Recipes for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Our favorite non-alcoholic cocktails

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink in which alcoholic beverages are used as one or more ingredients. The cocktail itself is obtained by mixing several liquids, and sometimes with the addition of spices and fruits. What are the most popular cocktails?

What are cocktails? Cocktails are a mixture of several drinks (usually no more than 5 ingredients), plus additional ones used in very small quantities, such as salt, spices, bitters, etc. The composition of cocktails can be very different. Most cocktails are prepared using ice, so he should pay special attention. For the preparation of ice, it is better to use slightly mineralized or simply purified water. It should be completely transparent and without a taste.

Cocktail story
The first legend, the most romantic, dates back to 1770. In those days, the owner of a bar located near New York lost his favorite cock. The owner announced that the one who finds the loss will marry his daughter. After some time, one army officer brought the owner of the bar his rooster, which by that time had managed to lose its tail. The owner had no choice but to announce to all visitors of the bar about the upcoming wedding. His daughter, who worked in her father’s house, began to mix different drinks from excitement, which they immediately began to call “cock tail” - cock tail.

The second legend says that in the 15th century in France, in the province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed, calling the mixture coquetelle (coquette). From this subsequently came the cocktail itself.
The third legend tells that the first cocktail appeared in England. And the word "cocktail" is borrowed from the lexicon of horse racing enthusiasts, who called unclean horses, that is, those who have mixed blood with the nickname cock tail because of their tails sticking out like roosters.


  • 14 ml Triple Sec
  • 14 ml white rum
  • 14 ml gin
  • 14 ml of vodka
  • 14 ml tequila
  • 28 ml of tea
  • lemon slice

Mix the liquids in a Collins or Highball glass, add ice. Get in the way. Top up with cola.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach"

This is a very popular alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), orange and cranberry juice. It is one of the official cocktails of the International Barmen Association (IBA).

  • 2 parts (40 ml) of vodka
  • 1 part (20 ml) peach liquor (Peach Schnapps)
  • 2 parts (40 ml) orange juice
  • 2 parts (40 ml) cranberry juice

All the ingredients are shaken in a shaker and poured into a highball glass filled with ice. The cocktail is decorated (garnished) with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.
In some variations, pineapple juice is also added to the cocktail. Sometimes, instead of a highball glass, Hurricane Glass is used to prepare.
Also, sometimes a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Cocktail Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre is one of the most popular drinks in the world. He appeared during the period of the Spanish-American war. One fine day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave entered one of the bars of Havana, one of them, who may have missed his homeland and bourbon, ordered a ROM with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. Having received his cocktail, he drank it with such pleasure that he aroused genuine interest among his colleagues and they asked the bartender to prepare the same drink for them. The fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast “Por Cuba Libre!” In honor of Cuba’s freedom, Cuba Libre!

  • half lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • 120 ml cola

Squeeze lime juice into a Collins glass, throw lime into a glass, add ice. Pour in rum and cola. Mix.

And of course, the famous Cocktail "Bloody Mary",which ranks first in the top parade of the most popular cocktails in the world

This legendary cocktail is surrounded by many secrets and myths. Famous people like Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald beat the lover and admirer of the drink.
A world-famous cocktail, received in New York when at the hotel St. Regis, who works at the Petio bar, decides to experiment and add Tabasco sauce to the drink. At the celebration of the cocktail anniversary, the granddaughter of the legendary bartender, and the creator of this cocktail, Fernand Petio, had the honorable right to say the first toast in honor of the unique “Bloody Mary”.

In New York, December 1 was declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, the cocktail was offered at a price of 1933 - 99 cents.
“Bloody Mary” owes her birth to Fernand Petio, the bartender who worked in the Paris bar “New York” at the beginning of the last century.
Legends of the appearance of the “Bloody Mary” cocktail:
Legend has it that Fernand coined the name “Red Snapper” for his cocktail, which means “Red Snapper” (there is such a fish). But one of the regular visitors of the bar called the drink “Bloody Mary”, after which this name also strengthened over the cocktail. Another legend is narrated, on the contrary, Fernand Petio himself called the drink “Bloody Mary”, but the administration of the “King Kol” bar tried to rename it “Red Lucian”. Another legend says that in Chicago there was a bar called “A Bucket of Blood” and it was often visited by a charming girl Mary, in honor of her the cocktail “Bloody Mary” was named.

