turkey breast;

3 tablespoons of oil and soy sauce;

1, 5 tablespoons of white sesame seeds.

Cooking method

Wash and blot the turkey breast with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Remove the film, veins, then cut into slices of 3 centimeters. Put in a pan, pour oil and soy sauce. Stir so that all pieces of meat are evenly coated with a mixture of oil and sauce, leave for 1 hour. For a while, while the turkey is pickled, put the skewers in the water - so they will not absorb the juice. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and cook for 10 minutes in the oven or on the grill.

Recipe 3: Turkey Kebab in Kefir Marinade

The highlight of this dish is kefir based marinade. A turkey prepared in this way is especially tender and juicy.


Turkey hips - 1.8 kg;

Turnip - 4 pcs.;

Kefir - 2 glasses;

Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;

Tomato puree - 2 tbsp. l .;

A mixture of peppers;


Cooking method

Wash, dry meat, remove veins. Then cut it into pieces of 5 centimeters. Cut onions into rings, crush with your hands to form juice. Pour kefir into the pan, add onion, a mixture of peppers, tomato puree, lavrushka, salt there. Pieces of turkey meat separately, pepper, put in the marinade. Close the lid and insist 5-6 hours. While the meat is pickling, prepare the coals. Slice bell pepper. String pickled meat on skewers, alternating with pieces of pepper. Grill for 10-12 minutes, not forgetting to turn the skewers so that the meat does not burn.

Recipe 4: turkey skewers in mayonnaise in air grill

Barbecue recipe, for which you do not need to go to nature - just have a home grill. Due to mayonnaise, the dish ceases to be dietary, but it acquires new taste.


1 kg of turkey breast;

1 onion-turnip head;

Italian herbs;

Black ground pepper;

Cooking method

Wash and dry the turkey fillet with a paper towel, remove the film and streaks. Cut the meat into pieces with a thickness of 3 centimeters, put them in a pan, salt and add spices. Chop the onion and pour to the turkey, pour the mayonnaise there, mix. Leave for about 3 hours under a closed lid in the refrigerator.

Fry for 15 minutes in an air grill at 180 degrees, laying skewers on the upper and middle grill. Then raise the temperature to 200 degrees and cook for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Turkey Shish Kebab in Wine Marinade

When cooking according to this recipe, the taste of the final dish will depend on the time of pickling meat. Turkey meat can be kept in a wine marinade for up to 14 hours: the longer, the more tender and juicier it will become. In addition to interesting tastes, red wine will give a kebab of turkey a beautiful rich color.


1.5 kg of turkey thighs;

300 g bacon;

6 onions;

3 tablespoons of olive oil and dry red wine;

A teaspoon of salt;

10 peas from a mixture of peppers;

1 teaspoon dried basil;

1 tablespoon of ground paprika and sesame;

Half a teaspoon of red ground pepper.

Cooking method

Rinse the turkey poultry, dry it, clean it of film and veins. Cut into pieces of 5 centimeters (or slightly thicker). For the marinade, chop the onion into rings, put in a bowl or pan, sprinkle with spices and crush to release the juice. After that, salt, pour oil and wine. Mash again, mix. Add pieces of meat to the marinade and mix again. Cut the bacon into thin plates, put in a pan to the rest of the ingredients. Insist under a closed lid for 14 hours. It is possible less, but then the meat will turn out less juicy. Cook the kebab on charcoal, turning the skewers every 2-3 minutes.

Recipe 6: Oven Turkey Shish Kebab

When baking in the oven, the dish turns out to be as useful and dietary as possible, preserving all the vitamins. In the basic recipe, the kebab is moderately spicy, so if you like a more burning taste, add more horseradish and mustard.


