Popular dishes from around the world. Cuisines of the world

National cuisine is one of those things that people make. In general, getting to know the local cuisine is quite an interesting, and sometimes even dangerous, activity. Our review will allow you to learn more about the most exotic dishes, without having to try them.

1. Salmiac sweets, Finland

Finland produces a wide variety of candies, but salmiac candies are something that every tourist visiting Finland should try. Unusual lozenges are made from ammonia and hydrochloric acid. Traditional Finnish salmiakki come in the shape of a diamond or diamond in a deep black color.

2. Hachinoko, Japan

In Japan, bee larvae are a very popular and gourmet dish. They are cooked with added sugar and soy sauce, canned, fried on skewers like kebabs, and made sushi with them. It is also worth mentioning rice cookies with crunchy ground wasps.

3. Natto, Japan

Natto is fermented food soya beans, which have a specific smell and taste, and also have a sticky, viscous consistency.

4. Oil Bombs for the Brave Heart, USA

The strange dessert is butter in dough with honey and cinnamon, deep fried.

5. Jelly salad, USA

Normal fruit jelly with an unusual filling of carrots, peppers, eggs, cheese, lemon tuna, olives and any other ingredients to your taste.

6. Snickers salad, USA

A simple, sweet and very “healthy” salad of finely chopped Snickers and fruits, generously dressed with whipped cream.

7. Kholodets, Russia

Yes, yes, foreigners are wary of the beloved jellied meat by all Russians and their closest neighbors.

8. Surströmming, Sweden

Cleaned herring is salted, placed in an open container and left to ferment, and after some time it is sorted into cans and hits the shelves. Knowledgeable people recommend opening a jar of such herring exclusively in the fresh air, as the aroma can literally knock you off your feet.

9. Vegemite, Australia

Vegemite is Australia's most famous national dish. Thick paste made from leftovers beer wort and vegetable flavoring additives, most often spread on bread, crackers or sandwiches.

10. Lutefisk, Norway

Scandinavian cuisine is different a huge amount fish dishes. One of the national dishes of Norway, Sweden and Finland is lutefisk, which is prepared by soaking dried fish in an alkaline solution of caustic soda for three days, and then soaking it in water for several days. Due to chemical reactions, the fish acquires a delicate jelly-like consistency and a specific pungent odor.

11. Olive bread, USA

A meatloaf similar to a loaf of bread, stuffed with spices and olives.

Russian cuisine is incredibly tasty and satisfying, amazing with its variety of dishes and unique gastronomic combinations. It is not for nothing that Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a famous French gourmet and author of the book “Physiology of Taste,” considered only three cuisines great, including Russian. For many centuries in a row, it has been an integral part of culture and a marker of the historical authenticity of the Russian people. Let's remember the original Russian dishes, the tradition of cooking which has survived to this day.

Russian roast

The first mentions of this dish date back to the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Then the roast was served second after traditional soup. The essence of the dish is easily captured thanks to the root “heat” - this means that it is simmered in the oven for several hours.

Any fatty pieces of meat are excellent for this purpose, supplemented with chopped potatoes in large pieces. By the way, Russian roast is the only dish awarded the title of nobility. It received it thanks to the admiration of the English king Charles II. He was so impressed by the taste of the roast beef that he immediately, right at the table, awarded him the high title.


In Rus', porridge is not just a hearty meal, but a philosophy of life. It was porridge that was the main dish on the table of our ancestors for several centuries in a row. It was eaten with pleasure by the poor and the rich, and the great respect for this dish is easily determined by the ancient proverb “Porridge is our mother.”

Previously, porridge was the name given to everything that could be prepared from crushed foods. Today we enjoy eating wheat, millet, pea, buckwheat and other types of porridges. And for Christmas and funeral dinners it is still customary to prepare kutya - porridge made from wheat or rice with the addition of honey, poppy seeds and raisins.

Cabbage soup

This first dish has a short name and a long history. Knut Hamsun, a famous Norwegian writer, called him "unacceptably bad meat soup"and at the same time a "wonderful Russian dish." Indeed, cabbage soup is very contradictory both in taste and composition.

Residents of Russian villages prepared them differently depending on their income. Some cooked cabbage soup with only onions and cabbage, while others added crushed lard or meat. In other recipes, among the ingredients there is Rye flour, turnips, mushrooms and fish. And the characteristic sour taste was achieved by sauerkraut or brine, sorrel, kvass. The editors of the site note that cabbage soup could well be included in our ranking of the most delicious dishes under one hundred rubles.

Siberian dumplings

Since dumplings came to Russian cuisine from the Urals, it is not surprising that the most popular variety is the Siberian one. And although many countries around the world have very similar dishes (just remember Georgia, Italy and China), we consider them an original Russian dish.