Initially, this drink was primitive, consisted only of vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after his invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to these simple ingredients.

  • 90 ml tomato juice
  • 45 ml of vodka
  • 15 ml of lemon juice
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • if desired, you can splash and Tabasco sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour all the liquids into the highball, add ice. Shuffle. Add salt and pepper to taste. For those who like sharper, you can use nuclear red pepper.

There is another option, “Bloody Maria” (Bloody Maria), based on tequila instead of vodka:

  • 60 ml tequila
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 3 dash Tabasco
  • 3 Worcestershire sauce deshes
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • salt pepper
  • tomato juice

optionally add 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1 dash of Sherry or 30 ml of clam juice (clam juice)
Put ice in Highball, pour in all the liquid ingredients. Pour tomato juice on top. Stir by pouring from one glass to another.
Especially for non-alcoholic lovers - Virgin Mary, a variation of a cocktail without vodka

A person consumes a large amount of liquid per day, most of which is plain water. However, there are still plenty of delicious drinks that contain many useful substances, for example, non-alcoholic cocktails. At home, it’s not difficult to cook them. All adults and children will appreciate this homemade drink. There are several different ways on how to make non-alcoholic cocktails at home. The most popular recipes are worth considering in detail.

First Option: Virgin Mary

This cocktail option is perfect for a festive home party. To create it, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Up to half a liter of natural tomato juice.
  2. Sauces Tabasco and Worcestershire.
  3. A quarter of a lemon.
  4. Fine salt and ground black pepper.

Such non-alcoholic cocktails at home are prepared using a shaker - a special container for mixing liquid ingredients. Pour ice into the shaker and pour the tomato juice. Add one drop of Tabasco sauce and a couple of drops of Worcestershire sauce. Close the shaker and shake the mixture several times. Then squeeze the lemon juice and shake again.

Pour the cocktail into a glass and sprinkle with salt and pepper. If desired, you can decorate with a sprig of greenery.

Option Two: Coca-Colada

This type of drink is perfect for a picnic in hot summer weather. The following products are required for its preparation:

  1. 200 milliliters of pineapple juice. It is advisable to use a natural product.
  2. 100 milliliters of coconut milk.

Cool liquid ingredients before making non-alcoholic cocktails at home. In a blender, mix juice with coconut milk. Then add a few ice cubes and whisk the liquid again. Pour into glasses and add to the straw.

The third way: a fruit drink

This type of cocktail has a thick consistency, and this is its feature that distinguishes it from other drinks. To prepare it, you need to take:

  1. A couple of sweet apples.
  2. 5-10 pieces of strawberries.
  3. One banana

Squeeze the apple with a juicer. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bbanana and strawberries in a blender and add the resulting juice. Beat the fruit mixture thoroughly. Pour small ice cubes into the glasses for the cocktail to a height of about two centimeters from the bottom. Then pour the fruit mixture and place a wide straw. If desired, you can decorate the drink with your favorite berries, laying them on top.

What else can you make non-alcoholic cocktails at home?

The recipes for this drink may vary slightly. For its base, you can use ordinary non-fat milk or cream. You will also need the following additional products:

  1. Raw eggs in the amount of 4 pieces.
  2. 50 milliliters of sugar syrup (you can make it yourself by heating sugar with water).
  3. A bag of vanilla sugar.
  4. Seasonings: cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.

Beat the eggs with a whisk or mixer in a foam. Add sugar syrup and vanilla sugar to the egg mixture. Continuing to whisk, pour half a teaspoon of the necessary seasonings into a thin stream and pour half a liter of the preferred base. Pour the cocktail into the mills, garnish with a cinnamon stick and serve with a straw.


