Foods rich in iodine.

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Anyone who is even a little interested in the human body and the metabolic processes in it knows that iodine is not only a liquid that bruises and abrasions lubricate. Iodine is the most important trace element that is part of the hormones that are produced by our thyroid gland. These hormones are so essential for the growth, proper development of the body and metabolism in it, that their lack or excess causes the most unexpected troubles and diseases. Let's talk about iodine in more detail.

Why does the body need iodine

Iodine is a rather rare element, but at the same time it is very dispersed and is almost everywhere: in water, in the air, in living organisms and in plants. Its greatest amount is found in the salt waters of the seas and in algae.

In the human body, normal complexion may contain from 12 mg to 20 mg of iodine. But the content of this trace element is not a constant number. Iodine in your body can be much less if, for example, you live in an area with a low iodine content in soil and air.

Any deviation from the norm, deficiency or excess iodine content leads to improper functioning of our entire body and to various diseases. If iodine in the body is more than the norm, then the following unpleasant and quite serious symptoms appear:

Severe muscle weakness, sometimes leading to their atrophy;

Elevated temperature in the absence of signs of any disease;

Sweating, diarrhea;

Often causeless bad mood and irritability;

The appearance of gray hair, not associated with age-related changes and depigmentation of skin areas.

Most often, people who work in industries with constant harmful emission of iodine vapor during production processes suffer from excessive iodine content. They may also have additional symptoms characteristic of poisoning by any harmful vapors: the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed, they often redden, tears flow, conjunctivitis occurs. There is a noise in the ears, coughing, dizzy. If an excess of iodine is constant, then the digestive tract is disrupted.

But in most cases, our body suffers precisely from a lack of iodine. And with iodine deficiency, the symptoms are:

The thyroid gland enlarges, goiter appears;

A person experiences constant drowsiness and lethargy;

The skin becomes pale and dry, and the hair becomes dull;

Distraction and inability to concentrate appear;

Memory worsens, intelligence decreases.

With a constant lack of iodine, pain occurs in the heart, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension. The hemoglobin level drops in the blood. Swelling appears. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and mastopathy occurs. In those areas where iodine deficiency is especially acute, often women have generally impaired or disappearing reproductive function, increasing the number of miscarriages, lowering the birth rate and increasing child mortality.

And if an excess of iodine can be eliminated by changing, for example, harmful work, then the deficiency of this microelement must be filled up without fail to avoid negative consequences.

How iodine enters the body

Basically, the body replenishes the necessary supply of iodine, "extracting" it from food. There are products in which the iodine content is sufficient to replenish the daily allowance, but such foods may not be available to everyone, or human taste preferences do not allow eating them in large quantities.

Naturally, the most iodine in seafood and seaweed: in shrimp, oysters, crabs, seaweed. If you don’t like the taste of these delicacies, saturated with iodine, or you simply can’t afford it - eat more carrots, radishes, cabbage, simple, and especially blue onions. A lot of iodine is also found in blackcurrant berries, in fruits of black chokeberry, in strawberries and dark grapes. Do not forget about marine varieties of fish.

True, heat treatment reduces the amount of iodine in foods, and sometimes destroys it, so another great way to replenish the lack of iodine was invented: eating iodized salt. The only condition is to add it to the food after the dish is ready. There will be no oversaturation with iodine when iodized salt is used (you don’t eat much salt), but this method also has drawbacks:

People sitting on a salt-free diet (such as hypertension) have a chance to get iodine deficiency;

At risk are children who need to undergo treatment with iodine-containing drugs;

The uncontrolled use of iodized salt will not lead to anything good for adults, if they eat a lot of products containing iodine.

For such people, and for everyone else, the most rational and harmless solution is to include iodized water in the diet.

Is iodized water use not harmful?

No, it’s not harmful. And on the contrary, it has several advantages:

Iodine dissolved in water is in the most optimal concentration and in the form in which it is present in nature. Water is a channel of delivery of any microelements, including iodine, that is natural and the most familiar to the body.

The absorption of iodine from water occurs in such an amount that it will never harm a person, and if he has no problems with the content of iodine in the body - will serve as a good preventive measure.

In iodized water, the amount of iodine is calculated so that you can replenish the daily requirement for this important trace element, using any products, even with a low iodine content.

Iodized water has no taste of iodine and a characteristic odor. You can not only drink it, but also constantly cook food on it: the iodine compounds that make up such water are resistant to any high temperatures.

If in your area the water entering the house is disinfected with chlorine, be aware that chlorine destroys the iodine in our body. In this case, the use of iodized water will be an excellent solution.

Iodized water is also useful for external purposes. Water, enriched with iodine, is a good disinfectant, helps rapid skin regeneration.

It is for these reasons that the use of iodized water is the simplest, most effective and safest method for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency.

Everyone has long known that for the normal functioning of the body, the presence of certain chemical elements is necessary. In large quantities, chemicals can cause significant harm to humans, but in very small doses, their benefits are invaluable.

This mainly concerns the glands that regulate through hormones. One of these essential elements is iodine.

Let us examine in detail what the shortage or overabundance of this microelement in the body can lead to, in which foods iodine is contained. Let's talk about everything in a simple and accessible language, without delving into medical terminology.

