Seasonings and spices for what. Spices, how to use spices and seasonings

Spices and seasonings significantly improve the taste of food, and many seasonings, in addition, increase the nutritional value of dishes. They also transform the appearance of food: for example, saffron is used to stain dough, mash in a yellowish-orange color, this contributes to the fact that the food causes appetite, the desire to try it. The most common spices used in cooking include: vanilla, cinnamon, black pepper, white and red, allspice, saffron, cloves, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf, caraway seeds, tarragon (tarragon), nutmeg, anise, etc.

The main seasonings are: salt, vinegar, mustard, citric acid, various sauces. Various foods can also serve as seasonings: milk, sour cream, eggs, olives, roots (parsley, celery, parsnip, carrots), spicy herbs, aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, leaf celery, basil, oregano), capers, horseradish , garlic, onions.

Moderate consumption of spices is useful for a healthy person, as it stimulates the release of digestive juices, which contributes to the assimilation of food; an excessive amount is harmful, as it has an irritating effect on the digestive organs. In the recipe for home cooking, the amount of spices is usually determined according to the taste of the one who cooks and the one who consumes, naturally. And if the quantities are indicated, then small and approximate: on the tip of the knife, several peas of pepper, bay leaf, 2-3 pieces of cloves, 1 tsp. turmeric, etc.

. Dill seed powderreplaces the lack of fresh herbs in winter; it can be added to soups, stews, vegetables, fish, salads. It must be stored in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

. Anise- spicy with a pungent odor, so it is used in very small doses. Usually it is added to pastry sauces, fruit soups and compotes. Anise is also indispensable for baking gingerbread.

. Vanillarepresents pods of a perennial plant. They have a dark color and a delicate aroma. They put whole cream and ice cream so that small grains do not spoil the appearance of the dish. In the manufacture of other dishes, the pods are torn and broken to obtain a better flavor. Vanilla is added to creams, glazes, pastry, gingerbread cookies, mousses, sweet cereals. Store vanilla covered with sugar in a cool place in a closed jar.

. Vanillin- a white crystalline powder obtained synthetically has a very burning taste and strong aroma. It is well soluble in water, in the test, leaving no residue. Used the same way as vanilla.

. Vanilla sugar   - granulated sugar soaked in vanilla. Used in the same way, but in large quantities.

. Clove   - dried clove flower bud, has a sharp aroma, is good in various marinades, it can be added to sweet and sour sauces, compotes, to dough, to mulled wine. Indispensable for baking gingerbread.

. Ginger   is the rhizome of a tropical plant. It is used for baking various confectionery products, added to fruit salads. It is indispensable in the preparation of dishes of ethnic cuisines (Chinese, Japanese, Mediterranean, etc.). Ginger is good seasoning fish dishes. Use both fresh ginger root (it has a sharper taste and aroma), and dried and ground into powder.

. Cardamomrepresents light yellow or light brown boxes in which seeds are located. It is used in the preparation of muffins, mats, coffee is also flavored with it.

. Corianderp (cilantro) - dried seeds, have a pleasant smell and taste. It is used in marinades, pickles, for stewing meat, fish and vegetables, in baking.

. Cinnamon- dried cinnamon bark. In pieces, it is used to flavor drinks and syrups. Ground - for baking, jam pies, rolls, muffins, strudel.

. Nutmeg   good for fish, meat, vegetable dishes, mashed soups. In combination with cinnamon and a pinch of sugar, he will make ordinary cottage cheese a delicious snack. It is also placed in yeast dough.

. Carawaygoes well with meat, cheese, fish, vegetables. It is very suitable for potato dishes, cottage cheese spicy appetizer. It is used in baking muffins.

. Saffron   - These are dried and crushed pestles and stamens of crocuses. It has a pleasant aroma and beautiful yellow color. Used in the preparation of muffins, rolls, sweets, creams. They are sprinkled with baked meat, poultry and fish, added to mashed potatoes.

