Calorie counting application on the computer. Calorie Calculation Per Day

Our calculator is designed for those who adhere to a flexible diet, or just want to switch to this power system.

The basic principle of a flexible diet is that you can eat almost anything, subject to the following conditions:

  • you must adhere to your individual level of daily calorie intake;
  • the correct ratio of carbohydrate fat proteins is observed.

That is, you must provide your body with a stable intake of the right amount of calories and the necessary ratio of carbohydrate fat proteins (BJU), but the sources of these elements and energy can be represented by an infinite number of foods and dishes.

When using a flexible diet, you not only consider the total number of calories consumed, but you need to manage the ratio of BJU.

For example, you can spend the entire calorie budget on breakfast with pancakes, but remember that you need to provide the right amount of fat and protein. And do not be surprised that by lunchtime you may feel tired - you have consumed all the carbohydrates and now you have no energy left.

Use this calculator to calculate the required number of calories consumed per day and the optimal ratio of macronutrients depending on your age, height, weight, gender and level of physical activity. Use these results to follow a flexible diet to reduce weight, maintain it, or build muscle.

Level of physical activity

A high level of physical activity is accompanied by a higher calorie intake. To accurately control calories consumed (and, therefore, to calculate the daily calorie needed to consume), you need to determine how many calories you burn in sports: use this one for this.

Excessive physical activity combined with low calorie intake can lead to muscle catabolism (destruction of muscle tissue), which in turn slows down the metabolism and weight loss. Metabolism usually begins to slow after 3 days on a reduced calorie count.

Weight loss and loss of fat mass do not always mean the same thing: weight can go away due to loss of muscle mass, while the amount of adipose tissue remains the same. To prevent this from happening, it is important to calculate the optimal ratio of macronutrients - BJU.

Inclusion of regular physical activity in your new lifestyle helps maintain muscle levels even with a calorie deficit.

But remember:

  • The body spends 5–25% of the total energy consumption for physical activity, and this is not only special fitness classes, this also includes walking, our daily activities, etc .;
  • about 10% of the energy is spent on digesting food;
  • about 60-80% of the energy is spent on the basic vital activity of the body.

Therefore, physical activity will certainly help in the process of losing weight, but, nevertheless, the most important thing is to limit calorie intake.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the body can spend a limited number of calories per day, it cannot work indefinitely, even if we constantly throw new energy into it. Therefore, if today you have spent a lot of calories in sports, the body optimizes the daily calorie expenditure and consumes fewer calories in other processes. As a result, the total daily calorie expenditure of this day will not be much more than yesterday.

Physical activity is very important in itself, for the health of both physical and psychological, but with it we can regulate a maximum of 5-25% of the waste of our daily energy.

What happens if there are too few calories? And is it possible to lose weight only through diet?

With an extremely low calorie intake, muscle catabolism begins, the muscles melt, and accordingly, the body begins to spend less energy on its main vital functions. That is, your basic metabolism is reduced. This means that as soon as you return to your normal diet, you will not only regain your weight, but also gain more. Therefore it is very important:

when losing weight, it is necessary to enter physical activity, this will help not to lose muscle mass while reducing calorie intake or even increase it, and therefore increase the basic metabolism. This will help you lose weight much more effectively and will not allow you to gain weight when returning to a normal diet.

Macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates


Proteins are important for the growth of new tissues, as well as for the restoration of damaged ones - this is what happens when you exercise.

Proteins should become your best friends if you want to gain or maintain muscle mass.

But proteins are not only muscles, they are also a feeling of fullness that will help you maintain a diet.

Sources of protein: eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, fish, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, soy and other legumes.


Fat is often mistakenly demonized.

Fats can be very useful for achieving your body shaping goal, they also affect hormones - too little fat can harm the body.

25% of all calories provided by a flexible diet are allocated to fats. This can be adjusted later, but it looks like the initial proportion.

Sources of fat: olive oil, coconut oil, natural peanut oil and other peanut oils, avocados, almonds, walnuts, cashews, red fish, mackerel, egg yolks.


Your body uses carbohydrates to produce glucose, which is the preferred type of fuel or energy for our body. They give us the opportunity to stay active.

Fiber, the consumption of which is important to monitor if you want to stay healthy, is also a source of carbohydrates, but it does not contain calories.

