Roses from carrots. Carrot rose for a festive table setting

Those who want to know how to make salad dressings from vegetables have probably heard about a new fashion - carving, which means carving from food products. In addition, voluminous edible jewelry can be made in other ways.

Chinese Cabbage Chrysanthemums

  Lush chrysanthemum will require a small head of Beijing cabbage and a special knife with a groove. And if there is no such knife, then you can roll up the tube cover from the olive can. Cooking
  1. Remove the top leaves and cut off the top of the head of cabbage, leaving about 12 cm.
  2. Using a branded or homemade knife, you need to carefully start making slices on the cabbage. The knife should be moved from the top to the base, while the length of the chips can be different.
  3. At first, the strips will be thin, and closer to the base they will begin to thicken.
  4. A couple of centimeters from the base should stop and remove large cut sheets.
  5. Cuts need to be made on all leaves, decreasing the length of the leaves as they approach the middle of the flower. Chrysanthemum should be lowered into cold water for a short while so that the thin tips of the petals are slightly curved.

Deep-fried potato roses

Similar luxurious flowers can be made from beets, turnips or potatoes. It is unlikely that anyone will make such an independent dish, but it’s great as a decoration for salad. To make such roses is not very difficult, but, nevertheless, a share of patience and accuracy will be required. For work, it is better to take large, older tubers.

  1. Wash and peel potatoes.
  2. Cut into very thin (1.5 mm) rounds, as for chips. To do this, it is convenient to use a special grater, and in its absence you will have to slowly wield a very sharp knife. The circle should have a uniform thickness.
  3. One of the circles needs to be made twice as thick - it will make a bar for a rose bud.
  4. Dip the sliced \u200b\u200bcircles together with small toothpicks into a bowl with salted cold water (1 tsp salt per liter of water), where they can stand for 2-3 hours. As a result, starch will come out of the lobules, they will soften, and it will be easier to twist them. Salted toothpicks will not burn during deep-frying.
  5. Around the block, which serves as the central part of the bud, you need to wrap the first petal, and the second to send in the other direction. The layers of the bud need to be fixed with a toothpick.
  6. Other petals also turn around, but with a slight deviation from the center. The result is a large, blooming rose. The main rule of the assembly: wrap one petal clockwise and the other counterclockwise.
  7. From the obtained flowers, you need to shake off the water and fold them for 5 minutes to dry on paper napkins.
  8. Pour oil into a deep-fat container and put it on fire. Upon reaching the required temperature, dip the roses in the oil with the heads down. When their petals open, jewelry for vegetable salads with their own hands can already be fried until golden until all sides.
  9. Remove the flowers from the deep fat and put on paper napkins that absorb excess oil. Now the roses can be salt and gently twisting, remove the toothpicks.

Vegetable Jewelry Video

Hot pepper callas

With only hot peppers, you don’t have to worry about how to make a vegetable decoration for pickles and salads. So that pepper does not burn the skin, hands can be greased with vegetable oil or put on rubber gloves. You can use green and red pods.

  1. Cut the pod lengthwise from the stem to the tail.
  2. Cut the flesh around the peduncle very carefully, leaving seeds on it.
  3. Unfold the pod and rinse with cold water.
  4. Cut out a calla-like petal from pepper.
  5. At the turn, make a hole in which to insert the peduncle strewn with seeds.
  6. The leaves of the flower can be made from cucumbers or greens.
  7. With such callas, it is best to decorate pickled foods or spicy salads.

Vegetable roses

Having thought about decorating vegetables with your own hands, you can use fresh or pickled cucumbers, carrots or a white long radish for this. For this venture, it is best to use medium-sized vegetables. You can make such decorations from fruits.

An example will be demonstrated on cucumbers. For work, you need a peeler, able to plan vegetables in very thin layers.


