Salt. Salt and human health

Edible salt is a universal mineral product that has been widely used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, and animal husbandry since ancient times.

The substance is a crushed transparent crystals with a pronounced taste and odorless. Depending on purity, in accordance with GOST R 51574-2000, four grades are distinguished: extra, higher, first and second.

Salt can be finely and coarsely ground; various additives (iodine and other minerals) can be present in the substance. They give colorless crystals a grayish, yellow, or even pink hue.

The daily salt requirement for humans is 11 grams, that is, about one teaspoon. In hot climates, the norm is higher - 25-30 grams.

Nutritional value of salt:

Edible salt is necessary for the proper functioning of any organism, but it is very important to follow the recommended dosage. Lack or excess of the substance can cause significant harm to health. Let's see what is useful and how harmful NaCl is, how it is produced and where it is used.

The chemical composition of salt

The formula of edible salt is known to every student - NaCl. But you will not find absolutely pure sodium chlorine either in nature or on sale. The substance contains from 0.3 to 1% of various mineral impurities.

The composition of table salt is regulated by GOST R 51574-2000, which we have already mentioned above. Standards:

Name of indicator Extra Top grade First grade Second grade
Sodium Chloride,%, not less than 99,70 98,40 97,70 97,00
Calcium-ion,%, no more 0,02 0,35 0,50 0,65
Magnesium ion,%, no more 0,01 0,05 0,10 0,25
Sulfate ion,%, no more 0,16 0,80 1,20 1,50
Potassium ion,%, no more 0,02 0,10 0,10 0,20
Iron oxide (III),%, no more 0,005 0,005 0,010
Sodium sulfate,%, no more 0,20 Not standardized
Insoluble residue,%, no more 0,03 0,16 0,45 0,85

According to the same GOST, salt is a crystalline bulk product without impurities, with the exception of those associated with its production. Sodium chlorine has a salty taste without extraneous flavors. Dark particles may be present in the salt of the highest, first and second grades, within the limits of the content of iron oxide and the residue insoluble in water.

Salt production

The methods for extracting sodium chloride have not changed much since ancient times, and the production of a substance is available in almost every country. We will name the main methods:

  • Evaporation in special tanks of sea water. In this case, the composition usually includes many useful elements, including iodine.
  • Extraction from the bowels of the earth in quarries and mines - such a substance is almost free of moisture and impurities.
  • The washing out and evaporation of the brine thus produce the Extra salt; it is distinguished by the highest degree of purification.
  • Collecting from the bottom of salt lakes, in this way they get self-salt, which, like sea salt, contains a lot of mineral elements necessary for organisms.

Types of salt

Today, there are many types of salt. Among them are, one might say, classic and exotic. The first have long been included in our diet. They have long been used to this day in cooking and creating various medicines and cosmetics:

  • Rock salt is a common salt without special impurities.
  • Iodized salt - sodium chlorine, which is artificially enriched with iodine, it is very popular in regions where people suffer from iodine deficiency.
  • Fluorinated salt - enriched with fluorine is good for teeth.
  • Dietary salt has a reduced sodium content, which is why it has a slightly different taste.

Exotic types of salt are used in different cuisines of the world, among them volcanic Indian salt, Himalayan pink, French smoked and many others. Such products are distinguished by shades and the presence of specific flavors.

Beneficial features

Salt is not produced by the body on its own, but it is very important in metabolic processes. Chlorine is needed for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as other substances that are responsible for the breakdown of fat. And sodium ensures the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system, it affects the state of bones and the absorption of nutrients by the large intestine.

Salt is involved in metabolic processes at the cellular level, thanks to it, tissues receive the necessary number of elements. Sodium-potassium compound is responsible for the penetration of amino acids and glucose through the cell membrane.

For nails in household chores, we have already figured out. It was the turn of salt. What can ordinary table salt in skilled hands?

Remove plaque from a vase or refresh artificial flowers

If a sediment from flowers remains on your favorite vase, rub this coating with salt. Then rinse with warm soapy water - deposits will disappear. The same trick helps to cope with plaque on the leaves of artificial plants: immerse them in saline and hold for a while.

