Recommended spices for baking fish in the oven. Spices for fish - which ones are suitable? List of the best spices and seasonings for fish dishes, cooking tips

Seasoning for fish allows you to enhance the taste, gives piquancy and allows you to get rid of bad smell. We will tell you which options are suitable for different types of cooking - after reading the article you can surprise your loved ones with new culinary masterpieces.

For frying

Spices for fish can incredibly change its taste - light and delicate texture does not have pronounced properties. That is why different herbs change it beyond recognition.

Fried foods are delicious - they have a richness obtained from butter and crisp. Consider the best spices for frying fish.

  • To achieve a spicy aroma and light piquancy, choose black or red pepper;
  • A more refined option is white pepper;
  • Turmeric  allows you to achieve a pleasant golden hue and adds a sweet aftertaste.

Among the best options for spices and spices for fish, cooks distinguish:

  • Fennel;
  • Dill;
  • Paprika.

All ingredients can be used both fresh and dried. Strictly monitor the amount - too many spices can interrupt the main taste of the dish.

Cooking is better this way:

  • In the grill;
  • In the oven;
  • In the pan.

Let's tell a little trick! In order not to oversalt when frying, add salt directly to the oil.

And also give the perfect recipe. Mix the following ingredients:

  • A small amount of black pepper  coarse grinding;
  • Add salt;
  • Pour in a spoonful of lemon juice.

Let's talk about what spices are used for baking fish.

For baking

This type of cooking is considered the most useful and dietary. Heat treatment in the oven occurs as follows:

  • On a baking sheet;
  • In foil or sleeve;
  • In glass or ceramic form;
  • In a food bag.

It doesn’t matter which way you choose, the main thing is the spices for fish in the oven, which change the taste and make the dish a finished masterpiece. Let's talk about the most suitable spices:

  • To remove a specific smell, add fresh parsley, onions, celery or lemon juice (lime);
  • For baking without sauce, it is better to choose anise, marjoram,;
  • The bay leaf will help to emphasize the aroma;
  • Mint and lemon balm will add freshness;
  • Basil, fennel and thyme make the dish fragrant;
  • Ground bay leaves and black pepper enhance the unique taste.

A little advice - it’s best to cook the dish by overlaying the carcass with herbs from all sides.

Now you know what spices are suitable for fish cooked in the oven. Let's figure out what to avoid:

  • Refuse caraway, coriander, cardamom;
  • Do not use paprika, turmeric, nutmeg.

Bright “oriental” aromas will erase the fish bouquet and ruin the dish.

We reviewed the best baking sets. Let's look at the best spices and seasonings for fish that are used when cooking.

For cooking

Choosing the right option for a large amount of liquid is not easy - the selected bouquet should be combined with boiling water and soaked in meat.

We will figure out which seasonings are suitable for fish, what should be added to the pan when cooking:

  • The best option for saturating the broth is onion, celery and bay leaf. In addition, they interrupt a specific aroma. Dill and parsley will serve these purposes;
  • Any pepper will add a little sharpness;
  • Nutmeg, saffron, rosemary and sage are bitter - so they should not be added to the soup. But if you want to cook the fillet and take it out of the water - these seasonings will be the best option.

We learned which seasoning is best for fish cooked in a pan, as well as for soup.

The following herbs are best avoided - they saturate the broth, remaining useless for the fillet:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Paprika;
  • Turmeric;
  • Caraway seeds - interestingly, read the detailed answer in our other article;
  • Cardamom.

Now you know how to cook the carcass and cook a delicious, fragrant soup. Let's discuss which seasoning is added to the fish when stewed.

To extinguish

Many housewives complain that the stew fish seems too fresh. This can be fixed - just add a small amount of spices.

The following options are suitable for you:

  • Strengthen the taste will help onions and dill;
  • Melissa, mint and basil will make the dish fresh;
  • A sprig of rosemary will give a spicy smell and decorate a plate;
  • Mustard seeds will make the taste spicy and refined;
  • Any type of pepper is ideal for pungency.

Spicy sauces that you can make yourself will add piquancy, make the meat juicy and melt in your mouth. Here is the simplest recipe:

  • Combine sour cream and selected spices. Do not overdo it with the amount of ingredients;
  • Pour in a small fish;
  • Add some flour to thicken the sauce.

The second option for beginner cooks:

  • Stir tomato paste and seasonings - for example, pepper and onion;
  • Pour in the fillet and slightly darken under the lid.

Such sauces are also good because they can reduce the number of calories, because they successfully replace fatty oil.

We found out which ingredients shade the taste when baking, let's discuss the composition of the seasoning for fish used for smoking.

