Raspberry tincture recipes with vodka. Raspberry tincture on vodka

Everyone knows that raspberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. But, not everyone knows how to use this berry correctly so that it brings obvious benefits to the body and helps get rid of most diseases and problems. Therefore, after reading this article, you will learn how to prepare raspberry tincture on vodka and how it can be used in treatment.

Raspberry tincture benefits

So, we will consider how tincture from raspberries, cooked at home, can be useful. Of course, it will not be possible to call the raspberry infusion just a medicine, it is also a very tasty drink. This remedy is very pleasant to use as a dessert drink. Most who have used raspberry tincture both for medicinal purposes and as a drink, note that this product is incredibly pleasant for drinking and drinking inside.

Of course, raspberry tincture can be somewhat cloying, but this is the case if you go too far with the sugar that you add to the tincture. Therefore, it is very important to follow the specific recipe described below. But more on that later. Let's look at the useful properties of raspberry tincture:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI) -
  • Colds, especially seasonal
  • Malaise-
  • Laryngitis-
  • Recovery after relapse -
  • Angina-
  • The inflammatory and infectious process in the throat
  • Pathology of the larynx
  • Pathological increase in pressure -
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Stomatitis-
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity -
  • Sedation, raspberry tincture calms and improves the functioning of the central nervous system -
  • Immunostimulating effect while reducing the protective functions of the body.
  • But, remember that raspberry tincture should not be the only drug that must be used during the treatment of diseases. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first sign of illness and check if it is possible to combine the treatment with raspberry tincture and those medications that you have been prescribed.

    Video: Raspberry Cherry Recipe

    Raspberry tincture should be combined with the main medicine that your doctor has prescribed for you.

    Cooking raspberry tincture

    We mentioned above that you should not take raspberry tincture as the main drug. This is just what you can supplement the basic treatment prescribed by doctors.

    For the base of this drink, you can use vodka (high-quality, without additives and any impurities) or diluted medical alcohol. Remember that absolutely all foreign impurities and additives can completely spoil the taste of tincture, therefore, you need to take a pure product as the basis.

    If you decide to use moonshine as a basis, then before you prepare tincture on it, it must be very thoroughly cleaned. That is, make a second distillate in the moonshine. It is advisable to use those technical installations in which there is a sump and a reflux condenser.

    Video: TINcture CRIMPLE!

    When buying vodka for the base of raspberry tincture, it is better to buy a proven product. Especially this rule must be observed if in the future you will use raspberry tincture as a medicine.

    Raspberry Tincture Recipe

    To begin, consider the classic recipe for raspberry tincture. To prepare it, you will need:

    Video: Dandelion tincture properties of application on alcohol and vodka

    • Raspberry berries - 3 kg (it is very important that the raspberries are ripe, ripe, but not mashed - sort the berries, remove those that have already rotted or are damaged by insects) -
    • Vodka without impurities (good quality) - 1 liter -
    • If there is no vodka, then dilute high-quality medical alcohol 40% to 1 liter -
    • Normal beet white sugar - 250 grams
    • One glass of pre-boiled water (usually 250 ml in a glass).

    The preparation of raspberry tincture requires compliance with a certain technology. In particular, first you need to:

    • Wash the raspberries, sort them out-
    • Take a 3-liter glass bottle and pour out all the raspberries -
    • Grind all the berries in a large bottle with a mortar or a fork - as you prefer -
    • Raspberry berries are poured with the entire volume of vodka -
    • Place the raspberries in a warm place for 5 days, and, daily, the berries need to be stirred -
    • After 5 days, you need to add sweet syrup to the infusion, which you will prepare from 250 ml of water and sugar. This is done very simply, put a container of water on the stove, pour sugar into it and wait until the syrup boils. Now the sugar syrup should cool and can be added to the raspberry tincture.
    • After you mix sugar syrup and raspberries on vodka, leave this drink to brew for another 15 days.

    When these 2 weeks pass, you need to take a tincture and strain it through a layer of gauze or through a sieve so that the raspberry grains and the flesh of the berry leave and a clean drink remains. Now you can pour raspberry tincture into convenient containers and use it as a medicinal drink or a pleasant dessert product.