Extend the life of a broom

If a new broom is set up in a bathhouse, holding its working part in hot salt water, then it will last much longer. Soak the broom for 20 minutes, and then let it dry properly.

Wash red wine stains

If wine spills onto carpet or clothes, apply a slurry of wet salt on top. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash with hot water. By the way, salt works well with greasy spots, if you have no time to thoroughly wash them. Just sprinkle a greasy stain with salt, then at least the grease will not spread further over your clothes.

Wash water stains from a wooden surface

If sloppy traces of glasses or bottles of water remain on wooden furniture, salt will come to the rescue again. Mix it with water to make a mushy mixture, and gently, without scratching, wipe the surface with a sponge or soft cloth.

Reanimate sponge

After a short use, the sponges acquire a worn-out appearance, although in reality they can still serve on the farm. Soak the sponges overnight in saline: 1/4 cup salt per liter of water.

Remove frost from windows and frames

Salt reduces the temperature threshold at which water freezes. This property can be used properly. Wipe the glass near the frames with salt water, let it dry. To prevent windows from sweating, put a rag bag of salt between the glasses. The same bag is useful to motorists: wipe them from time to time with wet windows in the cold season.

Fight ants

If your house was suddenly attacked by ants and there is no special tool at hand, use salt. Pour it at doors, windows, or right on the ant trail. This will help temporarily stop the invasion.

Remove burnt milk from the stove

Salt is generally a good thing for cleaning dishes and some kitchen utensils. For example, you can use a salt to clean a coffee pot, rims on dishes from tea or coffee. She copes well with burnt milk. Soak the stain with water and then sprinkle generously with salt. Wait 10 minutes, then try to remove the stain - the process will go much easier.

Remove lipstick marks

Not every dishwasher can cope with traces of modern lipstick, for example, on a glass. Put salt on the edge of the dish and then put it in the dishwasher. A mixture of vinegar and salt added to the water will help to cope with yellow spots on the glass: just soak the faded glass in this solution.

Pecan pecans

It is not so easy to clean the pecans and remove the core. Try soaking nuts in salt water for an hour or two. It will be easier to clean, and the body of the nut itself can be removed from the shell without problems.

Return the apple to its fresh look

If the apple has slightly faded and wrinkled, bathe it in a weak saline solution. The peel is smoothed and becomes more elastic.

Make body scrub

Salt can be used to exfoliate old skin particles before a shower. There are many recipes for homemade scrubs, although sea salt is usually involved. But the same effect will be achieved if you simply apply salt to a sponge or washcloth and properly treat your skin before bathing. Such rubbing, by the way, is very invigorating and helps to get rid of morning drowsiness.

Freshen your breath

There is an old grandmother's way: how to get rid of bad breath. Now he is forgotten by many, but in vain. A mixture of soda (1 teaspoon), salt (the same amount) and water (half a cup) still perfectly cleanses the mouth.

Clean the fridge

Don't like chemicals when treating the inside of a refrigerator? Salt solution will also do well with this problem, unless, of course, your refrigerator has old deposits. Handfuls of salt for 3.5-4 liters of warm water will be enough. The main thing is to dissolve it properly so as not to scratch the surface.

Boil eggs properly

Add some salt to the water where you cook the eggs. This will strengthen the shell and the protein will not spill out even if the egg is cracked. In addition, it will be much easier to clean the eggs.

Fry food without splashing oil

If you are afraid of a spray of boiling oil, add a little salt to the pan before spreading the food. Excess moisture is absorbed, and the spray will become much less.

Fight mold

A mixture of salt and lemon juice perfectly removes mold. Actual when cleaning tiles or bathrooms. Salt can also save cheese from mold: soak a napkin with salt solution and wrap the cheese in it.

Clean piano keys

If you dip half a lemon in salt, you get natural bleach and a cleaner for the keys of the old piano. After application, it remains only to gently wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Keep water hot

Water in a heating pad or bottle will retain heat longer if it is salted.

Remove sweat marks

Fresh traces of sweat on clothing are removed with a solution of sodium chloride (1 tablespoon per glass of water).

