Application bzhu. Free Online Calorie Calculator

An online calculator of daily calorie intake and BJU will help you understand what rate is needed to maintain shape, gain weight or lose weight. Indicate your options, choose a lifestyle and purpose. The system will do the calculation automatically!

Your height (cm):

Your weight, kg:

Your lifestyle:

I don’t know. Sedentary, sedentary Light activity (exercises 1-3 times a week) Average activity (workouts 3-5 times a week) High activity (high loads every day) Extremely high activity

Your aim:

Daily calorie intake:
the average consumption per kilogram is 2600 - 3000;
  according to the Harris-Benedict formula 2923;
  by the Mifflin-San Geor formula 2410.
Landmarks for:
calorie range 2290 - 2531;
  the daily protein norm is 143 - 221 grams;
  the daily rate of fat is 64 - 84 grams;
  the daily intake of carbohydrates is 258 - 348 grams.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most important components of our food. When planning a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to accurately calculate the daily calorie intake to meet the needs of the body and the ratio of BJU. Properly selected nutrition will allow those who are losing weight:

  • do not feel hunger, lethargy and weakness;
  • provide yourself with a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • lose weight effectively, maintain weight at a certain level, which is especially important for women;
  • for men - choose a diet for gaining muscle mass or for weight loss, prepare the body for drying;
  • get the right ratio and balance of nutrients in the body.

Online calculator for calculating BJU and daily calorie intake

  • specify your parameters;
  • choose a lifestyle and purpose;
  • the system will do the calculation automatically.

Why do you need to know this?

The counter will allow you to get answers to questions:

  • How many calories do we need for weight loss?
  • Should nutritional value be increased / decreased?
  • Are we eating enough BJU?

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? How to calculate calories and their consumption? In solving these problems, an online calorie calculator will help you.

Of course, every person who wants to lose weight has his own lifestyle: someone has more, someone less active. Accordingly, one needs to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss and strictly adhere to this plan, and the other just needs to decide how much he needs to maintain himself in shape.

How to calculate calories for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you need to know your allowable rate and the optimal number of calories per day. To calculate the calorie consumption and understand what calorific value of a particular dish, use the online calculator.

To calculate daily calorie intake, you need to decide how much you consume in one day.

There is a specially designed mifflin-San Geor formula:

  • daily calorie intake for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • for women, the daily calorie rate is calculated using the same formula, the difference from the male formula in the last coefficient: +5 change to -161.

After completing this simple computational operation, we obtain data to keep fit. In order to calculate the calorie content for losing weight, multiply the result by the indicator of physical activity (A):

  • low (sedentary work in the office + rare walks in the city) \u003d 1.2;
  • small (the above + exercises in the gym + swimming several times a week) \u003d 1.4;
  • average (training 3-5 times a week) \u003d 1.6;
  • high (daily exercise) \u003d 1.7.

Harris-Benedict Formula.

BMR (basal metabolism) * AMR (active metabolism).

BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years).

BMR for men: odds 88.362; 13,397; 4,799; 5,677, respectively.

  • Sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Moderate activity - 1,375;
  • Average (lessons 3-5 times a week) - 1.55;
  • Active people (intense stress) - 1.725;
  • Athletes (6-7 times a week) - 1.9.

For a set of muscle mass AMR \u003d 1.2; for losing weight women and men - 0.8.

Consumption per kilogram depends only on weight and lifestyle:

  • sedentary. 1 kg from x26 to x30;
  • easy activity. 1 kg from x31 to x37;
  • average. 1 kg from x38 to x40;
  • high. 1 kg from x41 to x50;
  • extreme. 1 kg from x50 to x55.

The norm for men and women per day for weight loss

Nutritionists argue that with weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a woman and a girl should be at least 1100-1300 kcal. Such an amount of consumption can provide the female body with everything necessary.

For weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a man is slightly higher - 1300-1600 kcal. It is extremely important to calculate the calorie content of the food you eat in such a way that it contains not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates. In no case should you give up entire groups of products. This can negatively affect your well-being.

How to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss?

An online daily calorie calculator will help you understand what calorie rate you need to keep fit, and also make a calculation and help you understand how many calories you need to lose weight per day. In addition, you can calculate the rate yourself using tables and calorie intake formulas.