  1. Remove the peel from the cucumber and begin to plan it with longitudinal stripes.

  1. It makes sense to cut the strips, not reaching the middle of the fetus, since the strips cut from the middle break up in half. Therefore, the cucumber just in time you need to turn the opposite side and continue cutting.
  2. To make a rose, twist a narrow or short strip into a tube, a little in a spiral.
  3. Then the first petal is made. The edge of the other strip is laid a little lower behind the rolled tube, it bends away from itself, and the second end is wrapped around the base of the rose as low as possible. The result is a loop resembling a petal.
  4. Next, to the base of the first petal, you need to attach the next strip and repeat the previous procedure. So the second petal will appear.
  5. Being wet and very thin, the strips adhere well, so no extra effort is required to keep the growing structure in place.

  1. The result is a beautiful rosette without any toothpicks.
  2. The final touch is a couple of leaflets. Cut a small cucumber in half diagonally. Divide the resulting half again in half along - you get the leaves for the flower.

Radish Flowers

To make beautiful flowers you will need black radish and poppy.

  1. Peel and wash a small radish, cut in half.
  2. Cut a recess in the cut to about the middle.
  3. First, cut the first and then the second layer in a circle.
  4. Separate the workpiece from the root crop.
  5. Cut the petals in the first row with scissors, and in the second repeat them in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Make a middle of the round.
  7. Pour poppy in a saucer and immerse the top of the center in it.
  8. Petals can be painted with food-grade paint and fixed with toothpicks to the core.

Leek flower

Continuing the theme of how to make decoration from vegetables, leeks, from a single copy of which with the help of a knife and scissors you can make an interesting flower.

  1. Cut a piece 10-12 cm long from the root of the plant.
  2. Cut with a knife layers of onion into petals.
  3. Subsequent layers are staggered.
  4. The tips of the petals can be sharpened by cutting them with scissors. You can curl the petals by pressing the outer side at the base of the petal with your finger and drawing a blunt side of the knife over it. After that, the petal will curl with a spiral.

Carrot cone

Fine salad dressings for vegetables can be made using carrots. Carrot "cones" can decorate many dishes or be included in the composition of flowers made from other vegetables. Such carrots will perfectly decorate New Year's dishes. To make such a lump, you only need one carrot and a little parsley as a decoration.

  1. Peel the raw carrots and prepare from it a blank for the cone.
  2. In the center of the root base, cut a leg, cutting along the edges of the fabric and leaving a spike in the middle.
  3. To give carrots the shape of a cone, cutting its flesh.
  4. Then make cuts on the root, resembling cone scales.
  5. Cut the flesh between the flakes, making them thereby more visible.
  6. At the place of cuts, cut the shape of the scales with a knife.
  7. When all the flakes are finished, an orange bump will appear.

Carrot flowers

To make a beautiful flower from carrots, you will need a bright large root crop.

  1. Peel the carrots and finely trim them with petals (preferably a peeler).
  2. Cut the petals almost to the middle with a knife - here they will be folded with their plates and fixed with a toothpick.
  3. On both sides from the opposite edge of the strip cut off to the middle of the petal. But it will turn out beautifully even without them.
  4. Below are 4 petals larger, and above - the same smaller.
  5. Carrot lotuses or lilies are very beautiful.
  6. The very tip of the toothpick needs to be covered by stringing on it something contrasting - grape, olive, etc.
  7. Prepare a cold marinade by dissolving vinegar and salt in water, in which to soak the finished flowers. After such processing, they can be eaten or even stored for several days.

Do you like vegetable decorations? Which idea did you like the most? Share your opinion in

Now many housewives not only strive to prepare a tasty and interesting dish, but also serve it in its original form, decorated with elegant curls, fancy cuts.

   The summer period is the time to experiment, making decorations of vegetables dishes.

Decorations for a table of vegetables are easy to make by yourself, you don’t need to do anything special except a peeler (or a sharp knife) and a little effort.

Floral elements are the most popular and simple decoration. They can be made from numerous vegetables. So, ordinary roses are made from radishes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes or a daikon, which is very convenient for culinary crafts.
   And today a master class from Yeva64  for the production of these wonderful, unusually beautiful masterpieces of art - an edible flowering garden on the table.

As the source material we will use:
   - pickled or pickled cucumber,
   - fresh cucumber,
   - fresh carrots,
   - white long radish.

In addition to vegetables, we will need another peeler to cut tooooooo small strips. No way without her!