As you can see, salt can be useful not only as a flavoring. For every little thing we are used to buying in the supermarket a separate bottle with a special tool. But with many home problems, salt will do just as well.

How can salt be used?

2. For cosmetic purposes

Fine salt is used in many scrubs that are easy to make at home. The naturalness of this component and its natural texture provide a good result and no harm to the skin. However, it is important to remember that for people with too sensitive skin it is also better to refrain from such methods or try them very carefully, the salt causes irritation and redness.

If a piece of plaster falls off or you need to close up a small hole (for example, from a nail), then you can use a mixture of water, salt and starch. Cheap, easy to do yourself, and no need to take additional steps to repair.

Of course, such a solution may not be able to withstand the load, this must be taken into account. But to restore its former attractiveness to the interior and hide minor flaws is quite real.

Here the functionality of the salt is very extensive. For example, figurines can be made from salted bread. Salt can create an interesting texture for some paints. In the end, craftsmen simply lay out pictures of salt, sometimes achieving amazing detail and elegance. Of course, such a work is very easy to spoil with one careless movement, but being captured in the picture, it can always please the author.

Salt is sodium chloride, used as a food supplement, food preservative. It is also used in the chemical industry, medicine. Serves as the most important raw material for caustic soda, soda and other substances. The formula for sodium chloride is NaCl.

The formation of an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine

The chemical composition of sodium chloride reflects the conventional formula NaCl, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe equal number of sodium and chlorine atoms. But the substance is not formed by diatomic molecules, but consists of crystals. In the interaction of an alkali metal with a strong non-metal, each sodium atom gives off to more electronegative chlorine. There are sodium cations Na + and anions of the acid residue of hydrochloric acid Cl -. Opposite charged particles are attracted, forming a substance with an ionic crystal lattice. Small sodium cations are located between large chlorine anions. The number of positive particles in the composition of sodium chloride is equal to the number of negative, the substance as a whole is neutral.

Chemical formula. Salt and Halite

Salts are complex compounds of ionic structure, the names of which begin with the name of the acid residue. The formula for sodium chloride is NaCl. Geologists call a mineral of this composition “halite”, and sedimentary rock - “rock salt”. An outdated chemical term that is often used in production is "sodium chloride." This substance is known to people from ancient times, once it was considered "white gold". When reading school equations involving sodium chloride, modern school and college students call chemical signs (“sodium chlorine”).

We carry out simple calculations according to the formula of the substance:

1) Mr (NaCl) \u003d Ar (Na) + Ar (Cl) \u003d 22.99 + 35.45 \u003d 58.44.

Relative is 58.44 (in amu).

2) The molar mass is numerically equal to the molecular weight, but this value has units of measurement g / mol: M (NaCl) \u003d 58.44 g / mol.

3) A 100 g salt sample contains 60.663 g of chlorine atoms and 39.337 g of sodium.

Physical properties of salt

Fragile halite crystals are colorless or white. In nature, there are also deposits of rock salt, painted in gray, yellow or blue. Sometimes a mineral substance has a red tint, which is due to the types and amount of impurities. The hardness of halite is only 2-2.5, glass leaves a dash on its surface.

Other physical parameters of sodium chloride:

  • smell is absent;
  • taste is salty;
  • density - 2.165 g / cm3 (20 ° C);
  • melting point - 801 ° C;
  • boiling point - 1413 ° C;
  • solubility in water - 359 g / l (25 ° C);

Obtaining sodium chloride in the laboratory

The interaction of metallic sodium with gaseous chlorine in a test tube produces a white substance - sodium chloride NaCl (sodium chloride formula).

Chemistry gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe different methods for producing the same compound. Here are some examples:

NaOH (aq) + HCl \u003d NaCl + H 2 O.

Redox reaction between metal and acid:

2Na + 2HCl \u003d 2NaCl + H 2.

The effect of the acid on the metal oxide: Na 2 O + 2HCl (aq.) \u003d 2NaCl + H 2 O

Displacement of a weak acid from a solution of its salt with a stronger one:

Na 2 CO 3 + 2HCl (aq) \u003d 2NaCl + H 2 O + CO 2 (gas).