Surely many of our readers asked the question, what is iodine and what is its role for the body?


It is important to know that iodine is not only a means sold in a pharmacy for disinfecting and treating cuts or wounds, but also an essential microelement for the work of the human body, which we can not do without. It is he who is responsible for the normal functioning and functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces hormones that are vital for us. A healthy and properly functioning thyroid gland is a guarantee that a person will not have problems with the heart, liver and metabolic processes.

Regular intake of iodine, increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, improves mental activity. A person becomes more energetic, more energetic, less tired. This trace element has a positive effect on the condition of hair, teeth and skin.

Iodine as a chemical element

Iodine was first detected and discovered in 1811 by the French chemical scientist Bernard Courtois. When heating the ash of seaweed, purple vapor began to stand out. It was because of the color that iodine began to be called, which in Greek means: purple.

In nature, this type of chemical substance looks like black crystals with a gray tint and metallic luster. Very quickly forms pairs with a specific pungent odor.

In the famous periodic system, Mendeleev is in group 17 and is considered a halogen. Found wide application in medicine. Iodine is a rather rare element, but it is very dispersed in nature and can be found almost everywhere.

  • in sea water in the form of iodides (25 mg per ton of sea water);
  • in kelp algae (2.5 g per ton of dry seaweed).

Up to 98% of all terrestrial iodine reserves are in Chile and Japan. There it is extracted from seaweed, sodium nitrate and other raw materials. In Russia, iodine is also extracted from oil drilling waters.

This rare mineral has found its application in many areas of human activity:

  1. Medicine - the use of alcohol and other solutions, as an antiseptic, helps to effectively destroy the harmful flora.
  2. Forensics - the detection of fingerprints on paper, such as banknotes.
  3. Technics.
  4. The light source is in halogen lamps, metal halide lamps.
  5. Battery production is a positive electrode component in lithium-iodine batteries.
  6. Laser fusion.
  7. The electronic industry.

As already mentioned, iodine is a trace element and is found in animal tissues and in many plants. How much iodine is in plants directly depends on its content in the soil. Certain types of seaweed, namely kelp, fucus accumulate more than 1% of iodine.

In the human body, the iodine molecule is part of the thyroid hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland. The role of the thyroid gland is very difficult to overestimate. Thyroxine and triiodothiranine affects metabolism, growth, the development of the body.

Daily requirement depends on the condition, age of the body. All biological effects due to the action of thyroid hormones can be divided into three groups:

  1. Anabolic effect - the effect on the growth and differentiation of tissues.
  2. The metabolic effect is an increase in the intensity of energy production.
  3. Sensitizing effects - an increase in the sensitivity of cells to the action of other hormones, in particular estrogen and catecholamines.

Iodine, as a trace element, is an integral part of the molecules of active thyroid hormones.   In the thyroid gland, T4 thyroxine is produced; it contains 4 iodine atoms.

This hormone does not have biological activity, but, getting into the peripheral tissues with a blood stream, it turns into the active hormone T3, respectively, with three iodine atoms. It is this hormone that affects practically all organs and tissues. The thyroid gland produces up to 110 mcg per day. T4

Normal production of the hormone is possible only with sufficient intake of iodine with food. In cases of insufficient intake of trace elements, the body seeks to somehow compensate for its deficiency.

First of all, a structural reorganization of the gland itself takes place and the central control of the thyroid gland, the central nervous system, namely the hypothalamus, changes. The thyroid gland evenly increases in size, or it occurs in the form of nodes. The consumption of available iodine by the body becomes more economical.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, around the world, about 2 billion people, this equals a third of the world's population, lives in conditions of lack of iodine. In the CIS countries, there are practically no regions with a sufficient natural iodine content, both in soil and in water.

As a result, the inhabitants of these countries do not get enough iodine with food for normal living. Iodine deficiency is manifested most often by an increase in the thyroid gland - endemic goiter, a decrease in thyroid function - hypothyroidism. If children from birth suffer from this deficiency, then this contributes to the development of mental retardation or cretinism.

Congenital hypothyroidism, and a general retardation in development, both physical and mental. Iodine deficiency is extremely adverse for women of reproductive age. This leads to infertility, miscarriage or stillbirth. In rare cases, children with congenital malformations are born.

A person suffering from insufficient intake of iodine may feel the following symptoms:

  1. Fatigue is associated with impaired energy in every cell of the body.
  2. Decreased mood, prolonged depressed depressed mood.
  3. Decreased appetite - unwillingness to eat.
  4. Weight gain - despite a decrease in appetite, weight increases due to edema.
  5. Disruption of the intestines, a tendency to constipation.
  6. Dry skin - the skin becomes dull, thin, peeling, or even covered with horny scales.
  7. Hair loss is a fairly global phenomenon and immediately becomes noticeable to the patient, hair falls out in shreds, eyebrows from the temples also thin.
  8. Disruption of the cardiovascular system - low blood pressure, shortness of breath, palpitations, heart rhythm disturbance.
  9. Memory impairment - this can be manifested in schoolchildren by a decrease in academic performance, distraction.
  10. Frequent colds - a decrease in immunity and the attachment of various pathogenic viruses and bacterial infections.
  11. Violation of the synthesis of sex hormones - this is manifested by a violation of the menstrual cycle, possible infertility in women. Violation of potency in men.
  12. In severe cases, an enlargement of the thyroid gland is noticeably unarmed. In addition, an enlarged gland can compress the nerve plexuses of the neck. This is manifested by hoarseness, dry, unreasonable cough, difficulty swallowing.

