Per capita alcohol consumption by country. Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasevna8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization published the ranking of the drinking countries of the world 2018-19. According to WHO, alcohol is directly or indirectly considered one of the three main causes of increased mortality. At the same time, the proportion of alcohol consumed per adult grows every year.

WHO specialists collect such data annually, this helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than ten years, the list has been headed by the states of Eastern Europe and those formed from the former republics of the USSR. Russia is almost always in the middle of drinking dozens.

The world began to drink more. These statistics have been compiled by WHO since 1961; based on these data, special programs are being developed to combat the spread of alcohol. However, almost every nation accepts its own rules for drinking or not drinking.

The summary is not only based on the amount of pure drunk ethanol. For accounting, all produced alcohol imported or bought is taken. Moreover, as a rule, in the leading territories themselves, the population does not consider alcoholism a national problem.

The statistics of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018-19 suggests that due to the containment policy, the share of alcohol consumed has increased significantly in countries with an open economic border. In the explanation of the study, WHO provided the rationale for this situation. The organization noted that a lot of alcohol, which is considered consumed in the territory of the countries, the first three is not bought in order to drink. Most often, such a sale is for the purpose of further distribution.

Permanent states included in the world ranking remain countries where the culture of consumption of the so-called light alcohol - wine, beer, local fruit flavors is very developed. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy, and others, are leaders in another statistical list - the consumption of low-alcohol drinks per capita. This year, they joined the countries of Africa and South Korea.

  Beer consumption per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world

The global level of alcohol consumption has grown on the planet. In 2018-19, for every person over 15 years of age, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator has been growing by 0.2 percent.

Examining countries with a strong economy, experts found that one in five of their inhabitants is a chronic alcoholic. Europe has held the leading position in suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness for five years. Every 4 attempts to take their own lives here is associated with a drink.

This year's rating is presented almost entirely by the countries of Europe and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 of the world list Australia. She first came to 20 countries with an increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 is Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was one of the thirty drinkers. But, due to the ubiquity of local varieties of wine and beer, the kangaroo country is faced with the problem of alcoholism among Aboriginal people. The health of many of them was so shaken that in some territories it was necessary to introduce compulsory treatment of alcoholism for local Indians.

Slovenia and Denmark

17th and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same indicator of population alcoholization. In these countries, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage; its sale is permitted to people from the age of 15. Often start drinking alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health care does not consider these national traditions a threat. Many medicines are based on beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two-thirds of the territory of this state is occupied by vineyards. Wines are produced even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered a national treasure and is drunk everywhere. Hungary remained the only country in Europe where, you can pretty drunk to drive. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes the list of territories where lovers of low alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that more often we recall the national port, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, as it is made with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines are a frequent export commodity. Over the past two years, the percentage of consumption of strong alcohol has increased here. Grape vodka and moonshine took the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, sobriety societies have become popular in the country. Many believe that in this way wine producers try to fight those who make strong spirits.


12th place. Classic Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters for every Irish living in the world (!). In the country for 4 years there has been an alcoholic riot. And today, local producers have reached a high world level in the production of various alcohol-containing drinks based on malt and distillates.


11th place. It is still the only country in the European Union where drinking is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they talk about them in high school. The authorities believe that such awareness will help young people make the right choice and stop drinking alcohol.

France and the UK

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a constant high alcohol rating. Local traditions of the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginnings of statehood. More than half of the culinary recipes of these countries are based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some faiths considered it normal for children to drink wine from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often get into alcohol statistics. SK owes such attention to the production and consumption of quite European drinks - vodka, moonshine, tinctures, liqueurs. 10 years ago it was completely forbidden to drink in the country, the lifting of restrictions led to so many alcoholics that the authorities started talking about returning the taboo.


7th place. The country of wine and the sun is always among the ten most drinking nations. Here, alcoholic drinks are used as soft drinks. Surprisingly, in Italy with a fairly high rating, you can hardly find anyone drunk. Nevertheless, here the percentage of regular drinkers of strong alcohol has reached high rates. According to statistics, every third adult Italian is a chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country, 5 years ago, was one of the top five drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts attribute this to the general impoverishment of the population. A small role in the fight against bad habits is played by the program for the development of a healthy lifestyle.