For industrial use, all of these methods are too expensive and complicated.

Salt production

Even at the dawn of civilization, people knew that after salting, meat and fish last longer. Transparent, regular-shaped halite crystals were used in some ancient countries instead of money and were worth its weight in gold. The search and development of halite deposits allowed to meet the growing needs of the population and industry. The most important natural sources of salt:

  • halite mineral deposits in different countries;
  • water of the seas, oceans and salt lakes;
  • interlayers and crusts of rock salt on the banks of salty water bodies;
  • halite crystals on the walls of volcanic craters;
  • salt flats.

The industry uses four main methods for producing table salt:

  • leaching of halite from the subterranean layer, evaporation of the resulting brine;
  • mining in;
  • evaporation or brine of salt lakes (sodium chloride accounts for 77% of the mass of dry residue);
  • use of salt water desalination by-product.

Chemical properties of sodium chloride

In its composition, NaCl is an average salt formed by alkali and soluble acid. Sodium chloride is a strong electrolyte. The attraction between the ions is so great that only highly polar solvents can destroy it. In water, the substance decomposes, cations and anions (Na +, Cl -) are released. Their presence is due to the electrical conductivity, which has a solution of sodium chloride. The formula in this case is written in the same way as for dry matter - NaCl. One of the qualitative reactions to sodium cation is the staining of the burner flame yellow. To obtain the result of the experiment, you need to collect a little hard salt on a clean wire loop and add it to the middle part of the flame. The properties of salt are also associated with the feature of the anion, which consists in a qualitative reaction to chloride ion. When interacting with silver nitrate, a white precipitate of silver chloride precipitates in the solution (photo). Hydrogen chloride is displaced from the salt by stronger acids than hydrochloric: 2NaCl + H 2 SO 4 \u003d Na 2 SO 4 + 2HCl. Under normal conditions, sodium chloride does not undergo hydrolysis.

Scopes of rock salt

Sodium chloride lowers the melting point of ice, so in winter, a mixture of salt and sand is used on roads and sidewalks. It absorbs a large amount of impurities; when melted, it pollutes rivers and streams. Road salt also accelerates the process of corrosion of car bodies, damages trees planted next to roads. In the chemical industry, sodium chloride is used as raw material for a large group of chemicals:

  • of hydrochloric acid;
  • sodium metal;
  • chlorine gas;
  • caustic soda and other compounds.

In addition, salt is used in the manufacture of soaps and dyes. As a food antiseptic is used for canning, salting of mushrooms, fish and vegetables. To combat disorders of the thyroid gland in the population, the salt formula is enriched by the addition of safe iodine compounds, for example, KIO 3, KI, NaI. Such supplements support the production of thyroid hormone and prevent endemic goiter.

The value of sodium chloride for the human body

The formula of table salt, its composition has acquired vital importance for human health. Sodium ions are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Chlorine anions are necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. But too much salt in food can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart and vascular disease. In medicine, with large blood loss, patients are injected with physiological saline. To obtain it, 9 g of sodium chloride are dissolved in one liter of distilled water. The human body needs a continuous supply of this substance with food. Salt is excreted through the excretory organs and skin. The average sodium chloride content in the human body is approximately 200 g. Europeans consume about 2-6 g of table salt per day, in hot countries this figure is higher due to higher perspiration.


Where do you apply salt? According to the special Salt Institute, salt can be used in 14,000 ways! There is no other mineral that has so many uses. The use of salt for preserving foods has been known since antiquity, because conservation made people less dependent on seasonal foods, and also allowed transporting food over long distances. However, salt was difficult to obtain. Thanks to modern production methods, salt has become the most affordable non-metallic mineral in the world, but salt reserves are depleted.

As far back as the Middle Ages, table salt was used as a cleaning agent, the secrets of which were passed down from generation to generation. Of course, at the present time in the store you can find more powerful means of combating stains and dirt, but unlike many other means, salt is not toxic, it is quite inexpensive, and it can always be found in sufficient quantities in any home.