Causes of iodine deficiency in the body

Global cause of iodine deficiency ,   As already mentioned, the natural uneven distribution of iodine in the water and soil on the planet serves. Of course, this problem can be solved if you settle in the coastal zone. Residents of countries and regions that live on the shores of the seas and oceans very rarely suffer from iodine deficiency. But this solution is not suitable for everyone.

In second place is malnutrition. Eating foods that contain iodine does not cover the daily need for it. This may affect people with a low social standard of living, serving in the army, prisoners, and others.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract often contribute to impaired absorption and absorption of iodine. Some chemical trace elements also interfere with the absorption of beneficial iodine in the intestines - these are: bromine, manganese, calcium, chlorine, cobalt.

A highly polluted environment or living near chemical plants, nuclear power plants and factories with harmful emissions can contribute to iodine deficiency. Taking medications is another important factor that provides iodine deficiency.

Who is at risk

Most of all iodine is needed for that category of people in whose body there is an active growth and development. Of course, these are women during pregnancy and lactation.

A small organism growing in a woman should not be deficient in thyroid hormones. Children, throughout their growth and development, also need more iodine.

  1. Children under 1 year - require 50 mcg / day.
  2. Children 2-7 years old - 92 mcg / day.
  3. Children 8–13 years old 120 mcg / day.
  4. Adolescents (12 years and older) and adults 150 mcg / day.
  5. Pregnant and lactating 200 mcg / day.
  6. Elderly 100 mcg / day.

Products that contain iodine

Fortunately, in stores we can find a sufficient number of high-quality products, thanks to which it will not be difficult to fill the daily requirement of iodine.

As already mentioned, seaweed is the leader in the amount of iodine. Kelp and fuchsia contain up to 200 mcg per 100 grams of weight. Thus, eating only 100 grams of seaweed, you can get the right amount of iodine.

Of course, one must take into account the specific taste and smell of seaweed and that not all people can eat it. In this case, manufacturers can please us with dry seaweed, which can be added to food as seasoning.

Let us dwell in more detail on which products contain a large amount of iodine.

This type of living creature, is able to accumulate iodine in its tissues. In this regard, not only fish, but also seafood are especially useful. This is not a complete list with iodine content for every 100 grams of weight:

  • cod liver - 350 mcg / 100 g;
  • tuna -145 mcg / 100 g;
  • shrimp -190 mcg / 100 g;
  • oysters - 60 mcg / 100 g;
  • salmon, flounder - 200 mcg / 100 g;
  • pink salmon, chum salmon - 50 mcg / 100 g.

Animal meat and dairy products

Meat and milk are also a source of iodine for the body. According to the trace element content, these products, of course, are inferior to fish, but they should not be neglected. Milk, in addition to iodine, can give your body calcium, proteins and many vitamins.

  • pork meat - 17 mcg / 100 g
  • beef meat -12 mcg / 100 g;
  • milk - 20 mcg / 100 g;
  • cheeses - 11 mcg / 100 g;
  • butter - 10 mcg / 100 gr.

With modern methods of growing plants, it is impossible to say with certainty that in vegetables and fruits sold on the market, the iodine content meets some standards, but it is absolutely necessary to include these products in the diet.

  • apples with seeds - 70 mcg / 100 g;
  • persimmon - 30 mcg / 100 g;
  • feijoa - 70 mcg / 100 g;
  • beets - 7 mcg / 100 g;
  • potatoes - 7 mcg / 100 g;
  • carrots - 5 mcg / 100 g;
  • sorrel - 3 mcg / 100 g.

This is not the whole list of products that contain iodine. ,   this also includes red caviar, buckwheat, and other types of seafood.

Foods That Have A Lot Of Iodine

Iodine deficiency leads to depressive states, loss of strength, overweight and poor brain function. So that we can avoid all these health problems, it’s important to make your diet and know which foods contain a lot of iodine. Let's take a closer look at the list of foods rich in iodine.

We already know that iodine plays a dominant role for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and the better it works, the higher the metabolic rate in the body. Iodine also contributes to the effective burning of calories: turning them into the necessary energy, and not into harmful fat.

An irreplaceable microelement strengthens hair roots, preventing their loss, increases immunity, reduces the risk of cancer.

These conclusions were made by the World Health Organization based on data from world studies.

  • It is known that the required daily intake of iodine is 150 mcg.
  • And for pregnant women - 250 mcg.

The norm of iodine that we need can be obtained even when living far from the sea, it is enough to include products containing iodine in the diet, and they certainly can be found in the kitchen of every good housewife.

A small sour berry contains a huge amount of valuable vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients and trace elements, including vitamin K, which contributes to the good absorption of calcium, vitamin C, fiber and iodine.

100 grams of cranberries contain - 350 mcg of iodine.

