Rapeseed honey: benefits and harm. Beneficial and medicinal properties of rapeseed honey, its characteristics and contraindications

In the article we discuss rapeseed honey. You will learn why it is useful and how it is used in folk medicine. We will tell you how not to make a mistake in your choice when purchasing and how to store it later.

This is what rapeseed honey looks like Rapeseed is an agricultural plant that is used as animal feed and production. technical oils, biofuels, detergents and cosmetics. And many people have a question about the benefits of rapeseed honey and whether it is worth consuming. Let's first figure out what it looks like.

Rapeseed honey - description:

  • Color - from light to deep yellow.
  • The aroma is quite sharp and pronounced.
  • The taste is very sweet, even cloying.
  • Crystallization - quickly thickens, acquiring White color. The crystals of rapeseed honey are fine-grained.
  • The consistency is creamy. Due to its thickness, it has to be pumped out of the honeycombs within 24 hours.

The chemical composition of rapeseed honey is very rich. It includes:

  • water;
  • organic acids and their salts;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A, group B, C;
  • hormones;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils.

Honey contains up to 44% fructose and 36% glucose. Distinctive feature This product is practically insoluble in water.

The calorie content of rapeseed honey is 329 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of rapeseed honey?

By medicinal characteristics Rapeseed honey is not inferior to other types of honey. However, in the countries of the former USSR it is not as common as in Europe. It is valued primarily due to its healing actions on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves throat inflammation;
  • has a positive effect on brain functioning;
  • regenerates bone tissue;
  • restores cell membranes;
  • helps with thyroid diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

In rapeseed honey a large number of glucose, which serves as a source of energy for the body. Therefore, the product is useful for people engaged in work with heavy physical exertion or engaged in intellectual work.

The maximum daily dose of honey for adults is no more than 100 grams, for children - 20-50 grams, depending on age.

Use in folk medicine

Rapeseed honey is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Let's figure out why rapeseed honey is useful and how to take it depending on the diagnosis. Traditional healers recommend rapeseed honey for oral and external use.

In folk medicine, the use of rapeseed honey orally is indicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • ischemia;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • constipation;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • depression;
  • insomnia.

The benefits of rapeseed honey for the stomach have been proven. It copes well with colitis, constipation, enteritis, and helps with ulcers and gastritis. Effective for enzymatic deficiency.

There are many recipes for the gastrointestinal tract based on rapeseed honey. Here's one of them.


  1. Aloe juice - 400 grams.
  2. Pumpkin juice - 400 grams.
  3. Radish juice - 400 grams.
  4. Red Home wine- 400 grams.
  5. Rapeseed honey - 400 grams.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients in a container and place in an oven preheated to 40 C for 5-6 hours.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals.

Result: Reduces colic and bloating after eating. The pain disappears.

The use of this honey is effective in the fight against extra pounds. It normalizes metabolic processes, improves intestinal motility, and breaks down fats well. There is no need to prepare complex preparations here. Honey is used for weight loss pure form. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. Naturally, you should not rely only on this product. To consolidate the result, think over a scheme dietary nutrition and balanced physical activity.

Thanks to the large number of essential oils, it is effective for various skin diseases. It is applied to damaged areas of the skin for cuts, burns and other injuries. It also promotes gum healing during scurvy and other dental diseases.

This type of honey is often used in cosmetology. It has been proven that it activates rejuvenation processes in the body. Due to the properties of rapeseed honey, it is used as a component in various face masks. And its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are suitable for those who have problems with acne on the skin. It also strengthens hair well, returns a healthy color to the skin, while eliminating small expression wrinkles.

How to choose and store rapeseed honey

When choosing honey, pay attention to its external characteristics. Remember that it is pumped out at the beginning of summer, which means that it crystallizes already in July. If you are offered liquid rapeseed honey in the fall or winter, it is a fake.

There are several other ways to check:

  1. Place a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, and if it dissolves quickly, it means that they are trying to sell you honey that is not made from rapeseed.
  2. Take a drop of rapeseed honey into your mouth. Unlike other types of honey, which literally melt in your mouth, rapeseed honey dissolves in oral cavity slowly and gradually.
  3. Place a small amount of product on a piece of paper. In a minute look at reverse side. If there is a wet spot left, the product is not genuine.

Rapeseed honey is very finicky and quickly turns sour if stored improperly. It is more susceptible to fermentation than other types of honey. Therefore, make sure that no water gets into the jar with the product, protect it from direct sunlight and heating above 40 C.

When heated to 40 C, honey completely loses healing properties. And at 60 C it forms OMF (hydroxymethylfurfural) - a poison that in large doses leads to convulsions and paralysis, in small doses it has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. The longer you store rapeseed honey, the more OMF is formed in it.

Store honey in a glass jar in a cool, dark place. When purchasing, purchase small quantities so you can use them up quickly.

It is an annual honey plant known for its aroma. People extract oil from rapeseed flowers that bloom in late spring, and bees make honey of amazing quality. In addition, this crop is grown for biofuel production and as livestock feed. However, despite numerous beneficial features and low cost, rapeseed has a negative impact on the soil, which is why it is impossible to sow it in the same place on a regular basis, and therefore, it will not be possible to obtain a harvest of such honey in a home apiary every year (although the honey yield per hectare rapeseed reaches 90 kg).