I take vegetables small, not large and not very long! Since I use each strip only for ONE petal! It is much easier ...

For reference: About 10-12 strips (and this is about half a small cucumber or carrot) go to one rose.

   Pickled or pickled rosette

Cucumbers can simply be cut into circles and put in a plate on the festive table. Yes, only this will not create a special mood and emotions. Another thing is to cut an exquisite flower from a cucumber.

We begin to plan our cucumber on stripes. And the very first strip (peel) we do not need.

   We get to about the middle of the cucumber (not to the very middle, (not to the very middle, the central stripes usually fall apart in half, you will feel ...),

   Then we turn it over and begin to plan from the opposite side.

Here I have how many stripes came out of one small cucumber. (We don’t need the remaining bar, in the photo it is next to the peeler ...)

As you can see, especially trying to get perfectly smooth and beautiful stripes is completely unnecessary !!! Moreover, do not try to get beautiful tips! They will not be visible, because they will be located below the rosette. What you plan, then plan!

Of course, we reject very narrow strips, the rest will do! Even with one beautiful edge or with shaggy tips ...

Do middle of the rose:

We take one strip (preferably from narrow or short) and twist it into a tube, a little spiral.

   Very tight is not necessary!

Now do first petal:

Take another strip,

   we lay one of its edges behind our tube, a little lower, bend it FROM YOURSELF, lower the second end down to the base of the rose, and wrap it around, as it happens, but lower ...

It turns out such a loop.

The first petal is ready!

   We apply the next strip to the base of the first petal, also bend it FROM YOURSELF, and wind the end around ...

   So the second petal is ready!

A few tips:

-   Since the stripes are very thin and moist, they “stick together” perfectly! No effort is required to keep our structure in an “assembled” state!

Here are already collected 6 petals ...

Do not try to get any perfect shapes and symmetry!

The more "looser" and "more anarchic" you collect your rose, the more natural it will finally look!

Make the 7th petal ...

The only thing is, try to attach each strip to the rose so (in that place) so that the petals are shifted.

Sometimes with a little, sometimes with a big one, even opposite the previous one ...

There are already 9 petals ...

If your stripes are too long, then you can trim the excess from the end along the way so that the bottom of the rose does not turn out to be too voluminous!

There are already all 11 petals ...

And yet, apply the stripes slightly with a slope (up) so that the petals lie beautifully ...

The rosette is ready !!!

Look, she holds perfectly without any toothpicks!

Now we make a couple of leaves. We cut off the tip obliquely from another small cucumber, at a large angle!

   Divide this tail in half ...

   And two leaflets are ready for the rose!

   What a beauty!

You can decorate a salad ...

   Fresh Cucumber Rosette

To make a rose from a fresh cucumber, you need to cut it into long stripes, leaving the skin and not taking the central, core part, since it is most fragile.
   We twist the first strip with a tube or a spiral, and put the rest one by one around them: so that each “petal” is located slightly lower than the previous one.
   To do this, we apply a strip to the base of the piece in front of it, make a fold from ourselves and wind it around the already formed part.

Cucumber is sticky, so there is no particular need to attach the petals very tightly - on the contrary, the looser it is to attach the slices, the more natural the rose will look. To make the product look elegant, the strips should be applied slightly obliquely, simulating the placement of petals in ordinary flowers. From fresh parsley or pieces of cucumber peel, rose leaves can be crafted.

In general, everything is the same! So without special details, only a photo shoot ...
   By the way, my cucumber was far from the first freshness, the strips were rather shaggy ... However, the end result is no worse!

We plan our cucumber from two sides on the stripes, we do not need a central block.

Twist the middle of the rose and the first petal ...

The second petal ...

Video Tips

   Fresh carrot rosette

It is more difficult to work with a carrot than with a cucumber: it is harsh, there can be more shaggy petals than on a cucumber. If there are a lot of them, you need to cut with scissors. It is better to fix the finished carrot rose with a toothpick. And to give it original shades, it is tinted with beetroot juice and then lubricated with vegetable oil: this way the carrot rose will not quickly weather.