For smoking

Almost everyone loves smoked fish - it has a delicate texture and a pleasant aroma. As a rule, this method of preparation does not require additional stimulants of taste and smell, because the smoke from smoking saturates the meat in the best way.

If you want to improve the taste, it is important not to overdo it. Can be used:

  • Celery. Put it under the gills to create a delicate aroma;
  • Mustard, saffron, tarragon. Drain the carcass before cooking.

What is included in the seasoning for fish, which can be added to the source of smoke:

  • Bay leaf;
  • Cloves;
  • Black pepper peas.

Let's talk about the seasoning for the fish with your own hands, or rather, the marinade, which will reveal all the taste qualities of the carcass.   It is necessary to prepare:

  • 5 bay leaves;
  • A few peas of black pepper;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 clove flowers


  • Pour a liter of water into the pan;
  • Add salt and sugar;
  • Wait for boiling, then add the mixture of spices;
  • Pour the resulting marinade over the carcass;
  • Wait for cooling and put in a cool place for 2-3 days.

The amount of ingredients is calculated per kilogram. Now you know how to smoke fish in the best way - now you can discuss what is necessary for proper salting.

Fish absorbs the aroma of grass very well. Therefore, if we cook, then certainly with seasonings, herbs. And you should give her a good soak in their aromas. The herbs used to make fish can be ... any.

Traditional fish condiments are rosemary and thyme.  This is not to say that a particular fish blends better with a particular plant. It is a matter of taste and mastery of the art of cooking.

What seasonings are suitable for fish?

  • salmon  - dill, paprika, saffron;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbream, sea bass- Fresh rosemary and thyme;
  • red mullet  - saffron, dill;
  • river trout  - basil;
  • carp  - parsley, bay leaf, celery.

To fried fishseasonings such as basil, garlic, savory, thighs, borage, fennel, dill, caraway seeds, parsley, lemon balm, coriander, watercress are suitable.

For stewed and boiled fish, such seasonings are suitable  like onions, garlic, dill, cloves, parsley (grated), basil, savory, fennel, rosemary, lemon balm.

This is not to say that the combination of mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary is a classic. Rather, the opposite. To cook halibut with rosemary, you need to have a special, rather complicated and peculiar recipe. What is it, classic?

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. The combination of garlic with fish is a classic, and garlic goes well with fish. Rosemary and thyme - no worse combined with fish dishes, without imposing a taste, but also not making it too delicate.
  Such combinations are used in many Mediterranean cuisines - in Greece, and in Spain, and in other countries where fish love and know how to cook.

Clearly giving instructions in this sense is impossible.  Much depends on the technology of cooking fish. And you can try the different combinations yourself, given that herbs for fish are mostly delicate, growing in Europe. But with oriental spices you need to be very, very careful, for fish, many of them are heavy.

We can say that combination of seasoning and fish  - a classic in itself. The grass during cooking is laid from the very beginning or is used as a decoration for an already prepared dish.

Arugula salad is also grass, but it should not be cooked at all.   Arugula is useful in its fresh form, especially from the point of view of the body. This salad has a very pleasant bitterness with a touch of toasted walnut or nutmeg. Arugula needs to be seasoned with oil, but it is suitable for almost any type of fish.

Absolutely, the word "classic" is suitable for a combination of fish and Provence herbs.   In this case, we are not talking about the famous mixture of herbs, which includes rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, savory garden, oregano, marjoram. This refers to the herbs from Provence.

They grow there all the same - parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme - but they have an extraordinary fragrance. Not rare, but especially special. It's like tea - Ceylon, ham - Parma, and herbs - Provence. Their aroma, of course, depends on the earth, climate, conditions.

The delicate flesh of the fish absorbs all the flavors of the seasonings you have chosen, but not all of them are perfect for it. To emphasize the light taste of fish dishes, it is recommended to choose spices moderately, avoiding spices with a sharp aroma. By the way, different seasonings are used for sea and river fish, since the river product has a slightly unpleasant smell of algae or tina. That is why it is best to choose ingredients that kill such an unpleasant aftertaste into the spice for cooking river fish.

To make your fish dish more colorful, be sure to add some turmeric to it, but this advice is relevant only for fish with white flesh.


  • 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp peppercorn mixture
  • 0.5 tsp marjoram
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric


  1. Before starting to create a spice for fish, warm the mortar in a water bath, making sure that no liquid gets into it. Thus, the seasonings cooked in it will highlight a more intense flavor! Pour salt (preferably large sea salt), colorful peas of peppers, dried slices of garlic into a mortar. You can use already ground dried garlic and ground pepper mixture, but believe me, the flavor of the seasoning you created will be completely different!

