The recipe for closing corn for the winter. Canned corn for the winter

No holiday can do without canned corn, this ingredient is required in the preparation of many salads, snacks and other dishes, but many housewives buy canned food in tin cans in the store, and there are those hostesses who grow their cobs in their garden, so canned corn at home  - This is the best option for homemade blanks for them. Gardeners know that fresh corn is not stored for long, so they are looking for opportunities to harvest it, it can be frozen or dried, and conservation will be the best option, of course. If you have such preparations, then you can safely cook both, and crab.

How to preserve corn at home

Homemade Canned Corn Recipe  involves the use of such a number of ingredients per jar: three ears of corn, a tablespoon of table salt, three tablespoons of granulated sugar and a liter of clean water.

It is necessary to start cooking by cleansing the ears of leaves and stigmas. It is advisable to choose only a vegetable with large grains. To separate the grains, boil water in a saucepan and lower the vegetable for three minutes. Then we immediately lower the ear into cold water, or leave it under running water. After that, the grains can be easily separated, most quickly cut them off at the very base.

To wash the grains, you need to boil a large amount of water, for washing it should be cold, so you need to worry about this in advance. You also need to prepare jars in advance, they must be washed and sterilized, it is advisable to use cans of 0.25-0.5 liters.

Separated grains should be thoroughly washed with cold boiled water, and then put in boiling water. Blanch them for three minutes, no more so as not to digest the corn.

Now we need to start preparing the marinade: dissolve a spoonful of rock salt in a liter of water, you can use sea salt, three teaspoons of sugar. After boiling, cook for another three minutes and the marinade can be poured.

The following is the most crucial moment, how to preserve corn at home, the grains must be decomposed into prepared jars, filling it approximately two-thirds. Then pour hot marinade into the jar and put on sterilization, covering it with an iron lid.

Sterilization is an obligatory stage of home preservation of corn, since the vegetable contains a lot of protein and no acid, so they will not be stored without sterilization, and vinegar can not be poured, because we want to get sweet corn for making salads.

Half-liter cans should be put in a pan, the bottom of which should be covered with a kitchen towel, in boiling water sterilization lasts three and a half hours (it is counted from the moment of boiling). Water should cover the jars on the shoulders. In addition to the pan, you can also use aerogrill.

After sterilization, the jars must be rolled up with iron lids, turned over and left to cool. Store in a cool place. For summer salads, you can cook corn according to the same recipe, but do not roll it up, but store it in the fill for a week (maximum). You can cook with corn and peas, which replace meat protein in your diet.

Canned corn at home

It was the most common recipe, how to preserve corn at home for the winter, as a result, it will turn out to be sweet and very tender, but you can try a more savory recipe. To do this, add acetic acid, bay leaf and salt to the fill.

A liter jar is about 600 g of corn, a teaspoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, three bay leaves and water. As always, you must first process the corn cobs, clean them and rinse. In this recipe, we will put whole cobs in jars, so they should be small in size.

Put a wide pot of water on the fire, boil and put the vegetable, cook for about 20 minutes. Immediately after hot water, they must be placed in cold or under running water.

In a separate pan, cook marinade, cook for three minutes, water, salt and bay leaf. In each jar you need to lay out a bay leaf, lay the ears and pour the marinade, pour a spoonful of vinegar on top. Then cover with iron lids and put on sterilization for 20 minutes in boiling water. Roll up and flip. Sometimes the sterilization process is repeated 2-3 times at a certain interval in order to guarantee the destruction of all microorganisms.

This recipe, how to make canned corn at home, is called "in Bulgarian", it was very popular in Soviet times, when there weren’t an abundance of goods on store shelves, and they still didn’t know about the preservation of vegetables in cans. Those who could travel to the countries of Eastern Europe always brought with them such tasty and unusual preservation, and then the Soviet housewives began to prepare it.

Be sure to take only young vegetables, as old ones, even after long cooking, will still remain solid.

If you cook, be sure to open a jar of fragrant pickled vegetables, and your loved ones, of course, will wait for tomatoes and cucumbers, but you will surprise them with corn.

Almost any product sold in the store can be prepared independently at home. Anyone who does not trust the producers or wants to save money will surely be interested in canned corn recipes. Salads with these sunflower seeds have always been popular and are still present on the daily and festive menu.