    In some recipes of tincture, you can find such components as cinnamon, honey, raspberry leaves, orange peel. But, remember that if you are preparing raspberry tincture for the first time, then it’s better not to experiment.

    Also, you should not increase the number of raspberries, as the tincture can be very sugary and tasteless from this.

    Raspberry Jam Tincture

    If it is not possible to use raspberries fresh, you can take freshly frozen berries or even raspberry jam. Mix raspberry jam with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave for a week. And that's it - a drink or a medicine (at your discretion) is ready for use. If the drink turns out to be too sugary and sweet, then you can always add a small amount of boiled water and dilute it.

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    Raspberries have long been famous not only for their wonderful taste and sweetness, but also for their beneficial properties. Raspberry tincture on vodka (alcohol, moonshine), the recipe of which is described below, is a dessert, but a properly prepared tincture will help the body overcome heat and colds, and cope with nervous disorders. Raspberries are rich in iron, copper, organic acids, vitamins C, B1 and B12. Raspberry also has a diaphoretic effect, helps to cope with fungal and staphylococcal infections.

    Fresh or frozen berries are suitable for preparing tinctures. Also in this article we will consider a recipe for tincture of raspberry jam. Pay special attention to the quality of the alcohol base for tincture: get proven vodka, if you use alcohol, it is better to take medical, diluted to a fortress of 40-45 degrees. A great solution for raspberry tincture will be homemade moonshine, especially if it was obtained from mash on raspberry jam. Such a tincture will be even more intense and fragrant. You can find on. Moonshine for tinctures use double distillation with a strength of 45 degrees. To obtain high-quality moonshine, we recommend (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steamer of the brand): so you can be completely sure of the origin and quality of the drink.

    Recipes for tinctures on raspberries on alcohol (vodka, moonshine) are very simple to prepare. See for yourself!

    Raspberry alcohol tincture recipes


    • raspberries - 3.5 kg
    • alcohol with a strength of 40-45 degrees - 1 liter
    • granulated sugar - 250 grams
    • pure water - 250 ml

    Preparation of tincture:

    1. Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones.
    2. In a fermentation tank, pour the berries with alcohol.
    3. Clean with a tightly closed lid in a dark place for four days.
    4. Next, separate the liquid from the berries.
    5. Cook sugar syrup.
    6. With continuous stirring, pour in the cooled syrup obtained raspberry alcohol
    7. Put the future tincture in a cool dark place for two to three weeks.
    8. After tincture, strain, pour into storage containers and put away in a cool place (cellar, refrigerator).

    Raspberry tincture recipe for moonshine from frozen berries


    • frozen raspberries - 250 grams
    • double distillation moonshine with a strength of 40-45 degrees - 500 ml
    • pure water - 500 ml
    • fructose - 100 grams
    • fresh ginger - 30 grams
    • fresh chili pepper - half a small pod

    Preparation of tincture:

    1. Thaw the berries and put them in a container for insisting.
    2. Add chopped ginger and half a chilli to the berries.
    3. Pour the mixture with moonshine, clean in a dark place with room temperature for 1.5-2 weeks. After tincture, strain.
    4. Cook fructose syrup.
    5. With constant stirring, pour the syrup into the tincture.
    6. Ready tincture is given a "rest" 5-7 days.

    Raspberry tincture recipe with raspberry jam vodka

    Use fresh or slightly candied jam. Old fermented or moldy is not good!


    • raspberry jam - 0.5 l
    • vodka - 0.5 l

    Preparation of tincture:

    1. Pour jam with vodka, mix well.
    2. Close the container with a lid, insist 4-5 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
    3. Filter the tincture ready.

    Raspberry tincture is a delicious healthy drink that can be prepared all year round from fresh and frozen berries. There are many recipes for it, but regardless of their characteristics, the berries are always sorted out, getting rid of spoiled fruits and twigs - they worsen the taste of the drink. An ideal liquid base for raspberry tincture is high-quality liquor from the store, purified moonshine and natural alcohol diluted to 45 ° C.

