Raspberry tincture recipe at home. Homemade raspberry tincture on vodka - a step by step recipe with a photo, how to make it

Among the features of the alcoholic beverage that comes from these berries, it should be noted the softness of taste, unsurpassed aroma, excellent compatibility with other ingredients in cocktails. Of course, the lazy can go to the store and buy raspberry vodka there, but believe me, it does not go to any comparison with a home-made product. Moreover, in the case of filling, you have more than one recipe and all the possibilities for a fine selection of ingredients and to obtain a result that exactly matches your taste. Get to know the variety of recipes closer.

Raspberry liquor

Prepare raspberries

So, option number one includes only two ingredients: raspberries and vodka. Raspberries for harvesting should ideally be from a home garden, the one that you ate in the summer from a bush. If you don’t have such wealth, but you want to make a drink, go to the market - the product from local grandmothers is also good. If the market is not lucky, the berry can be purchased at the supermarket, although here it can be lost in flavor due to storage and transportation conditions.

If such berries are caught, take it without a doubt.

Raspberry Varieties Meeker

Choose vodka

The second ingredient should also be selected with special care, the taste and aroma of the final product depends on the quality of vodka, in case of failure, instead of raspberries, you will only smell alcohol, which is little fun. The reference point can be vodka Standard, do not buy products cheaper and lower in quality if you want to get an acceptable result.

Choose quality vodka

  Cooking features

After the ingredients are purchased, we proceed to their processing. We pour two liters of raspberries, remove ponytails from the berries, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink with excessive astringency. We rinse and sort with special care - everything that is unripe and overripe, turned into porridge, damaged by insects and diseases should be filtered out. Now that only the best berries have been selected, pour them into a jar and pour vodka so that the liquid completely covers the raspberries. The mixture should be further mixed, after which the jar can be closed and put in a dry and warm place.

Vodka should be infused for at least 7 days, during this week, mix the contents of the jar every day, and after the expiration of the time try what you got. First of all, pay attention to the raspberry notes in the taste and the corresponding aroma, if these signs are not sufficiently pronounced, you should replace the berries (pre-processing according to the scheme above) and continue insisting until you are finally satisfied with the taste. At this stage, it remains to filter the liquid, for which, for example, a coffee filter is suitable. In the final version, which will be stored in the refrigerator, there should be no sediment or suspension.

Please note that the specific proportions of vodka and raspberries are not contained in the recipe, because there is no comrade in taste and color. In this case, the final result can be greatly affected by both the quality of the original ingredients and your diligence in mixing. At the initial stage of mastering the recipe, practice small trial volumes, so you can calculate the proportion that you personally like. Regarding the options of "semi-dry" and "semi-sweet" tinctures, the proportions do not affect the way the original sweet raspberries. Check the berries when buying, because sugar will not solve the problem in the process of preparing the liquor. If the end result does not suit you for sweets, we recommend using such a liquor as part of cocktails, and for another to make another one. Finally, there are two ingredients in this drink and two should remain in your experiments (in various proportions), you should not add other fruits or berries, since the compatibility of raspberries with them is very doubtful. The result usually upsets experimenters both in taste and in appearance.

  Sugar Alternatives

Of course, lovers of home-made strong drinks could not limit themselves to one option, because berries and fruits can turn into alcohol by fermentation, by mixing with pure alcohol and many other liquids. We will not limit ourselves to fantasy and we will consider another option for vodka, however, significantly different in technology.

We will need 1.3 kilograms of raspberries, a liter of vodka, as well as 700 milliliters of water (400 in the first stage and 300 for syrup) and 400-600 grams of sugar. Yes, this recipe has completely different approaches, both to the ingredients and to the consistency. Rinse the berries through a colander, drain the remaining water. It is not worth it to separate or rinse the crushed raspberries, which have started up the juice, because we will turn the whole berry mass into porridge. Pour raspberries into a jar, squeeze (a rolling pin or pestle is suitable for this operation), add vodka and water, mix all the ingredients properly. Obviously, in this case, the interaction between raspberries and alcohol-containing liquid will be more active. However, according to the terms, the period of infusion takes 8-10 days, the place should be sunny. It is accompanied by insisting by periodic mixing of the contents.

