Difference between white and brown sugar. What is the difference between brown sugar and white sugar?

The cost of which is much higher than the price of a regular one. Sometimes you hear that it is much healthier than the usual refined one, and causes less harm figure and health. Is it so? And if you’re going to buy an expensive product, how to choose it correctly from several varieties?

According to experts World Organization Health (WHO), amount of sugar per day for the body should not exceed 10 percent of the daily diet. In other words, sugar norm per day for a man is no more than 60 g and no more than 50 g for women. It seems to us that we do not consume so much sugar - we only put a couple of spoons in our tea or coffee. Well, as a last resort - cakes and sweets at a party or on holidays, ice cream while walking... But at the same time we forget that sugar is contained in the most different products- canned food, marinades, juices, sauces, soda and, finally, sweet fruits! But I want something sweet! Can brown sugar help in this situation?

Let's figure it out first How is brown sugar different from regular white sugar?. White sugar, regardless of its origin - cane or beet - is refined sugar. Brown is sugar, so to speak, “primary”, unprocessed. By the way, unrefined beet sugar does not go on sale: its taste and aroma are too unattractive. Therefore, that brown sugar that lies on supermarket shelves is cane sugar .

What is good about cane sugar? and why is it worth it so expensive? In a sense, this is a merit healthy image life. After all, we often hear that refined products are harmful, and natural, unprocessed ones are much healthier. What is it really like?

Doctors examined the composition of white refined and brown cane sugar and came to the conclusion that these products are practically the same in calorie content.

It will not be possible to avoid obesity and atherosclerosis by consuming exclusively cane sugar, since both types of sugar contain the same number carbohydrates.

But in terms of quantity minerals - calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc - brown sugar is far superior to white sugar. It also contains much more B vitamins. So the only real health benefit of cane sugar is its enriched mineral and vitamin composition. But if you are afraid of gaining weight, it is better to give up sweets altogether!

And yet, brown sugar justifies its high price with its unusual taste and aroma. This is what Europeans prefer to sweeten tea or coffee with: in Europe it is even called tea.

If you decide to try cane sugar, remember that there are several varieties of it on sale, and they are not always offered to you natural product. Sometimes a brown tint is achieved through dyes and manufacturing subtleties, and under the guise of brown you buy the most ordinary refined sugar, only of a different color. Natural brown sugar gets its color, taste and smell thanks to molasses- molasses.

So, cane sugar comes in the following types:

Demerara Sugar- golden-brown color product. It can be either natural or white refined sugar, simply mixed with molasses. Therefore, you should carefully read what is written on the label.

Sugar Muscovado- sugar is natural, but it is produced with varying amounts molasses. The more molasses in sugar, the darker its color. Sugar is sticky and gives off a caramel flavor.

Sugar Turbinado- it can be distinguished by large crystals, the color of which ranges from brown to brown. During the production of this sugar, it is partially purified from molasses using steam and water.

Soft molasses sugar, which is also called black Barbadian- is unrefined raw cane sugar with a large amount of molasses. It is soft and moist to the touch, thanks to the abundance of molasses it has a very dark shade and strong aroma.

The most commonly found cane sugar in our stores is the Demerara variety..

If you're concerned about health benefits as well as taste, make sure the label says "unrefined." Only in this case does it make sense to overpay for sweet joy.


Brown sugar is unrefined cane sugar. Its small crystals are covered with cane molasses. Sugar has a natural aroma and color. Today there is a large number of types of brown sugar, and they depend on the amount of molasses molasses in the composition. Sugar is also called “coffee” or “tea” sugar. Manufacturers place brown sugar at the level of an elite environmentally friendly product.

What is the difference between brown sugar and white sugar?

The most important difference brown sugar from white is that white sugar, regardless of what it is made from, is called refined sugar. While brown sugar is unprocessed sugar, it can also be called primary sugar.

The calorie content of brown sugar is practically the same as the calorie content of white sugar, sometimes it can be slightly higher. This means that by eating exclusively brown sugar it is impossible to protect against the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis or obesity.

