Coffee recipes in Turk. How to make coffee with salt? The best coffee recipes in Turk

How to make cappuccino and frappe, glass and espresso? How to make the most delicious Turkish coffee in the world? Read about the basic ways to make coffee.

What are the secrets of making coffee in French, Viennese, Mexican and Bavarian? And coffee with ice cream, with a picture, with cardamom? A real coffee lover knows all this and even more. A fan, a connoisseur and just a lover of home coffee. A drink familiar to our delights and generous in the pleasures that it gives.

There are many myths around the issue of proper coffee preparation. Oriental coffee and coffee for English breakfast, coffee made with cream, alcohol and chili, coffee in the sand or in a vending machine - how is it really right? What is the best preparation to evaluate all the taste benefits of this drink?
  Let's say right away: there is no one right way to make coffee. Or so: there are several dozen ways to turn brown grains into a magical, divine elixir. And a few dozen more - just to make coffee.

However, if you ask yourself such a question, it is clear that the filter coffee machine in your kitchen is not worth it. Because she will solve the issue of proper preparation of coffee automatically and will not ask you. All other methods require some understanding and skill.

How to make coffee in Turk

Turkish or oriental coffee is still the most popular way to make coffee at home, despite numerous, including successful, innovations. Arabs came up with Turku, and its use in the kitchen of modern housewives is fanned by the romanticism of “real coffee”. When they ask the question "How to make coffee with foam?", They mean exactly this method of preparation - coffee in the Oriental style.

The method of making coffee in Turkish.For one serving: 1 teaspoon with the top of finely ground coffee is poured with a small coffee cup of water and simmered, bringing to the appearance of foam, but without boiling. As soon as the foam begins to rise along the edges, immediately remove, drip a couple drops of cold water and pour into a hot cup. Drops of water - so that the thickets quickly settled. If desired, you can cook along with sugar. An equal amount of coffee and sugar is recommended, but it is a matter of taste.

Today, the process of making coffee in Turkish in a cafe looks like this: a metal tray is filled with sand and heated from below with an electric heater. There are several Turks in the sand. Sand gives an extremely accurate speed of heating the coffee and the "correctness" of the foam.


  • Turkish coffee is drunk in small sips, washed down with cold water.
  • The finer the coffee grind, the tastier the coffee and the richer the foam, and the thicker does not grit on your teeth
  • "In Turkish" - it means making coffee from high quality beans
  • The water should be of good quality (this tip applies to all methods of making coffee).

How to make coffee in a French press

To make coffee in Turk, you need to master some art. The French press is a simple and French elegant fixture for home-made coffee. The apparatus was invented by the French company Melior. In French presses, coarse coffee is used, which is poured with water and squeezed by a piston.

Cooking method. The vessel is heated, poured coarse coffee and pour hot water. Then the drink is allowed to infuse for several minutes and squeezed out with a piston. The method is good in that it allows you to fully extract coffee aroma. Drink, like coffee in Turkish, it is necessary immediately.

Coffee in the filter, or American "dropper"

Here, on the part of the consumer, no special knowledge will be needed, a very convenient American invention. The method of making coffee is based on a simple principle: the grinding is poured into a paper filter through which water seeps through dripping. The grounds remain on the filter, and the coffee is obtained completely without sediment. The taste of coffee is not worse than that obtained in a French press. There is a built-in thermos where the drink can be stored.

Coffee from a coffee pot, or Back to the USSR

A method that is resorted to in the absence of time or other brewing possibilities. It was the main one in the USSR; now it is giving way to Turks, French presses and other coffee machines at home.

How to make coffee in a coffee pot. Coarse coffee is poured with hot water and poured into cups, or boiled, and then poured.

How to make coffee in a coffee maker

A pretty popular way to make coffee in a geyser type coffee maker (variety - moka), the drink is strong, rich and very aromatic.

Cooking method. Moka coffee maker consists of 3 parts. Water is poured into the lower part, under steam pressure (both an electric heater and a stove are used) it rises up to the middle part, where coarsely ground coffee is poured, and then the finished drink falls into the upper part.

How to make espresso coffee

The most famous and sought-after coffee method in the world invented in Italy. It is practiced on espresso machines and allows you to fully and very quickly extract coffee. There are industrial, office, home espresso coffee makers.