   Water    Vodka

Withstanding deadlines, you can proceed to filtering the liquor. For this, as a rule, gauze is used, folded in several layers, do not forget to squeeze the cake. When the infusion is properly filtered, syrup is added to it (200-300 milliliters of water and sugar), after which the components are mixed and the next waiting period begins.

At this stage, you will have to wait two to three weeks, monitor the drink all the time, filter the precipitate that may form in the process. Your expectation and diligence will be generously rewarded, according to this recipe you will get a strong drink at the exit, but with a very mild taste, where practically no alcohol is actually felt.

The cake obtained in the process of filtration and extraction can be used repeatedly to prepare raspberry tincture according to another recipe, for example, on the principle of a simple pouring of vodka.

Another recipe involves adding sugar in its pure form, without boiling the syrup. In this case, initially the berries are placed in a sunny place and wait until fermentation begins, with the material softened and acquired a specific aroma, then they do so. Put a layer of berries in a jar, pour them with sugar, put another layer of raspberries on top and pour over when you find the number of layers sufficient, fill the mixture with vodka until completely covered. The term of infusion is 10 days, at the end the liquid is filtered (it is used as usual with gauze, cotton wool).

Gauze is used as a liquid filter

I have one more recipe for the especially patient. In this case, very ripe raspberries are taken (300 grams, choose varieties more careful), high-quality vodka (half a liter, you can focus on the same Standard), purified, 100 grams of sugar and water. The preparatory phase includes cleaning from insects and stalks, so that only juicy berries remain. They, in turn, are washed in a colander with tap water (in order not to damage the berries, put gauze on the bottom), at the end of the procedure, wait until all the water drains. Then raspberries are poured into a jar and poured with vodka to a level two centimeters above the berry mass.

A jar closed with a lid is sent to a cold, dark place - a cellar or a refrigerator - for a period of two months. At the end of the process, fractions are separated: the infused vodka is poured into the bottle, and the raspberries remain in the bank.

   Dark cool place - 2 months
   Then the refrigerator - 1.5 months

Next, send the vodka to the refrigerator for a month and a half (yes, patience and patience again), and add sugar to the jar, close and shake. Now you can put it next to raspberry vodka, but do not forget to check and shake it every two weeks. When the month and a half of shaking is finally over, vodka and candied raspberries should be taken out of the refrigerator and heated under natural conditions to room temperature. Add boiling water to the jar, then strain and wait until the drained liquid cools down. Finally, both components of the filling should be combined and bottled for storage. The whole process takes about 3.5 months, but note the result is worth it.

As you can see, there are plenty of options with vodka, but it is not necessary to be limited to them, raspberries can be fermented without adding alcohol-containing products, or berries can be insisted on liquids other than vodka. Each time you get a characteristic taste and aroma, but with its own twist.

The process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it

  We prepare liquor for alcohol, cognac and moonshine

In this case, the alcohol for filling is taken especially strong - either pure alcohol in 96%, or diluted to 65%. It is recommended to choose berries with a sufficient sugar content, ripe and already soft (in this case, they will not have to be crushed additionally).

Raspberry Alcohol

Rinse the raspberries and put it in a jar, in which you will continue to insist, pour alcohol to completely cover the berries. Close and place in a cool place that the sunlight does not reach. It is necessary to withstand the filling for a month, after which it can be drained through the filter. If you need to add sugar to your taste, use sugar syrup (cook in a water bath so as not to spoil the taste with caramel notes). This way you will adjust the level of sweetness, also do not forget to dilute the result with water to get the required level of strength, since the initial 65-96% is a bit much.

Moonshine filling

Even more unusual options are moonshine and even brandy. For a drink on moonshine after washing, the berries should be turned into mashed potatoes (you can use a meat grinder or a rolling pin / pestle). The classic volume in this case is a three-liter jar, where two liters of raspberries are poured, 3 tablespoons of natural honey are added and the remaining volume is filled with moonshine (45% of the fortress). The availability of the infused product is determined by eye, a clear sign that the filling is ready is the discoloration of raspberries. Now it can be filtered and filtered, use gauze folded several times and a cotton pad.