Sources of carbohydrates: torumps and cereals, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, flour products.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, which means that the energy released during their processing is distributed evenly by the body to its vital functions, without turning into fat reserves. And more importantly, energy from complex carbohydrates is evenly released within 3-4 hours, which means that all this time the body will have enough energy and it will not require additional food.

Usually foods containing complex carbohydrates are darker in color than simple ones.

Examplesoats, brown rice, starchy vegetables, whole grain bread.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly, the body does not have time to consume them and they go into fat reserve. In addition, the body receives energy in the form of a short burst, and then there is a breakdown.

Exampleswhite rice, white bread, cookies and sweets.

Frequency and Serving Size

A large portion for one meal, even if the daily calories are observed, can provoke fat deposition.

This happens according to a principle similar to the assimilation of simple carbohydrates: many calories, a lot of energy immediately enter the body, the body may not have time to use all of it and then part of the energy may be deposited in the form of fat.

If the daily diet is divided into a larger number of small portions, then each meal will receive fewer calories, which the body will absorb more likely. Also, in this case, the load on the digestive organs is reduced - the stomach, pancreas, etc.

In addition, it is recommended to eat before any active activity (physical: for example, before a walk, or just before the road to work or even mental - with increased mental activity, the body also spends more energy). But do not lie on the couch or sleep after eating.

Calories for Fat Loss

It is believed that a pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily deficit of 500 calories should help get rid of a pound of fat per week.

In fact, this is not entirely true.

In general, the body’s energy consumption gradually decreases as soon as a person begins to lose weight. This means that you will inevitably find yourself on the plateau stage - stopping weight loss. The amount of food that previously led to weight loss will one day lead to its maintenance. What the warning follows from:

Always try to aim for a daily calorie intake of "Normal Weight Loss."

The level of "Extreme weight loss rate" is the most extreme and dangerous to health. Do not try to switch to it immediately in the hope of a quick effect. Ultimately, the result may be the opposite of what is desired. This option provides the lowest calorie intake that you can even consider. It should be taken as an exception rather than a rule. It is healthier to burn fat than to get rid of it through fasting.

The Plateau of Weight Loss - Why Does Weight Stop Falling With Calorie Reduction

Over time, the body adapts to a reduced amount of calories consumed.

The body begins to use energy more efficiently - it slows down the metabolism, therefore, burns less fat. That is why many reach a plateau (stop) of weight loss.

At this stage, the only option is to speed up the metabolism by:

  • increased cardio loads, strength training,
  • the use of "deceptive" food (that is, periodically introduce high-calorie foods into the diet);
  • periodic changes in the number of calories (the so-called “zig-zag” diet - is used in our calculator, in a detailed calculation of calorie intake by day); Link
  • changes in the proportions of macronutrients.


Only a decrease in the number of calories, in the absence of physical activity, will slow down the metabolism, and the moment you return to a "normal" diet, weight will return again. Try to pay more attention to exercises.

Learn to eat slowly - studies show that those who eat fast tend to be overweight.

Zig Zag Diet

For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to follow a zig-zag diet, that is, you need to alternate days in terms of calorie intake - either less than normal, then more than normal, leaving the average number of calories calculated. This does not allow the body to adapt to reduced calorie intake and slow down metabolism.

Modern mobile applications not only entertain the gadget user, but also help him monitor his health and, in particular, his weight. Fitness does not always bring results in the fight against extra pounds, so even athletes have to look at products in terms of calories, not tastes. Mobile applications, which are described in the review, will help calculate calories, as well as create a training program, keep a diet diary and take other steps to lose weight.

Android users should pay attention to such programs:

Lose Weight Together

Price: Free

This application is a real encyclopedia of weight loss; Information for this application was collected not only on the Internet, but also in paper sources for a long time. It is especially pleasant for users that this useful Android program is completely free.

With the application " Lose weight together»User can:

  1. To get acquainted with a huge number of diets - Kremlin, economical, Atkins and Elena Malysheva diets.
  2. Read articles on vitamins, trace elements and dietary supplements.
  3. Use one of several functional calorie calculators (section "Calculations") - this will help to comply with the diet.
  4. Make your own weight loss diary in a graphic form - this will allow you to track the dynamics of losing excess weight and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of diets.
  5. To study a detailed calorie table, which includes more than 25 thousand different foods and ready meals.