    Classic Raspberry Tincture Recipe

    To prepare a drink, you must collect the following ingredients:

    • sugar - 500 g;
    • berries - 1.3 kg;
    • water - 400 and 300 g;
    • vodka - 1 l.

    Next, raspberries are put in a colander, washed with water and allowed to drain. Crumpled berries that have started juice do not wash. In any case, the product is poured into a jar and pushed with a rolling pin to a mushy state. At the next stage, water and alcohol are poured into the container and the composition is thoroughly mixed. The dishes are cleaned in a warm place for 10 days, and its contents are periodically shaken.

    On the 11th day, they begin to filter the infusion. The product is passed through several layers of gauze and squeezed cake. The liquid is combined with a syrup made from sugar and 300 ml of water, and removed for re-infusion, but for 2 to 3 weeks. As soon as a precipitate precipitates, the drink is drained. At the exit, it turns out to be strong, but does not leave an alcohol aftertaste after consumption.

    Fragrant cake can be filled with moonshine and let it stand for a couple of weeks. So from one set of components you get two different drinks.

    Recipe for unsweetened raspberry liquor

    Having collected ripe clean berries in a bottle, they are poured with so much vodka so that they are completely covered with the alcohol component. Then the container is gently shaken, trying to dissolve the air bubbles. The jar is corked with a capron lid and cleaned in a dark place for 2-month infusion. The room temperature should be at room temperature.

    After the specified time, the liquor is passed through a thick sieve. In 2 months, the berries should completely lose their color, and the cooked product should be saturated with raspberry juice and acquire a beautiful shade. If the drink seems acidic, it can be diluted with honey or sugar syrup on the eve of drinking.

    Surprisingly delicious drink is obtained from berries (750 g) and cognac (1 l). The absence of sugar in the formulation allows the liquor to maintain a specific taste of noble alcohol. Consider the cooking process in steps.

    1. Carefully selected berries are placed in a bottle.
    2. Cognac is added so that its level exceeds the berry layer by 3 cm.
    3. The dishes are closed with a tight lid and removed for 2 months. in warm conditions.
    4. The drink is removed from the precipitate and filtered through cotton wool.
    5. The finished drink is bottled.

    Raspberry Jam

    The following recipe will help give new life to unnecessary raspberry jam. An important condition for obtaining a quality drink is the absence of mold in a jar of jam or jam. Otherwise, instead of tincture, you get a mash.

    The recipe for making liquor from jam is as follows:

    • 300 g of jam are put in a jar and poured with an alcoholic drink (300 g).
    • The contents of the bottle are mixed well and covered with a lid.
    • The dishes are cleaned for 4 days in a dark corner. If the jam has gotten into crystals, then it is recommended to visit the tincture a couple of times a day and shake the mass.
    • The drink is passed through a cotton-gauze bandage.

    If you want to lower the strength of the finished liquor, add a little water to it.

    Fruit Mix Liqueur

    The so-called blending tincture is obtained from an equal number of ripe berries:

    1. blackberry;
    2. raspberry;
    3. currant;
    4. sour cherries.

    The berries are ground on a sieve and the juice is collected, which is then combined with moonshine (0.5 l), crushed black pepper peas (10 pieces) and 400 g of sugar (can be replaced with purified molasses).

    The resulting mass is thoroughly stirred and poured into prepared containers. The drink is allowed to settle well, and then proceed to the tasting.

    Raspberry Rataphia

    The recipe for this drink is also simple. 1 kg of berries is pounded and mixed with 3 l of moonshine. The dishes are closed and left in a room where the regime is maintained at 19 - 21 ° C. After a few days, the mixture is filtered and stirred in a liquid 250 g of sugar. Cinnamon, white pepper and nutmeg are strewed a pinch.