The comparative advantage of brown sugar is its mineral composition, which includes calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sodium. Brown sugar also contains a higher amount of vitamin B. Therefore, the rich vitamin and mineral composition can be safely called a positive distinctive characteristic of brown sugar.

It is impossible not to note the specific aroma and taste that distinguishes brown sugar from white, which is due to the content of cane molasses in the sugar. This is often why brown sugar is chosen to sweeten drinks such as tea or coffee.

Types of Brown Sugar:

  • light muscovado is a brown moist sugar that has a delicate caramel smell;
  • demerarra - large crystals with a golden color, more suitable for tea than for baking;
  • dark muscovado – dark brown sugar with a pronounced molasses smell;
  • cassonade - medium brown color, small grains, least likely to stick together and harden during storage;
  • turbinado - free-flowing, solidly refined coarse-crystalline sugar, its color varies from golden to brown;
  • Barbados black sugar – has a high molasses content, is moist with a sticky consistency, and is dark brown in color.

How to choose

Not today It poses a big problem to buy brown sugar. But when choosing, you may be faced with the question: which type to choose in order to get the maximum benefit from it.

It is important to remember that the brown color of sugar is not always an indicator of quality and naturalness. Real brown sugar acquires its color, aroma and specific taste due to the content of molasses in it - molasses, which contains useful substances, which give reason to consider it healthier than regular sugar.

It is very important to be able to distinguish a craft from quality product. Because unscrupulous manufacturers can sell refined sugar tinted with regular caramel.

How to spot a fake:

  • prepare syrup from sugar cubes and drop a drop of iodine there; if the syrup turns bluish, it is natural;
  • Throw a sugar cube into ordinary warm water; if the water is colored, you have purchased a fake, because real brown sugar does not color the water.

How to store

It is best to store brown sugar in a cool, dry place and in a tightly sealed bag to avoid hardening or drying out. You can also put a small strip of orange zest in an open box.

Reflection in culture

India is the birthplace coffee sugar. In Europe, the Romans knew about sugar. Sweet coffee-colored grains were prepared from cane juice and brought from India to Europe. A little later, sugar appeared in southern Spain and Sicily. As for Russia, it appeared here in the 11th-12th centuries. For the first time, only the prince and his entourage could try it.

Calorie content of bastra

A high-calorie product with the highest carbohydrate content, 100 g of which contains three hundred and seventy kcal. Excessive consumption of bastra can become a prerequisite for obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - gr
  • Fats - gr
  • Carbohydrates 97.33 g
  • Ash - gr
  • Water 1.77 g
  • Calorie content 377 kcal

Features of using bastra

Using brown sugar culinary purposes, it is important to know that its types differ from each other in two ways: the amount of molasses and the size of the crystals themselves.

When choosing a recipe that will involve a lot of hot liquid, such as a recipe for sauce, hot drink or jam, you should choose brown sugar with large crystals(Demerara or Turbinado).

To prepare baked goods, glaze meats or cold drink, you need to choose brown sugar with more small crystals, a wetter and softer muscovado (or cassonade) is best in this case.

It is also important to consider the amount of molasses in the sugar, because the more there is, the more pronounced the aroma of molasses will be and the darker the color of the sugar itself.

Useful characteristics of bastra (coffee sugar)

Brown sugar certainly brings benefits, but only in this case, if its consumption is not excessive. It includes great amount vitamins and microelements that are very useful for human body.

Calcium has a beneficial effect on bones and teeth, keeping them in good condition nervous system, also keeps muscles toned. Potassium promotes excellent cleansing gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins, regulates blood pressure, heart function and significantly improves metabolism in tissues.

Restores fat metabolism found in brown sugar, zinc, it is also very necessary for the best healing of wounds and good hair growth. Phosphorus
indispensable for work of cardio-vascular system, brain. Because it is the main component of cells.

Iron is also found in coffee sugar, and it significantly improves blood circulation. Copper is involved in the structure of proteins and increases immunity.

Brown sugar is classified as a complex carbohydrate and therefore can be safely consumed by people on a diet, because a huge amount of calories is spent on its absorption. Very often, such sugar is used in food for children, and is also recommended for people with a tendency to allergies. Brown sugar helps the body recover after strenuous exercise. The bio value of cane sugar is much higher than that of regular sugar.