It’s a little more difficult to make a rose out of carrots, because it’s a little more harsh and not so obedient ...

Therefore, the carrot rose should still be fixed with a toothpick at the end of the process ..
   And there are many "shaggy" underneath, since the ends of the strips are difficult to wrap around the base. So what? They can easily be cut with scissors ...

   And yet, a carrot, especially if it is plump, can be sliced \u200b\u200bnot from two opposite sides, but from all four! Like this...

   Collecting ...

   ... carefully attaching the petals ... sequence.

   We fix ...

Crop ...


   - Carrot rosette can be slightly TINTED with beetroot juice (just anoint with a piece of beetroot). Here's a chic “color” turned out ...

It is very advisable to lubricate carrot roses with vegetable oil (lightly, gently and carefully, using a soft brush), because they are very chapped!

But the cucumber roses are wetter, so they keep excellent!

   - If you do not decorate the salad immediately, then the roses (any!) Must be STORED at the holk in a tightly closed container or under a film ... But no more than 2-3 hours!

But if you need to make roses in 1-2 days, then they can be greased with a thin layer of gelatin solution! This will give the roses shine, stick them together, and also allow you to keep them in their original form!

I almost never do this, since screwing up a couple of roses is a matter of 3-5 minutes!
   We will not decorate with roses ALL festive dishes in a row! Two or three roses for the festive table is enough!

Video tooltip

   Radish rosette

A rose from a radish turns out to be very beautiful, little white!
   And besides, it can be easily tinted - in any color! Better in yellow, pink or red ..

   Radish needs to be taken a little oblong, so that its length is enough for the petals!

   Clearing ...

And, as usual, we begin to cut thin and not very wide stripes.
   Stripes should be oooooochen thin, transparent, otherwise you will not wrap! Therefore, DO NOT PRESS the peeler strongly !!! Just a bit...

And so that the strips are obtained and not too wide, we plan the radish around the entire circumference, and do not skid in one place ...

   We wrap one strip in a tube - this is the center.

   Well, and further according to the instructions ....

   Gorgeous roses turn out !!! Very beautiful, white, tender ...

   Roses from radish, like carrot, need to be fixed with a pair of toothpicks, and also lightly greased with vegetable oil (so as not to wind off) ...

I dashed three roses ... And for this:
   Radish roses can be easily tinted - in any color! I do not like food colors, I prefer carrot or beetroot juice! Therefore, I get roses - yellow, pink or red ...
   Depending on the intensity of staining, you can get different shades of yellow and red .. From pale cream to apricot, from pale pink to dark brown ...

Today I will show the staining process beetroot juice.
I used juice from a just opened can of beets (preparations for borscht), but you can squeeze a piece of fresh beets on a juicer, or grate a little beets on a fine grater and squeeze through cheesecloth ...
   If you need a not-so-saturated color, you can dilute the juice with some water ...

We will paint one rose in RED color.
   To do this, send it WHOLE in a bowl with beetroot juice. We thoroughly “rinse” it in it from all sides, holding the toothpick, and there we leave it for a while (upside down!) ...

You can leave it in juice for a couple of minutes, you can for half an hour, and you can take a lot longer! Depending on what color you need ...

She “took a bath” with me for about half an hour (while I was doing the rest of the roses) and it turned out a rich red color ...

   Then we remove the rose from the juice and carefully transfer it to a napkin for a couple of minutes, so that all the excess moisture in the glass ..

Turn over ... and get excited!

Also, lightly grease with vegetable oil ...

And the rose is ready!

We will paint the second rose in PINK color, but not all, but in the melange style - with strokes ...

You can do this with a silicone brush or a napkin dipped in juice (like me).

Light, gentle, stroking movements touch the outer protruding parts of the petals ..

We are moved ...

Lubricate with vegetable oil ...

We leave the third rose in its original form - WHITE ...

Now we are building a festive composition ...

And ... immediately faints from this beauty .........

Yes, and more ...
   I can say that the roses are perfectly preserved after 7 hours !!! (although they were just standing on the table in the kitchen) - they practically did not weather, the colors did not fade .. well, they just muffled quite a fool ...