For a person, the recommended daily calorie intake for losing weight is 20% less than the result you obtained in the above calculations (1200-1400kcal). For a child (up to 10 years), the average daily intake, while losing weight, fluctuates around 1800-2000 kcal, and for a teenager the recommended daily intake is 2300-2500 kcal.

The ratio of BJU in the diet

For a long time, doctors, nutritionists, scientists and physiologists tried to derive a proportional ratio of BZHU so that the human body could function fully, and also so that diseases associated with malnutrition or malnutrition did not occur. As a result, they established the following ratio, which is important to remember:

  • 1 g B \u003d 4 kcal;
  • 1 g W \u003d 9;
  • 1 g Y \u003d 4.

On a day, a person should consume food containing 40% protein and carbohydrate and 20% fat. The formulas for the calculation are as follows:

  • B: (2000 kcal * 0.4) / 4;
  • W: (2000 * 0.2) / 9;
  • U: (2000 * 0.4) / 4.

The results obtained are for you the necessary norm of each substance separately.

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) products

The last task remains: to pick up food that matches these data.
It is important to take into account its usefulness for the body, the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful elements that are directly involved in the growth and regeneration of cells and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The menu should be varied. If possible, include dairy and dairy products, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, flour, nuts, sweets.

In drawing up a balanced diet, this table will be an excellent helper:

Product Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories per 100g
boiled chicken egg 12,7 10,7 0,8 144
buckwheat 12,6 3,3 68,0 335
rice 7,0 1,0 77,3 330
boiled brown rice 2,7 0,8 24,7 116
decoy 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal 11,0 6,1 65,4 303
durum wheat 13,0 2,5 66,6 301
wheat bran 15,1 3,8 33,5 191
hercules 11,0 6,2 65,7 305
barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,6 352
low-fat cottage cheese 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
mozzarella 21,2 20,7 0,7 264
low-fat kefir 3 0,05 3,8 30
sour cream 10% 3,0 10,0 2,9 115
banana 1,5 0,1 21,8 89
watermelon 0,7 0,2 10,9 38
an Apple 0,4 0,4 11,8 45
sweet cherry 1,1 0,4 11,5 50
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
melon 0,6 0 10,3 38
strawberry 0,6 0,3 7,2 33
raspberry 0,8 0,3 14,1 42
peach 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
black currant 1,0 0,2 11,5 38
kiwi 1,3 1,0 9,8 52
white cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 2,4 30
corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
potatoes 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
salad 1,5 0,2 3,1 17
carrot 1,3 0,1 9,3 34
onion 1,4 0 10,4 41
sweet pepper 1,3 0 7,2 27
garlic 6,5 0 6,0 46
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
beet 1,5 0,1 11,8 42
a tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
cucumber 0,8 0,1 3,8 14
squash 0,6 0,3 5,2 23
bell pepper 1,3 0,1 7,2 26
cod 17,1 1,1 0,6 81
pink salmon 20,8 6,8 0,5 147
squid 19,0 2,6 1,3 105
pollock 16,5 1,3 0,6 78
salmon 20,8 10,1 1,3 172
trout 20,3 7,9 0,4 152
tuna 22,5 2,6 0,3 115
chum salmon 21,3 6,1 1,1 140
beef 20,4 12,7 0,5 193
beef liver 18,8 4,2 3,4 125
mutton 16,9 17,4 1,2 219
pork 20,5 11,5 0,04 209
chicken 21,3 9,7 1,3 175
chicken breast 23,9 2,9 0,7 124
chicken liver 19,8 6,7 1,1 143
chicken thigh 19,4 11,5 2,0 187
minced chicken 17,7 9,9 0,6 164
turkey breast 20,5 3,2 0,1 111
turkey fillet 20,0 4,1 0,2 117
peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
cashew 22,6 49,0 17,5 606
dairy pasta 11,5 2,9 67,1 345
hard pasta 10,4 1,1 74,9 337
spaghetti 9,9 1,4 59,2 293
wheat cereal bread 8,1 1,4 45,6 231
borodino brown bread 6,8 1,3 41,8 207
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 70,6 334
pita 9,1 1,1 56,2 277
green beans 1,2 0,1 3,1 16
beans 21,0 2,0 54,5 292
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
asparagus 3,8 2,0 4,4 46
chanterelles 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
raisins 1,8 0 72,2 262
dried apricots 3,0 0 68,5 227
dates 2,5 0 72,1 271
granulated sugar 0 0 99,8 379
natural honey 0,8 0 80,3 314
raspberry jam 0,6 0 72,6 275
water 0 0 0 0
black coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
cocoa powder 24,2 17,5 33,4 380
crab sticks 6,0 1,0 10,0 73
cutlet 15,4 18,1 8,2 248
smoked sausage 17,0 40,3 2,1 431
sausages 11,2 23,9 2,3 256
boiled breast 25,4 3,2 0,4 130
mashed potatoes 2,5 3,3 14,4 96
fried zucchini 1,2 6,6 7,1 96
braised cabbage 3,4 4,0 7,4 66
pancakes 6,1 8,4 27,9 206
fritters 6,6 7,6 35,3 229
dumplings 11,5 14,0 25,8 265
pizza 9,3 13,4 24,7 260
pilaf 10,0 9,9 26,5 211
millet porridge 4,9 2,4 25,7 138
boiled rice 3,3 1,7 24,8 130
omelette 14,2 16,8 1,2 211
borscht 2,7 3,1 3,8 56
chicken bouillon 3,2 1,6 1,4 32
cheeseburger mcdonalds 13,9 11,9 28,6 281
french fries mcdonalds 3,2 12,7 31,3 252