The method of making espresso. Hot water under a pressure of 9 atmospheres is passed through a fine grinding of coffee. The finished espresso is covered with a golden film and has a certain density close to the consistency of the syrup. Coffee is served in warmed cups.

Espresso- a complex way that requires not just skills, but also a culinary instinct and skill, which they learn for a long time. You need to understand how the grinding should be, how to mix different varieties and how to add different ingredients to open the bouquet.

It is considered that espresso coffee is the safest for health, it has a minimum number of contraindications, despite the fact that it is strong. The secret is in making the right coffee.

A variety of coffee drinks are made using espresso barista (espresso specialists). Here are just the most famous:

Coretto- with the addition of a strong alcoholic beverage (brandy, sambuca, etc.). In Germany, a vodka-based coretto called “coffee in Russian” (russischer Kaffee - German) is popular.

Cappuccino- (from Italian. cappuccino, “capuchin”) - with lavishly foamed milk forming a “hood” (another version of the origin of coffee - it was proposed by the capuchin monk). This coffee is drunk during an Italian breakfast.

How to make cappuccino at home

Cappuccino is cappuccino, a type of espresso with a luxurious froth, sprinkled with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. Cappuccino served in a wide glass or cup.

If the kitchen does not have an espresso machine, but you really want a cappuccino, brew Turkish coffee in Turkish, and then add a cap of whipped cream to the cup. We use whipped cream in cans or cook ourselves. We buy fat cream (30%), put it in a very clean and very cold dish (put it in the refrigerator for freezing with a broom), and then beat it. Not a blender, manually. Then put a spoon into the cup.

Important: one must learn to make the cream not too thick and not too liquid. The criterion that everything turned out: when you put the cream in a cup and pour a little cinnamon and grated chocolate on them, then they should not fail. Milk use 3, 2%.

Latte Macchiato  (with Italian., "milk with a drop"). Fat cream (40%) is placed in a large glass, whole milk (60%) is added, and a cup of espresso is placed on top.

How to make latte coffee at home

  Here you need skill and training. The bottom line is to properly fill the glass with layers of milk. It is unlikely that you will be able to get good milk foam without cappuccinators (recently there were jugs on sale for getting hot and cold milk foam). Therefore, it is better to use cream, see above. Then we take a large tall glass, pour the warmed milk into it, put the whipped cream on top, and then slowly add the heated coffee in a thin stream. In a good situation, it should take the middle place.

When making latte coffee at home, you can use any milk, but it is better to use whole fatty, it will turn out to be high in calories, but it's worth it.

Mocha  - espresso with chocolate.

Glasse  - espresso with ice cream.

Americano  - This is when hot water is added to the espresso, and the coffee is not so strong.

Interesting.  If you scream for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you can generate enough energy to warm up one cup of coffee.

Julia Vern 40 320 5

Natural coffee is a drink of almost all times and peoples. It is drunk with breakfast or dinner, during the lunch break and at an important business meeting. Such a favorite drink is still a special culture that needs to be respected.

It is best to make coffee in a Turk, which in many respects surpasses even the best coffee machines, because it is in such dishes that the drink remains extremely aromatic, does not lose any of its properties and taste. In addition, the use of Turks is a tribute to traditions and classic recipes. That's just, among the many tips and recommendations, you need to choose the most suitable for yourself - so the drink can fully open up, give a real pleasure. How to brew coffee in a turk correctly?

Turkish-brewed drink - gourmet pleasure

What is coffee

Good coffee starts with high-quality beans, this is the basis of a real tasty drink that cannot be replaced with anything. Experts say the existence of more than one hundred and fifty varieties, but distinguish two of them from the main:. Arabica is best known among coffee lovers, it has a pronounced aroma and pleasant acidity. Robusta usually remains undeservedly forgotten, because it has a much more bitter taste, strength, as well as high caffeine content. Usually it is chosen by people waiting for an exclusively invigorating effect, and arabica - lovers of the special taste of the drink and experiments based on it.

The main criterion for choosing coffee, after its grade, is the degree of grinding. It is of three main types:

  • large or coarse (ideal for coffee makers (for example, a filtration or express machine), as well as for competent brewing of coffee in a Turk if you want to rid the drink of any precipitate);
  • medium (considered universal, suitable for a variety of cooking methods, including coffee brewing in a Turk);
  • small or thin (perfect for brewing aromatic coffee in a Turk on a stove, as well as for a geyser coffee machine);
  • ultrathin (the most rarely used, suitable for making special coffee in Turkish or for coffee makers in which the drink is prepared by passing steam through crushed grains resembling flour).