Why am I .. And to the fact that roses will adequately withstand any many-hour feast !!!

And so that the roses retain their appearance for one to two days, they are slightly lubricated with a gelatinous solution. It will be appropriate for a wedding or a big celebration.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to make decorations for a table of vegetables with your own hands, just a few steps are shared by the transformation of an ordinary vegetable into an extraordinarily beautiful flower!

The main thing is to do all the work carefully, show a little effort, a little patience and then beautiful roses will bloom on your table, which will completely transform any dish and raise your appetite and mood!

Better not to eat at all than to eat without appetite. Edible help to make dinner boring dIY flowers from vegetables. How to turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece, will talk about it and show in this article.

All   it’s easy to do it yourself, you don’t need to do anything special except a sharp knife and a little effort. Who read the last article on the site, he could not help but pay attention to how beautifully, in a festive way the dish is decorated with the help of blooming roses cut from vegetables. As I promised last time, today a master class on the production of these wonderful, unusually beautiful masterpieces of art - an edible flowering garden on the table. To decorate the festive table, we need: radishes, boiled beets, tomatoes and boiled carrots.

And we will prepare from all these vegetables: buds from radishes, roses from beets and tomatoes, as well as carrot bells. So let's get started!

Radish buds

1. We make a knife in a circle around the fruit incisions in an arcuate shape. You will get 4 or 5 “petals”, which depends on the size of the radish fruit.

2. Around the petals, remove the flesh with a thin layer. Give the core of the radish fruit a rounded shape and finally, we decorate the resulting beautiful bud with parsley branches.

Beet Roses

1. Peeled boiled chilled beets. Using a sharp knife, we cut the base in a spiral.

2. Put the base on the dish. Let's cut the “petals”: \u200b\u200bfor this we will cut thin beetroot plates, moving the knife in a spiral.

3. Put the petals in the bud: carefully folding, put in the center of the base. Thus, we collect the whole flower from the "petals" - beet plates. Garnish the beetroot with parsley branches.

Roses from Tomatoes

1. We need a strong ripe medium-sized tomato. We will remove the stalk from it.

2. Now, using a sharp knife, we begin to cut the skin in a spiral. In this case, the knife must be moved with small movements back and forth so that the rose petals are wavy.

3. Gently turn the resulting ribbon-spiral into a rose, which we decorate with a sprig of parsley.

Carrot bells

1. Peel the boiled chilled carrots and make small grooves in it. Sharpen the base with a knife so that it looks like a cone.

2. Holding the knife at an angle to the fruit, cut the pulp at the base of the carrot so as not to disturb the shape. Having cut off the first “cone”, we get a “bell” having a serrated edge. Now you can proceed to cut the next one.

3. The resulting three bells are folded to each other and decorated with greens.

As you can see, do   table decorations made of vegetables it’s not so difficult with your own hands, it takes only three steps to turn an ordinary vegetable into a flower of extraordinary beauty! The main thing is to do all the work carefully, show a little effort, a little patience and then beautiful roses, bright buds and elegant bells will bloom on your table, which will completely transform any dish and raise your appetite and mood!

Watch a video that shows another simple way to cut roses from beets and carrots. Enjoy your viewing.

First of all, carefully choose carrots. Vegetables must be fresh and supple, because beautiful flowers cannot be obtained from old and sluggish carrots.

2 step

Wash the selected carrots, peel and cut across thin thin circles. The ideal thickness of such circles should be no more than 3 mm.

3 step

Pour boiled water into a bowl, add salt to it and stir until the salt is completely dissolved in water. Dip carrot slices in this salted solution for a quarter of an hour. After 15 minutes, drain the water, and slightly chopped carrots with paper napkins or towels. Thanks to salt water, the slices have become more flexible, elastic, and now we can proceed directly to creating a rose.

4 step

We put the circles in one row so that each subsequent circle closes the previous one by about half, that is, with an overlap. The optimal number of circles for one flower is not more than 20 pieces. As a result, we get such a strip.

5 step

Starting with the first slice laid out, carefully roll this strip into a roll and pierce the roll through with two toothpicks, placing them perpendicular to each other.