Useful properties of corn

Canned corn at home  goes well with fresh or boiled vegetables, fish and seafood, meat, some prefer to combine it even with fruits. It is delicious as an ingredient in a salad, it is used as an unusual side dish, as well as for the beauty of dishes.

It should be noted that canned corn is a low-calorie product. 100 grams contains only 118 calories. Therefore, it is consumed without the risk of getting extra pounds. Prescription preservation is a rather lengthy procedure, but this does not at all affect its excellent qualities. She remains with her set of useful properties, which are:

It is a product of a diet that promotes weight loss, as doctors often include it in the diet.

Canned corn recipes

Any housewife at home can be very simple and easy with a prescription. cook canned corn. If at least once you try to prepare this product for the winter yourself, you will no longer look at the can in the store, much less buy it. Since the difference in taste and safety is obvious. Below are the recipes for winter preparation of this wonderful sunny gift of nature. The choice is yours!

Classic canned corn recipe

Will need:

  • Grains of corn - 0.7 kg.
  • Salt is a large spoon.
  • Sugar - 15 grams.
  • Water is a liter.

How to cook on prescription:

Preserved Corn Recipe with Lemon

Homemade prescription prescribing  availability of the following products:

  • Ears of corn.

Marinade  on a can of 0.5 liters:

  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt is half a teaspoon.
  • Citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon.

How to prepare for the winter:

Canned Corn and Vinegar Recipe

Will be required:

  • Ears of corn.
  • For a liter of marinade you need to take:
  • A tablespoon with a slide of salt.
  • A tablespoon of sugarless slides.
  • Two teaspoons of 9% vinegar (per 0.5 liter jar).

how to harvest grain  for winter:

Preserved Corn Recipe with Vegetables

Will need:

  • Ears of corn.
  • Zucchini.
  • Carrot.
  • Red bell peppers.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Parsley.
  • Dill.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar.

How to cook with a recipe:

Secrets of cooking at home

Experienced Housewives there are secrets  canning corn for the winter:

  • Corn is considered a moody culture. She does not like to be preserved due to the complete absence of acids. It contains a lot of starchy substances and sugar, there are a minimum of natural preservatives. In this regard, its grains are laid only in sterile jars with the same lids. Pasteurization takes place in water, after which it is wrapped in a warm blanket. These conditions will prevent your canned corn from exploding.
  • To, according to the recipe, get one half-liter can of canned corn, you need to take about 5 ears.
  • Sugar with salt can be put at your discretion. The only condition is the quality pasteurization of canned corn and then it will not fail.

We reviewed canned corn recipes  for winter. If everything is done as it is written, you will get a tasty, juicy, healthy and healthy dish. When there are enough home-made preparations in the bins, your winter menu will acquire bright and sunny colors thanks to this wonderful gift of nature.

The season of homemade preparations for the winter has not yet ended, despite the fact that outside the window is already October. In the bins of the thrifty hostesses there probably still has a mass of all kinds of vegetables, fruits and other fruits. So today I offer a recipe for homemade canned corn, which we will procure for the winter.

What is most commonly used to cook with this product? Well, of course, a variety of salads with canned corn! They turn out delicious and satisfying, well, juicy, the main thing is to choose high-quality canned corn.

That is why when preparing canned corn at home, it is necessary to carefully select the feedstock. In other words, if you want the seeds to be tender and soft, take the young cobs of sugar corn.


Cooking in steps with a photo:

So, we can preserve corn for the winter! To do this, take the ears of young sweet corn (I have 5 medium), water, salt and granulated sugar. I give proportions for a jar, with a capacity of 500 milliliters, in which exactly 350 grams of grains are placed.

Corncobs need to be cleaned of the outer leaves and stigmas (these are such hairs). We cut off the extra stem and the very top of the ears, if there are no seeds.

We wash the ears of corn and put in a large pot. Fill with cold water so that it covers the corn, and put on fire.

Corn cooking times can vary greatly. It all depends on the degree of her maturity. But there are hardly any lovers of hard grains that are difficult to chew. Pleasure from this is not enough, agree? My corn cooked after boiling for about 30 minutes, it was enough for her. You look at the softness of the seeds. We drain the water and allow the ears to cool slightly so that you can work with them further.