This sweet red berry contains a fairly large amount of iodine:

one cup of strawberries - contains about 13 mcg, which is about 10% of the daily norm of iodine.

Also, strawberries regulate blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, thanks to vitamin C, reduces the "bad cholesterol" in the blood.


These dried fruits have many important and beneficial properties for our health: they regulate blood sugar, which reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes, prevents cancer, strengthens bones, and lowers cholesterol.

Only 5 pieces of prunes contain - 13 mcg of iodine.

Prunes also contain vitamin K and beta carotene. Eating beta-carotene products makes people happier and improves their mood, a study conducted by The Harvard School of Public Health in 2013.

Mail all seafood contains a lot of iodine, however, among all marine inhabitants, shrimp occupy a special place.

100 grams of these crustaceans contain - 40 micrograms of iodine.


This white fish is low in calories and fat, but it has a lot of vitamins and minerals, including iodine.

A portion of 100 grams of cod contains 110 micrograms of iodine.

There is a lot of calcium in cod, it is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin E, it is especially worth highlighting vitamin B12, which is useful for the heart and takes an active part in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Although tuna fish is more oily than cod, it is also very healthy. A special valuable property of tuna is its ability to prevent such a formidable disease as stroke.

100 grams of tuna contains about 18 micrograms of iodine.

Also in this fish a lot of iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins.

Recent studies have confirmed that people who consume tuna 4-5 times a week have a 30% lower risk of stroke.


Everyone loves turkey meat: those who lose weight for a small percentage of fat and athletes for their high protein content. But loving a turkey is also due to the fact that it is a healthy source of iodine.

100 grams of turkey meat contains about 37 micrograms of iodine.

Also, the meat of this bird has a high concentration of other beneficial substances: iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamins. Prepare a delicious dish of turkey and saturate your body with everything you need for health.


Many are critical of the use of potatoes, because it has a high starch content, and this can add excess weight. But sometimes you can and even need to eat potatoes.

It contains: iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium - these microelements help strengthen bones, Vitamin B6 prevents nerve disorders, helps digest proteins and fats, as well as potassium and magnesium.

One medium-sized potato contains - 60 micrograms of iodine, which is half the norm of daily intake of this microelement.

It’s better to bake potatoes than to make mashed potatoes with butter or fat milk.


Dishes made from beans are rich in iodine and tasty, and they are also very good for health: beans contain a lot of fiber, have a low glycemic index, which is important for people with diabetes. After all, it is known that the level of GI contributes to a decrease or increase in blood sugar.

100 grams of beans contain - 30 micrograms of iodine.

In addition, the beans are rich in magnesium, zinc, copper, folic acid, which is needed to create new cells and maintain them in a healthy state.

Sea kale

These algae are a true leader in iodine content, along with cranberries.

It is important to know that 100 grams of seaweed contain about 300 micrograms of iodine, which is 2 times more than the daily norm!

Also, seaweed is rich in vitamins, minerals and very low in calories, per 100 grams only 25 calories and it has almost no carbohydrates and fats - it is just a find for losing weight. It is from seaweed that the famous nori sheets are made for spinning rolls.

There are three options for preventing iodine deficiency:

  • mass;
  • group
  • individual.

From the point of view of economic benefits and efficiency, mass prevention comes first. Its essence is to add iodine salts (iodates) to the most consumed food product. Thus, the most universal method is iodization of ordinary edible salt.

Salt is consumed by all segments of the population, regardless of income and social status. The only drawback may be the unusual smell of iodine and a possible aftertaste. A standard is used according to which 4 mg is added per kilogram of table salt. potassium iodate.

With an average salt intake of 7 to 10 g / day, taking into account 50% loss of iodine during storage and cooking, this level provides the human body with 150 μg of iodine per day.

For the best effect, salt must be used correctly. It must be stored in sealed packaging for no more than 4 months. It is advisable to salt ready meals to prevent the evaporation of iodine.

Excess iodine

In the case when a person consumes foods rich in iodine in combination with drugs that make up for iodine deficiency, a state of iodine excess may occur. As you know, an excess, just like a lack of trace elements, can have a very negative effect on health.

Fortunately, in reality there is little chance of encountering such a situation, because iodine is quickly excreted from the body.

Symptoms of an excess of iodine:

  • weakness;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • hyperthermia;
  • disruption of the heart.

Myths and Truth About Iodine

At the end of our conversation, we will discuss with you important and often asked by many people questions regarding iodine:

Around the problem of iodine deficiency are many diverse opinions of people. Sometimes people tend to solve the problem of the lack of this trace element in an unconventional way.

Is it true that iodine deficiency in the body can be determined at home by applying an iodine grid?

Iodine deficiency and iodine grid. It is believed that if a grid of iodine alcohol solution is applied to the skin and it fades, this is a sure sign of iodine deficiency. Of course, this is not so, no skin tests can determine the level of any trace element in the body. It is possible to establish a deficiency of any trace element in the body only with the help of laboratory analysis (for the content of iodine, urine is taken for analysis).

Is it true that if you drink a drop of an alcoholic solution of iodine, you can make up the daily requirement?

Do not do this in any case! This is not only a false statement, but also quite dangerous. And not because this drop contains 30 times more iodine than a person needs per day. The fact is that an alcohol solution can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and esophagus and the thyroid gland will be seriously affected.