650 g of turkey breast;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce and vegetable oil;

1 tablespoon of homemade horseradish;

1 teaspoon of mustard;

Cooking method

Dice the washed meat into cubes about 2x2 centimeters. Pour olive oil and soy sauce for marinade into a bowl, stir with mustard and homemade horseradish. Sprinkle with salt if necessary. Pieces of turkey meat add to a bowl with cooked marinade, cover - for example, with a plate, hold for 5 hours in the refrigerator. An hour before cooking, put the skewers in the soak in water.

When the meat is pickled, put it on the prepared skewers, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Recipe 7: Skewers of Turkey and Vegetables

This dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful due to the use of colorful vegetables. The recipe itself suggests variability: yellow pepper can easily be replaced with green, and young potatoes with old ones.


Turkey hips - 1 kg;

zucchini - 1 pc.;

peppers of different colors - 2 pcs.;

young potatoes and onions - 3 pcs.;

oil - 4 tbsp. l;

freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tsp.

sesame oil - 0.25 cups;

apple juice - half a glass;

chopped garlic and ginger - 1 tablespoon;

ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Cut the turkey meat into pieces about 5 centimeters thick, put in a saucepan. To prepare the marinade in a separate bowl, mix the oil, soy sauce, apple juice, garlic, ginger and pepper. Pour the marinade into the pan to the turkey, mix, cover and hold for 8 hours in the refrigerator.

Cut into large pieces peppers and zucchini, young potatoes into thin circles, and onions in half. Mix lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper and add the mixture to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with cling film and insist for about half an hour.

String meat and vegetables on skewers, alternating between them. Cook the turkey skewers on charcoal for about 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewers.

Recipe 8: Asian Turkey Barbecue Marinade

An exotic version of the marinade, based on a combination of sweet honey, salted soy sauce and spicy ginger. Fans of oriental cuisine will definitely like it.


2 tablespoons of honey;

3 garlic cloves;

half a teaspoon of chopped ginger;

half a teaspoon of soy sauce;

Cooking method

Put ginger, soy sauce and honey in a cup or small bowl. Crush the garlic, add to the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Then pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan for meat, mix, make sure that all pieces of turkey are coated with marinade. Cover the pan and leave for 3 hours.

Recipe 9: Fragrant Turkey Shish Kebab Marinade

This marinade recipe is adapted to Russian culinary traditions. You can cook it from the components that are always in any kitchen.


Cinnamon, zira, ground pepper - 1 teaspoon each;

Turnip - 2 pcs.;

Lemon - 1 pc.;

Oil - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method

Pour oil into a small bowl, mix with spices and mix thoroughly. Chop the onion into small pieces. Prepared oil with spices and onions add to the pan to the chopped turkey. Insist meat in this marinade no more than three hours. At the end, squeeze the lemon into the pan and mix well so that all the pieces of meat are saturated with juice.

  • For the preparation of marinades, it is better to use olive oil. It makes the taste and aroma of spices more saturated, and also well softens dry meat - for example, breast.
  • In order to check whether the kebab is prepared from turkey, the meat should be carefully cut with a knife. Well-cooked turkey will be white.
  • Fresh vegetables are ideal as a side dish for such a dish - just chopped or as a salad.

How to cook kebab from turkey: the most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft, consider this material. Previously, there were disputes about how useful is meat cooked on charcoal. Today, it has already been scientifically proven that such meat preserves all the useful elements, and, of course, the bonfire flavor makes it especially tasty.

In our country, barbecue is not just one of the ways to process meat, but a whole cult of the summer holiday and outdoor activities. Almost all types of meat, including turkey, are suitable for grilling. But in order for the turkey on the fire to turn out juicy and tender, you need to be able to choose it correctly, marinate. The turkey tastes more like red meat than chicken, in terms of taste and, therefore, the features of the marinade. It absorbs marinades perfectly, and it is perfectly baked on coals. What to include in?

How to choose and chop meat

  The completely different parts of the turkey carcass are suitable for making barbecue. This bird, unlike chicken, has an impressive size. So, you can safely take breasts, hips or lower legs to pickle for barbecue. At the same time, remember that the hottest part of the turkey is the hips, there is no fat in the breast (although it is not as dry as chicken breast).

