Cooking Jam. How to cook (cook) jams and jams for the winter - home photo cooking recipes

What to cook jam from
  Jam is cooked from fruits and berries, in the selection mainly starting from the season. In May, jams are made from apricots and strawberries. In June, currant jams (red and black) and cherries, strawberries are cooked. In the middle of summer, they begin to cook from raspberries, apples and plums. In August and early September, jam from cranberries, gooseberries, and hawthorn is cooked. As a rule, each stage of the fruitful season has its own “golden” time, when you can buy fruits and berries at a very low price in the market or in the villages. Especially if a good harvest is given at a big discount, if only to get rid of poorly stored products.

How much to cook jam
  Depending on the type of fruit and juiciness, the cooking time will be 15-25 minutes.

Add pectin (agar-agar, gelatin)
  The main "highlight" of jam is its pleasant jelly structure, due to which, by the way, jam is moderately sweet and high-calorie. Therefore, in general cases, pectin is useful.

Natural pectin is found in apples and apricots, gooseberries, plums and currants. However, when cooking, keep in mind that jam from them without pectin will need to be boiled for a long time and it will turn out to be very concentrated.

How to cook - general rules
  1. Wash the fruits and shake gently in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. Bones, if any, should be removed.
  2. Fall asleep with sugar, and wait 1-8 hours, depending on the type of fruit, so that they give juice.
  3. Prepare a gelling component: for example, gelatin should be diluted with water and heated (the exact recipe depends on the type of gelatin). 4. Wipe the fruits through a sieve, remove the peel, put the mixture in a pan and boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour pectin, mix thoroughly, turn off the fire when boiling.
What to add to jam
  Firstly, when cooking jam, you can combine fruits and berries with each other. Citric acid will be appropriate in any jam, and of course spices - star anise, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, less often black pepper.

You can add nuts to the jam - almonds or walnuts. From dried fruits, you can add raisins or prunes.

From berries and various fruits, you can cook a homemade sweet treat that will benefit the human body. It's about a simple dish - raspberry jam. It is preparing very quickly. Even a novice in cooking will cope with the task, if he respects important points.

The delicacy can be prepared according to different recipes, each of which has its own cooking technology. There are rules that apply regardless of which recipe has been selected:

  1. Raspberry is a berry containing a minimal amount of gelling components. To get jam, you need to boil a lot with a lot of sugar for a long time. The addition of ingredients such as pectin or gelatin will help reduce cooking time.
  2. Many housewives refuse raspberries because of the seeds. Their presence affects the taste of jam. To make it tender, the berry mass is ground through a sieve and, adding water and sugar, sent to the stove.
  3. After washing, raspberries are dried on paper towels. If you miss this, excess moisture will make the mass too watery. As a result, jam will have to be cooked for a very long time.

Using gelling ingredients, attention is paid to the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer. The instructions on the packaging may differ from the directions in the recipe. In this case, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. Since the dosage has already been calculated, the jam will get a good taste and the required structure.

Raspberry preparation

One of the most delicate berries is raspberries because of its structure. Reaching maturity, it begins to turn sour, lose juice, and eventually dries out or disappears.

After collecting ripe raspberries, you must immediately start cooking jam. But before this, the berry needs to be washed and cleaned of dirt and insects.

On the branches and berries of raspberries you can often see small bugs. They should by no means fall into the sweet mass. Soaking in salted water can solve the problem. After a few minutes, the insects will emerge, and all that remains is to rinse the raspberries under running water. After water procedures, the berries are laid out on the surface so that the glass is excess liquid.

How to make jam at home

If a person hears the word "confiture", it may seem to him that this is some kind of gourmet dish of overseas ingredients. But this is not so. It's about a treat that is made from simple ingredients. All components can be found in the kitchen.

Raspberry confiture after cooking gets an incredible aroma. It is so tender that it melts in your mouth. Sweet mass can be spread on bread and eat with tea. Winter billets are used as a filling for pies, cookies and rolls.