Characteristics and features of rapeseed honey

Rapeseed honey is quite popular in Europe, but has not yet become widespread in our country. Meanwhile, rapeseed honey has unique beneficial properties that have been proven by scientists from developed countries. Suffice it to say that, for example, most of the honey produced in Canada is rapeseed. Rapeseed honey can be easily distinguished from any other type of honey by its external characteristics. It is very thick (there is little water in it, and it dissolves poorly in it), opaque, has a very light color. After crystallization it turns white, acquiring a fine-grained structure. Almost instantaneous crystallization is the second reason for the rarity of rapeseed honey in our country, after the irregular sowing of rapeseed. If the beekeeper did not have time to pick up the honeycombs as soon as they were sealed, pumping honey out of them becomes a big problem. At the same time, even pumped out honey on time remains liquid for no more than four weeks.

Sometimes, due to this inconvenient property, rapeseed honey is not sold at all, leaving it for bees as food. Rapeseed honey is also used to accelerate the crystallization of other types of honey. Although European beekeepers act more constructively: they beat rapeseed honey until creamy and then sell it. The taste difference between rapeseed honey and other varieties is the pronounced bitterness it leaves behind as a long aftertaste. At first impressions, the product is very sweet, but otherwise quite tender and pleasant to the taste. Rapeseed honey is not very fragrant, but its pungent smell is quite good.

Did you know? The contradictory attitude of many consumers towards rapeseed honey is caused by the fact that the overwhelming amount of rapeseed sown in the fields has been subjected to genetic modification. The official version of scientists is that rapeseed honey does not belong to genetically modified products, since it contains a minimal amount of rapeseed pollen as such (from 0 to 0.2%).

Continuing the description of rapeseed honey, it should be said that it is more susceptible to fermentation processes than other varieties, which not only determines additional rules for storing this product, but also excludes its purchase for future use. large quantities. In addition, due to its poor solubility, rapeseed honey is not suitable for use in smoothies and other dishes that require mixing with liquid.

Calorie content and chemical composition of rapeseed honey

The calorie content of rapeseed honey is quite high. 100 g of honey contains 329 kcal, which covers approximately 15% daily requirement healthy person in energy. If we talk about units of volume that are understandable to everyone, then a glass (250 ml) of such honey contains more than 1200 kcal, so you definitely shouldn’t abuse such a delicacy. This honey contains more than 80% carbohydrates, less than 1% proteins, and no fat.

The chemical composition of rapeseed honey, as studies have shown, is represented by such elements as water (about 19%); sugars – cane sugar, fructose, glucose, polysaccharides (up to 80% in total), organic acids and their salts, essential oils, enzymes, hormones, ash. In addition, rapeseed honey contains elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium (the list is presented in descending order).
Rapeseed honey is also rich in ascorbic acid and wide range B vitamins: 2, 3, 5, 6, 9. In terms of the amount of glucose (more than 50%), rapeseed honey is the record holder among all other beekeeping products. It is also believed that the composition of microelements in this product is absolutely unique and has no analogues in nature. And yet, compared to other varieties, rapeseed honey is not considered particularly valuable.

How to check the naturalness of rapeseed honey when purchasing

It should be admitted that it is difficult even for a specialist to determine by eye the naturalness and, especially, the quality of honey in general and rapeseed honey in particular. The thing is that the main characteristic of honey is the breed of bees that produced it, as well as, in fact, what it ate. For example, adding to bees' food powdered sugar even in minimum quantities sharply reduces the amount of beneficial enzymes in the product.

There are other factors too. So, no one except the beekeeper knows whether his bees were sick and, if so, what medications were used to treat them. The presence of antibiotics in honey is not the best indicator of its quality. But crystallization (sugarification) of rapeseed honey in no way reduces its beneficial properties and, rather, testifies in favor of the product. The main thing is that the honey is fresh.

Did you know? Purchasing crystallized rapeseed honey is not only safe, but even recommended from the point of view of its benefits, because the liquid state of rapeseed honey is a short-term phenomenon, and in order to prolong it, unscrupulous sellers sometimes resort to various tricks. So, when heated, honey melts, but not only loses all its healing qualities, but can even turn into poison (hydroxymethylfurfural, formed in honey when long-term storage and when heated above 60 degrees, it has a depressant effect on the nervous system, and in large doses can cause paralysis).

That's why The best way purchase quality honey– use trusted contacts (a familiar beekeeper, recommendations from friends, a trustworthy store or online resource). In addition, it is very important to once see a real quality product, take a good look and taste it, remember its aroma. This will make it much more difficult for scammers to deceive you.

When you first get acquainted with rapeseed honey, you can use its description (color, taste, aroma) given above, but you can rely on this method only as a last resort. There are, however, some general signs that it is recommended to pay attention to when buying honey in order to assess its naturalness and freshness. These can also be taken into account. In this case, you need to use four senses - vision, touch, smell, taste.

Rapeseed honey, as mentioned, is very light, almost white. A cloudy tint, sediment, or separation are reasons to refuse the purchase, as is foam, which indicates that the honey is not ripe or has begun to ferment. A consistency that is too thin in relation to other types of honey rather indicates their freshness, but rapeseed honey cannot be liquid. If you scoop honey into a spoon and lift it, it should flow out in a heavy wave or thin thread(depending on the volume of the spoon), but under no circumstances drip. Moreover, falling down from the spoon, real honey first forms a hill on a horizontal surface, which very slowly diverges along the plane, and does not spread over it in a puddle. A more viscous form and even complete crystallization is quite normal. But the structure of the product must be the same. If wax is present in honey, this indicates that the collection was not entirely accurate, but not the poor quality of the product. The “correct” rapeseed honey can also be determined by weight. One liter of volume should contain approximately 1.66 kg of honey. If liter jar weighs less - the honey was most likely diluted.