There is only one drawback of the application - intrusive advertising, however, according to 2 million users, this is not a big problem. If you want, you can get rid of advertising by installing a paid version of the program.

My weight loss trainer

Price: Free

Android smartphone app My weight loss trainer   It performs not so much informational as motivational function: each user receives a “graphic” body (avatar), on the example of which he sees how his own body changes as a result of the current diet.

What else is interesting about this slimming app?

  1. Motivational photo collection. The application contains a whole gallery of pictures of the owners of ideal figures. You can set a target weight and observe how the body will be when it is reached.
  2. Function "SOS hunger"confirms that application developers have a great sense of humor. If the user intends to eat too much out of boredom, he should press the SOS button, and a tip will appear on the screen reminding you that food will not make you happier - your girlfriend’s call will be much more effective in coping with longing.
  3. Reminder Function -thanks to her, the owner of the gadget will never forget that it’s time for him to train or to weigh himself in order to fix the results.

You can also find paid and free (Pro) versions of the application on Google Play My weight loss trainer   - In the free version, features such as calorie counter and weight loss schedule are not available.

Best weight loss apps on iPhone

In the AppStore, you can find several applications that are sure to teach how to monitor the body and lose weight:

Price: Free +

  Is the highest rated calorie app for iPhone. Having precisely specified anthropometric data (weight, height) when installing the program, the user will find out the personal calorie intake rate, which must be observed every day in order to lose weight. Application developers claim that it has a number of characteristics that allow it to go one step ahead of the competition:

  1. The application boasts the largest food database - it contains more than 4 million individual products and dishes. The base is replenished on a regular basis.
  2. The program includes a barcode scanner, which simplifies the search for the desired product in the database.
  3. The application is synchronized with the program website, so you can fill out a diet diary both from a computer and from a mobile phone.
  4. The program is excellently Russified, it works fine even on iPhones 3 and 4 generations, and with all this is free.
  5. The calorie counting application is installed not only on the iPhone and iPad, but also on the Apple Watch.

The application has disadvantages: firstly, it is installed only on devices with iOS 8th or later, and secondly, a paid version of this application (without ads) will cost the user a pretty penny - it costs 749 rubles.

Calorie Counter by Fat Secret

Price: Free +

« Calorie counter»From the developer Fat Secret - a worthy competitor to the application. With this program you can find out about the calorie content of all products included in the user's daily diet.

The application provides a number of tools that will achieve the goal - to lose weight or, conversely, gain it:

Application from Fat SecretDespite the similar functionality, it has several advantages over the more well-known: firstly, it can be downloaded for free (no Pro and Lite versions), and secondly, it is compatible with iOS 7.

Calorie calculator   - A free application that allows you to conduct daily calorie counts of your nutrition using a large database of nutritional value of products, with the ability to add your own. The Calorie Calculator application does not need to maintain a constant connection to the Internet, so this calorie calculator is truly mobile - you can calculate the calorie content of everything that you eat during the day when there is no access to a computer or when there is no Internet connection.

Calorie Calculator Features

  • Calculate the daily calorie content of your diet. By searching for the product in the first letters of the name, you can quickly add what you eat to your diet for any day. You can also find a product by scanning its barcode with a camera. To add a product or a recipe to the diet, it is enough to know its weight - the nutritional value of the product (protein, fat and carbohydrate content) will be calculated by the program on its own. By scrolling the phone screen left-right, you can select the ration for yesterday or tomorrow and edit it, planning your menu for the future.
  • Find the nutritional value and calorie content of the product you are interested in. The calorie table of products, which is available in the program, contains information about more than 1000 names of products. Plus, the table is regularly updated via the Internet. You can change information about the nutritional value of products - the calorie content of the diet for all days is automatically recalculated. The phone’s Search button makes it easy to find a product or recipe in the list by the first letters of its name.
  • Calculation of the calorie content of dishes. You can add, edit and delete your own cooking recipes. The Calorie Calculator program allows you to automate the calorie calculation of your meals. Dishes are added to your diet in the same way as a simple product.
  • Sync data with your diet diary.