In order for the consumption of these components to further benefit, it would be nice to additionally:

  • go in for sports (running, walking, squats, pushups, abs - these are the minimum physical exertion necessary for everyone);
  • more often to be in the fresh air.

This program will be useful for athletes, people on a diet and those who want to gain weight to a certain value. The program has a built-in calendar, in which every day you need to enter the exact amount of consumed dishes and products. She will help to balance her diet. Each dish or product has exact calorie values, so you can understand which foods to exclude from the diet or replace with others.

The software runs on the basis of the "OSes" from Microsoft - Calorie Calculator can be downloaded free of charge for Windows 7, 8, Vista and XP. Shareware development status imposes some restrictions on the free version - up to 300 entries are available in it. To use this calculator constantly, you need to buy a license key. You can download the Calorie Calculator program for free to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation and functionality.


  • detailed analysis of nutrition and weight;
  • an accurate graph of the dynamics of weight change;
  • a graph of protein, fat and carbohydrate intake;
  • information about more than 600 products and dishes.

Principle of operation:

in the working window of the program you will see a calendar, buttons for adding and removing dishes and products, as well as buttons with calorie calculation, weight measurement and a graph of its dynamics for a selected period. You can add a dish or product to your diet using the buttons “Add a dish to the menu” or “Add a product to the menu”. After that, you can click on the “Graph” and see the number of kilocalories gained, consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the dynamics of weight change.


  • simple and convenient program;
  • the ability to download free Calorie Calculator;
  • a detailed description of the work in the program;
  • menu in Russian.


  • in the free version you can enter only up to 300 entries.

The "Calorie Calculator" contains all the information about the calorie content of foods and dishes. There is a detailed description of the content of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will be of great service to those who want to shape their diet depending on these parameters.

For example, an athlete needs to eat foods high in protein to gain muscle mass, and people on a diet should exclude high-calorie foods that are high in fat. We recommend downloading the Calorie Calculator for free without SMS to anyone who is not indifferent to a healthy diet.

Our calculator is designed for those who adhere to a flexible diet, or just want to switch to this power system.

The basic principle of a flexible diet is that you can eat almost anything, subject to the following conditions:

  • you must adhere to your individual level of daily calorie intake;
  • the correct ratio of carbohydrate fat proteins is observed.

That is, you must provide your body with a stable intake of the right amount of calories and the necessary ratio of carbohydrate fat proteins (BJU), but the sources of these elements and energy can be represented by an infinite number of foods and dishes.

When using a flexible diet, you not only consider the total number of calories consumed, but you need to manage the ratio of BJU.

For example, you can spend the entire calorie budget on breakfast with pancakes, but remember that you need to provide the right amount of fat and protein. And do not be surprised that by lunchtime you may feel tired - you have consumed all the carbohydrates and now you have no energy left.

Use this calculator to calculate the required number of calories consumed per day and the optimal ratio of macronutrients depending on your age, height, weight, gender and level of physical activity. Use these results to follow a flexible diet to reduce weight, maintain it, or build muscle.