Of course, I want to immediately start making turkey skewers: the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, but first you need to cut it correctly. Remember that the smaller the pieces, the more dry and hard they will be after cooking. Therefore, the meat should be cut large enough, about 5 cm for skewers, in which case the juice will remain inside the meat, but also enough marinade will be absorbed.

Some people prefer to cook kebabs on skewers, then it is necessary to chop meat smaller so that the skewers do not fall out under their own weight. In such a situation, the turkey slices should be about 3 cm.

Why pickle

  You must admit that any meat for barbecue is always marinated and turkey is again no exception. Marinate the product in order to give it new taste and shades.

The second important point is the softening of the meat during its pickling. Marinating the product can significantly reduce its cooking time on the fire. Turkey meat itself is light, so pickle it less than pork or lamb. As a rule, 4 hours is enough to soak each piece properly.

With kefir

  One of the most suitable products that are used for pickling kebab for poultry meat. Kefir perfectly softens meat, and plus it has a pleasant sour taste. In addition to yogurt for marinade, you can use other dairy products - this is fermented baked milk, yogurt. We do it.

Chopped onion, black pepper, thyme, marjoram, and other dried herbs that you like most should be added to the fermented milk product selected for the marinade. Often, a variety of vegetables are also added to the turkey in the marinade.

Interesting! Perfectly combined with kefir and tomato juice. Juice can be bought in a store or made from fresh tomatoes, taken for marinade in a ratio of one to one.

In the wine

  Turkey itself is often served on the table with wine, therefore, it is logical that this meat can be marinated in wine. Use exclusively dry wine, but red or white, you can choose at your discretion. Natural homemade wine is great for marinades (even if it's already slightly sour). If the wine is sweet, then you can add citric acid or even just fresh lemon juice to it. Of the spices for this option, marinade is suitable for ginger and paprika, peppercorns, spicy herbs.

Advice! Shop wine is suitable for marinade, but you should not take the cheapest wine, because it can ruin the taste of meat. In addition to dry, you can also take semisweet quality varieties.

With mineral water

  For pickling, you need only very strong sparkling water, because the main effect on meat here is due to carbon dioxide. It quickly penetrates the fibers and softens them. For such a marinade, a turkey does not even have to be thawed beforehand. Onions, eggplant, salt, any spices at your own discretion are suitable as additional ingredients.

You can also mix sparkling water for this type of marinade with soy sauce or ketchup, home adjika. As for spices, you should not put them too much. How to cook?

Important tips on how to grill turkey skewers:
1. Of course, a correctly selected marinade is already half the success of a delicious barbecue, but you must properly heat the meat on charcoal, you must also approach the cooking process responsibly.
  2. Coals from fragrant fruit trees are perfect for this meat, but coniferous and oily breeds are absolutely not suitable for making such a barbecue.
  3. First, the coals should be warmed up well, and then put the meat on the barbecue. If you burn a bonfire with salt, then the consumption of coal for cooking barbecue will be reduced several times.
  4. During cooking, you need to constantly and evenly turn the meat, check the amount and intensity of the heat.
5. When a flame breaks out somewhere, it must be immediately extinguished with a small amount of liquid.

You can serve the finished turkey the way it was prepared. Or, remove from skewers and wire rack, put in a large pot. A great way to serve is to use thin pita bread for meat. First, put sauces on the pita bread, put chopped herbs and vegetables, and then put the shish kebab there and wrap everything with an envelope.

This is how turkey kebab is prepared: the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, you can choose from a variety of options. In conclusion, I want to remind you that each product for the marinade must be fresh and natural, because the meat absorbs not only the taste of the ingredients, but also a lot of their basic composition.

A piquant and delicious turkey kebab is possible. But today we have a completely different recipe, with an oriental accent.

Namely, the preparation of barbecue from turkey in marinade with soy sauce. This Asian spice is present in almost every refrigerator and, especially, on store shelves.