If you decide to seriously take up your figure, get in shape and lose weight, then counting calories is an ideal way to achieve this goal. A meal with a small calorie deficit will help you lose weight. efficiently, efficiently and, most importantly, safely.

We are offering to you top free calorie apps on Android and iOS. With the help of a convenient program on your mobile phone, you will always have a food diary at hand and you can easily bring products even out of the house. Some programs do not even require Internet access to access a complete list of products.

All of the following calorie counter mobile apps have following functions:

  • individual calculation of daily calorie intake
  • calorie counter products
  • protein, carbohydrate and fat counter
  • ready-made product list with all macros
  • the ability to add physical activity
  • ready-made list of basic physical activities with calorie expenditure
  • tracking changes in volume and weight
  • drinking water metering
  • convenient and intuitive graphs to help you debug power

However, even the same functions in these programs are implemented in completely different ways. Calorie Counting Apps Not Only Differ design and usability, but also with the base of products, options for activity, additional functions.

The following calorie counting apps are designed   for both operating systems: Android and iOS (iPhone). Programs can be downloaded from the Play Market and AppStore, the links are listed below. Applications are offered for free, but in some of them you can connect premium paid accounts with additional features. However, even the basic version is often enough to successfully carry out calculations KBZHU. The average ratings and the number of downloads of applications are presented based on data from the Play Market.

My FitnessPal is the leader in the list of the most popular calorie counting apps. According to the developers, the program has largest database   (more than 6 million product names), which is replenished daily. The application has a complete set of functions: creating an unlimited number of your own dishes, convenient statistics and reports on weight dynamics, a barcode scanner, statistics on the main nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, fiber and cholesterol.

The My FitnessPal calorie calculation app also provides convenient training functionality. The first is the ability to create an unlimited number of your own exercises. Secondly, you can deposit personal statistics on both cardio and strength exercisesincluding the number of sets, reps, and weight per rep. To access the list of products and exercises you need the Internet.

Another convenient point of My FitnessPal is full synchronization with the site: You can fill in the diary both from the computer and from the phone. The application is free, but some additional features are available only with a paid subscription. Of the minuses, users also note the impossibility of synchronization with individual fitness trackers.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~ 50 million

Fat Secret Counter

Fat Secret is an absolutely free calorie counting app without premium accounts, subscriptions and ads. One of the main advantages of the program is nice, concise and informative interface. Fat Secret has a large product base (including the entry of products by barcode), which is divided into categories: Products, Restaurant chains, Popular brands, Supermarkets. In addition to standard macros, information is offered on the amount of sugar, sodium, cholesterol, fiber. There is also a simple exercise diary to keep track of calories burned.

Among the interesting functions are image recognition: take pictures of food and dishes and keep a diary in photos. Among the inconveniences, users note an insufficient number of meals (only breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks), as well as inconvenient adding recipes   without the possibility of specifying portions. There is a weight control section, but unfortunately there is no volume control.

  • Average rating: 4.4
  • Number of downloads: ~ 10 million

Lifesum is another very popular calorie counting app that will delight you. attractive design. The program has a large database of products, the ability to add recipes with portions and a barcode reader. Lifesum also remembers which foods you eat, and this further simplifies nutrition control. The application implements a convenient system of reminders about daily weighing, meals and drinking water.

The program is free, but you can purchase a premium account in which you will have access to additional information on products (fiber, sugar, cholesterol, sodium, potassium), body volume and percentage of adipose tissue, and product rating. The free version does not have this functionality. But there is good base of physical activity, which includes all the popular group workouts, including the Les Mills programs.

  • Average rating: 4.3
  • Number of downloads: ~ 5 million

YAZIO is also one of the top most requested calorie counting apps. The food diary is accompanied by photographs, so keeping it easy and pleasant. Program has all basic functions: a ready-made product table with all macros, adding your own products and creating a favorites list, a barcode scanner, tracking sports and activity, recording weight. However, adding your own recipes is not provided, you will have to confine yourself to the introduction of individual ingredients.

Like the previous calorie counting application, YAZIO has a number of limitations in the free version. For example, in a premium account you will receive more than 100 healthy and delicious recipes, you can track nutrients   (sugar, fiber and salt), keep a record of the percentage of body fat, blood pressure, blood sugar, make measurements of the chest, waist and hips. But the main functionality is also in the free version.