All necessary grinding information is located on the label. If coffee is rarely planned to be prepared, it is better to prefer grains that are crushed already at home.

Whole grains can be ground at home immediately before cooking

In addition, they distinguish the level of quality that happens:

  • premium
  • the highest;
  • first;
  • second.

Of course, premium is the best, it is this designation that ensures that the grains will be crushed into a homogeneous mass, with particles of approximately the same size, which also ensures the quality of the grains used. When buying Russian grains, whole or crushed for cooking, you should pay attention not only to the marked mark, such as “premium”, but also to GOSTs, also indicated on the label.

Good to know:
  Perhaps another important criterion is not quality, but taste - this is the degree of roasting coffee. There is no clear classification of this characteristic, but it is worth remembering that the stronger the roasting, the stronger the resulting beverage. Lovers of a soft drink without bitterness should give their preference to brands with minimal roasting of grains.

In order to brew coffee in a Turk correctly, you should not neglect the choice of beans, but approach this matter with all responsibility in order to get a quality basis for the drink.

The right choice for the Turks

Coffee makers, of course, allow you to simplify the process of preparing a classic drink, and they do it quickly, tasty and without much energy on the part of a person, but Turk remains the most preferred way of brewing coffee, a tribute to traditions. Coffee in a Turk on a stove is a delightful delicacy. Turks, also called cezves, are another important point that you need to pay attention to before you even start making coffee. They are also divided into several subspecies, each of which has a set of individual properties:

  1. ceramic cezve is rarely used because of its fragility and fragility, but meets all the criteria characterizing the right good Turk;
  2. clay cezve saturates coffee with taste and aroma, allows you to get a truly high-quality product, but it incorporates all the smells, so in such a Turk it is better to prepare only one type of coffee, so as not to mix tastes;
  3. the copper cezve is the most popular of all, due to its thick bottom the liquid evenly warms up and boils slowly enough, which helps the grains to boil sufficiently;
  4. cezves from other metals, for example, collection ones with gilding or silver, tin or any others, only look original, but it is better to refuse them or leave them solely as a decor item, since their beneficial effect on the quality of the resulting product has not been proved.

When choosing a cezve, it is better to dwell on options with a wide, large bottom and a narrow "neck", which is called a bell by the rules. If it resembles a funnel in appearance, then coffee will boil out of such a Turk much more slowly, this property is useful to people who are just starting to get acquainted with the intricacies of preparing a drink. The volume of the Turks is selected based on the required amount of the prepared drink - approximately 75 milliliters of water for one classic cup of coffee. But it is important to remember that coffee made in a small cezve will be much tastier and more refined than the same drink brewed in a large Turk. So it’s better to stand at the stove several times to give all guests a drink than to offer them refreshments whose taste characteristics could be better.

Cezves come in all shapes and sizes and from different materials.

Features of brewing coffee in Turk

Well and, of course, an important part of coffee magic remains a question that interests many - “how to brew coffee in a Turk." In general, this is a fairly simple process that requires only a little patience and attention to the details of the preparation. Coffee brewing begins with cold water, preferably even ice water, with which crushed grains are poured, after which the drink is boiled over a fire and removed before boiling. This is very important, since it is absolutely impossible to boil coffee - it loses absolutely all of its characteristics that it is famous for.

  Pouring the finished drink should be in the cups, rinsing them with boiling water beforehand, since cold porcelain, ceramics or any other material can reduce all the efforts to prepare to "no."

Previously, depending on the desire, you can strain the drink so that it is not thick, but this is not necessary. After serving the cups, you need to wait until the thickens settle, and in no case stir it.

This is exactly what you need to do according to all the rules, but, of course, you can change them, adjusting to your own taste. Fans of sweets should first heat the sugar at the bottom of the Turks, and then add coffee and pour it with water, or put the sweet there immediately before removing it from the heat. Milk needs to be added to each cup individually, and seasonings must be pre-mixed with crushed grains, and pour them with water.

During the process, with a spoon, you can remove the foam and put it into cups, so it will turn out not only tasteful, but also a beautiful drink.