A simple recipe for the winter

Classic cooking technology involves the use of the following components:

  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


  1. Raspberries are washed and dried before cooking.
  2. Put the mass in a saucepan for cooking and fill it with sugar. The container is covered with a lid and left for 5-6 hours. During this time, the berry will let the juice, and the jam will not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Raspberries are placed on a stove and boiled until bubbles appear. As soon as the mass boils, they detect it for 10 minutes, stirring it and collecting foam from the surface.
  4. Then they make a slow fire and continue to cook the jam until it thickens. As a rule, this takes up to 1 hour.
  5. Without removing the pan from the fire, jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with a key for the winter.

If you boil jam for a long time, it will turn out too thick. It also affects its quantity - jam becomes less. After cooling, the cans are taken out to the cellar. Jam can be stored at room temperature.

With gelatin


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 2 g of citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l boiled water (cooled).

How to make jam:

  1. Raspberries are prepared for cooking, at the same time engaging in a gelatinous mass.
  2. Citric acid and gelatin are mixed in a glass. All pour cooled 2 tbsp. l water and mix.
  3. Raspberries are laid in a bowl, covered with sugar and poured with water.
  4. The pan with the mixture is put on fire and waiting for the appearance of bubbles. It is boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then a gelatinous mass is added to the raspberries and the jam is mixed quickly for a minute.

After that, they do not wait until the jam boils again, but pour it into banks. The brewed jam is laid out on sterilized glass containers. It can be cans with glass lids, which can be stored in the refrigerator. The rest of the jam, closed in banks, is taken out in a cold place.

In a slow cooker

You can also prepare raspberry jam in a modern kitchen device - a multicooker. All that is required of a person is downloading the necessary components and choosing a mode. Cooking is carried out in a special bowl. During cooking, open the multicooker lid to mix the sweet mass.


To get a more gentle mass, raspberries are ground through a sieve. Doing this is very easy and simple. Raspberry jam gets a uniform consistency. But this procedure affects its amount. Raspberry jam is getting smaller.

No cooking

As a result of cooking, a “live” jam with an incredible berry aroma is obtained. You can make it using any grinder with added sugar. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the raspberry mass is stored in the refrigerator. A large amount of sugar and a low temperature will not allow the berries to deteriorate.

With agar

This substance is a good alternative to gelatin. Its taste is not felt in raspberry jam. It is highly soluble in raspberry juice. It allows you to achieve the desired density and consistency of jam.

Starch based

Acts as a thickener. It is a component of natural origin. Starch is dissolved in water and then added to jam. This is done at the end of cooking.

With pectin

The ingredient allows you to make jam thicker. Eliminates prolonged cooking. Reduces cooking time by several times. When calculating the dosage, it is necessary to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

With lemon zest

Raspberry itself is a sweet berry, devoid of sourness. With the addition of sugar, it becomes even sweeter. To diversify the taste, it is recommended to add lemon. Instead of juice, take the zest, rubbing it on a fine grater.

Frozen Raspberry Jam

Cooking confit is possible not only in the summer, when there is fresh raspberry. Frozen raw materials are also suitable for jam. The cooking technology is the same. Before cooking, the berries are left for some time to soften.


For daily use, the jar is put in the refrigerator. It is always at hand and you can enjoy jam at any time. The rest of the party is taken out to the cellar or basement. You need to store jam in the cold so that the mass inside the jar does not deteriorate.

At sugar canning  sugar is a preservative - at a high concentration (60% and above) it inhibits the development of most microorganisms. In this way harvested jam, jam, jam, jelly  and other similar products. We will consider each of them below.

Jam - making jam

Jam - This is a product made from fruits cooked in concentrated sugar syrup in such a way that they fully retain their shape and are completely saturated with sugar syrup. Storage of jam is based on the fact that with a high sugar content in the solution, microorganisms that cause damage to fruits and berries cannot develop. Therefore, if sugar is laid less than required by prescription, or cooking is not completed, then the jam may ferment or mold. The same thing happens if the jam is spread in a moist, poorly washed container, as well as when stored in a damp room that is not ventilated.

The best utensils for cooking jam are brass, aluminum or stainless steel basins. Basins with a capacity of two to six liters are usually used. Dishes of a larger capacity should not be used, since strawberries, raspberries and other tender berries are crushed under their own weight and the jam is boiled, in addition, the cooking time is increased, which also affects the quality of the jam. It is better to take dishes with low sides.

Cooking jam in enameled dishes is also not recommended, because if there is the slightest crack in the enamel, the jam will lose its appearance due to the penetration of iron into the product.