Closes the top five. Residents of this small state quickly responded to rather poor indicators, the local parliament just a few days later approved a program to combat alcohol dependence. Starting next year, you can drink any alcoholic beverages only after reaching 20 years of age. In the country, alcohol advertising will be completely banned. The concept of time without alcohol is introduced - 2-3 weekdays and all holidays, you will not be able to buy a drink anywhere.


It takes a stable fourth place. The situation in the country has not changed for five years now. Neither restrictions nor propaganda help stop alcoholism. Most people drink beer here, but along with it, strong alcohol.


This country was in the top three for the first time, usually it took a place in the second ten. This is due to the removal of age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any Estonian over 16 years old can now drink. It is noteworthy that such a measure is also valid for foreigners. Frequent tourism was an alcoholic tour of this Baltic country.


Second place. A depressing result was obtained as a result of an almost unregulated alcohol market. In a country with strong traditions of home brewing and winemaking, today every 4 under 25 is considered a chronic alcoholic.


First place ranking. The highest relative rate of consumption of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that they regularly drink strong alcoholic drinks 2-3 times a week. Over the past three years, the system against alcoholism has been almost completely destroyed. And most likely the consumption data is greatly underestimated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries

Based on statistics, a summary table was created showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption over several years.

Ranking place A country Alcohol consumption per capita 2018 (L) Per capita alcohol consumption 2017 (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 (L) Relative percentage / ratio
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech 16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Rose by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 United Kingdom 15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Grew by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Alcohol Free Worldwide

In 41 countries of the world, absolute prohibition is in force. The governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the principles of sobriety are enshrined in law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia there is a sober city social program, according to it, weeks of freedom from dependence are held annually in each locality.
  • Uzbekistan became the first prohibition country in the post-Soviet space. It prohibits the sale, advertising, production of alcohol. And the court speaks to those who use it.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is punishable by criminal penalties. And in Iran, Jordan and the UAE, the drinker is publicly humiliated or even killed.
  • China became the first sobriety champion. Almost everywhere there are laboratories in which you can undergo a free examination for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their followers are not just against the use of alcohol. In many cults, drugs and alcohol are under strict taboo.

As noted in his WHO report, the proportion of drinkers replenished mainly due to countries with developed economies. This is facilitated by the availability of alcoholic beverages and the relatively low employment of the population.

Already for a long time, alcoholic beverages have been an integral part of almost every person’s life. Of course, among us there are those who categorically do not accept alcohol. This, of course, is very commendable. However, for those who are not averse to drinking a couple of cans of beer after a working day to relax, it is quite difficult to understand non-drinkers. However, statistics show that every year in the world the number of people drinking increases at a tremendous speed. And this data includes absolutely all people - from those who can drink purely symbolically or on a holiday, and those who get drunk almost daily until the pig squeals. The World Health Organization presented its list of the most drinking countries in 2018.

1. Belarus

Oddly enough, but it was Belarus that took first place in this rating. According to the World Health Organization last year, more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. In the country, each resident drinks an average of 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer is only 17%, other alcohol is 32%, and wine is very small - 4%. Women, by the way, also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These are official figures, but real ones, presumably, are much higher, since they could not get data on home brewing in conservative Belarus.

2. Ukraine

The second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, a country where they like to overturn a glass of a vodka and they are all stuck with bacon and green onions. In Ukraine, 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people who are addicted to alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohol; wine ranks third. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines of domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable cost in comparison with European brands.

3. Estonia

Estonia is also among the three leaders of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017. The national drink is Old Tallinn. Despite the fact that the capital of the country received the title “City of Culture” many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person per year. Of alcoholic beverages, beer is more preferred here. It costs $ 3 a glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $ 5. Locals love to spend time in crowded bars. It will be interesting for a tourist to visit the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4. Czech Republic

The national drink is becherovka. A Czech resident drinks an average of 16.4 liters per year. a strong drink. Beer accounts for almost 160 liters. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classics of beer varieties. There are many pubs selling draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and experience the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian, as most vineyards grow in Moravia.