Do I need to take additional tablets that contain iodine?

Such drugs should be drunk only according to the doctor’s testimony! It is important to eat properly and balanced. Include in your diet, both products containing iodine and products that are rich in other important trace elements, and this will be enough for most of us to feel good and healthy.

Is it true that the lack of iodine adversely affects the general state of health and the body?

Yes that is true. The fact is that with a regular lack of iodine, a person begins to experience a lack of strength, notice that he gets tired very quickly, feels overwhelmed and completely exhausted. Usually this condition is attributed to a common banal malaise. And everything is much more serious and these are the first signs that the body is deficient in iodine.


For the smooth functioning of the endocrine system, we urgently need such an element as iodine. The lack of this element negatively affects the work of the whole organism and significantly affects the well-being of a person.

Knowing which foods contain iodine, you can include their own diet and solve the problem of iodine deficiency. A balanced diet will help to avoid many thyroid problems.

The stunning aroma of sea air leaves a distinct smack on the lips ... a miracle? Even a few days on the coast can do a lot: vacationers feel an unprecedented surge of vigor and strength, a thirst for adventure and the spirit of free sailors awakens in them. It's simple: a miracle actually has an iodine flavor. A person breathing with healing air normalizes the thyroid gland. True, not only she. Just our review today is devoted to iodine. And that means that it will be exclusively about him.

Iodine function

What are the functions of iodine, why our body is not able to do without it? Why do some people love seafood, but someone turns them off?

A man is crafty: his body is most often able to feel what he currently needs more. Can't live without fish? Love the salty, specific taste of seaweed? So, at this stage you just need iodine-containing products. Thanks to them:

  1. Thyroid hormones are formed, the thyroid gland functions;
  2. Correctly proceed all metabolic processes in the body;
  3. Iodine is also responsible for the growth of a person and the normal course of fetal development (which is why pregnant women need a larger dose than ordinary people).

And the lack of this microelement causes a sharp deterioration in memory and intellectual abilities. If the child does not receive iodine, this can even lead to the development of cretinism. Adults (mostly iodine is not enough for elderly people who do not monitor their own nutrition and have problems with the thyroid gland) become unjustifiably irritable, as they say, “fall into insanity”.

Information on what the daily rate of iodine will help to adjust the nutrition. Naturally, the "adult" from the "child" is significantly different:

  • Children under 10 years of age should receive no more than 100 mcg. this trace element;
  • The "adult" rate is 200 mcg .;
  • Doctors recommend pregnant women to increase it to 250 mcg.

Did you know?

Excess iodine in the body is extremely dangerous (see below for more details). However, those who want to sell large quantities of iodine-containing drugs convince us of its absolute harmlessness. And the Japanese data confirm this: they say their daily norm is 2000 micrograms, but in reality they consume with food one and a half times more, and at the same time they are the most healthy nation.

Alas, the point here is not so much in iodine as the fact that it is the Japanese who are most scrupulous about their own health, regularly conducting all kinds of examinations, up to such an unpleasant gastroscopy (which of us voluntarily, without urgent need to drag her into it?). Take, for example, bowel cancer: in the early stages, it can be completely cured. The statistics say: among the Japanese, it occurs just as often, only doctors “pick it up” faster. Accordingly, there is practically no mortality from it ...

But back to iodine: no matter how much you eat foods containing it, you will not have an overdose. If only because the body itself will feel that it’s enough, there will be unpleasant sensations of mild nausea. Moreover, if we are talking about iodized salt: this microelement in the open air is extremely unstable and almost instantly disintegrates. And that means that only the characteristic smell that we feel when opening the pack remains. Therefore, the Japanese, as an example, alas, are not quoted - they do not eat pills, but ... what exactly? This will be described in the next subsection, which lists foods rich in iodine.

Having learned about its indispensability, it is worth finding out which products contain iodine. After all, the well-known iodine-containing seaweed will not be full!

Yes, this is not necessary: \u200b\u200balthough kelp is a storehouse of utility, but not one is rich in valuable trace elements. Iodine is also found in marine fish, crabs, mussels and other seafood.. By the way, they contain a lot of (beauty vitamin). Of “ours”, it is worth highlighting ordinary beans, walnuts, apricot kernel kernels and apple seeds. And also green vegetables (especially watercress) - at least a little, but it is there. When stewing vegetables, use sea salt, acquiring it in a pharmacy - it is in this regard more useful than simple iodized. And, if possible, arrange yourself a fishing day once a week! In the unforgettable times of the USSR, Thursday was such a day. The nutritionists who recommended it knew what they were doing — people then had problems with the thyroid gland. And they (to be honest!) Were much smarter than the current young generation.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

What can iodine deficiency lead to? What are the symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body? Let's find out if it's time for us to catch up!

Inhibited mental development (if we are talking about children), memory problems, enlargement of the thyroid gland, tendency to swelling, unhealthy pallor of flaky skin, permanent weakness and a desire to fall asleep, emotional breakdowns… Symptoms of iodine deficiency at the initial stage can be confused with classic vitamin deficiency: “Such a feeling I don’t want anything at all! ” Feel any of the above? Households annoy, and even a beloved cat no longer causes emotion? Time to donate blood to hormones, thereby checking the state of the thyroid gland. And, of course, to adjust the diet, because not enough iodine caught in time can even lead to cancer!