When using soy sauce, you do not need to add salt to the marinade, which is more beneficial for health.

And the turkey itself, cooked in this way, turns out more juicy and tender.

Turkey kebab in soy sauce


  • 700 g turkey meat
  • 3/4 cup soy sauce
  • 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice
  • ground black pepper

How to cook turkey marinated in soy sauce:

1. Prepare the marinade by mixing the products prepared for it.

2. Rinse the turkey and cut into portions.

3. Put in the marinade for 4-5 hours.

4. Fry on the grill, in the oven on skewers, air grill, where it is convenient for you, for 20-25 minutes, pouring the remaining marinade.

Spicy turkey kebab recipe


  • turkey fillet - 600 g
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • bunch of green onions
  • half sweet pepper
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 20 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon ground chili

How to soak turkey skewers with soy sauce:

1. This recipe for turkey kebab tastes better than usual, thanks to the original method of cooking marinade. All products for it are crushed in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

2. Cut the turkey into cubes with a side of approximately 4 cm - standard for barbecue.

3. Take the bag, transfer it to its meat and pour the marinade. Shake, wrap tightly and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

4. String pickled meat on skewers or, if you are cooking turkey skewers at home, on skewers soaked in water.

5. Fry until tender, about 20-25 minutes, so that the meat is tender, but well-done.

Turkey thigh skewers in soy sauce with ginger


  • turkey thigh fillet - 1.5 kg
  • soy sauce - 150 ml
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l
  • fresh ginger - 3-4 cm or more
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • juice of 1 lime and 1 orange

How to marinate turkey skewers with soy sauce:

1. Cut the turkey into fairly large pieces. Grate garlic on a coarse grater, and peeled ginger on a fine grater.

2. Mix all the products for the marinade, pour them meat, mix well with your hands and put in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Put on the skewer. Tasty alternate with slices of sweet pepper and onions. Fry turkey skewers on the grill, turning, for 25-30 minutes.

The meat baked over coals preserves all useful microelements and is saturated with bonfire aromas. It is much more useful than fried and boiled, easier to digest, and taste superior to any other. Barbecue is not just a heat treatment method. This is a whole cult - the cult of a holiday, outdoor activities, a strong family and true friendship. Almost all types of meat are suitable for baking: pork, lamb, veal. Often used pork and fish. But turkey shish kebab occupies a very special place - after all, besides expressive taste, this meat contains a maximum of useful substances. Something like turkey, rather, like an animal, not bird meat. It perfectly absorbs marinades, and when baked over hot coals, it acquires a stunning golden peach color. In addition, the meat is juicy, moderately fat, tender.

Choose meat

Kebab is prepared from different parts of the turkey carcass. This bird is quite impressive in size. Suitable slices can be cut from the breast, thighs or lower legs. It should be remembered that the hips are the fattest part of the turkey. The breast does not contain fat at all, but it is not as dry as that of a chicken. You can combine pieces cut from different parts of the carcass.

How to chop meat

It is believed that if the meat is cut too large, it will not be baked. The smaller the pieces, the drier and tougher the kebab from turkey. The recipe suggests the presence of sufficiently large cubes. If ordinary skewers are used, the edge of the piece should be about five centimeters. Then the juice will remain inside the piece. The meat cut in this way absorbs the marinade well and cooks quickly enough. Another thing is skewers. Too large pieces will rotate under their own weight. If you plan to bake kebab on thin bamboo skewers, pieces need to be cut into 3 centimeters.

Why pickle a turkey?

The principle of the pickling process is to give the product new properties. Pickled meat softens, its cooking time is significantly reduced. A turkey marinade marinade nourishes it with aromas of spices and seasonings.

Turkey - the meat itself is quite light. The time for its full pickling is less than that of fatty pork and hard mutton. Usually 4-6 hours are enough for the delicate pieces to be completely saturated.