5. Lithuania

According to the director of the Department of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and the Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle at the WHO European Bureau, in Lithuania in 2017, one resident consumed 16 liters of alcohol on average. As a WHO spokesman told reporters: “This, according to recent estimates, makes the country one of the most drinking countries in the world.”

6. Russia

It is possible that Russia takes only 6th place in the ranking, it will surprise many. But this is true. Despite the fact that in the last couple of years, alcohol consumption in the country has slightly decreased, the average Russian drinks 15.1 liters a year. alcohol. Women consume half less - 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, they prefer vodka and beer, the purely Russian habit of choosing “little white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined to get intoxicated when drinking alcohol. , as soon as possible. Russia's inclusion in the rating of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, compared to Europe - $ 4 per half liter and a low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other spirits has increased.

7. France

In France, the consumption of pure alcohol per year per person is 14.2 liters. Only one beer in the country is drunk annually per capita 35.5 liters. The image of the Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that the “paddling pools” have the same excellent taste. In this country, in addition to wine, they are well versed in food. In general, in France, exquisite wine goes hand in hand with delicious food, these two concepts here are inseparable, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be said simply - rarely when a meal is not accompanied by a meal.

8. Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Especially here is held in high esteem beer, which is cheap, by local standards. The country is deservedly one of the ten most drinking countries in the world, since alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, at gas stations, in kiosks with newspapers. The Germans are liberal, drinking beer in the park on a bench and in other public places is not prohibited. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. At Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, there are more than 12 million people, and beer costs up to $ 13 per liter glass.

According to the World Health Organization, Russia is only 24th in Europe in terms of alcohol consumption per capita. In 2017, the average Russians consumed only 8.1 liters of pure alcohol per year, being behind Austrians, French, Germans and British, not to mention the leaders of anti-rating - Estonians, Lithuanians and Czechs.

The positive dynamics over the past few years is also noteworthy. If we compare the WHO testimony for 2015-2017 with the data of six years ago, it turns out that the Russians began to drink a quarter less. In addition to Russia, only 15 countries from the top 25 most drinking countries in Europe can boast of reduced alcohol consumption.

Thus, Russians do not drink as much as is commonly believed in Russophobic myths: in the top 25 of the WHO ranking, Russia takes the last but one place (see table below). And the downward trend in alcohol consumed in our country is strengthening.

Federal News Agency  asked experts and politicians to evaluate the list of countries in the Old World on alcohol consumption per capita and measures taken in Russia to reduce alcohol abuse of citizens.

Do not slander yourself

As noted by a narcologist, head of a branch of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Addiction Sergey Polyatykin, the opinion that Russia is the most drinking country in the world is often reinforced, alas, by the Russians themselves.

“For some reason, we always love to strip ulcers,” the doctor points out. “But you must, on the contrary, show your best side!”

In fact, historically, drunkenness came to Russia quite late, the expert notes.

“The Russian peasant was one of the most sober in the world. We didn’t grow grapes, and there wasn’t much to make moonshine, ”says Polyatykin.

According to the doctor, drunkenness in Russia was associated with the development of capitalist relations.

“The drunken proletarian was beneficial to the capitalists: he is less inclined to economic and political actions,” Polyatykin explained.

A special image of the alcoholic was created in the culture, the interlocutor of the FAN points out.

“In literature, this is Moscow-Petushki.” Venedikta Erofeeva. It is interesting to read, but this is not an achievement of Russian literature, but the depth of its failure. In the cinema, these are funny films about alcoholics: here is “Dog Watchdog and Extraordinary Cross”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, and Dr. Lukashin, who flew away drunk to Leningrad, ”the narcologist lists.

A drunkard in popular culture is always cheerful, kind, charming, funny stories happen to him, and he does not suffer any harm from drinking, adds Polyatykin.

Ministry of Health warns!

However, despite the image of a “good” drunkard created in Russia, at present our country is on the right track in solving the problem of alcohol.

« Vladimir Putin, while still being the head of government, he signed the anti-alcohol concept, which is currently operating in our country, ”the doctor recalls. - All measures are spelled out there quite clearly. Fighters for sobriety, and this is, first of all, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, firmly uphold Putin's concept, despite the powerful alcohol lobby. ”

According to the doctor, it is still necessary to introduce an age requirement for alcohol consumption from the age of 21. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that Russian citizens spend money on education, sports and tourism, and not on alcohol.