    Pouring red currants and raspberries

    The recipe for this drink requires the hostess:

    • berries of both shrubs - 300 g each;
    • moonshine - half a liter;
    • orange and lemon - 1 pc.;
    • sugar syrup - 1 cup;
    • cinnamon - 1 stick;
    • vanillin - 2 tsp

    Sorted and washed berries are poured into a convenient jar and add cinnamon with citruses. In the process of cleaning the orange and lemon, they try to remove the white peel as much as possible. The whole mass is poured with moonshine and insisted for 1.5 months, periodically shaking the jar. The work is completed by filtering the product, adding syrup and vanilla sugar.

    Liquor "Vanilla Raspberry"

    To enjoy this delicious drink, you need to fill half a kilo of quality berries with diluted alcohol (700 g) and insist 2 weeks with continuous stirring. Next, the product is passed through gauze and cotton wool until completely clarified. A syrup is prepared from an equal amount of water and sugar, after which it is introduced in bulk together with vanilla sugar (20 g). The drink is kept for 1 week (or longer) and served to the table.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in recipes for alcoholic beverages. Their benefit lies in the content of essential oils, pectins, vitamins A, B, C, tannins, zinc, iron, cobalt and other minerals. Periodic consumption of liquors and infusions on vodka improves mood and relieves stress.

    Contraindications to the intake of "strong" raspberry drinks are kidney problems, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, gout and gastric ulcer. People with allergies are not recommended to drink aromatic berry liquid. Other consumers can not deny themselves the pleasure and indulge in a glass or two.

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    Raspberries are a sweet and tasty berry. With its help, you can make tincture with vodka or alcohol, endowed with a pleasant taste and good. If you want to make a drink in season from fresh berries, you need to wait for its ripening. But you can not waste time and prepare tincture on frozen berries.

    Raspberry Tincture Recipes

    According to the first recipe, raspberry tincture is prepared from the following components:

    • kilogram of ripe raspberries;
    • water;
    • five hundred milliliters of vodka;
    • two hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar.

    Raspberry tincture is made from meticulously inspected collected berries. Following it is recommended to rinse. Place the selected and clean berries in a glass container and tightly close the lid. Let the berries stand for a month and a half in this form in the refrigerator. Pour raspberry juice into another bowl. Sprinkle the raspberry pulp with sugar and place in the refrigerator for a month and a half. The resulting syrup should be mixed with primary juice, pour it with vodka and place in a cold place. Home-brew or vodka drink prepared at home is ready to drink.

    Raspberry tincture is prepared using alcohol or moonshine at home. You need to prepare:

    • Liter of alcohol.
    • Glass of water.
    • Two hundred and fifty grams of sugar.
    • Three kilograms of raspberries.

    Pure dry raspberries are poured into a container of glass, and poured over vodka, moonshine or alcohol. For three days, the drink is infused at home in a dark place. Using water and sugar, boil the syrup. Mix it with the resulting tincture, which had to be transferred to another container. At home, the mixed product is insisted for fourteen days. Then you need to strain the drink and bottle.

    Raspberry tincture can also be prepared using cognac. The choice of the basis of the drink depends on your preferences and imagination. Use seven hundred grams of raspberries and a liter of cognac. Buy a good drink so that it is a real cognac, not a fake.

    Washed dried berries are poured with cognac two centimeters above the level of raspberries. The drink will be infused for a couple of months in a cool and dark place. Then you just need to strain the drink and pour into the desired and convenient glassware.

    As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to have fresh or frozen berries, you can prepare the tincture using berry jam. Just mix the jam with vodka and close with a tight lid, insist for three days. Stir the jar periodically. After the expiration, strain and bottle. Everything is simple and fast.

    The benefits and harms of tinctures

    Alcoholic beverages should be consumed with caution. There is a benefit from drinking tinctures with raspberries, but harm should not be ruled out.  Contraindications are associated with the alcohol component and with the reaction to the use of berries.

    Raspberries contain many vitamins, including vitamin C. Its composition is preserved with the proper preparation of tinctures. More useful in decoctions and teas with raspberries than in alcoholic beverages, they constrict blood vessels and adversely affect the body, suppress concentration and dull the reaction.

    If you have health problems associated with the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, or you are intolerant, the use of tinctures, decoctions and tea is contraindicated. You can not eat raspberries during pregnancy. If in doubt about the indications for use, it is better to consult with a specialist.