Level of physical activity

A high level of physical activity is accompanied by a higher calorie intake. To accurately control calories consumed (and, therefore, to calculate the daily calorie needed to consume), you need to determine how many calories you burn in sports: use this one for this.

Excessive physical activity combined with low calorie intake can lead to muscle catabolism (destruction of muscle tissue), which in turn slows down the metabolism and weight loss. Metabolism usually begins to slow after 3 days on a reduced calorie count.

Weight loss and loss of fat mass do not always mean the same thing: weight can go away due to loss of muscle mass, while the amount of adipose tissue remains the same. To prevent this from happening, it is important to calculate the optimal ratio of macronutrients - BJU.

Inclusion of regular physical activity in your new lifestyle helps maintain muscle levels even with a calorie deficit.

But remember:

  • The body spends 5–25% of the total energy consumption for physical activity, and this is not only special fitness classes, this also includes walking, our daily activities, etc .;
  • about 10% of the energy is spent on digesting food;
  • about 60-80% of the energy is spent on the basic vital activity of the body.

Therefore, physical activity will certainly help in the process of losing weight, but, nevertheless, the most important thing is to limit calorie intake.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the body can spend a limited number of calories per day, it cannot work indefinitely, even if we constantly throw new energy into it. Therefore, if today you have spent a lot of calories in sports, the body optimizes the daily calorie expenditure and consumes fewer calories in other processes. As a result, the total daily calorie expenditure of this day will not be much more than yesterday.

Physical activity is very important in itself, for the health of both physical and psychological, but with it we can regulate a maximum of 5-25% of the waste of our daily energy.

What happens if there are too few calories? And is it possible to lose weight only through diet?

With an extremely low calorie intake, muscle catabolism begins, the muscles melt, and accordingly, the body begins to spend less energy on its main vital functions. That is, your basic metabolism is reduced. This means that as soon as you return to your normal diet, you will not only regain your weight, but also gain more. Therefore it is very important:

when losing weight, it is necessary to enter physical activity, this will help not to lose muscle mass while reducing calorie intake or even increase it, and therefore increase the basic metabolism. This will help you lose weight much more effectively and will not allow you to gain weight when returning to a normal diet.

Macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates


Proteins are important for the growth of new tissues, as well as for the restoration of damaged ones - this is what happens when you exercise.

Proteins should become your best friends if you want to gain or maintain muscle mass.

But proteins are not only muscles, they are also a feeling of fullness that will help you maintain a diet.

Sources of protein: eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, fish, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, soy and other legumes.


Fat is often mistakenly demonized.

Fats can be very useful for achieving your body shaping goal, they also affect hormones - too little fat can harm the body.

25% of all calories provided by a flexible diet are allocated to fats. This can be adjusted later, but it looks like the initial proportion.

Sources of fat: olive oil, coconut oil, natural peanut oil and other peanut oils, avocados, almonds, walnuts, cashews, red fish, mackerel, egg yolks.


Your body uses carbohydrates to produce glucose, which is the preferred type of fuel or energy for our body. They give us the opportunity to stay active.

Fiber, the consumption of which is important to monitor if you want to stay healthy, is also a source of carbohydrates, but it does not contain calories.

Sources of carbohydrates: torumps and cereals, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, flour products.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, which means that the energy released during their processing is distributed evenly by the body to its vital functions, without turning into fat reserves. And more importantly, energy from complex carbohydrates is evenly released within 3-4 hours, which means that all this time the body will have enough energy and it will not require additional food.

Usually foods containing complex carbohydrates are darker in color than simple ones.

Examplesoats, brown rice, starchy vegetables, whole grain bread.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly, the body does not have time to consume them and they go into fat reserve. In addition, the body receives energy in the form of a short burst, and then there is a breakdown.

Exampleswhite rice, white bread, cookies and sweets.

Frequency and Serving Size

A large portion for one meal, even if the daily calories are observed, can provoke fat deposition.

This happens according to a principle similar to the assimilation of simple carbohydrates: many calories, a lot of energy immediately enter the body, the body may not have time to use all of it and then part of the energy may be deposited in the form of fat.

If the daily diet is divided into a larger number of small portions, then each meal will receive fewer calories, which the body will absorb more likely. Also, in this case, the load on the digestive organs is reduced - the stomach, pancreas, etc.