We put the grains in a pre-prepared jar. I like to sterilize cans in the microwave: wash them in soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 milliliters of cold water into each. We steam in the microwave at the highest power for 5-7 minutes each. Covers just boil for about 5 minutes.

Cooking canned corn marinade. Put a teaspoon of salt and sugar in a saucepan, pour 200 milliliters of cold water. We put on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes to dissolve the crystals.

Now it will be necessary to sterilize our vegetable harvesting for the winter. To do this, take a large pan, put the cloth at the bottom so that it does not burst in the process of the bank. We put a jar of corn and marinade, cover with a sterile lid. After boiling, let the billet sterilize for about an hour with an average gurgling of water.

Corn contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Even when canned, it remains just as healthy and tasty. Proper preparation will help maintain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Preserving corn in grains at home is simple. It’s important to stick with the recipe to make it tasty.

How to choose corn for preservation

The culinary possibilities of this herb are great. Corn is used in salads, added to soups or to main dishes. For longer or cobs, the herbaceous plant is canned. However, you need to choose the right corn so that it does not deteriorate.

There are two types of this herbaceous plant:

  1. Fodder - corn, which is often fed animals. A person can use it, but there are very few vitamins. Therefore, it is not suitable for the human body.
  2. Sugar - corn, in which there are a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is this herbaceous plant that can and should be used both for food and for conservation.

The maturity of corn is different. Milk is more suitable for consumption. However, milky-wax is more acceptable for conservation. In order to determine maturity, it is necessary to take a head of corn and press the middle of any grain with a fingernail.

If you see milk spray and there is no pulp under the grain, this means that the corn is milk. It can be boiled and consumed in salads or soups. If the milk splashed with pressure, but the pulp formed from the grain - this is milk-wax maturity. It is better to preserve it. If the milk does not stand out, and pieces of grain remain on the nail, then the corn is unsuitable for both eating and preserving. She is old, without useful elements.

Preservation of corn in grains at home

You will learn how to cook deliciously and maintain healthy properties if you stick to the recipe. Winter corn preservation is quick and uncomplicated. To prepare you must have the products:

  • Corn Grains - 850 g.
  • Sugar - 30 g.
  • Water - 1000 ml.
  • Salt to taste (approximately 1 tbsp. L.).

First, separate the beans from the heads of cabbage and wash them. Then you need to blanch them. To do this, place the grains in a colander and hold in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.

Now make the syrup. To do this, boil water, pour sugar with salt according to the recipe. While the water is boiling, sterilize the jars. When they have cooled, fill them with 2/3 corn. Pour cans with hot syrup so that all grains are covered with liquid.

Cover the container with lids and sterilize for at least an hour. After that, roll up the jars, turn them over to cool. The preservation of corn in grains at home is over. If you cook everything according to the recipe, then your preparations will last a long time.

Preservation of sweet and sour corn in grains

For a more intense and piquant taste, try cooking with this recipe. Take 850 g of corn kernels, wash them and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes. Prepare the marinade: boil 1 liter of water and pour 15 g of salt into it.

In order not to lose precious time, sterilize liter jars. Put 1 bay leaf in them. Pour 1 teaspoon into each can. vinegar. Sprinkle 2/3 of the corn on top and pour the marinade so that the grains are covered.

Filled cans must be sterilized for at least an hour. Hot roll up immediately. Preserving corn for the winter in this way gives a dish with a rich taste and pleasant aroma. However, children are not recommended blanks, which include vinegar.

Corn canning on the cob

For this method, it is better to take three-liter jars. This includes 8 small ears. In extreme cases, they can be cut to the desired size.

Put them in a pan, fill with cold water and cook until cooked. Young cobs boil no more than 15 minutes. Do not salt water to prevent hard corn.

Meanwhile, make a marinade: boil water (1 liter) and add salt to taste. As a rule, you need about 20 g. Then the brine and ears must be cooled. Put the corn in jars and fill it with cold marinade.

Sterilize the jars for at least 2 hours. Now roll up and set to cool. The conservation of corn on the cob is noteworthy. This does not include vinegar, and children will enjoy using it in the winter.