    It’s not worth experimenting on yourself and you need to use tincture prudently in limited quantities. Excessive consumption negatively affects the human body.

    Allergy sufferers reacting to red foods will have a reaction to both raspberries and foods made from it.

    Preparing a tincture of berries is easy. As you can see, it will not require supernatural efforts. You only need to do everything carefully and make sure that it can be consumed. You can prepare tincture on any raw material you wish. The most important thing is to properly withstand the brewing period of the drink and mix everything in certain proportions.

    You can overdo it with sugar or alcohol and the tincture will turn out either too sweet or too bitter. The benefits are greater from eating fresh berries and broths if you pursue the goal of improving health. Raspberry strengthens the immune system, makes a person more resilient and active.

    The effect of berries on the body in the absence of contraindications has long been known to everyone. In tinctures, the benefit is lost, but if you cook it correctly, you can save, if not all, but at least part of the nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

    Residents of Western Europe prefer liquors to all other sweet alcohol-containing drinks. In Eastern Europe, of which we are a part, we do not refuse liquors, but prefer to make them from our own berry and fruit raw materials. sweet liquors, including, and without the addition of alcohol. Raspberry in this sense takes first place in popularity. Home-made raspberries can be found in every raspberry farmer cultivator. An important technological moment in the manufacture of raspberry liquor, common to other drinks from this series, is the use of ceramics as necessary containers at home. In the technological process, glassware is also needed, and ceramics, in extreme cases, can be replaced with enamel.

    How to make a raspberry cord at home

    The main concern of the raspberry producer is the quality of the feedstock. Berries, jam, alcohol-containing drinks, water - everything must meet the standards and be used in clean dishes.

    Berry preparation

    In the classic version, when they are going to use raspberries right away, they carefully sort it out, cleaning it of any debris. Then the berries are slightly mashed and poured into a glass bowl. But there are other possibilities, when they are going to make the filling from raspberry jam or from frozen berries, which is also quite simple at home.

    Did you know? Raspberries need to be frozen no later than two hours after harvest.

    How to make raspberry liquor at home (without adding alcohol)

    Pouring, which is prepared without the addition of vodka, alcohol or other strong drinks, can very conditionally be called a liquor. It would be more correct to talk about raspberry wine, since the technology is quite consistent with the production of homemade wine in the traditional way of fermentation. The advantage (or disadvantage - as you like) of raspberry liquor made according to the “wine” recipe is its low alcohol content.   Essential Ingredients:

    • 2 kg raspberries;
    • 0.8 kg of sugar;
    • 0.2 l of water.
       Initially, raspberries and sugar are placed in a glass jar (3 l) in layers, after adding water, all this is wrinkled with a wooden spoon (you can use a rolling pin). Exposed in a warm place (where, for example, there is a lot of sun), the tank should be closed with a lid with a water seal. If this is not possible, you can pull on an ordinary rubber glove, making a puncture in it. When the mixture is fermented, the resulting liquor is carefully filtered and, pouring into clean dishes, left closed in the cellar or in another place where it is dark and cool. After two to three days, you can make the final bottling for subsequent storage at low temperatures or immediately use as directed.

    The recipe for alcohol-based raspberry cordial

    Raspberries that are already in the glassware are poured with vodka (or edible alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees) so that they are about 3 cm below the liquid level. After that, the bottle closed with a dense cloth should be kept warm for a week.

      Then, the resulting liquid is drained, and the precipitate is squeezed out, transferred to another container suitable for heating, and mixed with water and sugar. The resulting substance is brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes over low heat, freeing itself from periodically arising foam. After the thick syrup reaches room temperature, it is mixed with the raspberry tincture previously drained.

    The final stage consists of straining through cheesecloth, pouring into prepared glassware and monthly languishing to achieve final maturity, in coolness and darkness. The process is crowned by filtration, bottling (or other preferred containers). The optimal storage conditions for a raspberry cord on vodka, the recipe of which has just been described, is considered to be a plus temperature of 6 to 16 degrees. The quantitative proportions of the ingredients used are as follows: raspberries / sugar \u003d 5 kg / 1 kg, vodka / water \u003d 1.5 l / 1 l.