Pears, apples and some other fruits and berries, so that they are better saturated with sugar syrup and retained their shape during cooking, are blanched in advance. Sometimes, instead of scalding, the fruits are cut or punctured.

The most common way to make jam is to cook fruits or berries in sugar syrup, which uses only white granulated sugar, because sugar with a yellowish tinge gives a taste of burnt sugar.

To make syrup, a certain amount of sugar is poured into a basin or other utensils and poured with a measured amount of cold or hot water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring continuously, and simmer for several minutes. Ready syrup should be transparent and drain from a spoon with a continuous thread.

Gently pour out a measured amount of berries or fruits into the prepared syrup and mix them very carefully (if the dishes are small, then you can raise them and shake them slightly). Jam is cooked on low or moderate heat, avoiding strong boiling. The resulting foam must be removed periodically, for this dishware can be shaken, then the foam will collect in the center and it is easier to remove. The more thoroughly the foam is removed, the better jam.

Very important right determine the readiness of jam. Undercooked jam will turn out liquid and quickly ferment. Overcooked will have a brownish tint and a bitter taste. When cooking comes to an end, intensive foaming stops. The preparedness of the jam can be determined by the following criterion: droplets of syrup placed on a clean, dry plate should not spread. Right cooked jam  must be transparent and have a color characteristic of the fruit from which it is cooked.

To better saturate the fruits and berries with sugar, the jam is kept standing. To do this, the jam after boiling is poured into clean aluminum or enameled pots without cracks, covered with gauze on top and left for 8-10 hours. Some jams in which the fruits are quickly saturated with sugar (from blackcurrant, raspberry, strawberry) are poured hot. In this case, the jars are corked only after the jam has cooled. To do this, use paper covers made of parchment and cardboard.

Jam can be covered with metal lids. To do this, the jam is sterilized. In order to obtain sterilized jam, it is not boiled a little during cooking, that is, it is boiled to a lesser density of syrup, then it is hermetically sealed in glass jars on which special clamps are put on and kept in a pan with boiling water for 30 minutes. Then the jars are cooled by adding cold water to the pan. If thick jam, then the jars are not sterilized, but washed well, then dried and heated for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 100-150 ° C. The jam is laid out hot, covered with lids and rolled up. If all conditions are met, then the jam is self-sterilized, that is, microorganisms that fall into a closed jar together in the air die.

Jelly - making jelly

Jelly  - It is boiled with sugar and frozen juice of fruits or berries rich in pectin, such as quince, apples, mountain ash, black and red currants, gooseberries, viburnum, cranberries, sea buckthorn and others. Unripe raw materials contain more pectin substances. The main condition for obtaining jelly is the sufficient acidity of the juice. With low acidity, weak jelly is obtained, so citric or tartaric acid should be added to non-acidic juices.

The technology for making jelly is quite simple. Freshly squeezed juice is filtered, poured into a bowl or pan, sugar is added (preferably in several stages) and heated with constant stirring until sugar is completely dissolved. The resulting syrup is brought to a boil and boiled for 20-30 minutes, during cooking the initial volume decreases by about 1/3. The foam formed during cooking must be removed from time to time. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid (2-6 grams per 1 liter of juice, depending on acidity). Jelly is ready if a drop of syrup on a plate quickly freezes.

Ready jelly is poured hot into dry sterilized jars (preferably a small container) and covered with lids or parchment paper. For better preservation, jelly can be pasteurized in water at a temperature of about 85 ° C for 15-30 minutes, depending on the volume of the dishes.

Mashed potatoes - making mashed potatoes

Puree is a mashed mass of boiled or raw fruits and berries. It is used for making marmalade, jam, jelly, mousse.

Sorted and washed fruits or berries are placed in a pan, poured with water at the rate of not more than 1 cup of water per 1 kg of fruit, and boiled until soft. You can cook both whole and chopped fruits. Raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries and cranberries are boiled for 3-5 minutes, black currants and mountain ash - 5-8 minutes, apples - 10 minutes, pears - 20 minutes. The cooled mass is wiped through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder with small holes. You can use an electric mixer for this purpose.