You can also make coffee in a Turk, if there is no time to wait until it is brewed. To do this, pour ground grains with water that has just boiled, and let it brew for several minutes. But to do this is undesirable, since the quality of the drink, in comparison with the classic version of the preparation, will significantly decrease.

It is best to brew a drink on low heat in small portions.

How can I replace the Turk

If there is no Turk at home, but you really want natural coffee, you can replace it with other devices that will achieve a more or less similar result.

  • French press.
      The French press is not used to brew coffee, you can brew a drink in it, let it brew, and then drink it, getting rid of the thick. Such a device is convenient for a large company and simply for people who are not too fond of the remaining grains in their cup. But, again, the taste of brewed coffee is very inferior to the taste of boiled.

  • A geyser coffee maker is a very interesting device that allows you to brew a drink, while immediately clearing it of any presence of thick. This is due to a special technology - water rises from the lower tank, passes through coffee poured in a special compartment, and enters the main part of the device, reminiscent of a teapot. The characteristics of coffee are very similar to those made in cezve, but it turns out without foam.
  • Casserole or small stewpan.
      A small saucepan or a small stew-pan is salvation in the most extreme case, since this ware with great difficulty makes it possible to get a normal drink. In it, the density rises along with the foam and settles much more slowly than in a conventional cezve. Anyway, the whole flavor usually disappears without any barriers. Therefore, if there are no other options, you should cover the pot or stewpan with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape, and be very careful that the coffee does not boil, because such dishes will lead to this much faster.

You can use a geyser coffee maker if there are no Turks at home

Secrets and tricks of cooking

There are many simple tricks that allow you to achieve an original coffee taste. One of them is a small pinch of salt added to the cezve. Salt helps to open the smell quite fully and leaves a pleasant aftertaste, while not feeling at all.

The strength of the coffee can be controlled by the brewing time; the longer this procedure is carried out, the more caffeine will be produced in the drink. Accordingly, for weak coffee, it is worth not only adding less chopped beans, but also keeping the cezve less on fire.

Ideally, for a better taste, you need to take soft water, mineral non-carbonated, and abandon boiled, which will only spoil the drink.

The number of ground grains needs to be regulated at will, but it is worth remembering that not a large number of them makes the drink tasty, so do not overdo it. Moreover, this can have a very negative effect on health.

Coffee, both ground and grain, should be kept in a cool dark place, even a refrigerator is perfect. So it will persist for a longer time.

You can add milk to coffee, either ordinary or soy, or ice cream, if you want the drink to cool faster, and any other additives to taste. It is believed that drinking coffee with something else is a bad taste, but it’s important for many to feel the aroma and taste of beans only when it is necessary to evaluate a particular variety, compare it with another, or if you want to drink exclusively black coffee. In all other cases, it is not forbidden to mix the drink with something else and make other treats based on it.

You can mix ground grains with cocoa or grated chocolate. Or seasonings, among which the most popular are cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cardamom. In addition, orange peel, lemon juice, honey, or cane sugar can help achieve the perfect combination. Some recipes involve the use of alcoholic liquors - cream, amaretto or any other suitable for coffee.

There are many ways to make coffee in Turk. It can be combined with seasonings and additives, you can cook according to any recipe, most importantly, choose high-quality ingredients and utensils that will help to achieve the expected result. This drink is unique in all its properties and taste, nothing can replace it, so we brew coffee in Turk correctly, adhering to any selected recipe, because its quality and our own attitude to the drink depend on it!

Among the questions that we received from our readers through feedback, the most popular lately has been the following - how to brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove and what are the best recipes for making this noble aromatic drink.

According to most gourmets, only coffee brewed in a Turk (cezve) has the right to be called real. Coffee drinks always combine delicious taste and a delicate delicate smell. It has been proven that coffee in small doses improves brain function and minimizes the effect of stress on the body.

So, let's find out how to make coffee in a Turk. To prepare this drink you need: roasted coffee beans, a copper Turk, a silver spoon with an elongated handle, and also high-quality cold water. If desired, you can add spices (ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom), they will give a special shade of taste and an interesting finish.

Coffee beans are ground right before the process of making coffee in the Turk, so that the fresh bright aroma of the beans does not disappear. There are three types of grinding: fine, coarse and medium. We recommend trying finely ground coffee (dark roast). If you grind coffee finely, at the time of boiling in a turk, it will rise faster to the surface of the water and give more useful properties.