In addition to alcoholic drinks, for parties you can prepare non-alcoholic cocktails at home - for children. The basis of this drink will be ordinary fat milk, useful for the growth and development of the child. So, you need to take:

  1. Half a liter of milk.
  2. 200 grams of ice cream.
  3. Three tablespoons of your favorite syrup (you can replace it with a glass of juice if desired).

Such non-alcoholic cocktails at home are prepared using a blender. It is advisable to have a special nozzle for a cocktail. Pour the base into the bowl and put the sliced \u200b\u200bice cream there. Beat the liquid mixture for about three minutes, then add syrup or juice. Continue stirring the drink for another two minutes. Pour into tall glasses and serve with a straw.

Non-alcoholic cocktails at home with strawberries

This type of drink is called smoothie. You can cook it both from fresh berries in the midst of the summer season, and from frozen fruits in winter. You will need:

  1. 100 grams of strawberries. Remember that when frozen, the weight of the berries increases slightly. Therefore, first you need to defrost the product.
  2. Half a liter of kefir or homemade liquid yogurt.
  3. Sugar in the amount of two tablespoons (if desired).

Pour the fermented milk product into the blender bowl and add the required number of berries. Beat the product for five minutes, then add sugar if necessary and mix again. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses and garnish with chopped strawberries. Serve with a wide tube or spoon.

In the same way, you can make smoothies from other types of fruits. This drink will appeal to all adults and children.


Before preparing non-alcoholic cocktails at home, you must consider for whom and for what reason they will be served.

Try each cooking option and choose the one you like.

Cook with pleasure and pamper your loved ones and guests with delicious drinks.

Some people don’t drink cocktails, saying that they are too expensive, but still there are many people who prefer this type of drink to everything else. So why are cocktails so popular? To find out, we examined some of them in more detail and compiled a list of the 25 most popular cocktails with their recipes. Can you try them all in one night? (We're joking ... please don’t try to drink all this in one night. And please remember that you should not drink and drive after one of these wonderful cocktails).

To make this irresistible dessert cocktail, we need cocoa cream, Kalua liqueur, Frangelico liqueur, Bacardi white rum, creamy peanut butter and cream. In a martini shaker, pour all the alcohol, put the peanut butter and mix until the butter dissolves in alcohol. Add cream and ice to the mixture and shake to cool and mix. Prepare a martini glass by pouring some chocolate on the bottom, pour the cocktail through a strainer and serve.

24. Blue Lagoon

  Blue Lagoon is a popular summer cocktail with blue Curaçao liqueur. The recipe is simple: pour vodka and Curacao liquor into a highball glass filled with ice. Add lemon juice, garnish with a slice of lemon and serve.

23. Emerald Breeze (Emerald Breeze)

  Emerald Breeze is a rather complex drink, consisting of melon, coconut rum, soda, ginger ale, lime juice, sugar syrup and a quarter of lime. Shake everything except ginger ale and soda with ice in a shaker, then pour it all into a tall cocktail glass filled with ice and add ginger ale and soda on top.

22. Screwdriver with Gin (Screw Gin)

  A screwdriver with gin is made from peach schnapps, gin and orange juice. Put ice in a glass and fill in gin and peach schnapps. Add orange juice and garnish with a slice of orange. Stir and serve.

21. Irish Flag

  To make the Irish Flag, a popular drink for St. Patrick's Day, we need brandy, peppermint liqueur and Bailey's (or Irish Cream). First, pour mint liqueur into a glass, then gently pour Bailey's on the back of a bar spoon and complete, carefully brandy bay.

20. Sex On The Beach

  According to the official version of the International Bartenders Association, the cocktail is made from vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice. The ingredients are shaken with ice in a shaker and served in a highball glass with a slice of orange as a decoration. Sometimes they can be mixed in smaller quantities and serve as a shot drink.

19. Blue Hawaiian

Blue Hawaiian is a very popular holiday drink. It is made from Crème de Coconut liquor, blue Curacao, pineapple juice and white rum. Fill a highball glass with ice and pour it when you are ready to pour the ingredients into the glass. Mix all the ingredients and crushed ice in a blender and mix them vigorously until smooth. Then, pour the drink into a chilled glass and garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cocktail cherry.