  2. Then add turmeric and marjoram to the mortar.

  3. Pour in dried carrots and dried parsley root. You can also prepare these seasonings at home, having acquired the basis for them in the market or in the supermarket.

  4. Grind all the contents in a mortar until you feel a bright aroma. Then pour everything into a blender or chopper bowl and grind the spices for 5 minutes. Very carefully open the container with chopped spice - dust from it can get into your eyes or lungs when inhaling - let it settle down!

  5. Store the finished spice in a prepared container, adding it to all fish dishes.

Mistress note

1. The list of products recommends taking mixed varieties of pepper. An experienced hostess knows how all their types differ in the degree of severity and nuances of aroma. The following is information for a less sophisticated cook. White peas are moderately bitter; their smell blends perfectly with fish. Green ones are refined and delicate, in the ground form they are exhaled very quickly, like gray peas (cubeba), but these bitterness is strong, palpable. Pink is generally devoid of a bitter-sharp taste, they are piquant, juniper and coniferous shades are caught in their aromatic range. The characteristics of black pepper are unnecessarily enumerated: the product is known to everyone. When composing a composition, one should rely on the described properties, be guided by household addictions and personal preferences.

2. Many seasonings after grinding to one degree or another lose essential oils, as a result of which, during storage, they smell less. So, you need to find the most airtight containers for a complex of spices, compiled according to the recipe. We immediately set aside iron jars to the side, clay ones too. Suitable glass with rubberized or ground stoppers, porcelain and earthenware without cracks in the glaze, with tight-fitting lids. If the containers are made of transparent glass, it is advisable not to keep them in the light.

  • 1 What seasonings are suitable for oven-baked fish
  • 2 Spices for stewing fish
  • 3 Perfect composition of spices suitable for fried fish
  • 4 Seasoning for salting fish
  • 5 Recipe for a universal mixture for fish dishes
  • 6 Seasoning for smoking fish do it yourself
  • 7 Spices for fish soup

Choosing the right spices in cooking fish is crucial. Season the carcass immediately before frying, baking, stewing, grilling or steaming, then its taste will be excellent. The dishes will get an excellent aroma if they use seasoning for fish, prepared on their own.

What seasonings are suitable for fish baked in the oven

Fish meat is tender and not very expressive in taste. Herbs will enrich it and add an original flavor when baking. You can use them at different stages of cooking, immediately before baking or for pre-marinating.

Essential Ingredients:

  • fresh fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • dry ginger;
  • mustard powder;
  • basil;
  • fennel (dried dill grains).

The fish you want to cook in the oven, after thorough washing and drying, should be grated on the outside and inside. Then bake until cooked. If desired, the carcass is additionally greased with mayonnaise, soy or any other sauce.

  1. You can take dried herbs from the store or harvest them yourself.
  2. The basil is dried in limbo, the fennel grains are dried on a bush, and then harvested.
  3. Store dry herbs for fish in tightly closed containers so that they do not lose their aroma.

Fresh herbs are the best, but dry herbs are excellently stored and are always at hand.

Spices for stewing fish

For thousands of years, fish has been an important component of human food. It is a valuable source of protein and an excellent substitute for meat. Inhabitants of fresh and marine water bodies have a lot of vitamins and mineral salts in their meat.

If the fish is seasoned with aromatic spices and cooked by stewing, it will retain and even increase its beneficial properties. However, not every spice fights well with the characteristic smell of fish. Therefore, you should know which seasonings are best for stewing fish steaks or whole carcasses:

  • Lemon zest. Very fragrant, it adds a little sophistication to the fish. It is better to use it at the end of the cooking process, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will not be sufficiently pronounced.
  • Mustard. Dry powder or grains are added to the dishes. Some chefs also successfully use ready-made pasta - it gives the fish piquancy and pleasant sharpness.
  • Basil. The taste of this herb fills any dish with freshness. It goes well with fish, both fresh and dried. Well reveals its taste in the company with parsley and rosemary.
  • Garlic is a universal supplement not only to fish. Ideal in dry or fresh form for cooking fish sauces.
  • Pepper. Black, white, red, fragrant ... These varieties correspond to the taste of the fish, enhancing it. Black is more suitable for varieties of fish with dark meat.

Parsley and dill are traditionally added to fish. These herbs saturate the dish, but, unfortunately, quickly lose their aroma. For this reason, they are added before serving, and more often - in fresh form.

Such table greens not only improves the taste of food, but also affects digestion, which is especially important when eating oily fish.

Well-chosen seasonings will help to create the perfect flavoring composition of dishes no worse than that of a chef.