“For the past ten years, we have been observing a drop in the number of new cases of alcoholism,” the doctor shares data on the Russian Federation. - There is a very good indicator of this: there is a serious decrease in the number of alcoholic psychoses. We expect alcohol consumption in Russia to fall. But more and more efforts must be made for this. ”

Drinking culture

In turn, the representative of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Alexey Kurinniy  draws attention to the fact that WHO figures may not be true.

“A huge amount of illegal alcohol in Russia today is simply not taken into account,” the deputy states. - I'm not talking about the various tinctures, solutions and the like fluids that our citizens also consume. I think if all this is put together, our place will be higher to the top. "

In addition, there are differences in the culture of alcohol consumption and addiction to certain types of drinks that are drunk in different countries.

“The large volumes of alcohol per capita in Germany are due to the consumption of mainly low-alcohol drinks, such as beer,” says the deputy. - The same applies to Spain: there people drink mostly wine. “These drinks do not lead to the adverse consequences that alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation leads to.”

It is necessary to reduce the degree

It is due to the nature of drinking that alcohol causes drunk injuries, as well as the development and exacerbation of various diseases, says Kurinniy.

“I think that about twenty percent of our health care resources go to the treatment of diseases related to alcohol consumption,” the FAN source said. “This is a national problem.”

Here, according to the deputy, there are not enough prohibitive measures that the government has relied on.

“A whole range of measures is needed that cannot be implemented in one or two years,” the parliamentarian is convinced. “These are educational programs, and media coverage of the problem of alcoholism, and the restructuring of the consumption system for alcoholic beverages of a different quality and degree.”

However, the consumption of strong alcohol in Russia is already declining, the deputy notes. Nevertheless, it is necessary to work on improving the living standards of Russian citizens, believes Kurinniy.

“Today, many people drink because they are trying to get away from reality in this way,” admits the FAN interlocutor.

The path to sobriety

State Duma deputy agrees with his colleague Fedot Tumusov. In his opinion, restrictive measures are not a panacea for the “alcohol issue”.

“We really are not the most drinking country in the world. But drinking traditions, of course, are strong in Russia, ”the deputy notes.

Advocacy for sobriety can help the country, he emphasizes.

“How do we get out of this list?” This is a long and painstaking work related to the gradual instilling in the population of a healthy, sober lifestyle, ”Tumusov said.

As for the ban on the sale of alcohol, one should be careful here, the deputy is sure.

“Yes, it works, prohibitive measures - ceteris paribus - reduce alcohol consumption. But they must have ultimate boundaries, ”the parliamentarian is convinced.

The history of mankind proves that with a complete ban on alcohol, under the prohibition, the shadow business begins to flourish in the country, Fedot Tumusov states, and this leads to the development of crime.

According to most people, the most drinking country in the world is Russia, followed by countries such as Ireland and the UK. But, according to annual research, it can be understood that these are only established stereotypes. These states are not even included in the "top five countries" in terms of alcohol consumption. So which country is the most drinking in the world? Let's look at the representatives of which nations are in the top ten countries that are lovers of such drinks.

The ranking of the most drinking countries is compiled annually by WHO (World Health Organization). There are several points of view regarding the use of alcohol-containing drinks. Most experts say that alcohol is a real evil and it is necessary to tighten the framework for its production and sale as much as possible.

Another part of the scientists says that the normalized use of many alcoholic products has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. For example, the regular use of small doses of wine demonstrates a positive effect on the skin condition and helps normalize blood pressure. But it is very important to note the fact that no matter what point of view you consider yourself, the number of people who abuse alcohol is constantly growing. Experts are concerned about the fact that in some states this amount has already significantly exceeded the norm.

List of Alcohol Abusers

Tenth line - Slovenia and Denmark.  According to the latest data, the amount of alcohol consumed in Denmark and Slovenia is about ten and a half liters per year, per one inhabitant. According to statistics, most residents prefer low-alcohol drinks, other products are much less in demand. In one of the cities of Slovenia is the oldest vineyard in all of Europe. Its name is "Stara Trta", which is translated from Slovenian means - the old vine. His age is more than four hundred centuries. For the rest of the world, Denmark is known as a producer of beer brands such as Karlbserg and Tuborg.