Step by step recipe with photo. We make coffee on a gas stove in a Turk correctly:


Be sure to filter the water before preparing the drink.
We select the right Turk (take into account the number of required servings). We send the grains to a coffee grinder, and immediately pour the processed product into the Turk. Fill with water and put on a small fire.

The water level should just reach the neck of the Turk, the bottleneck of the tank, so that the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the liquid with the air is the smallest. Do not leave the coffee while it is brewing, because it can run away in an instant and you will have to start all over again.

No need to boil a drink! As soon as the coffee begins to boil and a cap of foam appears, immediately remove the Turk from the fire, here the main thing is to have time to keep track. First, a crust will appear and bubbles will be visible at the edges.

The "crust" rises - a signal that the coffee is ready. Delay the moment as much as possible, but just remember that the “crust” must remain intact, a strong and prolonged boiling with boiling foam will not lead to anything good. "Crust" does not allow the air to absorb the taste of the drink, it should be protected.

We take coffee from the fire, wait until the foam drops, and repeat the procedure 1-2 more times (depends on the grinding of beans and the volume of liquid).

The coffee is ready, set it aside for a couple of minutes.

Pour boiling water into cups (to warm up), then pour and fill them with real coffee, which is not a shame to serve the most dear guests.

As you can see, it’s very easy to brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove! The process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, you just need to carefully monitor that the coffee does not run away.


  Arabic Coffee Recipe

Water (100 ml.);
ground coffee (3 teaspoons);
Ground cardamom (1/4 teaspoon);
Ground cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon).

Stages of cooking:

  • Pour coffee into a Turk and pour water, then put on medium heat.
  • After waiting for the liquid to boil, remove the vessel from the stove and mix its contents.
  • Repeat this procedure two more times.
  • The above spices should be added to the Turk during the last boiling of the drink.

  Turkish coffee recipe

finely ground coffee 1 teaspoon;
water 50-60 ml;
sugar to taste;

Stages of cooking:

  • Pour sugar and coffee into the Turk,
  • Pour cold water and put on a very slow fire.
  • Remove it from the fire immediately, as the foam rises to the top and is about to run away.
  • Repeat this procedure 3 times.

  Bavarian coffee recipe

1 cup of milk;
1 cup of coffee;
2 raw egg yolks;
75 g. Icing sugar;
10 g of gelatin.

Stages of cooking:

  • Soak a little gelatin in a small amount of barely warm coffee. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, rub the yolks with powdered sugar.
  • When the mass increases in volume and brightens, add a cup of hot milk and a cup of hot strong coffee to it.
  • Heat the mixture over low heat and constantly stir with a spoon.
  • Add gelatin swollen in coffee, continuing to stir and heat the mixture until the lumps of gelatin are completely dissolved.
  • In no case do we bring cream coffee to a boil!
  • Pour into cups, let the cream cool to room temperature, and then you can refrigerate until completely frozen.

  Cinnamon Coffee Recipe. Classical

ground coffee -1teaspoon with a slide ;
water 125 ml;
sugar 1/3 teaspoon;
cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon.

Stages of cooking:

  • Pour ground coffee into the Turk, add sugar and cinnamon, turn on the fire on a gas stove.
  • When the mixture has warmed up well, add the right amount of clean water.
  • Gently bring the coffee to a boil and remove from heat before the foam escapes.
  • Pour part of the coffee into a cup and repeat the procedure again.
  • As a result, we get a fragrant drink with a lush seductive foam.

We hope that our recipes will help you make the right coffee at home. Do not forget that the grinding of coffee beans should be as small as possible, so that a dense foam forms on the surface of the coffee, which will prevent the intensive evaporation of oils that give a unique taste to the drink. On average, pour six or seven teaspoons of grinding into 60 ml of water.

Coffee ... Strong - like love, black - like night and sweet - like sin! And there is only one way to get rid of this temptation - to drink it!

Millions of people around the world begin their day with sacred meditation - a coffee ritual. In addition to coffee, three indispensable attributes are required for him: a Turk - better copper, a spoon - better silver, and water ... better holy. No, of course, water, like a spoon, can be quite ordinary. But to replace a Turk or an Arab cezve, even with the most convenient coffee machines, is not worth it. Not a single machine can convey the delicate taste of the East, in which the spirit of the time, and the unshakable traditions and real coffee magic.