6 step

One by one, carefully bend the carrot slices, starting from the outside. We leave some internal slices twisted. Our rose is ready.

7 step

In the same way, we make a few more roses, after which we carefully trim the ends of the toothpicks for all the flowers. The final touch: take a brush, dip in vegetable oil and lightly grease the petals of the finished flowers with it. This must be done, because carrots tend to quickly airy. So if you want the flower to look attractive as long as possible, do not neglect this procedure. We lay out the finished carrot roses on the dish that we wanted to decorate, for greater effect, spreading mint leaves between the flowers.

Food should be not only tasty, but also beautifully designed. After all, first we eat with our eyes, and then proceed to the meal itself. You can simply decorate a particular dish with a sprig of greenery, but flowers from whole vegetables will look much more beautiful. Bright roses, chrysanthemums, daisies will turn any meal into a celebration.

Any taut vegetables are suitable for flowers: cucumbers, daikon, radishes, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers. It is not necessary to own perfect carving to get a beautiful floral craft. It is enough to learn a few lessons on the formation of flowers and each housewife will be able to aesthetically serve any ordinary dish. Even the usual “Herring under a fur coat” or “Olivier” will play differently if a bunch of beetroot or carrot roses flaunts on top. Next, we will step by step look at how simple vegetable flowers are made.

An ordinary bulb can easily turn into a chic white chrysanthemum. You can decorate a salad or a second dish with such a flower.

You will need:

  • 1 small onion;
  • water at room temperature.

Manufacturing process:

  1. For a chrysanthemum, a small dense bulb is suitable. It is desirable that the onion was thin-walled. You can take white, pink or blue onions. Accordingly, flowers of different colors will turn out.
  2. Remove the husk from the onion, cut off the top and spine. With a sharp knife, cut the onion along, not cutting to the bottom edge of the onion 0.5 cm. To cut, start from the upper edge, where the feather usually grows. Now we make another longitudinal incision perpendicular to the first. It turns onion almost cut into 4 parts.
  3. We cut each quarter into several petals, moving the knife in the same direction (from top to bottom, not cutting to the end). We try to make cuts carefully so as not to damage neighboring petals.

    The notches must be deep enough to make the flower magnificent. But if you cut too much, the bud will simply fall apart and will not hold its shape.

  4. Pour water at room temperature into a deep bowl, place the onion in it so that the liquid completely covers it. Leave for an hour and a half. Gradually, the onions in the water bloom and turn into a lush chrysanthemum, as in the photo
  5. Depending on the type of onion, it may take more or less time to unfold. If time is running out, you can carefully spread the petals with your fingers, then the flower will be ready even earlier.

Fresh Cucumber Rose

You can decorate any salad with a beautiful rose or place it in the center of a plate with meat or vegetable slices. Anyone can make such a flower, even very far from cooking and carving.

You will need:

  • 1 long fresh cucumber;
  • peeler;
  • toothpicks.

Manufacturing process:

  1. With a washed, dried cucumber, we begin to cut thin longitudinal stripes with a peeler, from which we will subsequently form the petals. The very first strip with a skin we will not need.
  2. Slowly cut the stripes until we reach the core with seeds. Because details cut with seeds will fall apart, then we turn the vegetable over the other side. Again, cut the strip after the strip. One medium cucumber produces 16-20 pieces.
  3. Choose the narrowest and shortest strip, fold it with a tube with a small spiral offset, forming the middle of the flower.
  4. Now form the first petal. Without releasing the center of the bud from our hands, we take with a free hand a strip of cucumber, we wind one end of it for a spiral tube. A little lower we bend from ourselves, lowering the second end to the base of the bud. Wrap the remaining end of the strip the base of the rose as low as possible. The petal is ready.
  5. We apply the following strip to the base of the first petal, bend it in the same way from ourselves and wind the bottom of the flower with the tip. We try to form subsequent petals in a checkerboard pattern so that the base of the previous petal is covered by the next. Because the vegetable strips are covered with sticky cucumber juice, the petals will easily stick together. If you get too long blanks, then in the course of work we shorten them.
  6. Do not worry, if somewhere the flower turns out to be asymmetrical or crooked, this will give the rose a more natural shape. To form one bud, we need about 11-12 petals.
  7. At the end of the work, the flower can be fixed with a toothpick, supplemented with several leaves of the same cucumber or several sprigs of parsley.