Important! Knowing when rapeseed blooms and how quickly rapeseed honey crystallizes, we can confidently say that in August real rapeseed honey can only be sold in bars. If you are offered a liquid product under the guise of such honey, you should not buy it!

A hint for identifying honey by touch: if the product is absorbed into the skin when rubbed with your fingers, everything is fine, while the formation of pellets indicates the presence of foreign additives. Now let's smell the product. Any natural honey smells nice. If you do not know the characteristic specific aroma characteristic of honey obtained from rapeseed pollen, be guided by the first sensation: the more syrup is mixed into the product, the more unpleasant, artificial smell it has.

The last check is a taste test. Despite the fact that rapeseed honey has a bitter taste, it cannot be too bitter, much less sour. You should feel some irritation in your throat due to the astringency of the honey, but any other unpleasant taste sensations– a reason to suspect counterfeit or foreign additives in the product.

Proper storage of rapeseed honey

As mentioned, rapeseed honey crystallizes very quickly and, in addition, is highly susceptible to fermentation processes, which requires particularly strict adherence to the rules for storing this product. So, if other types of honey are simply recommended to be protected from light and heat, then rapeseed honey should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool and dark place. Correctly selected container is the second condition for proper storage of honey. For these purposes, it is good to use a wooden, clay or ceramic container, but utensils made from coniferous trees should be avoided. Glass containers are also acceptable. All of the listed materials are not chemically active and therefore will not affect the quality of honey.

Important! Under no circumstances should honey be stored in plastic or metal containers.

Whatever container for honey is chosen, it must be equipped with a tight-fitting lid and always remain hermetically sealed.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of rapeseed honey

Rapeseed honey has numerous beneficial properties and, in addition, is quickly absorbed by the body, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of various painful conditions. The effectiveness of this product, taken without any additional processing, for the treatment of inflammation of the oral cavity, in particular stomatitis and gingivitis, has been indisputably proven.

The iodine contained in honey has a stabilizing effect on the endocrine system, which very few products in our latitudes can boast of. An ointment made from rapeseed honey has a healing effect; it is used to treat ulcers that occur due to diabetes. In addition, rapeseed honey reduces attacks of toxicosis in women, helps them cope with hormonal changes, including menopause, and even infertility, and men will be pleased to know about the ability of this product to improve potency.

An almost priceless property of rapeseed honey is its ability to remove heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the body, which makes it an indispensable supplement in the diet of residents of megacities and industrial regions. At the same time, rapeseed honey is less allergenic than other beekeeping products. This allows rapeseed honey to be used more widely to restore immunity, and also as an expectorant and antispasmodic, in particular, for various respiratory diseases, and no one doubts the benefits of honey for the throat.
Rapeseed honey also has the ability to regenerate tissue, and this property is used not only for internal, but also for external use of the product: You can make compresses from rapeseed honey, which help quickly restore the skin after a burn, wound or other troubles. This type of honey is also used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract(in particular, ulcers and gastritis), liver and biliary tract. Rapeseed honey is also very useful for the intestines: secretion is normalized, microflora is improved, the composition of enzymes is restored, intestinal colic is relieved and constipation is reduced.

Rapeseed honey is also used for low hemoglobin, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, obesity, blood pressure disorders, coronary heart disease, and myocardial dystrophy. This honey has a general strengthening effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, improving the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Thanks very much high content glucose, rapeseed honey has the property of helping the body quickly recover after heavy physical or emotional stress.

Rapeseed honey as a cure for diseases: use in folk medicine

Found rapeseed honey wide application not only in traditional, but also in folk medicine. For example, for radiculitis and rheumatism, it is recommended to rub the sore spot with a preparation obtained as follows: a conical depression is cut out in the root crop of black radish, which is filled with honey. After a few hours, released by the radish healing juice mixed with honey, and the syrup can be used for its intended purpose. By the way, in the same way you can get excellent remedy to treat the throat and improve immunity during colds.

To get rid of the symptoms of a runny nose, a small piece of crystallized honey is placed in the nose, after which you need to take a horizontal position for at least a quarter of an hour. A slight burning sensation in the nose is normal and goes away quite quickly. The manifestations of atherosclerosis can be combated as follows: a carefully melted (if necessary) glass of rapeseed honey is mixed with the same amount of juice from onions(you need to grate the onion and squeeze out the juice). The medicine is taken three times a day, one hour before or three hours after meals.

A separate topic is treatment with honey alcohol addiction. The fact is that the body, depleted by alcohol, experiences an acute lack of many microelements, in particular potassium. At the same time, the lack of potassium, in turn, increases the craving for drinking alcohol, as a result, the person ends up in a kind of vicious circle. Honey, including that made from rapeseed, helps the body restore the balance of microelements and vitamins. This effect can be achieved by just taking a couple of teaspoons of honey a day. But you can also use a three-day honey diet specially designed for alcoholics: on the first and third days, take three teaspoons of rapeseed honey six times every two hours; in the second - six teaspoons three times a day.
Half a teaspoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water should be taken every hour during binge drinking to prevent dehydration. It is necessary, however, to understand that honey is not a panacea in the treatment of the disease; its effect is more aimed at prevention and cannot replace serious therapy for exacerbations and other conditions that require unconditional medical intervention.