Raspberries with cognac

For brandy filling, the proportions 0, 75: 1 are used, where a large measure refers to cognac. No sugar-containing products are added (neither honey, nor syrup) in order to maintain a noble combination of cognac and raspberry flavor. The preparation process is close to the first two-ingredient version of pouring on vodka - pour raspberries into a jar, pour it with an alcohol-containing liquid (cognac) to a level of 2-3 centimeters on top of the berries, tightly close and put it in a warm place. Waiting periods are 45-60 days, after which you can drain and filter. It is recommended to store the drink in bottles in a cool place.

The resulting drink has two main uses - entertainment, which is greatly facilitated by the alcohol component of the beverage, and medicinal - raspberries, which are so rich in vitamins and other important biologically active substances, are responsible for this part. Feel free to offer raspberry drinks to your guests when you collect them at the table, just warn your friends about moderation. Given the pleasant and sweet taste of the drink, you can forget about its strength and drink too much. In autumn and winter, when you don’t want to go to anyone anymore and there is not enough heat, take out the raspberry liquor and use it to warm yourself. A good reason for use and a cold, cough or sore throat. The prophylactic use of berry tincture contributes to a general increase in immunity and purification of blood vessels, preventing the possible formation of sclerotic plaques. The reason for this action is the chemical composition of raspberries, which includes "a lot of fiber, vitamins A, B, C, copper, iron, magnesium, essential oils, zinc, cobalt, as well as pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances." Salicylic acid, which is contained in this product, will help reset the temperature for colds. After consulting a doctor, raspberries can also be used to treat kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, and anemia.

A good reason to use raspberry juice is a cold

However, there are contraindications to the use of raspberries both raw and in bulk. They are associated with possible allergic reactions to red berries, raspberries and patients with jade or gout, constipation, a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer are not suitable. For liver problems, you should also be moderate in eating raspberries. Finally, all contraindications specific to alcohol are applicable to the filling - pregnant, lactating women, children should refrain from drinking.

N vodka-based raspberry jam is one of the most popular and delicious berry drinks. Cooking it is very easy, moreover - there is not one, but several different recipes. We have prepared some interesting recipes and will gladly share it with readers!

Of course, the tincture is best done on vodka or alcohol. But a drink made on cognac will turn out to be no less interesting, and an excellent liquor will come out of raspberry jam!

On vodka

The classic recipe for a fragrant drink is a raspberry tincture made with vodka. To cook it. For this recipe you will need a minimum of ingredients.


  • raspberry berries (to fill a liter jar);
  • 0.5 liters of good quality vodka;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of boiled / filtered water.


  1. Berries need to be carefully examined, to choose quarrels and pests. Rinse with water in a colander so as not to damage. Set aside for a few minutes so that the water is properly glass.
  2. The berries are stacked in a liter jar, very carefully, again - so as not to damage.
  3. Pour raspberries with vodka so that it covers the berries. Close the jar with a tight lid.
  4. For a couple of months, remove the alcoholic berry in the refrigerator.
  5. After the expiration of the period you need to get a can, pour the vodka into another container and put it in the refrigerator.
  6. The remaining berries should be covered with sugar, covered with a lid and thoroughly shredded. A jar of berries is also placed in the refrigerator, again for several months. Periodically, it needs to be removed and shaken.
  7. When the time of infusion is over - we get a jar of berries that have already started the juice. Bring the mixture to room temperature.
  8. Boil 100 ml of water, and then pour berries and sugar on it. The resulting liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  9. Berry syrup is mixed with vodka, which has long been in our refrigerator.
  10. That's all! The drink is ready! It remains only to place it in the refrigerator until use.

  On cognac

The taste of cognac goes well with raspberries, it is recommended to make such a tincture without the use of sugar to preserve the natural aroma. We offer you such a simple recipe!


  • 750 grams of raspberries;
  • 1 liter of good real cognac.


  1. Raspberry, as usual, is cleaned and washed, then - it is poured into a jar.
  2. Berries are filled with cognac so that it protrudes above a layer of raspberries.
  3. The can is closed and cleaned for two months in a warm place.
  4. The tincture is filtered and bottled for storage.