. Citrus Zest   - thinly cut orange or yellow top of the peel of oranges, tangerines, lemons. It is flavored with sweet pastry, drinks, sauces, etc.

. Black pepper - small peas - unripe fruits of a pepper tree growing in the tropics; its ripe fruits are called white pepper. It has a pungent spicy taste and aroma. White pepper is more tender. It is used in the preparation of meat, fish, vegetables, sauces, salads, marinades, egg dishes, and is also very good for fish and tender vegetables - asparagus, zucchini, cauliflower, green peas.

. Red pepper   - ground pods of red color, spicy taste. It is used, like black.

The use of spices in cooking

Professional chefs know exactly what spices are needed for a particular dish. Housewives rarely experiment with spices for fear of spoiling their dishes. This is often due to ignorance of the compatibility of spices and products. It is also important to know how to properly store them so that they do not lose their spicy and spicy properties.

How to store spices in order to preserve aroma

In order for the spices to give the dish all its tastes and smells, it is necessary to observe some storage rules:

  • Spices do not like sunlight and odors, therefore it is best to store them in tightly closed glass containers.
  • It is best to buy whole grains and grind them immediately before use.
  • If you rarely use any spices, it is better to store them in the refrigerator, so they will retain their taste for longer.
  • Cutting herbs is best done on a porcelain board, and not on a wooden one, as the wood absorbs odors.

Basic rules for the use of spices

When handling spices, there are a few little secrets that will help you avoid cooking mistakes and make the dishes delicious.

  • When cooking fatty foods, spices need to be put a little more than you usually put, since fat partially kills aromas.
  • When adding spices, you must be careful with salt, because it enhances their taste.
  • Spices in grains are best placed at the beginning of cooking.
  • Powdered spices are best added a few minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Dishes with an abundance of spices must be eaten immediately - when heated, they will lose their aroma.

The combination of various spices in recipes

In order not to be afraid to experiment, you need to figure out which spices are suitable for which dish.


So that a dish made from meat is tasty and aromatic, you can not do without spices.

Cooking lamb requires long pickling, so that as a result it becomes soft, juicy and without a specific smell. Spices such as onions, black pepper, anise are suitable for it. They go well with lamb basil and caraway seeds. If lamb or beef is too old, then they can be marinated with the addition of juniper, tarragon, rosemary, mint, marjoram.

The classic spices for pork are coriander (cilantro), black pepper, garlic and onions. But to add an exotic flavor, you can add a little cardamom or cinnamon.


For poultry meat, it is necessary to select spices that will emphasize a delicate and delicate taste. If the dish is baked, you must first marinate it. When cooking, on the contrary, spices are added shortly before being cooked.

The delicate taste of the bird emphasizes the following spices:

  • marjoram;
  • thyme;
  • curry;
  • rosemary;
  • fragrant sage;
  • basil;
  • thyme;
  • turmeric.


A classic combination of spices suitable for any kind of fish: black and allspice, lemon, bay leaf and olive oil. When experimenting with seasonings, remember - fish absorbs any odors very well. Be careful - spices should not clog the taste.

In addition to the classic combination, you can use:

  • dill seeds;
  • white pepper;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;
  • cilantro;
  • tarragon (tarragon);
  • onion;
  • mustard seeds.

To give a more acute taste, you can add: ground ginger and thyme seeds.

For grill

A classic version of seasonings for grilled meat is a combination of several types of peppers.

If you are not afraid to experiment, add:

  • marjoram;
  • cardamom fruits;
  • thyme;
  • cumin seeds;
  • ground ginger.


For the preparation of game, which has its own specific taste, apply spices and spices that give a strong aroma, such as:

  • allspice;
  • basil;
  • thyme;
  • barberry;
  • oregano;
  • juniper branches;
  • rosemary.

Stew and baked vegetables

Stew is prepared from vegetables, in combination with various ingredients - may contain pieces of meat and poultry of various preparations. Therefore, it is possible to use a variety of spices.