The three main varieties of coffee fruits are most popular: alpine arabica, strong robusta and aromatic liberica. As for the quality of coffee, it is customary to determine it by three main parameters - grain size and density, its aroma and technology compliance. It is the methods of roasting, grinding and brewing coffee that determine whether it will be an ordinary drink or a true elixir of life, which has no equal.

Arabic, Turkish, French coffee, coffee with cardamom, ginger, pepper, chocolate, milk or honey ... All this is the art of making a drink from coffee beans, which in many countries has become part of the culture. From simple huts, it has evolved into luxurious coffee shops with an oriental interior and into cozy houses where no one can imagine life without this legal drug.

Making coffee: TOP 5 recipes

Recipe 1. Classic arabic coffee in the sand

The traditional Arabic way of brewing coffee causes a lot of controversy. Someone determines its truthfulness with special spices, while someone insists that only coffee prepared in the sand is worthy of claiming to be “Arabic”. All coffee recipes have the right to life, but only a drink brewed according to ancient technology can be called Arabic. We will try coffee, the recipe of which is tested and approved by true connoisseurs who know a lot about the Arabian method of brewing.

For 1 cup: a teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons of finely ground coffee, a glass of water.

  1. Heat empty cezve on hot sand, pour freshly ground grains. Pour a teaspoon of sugar at the bottom of a hot dish (determine the exact amount to taste).
  2. Deepen the cezve slightly in the sand and wait until the sugar begins to caramelize.
  3. When a light brown color appears, pour water into the vessel, just above its half. Stirring with a long spoon, bring to a light boil.
  4. Remove the bucket from the hot sand and fill in freshly ground coffee. Mix everything again and add a large spoonful of cold water. This action will not allow the drink to boil too quickly and the coffee will have time to saturate the taste. Cezvu again return to the sand.
  5. Further, it is not worth interfering in the brewing process. But as lush foam appears, each time it should be carefully removed with a spoon and transferred to a cup. This is one of the main secrets of delicious coffee.
  6. The next important point is to prevent the coffee from boiling quickly. As soon as the irresistible foam strives to overflow over the edge of the cezve, the bucket must be immediately removed from the sand. This action can be carried out 3-4 times. If you need a particularly strong coffee, you can add another spoonful of water and put it again to brew.
  7. Pour the drink into the cup, holding the sediment at the bottom of the vessel. Drink burning hot. This is another sign of perfect coffee made in oriental traditions.

The best spices for Arabic coffee are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg. If you want to diversify the classic taste with a spicy aftertaste, add spices with coffee.

Recipe 2. Turkish Coffee

For 1 cup: two teaspoons of finely ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, one hundred grams of water, a handful of salt.

  1. To start making coffee, start by heating the copper turk on fire for 15-20 seconds. Only warm the coffee slightly so that it releases the aroma better (about a minute).
  2. Add sugar and add cold water to a level just below the bottleneck on the neck of the vessel. Drink a drink with a pinch of salt. Cook over low heat.
  3. The entire process of brewing coffee to monitor the formation of foam. When it begins to bubble slowly, you need to quickly remove the Turk from the fire and not allow the "hat" to collapse. It will clog the outlet for coffee flavors, therefore, the narrower the neck of a Turk, the better.
  4. When the foam “calms down”, the vessel can be returned to the hob. The process is repeated 2-3 times. For shallow Turks, the number of repetitions is finished by two.
  5. So that the sediment settles faster, you can gently tap the bucket on the table, but this should not destroy the nut-shaped foam cap formed on the surface.
  6. Pour the drink into a hot cup. Together with coffee, small particles and foam should get there. The latter in the east is a sign of properly brewed coffee. Her absence there is considered an insult to the guest.

Recipe 3. French Coffee

For 1 cup: a tea (with top) spoon of ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of Cocoa liquor, whipped cream.