With raspberry jam


  • raspberry jam - 500 g;
  • 0.5 l of quality vodka.


  1. Prepared jam is poured with vodka and closed tightly with a lid.
  2. The jar is placed for three to four days in a warm place, every day it must be shaken.
  3. When three days pass, strain the resulting syrup and dilute to a strength of 20 vol. clean water.



  • 2 cups raspberries;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 40 leaves of cherry;
  • 0.5 liters of good vodka.


  1. Cherry leaves and raspberries are poured with one liter of clean water and boiled for five minutes.
  2. The tincture is cooled and filtered, after which citric acid, granulated sugar are added there, and again boiled.
  3. After the mixture has cooled - vodka is poured into it. Liquor is bottled and left for a month for infusion.


Of course, all these tinctures can be drunk during feasts, warmed up in cool autumn and cold winter. For entertainment purposes, these drinks are used most often, but this does not mean that they are devoid of beneficial properties. For example, these funds do an excellent job with sore throat, cough, warm and increase immunity.


Raspberries contain a large supply of nutrients. It’s just a storehouse of vitamins and elements!  It contains fiber, vitamins of groups A, B, C, iron, essential oils, copper, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, tannins, pectin and nitrogenous substances. Raspberry has a wonderful effect on capillaries, has prophylactic properties in the occurrence of sclerosis. Salicylic acid lowers body temperature, which is why this berry is so popular for the treatment of colds. It also helps with diseases of the gastric system, sick kidneys and anemia.

Of course, alcohol tinctures are less useful than ordinary raspberry jam, but for the treatment of colds, they will become simply irreplaceable.


Due to the fact that all of the above tinctures basically contain alcohol - it is not recommended to use them during planning and during pregnancy, during feeding. It is not advisable to give such drinks to children in large quantities. And adults are better off not abusing them, sweet and tasty - they are able to surprise you with their alcoholic effect.

Video “Recipe for raspberry filling”

Another recipe for the aromatic and tasty tincture of raspberries on vodka.

   Raspberry tincture on vodka has an unsurpassed mild taste and pleasant aroma. Such a tincture will appeal to absolutely all connoisseurs of good alcoholic beverages.

With raspberries, you can create a simple but very tasty drink. Do not rush and spend money on buying raspberry vodka, because it can be prepared without much effort at home.

Video recipe for making raspberry tincture:

Homemade Raspberry Tincture Recipe:

Essential Ingredients:

  • Vodka;
  • 2 liter cans of raspberries.

The process of making raspberry tincture:

Tips for making raspberry tincture at home:

  • Any raspberry is suitable for tincture, but, according to many experts, it is best to use Miker berries to create a good tincture. Of course, to find such berries is not easy to get, but if you have such an opportunity, then why not use it?
  • Train and experiment. It’s quite difficult to pick up the necessary proportions of vodka and raspberry the first time, because everyone has their own tastes. Therefore, it will be useful to initially train in small portions in order to derive the optimal proportion for yourself, after which you will enjoy the taste that will appeal to you.
  • Never add sugar to raspberry tincture, even if the berries are not very sweet! Sugar in alcoholic beverages, in particular in tinctures, is added only when a bitter ingredient is added to vodka. Better buy a sweeter raspberry. If you have already prepared a drink, and it is not sweet enough, then use it as additives in various cocktails!
  • Do not mix raspberries with other berries. Raspberries do not really like "neighbors." Vodka, infused simultaneously with raspberries and other fruits or berries, may not have a very appetizing appearance, and taste, as well as aroma, will not please you!

A very famous and popular remedy for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections is tincture of raspberries for alcohol. In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also the leaves of the medicinal plant. Berries contain:

  • pectin, fiber, protein, carbohydrates;
  • organic sugars, glucose, pentose, fructose;
  • essential oils;
  • wine and isoamyl alcohol;
  • ketones, catechins;
  • tannins;
  • mucus, fatty oils;
  • vitamin A, vitamin C;
  • iron, salicylic acid;
  • calcium, magnesium, sodium;
  • cobalt, iron, phosphorus, molybdenum, manganese, copper;
  • zinc, fluorine;
  • vitamins: B1, B2, B9, PP.