  • Average rating: 4.5
  • Number of downloads: ~ 3 million

The cute calorie counting app Dine4Fit is also starting to win over its audience. In this program are implemented all the basic functions for keeping a food diary. Also added useful information such as glycemic index, cholesterol, salt, trans fat, fatty acids in most foods. In addition, there are data on the content of vitamins and minerals, and even practical tips on choosing products and their proper storage.

Dine4Fit has a very large product base, which is regularly updated. At the same time, this is a drawback: such a list causes confusion and makes it difficult to use the application. Another disadvantage is the inability to add a ready-made recipe, as well as long application download. However, one cannot fail to notice that in the list of sports loads you will see 30 Day Shred, Insanity, Body Revolution fitness programs familiar to us with ready-made data on calories burned per lesson.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~ 500 thousand

Calorie Counting Apps on Android

Presented applications are offered android platform only. If the above programs do not suit you, try one of these three options.

Highly simple and minimal calorie counting app, which includes all the most necessary functions for maintaining a food diary. If you need a simple and understandable program, in which there is nothing superfluous, then the "Calorie Counter" is the perfect option for your goals. In addition, it is one of the few calorie counting apps that works great even without the internet.

At the same time, all the basic functions are implemented perfectly: a ready-made set of products with counted macros, the ability to add recipes, a list of the main sports loads, individual calculation of KBZhU. And the reviews on the application, despite its minimalism, are very positive.

  • Average rating: 4.4
  • Number of downloads: ~ 500 thousand

Easy Fit Counter

In contrast to the previous application, Easy Fit is designed for those who value bright interface and animated design   in programs. This calorie counter has no competitors in design. The developers created not just a trivial table with a list of products and macros, but approached the matter from a creative point of view. The program has a lot of animation, the products are depicted by clear icons, and in addition there are 24 color solutions in the settings so that you can choose the design that is most pleasant for you.

Despite the rich design, the program works stably and without interruptions. There are all the main functions in the application, and an attractive design only adds to the pleasure of the calorie counting process. But there are drawbacks. Since the program was not developed by Russian developers, the database some familiar products are missing. However, this can easily be solved by independently adding the products you need. By the way, the application also works successfully without the Internet.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~ 100 thousand

SIT 30 counter

The SIT 30 calorie counting application is easy to recognize by the ladybug logo. The program has an ergonomic design, convenient access to all functions in a few clicks and a variety of statistics for weight loss. CIT 30 offers a universal reminder system for meals and training. The program is also interesting. a unique mechanism for adding recipestaking into account heat treatment when calculating calories: boiling, frying, stewing.

This calorie counter app works without internet. Among the shortcomings, one can note a poorly selected product base. Very common product repetition, with slight differences in the name, which makes it difficult to find the right dishes. Also among the minuses, users note the absence of widgets.

  • Average rating: 4.5
  • Number of downloads: ~ 50 thousand

IOS Apps (iPhone)

In addition to the iOS applications listed above, you can try DiaLife, which is specially designed for iPhone and iPad.

DiaLife calorie calculator is very convenient to use, therefore it is not surprising that it is highly popular among Apple product owners. In the program, everything is subordinated to the main goal - meticulous calculation of calories and analysis of food consumed. Each product is accompanied by an information card about calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, glycemic index, fiber, vitamins and minerals. You will not only lose weight, but also monitor your health. Although some users complain about a small assortment of ready-made dishes.

Interestingly, in the activity section there is as many as 12 sections: “Household chores”, “Sport”, “Child care”, “Leisure”, “Traveling in transport” and others. DiaLife calorie counting application is free, but you can connect a premium account that gets access to a wide range of diets, medicine diary, use the ability to generate a PDF report and other functionality. However, the basic package is sufficient for the calculation of KBZhU.

  • Average rating: 4.5

In general, each of these programs can be called great helper   for those who decide to side with proper nutrition. Calorie counting apps are a convenient tool to analyze your current diet and identify barriers to weight loss.

“Live healthy” - this phrase as a slogan is being promoted by many modern people, which is not at all surprising. Now the issue of a healthy lifestyle is in the first place, since, in comparison with previous years, the mortality rate among the population began to increase, and the age of known ailments of the cardiovascular category has significantly decreased: many diseases that are unique to people of retirement age are diagnosed in young people.