The use of rapeseed honey in cosmetology

As mentioned, rapeseed honey has regenerating properties, so it has a very beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates and renews it. It is not surprising that rapeseed honey is widely used in the cosmetology industry: various creams, lotions, scrubs and shampoos are made from it. In addition, in beauty salons this product is used for various anti-aging procedures, cleansing, as well as for healing wounds and scars, getting rid of acne, acne and other skin diseases. But since such drugs and procedures are not cheap, you can make a cosmetic product from rapeseed honey at home. We make a rejuvenating face mask like this: beat egg white, add two tablespoons of flour and one teaspoon of honey. Gently apply to face, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. To treat acne in teenagers, mix honey with onion juice in equal proportions. Apply the compress to problem areas of the skin and leave for half an hour. You should wash the juice off your face boiled water. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks.


If consumed thoughtlessly, rapeseed honey can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Firstly, this product is less allergenic compared to other types of honey, but this does not mean that an allergy to it is impossible at all. Therefore, any procedures based on rapeseed honey should be carried out with extreme caution and only after first making sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product. A special risk group is pregnant women and young children (up to one year, honey is completely excluded from the diet of children).

Important! An allergic reaction to rapeseed honey can manifest itself in the form of a skin rash (if you ignore the symptoms, after a while the rash turns into oozing ulcers), runny nose, swelling of the face, seizures bronchial asthma and suffocation, especially difficult cases anaphylactic shock may occur.

Secondly, You should not self-medicate, including with honey, if you have signs of an acute illness. Honey is a great opportunity to strengthen the body and its problem areas, but this product will not replace professional medical care! Overdose in taking honey, given its high calorie content And great amount The fructose it contains can cause obesity, diabetes, and caries. Therefore, people suffering diabetes mellitus, you should take honey with extreme caution, and during periods of exacerbation, exclude this product from your diet.

To summarize, we can say that rapeseed honey is certainly beneficial for human body product. But only on condition that it is fresh, natural, properly stored and taken in moderation and with basic precautions.

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47 once already

Honey collected by bees from flowering rapeseed is often the first thing that pleases beekeepers. The culture blooms in May-June, when natural honey plants have not yet bloomed. Some beekeepers prefer to leave the first harvest in the hive as a nutritious raw material for the bees - there is a lot of hassle with this product. However, those who get the hang of assembling it correctly can fully enjoy exquisite taste. The benefits of rapeseed honey have been well studied by European researchers, so this variety is considered valuable in the West.

Rapeseed is a crop from the cruciferous family, bred artificially. There is no natural analogue in the wild flora, but the seeded form can run wild and grow as a weed. A special feature of rapeseed is the abundance of bright yellow inflorescences, which provide a huge amount of pollen valuable for bees. It is often collected for the wintering of bees. Productive flowering of a plant is just a godsend for a beekeeper. By placing the hives a couple of hundred meters from the field, you can collect approximately 50 kg of honey from one hectare. In European countries, as well as in Northern and South America, rapeseed is very common. In Canada, rapeseed honey production accounts for 50% of the total product produced per year.

Why is it not valued in Russia?

Beekeepers in our country do not consider the extraction of rapeseed honey a promising activity. Therefore, they begin to search for fields sown with a given crop, often “for the bees,” and they pump out honey “for themselves.” There are several reasons for this.

  • Low prevalence of culture. The fact is that rapeseed is not only very picky about soil, it loves salty and well-fertilized soils. Thanks to its powerful root system, which penetrates 2 m deep into the soil, the plant actively draws out all useful substances from the soil, significantly reducing the yield of crops planted after it. The growing economic value of the plant for the production of biofuels is gradually expanding the plantings, but they cannot yet be called widespread. That is, in order to obtain rapeseed honey, you will need to work hard when searching for seedings and transporting the apiary to them.
  • Difficulties with pumping. Rapeseed honey, due to its low moisture content and high sugar content, crystallizes too quickly. It is very difficult to predict the moment when the honeycombs will be sealed with honey, and the crystallization of the product occurs literally in 24 hours.
  • Low popularity. Placed in glass jar Rapeseed honey, subject to all storage conditions, crystallizes already in the third week. Already in solid form it goes on sale, but the modern buyer does not like candied honey and does not want to buy it. The only way out is to sell honey directly from the apiary, which is not always possible.
  • Dubious benefit. Some consumers and even beekeepers believe that rapeseed honey is harmful as a product made from genetically modified raw materials. Indeed, all varieties of rapeseed with which fields are sown are hybrid. The soil for the crop is prepared in a special way - intensively fertilized with substances that are not always safe, so theoretically honey can contain harmful components.

An additional reason for the low popularity of the product is its ability to accelerate the crystallization of honey of a different variety, even if the pollen from the plant enters the hive in minimal quantities.

How to counter skepticism? Rapeseed honey has been studied by leading Western laboratories for centuries, and treatment with the product is very often used in folk medicine. Besides, pure honey from the crop contains about 0.8% rapeseed pollen, which is too little for the possible transfer of fertilizers, pesticides and other preparations from the agricultural industry.

The difficulties of obtaining, of course, are significant, but the result is worth it: nectar contains a lot of useful substances and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Composition of the product

Honey made by bees while collecting rapeseed pollen is considered truly unique. It has a delicate whitish color and viscous consistency. The increased density is caused by low water content - about 19%.