The statistics on the popularity of alcohol are as follows: weak alcohol - forty-six percent of the population, wine - thirty percent, strong alcohol - eighteen percent, other drinks - six percent of the population. The national drink is considered to be Borovichka.

The WHO believes that the most effective measures to solve problems associated with drinking are limiting access to alcohol, a ban on its advertising and pricing.

Ninth Place - Hungary. Per capita alcohol consumption in Hungary is ten point eight tenths of a liter. To collect statistical data, we used a survey of residents in the age category from fifteen to sixty five years.
  Hungary is famous worldwide for its famous vineyards. Drinks of this particular country are preferred throughout the world.

By popularity, in this country, beer occupies the first line; fifty-four percent of the population prefers it. On the second line is wine, with twenty-eight percent. Strong alcohol-containing drinks, which are in demand only in eighteen percent of the local population, close the top three. Wine and schnapps are among the national drinks of this place.

Eighth place - Spain and Portugal.  The eighth line of the rating is shared by two southern states, Portugal and Spain. Statistics on the use of alcohol in these states indicate that for each inhabitant there are eleven and a half liters of alcohol per year. The warm climate and constant sunny weather allow locals to grow top-notch grapes.

It is here that the main preference is given to the use of wine. According to surveys, more than half of the residents prefer wine to other alcohol. On the second line, with a popularity of thirty percent, are various varieties of foam drinks. It is important to mention that in these countries beer is several times more affordable and cheaper than wines.

Spanish wineries are third in the list of countries involved in wine production. In total, more than ninety varieties of different grapes are grown on the territory of the state. The area of \u200b\u200bSpanish vineyards is so huge that it ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest vineyards. The national drink of the two states is port.

Seventh place - Ireland.  In this country, a special attitude to beer, it is here that Guinness is equated with the national treasure. In Ireland, the average resident drinks about eleven and six tenths of a liter of alcohol per year. This country is famous for its largest brewery, which produces the most famous dark beer.

In addition, Irish whiskey is in demand all over the world. It should be noted that the price of alcohol in this country is very high. A pint of beer costs about two euros, and a bottle of good whiskey can reach twenty-five euros. By the popularity of types of alcohol, beer takes the first place, the second is wine, and the third is the remaining strong drinks.

Russia, contrary to stereotypes, was not in the TOP-5

Sixth line - Russia. Many people believe that Russia should top this list. In fact, statistics on alcohol consumption in the world indicate that this country occupies only the sixth line of the rating. On average, there are fifteen liters of alcohol per year per Russian.

It is in Russia that the popularity of vodka and beer is equated with each other. According to statistics, consumers of these types of alcohol are equal in number and amount to about forty percent. According to analysts, the popularity of wine in Russia is only increasing every year. In the next few years, its popularity will be equal to the rest of alcohol. The national drink of this country is considered to be vodka.

Fifth place - Lithuania.  In Lithuania, an average resident drinks about sixteen whole and three tenths of a liter of alcohol-containing drinks. Due to this fact, Lithuania was in the top five most drinking countries. Along with vodka and beer, Lithuanian Midus, a drink made from honey, water and yeast, is also popular in this country. It is in this country that the production of most popular alcohol-containing tinctures, balms and nectars is located.

The fourth line is the Czech Republic.  Another country where beer is considered to be the most popular type of alcohol. The Czech Republic occupies the fourth position of the list due to the fact that its residents consume almost sixteen and a half liters of alcoholic beverages. It is with beer in this country that a lot of legends and stories are associated. Some breweries are known throughout the world for their quality products.

Beer production in this country has more than eight centuries of rich history. The Celts are one of the first to own the idea of \u200b\u200bbrewing. Even in ancient centuries, this drink was so popular that it was prepared in almost every house.

Czech wineries are not inferior in quality to beer. Prague is considered a real Mecca for lovers of quality beer and wine. Such an alcoholic product as Becherovka can be attributed to the real national treasure of the Czech Republic.

Third place - Estonia.  If we divide alcohol consumption by countries, then Estonia will take third place in this list. This is what the statistics of WHO say. The capital of Estonia, Tallinn, is one of the most cultured and calm cities on the planet. It is here that the size of alcohol consumed per capita is about seventeen and a quarter liters per year.