According to the same scheme, roses can be made from daikon, carrots, pickles, etc.

From the orange root, very beautiful bright flowers are obtained that do not need additional staining. Without difficulty, from a small carrot you can make a beautiful lily in a matter of minutes. You can decorate salad, jellied or snack cake with it.

You will need:

  • 1 long carrot;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash carrot, peel it. Make sure that the carrots are not damaged and wormholes. We trim the upper and lower parts of the root crop to make a barrel. Cutting off excess, we form a pentagon from carrots.
  2. Armed with a sharp knife, from each face we cut a thin strip of petal, not slightly cutting to the very bottom. We sharpen each petal from the ends, cutting off the excess in the corners.
  3. Cut off the next row of petals, but not from the place where the first was cut off, but slightly shifted to the side. Petals should be staggered. Thus, we cut 3-4 rows of petals, depending on the thickness of the carrots.
  4. We round the remaining central part to get a cone. On this our lily is ready. The same white lily can be cut from a daikon.

Pink beetroot bud

If you need to beautifully decorate the dish with roses, then the most beautiful rose is obtained from beetroot. The root crop has a bright color, smoothly changing shades.

You will need:

  • 1 large root vegetable beetroot;
  • small kitchen knife with a thin blade.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First, prepare the vegetable for work. Carefully wash the beets, peel. Now we give it the desired shape. On the one hand, we outline the base of the bud. We give it a conical forum, cutting off everything unnecessary. The petals will be cut along the cone, the second part will remain rounded.
  2. We outline the place where the first lower petal will be located. Firmly holding the root crop, cut off the first petal, not cutting to the end 1-0.5 cm. Moving from the center along the wall of the cone to its base Closer to the base, the petal should thicken, and try to make the edge very thin.
  3. We cut out all the excess from under the petal. To do this, put the knife at an acute angle to the inside of the cut petal and cut off the unnecessary. So we create additional space between the rows of petals. We walk in a circle, cutting off the petals - the first row is ready.
  4. Now we begin to cut the second row, we only form the petals in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first row. Also remove excess flesh. If necessary, trim and round the edges of the petals.
  5. Similarly, we make the third level, only gradually reducing the size of the petals and changing the angle of their inclination, because the cone will be truncated more and more. Handle the petals very carefully, as they are very fragile and can break off from one careless movement.
  6. After making 4 levels, we begin to manufacture the middle of the bud. From it, we also cut the petals, only they turn out quite small.
  7. The last time we inspect the bud, align the petals. The pink beetroot bud is ready.

Sweet pepper flower

Using peppers of different sizes and colors, you can get a beautiful floral bouquet, which you can even have a bite to eat.

You will need:

  • 1 pod of sweet pepper with a tail;
  • cold water;
  • small kitchen knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Taking pepper by the tail, make cuts with a sharp knife. We move from the top of the pod to its base, without cutting a couple of centimeters to the tail. We cut the whole pulp of pepper into thin strips, moving in a circle.
  2. Each narrow petal formed is cut lengthwise into two more parts. Therefore, it is better to take fleshy pepper. If we cut only the peel, then it will curl up in a circle. And if a little pulp remains on the peel, then both petals will be straight.
  3. When the slicing of the vegetable is finished, immerse the pepper in cold water for a quarter of an hour. The petals in the water will open, disperse to the sides, making the flower voluminous and beautiful. If we left only the skin, then it will curl like a ring, forming beautiful curls along the radius of the flower. Such an elegant flower will become a real decoration of the festive table.

Edible Carrot Flower

Blanks for this fabulous flower are cut very simply. Then they gather for a toothpick and the decoration is ready. And for the flower to be tasty to eat, the petals are aged in the marinade.