The main component of any honey is sugar. The bulk of the product belongs to glucose and fructose, which gives honey a special sweetness, many times greater than the taste of beetroot and cane sugar. A large amount of glucose makes honey an energy-intensive but easily digestible product that restores strength when tired. The content of dextrins has a beneficial effect on liver function and intestinal health.

Vitamins and minerals

Rapeseed nectar contains an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals. Among them:

  • group B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • routine;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • nickel;
  • cobalt;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

Thanks to its multivitamin composition, the product has good general strengthening properties, regulates metabolism, and also stimulates regenerative processes.

The mineral compounds of the product support the tone and consistency of human function. endocrine system, improve the functioning of smooth and striated muscles, and also normalize the conductivity of nerve fibers.

In addition, a balanced ratio of minerals and vitamins helps normalize hematopoiesis and improve blood composition. Increased content calcium provides support for the strength and elasticity of bone tissue and ligaments.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Rapeseed honey is beneficial for the human body due to the content of organic polyunsaturated fatty acids. The list of main ones includes:

  • linoleic;
  • alpha-linoleic;
  • linolenic;
  • erucic;
  • eicosene;
  • oleic

These compounds are used by the body as building materials in the synthesis of cell membranes. They have the power to regulate metabolism, speed up metabolism and eliminate stocks of harmful fats. In addition, fatty acids have antioxidant properties, and therefore are necessary for the body to neutralize free radicals and other harmful substances. These compounds are also credited with immunostimulating and anti-stress properties.

Amino acids and enzymes

Amino acids and enzymes stand apart in the chemical composition of rapeseed honey. These protein compounds have a number of beneficial effects on the body:

  • improve myocardial functioning;
  • normalize work nervous system;
  • stimulate the synthesis of blood cells;
  • ensure optimal digestion;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • participate in regeneration processes;
  • ensure complete absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Rapeseed honey is popularly valued for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The product is able to eliminate infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. The nectar owes these qualities to rapeseed essential oil, the volatile components of which pass into honey in small quantities, but have a noticeable therapeutic effect.

In Europe, rapeseed honey is called “live”. The reason for this is the similarity of the ratio of nutrients and mineral compounds in honey to that in human blood. That is why the product is well absorbed, rarely causes allergies and is suitable for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of rapeseed honey

Rich useful substances the composition makes the product an effective prophylactic agent, and also determines medicinal properties rapeseed honey This is a powerful auxiliary component of complex therapy for a number of diseases.

The most common use of the product is as a quick, easily digestible and useful source energy. Honey is recommended for athletes, as well as people engaged in heavy mental and physical labor. The light consistency and pleasant taste make it possible to supplement quick snacks with nectar, giving a boost of energy and toning the body when there is a lack of energy.

For the nervous system

Noted positive influence product on the functioning of the nervous system:

  • stress resistance increases;
  • memory improves;
  • thought processes are accelerated;
  • a mild sedative effect is observed;
  • concentration increases.

Unlike other desserts, honey can be used for obesity as a metabolism stimulant and an aid in weight loss. Eating a small amount of the product can effectively eliminate an attack of hunger without saturating the body with excess calories. The ability to normalize metabolic processes is relevant for fluid retention and salt metabolism disorders (gout, osteochondrosis, tendency to edema).

Saturation with minerals helps strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The product is very useful for women on the eve of menopause, as it prevents the development of osteoporosis. A moderate amount of honey will help support the musculoskeletal system in children.

For the heart and blood vessels

Rapeseed nectar has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, namely:

  • improves the rheological properties of blood;
  • normalizes clotting;
  • strengthens the myocardium;
  • prevents pressure surges;
  • makes capillaries strong;
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels;
  • prevents atherosclerosis.

For digestion and immunity

Rapeseed honey is considered very useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Consuming a small amount of it helps fight gastritis and stomach ulcers, and eliminates excessive acidity. Content simple sugars promotes the growth of normal microflora in the intestines. The product is also endowed with mild choleretic and hepatoprotective properties.

Thanks to boron compounds, honey provides an effective removal of waste and toxins, and is especially effective in cases of poisoning. Regular use of the product normalizes stool and eliminates the tendency to constipation or diarrhea.

The general strengthening and immunostimulating properties of rapeseed nectar are especially appropriate for colds, acute respiratory viral infections and coughs. In this case, honey is used as a bite with warm drinks or with milk. It improves sweating and has pronounced anti-fever properties. Taking the product is indicated after protracted illnesses, as well as when the body is exhausted.

For injuries and lesions of the skin

The regenerative properties of honey, combined with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, are often used in the treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Preparing ointments or using clean liquid product recommended for:

  • burns;
  • scratches;
  • cuts;
  • frostbite;
  • abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • insect bites.

The beneficial properties of rapeseed honey are also manifested in autoimmune and infectious skin diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • idiopathic rash;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diabetic foot;
  • boils;
  • purulent wounds;
  • internal abscesses.

For inflammation of the throat and mouth

External treatment with rapeseed honey may involve dissolving a small amount of the product in the mouth. This will get rid of:

  • tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • sore throat;
  • inflammation of the vocal cords.

Cosmetologists value the restorative and antiseptic properties of nectar. It is added to homemade face masks to help eliminate skin inflammation, rashes, and signs of aging. Adding it to hair masks helps strengthen hair follicles and make hair shiny and thick.