Introduction to cooking

Brown sugar is widely used in cooking and is now much needed in the world. It is used as a natural sweetener for various drinks and dishes, frostings and ice cream. It is also indispensable for baking baked goods, confectionery. Cane sugar is added to various salads, fish and meat dishes, sweet and sour sauces, vegetable stew, dairy products. They cannot do without it in the production of compotes, carbonated and hot drinks. After all, even a mojito without a sweet coffee component will no longer be the same as it should be, because sugar with molasses gives the drink a narrow caramel flavor.

Without cane sugar it is impossible to prepare tasty and unique dessert. He gives the dessert a thin crispy caramel crust, and the larger the sugar crystals, the stronger and thicker the crust will be.

In cosmetology

Anyone who is on a diet and looks after their own appearance is certainly interested in the question: what is the calorie content of coffee sugar and is it possible to consume it while on a diet? Let us immediately note that there are the same number of calories in cane sugar as in ordinary sugar, and its main difference is that it is absorbed much more slowly and is not adjusted so quickly in the form of cm on the figure. Such sugar will provide the body with useful substances that are very useful when following a diet. Just 50 grams of coffee sugar is enough to make your diet balanced.

Harm and contraindications

They say that because of its low calorie content, brown sugar can be eaten to your heart's content. We hasten to disappoint you, such statements are absolutely false. Don't forget that despite the fact that Bastre low calorie product, his energy value significantly higher than normal beet sugar. That is why you should not use it without measure if you value your figure. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that the optimal dose of brown sugar per day is 60 grams. By sticking to this dosage, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds.

Also overuse Cane sugar is highly undesirable for people with diabetes, obesity or hypertension. All this is due to the large amount of carbohydrates it contains. Naturally, replacing regular sugar taking bastra will benefit your body, but don’t expect it to solve your problems. Remember that the main thing is to know the limits when consuming any product.

Common Misconceptions

It is believed that it is impossible to distinguish natural brown sugar from artificial ones, but this is not true. As already mentioned, by reading the information on the packaging, you can find out whether the product is refined or not. Natural brown sugar is only unrefined. Real brown sugar also has a distinct cane molasses aroma, which is easy to distinguish from the burnt sugar smell of artificial brown sugar. Well, the cost of natural brown sugar will be higher, which is due to the processing features sugar cane, from which brown sugar is obtained. Namely, the reed must be processed on the first day after harvest. This means that in our country it can only be packaged and not produced, which is indicated on the packaging by bona fide manufacturers.

Another common misconception is that fake sugar colors the water. dark color, but the real one is not. In fact, the molasses that gives the crystals their color is concentrated in the top layer of the crystal, which, when dropped into water, dissolves a little faster than the sugar itself. This is especially noticeable when dissolving coarse sugar.
Another misconception - white sugar more calories than brown. Indeed, brown sugar is healthier due to its composition, but not its calorie content. And brown sugar may even have slightly more calories than white sugar.

Those who think that brown sugar can be made from any unrefined raw sugar are also mistaken. In fact, true brown sugar can only be obtained by processing sugar cane.

Another myth can be considered the treatment of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems by active consumption and even intravenous administration of a concentrated glucose solution. Modern research showed that excess sugar in the body can not only provoke the development of diabetes, but also disrupt fat metabolism, the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and even disrupt the normal functioning of cells. All this becomes especially relevant in old age.

There are quite a few varieties of brown sugar, but many times recipes just say "brown sugar." And everyone understands this in their own way. Meanwhile, the final result of cooking and the taste of the dish depend on the type of brown sugar. In the picture from left to right: Light muscovado, Brown cassonade, Dark muscovado