Leaves have less nutritional value, but a greater concentration of essential oils. Tasty and healthy berry is used:

  • to reduce body temperature during fever;
  • to relieve intoxication with viral and bacterial infections;
  • to increase perspiration, as a diuretic;
  • for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia;
  • to restore strength after a serious illness, as a general strengthening and immunity-supporting agent.

Vitamin C, calcium, sodium and magnesium are useful for the circulatory system, so raspberry tincture on vodka is used to normalize blood pressure.

With heart disease and
vessels should consult a cardiologist before starting to use tinctures on raspberries. Raspberry is used as a source of iron and vitamins, helps against iron deficiency anemia.

Improving the blood composition favorably affects women's health, eliminates headaches with PMS, and facilitates the passage of menstruation. Raw materials for tincture can be grown independently, collected anywhere in the growth of berries, bought with your hands or in a supermarket.

When buying, you should pay attention to the density of berries. Unscrupulous sellers collect raspberries in the rain, the berries become loose, watery, not sweet. When washed, such berries immediately break up into separate segments.

It is not known whether such raw materials were collected in an environmentally friendly area, or the seller picked berries directly near the highway. Fresh and ripe raspberries should be strong, smell good, taste sweet.

For tincture, it is better to choose the berries as ripe as possible, but
without defects. Before harvesting the berries are put in a colander and washed with cool, not warm water.

About a medicinal plant

Raspberry is a shrub that can be found in every country cooperative. There are more than 200 varieties that vary in yield, ripening time, the appearance of leaves and berries, and soil requirements. All shrubs are perennial and deciduous, branched, reaching a height of up to 2.5 m.

Flowering takes place from June to the end of August, depending on the variety. Petals of different shades of white, from ivory to porcelain. The leaves are complex, divided into 3-7 separate pubescent leaves. The most recognizable part of the plant is the berry. It has the shape of a jug, made up of individual spherical segments filled with juice.

Berries are from 1.5 to 3 cm in length. According to the classification, the fruit belongs to drupes, the surface of the berry is pubescent. The taste is sweet, pleasant. Color varies from pale pink to dark crimson, becoming darker as it ripens. Shrub is used in beekeeping as a source of healthy honey.

What helps tincture of raspberries?

It is used to eliminate vitamin deficiency, from iron deficiency anemia.

In seasonal epidemics, SARS is used to stimulate immunity.

It dilutes sputum, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis and tracheitis. Increases perspiration, removes toxins. Acts as a diuretic.

Berry juice helps reduce temperature, remove aches in bones and joints.

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity. Relieves headache amid high blood pressure.

It is used as an antiseptic to treat wounds, cuts and trophic ulcers.

Raspberry Tincture Recipes

For children, pregnant and lactating women, alcohol medicines are not suitable, therefore, tincture on water is used. Recipe:

  • take a glass of fresh or dried berries, pour 600 ml of boiling water;
  • insist until cool;
  • drink in small portions for 2 hours.

You can use such a tool in a heated form, with the addition of honey. Raspberry infused vodka according to another recipe:

  • take 2 cups of fresh or dried berries;
  • grate the berries;
  • add 0.5 - 0.75 liters of expensive vodka or quality alcohol;
  • insist in a cool dark place for 30 days, periodically shaking the bottle;
  • take another container, mix 1 cup raspberries with 100 g of sugar until smooth;
  • insist on a second can for 2 weeks;
  • mix both cans, add 100 ml of boiling water.

Berries actively roam, so such a complicated recipe is used. In order to make tincture on raspberries, it is better to choose overripe, dark red berries that are already close to fermentation. To taste, the finished tincture should not be sour, pleasant. The drink has a characteristic raspberry smell, and the smell of vodka is practically absent. To decorate, some experts add a couple of washed raspberry leaves to a tincture can to immediately distinguish the container from other blanks. So that the jar does not explode, you must first scald it with boiling water, choose a tight and tight lid. If the whole sequence of actions is done correctly, you should get a rich pink, even reddish drink. Before use, you can strain, and add the expressed syrup to a confectionery product, such as a cake.