You will need:

  • 1 large thick carrot;
  • salt and vinegar to taste;
  • water;
  • sharp knife;
  • toothpick;
  • peeler;
  • 1 onion small onion.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash carrot, peel, make a slanting cut. On this slice with the help of a peeler we cut thin petals.
  2. Each petal from one edge is cut in half to the center of the workpiece. At this point, the petal will fold and bite onto the toothpick during assembly.
  3. On the opposite side, along the edge to the center of the workpiece, cut off narrow strips on both sides of the petal apex. For one flower, we make 4 large petals and 4 slightly smaller ones.
  4. So, we begin to collect a flower. On the edge of the toothpick we put on first large petals. To do this, take the first workpiece, string on the edge of the toothpick, first one half of the part cut in half, and then the other. Thanks to this, the petal takes on the shape of a boat. Cut off antennae stick out. We string all 4 large petals, placing them, opposite each other.
  5. Now we also put on smaller petals, we only arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. At the end of the toothpick we put on a piece of white onion to mimic the core of the flower.
  6. To make the flowers taste better, add table vinegar and salt to the boiled chilled water. We mix everything well, lower our flowers there for an hour. Decorated in this way, jewelry can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Bright red hot pepper antarium looks very impressive on the table. A dish decorated with such a flower will not go unnoticed. And to make such a decoration is not difficult at all.

You will need:

  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • scissors;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We put on rubber gloves so as not to get burns when working with hot pepper. Wash and dry pepper.
  2. With a sharp knife along one of the walls we make a longitudinal incision. Around the stalk, cut the flesh, cut the tail together with the core, on which the seeds are attached. You need to act carefully so that the seeds do not sprinkle, because they will occupy a central place in our craft.
  3. We unfold the pepper on board, give it the shape of an antarium. To do this, it is enough to round the lower part of the workpiece and slightly level the apex so that it becomes a pyramidal shape with a rounded edge.
  4. There is the final touch. Stepping back from the base of the workpiece 2-3 cm, in the center from the front shiny side we make a puncture. We insert a tail of pepper into it, and the core with seeds remains on top, turning into a flower pestle. Antarium is ready.

A white papillot made of daikon with a bright orange core looks very bright in spring. Therefore, it is good to decorate holiday dishes with it on March 8 and Easter.

You will need:

  • 1 daikon;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Daikon mine, remove the peel. Cut off the lower tapering part and the apex. You should get a blank in the form of a barrel 10-12 cm high.
  2. Separately, in a bowl, we prepare a cool saline solution, put there a blank of daikon for an hour. After this, the flesh of the radish will soften and will be easily cut.
  3. Now put the barrel on its side on a cutting board. We start in a circle to cut with a sharp knife a strip 2 mm thick and 10 cm long.
  4. The resulting tape is folded in half along. We take a sharp knife and begin to make cuts from the bend side, not cutting to the end of 1 cm. We make notches in increments of 0.5-0.7 cm.
  5. Twist the fringe into a flower, chop off with a toothpick.
  6. We perform the same operation with carrots to get a fringe to form the center of the papillot. In the center of the flower we attach an orange detail with a toothpick. The flower is ready.

A very effective decoration for any leek dish.

You will need:

  • 1 stalk of leek;
  • toothpick.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a fresh stem of onion, wash it thoroughly, separate one outer sheet. We fold it in half over the entire length.
  2. With a sharp knife, we make notches from the bend side, without cutting to the edge of 1 cm. We make cuts every 0.5 cm.
  3. We turn the workpiece into a spiral, starting from the light green part of the sheet. Then the flower will turn out to be light inside, and will gradually darken to the edges.
  4. From the wide part of the stem we make the petals, bending the same segments of the stem in half.
  5. We attach 6 petals to the twisted spiral core with toothpicks. At this work on the flower can be considered finished.

So that flowers from vegetables with your own hands do not disappoint you, choose fruits with a dense structure. Also, many vegetables tend to dry quickly when sliced, so you should not make vegetable flowers long before serving. As a last resort, store flowers until served in the refrigerator. If you follow these simple rules, your dishes and decorations will amaze even the most picky guest. Bon appetit to all!