  1. Pour fresh coffee into a pre-warmed Turk. According to the French version of the drink, it should not be too strong, but it is a matter of taste. The number of ground grains can be increased. Pour coffee over water and place on the stove with the smallest fire.
  2. As soon as the surface of the drink begins to be covered with the first bubbles - pour in sugar, stir until crystals dissolve.
  3. After the formation of a lush froth, remove coffee from the fire three times. At the end of brewing, let the caffeines settle to the bottom.
  4. Pour coffee into a warm cup, pour cocoa liquor. It can be replaced with sparse chocolate topping.
  5. Garnish coffee served in Paris "overlooking the Eiffel Tower", garnish with air cream so that they only cover the foam on the coffee.

Recipe 4. Ice coffee "Eskimo"

For 1 cup: a tablespoon (with top) of ground coffee, a teaspoon (or to taste) of sugar, a glass of water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, 2 balls of cream ice cream.

  1. From water, finely ground coffee and granulated sugar, make coffee in the Turkish way (as indicated above).
  2. Ready coffee to insist a little, strain and completely cool.
  3. Melt dark chocolate bars using a steam bath. Liquid chocolate should make 3-4 tablespoons.
  4. Pour cold coffee into a cocktail glass, place balls (or 2-3 tablespoons) of ice cream on top.
  5. Pour over a coffee cocktail with trickles of melted chocolate.

Recipe 5. Coffee according to the original recipe Lady Di

For 6 servings: 6 tbsp. tablespoons of coffee beans, 10 g of coffee extract, 100 g of coffee mousse, 4 lemon circles, a tablespoon of sugar and rum.

  1. Grind coffee beans using a coffee grinder. For this recipe, the grinding should not be too fine.
  2. Pour coffee powder into a Turk, pour chilled water and place on hot sand.
  3. After the formation of foam, without bringing the coffee to a boil, remove the Turk from the sand.
  4. Turn the coffee cups over and soak the edges in rum, then dip the cup in sugar grains.
  5. Drink carefully, without touching the walls, pour into cups. Pour a little coffee extract into each and put a large spoonful of coffee mousse.
  6. Garnish coffee cups with thin lemon slices. They can be placed on top, or you can carefully put them on the edge of the cup.

Coffee is a drink with a subtle, oriental soul. To reveal and feel the whole depth of its aromas and tastes, coffee needs to be brewed, as required by coffee traditions.

  1. The quality of the taste of the finished drink is affected by the variety of coffee. The best flavoring properties will have coffee made from the highest grade arabica beans. The first and second grade include impurities of robusta.
  2. Coffee in a turk should be brewed very slowly, over a quiet fire. Gradual heating allows you to fully reveal the aroma of the drink.
  3. For Turks, it is better to use finely ground coffee. Grains should be ground immediately before cooking. Essential substances disappear very quickly, and with prolonged storage, coffee will lose all its charm - aroma.
  4. Water requirements: soft, without impurities, not boiled.
  5. A pinch of salt will help to emphasize and fix taste notes.
  6. No matter how sugar is criticized in natural coffee, it is an essential component. Firstly, sugar does not allow water to boil quickly - laid at the very beginning of brewing, it forms a syrup at the bottom, which conducts heat for a long time. Secondly, sugar contributes to a better formation of foam, and thanks to it, it holds firmly to the surface.
  7. If sugar is poured into an empty Turk, and the preparation of coffee begins with caramelization of sugar, a pleasant caramel shade will be slightly felt in the finished drink. However, one should be extremely careful with this “trick”, as sugar can be overexposed and burned.
  8. If you add a spoonful of cold water before pouring coffee into a cup in a Turk, or gently hit the table a couple of times with a cezve, caffeines will settle and not get into the drink.
  9. Pour hot coffee into warmed cups. So it will cool more slowly and continue to reveal its taste right in the cup.
  10. The same type of coffee will give different taste shades if you add spicy spices: cardamom, anise, cinnamon, cloves, etc. The amount of seasoning is determined by taste, but do not add more than it interferes with the tip of the knife.

Tasty coffee  - an indicator of the highest skill. The process cannot be underestimated, and hustle and bustle is inappropriate here ... After all, sometimes the most responsible mission is assigned to coffee, in which he is the salvation from loneliness, or a good reason for a meeting, or an intermediary that settles disputes. Or perhaps he is just a witness to the small holidays of life or an accomplice to big victories. Who knows where and when coffee can decide our fate ...