On the numerous streets of Tallinn are located not only masterpieces of world architecture, but also quite interesting institutions. One of such establishments is the Olde Hansa restaurant, stylized as an atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

All the furniture in this restaurant is made of oak wood. Candles are used for lighting, and the food corresponds to that which, according to many people, the ancient knights ate. Such an atmosphere makes it possible that the hand reaches for a mug of light beer. That beer is in first place in popularity in Estonia.

Russia in recent years, goes in this sad rating, which instills a certain positive, down

Second place - Ukraine.  The second line of the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, where the amount of alcoholic beverages per capita is about seventeen and a half liters. It is this amount that the average resident drinks. Ukraine is known all over the world thanks to the vodka - a product whose popularity dates back to the seventeenth century. In those days, the vodka was called hot wine.

Among the alcohol producers that are famous all over the planet, there are representatives of this people. The Nemiroff brand belongs to the Ukrainian winery. One of the most popular products manufactured under this brand is Nemiroff. Honey and pepper. "

The first line is the Republic of Belarus.  Belarus is the leader in this list. According to the latest WHO information, alcohol consumption in Belarus reaches a value of more than seventeen and a half liters annually per one indigenous person. In addition, the researchers did not take into account the nuances to which moonshining can be attributed. If these data were also taken into account, then the indicator would be much higher.

It is Belarus that is recognized as the world leader in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Krambambul can be attributed to the national alcohol-containing compounds of this country.
  By popularity in Belarus, the first line is strong alcohol. It is it that is used by about forty-seven percent of the inhabitants. Low alcohol drinks take the second line, and beer closes the top three.

World average

According to the same statistics, alcohol consumption per capita in the world is about eight liters per person.

This fact is extremely worrying for WHO representatives, since, in their opinion, the percentage of the drinking population is increasing annually. A few decades ago, this value was equated to only six liters of alcohol per person.

Despite the high development of civilization among the most drinking countries of the world in 2016-2017, there were completely lagging states with a low standard of living

World Spirits Statistics

When compiling such lists, it is necessary to consider the fact that different alcohol products are consumed in different parts of the world. For example, beer is quite popular in European countries, the most "beer" cities are recognized:

  • Brussels;
  • Munich;
  • Dublin;
  • Berne.

In regions with a hot climate, products related to the wine family are very popular. France and Spain are not only true legislators in this field, but also true fans of this alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the more north the state is located, the more its residents prefer alcohol. Strong alcohol is quite popular in the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the Czech Republic and Norway.
  Also, according to WHO research, about forty-eight percent of living people have never consumed alcohol.

Which countries are non-drinkers

We found out which country itself is drinking in the world thanks to the rating, but the inhabitants of which country can boast that they do not drink alcohol at all? According to statistics, the states of South Asia are one of those where alcohol production is in the least demand. The top of the list of these states is Pakistan, with more than two hundred million people. Pakistan is ranked sixth in the world population list.

Interestingly, the indicator of alcohol consumption in this place of the planet is almost equal to zero. According to a WHO study, the average Pakistani native drinks about a hundred grams of alcohol each year.

The reason for such a low popularity of such products is religion. The state religion in Pakistan is Islam in a Sunni interpretation. The use of alcohol-containing liquids for followers is strictly prohibited. As a result of the studies, it turned out a curious fact that only visitors and tourists drink alcohol in Pakistan. Another interesting fact is that, despite the fact that religion forbids the Sunnis from consuming alcohol, it is not forbidden to buy, sell or even donate it to other people.

Alcohol takes more than 2 billion people. The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm: alcohol consumption per capita is growing rapidly and more and more people are captured by alcohol dependence. More than half of cases of disability, a third of mental disorders in the world are associated with the use of alcohol.

Aspects of the problem

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) is the most popular narcotic substance. World consumption is half the world's population. Drinking alcohol is in third place in the list of risk factors for diseases and premature death, yielding to smoking and hypertension.

The World Health Organization (WHO), one of the special agencies of the UN system, compiles a rating of countries with indicators of alcohol consumption in liters per capita every five years and publishes it in the publication “Global reports of the World Health Organization on the situation in the field of alcohol and health”.