TOP apps for counting calories.

The reason for this precedent is not only the environmental situation in the world, but also the maintenance of an incorrect lifestyle, which is attributed to the fact that people pay insufficient attention to their physical form and nutrition, which results in obesity of varying degrees with all the ensuing consequences. Maintaining a “healthy” life helps to correct this situation, and the installed program on the phone can help control the state of your body. In this article, we will consider applications for calculating calories that are relevant in 2018, as well as their functional features, the specifics of choosing the best program for yourself.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following a diet, choosing a set of exercises relevant to your body is a task that was previously difficult to solve, you had to go through a lot of specialists, re-read a decent amount of literature, and yourself, manually record and monitor the results of the efforts made. Modern gadgets modified by Android or iOS software are not only stylish and fashionable devices that increase self-esteem and status of the owner, but also devices of a multifunctional class, with the full use of which the user can greatly simplify his life in many directions. To operate the device in full force, you just need to download and install the “correct” and “necessary” applications on it.

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, adjust your diet and bring your physical condition to perfect condition, you need to choose effective programs that count calories and also perform additional useful functions from the existing range of programs on the World Wide Web. When choosing a program, it is worth considering the following points that are important for installation:

  1. The presence of an individual calculation of the number of calories allowed for use in the daily period. The installation should automatically calculate this data based on the user's starting performance.
  2. The presence in the installation of a calorie counter with an additional calculator for consumed fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  3. The presence of an extensive list of dishes and products. The larger the list, the more.
  4. The presence of the function of supplementing physical activity, as well as a list of basic exercises with a calculation of calorie consumption.
  5. Automated control of changes in weight and body volume parameters.
  6. A clear reporting format: not only in numbers, but also in graphs that will allow you to visually evaluate and analyze the dynamics.

When selecting a program, it is worth considering its synchronization capabilities with existing software on a mobile device. Consider the most popular calorie calculation programs for Android and iOS devices, as well as installations designed exclusively for one of the software versions of gadgets.

TOP 5 universal applications

The TOP-5 application for calorie counting is opened by the My FitnessPal installation, which occupies a leading position in almost all rating lists of programs of this class, which has earned the trust of consumers thanks to an extensive database of products numbering more than six thousand units and regularly updated. The installation is synchronized with both Android devices and gadgets on iOS, characterized by the following functional advantages:

  1. The ability to create individual dishes in unlimited quantities.
  2. Recognition of products by product codes.
  3. Providing the consumer with statistical data on the nutritional components of the food consumed with a breakdown into main categories.
  4. The presence in the installation of strength exercises of the standard class and the ability to add personal training tasks.
  5. Providing reports in the form of statistical information and diagrams for clarity.

Most of the options are presented to the consumer in the free version, which further raises the rating of the program and its popularity. The user has the opportunity to fill out the diary both from the computer, installing the installation on it, and from the mobile device, and in order to open the list of products and program exercises, you must have Internet access.

The Fat Secret calorie counter program is considered one of the best free installations on a mobile device that does not require subscriptions from the consumer, which is characterized by the absence of intrusive advertising. The program is characterized by a stylish, but at the same time informative and concise design, combined with rich functionality:

  1. Keeping a diary in autofill mode.
  2. Ability to synchronize with popular social networks.
  3. Recognition of a large number of products by product code, name and photo.
  4. Evaluation and analysis of the menu, reporting in the form of a graph.
  5. Physical activity control.
  6. Actual nutritional calculation of consumed dishes with a report on calories burned.

The Lifesum program has earned the trust of users because of its laconicism, a decent assortment in the application of standard recipes and exercises that help lead a healthy lifestyle. Often this installation is chosen by people of a busy category who do not have time to come up with healthy dishes and effective physical exercises, but wish to always be in good shape, monitor their health. The installation automatically calculates the number of calories burned and burned, differs by the presence of tips for the consumer about the selection of the current menu or exercise, if his daily diet and load are not normal, automatically reminds you of the need to weigh or measure volumes. Application is provided to consumers both in the free version, with a standard optional set, and in the premium version of the paid form with extended functionality.