In addition, it is recommended to eat before any active activity (physical: for example, before a walk, or just before the road to work or even mental - with increased mental activity, the body also spends more energy). But do not lie on the couch or sleep after eating.

Calories for Fat Loss

It is believed that a pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily deficit of 500 calories should help get rid of a pound of fat per week.

In fact, this is not entirely true.

In general, the body’s energy consumption gradually decreases as soon as a person begins to lose weight. This means that you will inevitably find yourself on the plateau stage - stopping weight loss. The amount of food that previously led to weight loss will one day lead to its maintenance. What the warning follows from:

Always try to aim for a daily calorie intake of "Normal Weight Loss."

The level of "Extreme weight loss rate" is the most extreme and dangerous to health. Do not try to switch to it immediately in the hope of a quick effect. Ultimately, the result may be the opposite of what is desired. This option provides the lowest calorie intake that you can even consider. It should be taken as an exception rather than a rule. It is healthier to burn fat than to get rid of it through fasting.

The Plateau of Weight Loss - Why Does Weight Stop Falling With Calorie Reduction

Over time, the body adapts to a reduced amount of calories consumed.

The body begins to use energy more efficiently - it slows down the metabolism, therefore, burns less fat. That is why many reach a plateau (stop) of weight loss.

At this stage, the only option is to speed up the metabolism by:

  • increased cardio loads, strength training,
  • the use of "deceptive" food (that is, periodically introduce high-calorie foods into the diet);
  • periodic changes in the number of calories (the so-called “zig-zag” diet - is used in our calculator, in a detailed calculation of calorie intake by day); Link
  • changes in the proportions of macronutrients.


Only a decrease in the number of calories, in the absence of physical activity, will slow down the metabolism, and the moment you return to a "normal" diet, weight will return again. Try to pay more attention to exercises.

Learn to eat slowly - studies show that those who eat fast tend to be overweight.

Zig Zag Diet

For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to follow a zig-zag diet, that is, you need to alternate days in terms of calorie intake - either less than normal, then more than normal, leaving the average number of calories calculated. This does not allow the body to adapt to reduced calorie intake and slow down metabolism.

Do you manage to spend the energy received from food, whether you need to limit yourself in nutrition or add physical activity in order to acquire and maintain optimal weight - the calorie counter application will answer these questions. The simplest of these applications bring out the balance of the eaten / spent and motivate not to eat a second cake. More functional ones will tell you exactly how to change the diet, that is, what to eat in order to achieve your goals, and what kind of physical activity you are missing. Let's try to identify the best calorie counting app.

Calorie Counting Apps - Aport Blog Team Recommends

# 1 Calorie Counter MyFitnessPal - Universal Station Wagon

Having installed the application for calculating calories, and creating an account, you need to enter data on your age, gender, height, weight, lifestyle and goals of “tracking” calories. Based on these data, the program will give out how many calories you are supposed to gain and spend per day (for example, the author of this review, leading a computer lifestyle, MyFitnessPal determined 1760 calories: to match, you need to eat healthy porridge, meat and vegetables, and less any bread ) Now we keep a calorie diary: add meals and exercise.


Calorie counting app for iPhone, Android devices and Windows Phone.
   It is synchronized with a PC: you can view and edit your diary on a computer.
   You can exchange data with friends and together achieve a goal - such a fitness social network.
   Simple management, a large database of products and dishes (5,000,000 items), as well as types of physical activity (more than 350), from which you can choose what you ate today and how you exercised.
   The ability to make your own meals and exercises.
   Barcode Scanner.
   A pedometer that allows you to more accurately calculate how much energy you burn.
   The ability to set goals for weight (gain, maintain, lose), nutrition (calories, balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates), the amount, quality and duration of training, as well as take into account the amount of water consumed.
   Nutrition goals can be expanded to include micro and macro elements.


Going into the dishes and entering the desired product or recipe in the search, you will be given +100500 names of it with different weights, calories, additives, company, etc. You can choose something similar to what you ate, but if you need accuracy, you still have to find out the calorie content of your portions, and add new dishes.
   With simple dishes, everything will be accordingly simple, but with the calculation of dishes it is more difficult to cook boiled chicken, despite all the convenience of costing. But almost every application is not without these drawbacks (in addition, analogues often do not have such an assortment of dishes and the freedom to add their own recipes).