If we talk about white and brown sugar in general, the main difference between brown sugar and white sugar is the presence of some molasses in it. Molasses (cane molasses) is a dark brown, syrupy liquid that does not crystallize and is separated from sugar during the refining process of the raw materials from which sugar is made.
Brown sugar can be simply unrefined cane sugar, or refined beet or cane sugar to which molasses has been added. Features and uses of brown sugar The main two characteristics by which varieties of brown sugar differ are the size of sucrose crystals and the percentage of molasses (molasses) content in them. Both factors influence the area to one degree or another. culinary use.The size of the crystals plays an important role in the choice of culinary application. Larger, less soluble crystals (turbinado, demerara) are suitable for recipes with a large amount of liquid and subject to heat (hot drinks, thin hot sauces, preserves).
Soft, moist, finely crystalline sugar (muscovado, cassonade) is excellent for baking, cold cocktails, glazes for meat and poultry). The second factor is the percentage of molasses in the sugar. The higher its content, the darker the sugar and the more pronounced the specific molasses smell. Types of Brown Sugar

IN different countries Brown sugars are called by different names, which often leads to some confusion. In English-speaking countries, the definition of “brown sugar” simply means unrefined cane sugar, which has been produced for a long time using a certain technology. It's dark raw sugar having a soft structure. In other countries, the concept of “brown sugar” is general and does not convey the full variety of types of this sugar.

Here are the main types of brown sugar:

Demerarra- fairly large crystals golden color. Good for tea and coffee, but does not spread well in dough and is less suitable for baking.

Muscovado light- moist brown sugar, with a delicate caramel aroma and creamy taste. Is used for delicate desserts, toffees, fudge, creams and sweet sauces. When stored in a loosely closed container, it cakes and hardens.

Muscovado dark- has a distinct molasses smell and dark brown color. Great for spicy sauces, marinades, glazing meat, and is also irreplaceable in dark baked goods where molasses is needed - in gingerbreads, spiced cupcakes, gingerbread. Hardens when stored in loosely closed containers.

Cassonade- fine grain brown sugar. The shade is something between dark and light muscovado, but it clumps less during storage.

Turbinado(“turbinado” - processed by turbine) - partially refined bulk sugar, with large crystals from light golden to brown. During production, a significant portion of the molasses is removed from the surface of this sugar using steam or water. Used for making tea and coffee.

Black Barbados sugar (molasses sugar)- fine wet sugar with very high content molasses and sticky consistency, black-brown in color. Used in the same way as dark muscovado.

The benefits and harms of brown sugar

You can argue which sugar is more beneficial for the body, but it is best to rely on the facts.

1. Any sugar consists almost entirely of simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) and has high calorie content. Therefore, it can be used in non- large quantities so as not to provoke the appearance excess weight.

2. Brown sugar contains much more minerals and trace elements than refined white sugar, but their amount is still not comparable, for example, with the content of these substances in natural dried fruits and honey.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that brown sugar still does not bring much benefit, but if you choose between white and brown, it is still slightly less harmful.


Nowadays there are many tips on the Internet on how to recognize real brown sugar and distinguish it from fake one. However, these tips are not always correct. For example, a tip to put brown sugar crystals in water and see if they change color and stain the water. Regardless of the sugar production technology, coarse sugar (Demerrara, Turbinado) is a sucrose crystal in a molasses shell, since the molasses is forced onto the surface of the crystal. Naturally, it first gets into the water, and the sugar crystals lighten. This is not yet a reason to talk about fake.

It is better to simply choose sugar from well-known manufacturers and buy it in large stores.

Culinary uses and little tricks

In addition to the flavor and aroma qualities of brown sugar, the size of its crystals and solubility, which were mentioned above, there are some other features that should be taken into account when preparing dishes with brown sugar and when replacing one type of sugar with another.

1. To make caramel, it is better to use white sugar, because... the absence of impurities allows the sugar to caramelize better and it is easier to assess the readiness of the caramel by its color.

2. The molasses in brown sugar is slightly acidic and reacts with baking soda to form carbon dioxide, which helps the dough rise. Therefore, follow the recipe directions exactly, and when substituting, take into account the ratio of acid and alkali in the dough. When replacing white sugar brown use an equal amount of sugar.

3. Dark brown sugar (dark muscovado, barbados) can be used to replace molasses, which is used in some recipes and may be difficult to buy in Russia. In this case, you need to reduce the content of other sugars in the recipe accordingly. In general, 100 grams of sugar equals 120 grams of molasses.

4. The molasses in brown sugar slows down the crystallization of sugar in finished product, as a result of which the baked goods will be softer, with a faint toffee smell and will not go stale longer.