Harvesting corn for the winter without sterilization

We offer you a great recipe. Preserving corn without sterilization is suitable for housewives who do not have time to fiddle with blanks for a long time. In winter, grains can be used both in salads and added to main dishes.

For cooking, you will need about 20 pieces of corn. Boil it for no more than 5 minutes and cool. Separate the grains from the cobs. Take half liter cans and sterilize them.

Place the corn in a container very tightly and fill it with boiling water. When 15 minutes have passed, drain the water into the pan, boil and pour again into the same jars. Now the corn should stand for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, cook the marinade. Boil 1 liter of water and pour salt (15 g) and sugar (30 g) into it. Remove from heat and pour 2 tbsp. l vinegar. Drain the water from the corn and pour in the finished hot marinade. Roll up immediately, wrap with a blanket until it cools completely. The preservation of corn in grains at home is completed. Now in winter you can enjoy the summer product.

To separate the grains from the head without problems, lower the ear in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then immediately immerse in cold water. Now you quickly separate the grains from the head of cabbage.

To preserve your preservation for a long time, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the containers and products before cooking. Of great importance is sterilization.

Try to use salt only in coarse grinding. This is a preservative, due to which the workpieces are stored for a long time. Various spices and spices add piquancy and pleasant aroma to the workpieces. Therefore, experiment to find your recipe for homemade canning of corn.

Pour vinegar into the marinade only when the liquid has been removed from the fire. Then he will act better. Take vinegar only 9%. It will help you maintain conservation for longer.

In the cellar, blanks can be stored for no more than 24 months. If your preservation is at home, then it must be consumed within 7 months. It cannot be kept warm for a long time. If you follow the advice of experienced culinary specialists, then you will get tasty and fragrant preparations.

Today we’ll talk about how to save corn for the winter. Eat fresh boiled corn, we have the opportunity for about two months a year - during the period of its harvest. Thrifty housewives in this season produce a variety of corn for the winter. As a rule, such preparations consist of frozen and canned corn.

Having homemade corn preparations in the freezer and bins, you can cook delicious stew, salads, pizza, stewed vegetables with meat, and other various dishes, which include corn, at any time. In addition to corn grains, it can be preserved, as well as frozen and young ears of corn for the winter  milk maturity.

Many are afraid to preserve corn and peas, as often banks with these vegetables “explode”. The fact is that in corn, as well as in peas, a large amount of proteins is contained, and natural acids are practically absent. Therefore, in order for the jars of canned corn to stand, it is necessary to add acid - it can be vinegar, lemon juice or edible citric acid.

But even without vinegar, you can preserve it for the winter. Long sterilization for 2-3 hours will help in this. Rest assured that winter corn recipes  which we offer you, you will succeed, and you can use it as part of different dishes.

Corn for the winter. Best recipes with photos

Canned corn for the winter - recipe

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  •   (grains) - 800 gr.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Before, how to close corn for the winter, peel the cobs and boil until cooked. Let them cool. After that, separate the corn grains. Wash a half-liter jars of soda. Fill them on the shoulders with corn grains. Pour hot water into the jars. Put the lids with holes on the cans and drain the water into the pan.

So, you will definitely know the amount of marinade. Since water will evaporate during the cooking of the marinade, add reserve 100 ml to this amount. water. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Add salt, sugar and. Boil for 5 minutes. Fill marinade jars with corn. Cover them with metal lids, put in a pot of water and sterilize for 20-30 minutes.

With conservation tongs, carefully remove the cans from the pan, roll them with metal lids, turn them upside down and wrap them up. Wrapped cans of canned corn should stand until completely cooled. Pickled corn for the winter  best stored in a cold and dark room. If you are going to store it in an apartment, then try not to get sunlight on the jar.

Canned corn for the winter without vinegar - recipe


  • Ears of corn - 2 kg.,

For marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Canned corn for the winter according to this recipe it turns out juicy and sweet and looks like a store. Ears of corn clear of leaves and stigmas. Put in a pan. Pour them with water and boil for 50 minutes. After the corn has cooled, use a knife to separate the grains. Put the corn kernels in a colander, and rinse them with water. Fill the cans with corn on the shoulders.

Dilute sugar and salt in water according to the marinade recipe. Pour it into jars and cover with lids. Since vinegar is not used in this recipe, it is necessary to sterilize the jars for two and a half to three hours. After this, the jars need to be rolled up with a key. Put them upside down and wrap them up.