Total: judging by the number of installations, simplicity and functionality, MyFitnessPal is, if not the best calorie counting application, then one of those.

# 2 Lifesum Calorie Counter - Diets and Tips

This is a calorie counting application on android devices and iphone. The principle is the same: create a profile, set a goal, start keeping a calorie diary, the application gives the result. In the presence of an extensive database of exercises and products, a barcode scanner and other utilities.

The program sets the date by which you will reach the goal, which serves as additional motivation.
   Each product is assigned a rating, the application evaluates how well you eat, whether you drink enough water and how well you lived the day in terms of physical activity.
   If you enter detailed product information (for example, thanks to scanning a barcode), Lifesum will tell you what to eat to fulfill the daily goal. For example, if you have already tried fat over lunch, the application will recommend greens for dinner.
   Lifesum is compatible with fitness apps and supports popular diets.

The downside is that many features are available in the paid version.

However, you will be offered to pay extra for functionality not only here. Yes, and in the free form, Lifesum is a convenient thing for maintaining proper nutrition, combating a sedentary lifestyle and inadequate consumption of water.

Some More Best Calorie Counting Apps

# 3 Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary - which product is better

The application for iOS and Android is good for everyone: here is a detailed analysis of what you ate, a directory of products and training, a regular analysis of your progress, and planning diets.

One of the features of the program is product comparison: the application will tell you which one is healthier, contains less calories, fat, etc.

Entering food is simple, plus there is a so-called photo-food service: if some product is not in the database, you need to photograph the label in front and the description of the composition in the back (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and the application developers will add the product to the database themselves. But everything is in English)) So if you have English with Val Val and you are not confused by a foreign set of products, welcome to Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary.

# 4 Calorie Chart - Metabolism Included

Most calorie counting applications only consider physical activity as a minus, but if you recall the biology lessons in high school, at rest our body also spends energy. This is of course tears compared with physical exertion, but if you follow the calories, then already follow to the fullest.

App feature Calorie table - a more accurate calculation of calories spent, including the consumption of our silushka for metabolism and mental activity.

The calorie table for Android devices and Windows phones will calculate your income / consumption in kilocalories and kilojoules, and there are enough Russian products in the database. But the application requires an Internet connection.

# 5 Calorie Calculator from - Automatic BJU

Calorie Calculator - an application for Android, which according to the description seems optimal for proper nutrition. It has what most applications lack - automatic BJU costing.

A feature of the counter is the automatic calculation of proteins / fats / carbohydrates: you just need to indicate the weight of the product.

The application from distinguishes use from various devices, including a computer, automation of calculating the calorie content of dishes, simple entry in the diary and editing recipes. One thing: the application does not take into account calorie consumption, you will have to download Google Fit separately or something like that.

One way to lose weight without harm to health is to normalize your diet. And for the normalization of nutrition, the necessary calculations of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), as well as calories.

Why is it worth downloading the calorie counter on android?

Calories are the energy that is expended when the body spends energy on physical activity, or is obtained when it takes food inside. Of course, if you spend more than receive, then a person will begin to lose weight.

That is why you need a calorie counter on android. Thanks to his huge database, he counts the amount of calories obtained from the absorbed food. This is very convenient, since there is a lot of information in it about the products. You just need to choose your product and make the number of grams that you have accepted.

Download Calorie Counter for Android also helps people calculate the daily calorie intake for losing weight, losing weight, maintaining weight or gaining weight, depending on various factors, such as age, height, current weight, lifestyle. Such programs will significantly facilitate the work of those who control the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in their diet. You can plan the menu for the day in advance.

The calorie counter for android is used not only by those who want to lose weight, but also by athletes and just people who monitor their health. At first it may seem like a very boring affair, requiring serious calculations, it can be too tiring, distracting, time-consuming. But, as soon as it becomes a habit, such a procedure will cease to tire. And a person accustomed to his diet will already know how many calories he receives or spends. It's a matter of time.

This is very useful for those who want to take care of their body, take care of its health and live a long and happy life with the right nutritional settings. She will develop the habit of eating right, because she will have to report to herself not in her head, where it is possible to hide some truth from herself. All facts will be right before your eyes.