To prepare vegetable or meat stew, you can apply:

  • turmeric
  • dried ginger.
  • dill;
  • cardamom fruits;
  • cilantro;
  • cloves;
  • nutmeg.


For a rich and delicate taste in pastes, you can add:

  • white and black pepper;
  • dried ginger;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • star anise;
  • ground leaf of laurel;
  • cardamom fruits;
  • cloves.

Marinades for poultry and meat

Marinades require careful and careful selection of seasonings and spices, as they affect the final taste of the dish.

The main spices in any marinade are:

  • dill seeds;
  • black pepper;
  • bay leaf.

If desired, if the marinade for meat, you can add juniper.


Each vegetable needs its own set of spices. When stewing or sauerkraut, you can add coriander (cilantro), fennel, black mustard and cumin (known as zira or cumin) to the cabbage. For potatoes, the most successful combination would be a mixture of coriander (cilantro), onions, asafoetida and turmeric. When cooking beans, you can add more spicy spices:

  • peppermint;
  • ginger;
  • coriander;
  • cumin;
  • asafoetida.

Juices and compotes

If you want to give an unusual taste to drinks, add to them:

  • star anise;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • cloves;
  • cardamom fruits;
  • ground ginger.

If you like to drink hot milk, add a pinch of cinnamon, saffron or cardamom.


Spices will help to diversify and improve the taste of familiar and favorite dishes. Applying the knowledge gained in your kitchen, you can safely begin to experiment, without fear, spoil the taste of the dish.

Even the juiciest, most solid piece of, say, meat can be fresh and tasteless if it is not salted and the corresponding spices are added. And this applies not only to meat, but almost all products from which we prepare various dishes.

Spices are the "highlight" of the dish, and a cook who knows a lot about them is comparable to a wizard who can turn food into a real culinary masterpiece. Remember, you probably had cases when you tried a rather famous dish, which you yourself have prepared more than once, but for some reason it was different in taste. Unusual, attractive, demented taste.

“What did you add here?” - usually the question follows. Spice! Everything is simple. Simple, but not very. You need to know which spices are suitable for specific products. How to use spices. You can not come only from the names and interfere with everything, cooking fish, meat or vegetables. Otherwise, the dish can not be embellished, but spoiled.

The choice of spices is just huge now and not every housewife knows what ingredients can be added to make the dish sparkle with bright colors. Cooks are a kind of artists. They play with paints, mix them, getting the right shade, while knowing what colors are combined with each other.

So we, being in the kitchen, should know the combination of our “colors”, the colors with which we “write” culinary delights.

Let's see what spices are suitable for specific products. How to use spices and seasonings?

Let's start with the meat. And here it is necessary to take into account its varieties. Since one type of spices is suitable for a rabbit, and completely different for pork. But, in order.
Cooking a dish from pork, can add: all kinds of peppers, garlic, bay leaves, caraway seeds, juniper, lemon balm, cardamom, sage, nutmeg, basil, celery seeds, rosemary and marjoram.

We offer you to cook a delicious dish "Norman pork."

As for pork barbecue: do not pickle meat with vinegar, do not add spices - this makes pork stiff. Seasonings should be added to the finished meat. But it is best to soak the meat in large chunks in onion juice without any other additives for a couple of hours.

TO beef   best fit: oregano, basil, rosemary, tarragon, allspice, black and red pepper, turmeric, caraway seeds, thyme, coriander, mustard seeds, marjoram and cloves, soy sauce.

Do not overdo it, you see how many spices, so a sense of proportion should be present. But, as they say, the best adviser is the experience that comes with time.

There are a lot of interesting dishes from beef, but we do not always have enough time, and sometimes the right set of products. Most often, we cook something simple, but nevertheless tasty and satisfying. Such as "

Veal   goes well with: tarragon, basil, rosemary, sage, mint.   You should not add too sharp seasonings, as the meat is dietary.