Nuance: lack of B vitamins (especially) causes a similar effect. That is why analyzes are so important that make an accurate diagnosis.

Excess iodine in the body: scary or not?

And what can an excess of iodine in the body lead to? Is it worth paying attention to it? Let's find out what experts say about this!

And they say that the so-called. "Elemental" iodine is extremely toxic, and even in not very large doses can lead to death. Its excess in the body can be observed not only with uncontrolled taking of drugs, but also with hyperthyroidism. Bazedova disease may develop (although this is not necessary); the effect on the nervous system is similar to the symptoms that occur with iodine deficiency. Weakness and sweating, sudden weight loss, fever, joint pain, hoarse voice - an excess of iodine in the body with problems with the thyroid gland manifests itself like cancer. And it can lead to these diseases.

We summarize: the trace element we need so much must enter the body in strictly dosed quantities. A step to the left - a step to the right is dangerous. Therefore, it is best to get it in the form of natural products, without messing with dubious dietary supplements. The video will tell you how to cook delicious sea kale at home, because it contains the maximum amount of healthy iodine:

The normal functioning of the human body depends on a sufficient number of necessary trace elements. One of the most important is iodine. He is involved in the growth and development of the child, is responsible for the hormonal balance in the body and the normal functioning of all organs. But the difficulty is that it is not synthesized by the body. And you need to ensure a daily intake of at least 100-150 mg of iodine with food. When the nutrition is balanced, this problem does not occur. But modern man often uses low-quality and poor in trace elements foods. Therefore, you need to know what iodine is contained in large quantities, so as not to lack it. If you constantly include such products in your diet, many health problems can be avoided.

Why does the body need iodine

This is one of the most essential trace elements for the healthy functioning of all body cells. Iodine performs the following functions:

  this trace element

Few people think about what iodine is in. After all, it is not always possible to associate malaise and disorders in the state of health with its lack. Many symptoms that could be eliminated by simply increasing the amount of iodine in the diet are mistaken for manifestations of other diseases. Therefore, it is best to consult an endocrinologist in the presence of such pathologies:

How to make up for iodine deficiency

In the body, this trace element is not produced and does not accumulate. Therefore, daily replenishment from the outside is necessary. According to statistics, now one sixth of all humanity is deficient in iodine. This is especially dangerous for children. A person receives a tenth of all the necessary iodine from air and water, the rest must come from food. And you need to know what iodine is in order to prevent malfunctions in the body.

But the problem is also that with the heat treatment of products, most trace elements are destroyed. A certain amount of iodine is also lost. This also leads to its lack in the body. Therefore, products that contain iodine, it is advisable to eat fresh. They can also be stewed or baked, exposing as little heat as possible.

Before figuring out what to eat to make up for iodine deficiency, it is important to understand how much it should come with food. For each person, the norm is individual. For example, babies need between 50 and 90 micrograms, schoolchildren need 120 micrograms, and adolescents and adults need 150 micrograms per day. In some cases, for example, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding or with thyroid diseases, the dose of iodine should be increased to 200 mcg.

What foods contain the most iodine?

In order for a sufficient amount of this trace element to enter the body with food, you need to balance your diet. You need to find out your iodine rate, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and other organs, for each person it is different. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much and what you need to eat to make up for the lack of this substance. But with the symptoms of his lack, it is necessary to include the richest foods in his diet. The greatest amount of iodine is found in such products:

Seafood iodine

Such food best makes up for the deficiency of this trace element. All marine life accumulate iodine directly from the water. And it is known that most of it is in the ocean. Various seafood contains a large amount of iodine. For example, only 100-150 g of seaweed are able to replenish its daily rate. In addition, it is advisable to include marine fish in the diet more often - salmon, tuna, halibut, cod, and flounder. It needs a little more, since during heat treatment half of the iodine is lost. Do not forget about seafood such as mussels, shrimps, squids, oysters, crabs. They are considered delicacies, but among other things, they are also very useful.

Dairy products containing iodine

But not only seafood can make up for the deficiency of this trace element. A glass of fresh whole milk contains 30-40% of the daily norm of iodine. There is also a lot of it in cream, condensed milk, cheeses, especially processed ones, cottage cheese and kefir. Therefore, dairy products provide the body with not only enough calcium and vitamin D. If they are less subjected to heat treatment, they can make up for iodine deficiency. It is especially important to include dairy products in the diet of children and adolescents, as well as pregnant women.

Iodine in plant foods

In small quantities, this trace element is also found in what is growing. Especially if vegetables and fruits are grown in regions near the sea. Where is the largest amount of iodine contained? Most of it accumulates in greens, especially parsley, dill and spinach, bell pepper, garlic, broccoli. A lot of iodine in baked potatoes, carrots and cabbage. From fruits, you need to pay attention to persimmons, grapes, peaches, plums and cranberries. There is also a lot of iodine in such an exotic fruit as feijoa. If vegetables and fruits are grown on lands rich in this microelement, only a kilogram of fresh fruit per day will make up for its deficiency.