Received mashed potatoes  can be used to make marmalade or jam or canned. For this, hot mashed potatoes are poured into prepared hot glass jars and sterilized in boiling water: half-liter - 20 minutes, liter - 25-30 minutes, two-liter - 35-40 minutes, three-liter - 50-60 minutes. If the puree is made from cranberries or lingonberries, then it is sufficient to pasteurize it at a temperature of 90 ° C: half-liter cans for 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes, two-liter - 30 minutes, three-liter - 40 minutes.

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries and some other berries can be rubbed raw, mashed potatoes  heat to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes, quickly pour into hot sterilized jars and tightly seal.

Jam - making jam

Jam is a fruit puree boiled with sugar. It is prepared from fruits and berries of the same species or from a mixture thereof.

Jam-assorted has a higher nutritional value and better taste. When preparing this jam, each type of fruit and berries is prepared separately, and then mixed and boiled with sugar. The combination of fruits and berries and their proportions can be very different. Fruits and berries intended for making jam should be ripe, high in sugar.

From prepared fruits or berries make mashed potatoes, placed in prepared dishes, add sugar and with constant stirring, cook until tender. Cooking time should not exceed 45 minutes. When cooking jam from low-acid fruits and berries, it is possible for 1 kg. puree add 2-3 grams of citric acid. Jam is considered ready if the sample cooled on a plate solidifies with a piece and has a dense consistency.

Ready jam is poured hot into prepared jars. Properly cooked jam does not need to be hermetically sealed and pasteurized. Banks are covered with parchment or cellophane and tied.

Jam - making jam

Jam can be made from any fruit and berries. Jam has a wonderful taste and aroma and is quite simple to prepare - it is boiled in one go.

The integrity of fruits and berries when cooking jam can not be maintained. Syrup in jam, unlike jam, should have a jelly-like consistency and not spread. Therefore, for the preparation of jam, it is better to use fruits and berries with a high content of pectin substances, such as apples, quinces, black and red currants, mountain ash, viburnum, gooseberries, cranberries, rose hips and others. If jam is cooked from fruits that are poor in pectin (strawberries, cherries, plums, raspberries, pears and others), then 10-15% of the juice of other fruits that give a jelly-like mass should be added.

Pectin juice, added when cooking jam, jelly, marmalade, is prepared as follows: apples (or quince) are placed in a pan, pour water at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 kg. apples and boil for 30-40 minutes. The resulting juice is drained, the mass is squeezed.

Prepared fruits or berries are placed in a saucepan or bowl, covered with sugar or poured with 75% sugar syrup and cook, stirring constantly, until cooked, which is determined in the same way as when cooking jam. Cooking time is approximately 30-40 minutes.

Ready jam  hot poured into prepared cans. When the jam has cooled, the banks are covered with parchment or cellophane. If desired, cans can be pasteurized for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 90-95 ° C.

Marmalade - making marmalade

Marmalade is a fruit puree with a jelly-like consistency and boiled more than jam. Usually marmalade is boiled in a water bath. To do this, pour water into a wide bowl, in which salt is added at the rate of 1 cup of salt per 2 liter of water. At the bottom of this dish put a wooden lattice, on which they put a smaller pan with prepared mashed potatoes. For 1 kg. mashed potatoes usually take 500-600 grams of sugar. If marmalade is prepared from fruits and berries with a low content of pectin or low acid, such as cherries, raspberries, strawberries and others, then 1 kg. mashed potatoes add 200-250 grams of mashed potatoes from well-gelling fruits and berries, for example apples, currants and others, or 1.5-2 cups of pectin-rich apple juice.

Duration boiling marmalade  should not exceed one hour. Welded hot marmalade  it is poured onto a baking sheet with a layer of 2-3 cm, allowed to solidify, after which it is cut into pieces of the desired shape, sprinkled with sugar and slightly dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

Pastila - cooking pastila

Pastille is a fruit puree, whipped with sugar, sometimes with the addition of egg whites, and dried in the oven. The pastille should have a loose consistency.

Fruit puree is knocked down with a whisk or in a mixer, as a result of which it should increase in volume and lighten slightly. After this, the resulting mass is continued to beat, gradually adding sugar. The process continues until sugar is completely dissolved (about 15 minutes).

Beat the mashed potatoes with a layer 2 cm thick. Spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, greased with vegetable or ghee, gently smooth the surface with a knife and set it to dry in the oven or oven. The pastille is ready when it dries and will not stick to the fingers. Drying time - up to 12 hours, temperature 50-60 ° С. During drying, make sure that the pastille does not burn.