Mutton   seasoned with any herbs, especially parsley and basil. Spices for lamb cardamom, oregano, cilantro, thyme, hazel, saffron, zira.

Cooking the most delicious dish from a rabbit, you should know that there are obligatory spices for this dietary meat: this black pepper, bay leaf, onion and salt.   But you can use, more simply, auxiliary ones, which are an order of magnitude more. It: rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley, dill, coriander, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, lemon, garlic, celery, juniper berries.

If your man is a hunter and sometimes pleases you with a trophy in the form of venison, then you should know that cooking this meat is best used thyme, bay leaf and ground pepper (both black and red).

And if on your table a dish of boar, then keep in mind that the meat of males, especially old choppers, is tougher during the rutting season and has an unpleasant odor. To remove this smell, the meat must be soaked in a 1-2% vinegar solution for 2-4 hours before cooking, depending on the size of the piece. As spices in addition to salt, black pepper, bay leaf, you can add hops-suneli, crushed nutmeg, liquid mustard.

By the way, about mustard. How to choose the right mustard? Indeed, the choice on the market is large, but there are few good and high-quality products. This article will help you find out which mustard is good.

We pass to the bird. How to use spices and seasonings with a bird?

The most favorite and most traditional dish of hen. Legs, hips, wings and fillets are best prepared with spices such as: pepper. He will give pungency to chicken, but you should know that pepper should be added at the very end of cooking, because during the heat treatment it can give an unpleasant bitterness. In addition to peppers, chicken is suitable marjoram, sage, rosemary, basil, thyme and mint. These seasonings can be used separately from each other or can be made from mixtures. Before cooking, you need to grate the chicken with these herbs and let it marinate for a while.

Turmeric, oregano, ginger, curry   - also suitable for chicken spices.

Please your loved ones, cook for dinner "Thai chicken with vegetables."

Or you can make a salad. On the site "Sunny Hands" you will find the recipe "Salad with Chicken, Nuts and Apples."
  Tasty dishes come from goose. If boiled meat is used for cold appetizers, then it is cooked with a classic set of spices, which includes salt, peppercorns, onions, roots (carrots and parsley).

More aromatic meat is obtained if, during cooking, add to the broth nutmeg, marjoram, basil or rosemary.

If you decide to bake or fry the goose’s meat, grate the carcass with salt and pepper before heat treatment. Put the goose inside onions, carrots and be sure to add marjoram. It is believed that this spicy herb is best suited to goose meat.

TO duck   fit cardamom, star anise, cinnamon   and, of course, peppers. But zira can ruin the taste. It will more likely resemble pilaf, but not like not juicy duck meat.

Universal cooking option turkeys   will serve: thyme, rosemary, sage, black pepper. In combination with citrus fruits, you can use ground cinnamon. If you prefer spicier condiments, try curry. Also go well with turkey meat coriander, savory and basil.

Unusual, pleasant taste can be obtained by adding certain spices to pastries.   It is customary to add to confectionery cardamom. They flavor the dough for fritters, cookies, gingerbread, gingerbread, buns with raisins, sweet cakes.

Cloves, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, allspice, orange zest, aniseall this goes well for baking too.

On a note: rosemary - This is a strong spice that can suppress others, so you need to use it in small quantities. When cooking rosemary does not lose its properties, this spice can be added at the very beginning of cooking.

Bay leaves, allspice, black cardamom, cinnamon sticks and other “large” spices are also placed at the beginning of cooking. Black pepper, caraway seeds, fennel, green cardamom - in the middle. Ginger, spices in the form of powder and ready-made mixtures - a couple of minutes before turning off the fire.

Marjoram can be called one of the most popular and versatile spices. Since it can be added

in almost all dishes. It is used as a seasoning for meat dishes, soups, salads, drinks, it gives food a special aroma and taste. Especially marjoram is suitable for fatty dishes, keep in mind.

And do not forget about marjoram, when you do conservation. This spice is widely used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and when pickling cabbage.