How to choose the “right” honey

Honey is a very delicate product. It is usually valued moderately liquid consistency, and when it hardens they try to return it. With natural products this does not always cause positive transformations. At temperatures exceeding 40ºС, honey begins to lose its beneficial qualities. If you heat it to a temperature above 60ºС, the chemical composition will change completely, toxic substances will appear in it, which science classifies as carcinogens.

The consumer’s task is to purchase exclusively natural rapeseed honey, which has not been subjected to heat treatment and mixing with various additives. This is possible if you know a beekeeper or if you choose the right product at the point of sale. How to choose natural rapeseed honey, its characteristics will tell you:

  • color – fresh rapeseed nectar has a milky yellow color, upon crystallization it turns white, and yellow is visible only as a tint;
  • consistency – fresh honey– viscous and liquid, has a homogeneous fine-crystalline structure;
  • smell – pronounced floral, with impurities essential oil rapeseed, and therefore unique;
  • taste – very sweet, slightly cloying, leaves a pronounced sweet aftertaste with a burning aftertaste, vaguely reminiscent of mustard;
  • presence of inclusions– stains and impurities in the structure of rapeseed honey indicate its mixing with other components.

When choosing a product, you should not focus on its fluidity. Crystallized rapeseed honey cannot be stale as it spoils quickly. The taste and healing qualities of the candied product correspond to those of recently extracted honey.

Rules for safe use

Contraindications for rapeseed honey include only individual sensitivity to bee products. By itself, it is much less likely to cause allergies than its flower counterparts. However, this does not mean that nectar can be eaten for any disease and in any quantity.

You should handle honey very carefully if you have diabetes. The saturation of the product with sugars can provoke a lack of the usual dose of insulin. Despite this, honey is considered more useful substitute sugar than artificial sweeteners. Its use must be agreed with your doctor.

Due to its impressive calorie content (100 g contains 304 kcal), people with excess body weight should eat honey carefully. If a couple of teaspoons throughout the day is considered a metabolism stimulant, then uncontrolled addition even to dietary products is a clear path to gaining kilograms.

Pregnant and lactating women should include rapeseed nectar in their diet in moderation. This product should not be given to children under one year of age due to the high risk of developing allergies.

How to be treated

Use rapeseed honey for medicinal and for preventive purposes should be the same - taking into account the recommended daily dose of the product:

  • children under 12 years of age– two to three teaspoons;
  • ladies in position– two teaspoons;
  • while following a diet– two teaspoons;
  • adults – two to three tablespoons.

Preventive treatment is possible at any time of the day. It is recommended to consume pure honey between meals, and wash it down with plain water or unsweetened tea.

If the product is used for the treatment of diseases, its use is combined with the fulfillment of the doctor’s prescription. It is advisable to discuss the use of honey with a specialist. According to reviews, a small amount of bee medicine is not prohibited even in case of serious pathologies. For therapeutic purposes, the product is eaten on an empty stomach, washed down a small amount water and slowly dissolving it in your mouth.

During use, it is important to store rapeseed honey correctly: in a cool, dark place, protected from sunlight. Refrigerator conditions are not suitable for nectar. Room temperature– also, with it, the beekeeping product begins to ferment and sour.

The use of rapeseed honey will help maintain the functioning of the body at the proper level. The product helps preserve beauty and youth, good spirits, and improves mood. The gift of bees is useful in the treatment of diseases, in the restoration of damaged organs and tissues. But important condition– the use of nectar in conjunction with a medical approach to treatment. In this case, the chances of success increase significantly.

Reviews: “Sweet grainy oil”

This honey is believed to have unique properties. It seems like scientists have proven this. Thick, because there is little water, it quickly crystallizes, so you need to quickly pick up the honeycombs and pump out the honey. It contains more microelements than other types. It contains biological active substances. It has a positive effect on potency, is useful for women if they suffer from infertility, and pregnant women do not suffer from attacks of nausea when taking it, and it rejuvenates the skin. Used for healing ulcers, wounds, eczema, rinse the mouth if there are problems with teeth and gums. Helps with diseases of the heart, liver, digestive system, normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, improves immunity. Just make sure that the rapeseed crops are not treated with “chemicals”.

Igorr, http://www.lynix.biz/forum/chem-polezen-rapsovyi-med

In the countryside, many actually treat diseases of the stomach and intestines with honey..... I myself had daudenitis - somehow it went away with time; the thyroid nodules went away (maybe due to bee stings?) A woman we know treats stomach pain with honey - I have There is old rapeseed, I give it to her for free, she says that it relieves pain and heaviness and the effect of half a liter of honey is enough for several months. In villages, doctors are very weak, the majority do not trust them, but trust in honey

Rudakov Yuri, http://www.pchelovod.info/lofiversion/index.php/t59368.html

Are you familiar with the phrase “rapeseed honey”? It is not surprising if you have heard about it, but have never seen it on store shelves, because this type of product is quite rare. The name itself suggests that the delicacy contains a rapeseed plant, which is used to feed animals and is grown only for these purposes. Personally, I am familiar with it, and I am very dissatisfied with the taste and physical properties of this honey! It comes out of the honeycomb very poorly, thickens quickly, and tastes like a sweet grainy oil, just like for me!

Allochka, http://greenforum.com.ua/archive/index.php/t-2974.html

Very good source rapeseed can be considered useful honey. This plant has great agricultural value; numerous fields are sown with it, which are often used as sites for collecting pollen.