Making coffee in a Turk is easy. This is a favorite way of making coffee at home for many. On the other hand, it is a thin tool that requires a special approach. For the preparation of coffee in Ibrik, cezve, as they also call Turku, world championships are held. For all its simplicity, the process requires maximum concentration of attention and the fulfillment of many conditions. A real coffee ceremony, where every movement responds to taste.

In order to make coffee in a Turk, you need a good millstone grinder, capable of fine grinding. In addition to the coffee grinder, you need clean, high-quality drinking water, freshly roasted coffee, a stirring spoon and the Turk herself, or, as she is also called, ibrik or cezve. Usually it is ceramic or copper and has a long wooden handle, less often a Turk is made of steel or other metals. The vessel has a wide base and tapers to the top, has a nose or even two. Turks come in many sizes, from small ones for 1 cup to large ones, for 6 or even 8 cups.

Of course, we are talking about conditional cups. In addition, it is important that there should be free space in the Turk when making coffee, but not too much. When brewing coffee will rise in the Turk and form a foam. If there is too much free space in the Turk, the foam may burn to the edges and give undesirable bitterness.

When making coffee in Turk, fine grinding is usually used, as for espresso or a little finer. We recommend moving away from too fine fractions "to dust" and try grinding larger.

When coffee is made in the Turk correctly, it is very rich and thick. A very important tip - never take your eyes off the coffee when it is brewed in a Turk. He can "run away" in no time and stain your stove.

If you want to get a taste close to traditional, or slightly reduce the strength of the drink, you can add sugar and spices, for example, cardamom, cinnamon or anise, to the Turk. In fact, sugar is an integral part of coffee in Turk. In any case, use the rule - add bulk ingredients (spices) to ground coffee, and liquid (syrup) to water.

What kind of coffee is better to use for making in Turk? Any. The choice of coffee is a matter of taste. Do not be afraid to try robusta - it behaves perfectly in Turk. In order to make coffee in a Turk, you can use coffee of any degree of roasting that you like.

The question of whether or not to make coffee prepared in a Turk is controversial. In our opinion, if the coffee is prevented when it is already removed from the fire, then a much cleaner cup is obtained, because the suspension present in the foam settles to the bottom. However, proponents of not interfering with coffee during preparation claim that equal amounts of foam should be added to each cup. To interfere or not to interfere is a matter of preference, but, in any case, the mixing process occurs only at the final stage of preparation.

So, to the point!

Video instruction

Making coffee in a Turk is easy. This is a favorite way of making coffee at home for many. On the other hand, it is a thin tool that requires a special approach. For the preparation of coffee in Ibrik, cezve, as they also call Turku, world championships are held. For all its simplicity, the process requires maximum concentration of attention and the fulfillment of many conditions. A real coffee ceremony, where every movement responds to taste. Making coffee in Turk - step-by-step instructions  thumbnailUrl 2018-03-05 true Making coffee in Turk  PT3M33S

Text instruction

We will need:

  • Pure drinking water (total salinity 70-150ppm, room temperature)
  • Coffee grinder - fine grinding, like for espresso or a little finer
  • Turk
  • Freshly roasted coffee
Measure on the scales and grind the required amount of coffee
Pour ground coffee into the Turk. Remember, ground coffee must lie in a Turk in a dense and even layer!
Pour clean drinking water to the point of narrowing of the Turks.
Place the Turk on a stove over medium heat (say 5 out of 9).
As soon as you see that the coffee has risen, remove the Turk from the fire. If the coffee starts to run out from under the cap in a thin stream, be careful: it is about to run away!
Pour coffee into cups immediately. If you wanted to mix it, you can do it now. Nothing complicated!

Finally, for lovers of interesting taste, here are a couple of coffee recipes in Turk:

1. Eastern coffee
Eastern-style coffee is made very simply: take robusta (from our assortment it is better than Ugandan), add cardamom and sugar. Sugar can be put at the rate of 1 piece per 100 ml, cardamom - to taste. Cook the turk as usual. You will get a wonderful strong drink with a spicy aroma of cardamom. Caution: it has a very invigorating effect!

2. Delicate coffee
If you want a soft and sweet drink, this recipe is for you! In order to make coffee in Turk according to this recipe, you will need Yemeni coffee, ground cinnamon and a little sugar. Pour coffee into a turk, add cinnamon and sugar. Make coffee as usual. You will be pleasantly surprised by the extreme softness of this drink!