By the way, such a spice as thyme is also suitable for fatty dishes. This seasoning contributes to better digestion of food.

Important!   Caraway seeds are an independent spice, it is combined only with salt and pepper, therefore, the rest of the seasonings, even with their ornate name, cannot be combined with caraway seeds.

Basil also can not stand any neighborhood. Together with it can only be garlic and all.

As you can see, despite the variety of spices and seasonings, it’s not so difficult to learn how to use spices, which ones are suitable for which dish. At first, you can even print the memo and keep it in the kitchen in the table to use it like a cheat sheet.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova

25.04.2017   254 views

Worldwide, there are more than three hundred species of various flavors of vegetable and other origin, which are widely used in cooking. These are spices, seasonings and spices, revealing the taste of the dish or forming it. Various types of spices and seasonings differ in origin, composition, application, but all of them are widely used in different cuisines of the world.

By spices we mean flavors of plant origin (fruits, seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, bark). They are not used on their own, but are added directly during the preparation process to the main dish to reveal its taste, to give an unusual shade. Spices are used both fresh and dried. With proper heat treatment, namely drying at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees, they retain the entire set of nutrients, taste and aroma. You can read about what a spicy plant of star anise is in a special section of the site.

Seasonings, as a rule, are served already to the finished dish or are an integral part of it. In their composition, they often contain a certain set of spices. These include sauces, mustard, horseradish, food acids (different types of vinegar), etc.

Spices are a broader concept that is synonymous with spices and seasonings. Spices include salt, sugar, soda, starch, which affect the taste and texture of the dish, as well as pepper, bay leaf and others. These are flavoring and aromatic additives that are available in every kitchen.

Various types of spices and spices are introduced into the finished dish directly or through emulsions, which are various sauces. Due to the special consistency, spicy spices retain their aroma and give it to a ready-made dish.

Varieties of spices

Most spices are spicy herbs of different geographical origins. Some types of spices and seasonings are widely recognized throughout the world and are used in the preparation of classic dishes. It is difficult to imagine the cooking process without the use of black, red and allspice, bay leaf, cinnamon, and other spices. Depending on the type of plants, its various parts can be used as a spice, having certain taste and aromatic qualities: root (ginger), flowers (clove), bark (cinnamon), leaves (bay leaf) and others.

This group of spices also includes spicy vegetables, which are common and used everywhere. Onions, garlic, parsley, fennel, celery can also serve as the basis for cooking. In this case, other spices are added to them in a small amount.

Varieties of seasoning

Various fresh or dried spicy herbs and vegetables can act both as a spice and as a one-component seasoning. Multicomponent compositions in a different state belong to the same group: in the form of a paste, liquid, or dry mixture. Varieties of seasonings include a huge number of different sauces, mayonnaises and flavors, the range of which can expand almost to infinity.

The most widespread are spices of mineral origin (salt), vegetable (spicy herbs and vegetables) obtained by artificial means (sugar, vinegar, vanillin, monosodium glutamate) and mixtures (hops-suneli, adjika, curry and others). Recently, various extracts are gaining popularity, which are squeezes from spicy plants with a longer validity period in contrast to dry spices. They are used not only in cooking, but also in other sectors of the economy. For example, the drug, which is available not only in the form of a dry mixture, but also as an extract, is widely used in folk medicine.

The secrets of applying spices

A wide variety of seasonings and spices does not allow their chaotic use in the preparation of any dishes. Certain spices are suitable for specific foods and, if used improperly, can just ruin their taste.