    Raspberries are not necessarily filled with ordinary breezed vodka. Owners who prefer natural products can use homemade vodka, that is, moonshine, to make it. To do this, there is a wonderful recipe for filling from frozen raspberries. She will need 2.5 kg per quarter kilogram of sugar and half a liter of 45-50-degree moonshine. The raspberry liquor according to this recipe is prepared as follows:

    • thawed raspberry berries placed in a bowl are filled with sugar and poured with homemade vodka;
    • after an hour, the ingredients are mixed (the berries are crushed) until a homogeneous mass is formed;
    • the resulting mixture is canned (you can just close it very tightly) in banks, which are then kept in the dark for a month;
    • after a month, the finished cordial is filtered and bottled in suitable containers for subsequent use.

    Important! Make sure that homemade vodka is well cleaned.

      For lovers of ancient exoticism, we can recommend the recipe for raspberry liquor on vodka, which was practiced in noble rural estates 1,5-3 centuries ago. Summer residents and villagers can use the stove for this, if there is one, while others will have to be content with the oven.

    A ceramic (clay) pot is placed in it, in which a kilogram of raspberries is preliminarily filled with a quarter of vodka. The neck of the pot should be tied with paper with punctured thin holes (a fork is enough for this). When slowly heated, the berries should acquire a brown color. The resulting composition, after passing through a colander, is mixed with another quarter of vodka and sugar (from 100 to 300 g). Such a liqueur for unprepared people can be too strong(you need to try right away), which is eliminated by adding squeezed juice from the berries remaining in the colander.

    Did you know? Pouring, which in the old days was prepared in the oven, called casseroles.

    Finally, a quick recipe for preparing a cordial, which will be ready in a day:
    • clogged containers with berries that are resistant to high temperatures are set on fire in a basin with cold water;
    • after boiling, the potion languishes on a minimum fire for 1.5 hours;
    • well-filtered juice after this procedure is mixed with vodka and sugar (all ingredients are used in a proportion corresponding to real circumstances with an eye on the classic version);
    • the bottled drink reaches the desired maturity for another 24 hours.

    How to make raspberry jam

      Pouring raspberries from a freshly harvested crop for the entire autumn-winter period may not be enough. This is where the technology will come in handy, how to make a raspberry liquor when there are no more fresh berries. Moreover jam will replace fresh berries in both cooking options - with and without alcohol.

    The recipe for alcohol-free liquor

    No matter how you would like to make a raspberry drink without the use of strong drinks, you cannot do without the natural fermentation process. An interesting recipe is very good, involving the use of fresh raisins (0.1 kg) as one of the ingredients (wild yeast). Instead, you can use unwashed grapes, wild strawberries or just wine yeast. Two other ingredients are traditional: a liter of jam and a liter of water.

    Important! The sugar content of the water-jam mixture should not be higher than 30% and not less than 20%.

    The cooking technology is as follows:
    • one and a half months to store cordial in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees;
    • filter liquids through cheesecloth, pour it into another, hermetically sealed container and keep it in a cool place for 3-4 months;
    • pour into bottles or other utensils that seal tightly.
    If there is a lot to prepare such a liquor, the strength of which reaches 12 degrees, then you can enjoy it for up to 3 years, maintaining the tightness of the dishes and the temperature regime - from 6 to 16 degrees.

    Pouring jam at home on alcohol or vodka

    The proposed method of making raspberry jam from jam has, in fact, a universal nature, that is, it can be used when the jam is cooked from other berries. After cooking the usual sugar syrup (100 g of water and sugar), it is added to 0.4 l of jam and boiled on low heat for half an hour after boiling. A liter of vodka (diluted alcohol) is added when the temperature of the future liquor has dropped to +20 degrees. Insisting takes at least a week, along with it the container with the drink is shaken from time to time. It is advisable to drain from the precipitate as many times as necessary so that the precipitate does not remain at all, and the last infusion lasting a month and a half takes place in the dark and cold in a tightly closed container.