What else contains iodine? Do not forget about such necessary products on our table as cereals. A lot of iodine in buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat bran, whole grain bread. It is necessary to try to heat them as little as possible.

How else to make up for iodine deficiency

First of all, you should pay attention to water. Even ordinary water contains iodine. Drinking at least 2 liters per day, you can get about 30 mg of this trace element. In addition, people living near the sea receive iodine by inhaling it with air. All local fruits and vegetables there are enriched with this trace element. And in regions where there is very little iodine in the soil, it is added to many products. Most often - in salt. But it is worth remembering that with prolonged storage, as well as with heat treatment, the iodine content decreases. In regions where the soil is poor in this trace element, it is added to mineral water, juices, dairy products and bread.

In pharmacies, you can also purchase biologically active additives and vitamin-mineral complexes to make up for iodine deficiency. But before using them, you need to consult a doctor. To fill the iodine deficiency, you can use "Iodine-Active", "Iodomarin", "Iodine-Balance", and others. But it is worth remembering that this trace element is absorbed from them worse than from products. In addition, some substances slow down the absorption of iodine. Therefore, you need less to use foods and medicines containing bromine, iron, manganese, calcium, cobalt, lithium.

Iodine overdose

An excess of this trace element is no less dangerous than a deficiency. Therefore, before finding out where iodine is contained, in which products it is most found, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Indeed, with some diseases of the thyroid gland, its additional intake into the body can be dangerous. The fact that an overdose of iodine occurred can be understood by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • sudden weight loss, emaciation;
  • weakness, muscle atrophy, sweating, trembling hands;
  • the early appearance of gray hair;
  • irritability, tearfulness, insomnia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea, disruption of the stomach and intestines.

It is very important to pay attention to the diet. If it is diverse and balanced, many health problems can be avoided.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: residents of 153 countries of the world, including Russia, receive an insufficient amount of iodine daily with food. According to statistics, every day a person from the endemic region consumes it in the amount of 50-70 mcg, when the body needs 150-250 mcg per day.

Therefore, many, in order not to encounter health problems, it is important to take this trace element additionally. Our review and video in this article will help you choose the best iodine vitamins for children and adults.

The main biological role of iodine is participation in the synthesis of thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), which, in turn, are regulators of many processes in the body:

  • control the intensity of the basal metabolism;
  • maintain the stability of protein, fat, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism;
  • have an active influence on the mental and physical development of a person, especially in childhood;
  • maintain a close relationship with other endocrine organs, especially the pituitary gland and genital glands;
  • regulate the central nervous system;
  • control the activity of the heart, digestive system and most internal organs.

Lack of iodine leads to a slowdown in all metabolic processes (see). A person feels tired and depressed, quickly gaining weight, despite the lack of appetite. All internal organs begin to “junk” at him: heart, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and musculoskeletal system, and the most common problem is reversible infertility.

Iodine intake for adults and children

In 1999, WHO determined the daily requirement for iodine for all age groups. Based on this, you can choose vitamins for the thyroid gland with iodine.

Table 1: Age-specific iodine intake:

Note! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iodine increases dramatically. This is due to the activation of the thyroid gland in conditions of sharp hormonal fluctuations and the need to provide the fetal body with a trace element. The daily intake of iodine by future and nursing mothers is 250 mcg.

Iodine-containing vitamins: how to choose the right one

All vitamins containing iodine for the thyroid gland can conditionally be divided into 3 groups:

  • monocomponent in which this trace element forms the basis;
  • oligocomponent, including one or more groups of biologically active substances, including iodine;
  • multicomponent, consisting of a full range of essential vitamins.

Iodine preparations (monocomponent)

Most often, iodine preparations are prescribed for immediate prophylaxis and complex. Compare the main characteristics of the popular representatives of this pharmacological group in the table below.

Table 2: Iodine Preparations:

Title Manufacturer Action Features Dosage average price
Iodine asset Diode, Russia The active substance in the composition of the drug is molecular iodine, combined with milk protein.

With a deficiency of this microelement, the drug is actively absorbed by the cells of the thyroid gland, and with its normal amount, it is excreted from the body unchanged. Thus, an overdose of the drug is not possible.

250 mg 80 pcs. - 110 p.
Iodomarin Berlin Chemie, Germany The basis of the preparations is potassium iodide - a stable organic compound that allows you to accurately dose the drug depending on the purpose 100 mg 100 pieces. - 140 p.
200 mg 100 pieces. - 205 p.
Iodine balance Merck, Germany 100 mg 100 pieces. - 100 p.
200 mg 100 pieces. –170 p.
Potassium iodide Different manufacturers 100 mg 70 p.
20 mg 125 p.

Oligocomponent preparations

Such funds are not multivitamin complexes, but contain iodine and other useful substances.

An excellent example is the Doppelherz asset Iodine + Iron (manufacturing country - Germany), which includes:

  • iodine - 100 mcg;
  • iron fumarate –10 mg;
  • folic acid - 600 mcg;
  • vitamin B12 - 3 mcg.

This combination of nutrients is extremely important for the body, as it maintains a normal level of iodine and prevents the anemia - along with hypothyroidism, one of the most common diseases of modern society.