The secrets of using spices are as follows:

  1. Spices for the dish should be chosen according to the principle that if each spice is suitable for the product separately, it means that together they will be combined. For example, onions, garlic, savory, cinnamon, bay leaves, black pepper, both individually and in the mixture, are suitable for chicken.
  2. One improperly selected aromatic additive can ruin the taste of the whole dish. For example, when baking fish, it is categorically not recommended to use caraway seeds, which can kill the aroma of any other herbs.
  3. Salt always enhances the effect of spices.
  4. Different spices can differentiate the taste of a dish depending on what is taken as the basis. For example, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves can be added to both sweet and savory dishes, making their taste more interesting. But there are exceptions, for example, garlic, vanilla and others.
  5. The taste of a neutral product (rice, potatoes, pasta) is determined by spices.

In the process of preparing seasonings, they are most often used not separately, but as part of a mixture of aromatic herbs and seasonings. Over time, by trial and error, the compositions of ingredients that were most suitable for certain dishes were determined:

  • for goulash: onions, red, black and allspice, caraway and cloves, thyme and marjoram, turmeric;
  • for poultry: rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, marjoram;
  • for fish: white and allspice, ginger, bay leaf, onion, coriander, mustard, dill and thyme;
  • for fruit desserts: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise;
  • for a side dish of potatoes: onions, parsley and celery, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg or color, caraway and thyme, dill;
  • for home baking: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom or nutmeg.

Any variety of spices is able to bring the taste of the dish to perfection. The main thing is to keep the secrets of cooking and learn how to combine products with each other.

Culinary seasonings and spices are nutritional supplements. Seasonings - food improvers of plant, animal or artificial origin, with a spicy smell, as well as dry mixtures of herbs and prepared liquid sauces. In addition, spices include salt, sugar, ammonium, yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, soda, carob powder, agar-agar, gelatin, etc.

Spices and seasonings - what's the difference?

Spices change the taste and texture of a dish without affecting its smell. Spices are responsible for the aroma. As for color, for example saffron, turmeric, parsley, rose, etc., act as dyes. Artificial is usually attributed to spices. It is impossible to draw an exact border between seasonings and spices, since salt flavored with ground pepper is already seasoning, and sugar flavored with vanilla is a seasoning called vanilla sugar. The terminology debate can go on endlessly, but that is not our goal.

The ability to handle food condiments and spices correctly is a real art. We will introduce you to some little-known, but very good classic seasonings and the most expensive spices, as well as talk about some rules that should be followed when using southern spices and seasonings. Their use with photographs of individual mixtures and plants can also be seen in the material presented to your attention.

Magical Food Supplements

Most of us constantly have in the kitchen some specific familiar set of natural herbal food additives, usually no more than a dozen. It may not change in a lifetime. This is a big omission, because the herbs used in cooking are about one and a half hundred. They are part of the sauces, added to food at the personal discretion of the cook, and also combined in a bouquet that ennobles a particular product or gives the name of the whole dish.

Traveling around the world and getting acquainted with national cuisine, at some point we think: "What is included in this or that, especially liked dish?" For the original taste, it is not always possible to find out ordinary beef, rice, cod, pasta, squid, potatoes, etc. The same products are in our city. Metamorphosis is achieved due to unusual seasonings.

The main supplier of natural aromatic and spicy additives is India. It is Indian spices and seasonings that are considered the best in the world. They are the core of any culinary seasoning. The climate of this country, as well as the islands of Ceylon and Sri Lanka, is ideal for the ripening of aromatic herbs used in cooking.

The function of spices in cooking

Let's see if spices and seasonings are so important and necessary in our kitchen? Their use in home cooking is not a cheap pleasure. One kilogram of pepper, zira, saffron, cardamom, nigella, any of the overseas spices costs from a thousand rubles (this is the lowest grade) and higher. Why puzzle over guessing which spices will be the most harmonious in a particular dish? Isn’t it better, without further ado, to limit yourself to salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf, dill, parsley, vanilla and cinnamon, that is, those additives that have long been settled in our kitchens? For ready meals, it’s easier and more convenient to use purchased sauces like ketchup or mayonnaise, mustard and horseradish, and serve sweet dishes with jam and whipped cream.

All this is true, but culinary seasonings and spices perform much more tasks than the additives listed above.