Like a regular alcoholic drink, raspberry tincture is no different from other types of home-made alcohol. For medicinal purposes, a dosage of 1 tablespoon is used. for the reception. During a cold, loss of strength or vitamin deficiency, you can take 2 tablespoons, for the prevention of 1 tablespoon is enough. before meals. You can add tincture on raspberries not only in water, but also in black, green, herbal tea. When coughing, you need to drink such a remedy in the morning, when the attack is most severe.


Tincture on raspberries, which includes an alcohol base, can not be used:

  • with alcoholism;
  • before reaching 12 years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with breastfeeding;
  • with chronic liver diseases, cirrhosis, hepatitis.

With ulcerative gastritis or colitis, you can not use tincture on raspberries before meals, because the product irritates the gastric mucosa. People with a tendency to an allergic reaction may experience a skin rash or shortness of breath. Exceeding the recommended dosage causes alcohol intoxication and destroys all the beneficial properties of the drink.

Raspberry berries, leaves, branches, flowers and even roots have long been used by folk healers to treat colds and other diseases.

The greatest benefit in treatment is tincture of raspberries on vodka: alcohol perfectly preserves all the healing properties of raw berry and the drug itself. We learn how to prepare homemade raspberry medicine for alcohol, moonshine or other strong alcohol, so that you always have it at hand.

What is useful raspberry tincture

The medicinal properties of raspberry berries give the greatest benefit to raspberry tincture: vodka, alcohol or moonshine act primarily as a natural preservative.

The berry of a perennial shrub, in particular wild-growing, has a rich content. It is saturated:

  • Squirrels;
  • Glucose
  • Fiber
  • Fructose;
  • Coumarins;
  • Anthocyanins

  • Many vitamins: groups B, PP, C, A and E;
  • Essential oils;
  • Catechins;
  • Iodine, potassium, calcium and other bioactive substances.

All of them give the berries a healing effect and are well preserved when insisting raspberries on alcohol.

Vodka infusion of raspberry berries helps in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Immunity reduction. To restore the normal state of the immune system and improve overall tone, take 1 tsp. tinctures 2 times a day.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Colds accompanied by cough, headache, aching bones, chills and fever. We take 30 drops, mixed with warm water, three times a day after meals. The heat will subside, the pain will recede, it will be easier to pass sputum.
  • Neurasthenia and cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Anemia. For anemia, we take 20 drops of the drug half an hour before meals for a month. If hemoglobin has not yet risen to the desired value, rest for 10 days and repeat the course.

If bitten by a snake, bee or other stinging insect, three times a day we make compresses from raspberry tincture on vodka.

Attention: when treating children, the daily dose should be no more than 3 teaspoons!

Raspberry tincture can be prepared in two ways - only from berries, or with the addition of the flowers of this plant.

Raspberry tincture of berries and flowers

  • Mix 2 tbsp. fresh or dry raspberry with 2 tbsp. flowers.
  • Pour a mixture of 0.4 l of forty-degree vodka of good quality.
  • We remove the bottle with the contents in a darkened cool place for ten days.

Raspberry Berry Tincture

The medicine for this recipe is infused for longer - four months and is made exclusively from berries.

We will need

  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Raspberries - 1 L;

  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

How to make raspberry tincture

  • After placing the washed raspberries in a glass jar, fill them with vodka and put them in the refrigerator for two months.
  • Pour vodka into another container and set.
  • Pour sugar in a jar of berries and put in the refrigerator for a couple more months, shaking the contents every 14 days.
  • We hold the container with the berry in the room for three hours.
  • Bring water to a boil (100 ml), fill the contents of the can and mix everything thoroughly.
  • We filter and combine with raspberry vodka, previously drained.

The cooled tincture is stored in the refrigerator and used as necessary.

Now it’s clear how raspberry tincture is prepared on vodka, and in which cases it produces a therapeutic effect. The main thing is not to use this medicine for allergies to raspberry components, kidney diseases, gout and jade, and use only high-quality vodka of famous brands to make tinctures.