If desired, crushed nuts, chopped orange peels, etc. can be added to the puree whipped with sugar before drying. puff pastille. To do this, the already dried layers are laid one on top of the other, smearing each layer with whipped mashed potatoes, and dried in the oven.
  Ready fruit candy  sprinkled with icing sugar, wrapped in parchment and laid out in boxes. Store in a cool, dry place.

Fig - cooking fig

Fig is a berry puree heavily boiled with sugar and dried. For cooking figs  spread the mashed potatoes in a saucepan, mix with sugar and boil until stirring jam conditions. The finished mass should easily lag behind the dishes.

The resulting mass is laid out on a baking sheet, 1-2 cm thick, on pans previously covered with parchment greased with vegetable oil, and dried in an oven or oven. Drying time - up to 10-15 hours, temperature - 50-55 ° С. The finished fig is cut into pieces, crumbled in icing sugar and placed in jars, which are covered with parchment. Store the fig in a cool, dry place.

Candied fruits - making candied fruits

  Candied fruits are cooked, dried and candied fruits or berries (whole or chopped). Apples, pears, plums, quinces, cherries, cherries, mountain ash, apricots, tangerines, oranges, lemons, melons, pumpkin, watermelon peels are suitable for making candied fruits.

First, the fruits are boiled like jam in sugar syrup until cooked (you can even digest them slightly). Boiled fruits are thrown into a colander or sieve until the syrup is completely drained. Then they are slightly dried at room temperature or in the oven at a temperature of not more than 35-40 ° C. The resulting fruit is sprinkled with sugar at the rate of about 200 grams of sugar per 1 kg. fruits and mix or shake the sieve to evenly distribute sugar, after which they can be dried again in the oven at the same temperature.

Finished candied fruits are placed in glass jars and covered with parchment. In a dry room candied fruit  can also be stored in wooden cases or boxes lined with parchment.

Bon Appetit!

Both in appearance and in its properties jam  different from jam. Jam  - This is a tasty, thick, jelly-like mass of berries or fruits. Jam  You can cook not only from one type of fruit or berries, but also combine fruits: for example, apple-plum jam, apple-cherry, strawberry with lemon and so on. Jam also compares favorably with jam with ripe and slightly unripe fruits and berries suitable for it: overripe and crumpled fruits contain little pectin, and jam made from them will not gel. When preparing jam for 1 kilogram of any fruit and berries, you need to take at least 1 kg of sugar. The jam readiness is determined both by the boiling point, which should not be lower than 105 C, and by appearance. Ready jam should be thick, jelly-like, in the cooled state it does not spread on a plate.

In the "Jams" section 188 recipes

Orange jam

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Apple and grape jam

The recipe for an unusual jam from apples and grapes, which is guaranteed to be eaten in the winter in the first place. Because it is not only tasty, but also a pleasant fresh sourness, reminiscent of the summer. By the way, such a jam is quite suitable as a filling for a pie ...

Red plum jam

Red plum jam is perhaps the easiest homemade fruit preparation to make. The jam recipe is so simple that even a novice chef can do it. There is enough pectin in the sink and therefore the jam and jam from it are thick without d ...

Apple jam with melon, ginger and dried oranges

The Italians do not like sweets too much, but if they decide to cook them, they are sure to create something original. A recipe for apple jam with melon, ginger and dried oranges is one such. The prosaic word “jam” is hard to call. Any recipe ...

Dogwood Apple Jam

Cornel apple jam is not only delicious, it is also healthy. Thanks to juicy and ripe apples, the saturated, slightly tart cornel taste becomes softer and more refined. If you prefer a uniform texture of jam, you can chop steamed ...

Plum and peach jam for the winter

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Plum apple and lemon jam

We offer a recipe for apple-plum jam with lemon. It combines light citrus acidity and bright plum aroma. A homogeneous jam texture is obtained by cooking over low heat. Thick jam from plums and apples can be served just for tea and ...

Apricot jam with lemon

This recipe for apricot jam differs from most similar recipes by adding pectin when cooking. This means that the jam will thicken much faster than usual and will preserve the maximum taste and aroma of fresh juicy apricots. Moreover, ...