There is a large class of chemicals called salts, but now they mean table salt (sodium chloride). This substance is found in sea water, as well as in intercellular fluids of many multicellular organisms. That is why salt is so important to us. There are several types of salt that are produced for our consumption: unrefined (sea), refined (table) and iodized. Kosher salt is sodium chloride, which is processed to produce flat crystals. There is also the so-called English bitter salt or epsom salt - magnesium sulfate.

We suggest you find out where salt can be used.

In the kitchen

In addition to the fact that salt is eaten, added to various dishes, including sweets, there are many other ways to use salt in the kitchen.

Boiling water.  Many housewives are sure that if you add a pinch of salt to the water, it will boil faster. This is actually not the case. Salt, on the contrary, makes the water boil at a higher temperature, so the cooking time in such water is reduced.

Cooking eggs.  Since salt raises the boiling point of water, it helps egg whites to cook faster. In this case, we are talking about poached eggs, a French dish of broken eggs, which are carefully dipped in boiling water.

Checking the freshness of eggs.  In a glass of water, add 2 teaspoons of salt, and then dip the egg in the water. A fresh egg will sink, and a stale egg will float on the surface. As the air cavity in the egg increases over time, old eggs will float. Sometimes this does not mean that the egg is rotten, it’s just older, but it can still be eaten. In order to check whether an egg is rotten or not, it will have to be broken. It is also believed that if, after cooking, the eggs are difficult to peel, it means they are fresh.

Meringue.  In order to whip the proteins easier and better, add a pinch of salt to them.

Prevent darkening of fruits.  Many people use lemon juice or vinegar to prevent peeled apples from darkening, however, you can dip the fruit into slightly salted water.

Peeling nuts.  To make walnuts easier to peel, dip them in salt water for several hours.

Prevention of crystallization of glaze.  In order for the icing on the cakes to not crystallize, add a little salt to it.

Getting rid of the smell on the hands.  If you cut onions or garlic, their smell is absorbed into the skin of your hands for a long time. You can easily get rid of the smell if you rub in your hands the salt mixed with vinegar.

Cheese shelf life extension. Some cheeses can be moldy when stored in the refrigerator for several days. To keep the cheese better, wrap it in a rag soaked in salt water.

Removing dirt from the stove.  If during cooking, liquid has spilled onto the stove, sprinkle it with salt and continue cooking. Salt will not smoke and give an odor, and then dirt will be easier to remove.


Salt is a very effective cleaning agent. It acts as a catalyst for other substances, such as vinegar and enhances its action to eliminate dirt and odors. To make a soft scrub, add salt and baking soda to the liquid cleaner. Such a paste can be used to clean electrical appliances, enameled dishes, porcelain and so on.

Cleaning drain systems.  In order to get rid of odors and clean the drain systems of grease, regularly pour hot water and salt into the sink.

Cleaning wooden tables.  To get rid of white marks from hot plates or glasses, wipe the stains on a wooden table with a mixture of salt and vegetable oil.

Cleaning cast iron pots.  Pots are easily cleaned of fat, if you first wipe them with a paper towel with salt.

Cleaning dirty cups.  Mix the salt with a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent and wash the cups that have left traces of coffee and tea. The spots will come off easily.

Cleaning the refrigerator.  A mixture of salt and carbonated mineral water will help get rid of the smell in the refrigerator. It is an environmentally friendly product that does not contain any chemicals, so you can not worry about products.

Cleaning copper utensils.  Mix an equal amount of salt, flour and vinegar until gruel is formed, and then rub it into metal dishes. Leave the mixture on the dishes for an hour, then rinse with water and dry.

Getting rid of rust.  Mix salt with tartar and water until gruel forms, treat the mixture with rust and leave to dry completely, then wipe with a brush and polish with a dry soft cloth. If you have not found tartar, you can also use salt and lemon juice.

Cleaning glass coffee pots and jugs.  If the neck of the jug is too narrow and difficult to get to the bottom, you can clean it with salt and small pieces of ice. Add them to the jug and shake vigorously. Salt will help clean the bottom, and ice will stir it well.