The resulting rapeseed product has invaluable nutritional and medicinal value. This variety is usually called live.

Rapeseed is the most common representative plants of the cruciferous class, the origin of which is still not precisely known, because in wildlife he doesn't meet.

Experts suggest that rapeseed arose due to cross-pollination cruciferous plants about 5 thousand years ago. Good productivity led to his widespread all over the planet. Now in many countries located in the temperate zone, wild types of rapeseed are considered to be a weed.

Rapeseed is very good green manure. It has an excellent root system, a straight stem and large leaves, which are collected in a kind of rosette. The rapeseed inflorescence is yellow and forms very loose flowers, and its flowering lasts no more than one month. Usually this is the very end of May and the beginning of June.

Rapeseed has several uses. The plant is used to feed various animals, and its high content of essential oil makes it a good material for the production of biodiesel. The increase in the cost of fuel has led to an increase in its crop area. Of course, large fields sown with rapeseed have become a tasty morsel for beekeepers. The inflorescences of the plant contain a huge amount of high-quality nectar. To get 60 kilograms of natural product, you need a field of at least one hectare.

Gallery: rapeseed honey (25 photos)

Composition and main characteristics

The beneficial properties of rapeseed honey make it a unique product beekeeping. The main properties of the rapeseed variety are:

  1. Aroma and color. The product has a very pleasant, subtle and bitter aroma, and its color is whitish-yellow.
  2. Taste. The rapeseed variety is very sweet and has a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  3. Consistency and crystallization. The rapeseed variety can become sugary quite quickly, and it becomes completely white. Having a thick consistency, honey is pumped out of the honeycomb for a very long time. Experienced beekeepers look for the moment when the bees seal the entire frame, and then shake it.
  4. Unique properties. Rapeseed honey is almost insoluble in hot water.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the composition of rapeseed honey. It contains about 20 percent water, due to which it quickly crystallizes. The total amount of sugar does not exceed 80 percent. This number includes fructose, glucose and various dextrins. The last element is 8 percent more than in other varieties. It is worth noting that different minerals can be found in the rapeseed variety, useful acids, vitamins and other active substances.

How to choose a quality product

Rapeseed honey is not only useful, but sometimes also harmful. will bring benefit It is only a natural product, and it is not known how the body will behave after consuming a counterfeit product. Rapeseed honey should only be purchased from trusted and reliable beekeepers. Similar product It is quite rare, which is why it is easy to run into a counterfeit.

It is necessary to understand how you can distinguish high-quality rapeseed honey from its counterfeit. First it's worth estimate the taste of the product and its smell, which must correspond specifically to this variety. And also you should not buy very liquid honey. The main property of this product is very fast crystallization, therefore it is not able to go on sale in a liquid state. To get beautiful marketable condition, it is usually reheated. This leads to the loss of beneficial qualities and the formation of harmful substances.

Additional impurities in rapeseed honey are very noticeable. The product begins to give a non-uniform sediment, and this is not typical natural honey

It happens that various impurities are consumed by bees during honey collection or they are treated for diseases with strong antibiotics. Fraudsters often feed bees sugar to increase the number of collected honey. Of course, the resulting product no longer has beneficial properties.

Rapeseed honey beneficial properties and contraindications

What are the benefits of rapeseed honey?

It is no secret that the rapeseed variety is often called live. It is credited with a large number of medicinal properties. This product has the following unique features:

  • it can cope with the signs of toxicosis during a woman’s pregnancy;
  • able to restore the balance of hormones;
  • it is applied for quick treatment various wounds and ulcers, disinfects, reduces bleeding, removes inflammation and promotes healing;
  • this product significantly improves immunity and helps remove harmful toxins from the body;
  • improves liver function and normalizes the level of its enzymes;
  • normalizes blood composition and metabolism, which is why its use helps in the treatment of diseases such as excess weight, anemia, atherosclerosis and others.
  • increases the regeneration of bones and other tissues.

Influence at hormonal balance and activation of the regeneration process are unique properties that distinguish the rapeseed product from other varieties.

Rapeseed honey benefits and harms

The unique properties of rapeseed honey can be fully revealed only if it is used correctly. use. When natural honey is mixed with various liquids, they must be at room temperature.

You should consume no more than 5 tablespoons of this product in one day. This amount should be distributed over a couple of meals. The best option is to consume rapeseed honey on an empty stomach.

Before the beginning reception food, you need to make sure that the product will not cause allergies. When an allergic reaction is not observed, rapeseed honey should be introduced into the diet in small portions. Thus, the human body can quickly adapt to this product. Due to its high glucose content, this variety should be consumed with extreme caution by people who suffer from excess weight and diabetes. The product should only be given to children after consultation with an experienced doctor.

How to store rapeseed honey

To make rapeseed, you need:

  • cool place;
  • dry place;
  • a place reliably protected from direct sunlight.

It is worth noting that this product is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator because the temperature in it is very low. Need to apply only ceramic or glass containers, which is closed with a very tight lid. The rapeseed variety sours quite quickly and absorbs the odors surrounding it.

Rapeseed honey is very common in all European states and countries. North America. For example, in the United States of America, more than half of all bee colonies are used to harvest rapeseed. Having an idea about unique properties and contraindications of this product, you can successfully use it at home. In Russia, this variety is quite rare. However, when you come across it in a store, it's worth trying it out. medicinal properties on your body. On the Internet you can find many reviews from people describing the benefits and harms of this product.