They are intended to set off the best flavoring and aromatic notes of the prepared product. So, for example, the river bottom fish burbot is distinguished by tender meat, and its liver is a delicacy more valuable than the liver of cod or poultry. However, the specific smell of tina needs to be eliminated, otherwise eating this fish is completely impossible. Properly selected spices and seasonings will save the situation. Their application should be mastered for other reasons.

Four properties

Spices and seasonings add appeal to dishes, firstly, ennoble the smell of the original product. This helps to improve appetite and the timely release of gastric juice, which contributes to better digestion of food.

Secondly, some Indian seasonings and spices (their names and photos can be seen in this article) improve the appearance of the products.

Thirdly, they contribute to a longer preservation of the freshness of food, acting as light preservatives and antiseptics.

Fourth, all of them have powerful therapeutic effects on all organs and systems of the human body.

Influence on the senses and creating a pleasant atmosphere

It should be noted that anyone who knows how and willingly cooks delicious food is pleasant and respected in any company. It is embarrassing to admit this, but to a person who comes to visit with an exquisite treat, everyone is always happy, and this greatly facilitates the establishment of friendly relations.

Entering a house where it smells of cinnamon from a freshly baked apple pie, or treating yourself to a rich borsch with aromatic herbs, you involuntarily think that the hosts here are excellent people.

If you agree that delicious food is the right spices, if you think that spices and seasonings, their use in cooking is a valuable skill that promotes communication and attracts friends, then this article is for you.

Continental cuisine has long mastered Indian spices. The shops sell ready-made, seasoned and packaged in bags and jars popular seasonings and spices that go well with European products. These mixtures can be purchased in stores in the form of powdered spices mixed with salt, you can find widely known sets of spices, or you can try to collect a classic seasoning yourself. This is much more interesting, in addition, excellent quality is guaranteed.

Ras Al Khanut

This is a Turkish national seasoning, which has long migrated to many European and Middle Eastern cuisines. Ras al-khanut - a bouquet of herbs that invariably accompany dolma. It certainly includes basil, tarragon and oregano. In addition, usually a few more components are added to the choice of the cook.

If you want to cook an authentic dish, head to the bazaar to the place where Turkish spices and seasonings are sold. You may not know their application, and this is not necessary. It is enough to say two words to the merchant: “dolma” and “ras-el-khanut”, and the seller of spices will collect for you an individual and unique set. “Ras al-hanut” - seasoning collected by the owner of the shop at his own discretion in accordance with the components included in the conceived dish, as well as taking into account the personal taste preferences of the buyer. The name of the seasoning is translated - "the owner of the shop."


Among the popular Turkish seasonings, one of the places of honor is occupied by a mixture of spices called “Baharat”. Kebab is not complete without a fragrant bouquet of cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg and mint. As a supplement, you can add zira, cardamom, cloves, coriander, Jamaican pepper and paprika. Variable seasonings may also contain ginger, savory, fenugreek, lumi, rose petals or oregano. Turkish cuisine is rarely dispensed with mint leaves and savory. When adding fresh leaves, remember that they should not be cut or chopped in any other way with metal knives. This provokes an oxidizing reaction that distorts the properties of plants.

"Beau monde"

Europeans who prefer meat to seafood have long mastered southern seasonings and spices. Their use in dishes of squid, shrimp and scallops is absolutely justified. The blend, known as Beaumond, is a seasoning that perfectly shades the best notes of the muscular tissue of marine invertebrates. It softens the harsh taste of algae and iodine. Suitable for both main dishes and soups.

The Beaumond contains ten components: celery seeds, bay leaf, nutmeg flower and nut itself, cinnamon, cloves, three types of pepper - Jamaican peas), white and black peas (peas) and salt.

Punch Puren

Punch Puren, as the name implies, is a mixture of five herbs. These are taken in equal parts seeds of nigella, zira, fenugreek and fennel. The use of “punch purin” is very diverse.