Removing stains from wine. If you spilled wine on a tablecloth or on clothes, immediately sprinkle the stain with salt. This will help the wine quickly dig into the salt, and not into the fabric. Then soak the laundry in cold water for 30 minutes and wash it.

Foam when washing.  Usually you use a certain amount of powder when washing, but if you overdo it a little, a lot of foam may appear. A pinch of salt will help reduce the amount of foam.

Drying clothes in the winter.  If you dry your clothes outdoors in the winter, it can freeze, making it harder to dry. To prevent the laundry from freezing, add a little salt at the end of the wash while rinsing.

Removing stains from sweat.  Stir 4 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of hot water and wash the item in this solution.

Removing blood stains.  Soak a thing in cold salt water, and then wash it in warm water with soap, then boil the laundry. You can boil only cotton, linen or other natural fabrics that withstand high temperatures.

Fight against mold and rust stains.  Treat the stains with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, hang the item to dry in the sun to bleach, then rinse and dry it.

Cleaning the iron.  Put salt on a paper towel and wipe the sticky surface of the hot iron.

The color of the fabric.  Salt is commonly used in the textile industry, but it can also be used at home for colored items. If the fabric dye fades or rinses off, soak the item in a solution consisting of 2 liters of water, half a glass of vinegar and half a glass of salt. Then rinse in clean water. If the water stains, repeat the procedure. Use this method with plain colors only.


Repelling ants.  Sprinkle salt on the doorstep, on the windowsill and in the places where the ants appear.

Extinguishing the fire on the stove. Keep the salt box next to the stove or oven, and if the fat starts to burn, you can easily put out the flame with the salt. Do not extinguish the flame with water.

Preservation of plucked flowers.  If you add salt to the water, the flowers that stand in it will stay fresh longer. Aspirin and a pinch of sugar give the same effect.

Bouquets of artificial flowers.  You can make beautiful bouquets of artificial and dried flowers, and salt will help. To conveniently arrange flowers in a vase, you can pour salt into it and add a little water. When the salt begins to dry, it will harden, and the flowers will remain in place.

Drops from a candle. If you soak the candle in very salt water for several hours, then dry and light it well, the wax will not drip too much.

Wall repair.  To cover holes from nails or cracks in plasterboard walls or walls covered with plaster, you can make a slurry consisting of 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of corn starch and about 5 tablespoons of water.

Grass on the terraces.  If you want to get rid of the grass that appears between the bricks or blocks of the terrace floor, gently fill the cracks with salt and then sprinkle with water or wait until it rains.

Ice on the sidewalks.  So that the paths around your house are not slippery in winter, you can sprinkle them with salt. However, this method should be used very carefully so as not to harm the plants and animals. Salt causes the ice to melt, but gets into the soil and on your shoes. Many cities have already abandoned the use of salt in ice and are replacing it with ordinary sand.

Kebabs.  When cooking meat and vegetables on the grill, so that the coals do not give a lot of heat, they can be sprinkled with salt. Usually liquids are used for this - wine, beer, water, but the liquid cools the coals and the fire loses heat. Salt reduces flames and smoke without cooling coals. Gently pour salt directly on the coals so as not to salt the dish itself.

Personal hygiene

Extend the life of your toothbrush.  Before using a new toothbrush, soak it in salt water so that it lasts longer.

Teeth cleaning.  Mix 1 part iodized salt and 2 parts baking soda, and then brush your teeth with this mixture. The same mixture, but dissolved in water, can be used to rinse the mouth.

Getting rid of wounds in the mouth.  Abscesses in the mouth can be treated with a weak salt solution. Rinse your mouth with a solution several times a day.

Treatment for bee stings.  Immediately after the bite, apply a moistened pinch of salt to the wound to relieve pain and swelling.

Treatment of mosquito bites.  A salt water compress can help with mosquito bites. You can also grease the bite sites with olive oil and salt.

Body Scrub.  After taking a bath, when you have not wiped yourself dry, massage yourself using a little dry salt. This will refresh the skin and increase blood circulation.

Treatment of a sore throat.  Dissolve the salt in warm water and gargle with this solution.

Which salt is better?