18. Pina Colada

  Pina Colada is a sweet cocktail based on rum made from rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice. Put everything in a blender with crushed ice and mix, adding ice, until the desired consistency is reached. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry. This drink is the national drink of Puerto Rico.

17. Mimosa (Mimosa)

  Mimosa, which is believed to have been invented around 1925 at the Ritz in Paris, is a mixed drink consisting of one part champagne (or another sparkling wine) and one part carefully chilled citrus juice, usually orange juice. It is traditionally served to guests at weddings in a special champagne glass - flute.

16. Dirty Bizzo (Dirty Bizzo)

  To make this cocktail, we need coconut rum, peach schnapps, Tuaca liqueur and cranberry juice. Shake all the ingredients in an ice shaker and strain into a chilled glass.

15. Cuba Libre (Cuba Libre)

  This cocktail is often called Rum with Cola, it is served in a highball glass and is one of the most popular cocktails in the world. The recipe is very simple - just pour cola and rum into a highball glass with ice and garnish with lime. If desired, you can add lime juice.

14. Bloody Mary (Bloody Mary)

  Bloody Mary is a popular cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, and usually other spices and seasonings. It has been called "the most sophisticated cocktail in the world." Here is one of the most popular versions of this drink. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, Tabasco and Worcester sauces to a highball glass, then add tomato juice, lemon juice and vodka. Mix lightly. Garnish with a celery stalk and a slice of lemon.

13. Martini

Martini, made from gin and vermouth, has become one of the most famous alcoholic drinks. The traditional way of cooking is pouring gin and dry vermouth into a shaker with ice cubes, stirring, filtering in a chilled cocktail glass, and decorating the drink with green olive or a curl of lemon peel.

12. Mojito

  Mojito, which appeared in Cuba, traditionally includes five ingredients: white rum, sugar syrup, lime juice, sparkling water, and mint. Gently mix lime juice, mint leaves and sugar syrup at the bottom of the glass. Fill a glass with ice, then slowly add rum. Add soda and mix gently to raise the mint leaves on top of the cocktail. Optionally, add lime wedges and mint leaves as a decoration.

11. Screaming Orgasm

  There are many versions of Orgasm cocktails. One of the most popular is Screaming Orgasm. Pour high-quality vodka, Bailey's and Kalua liqueur into an ice shaker. Shake well and strain into a glass, garnish with cherries and serve.

10. Strawberry Daiquiri (Strawberry Diaquiri)

  Strawberry Daiquiri is one of the most popular dessert alcoholic drinks. It is made from rum, strawberry schnapps, lime juice, strawberries and powdered sugar. Shake all the ingredients in an ice shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with fresh strawberries and serve.

9. Grasshopper

  Grasshopper is a sweet, minty, afternoon drink. A typical Grasshopper cocktail consists of equal parts of green peppermint liqueur, white Crème de cacao liqueur and fresh cream mixed with ice and filtered into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with peppermint leaves and serve.

8. B-52 (B-52)

  This cocktail is a multi-level shot shot, which consists of coffee liqueur, creamy Irish cream liqueur, and Triple-sec liqueur. When cooked properly, the ingredients are separated into three distinctly visible layers. Pour coffee liquor into a glass, gently pour Irish cream on the back of the bar spoon into the shot glass and finish by adding Triple sec to the glass. Serve with stirrer. For a Flaming B-52 cocktail, the top layer is ignited, producing a blue flame.

7. Margarita

Margarita is the most common tequila-based cocktail in the USA. It consists of tequila, Triple Seca (like Cointreau) and lime or lemon juice. Pour tequila, lemon juice and cointreau into an ice shaker. Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass framed by grains of salt (optional).