The ideal composition of spices suitable for fried fish

Rosemary and thyme have an intense aroma, perfectly set off the taste of even river fish. Very advantageous, these herbs will complement the taste of a fish dish if they are added to the pan a few minutes before the end of the frying.

We offer the perfect seasoning option for any fish dishes.

Essential Ingredients:

  • tarragon;
  • dill;
  • marjoram;
  • oregano;
  • coriander;
  • basil;
  • horseradish root;
  • garlic.


  1. These components must be dried naturally or in an electric dryer.
  2. Grind dry ingredients in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar.

Seasoning made with your own hands will eliminate doubts when choosing ready-made mixtures. It is especially nice to harvest aromatic herbs grown on your own site.

Seasoning for salting fish

Salted fish requires careful observance of the proportions of salt and sugar.

Spices play an important role in salting, as they should complement, but not interrupt, the taste of tender meat. To get delicious pickled fish, try the following recipe.

List of ingredients:

  • fresh fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper;
  • allspice;
  • bay leaf;
  • mustard seeds;
  • coriander grains;
  • paprika;
  • dried tomatoes.

The amount of salt is taken based on the recipe. As for spices, the more they are put, the brighter will be the taste of the finished snack.


  1. They wash the fish, if necessary, gut it, rub it with salt or fill it with marinade.
  2. Add spices and send the workpiece in the cold. So that the smells are not lost, the dishes with fish are covered with food cellophane.

Small fish will be ready in a day, large fish is salted for 3-4 days.

The recipe for a universal mixture for fish dishes

Universal seasoning is suitable for cooking fish cakes, soups, casseroles and other dishes.

Its composition contains aromatic additives that advantageously set off the fishy taste and add special, piquant notes to it.

Essential Ingredients:

  • mix of peppers - 3 tsp;
  • bitter red and sweet peppers (pods) - to taste;
  • ground coriander grains - 1.5 tsp;
  • fine table salt - 3.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 2.5 tsp;
  • dried onions and garlic - 5 - 6 tsp.


  1. Grind the mixture of peppers and place them in a container where the seasoning will be stored.
  2. Do not chop dry red pepper too finely. In this form, it will look delicious on fish. Grind the bitter pod finely, and add according to taste.
  3. Grind coriander grains in a mortar.
  4. Grind the remaining components, pour them into a common bowl. Add salt and sugar. Close the finished composition with a lid and shake the mixture well.

Use if necessary, store in a dry place. Remove from the can with a dry spoon, otherwise unnecessary moisture will get inside.

Seasoning for smoking fish do it yourself

For smoking fish in the smokehouse, seasonings are not needed. It is good enough to salt it and to withstand a certain time in brine. For the fish to find a special smoked taste and aroma at home, you will need a special seasoning that will mimic the required taste notes. Ideally, liquid smoke or black tea can cope with this task.

Essential Ingredients:

  • fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 - 5 pcs.;
  • black tea - 3 tsp. or 3 sachets;
  • allspice - 5 to 6 peas.


  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a small container. Add salt, sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Next, turn off the heating, add spices for fish and tea to the water. Allow the ingredients to brew. It should turn out a beautiful, cognac-colored liquid.
  3. Pour the marinade over the fish (it should cover it completely), cool and refrigerate.
  4. The finished appetizer will not taste smoked meats, however, it will acquire a beautiful color and excellent aroma. Readiness is checked with a fork after 2 to 3 days - when piercing from the fish, there should not be a mother tree.

Instead of tea, you can put a cup of onion husks in the marinade for cooking smoked fish. It should be boiled for 15 to 20 minutes, after which the remaining ingredients declared in the recipe should be added to the resulting broth.

Spices for fish soup

Fish soups are prepared with special spices that add freshness to the dish. Most suitable for this purpose are dill and parsley, dried celery, onions and carrots.

It is also convenient to use other ingredients:

  • The soup will turn beautiful if you add a little curry to it. In Asian countries, not a single dish is complete without this seasoning.
  • If you add nutmeg, it will saturate the soup with its aroma, improve digestion and reduce stomach acidity.
  • Black and white peppers are indispensable components of soup. Spicy spices stimulate appetite, but they should be used sparingly, otherwise intestinal irritation is likely.
  • Tomatoes They are added fresh or dried. Modern housewives often harvest dried fruits, which give fish soup not only their taste, but also their color.

Regardless of the composition of the seasoning for the fish, lemon juice or vinegar will help to deprive it of the unpleasant smell of the sea (river, pond). It is better to use citrus juice fresh, but the zest will not give such a pronounced effect.