Kefir marinade

The most common marinade for poultry kebab is sour-milk. Kebab from turkey on kefir has a soft sour taste. You can use another basis: fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese. Finely chopped onion, black pepper, zira, marjoram, and thyme are added to such a marinade. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of vegetables, which are often added to turkey skewers, are not required to be pickled. They can be immersed in it literally a few minutes before cooking. Another variety of sour-milk marinade is a mixture of kefir or sour milk with tomato. You can use and store packaged juice. But it will turn out much more appetizing if you use an ordinary homemade tomato made from fresh tomatoes. The liquids must be combined in equal proportions and pour the meat with the mixture obtained.

Marinate in wine

No less common marinade for turkey kebab - red and white wine. It is best to use homemade wine made from natural fruits and berries for these purposes. Even a little peroxide will do - it will add piquancy. If the wine is too sweet, you can improve the matter with lemon or lemon juice. The citrus aroma goes well with wine marinade. From spices, paprika, peppercorns, asafoetida, ginger are well suited. Spicy herbs are also useful: basil, leek, watercress.

You can use and store wine. You should not take the cheapest, because, as a rule, they prepare it artificially and it is difficult to predict its reaction with turkey. When choosing wine for a marinade, it is worth giving preference to semisweet grades.

Highly carbonated mineral water marinade

The principle of action of this unusual marinade is based on the effects of carbon dioxide. Highly carbonated mineral water acts like antifreeze, instantly penetrating deep into the fibers. Moreover, before marinating turkey skewers in mineral water, the meat does not even have to be thawed. It is enough to put fresh or frozen meat in a pike perch, lay with onions and eggplant slices, sprinkle with salt and spices and add water. An important point is to open the bottle immediately before pouring it onto the turkey. Then the entire supply of precious carbon dioxide will fall into the future kebab from turkey. The recipe can be supplemented with soy sauce, homemade ketchup, adjika. Any favorite spices will do. Just do not abuse it with their quantity - mineral water is a wonderful vehicle. Even a small amount of your favorite condiments will be enough. Pre-marinated eggplant will fry faster, because usually their cooking time is longer than other vegetables and even meat.

How to fry kebab

Roasting meat over smoldering coals is a real art. And it consists not only in pickling and directly heat treatment. Equally important is the choice of firewood, a fire, the amount of coal, the intensity of combustion. The whole process must be approached responsibly.

Turkey meat "loves" coals from fragrant fruit trees. In no case coniferous oily breeds are not suitable for a fire - they nourish tender meat with completely unnecessary smells and at times reduce its usefulness. Before you cook kebab from turkey, the coals should be well burned out. To preserve the heat, you can use a little trick - to fill up a burned-out bonfire with table salt. Then the consumption of coal will be reduced at times. During cooking, you need to monitor the uniform temperature distribution, turn the skewer, if necessary, swap them. Then all the pieces will get the same amount of heat. Be sure to monitor the flaming flame, not allowing him to get close to the turkey. In dealing with it, the remaining brine will come in handy - they just need to spray on flaming foci.

How to serve turkey kebab

Shish kebabs are usually served directly on skewers or skewers. But you can remove all the meat and put in a common deep dish. Another tasty and unusual way is serving in pita bread. Sauces are applied to thin pita bread, greens and vegetables are placed, but most of the composition is meat. Then everything is wrapped in an envelope.

A classic of the genre is barbecue, garnished with baked potato peels. And in addition to it - pickled tomatoes, sauerkraut, fresh herbs. Seasonal vegetables, both raw and baked with meat, are also great. Of the sauces can not do without ketchup, preferably sharper. Good skewers and with soy sauce, mustard, homemade adjika. From bakery products, homemade bread with crust, Georgian shotou, crisp pita, thin pita bread are ideally combined with it. A picnic picture will complete the bouquet of fresh herbs. From alcoholic beverages, almost everything is suitable for this dish. Also, kebabs are wonderful combined with vegetable and fruit juices and mineral water.