In Europe, the concept of alcoholism is absent. Therefore, no narcological records are kept. There is the concept of "a person who has a problem with alcohol." The rate of people with this symptom is about 15%.

The European is the most drinking person in the world.  Logic suggests that a large amount of alcohol should significantly reduce life expectancy. But, as statistics in Europe show, there is no direct correlation between the indicators. For example, in Moldova, where per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages is highest (wine), life expectancy is one of the highest in Europe.

Conclusion: the line between drinking alcohol and abuse depends on the level of culture and type of alcoholic beverages. It is proved that a high social and material situation imposes certain obligations, which prevents the alcoholization of developed European countries.

It so happened that in these states, drinking is not an end in itself. This pastime with a pleasant company in a bar or pub. It takes into account the fact that alcoholic beverages in Europe are not cheap. High prices are another barrier to drinking.

In addition, others are humane to patients with alcoholism. A whole system of socio-psychological assistance has been built up and is working: groups of anonymous alcoholics, trainings, psychotherapy courses. This helps to get a job, to establish relationships in the family, makes it possible to feel your importance, inclusion in the surrounding life.

Indicators for developed countries

Per capita alcohol consumption statistics (liters per person per year):

  1. France. The amount of alcohol consumed in its pure form is 14.2. Beer - 35.5. It so happened culturally and historically that wine and food are an indivisible whole for the Frenchman, and almost every meal involves the use of this drink.
  2. Italy. Alcohol consumption - 8 liters. Mostly Italians drink wine, which also holds a strong position in Italian gastronomy.
  3. Czech. In its pure form - 11.8 liters per person, beer - 156.9 liters. This is a country with rich beer traditions and culture.
  4. Germany. In its pure form - 10.5 liters, beer - 116.8 per person per year. Germany, like the Czech Republic, is a country of beer traditions. Foamy drink costs as much as water. In Germany, it is permitted to drink beer in public places. In honor of him, the famous Oktoberfest beer festival (Munich, Bavaria) is held annually in the country.
  5. Denmark. Per capita alcohol consumption - 11.5 liters per year, beer - 89.9 liters. According to statistics, the Danes are on the list of the most drinkers: almost 96% of the adult population consume alcohol. The attitude of the authorities towards this is quite loyal. Alcohol can be bought freely almost everywhere at any time.
  6. Australia. In its pure form - 9.8 liters, beer - 109.9. Traditionally in this country, the use of alcohol is considered a common social phenomenon.
  7. United Kingdom. In its pure form - 10.4 liters, beer - 99 liters. The leader among the countries of the world in the number and variety of alcohol-containing drinks. The law permits the sale of alcohol at any point and at any time. According to medical statistics, the most common disease in the British is cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcohol abuse.
  8. Finland. In its pure form - 9.9 liters per person. Severe weather conditions, polar nights, low temperatures favor drinking.
  9. Ireland. Alcohol consumption - 14.2 liters, beer - 131.1 liters annually per person. The Irish are the most drinking nation. In the country, the use of alcohol is considered a generally accepted norm. Half of the men once a week are drunk until they lose consciousness.

This video shows alcohol consumption statistics:

National issue

In Russia, alcohol consumption per person is 9.29 liters per year.

Therefore, the assertion that Russian people drink the most is incorrect. Such an erroneous picture is due to the fact that in Russia there is no so-called civilized culture of drinking, strong drinks are preferred. In addition, the majority of Russians do not know a sense of proportion, and the amount of alcohol consumed is not measured in milliliters, but in bottles and liters. Therefore, the amount of ethyl alcohol consumption in Russia takes the population to 4th place in the world. Drinking is directly related to low income and social disadvantage. The national habit of drinking and drinking often accompany elementary disorder and hopelessness in life.

Statistics over the years show that adolescent alcoholism is growing: by 2015, about 30% of boys and 20% of girls under 18 drink alcohol daily, for every 25 teenagers 25 suffer from chronic alcoholism.

This video shows the 10 most drinking countries in the world:

More than half a million people die every year from alcohol poisoning in the country. This scary figure is greater than the number of all deaths during military conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters. These are only official statistics, but in reality the situation is much darker.