According to the chef, a properly prepared fish dish is almost a work of art. And indeed it is. After all, the fish itself does not have a pronounced taste. In order to open it and make it more saturated, seasonings are necessary. From this article you can find out what spices are suitable for fish.

Sea fish

Spices for red fish

Red sea fish is quite oily, but with the wrong cooking technology, it can become dry. To avoid this, it is enough to drop 1-2 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice on a piece of fish. In order to get a richer and more vivid taste, add black pepper, paprika, turmeric or thyme. To give red fish an unusual, slightly sweet taste, use fennel, dried onions or basil. We draw your attention to the fact that all of the above spices are perfectly combined with each other.

Spices for white fish

White sea fish is best served with a mixture of dried herbs. The most popular are the following spices:

  1. Marjoram;
  2. Mint;
  3. Oregano;
  4. Sage;
  5. Melissa.

The combination of these herbs is traditional in French cuisine. But professional chefs put them quite a bit, because spices should complement and reveal the taste of the finished dish, and not interrupt it.

River fish

The taste of freshwater river fish is fundamentally different from the taste of sea fish. That is why completely different seasonings are required for its preparation. In our country, the most popular river fish are: perch and catfish.

Spices for perch

This fish is found in almost the entire northern hemisphere of our planet. That is why there are a huge number of ways to cook it. The most popular seasonings for perch are:

  1. Garlic;
  2. Curry;
  3. Lemon and orange (freshly squeezed juice and zest of these fruits can be used);
  4. Hot red pepper;
  5. Thyme;
  6. Paprika.

We draw your attention to the fact that these spices should be combined with great care. Hot peppers and curries are considered completely incompatible. Only light low-alcohol drinks are drunk for this fish, since strong drinks (for example, vodka or cognac) will completely kill the taste of the dish.

Spices for catfish

Catfish is a predatory fish. To taste, it will be significantly different from perch. This fish is best fried without oil. Catfish stewed in its own juice has a richer taste, and also retains a much larger amount of vitamins and other useful trace elements. The following spices and additives are considered the most suitable for this fish:

  1. Hot red and black peppers;
  2. Curry;
  3. Hard cheeses;
  4. Bay leaf;
  5. Wine vinegar (suitable for both marinade and juiciness during frying).

Fat catfish perfectly removes alcohol, so you can drink a small amount of strong wine with it.

Spices for small fish

The most common small fish are gobies, capelin and sprat. With the right selection of spices, the finished dishes will be no less tasty than those prepared from perch or catfish. For small fish, it is best to choose spicy seasonings, but it is better to refuse sharp ones. The most suitable spices and aromatic additives are considered:

  1. Onion and garlic;
  2. Caraway;
  3. Red bell pepper;
  4. Grated hard cheese.

We draw your attention to the fact that a small fish does not mix well with hot spices, as it becomes too hot and acquires a specific flavor.

Spices for fish:are selected depending on the variety of the product and the method of its preparation

Selection of seasoning by the method of cooking fish

Spices for frying fish

The most popular way to cook fish is frying. Seasonings with a tart and rich aroma are selected for it. Professional chefs recommend choosing:

  1. Cardamone;
  2. Coriander;
  3. Nutmeg;
  4. Caraway;
  5. Basilica (great for both fresh and dried).

Spices for fish soup

Other spices are used for fish soup, since in this case the seasoning goes not only to the fish, but also to its broth. The most suitable are considered:

  1. Cloves;
  2. Black pepper;
  3. Caraway;
  4. Fresh greens.

We draw your attention to the fact that any sharp seasonings almost completely interrupt the fish taste of the broth, so it is better to refuse them. Fresh dill and bay leaf are also not very suitable for this dish.

Spices for salting fish

Almost any kind of spice is suitable for creating a marinade. To give the finished dish a rich aroma and spicy taste, professional chefs recommend using:

  1. Fennel;
  2. Basil;
  3. Tarragon;
  4. White, black and red peppers;
  5. Nutmeg;
  6. Coriander;
  7. Bay leaf.

Spices for grilled fish

In many classic recipes for cooking grilled fish, it is recommended to abandon seasonings during frying. However, for a more saturated taste, fish can be pre-marinated in mineral water and the following spices:

  1. Mustard;
  2. Saffron;
  3. Tarragon;
  4. Paprika.

Fish is one of the tastiest and healthiest foods. Without it, it is impossible to imagine proper and nutritious nutrition. However, the fish does not have a pronounced taste, which is why it must be emphasized with seasoning. In this article, we told you about which spices are best for sea and fresh fish, as well as for fish soup and grilled fish. We draw your attention to the fact that spices should only emphasize the taste and make it more saturated, but in no case interrupt it.