Rapeseed honey is a rare and controversial type of beekeeping product. The variety is distinguished by its taste, color, smell, and crystallization. Nectar is used in medicinal, preventive, for cosmetic purposes. Rapeseed honey exhibits beneficial properties and contraindications, which, along with its unique appearance, distinguishes the product from other varieties.

The honey plant is rapeseed, a herbaceous plant that has become widespread due to its use in oil production. In beekeeping, the crop is valued for its pollen-bearing qualities. Bright yellow flowers that contain large amounts of pollen attract bees. Honey yield from one hectare sometimes reaches 50–70 kg.

Flowering depends on the plant variety. The spring crop blooms in late summer and continues until September or early October. Winter rapeseed is characterized by early spring flowering. Bees fly around plants in the morning when the weather is wet, and also during the day.

Distinctive features of physical properties:

  • color – light yellow, golden or light amber with a white tint;
  • taste – rich, sweet, with pronounced cloying;
  • the aftertaste is specific, bitter, with a sour note;
  • smell – pleasant, with a pungent aroma;
  • Sugaring is fast, takes 2–3 weeks. After crystallization, the color becomes creamy or grayish;
  • rapid souring, poor interaction with water;
  • Consistency – freshly collected honey is liquid, but after sugaring it is dense and thick.

Rapeseed nectar is treated with caution, since the plant is bred artificially, that is, using genetic engineering. This is thought to influence whether pollen is beneficial or harmful, but there is no evidence yet.

Composition and calorie content

The ambiguity of the bee product does not affect the composition, rich in useful substances. Components of rapeseed nectar:

  • carbohydrates - fruit sugar, glucose, sugars and dextrins;
  • protein substances, essential amino acid profile;
  • vitamins – groups B and K, retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals, trace elements – calcium, fluorine, sodium, boron, selenium, zinc;
  • fatty acids – linolenic, linoleic, oleic, erucic;
  • enzymes, essential oils;
  • moisture – up to 20%, which accelerates souring.

The calorie content of rapeseed nectar is 304–330 kcal. For convenience, take the following calculation: large spoon - 90-100 kcal, glass - 1005-1015 kcal. Increased nutritional value and calorie content limit the use of rapeseed honey for people with diabetes, overweight. This is also influenced by the low proportion of fruit sugar.

Rapeseed honey - beneficial properties

The usefulness of a bee product depends on chemical composition. Rapeseed nectar is prized therapeutic effect. Beneficial features:

  • strengthening the body's protective barrier, which helps resist infections during the cold season;
  • struggle - runny nose, sore throat;
  • restoration of a healthy balance of intestinal microflora;
  • beneficial effect on the liver;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances, waste, toxins;
  • activation of regenerative abilities in case of damage skin: wounds, burns, frostbite, bruises;
  • elimination of symptoms of the inflammatory reaction;
  • quick satisfaction of hunger;
  • acceleration of mental activity, improvement of concentration;
  • calming the nervous system, combating insomnia, sleep disorders, stress;
  • recovery after physical activity, serious illnesses, operations.

The use of rapeseed nectar in cosmetology is widespread. Based on the product they make,. In combination with the bee product there are other useful ingredients: lemon, onion, egg yolks, oatmeal.

The benefits of honey masks: giving the skin freshness, elasticity, returning a healthy color, eliminating pimples, acne. Application folk remedies based natural ingredients will restore strength, shine and thickness to hair.

Rapeseed honey. Therefore, it is advisable to know. Failure to follow recommendations leads to loss of beneficial properties. Storage rules:

  • clean glass or wooden containers;
  • tightness, it is recommended to wrap the container with thick paper;
  • placing containers in the refrigerator;
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Collecting nectar from ecologically clean areas, proper storage, compliance with recommendations for use are factors that provide maximum manifestation of beneficial properties. This makes the use of the bee product limited for medicinal purposes, so nectar is often replaced with other varieties.

How to distinguish real rapeseed honey?

Rapeseed honey is a rare variety, which increases the likelihood of counterfeiting. Nectar resembles in appearance. These types are often confused. However, sweet clover nectar stands out with a vanilla note in its taste.

Signs for identifying natural rapeseed honey:

  • white or almost transparent color, with a yellowish, creamy tint;
  • the character of the sediment is homogeneous;
  • rapid crystallization, so the liquid form is rare;
  • lack of interaction with water, which leads to poor dissolution;
  • sweet-sweet taste, with a bitter aftertaste;
  • dense, thick consistency;
  • slow dissolution in the mouth, which distinguishes the product from other varieties that melt instantly.

Carry out a simple test at home: drop honey on a sheet of tissue paper, and after 1 minute examine the back side. If a wet spot remains, the nectar is considered fake.

Bee product It is not recommended to buy rapeseed in stores, since most of the products they sell are melted raw materials. Manufacturers often add impurities: starch, flour, sugar. Therefore, it is better to take natural nectar from rapeseed from trusted beekeepers.


Contraindications and restrictions for the use of rapeseed honey:

  • diabetes mellitus, excess weight;
  • intolerance to components of beekeeping products;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rapeseed honey is a variety whose benefits have been well studied, but its harm to the body leaves a number of questions and contradictions. However, the component composition suggests that flower nectar exhibits healing properties. The bee product from rapeseed has a specific taste, so it is rarely used.