Apricot and peach jam for the winter

The recipe for peach jam with apricots will remember sunny summers in winter. Delicate taste, thanks to peaches, bright, incredibly colorful color, thanks to apricots and a dense texture makes jam a megapopular winter sweet. Prop ...

Peach jam with pectin

Peaches are so tender that they cannot stand long cooking. But what if you want to cook peach jam for the winter? The solution is simple - use pectin. If you add a certain amount of pectin to a slightly boiled peach puree, then ...

Rhubarb Jam with Lemon and Ginger

A recipe for rhubarb jam with lemon or orange is a good option to diversify sweet preparations for the winter. Juicy stems of rhubarb can be harvested throughout the spring and summer months. Choosing only fresh and young raw materials (without coarse fibers and ...

Currant jam

Currant is an incredibly healthy berry. When it reaches maturity, it acquires a unique aroma and sweet-sour taste. Its berries, depending on the variety, can be black, yellow and red. This recipe for yellow amber currant jam ...

Lilac jam with lemon

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Jam from oranges and tangerines

Homemade jam made from oranges, lemons and tangerines is easy to prepare. The recipe is simple and does not require any skills. It is important to prepare the fruits for cooking, so that there is no bitterness from the citrus peels. How to do this, read below. Citrus jam can ...

Pineapple jam with agar agar

In this recipe, agar agar is used to thicken pineapple jam. Unlike gelatin, agar can and should be boiled with fruit so that the finished product thickens. Pineapple jam can be served with tea, like regular jam, or added to baked goods ...

Isabella grape jam with apple pectin

The taste of the finished jam from Isabella grapes is like a wine - tart, with a currant aftertaste. For cakes, grape jam, it seems to me, will be perfect if you make sweet cakes and sweet cream. Well, in the meantime, the jam goes to gr ...

Seedless Cherry Pectin Jam

Pitted cherry jam can be cooked less than usual and make the syrup thicker by adding pectin when cooking. After pouring hot cherries in syrup into cans and tightly corking them with lids, the jam can be stored without a refrigerator, just hidden in a box. ...

Everyone loved in childhood, and even now, in adulthood, he loves various jams and jams. They seduce us with their aroma and sweet taste. As a magnet attract us to taste their sweet taste, enjoy the vitamin composition.

Especially how pleasant it is to sit at home in the winter cold near the fireplace, where you can hear the crackle of dry wood. Drink tea with your family with a fresh little loaf of bread or biscuits, spread with energy - berry jam.

Jam  - a method of harvesting fruits and berries for future use. Jam has a thick consistency and does not spread like jam. It is convenient to spread jam on cookies, bread or a bun and use it as a filling for tubes, pie.

How to cook jam we already know from the last article. Now you just need to find out - how to cook, we are waiting. We’ll do it now.

For cooking jam, first of all, choose a wide dish for better evaporation of moisture from the jam. Take berries or fruits, rinse them thoroughly with water and let the water drain. Then put them in a cooking bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Remember, there should be more berries than sugar.

Then the taste of berries in the jam will be expressed. Place the bowl on a low heat and cook, stirring constantly. The jam must constantly boil, thereby evaporating excess liquid from it. But to simmer not much. Do not drop the bowl even for a couple of minutes, otherwise it will burn and the taste of jam will be different.

In order to know if the jam is ready or not, you need to find out using several methods. The first way is for you to draw a spoon along the bottom of the bowl with jam and see the bottom itself, as the finished jam will not immediately fill this trace.

The second way - take a little jam with a spoon, when it cools down a little, then turn it over. And if the jam falls, then he is ready. If he will drain a trickle, then you need to boil jam. And the final way to check the jam is ready - you need to drop the jam on a plate and after a couple of minutes turn it vertically.

If the jam remained on the plate, then it is ready. If it drips down, then you need to cook it for a while. So, now you know how to check the readiness of the jam and can easily determine when to stop cooking it.

Then boil the jam, still warm, pour into sterilized jars and roll it with a seaming key or special cans with closing lids. So, as when the jam cools down, it will not go to the jar evenly and fall in clots, making air bubbles in the jar.

We wish you to stock up on jams with berries and fruits for the winter that you like. And then you can taste this unforgettable healthy sweet treating your friends and relatives.