6. Tequila Sunrise (Tequila Sunrise)

  Tequila Sunrise cocktail can be prepared in two ways. The more popular version was invented by Bobby Lazoff and Billy Rice at the Trident Restaurant in Sausalito, California, in the early 1970s. Tequila Sunrise is considered a longdrink and is usually served in a highball glass. Pour the tequila, add ice, then juice and finally syrup. The bottom line is that the syrup goes down without mixing with the rest of the drink. Use a spoon to direct the syrup down the side of the glass to the bottom with minimal stirring. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry and can be served.

5. Cosmopolitan (Cosmopolitan)

  The history of Cosmopolitan is constantly disputed. However, it is believed that Cosmopolitan is rooted in a cocktail with the same name, which was found in the book "Pioneers of Mixing in Elite Bars" (Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars), published in 1934. Pour Cointreau, cranberry juice, lime juice and lemon vodka into a shaker filled with ice. Shake well, and strain into a large, cocktail glass, garnish with a slice of lemon or lime and serve. You can also freeze the glass and / or add sugar to the edge of the glass.

4. Apple Martini (Apple Martini)

  This strong cocktail (containing 36% alcohol) is simple enough to prepare - you only need vodka, Cointreau and apple liqueur. First, cool the glass with fresh ice and pour it when you are ready to pour the ingredients into the glass. Add vodka, Cointreau and apple schnapps to a mixing glass with ice cubes. Mix well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of apple and serve.

3. Swimming Pool

  The Cocktail Pool was invented in 1979 by Charles Schumann in Munich. The cocktail is made from vodka, cream, blue Curacao, coconut milk and pineapple juice. Pour the pineapple juice, vodka, cream and coconut milk with ice into a blender and mix until smooth. Then, pour it into a tall glass, add the blue Curacao on top, put the straws and garnish with a slice of pineapple.

2. Cocktail "Alice in Wonderland" (Alice in Wonderland)

  There is also a shot of a drink called Alice in Wonderland, but we will talk about a cocktail. It is made from Amaretto Almond liqueur, Grand Marnier liqueur and Southern Comfort liqueur. Shake all the ingredients with ice in a shaker and strain into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice and serve.

1. Tom Collins

  This cocktail, first memorialized in writing in 1876 by Jerry Thomas, the “father of American mixology,” is made from gin, lemon juice, sugar, and soda. Shake the ingredients in an ice shaker, strain into a glass of collins with ice and garnish the drink with an orange slice and cocktail cherry.

These descriptions make you want to try one of these delicious cocktails ... maybe Margarita? But then again, good beer is great too.

What could be better than cool, tasty non-alcoholic cocktails in the summer heat?

Talented bartenders invented a huge variety of recipes that include the most unusual combinations of tastes. Let's try to understand this variety and find out some secrets with which you can prepare complex non-alcoholic cocktails for a children's party, and simple ones for every day.

Learn more about popular options.

On our site you can find not only popular soft drinks, but also unusual recipes. They are perfect for a narrow family circle or will be a pleasant addition to a noisy company that decided to spend an evening without alcohol. Among the huge variety of options there are recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails that are easy to prepare at home, and there are more complex ones that require some knowledge and skill.

All options as if can be divided into:

  • vitamin (based on natural juices and smoothies);
  • dairy, based on ice cream and a variety of syrups;
  • lassi - the original combination of dairy products and various additives (honey, fruit or berry puree, spices and spices);
  • containing coffee (hot and cold);
  • cool.

Each delicious non-alcoholic cocktail contains various ingredients with the exception of alcohol. The name mocktail is another name for these drinks. Literally, it translates as mock (false) and cocktail (cocktail). This term is often used in India and the USA. Moninad is a drink that is a mixture of soda and syrup. Its name has become popular thanks to the manufacturer of syrups - Monin. Often, bartenders in restaurants and cafes offer classic recipes with the prefix "virgin." For example, Mojito or Pina Colada, but without alcoholic ingredients.

Bartenders use the following classification for soft drinks:

  • sherbet;
  • flip;
  • julep;
  • cobler;
  • bowl or Pear.