Note! Considering the medical and social significance of these vitamins and minerals, in some countries industrial enrichment of sodium chloride is carried out by them.


Iodine is also part of most multivitamin complexes.

It is believed that this trace element is better absorbed and actively captured by the cells of the thyroid gland if it enters the body along with:

  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin D.

Popular iodine-containing vitamins, which include the full range of these substances, are presented below:

  1. Classic alphabet (manufacturer - Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia) - popular and inexpensive vitamins. Each tablet contains 150 mcg, that is, the daily rate of iodine. The average price in pharmacies is 270 rubles. for 60 tablets.
  2. Vitrum (manufacturer - Unifarm, USA) is also characterized by a high iodine content of 150 mcg. 60 tablets of the drug cost an average of 740 p.
  3. Doppelherz active from A to Zn contains a full complex of vitamins and minerals, including 100 micrograms of iodine. 30 tablets of the drug will cost 370 p.
  4. Complivit Multivitamins + Iodine (manufactured by Pharmstandard, Russia) is a combination of water and fat soluble vitamins and the only trace element - iodine (100 mcg). The drug is available in the form of granules. The average price for a bottle with 34 g of powder is 190 r.
  5. The multi-tabs classic (manufactured by Ferrosan, Denmark) contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person, including 150 mcg of iodine. A pack of 90 tablets costs an average of 670 p.
  6. Centrum from A to Zinc (manufacturer –Pfizer, USA) in addition to vitamins and essential trace elements contains 100 μg of iodine. The average price in pharmacies is –460 p. for 30 tablets.
  7. Perfectil (Vitabiotics, UK) is presented by manufacturers as a means for the health of the skin, hair and nails. Among analogues, it is a leader in iodine content - 200 mcg. 30 capsules, which is enough for a month of daily use, are within 600 p.

Vitamins for children: for harmonious development and good performance

In the children's body, iodine plays a particularly significant role. It is this trace element that is more responsible for the normal growth and development of crumbs.

  • living in a region with iodine deficiency;
  • having burdened heredity for thyroid diseases;
  • suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which disrupt the absorption of nutrients.

Popular multivitamin complexes in a convenient children's form are presented in the table below.

Table 3: Multivitamin complexes with iodine for children:

Title Release form The iodine content, mcg Use in children, years
Multi + Vitamins Jelly pastilles 20 Older than 3
Alphabet Our baby Pellet sachets 35 1,5-3
Alphabet Kindergarten Orange flavored tablets 50
Schoolboy Alphabet Pills 78 7-14
Alphabet Teen Pills 150 14-18
Vitrum Baby Fruit-flavored tablets 80 3-5
Vitrumkids Strawberry flavor pills 150 4-7
Vitrum Junior Fruit-flavored tablets 150 7-14
Vitrum Teen Chocolate Flavored Tablets 150 14-18
Complivit Asset chewing Chewable tablets 50 3-10
Multitabs Kid Pills 70 1-4
MultiTabs Junior Pills 150 4-11
MultiTabs Teen Pills 130 11-18

Iodine is an important trace element for pregnant and young mothers

Today, every woman who is registered for pregnancy receives a recommendation daily to take iodine alone or as part of complex vitamins. This is extremely important, because the volume of this microelement coming from food cannot provide the increased needs of the body.

Important! According to a statistical study conducted in Moscow in 2013, clinical and subclinical manifestations of hypothyroidism were detected in 60% of pregnant women not receiving iodine preparations. In the future, this was reflected in their offspring, as iodine deficiency was diagnosed in 75% of newborns.

Iodine intake is required throughout the duration of pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can take both monocomponent preparations and vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, as a rule, having in their composition the necessary dose of this microelement.

Popular vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women are:

  • Materna;
  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • Mom's Alphabet Health;
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal.

When can i not drink vitamins containing iodine?

Despite the fact that most people on the planet are deficient in iodine, in some cases it is forbidden to use it.

Diseases in which this trace element is contraindicated include:

  • toxic adenoma;
  • any pathology accompanied by hyperthyroidism - an increase in the level of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring;
  • individual intolerance;
  • radioiodine therapy;

Note! Most experts do not recommend taking iodine in hypothyroidism, unless this condition is caused by a deficiency of a trace element in the body.

In the presence of at least one of the above pathologies, it is recommended to take vitamins not containing iodine in its composition. It is important for those who take prophylactic doses of iodine preparations to follow the dosages recommended by the instructions - 100-200 mcg per day.

Accidental or intentional exceeding of these values \u200b\u200bto 300 mcg or higher can cause side effects and symptoms of an overdose (iodism):

  • chronic cough;
  • lacrimation
  • runny nose
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • headache;
  • acne on the face and body;
  • nausea, vomiting.

When drugs are discontinued, all of the above symptoms disappear in a few days.

It's important to know. Acute iodine intoxication occurs when a person has taken a significant dose of a trace element at a time. This condition is life threatening and is manifested by a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes (they turn brown), acute abdominal pain, and diarrhea with blood. Dehydration of the victim’s body and depression of consciousness, up to a coma, quickly occurs.

It is better if the doctor selects vitamins for the thyroid gland with iodine. Doing it yourself is not so simple, taking into account how many different factors you need to consider.