Yasio app is one of the five best universal programs for counting calories. The application is presented for users in a paid and free version, as in the previous case, the paid version has wider functionality. In the free variation, the program has a sufficient set of functions, allows you to calculate the calories and nutrients obtained, is equipped with a decent amount of recognizable products, monitors the dynamics of the user's condition in the diet and the recommended physical activities, selects the actual and or muscle mass gain depending on the input start data. The lack of application users call the lack of the ability to add personal recipes, which provokes the need for the introduction of unknown installation of dishes in the component format.

Dine4Fit is another calorie counting application that enjoys decent popularity among owners of mobile devices on both Android and iOS, although it is a relatively new program. The application differs from analogs in its rich functionality, it calculates not only calories, but also trace elements, vitamins, trans fats, salt and cholesterol components in most well-known products. The highlight of the program is the presence in it of practical tips, including the direction of storage and selection of products.

The installation is regularly updated online, and the products are categorized, which makes it easier to find them if you need to evaluate their calories. In addition to rationalizing nutrition, the application has a section for adjusting physical activity with known and effective ones. The users call the lack of variation the lack of the ability to add personal recipes, as well as its resource consumption, which makes it possible to install the program only on devices with decent technical parameters. When installing it on low-power devices, waiting for lists to load will be longer, which is not always convenient for the owner.

Android device apps

The above installations are perfectly synchronized with gadgets on any software, however, if the owner of the device could not choose an acceptable option from these programs, he will be able to choose the application, focusing on the best calorie calculation applications developed specifically for Android. One of such installations, which are very popular among consumers, is the Calorie Counter application. The program is characterized by a convenient and minimalistic interface, the presence of all the basic functions necessary for a standard consumer, the lack of the need for constant access to the Internet for the application to be used in active mode. The program stands out by the presence of a decent list of products, the ability to add your own recipes and count calories with the distribution of categories automatically.

For lovers of a bright and colorful interface, excellent visualization against a background of maximalism, developers offer an Easy Fit calorie counter. Creative execution of the program attracts the user with bright and colorful pictures and graphs, while the application does not have a large charge consumption, does not require regular, which allows its installation even on devices with minimal technical characteristics. The users say that the lack of installation is the absence of some products familiar to Russian residents, since the program was executed by foreign developers, which provokes the need for their self-introduction in manual mode.

SIT 30 - an application whose logo is a ladybug, attracts consumers with its elegant, but no-frills design, as well as functionality. The variation includes a decent assortment of products and dishes, statistics for normalizing weight, reminds you of the need to eat or perform physical exercises. The highlight of the program is the ability to add recipes taking into account the specifics of their preparation and heat treatment, which is displayed on calories.

TOP 3 iOS apps

The Calorie Calculator program is included in the TOP 3 of the most concise, functional and optimized applications for busy people. The installation is characterized by a minimalistic and rude interface that signals the consumer, based on his initial data on weight, age and gender, on the number of calories that he can use or must burn to bring his body and body condition back to normal.

The program for calculating calories, under the unequivocal and determining the purpose of the installation name “Lose Weight Together”, is recognized by experts as one of the best applications for the iPhone. The program allows you to choose an optimized diet for different categories of people, taking into account their weight index and physical activity. In addition, the installation has a lot of useful tips from leading nutritionists, a decent selection of exercises, and special programs for bodybuilders.

Another application that is popular with Apple product owners is the DiaLife installation, which is characterized by a detailed calorie count and analysis of the food consumed. The program is easy to operate, all the data is divided into categories in it, which allows you to quickly enter the necessary information and control the ratio of the received and burned components by the body. The developers paid special attention to the activity section: the heading has twelve categories that calculate burned calories not only when doing exercises, but also when doing everyday and working moments. Consumers call DiaLife the most meticulous and accurate calorie calculator app.

To summarize

Each of the calorie counters presented in the article is a worthy variation for people who want to improve their health by observing the rules against the background of optimal activity. Programs allow in an automated format to carry out the selection of diets and optimal loads, clearly show the dynamics of human recovery, authorize the identification of circumstances that impede the normalization of weight.

All Android applications can be downloaded from the Play Market, while installations designed exclusively for iOS devices are presented in full assortment on the AppStore. Downloaded applications help to avoid wasting time on calculating the calories of consumed products, the necessary physical activity to eliminate them, and allows you to use the time saved with health benefits. We wish you good luck in achieving your ideal body!

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