5. If dark brown soft sugar has become caked and hardened during storage, it can be easily softened using one of the following methods. Place a slice in a container with sugar fresh apple, close tightly and leave for several days; You can put it in a bowl, cover it with a damp towel or napkin and leave it for 15-20 minutes, or put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. After any of these manipulations, the brown sugar will again become soft, moist and crumbly.

If you actively follow research in the field proper nutrition, then you inevitably come across information about the dangers of refined sugar. In the wake of criticism of this well-known product, brown sugar came to the fore several years ago, which is truly credited with miraculous properties.

Many manufacturers claim that raw brown sugar is rich in vitamins. In addition, it is believed that it is absorbed more slowly and does not contribute to excess weight gain. Agree that it sounds wonderful. Add brown sugar instead of white sugar to your favorite desserts, and you won't gain weight.

But you should not unconditionally trust the information of manufacturers, because their main goal is to sell a more expensive product, which is brown sugar. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic facts regarding this controversial product and draw your own conclusions about the advisability of its use in daily diet.

What is brown sugar made from?

The difference between the white sugar that we are all accustomed to and brown sugar is not only in color. A significant portion of the sugar on store shelves is made from sugar beets or sugar cane. With the production of brown sugar, the situation is more complicated.

Brown sugar can only be cane sugar. This is due to the technology of its purification. The fact is that beet sugar if not fully processed, it has an unpleasant taste and is even more bad smell, so it’s unlikely that anyone will want to add it to tea.

While cane sugar, even if not refined, has a characteristic sweet taste and a very recognizable smell of molasses. But brown sugar owes its brown color to molasses, which remains on the surface of the crystals.

Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

The answer to this statement is quite obvious. Brown sugar is indeed healthier, but not because special properties or low calorie content. There is a law here that is also characteristic of other products with varying degrees of processing.

How less product processed, the more vitamins it retains, and raw sugar is no exception. However, you should not hope that the norm of sugar that is usual for most people will replenish the daily supply of vitamins and minerals. Here it is better to rely on an extra portion of fruits or berries.

Brown sugar has less calories

The information that brown sugar has lower calorie content is, unfortunately, a myth. This is the same simple carbohydrate, the calorie content of which is about 400 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

The insulin release process that occurs when you consume brown sugar is no different from the same process that occurs when you consume white sugar. This means that if you switch to brown sugar in hopes of losing weight, you will gain weight just as easily as before.

Real brown sugar is hard to find

If you have ever tried real brown sugar, you are unlikely to confuse it with burnt fake sugar. Well, for those who are just discovering this product, we have prepared some tips that will help you buy high-quality brown sugar, and not colored refined sugar.

First of all, give preference to trusted manufacturers who have been on the market for a long time and have managed to gain a good reputation. In addition, having decided to switch to this type sugar, don't skimp. Brown sugar is more expensive to produce, so the final price the consumer pays is higher than when purchasing white sugar.

Brown sugar does not color water

For a long time plain water used to detect counterfeit brown sugar. It was believed that if it changed color, it means the sugar was artificially colored. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and it is impossible to determine a fake in this way.

We have already mentioned that in upper layers brown sugar crystals contain molasses, which quickly dissolves in water and also quite easily, like any dye, colors it dark. That is why this test is not reliable and, when buying brown sugar, we can only trust the “unrefined” label and focus on the price of the product and the reputation of the company.

But we’ll give you a little hint: brown sugar is not produced in Russia, although it is sometimes packaged. So please contact me Special attention at this point when choosing brown sugar.

Adults and children love to eat sugar; it improves brain function and improves mood. In Russia and the CIS countries they consumed mainly sugar white, but not so long ago brown sugar was brought to our country. And many sweet tooths have since been interested in the question: cane sugar and regular sugar - what is the difference between them? And does it exist at all?

How is beet sugar obtained?

To obtain everyone's favorite beet sugar, people use sugar beets. In the mid-eighteenth century, the German chemist Andreas Marggraf published his numerous observations on how sugar is extracted from sugar beets. The records of the talented scientist have survived to this day.