Seeds can be fried in a pan with oil until aroma appears, and then season with this oil porridge, pour meat or fish, add to soup. Vegetable, meat, fish and bean dishes are ideal for punch purin.

Another way to use a mixture of five seeds is to grind the seeds into powder and combine with a fine salt. It is good to sprinkle ready-made dishes with such salt, as well as add to marinades. The seasonings and spices listed above, their use in different dishes, allow you to realize a craving for new experiences and turn daily standing at the stove into a magical effect.


Not in vain the first overseas spice, which we will talk about separately, was selected as saffron. He is the record holder for the number of fakes, and this is no accident. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. The king of spices and the spice of kings, as the proverb says. In a dish, saffron performs the function of spices, and spices, and dye.

It is better not to combine saffron with any other herbs, and add only a few threads to the food, not more.

Turmeric, safflower, marigolds, etc. are often sold under the guise of saffron. You can distinguish a gourmet food supplement from a fake by carefully examining it. Purple threads are the stigmas of a flower pestle, known as crocus. At the base, these threads are paler than at the top. The upper part is somewhat thicker and more bizarre.

One gram of saffron is estimated at about two dollars. Why so much? The fact is that only saffron has unique consumer value, which has grown in certain latitudes, but it is collected manually. Three stigmas are extracted from each crocus. They are spice. Want to find a real saffron? It is very difficult. Try searching stores selling Indian condiments and spices. His names are the same in any language - saffron and crocus. The photograph clearly shows the stigmas of crocus.


The second royal spice is cardamom. There are two types of cardamom - green and black.

Green is known to many. It is added to coffee, tea, milk drinks. Green cardamom acts very well on the heart muscle, and also destroys pathogenic microflora and significantly improves overall health. This is a universal spice, therefore, it is included in a huge number of seasonings. Its distinguishing feature is that in small quantities it enhances the aromas of other components of the dish, and in large quantities it drowns them out.

Black cardamom is less common than green on the shelves of Russian stores. It is distinguished by a slightly smoky, tarry, earthy smell. It goes well with its green counterpart, but is less popular. To prepare mixtures, grind a dry box with seeds and add to curry, masala and other seasonings.

Storage rules

Dry spicy herbs give off their aroma when heated in a liquid, and seeds when heated to 60 degrees in a dry pan with a thick bottom. Spices should be stored in sealed glass jars in a place protected from moisture and daylight. Whole peppercorns, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, seeds of umbrella plants (zira, nigella, fennel, dill, caraway seeds) and many others can be stored without losing valuable properties for several years.

As for ready-made spices and seasonings, they are subject to more stringent requirements regarding shelf life. It is better not to make milled mixtures for the future. After a week, they usually expire.

A few words in conclusion

Seasonings and spices, their application is a whole science. No need to be afraid of experimentation. There is such a rule: if the spices are combined with each other, then they are suitable for the same products. The most important thing is to use spices in a very small amount. A couple of grains of crushed zira will play a positive role in a small dish, and an excess of even the best seasoning will spoil the product.

Remember that the art of cooking does not stand still. A well-known expert on cooking, William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin, in his books on the use of spices, argued that bay leaf is not compatible with chicken dishes. However, Indian seasonings discovered by Russians in recent decades, intended for flavoring poultry, offer curry mixtures containing exactly this spice. In addition, during the time of Pokhlebkin, a broiler bird did not exist. At present, it is generally accepted that only rosemary does not tolerate bay leaves.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell about all Indian, Turkish and other overseas seasonings and spices. Their application is described in numerous modern guides to the cuisines of different nations. Zaatar, cabsa, kajun mixture, dukka, adjika, hops-suneli, masala, curry, sambal, hawaj - all these are just a small part of mixtures containing wonderful spicy plants: pepper, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, asafoetida, nutmeg, saffron, sumy, nakakesharu, turmeric, cardamom, coriander, etc. Feel free to use them in your own dishes and please yourself and your loved ones with delicious treats!