Canned corn for the winter on the cob  - This is a very tasty snack, on the basis of which you can cook many dishes. For conservation, ears of milk ripeness are suitable, the length of which is no more than 18 cm. In an ideal embodiment, they should be no more than 7-10 cm.

Canned corn cobs for the winter - recipe


  • Corn cobs of milk ripeness

For 1 liter of marinade you will need:

  • Vinegar 9% - 12 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper peas,
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.

Boil the peeled corn cobs for 10 minutes. Get them out and set to cool. In the meantime, wash the jars thoroughly. In a jar, vertically next to each other, lay the boiled ears. Measure the amount of water you need for the marinade. To do this, pour water into jars and pour it back into the pan. Add salt, sugar, bay leaf and peas.

Boil until salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Pour marinade into cans. Sterilize jars for at least 60 minutes over moderate heat. Then roll them with metal covers. Turn over the jars of corncobs and cover with something warm until cool.

Harvesting corn for the winter  - it is also freezing. Often there are situations when you want to cook a dish in winter or early spring, for example, a pie, pizza or casserole which includes corn, but alas, you don’t have it. Of course, ice cream and even the Hawaiian mixture can be bought all year round at the nearest supermarket, but the high price stops it from buying it. There is an exit.

Freeze corn for the winter, and then you will always have it at hand at the right time. So, how to freeze corn for the winter. Very simple. Make corn cobs with not too hard grains for this. Boil the corn in salted water for about 1 hour. Taking it out of the pan, put it to cool in a bowl of water and ice.

Separate the grains from the cooled corn with a knife. Rinse them and pack them in special bags for freezing or plastic trays. Try experimenting and freezing corn, for example, with cubes of carrots, bell peppers, green peas. Having such a semi-finished product, you can easily prepare other dishes that you wish.

Well now you know how to store corn in the winter, but in the end we still suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for pickled corn in three versions.

The corn season will end, and we will recall how delicious it was and buy canned corn from time to time in the store, doubting how healthy it is. But you can make corn at home, and it will turn out to be very tasty, most importantly, use sugar varieties for preservation.

The advantage of canned home is that we know what kind of culture we use, as opposed to a store jar. It is not too difficult to make such a harvest, I will try to tell you and show you how to cook canned corn in three ways: corn grains in a marinade, corn mixture, and corn cobs for side dishes. Corn, like peas, a whimsical crop for spins, you must follow all instructions carefully so that the jar does not swell.

Ingredients: ears of corn;

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1.5-2 tbsp. l a half liter jar;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pea;
  • parsley; currant leaves

Pickled corn for the winter - recipe

   Young sweet corn must first be boiled for 20-30 minutes.

   Cut the grains from the ears, leave a few whole, they will come in handy for the third spin option. I don’t indicate the exact amount of corn, it all depends on how much you expect to close the jar.

   Pour all the grains into a bowl.

   Peel and wash the zucchini, peppers, and carrots well, cut them into cubes, similar in size to corn kernels. These vegetables will be used for the corn mixture.

   Be sure to sterilize the jars, fill the first with corn grains.

Mix the rest of the corn with vegetables in a bowl, the ratio of vegetables and corn, choose yours, I do equally.

   Fill a jar with a mixture of corn.

   Another version of canned corn is the one for which we left the cobs. This will be an interesting option that you can use in winter as a side dish. Cut the corn into small washers.

Take a larger jar (700 ml.), Put a sprig of parsley, dill, a leaf of currant on the bottom for flavor. Do not forget that the jar should be sterilized.

   Put tightly chopped corn washers in a jar, throw sweet peas as desired.

   Now it’s time to marinade our corn. For him we will use some water, in which corn was cooked, all the flavor remained there. Add salt and sugar to 1.5 liters of liquid, let the marinade boil, then pour vinegar.

   Pour marinade over all jars of corn.

   Close our jars with lids, but do not twist.

   Draw water into a wide pan, sterilize jars at the rate of 40 minutes per half liter jar. Boiling should not be in the pan.

   At the end of the sterilization, remove the jars and carefully tighten the lids, turn and cover with a towel, let them stand until they cool completely. Store this preservation in a cool place.