The French commander Napoleon Bonaparte tried his best to improve the production of beet sugar in France, so as not to buy sugar from Great Britain.

In 1802 Alexander Blankenagel opened the first white sugar factory in the Russian Empire. I. A. Maltsev, with the help of the count couple Bobrinsky, improved sugar production in the Russian Empire. In 1897, more than two hundred sugar factories operated in the Russian state.

How is cane sugar made?

Sugar cane is used to make cane sugar. At the end of the fifteenth century, the navigator H. Columbus brought to the island. Haiti sugar cane. Over time, sugar cane began to be grown in India and the United States. In the sixteenth century, a cane sugar factory began operating in Germany. But despite this, sugar remained an item of wealth and luxury for a long time.

It grows over several years. Sugarcane is harvested in two ways by hand or agricultural machinery. The stems are cut into small pieces and taken to processing plants. At the factory, the sugar cane stalks are finely crushed and the juice is extracted with pure water.

First, the juice is subjected to maximum heat in order to destroy numerous enzymes. The resulting syrup is passed through several evaporators, after this procedure all the water comes out. After the above procedure, the formation of sugar crystals. The resulting crystals have a brown tint and are completely ready for use.

What are the benefits of cane sugar?

Cane sugar is 88% sucrose. But in addition to sucrose, brown sugar also contains at least useful material:

  • Potassium- improves heart function and strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure. Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats. Cleanses the intestines and removes accumulated toxins from the human body;
  • Calcium- improves the condition of bones and tooth enamel. Promotes blood clotting and has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  • Zinc- keeps the skin youthful and makes the hair thick and shiny;
  • Copper- improves immune system person;
  • Phosphorus- improves brain and heart function;
  • Iron- strengthens blood vessels.

Brown sugar is extremely beneficial for the human body and should be included in your diet.

The harm of cane sugar

Unfortunately, sugar brings more disadvantages to our body than advantages. However, it should be remembered that sugar is harmful to a sweet tooth only if he consumes it in considerable quantities.

And eating even brown sugar can lead to such serious diseases as:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Atherosclerosis;
  4. Allergic reaction.

If a person is sick diabetes mellitus, then he needs to try to completely eliminate sugar from his diet or at least sharply reduce its amount. For pancreatitis, bronchial asthma and oncology, you should also limit the consumption of any sugar.

When purchasing cane sugar in the store, give preference to sugar in transparent packaging. So you can take a closer look at it appearance. Carefully read the ingredients on the label; it should say sugar. unrefined.

Very often, colored beet sugar is sold under the guise of cane sugar. Of course, such a food product will not cause damage to your body, but it also has many benefits. given sugar you won't get it. And you will pay for it like you would for brown sugar, which costs much more than white sugar.

What are the benefits of beet sugar?

Our native white sugar also contains a lot useful substances. Beet sugar contains useful microelements, but manufacturers often do not write about this on the packaging. After making beet sugar, dark molasses remains. And dark molasses is used to produce livestock feed and alcohol.

Beetroot juice contains not only sugar, but also a lot of other useful substances:

  • Protein;
  • Pectin;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Malic acid;
  • Citric acid;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Cesium;
  • Iron.

But it is worth noting that the manufacturers of white granulated sugar are behind the times. IN Soviet time was implemented granulated sugar yellow color. If enterprises did not have time to produce white granulated sugar, then sellers put yellow sugar on store shelves. Nowadays, yellow granulated sugar would cost more than white granulated sugar, as it is enriched with organic elements.

The harm of beet sugar

Beet sugar is harmful to our body only if we eat in large quantities. Because granulated sugar, like any other food product, should be consumed in moderation.

Excessive consumption of beet sugar leads to serious consequences such as:

  1. Decreased immunity;
  2. Improper metabolism;
  3. Increased cholesterol;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Destruction of tooth enamel;
  6. Excess weight;
  7. Allergic reaction.

Now you know about the pros and cons of cane sugar and beet sugar. Now you can answer the question, “what is the difference between cane sugar and regular sugar”? Each of them contains useful and harmful properties. The main thing is not to consume them in large quantities. And it’s up to you to decide which sugar to choose!

Video about the difference between cane and regular sugar