The most beautiful and original are multi-colored cocktails prepared in layers. To make such a recipe the first time, you need to use drinks not only in various shades, but also in density. To preserve the layers, the thickest ingredient should be poured to the bottom, and then more watery. For a smooth transition of colors, the glass is filled with two different liquids from different edges.

We deal with the main subtleties

To master complex and simple recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails at home, you need to deal with several key questions:

  • How to combine the ingredients?
  • What cooking method to use?
  • How to design beautifully?

The composition may be the most diverse. Depending on individual tastes and wishes, it can be vitamin drinks or invigorating coffee, classic recipes without alcohol and many others. Equally diverse are the techniques, having mastered which, you can learn how to make a cocktail of your dreams.

The final stage of registration is no less important than the previous two. Beverage decoration is also called a side dish. It is used not only to create an aesthetically attractive composition, but also to give a special taste.

The most popular side dishes are:

  • fruit sliced \u200b\u200bor sliced \u200b\u200b(lime, lemon, orange, apple, banana, etc.);
  • berries on skewers;
  • border made from sugar or other ingredients (coconut, cocoa, powder, etc.);
  • cold or hot doping (ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate, etc.);
  • colored ice;

The variety of design options depends solely on the individual fantasies and ingredients that are at hand. Experiment and delight your acquaintances and friends with original cocktails.

Unusual recipe

Many Britons make a special non-alcoholic cocktail at home. It not only helps to cope with a hangover, but instantly improves well-being, uplifting. A “sobering cocktail” is called Pick-me-up (literally, “pick me up”). These are spicy, spicy drinks that are consumed in the morning after a fun celebration.

They not only invigorate, but also relieve lethargy, fatigue and nervous tension. Special attention deserves the Pick-me-up category called oyster ("oyster"). This is a non-alcoholic cocktail recipe in which the main ingredient is egg yolk, which is not replaced with an identical liquor. They drink it in one sip.

A party without cocktails or drinks is not a party. And if for someone the presence of alcohol is simply necessary, then many people (yes, do not believe it, still many) prefer non-alcoholic options. In addition to preferences, we cannot forget about circumstances, such as driving, the need to work after a party, pregnancy, illness ... But let's not talk about sad things. What can we offer in such cases? Actually not so few. This is the Virgin version (non-alcoholic) of popular cocktails, and a variety of drinks on ice (soft drinks, frappe, aqua murals), and fruit punch, and the so-called Spritzers (soda drinks).

√ Alternative

So the next time you start a stunning party for the whole weekend, take care of a couple of possible non-alcoholic alternatives.

You can choose several strategies:

  • make 1 non-alcoholic cocktail. It is important to use a proven recipe and, if possible, choose one that most people might like.
  • make 1-2 cocktails, where alcohol is an option, whoever wants to will add rum or vodka, and someone will not.
  • provide a complete replacement for the cocktail. For example, treat friends with high-quality freshly squeezed juice, or offer original brand coffee / tea, and buy non-alcoholic beer in the end.

√ Fine taste

If people with a mind clouded after alcohol in the 10th portion of a cocktail are unlikely to feel the notes of super expensive liquor or syrup from an exotic plant, this will not work with teetotalers. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare non-alcoholic cocktails very carefully, picking up the most delicious ripe fruits and not sparing money for the ingredients purchased.

√ Little tricks

It turns out the taste of alcohol can be faked with non-alcoholic mixes. Advanced gourmets, of course, can not be fooled, but still. For example:

  • Replace beer with non-alcoholic beer, ginger ale, white grapefruit juice.
  • Cognac: peach, pear or apricot nectar.
  • Sake: rice vinegar.
  • Tequila: Nectar / cactus or agave drink.
  • Vodka: juice from white grapefruit with lime.

The proportions of such substitutes are better to choose for yourself, given the recipe and your taste.

√ Feed is important

I think everyone is literally happy as children when they bring them a bright and custom-designed drink. When in a glass of fireworks, you somehow forget about the taste. Multi-colored tubes, mint twigs, citrus twists, figuratively sliced \u200b\u200bfruits will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.