In Siberia, dumplings were prepared for many months in advance, as they are perfectly stored frozen. IN traditional recipe Three types of meat are used for minced meat: elk, pork and beef. Today Siberian dumplings They have a more prosaic filling - minced pork and beef, but they are still very juicy and tasty. By the way, to prepare the dough, be sure to use ice water– this gives it a unique taste.


“Unbuttoned pies” is the name given to rasstegai, a traditional Russian pastry made from savory yeast dough. At first, these open-top pies were served in taverns with soups and stews. Later they became an independent dish, leading for some time in the street trading format.

The editors of uznayvsyo.rf note that historically pies were made from leftover food: what was left after dinner was put inside. But most of all, pies with fish filling: minced river fish, pieces of sturgeon, salmon or beluga. Above open patty poured melted butter or hot broth over it, making it even more tasty and juicy.


Initially, pancakes were ritual dish- they were prepared for the funeral table, and later also for Maslenitsa. But today these thin flatbreads, reminiscent of the sun, have become a full-fledged Russian dish without any subtext. Pancakes are mentioned in many proverbs and sayings, which once again emphasizes their popularity (for example, “The first pancake is lumpy”). They are prepared with yeast and fresh dough, brewed with milk and water, baked in a frying pan and in a traditional Russian oven.

Pancakes with butter and dozens of filling options are very tasty: mushrooms, meat, cabbage, potatoes, liver, cottage cheese and caviar. Pancakes also became the basis for preparing kurnik - in this unique pie thin pancakes filled with chicken and mushrooms and then covered with a “cap” of puff pastry. Kurnik is the king of pies, it is also called royal or festive. Very often it was served at weddings and other special events.


This hearty meat dish was mentioned on the pages of Domostroi, compiled in the 16th century. However, at that time not everyone could afford it, because it was prepared from a single piece of pork, less often lamb or bear meat. Marinated and then baked boneless meat was originally called “vuzhenina” (from the word “wood” - smoke, dry).

Today, as before, boiled pork is served hot and cut into thick slices - so that guests can eat to their heart's content. However, it is also good as a cold snack, so housewives often prepare it a day or two before the special event.

Kvass on rye bread

Our ancestors prepared it from the most different ingredients, thanks to which he had sour or sweet taste, dark or light color, different sharpness and aroma. But it is kvass that is considered traditional. rye bread. It's amazing how delicious this drink can be, made from rye crusts, yeast, sugar and raisins! And it not only quenches thirst well, but is also used for medicinal purposes. For example, kvass has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Pozharsky cutlets

Pozharsky cutlets have an interesting legend associated with Emperor Nicholas I - he supposedly tasted them during a visit to Daria Pozharskaya’s tavern. She didn’t have the chopped veal cutlets ordered by the sovereign, but she did find minced chicken, which has become the basis of this tasty and delicate dish. The secret of Pozharsky cutlets is that chopped butter is added to the meat, which melts during frying and makes them unusually tender. Russian national summer soup- okroshka

There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but in most cases it contains boiled meat (as an option - boiled sausage), radishes, fresh cucumber, potatoes, chicken eggs, green onions, dill or parsley. And for dressing use low-fat kefir, whey, vegetable broth, kvass and even mineral water, diluted with sour cream.

Any national culture is rich in unusual traditions, which relate not only to cooking, but also to many other areas of life. Thus, they pass on from generation to generation (although sometimes very dubious) folk recipes medicines for anything. The editors of the site invite you to read about the strangest and most dangerous medicines for serious diseases.
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The most delicious and intriguing dishes that have long been business card their countries!

Tapas in Barcelona, ​​Spain

Patatas bravas (potatoes in spicy tomato sauce), calamares fritos ( fried squid), boquerones (anchovies), croquetas de jamón (ham croquettes), chorizo ​​(pork sausages), pimientos asados ​​( roasted peppers), albóndigas (meat balls) and berenjenas gratinadas (eggplant baked with cheese) are just some of the dishes that come under the common name “tapas”. The richest selection of tapas in Spain can be found in Barcelona - especially along La Rambla, along which tourists and locals leisurely stroll south from Plaza Catalunya.

Doner kebab in Istanbul, Turkey Traditional doner kebab is grilled lamb on a bed of rice, and many restaurants in Turkey still serve it this way. However, nowadays the fast food culture is gaining more and more momentum, and the dish has been somewhat transformed. Now familiar to everyone, doner is more like pieces of meat wrapped in pita, roasted on a spit, mixed with salad and sauce. And these days, it has become something of a tradition to fill up on a hearty doner in Istanbul, and then wander through the narrow streets of Sultanahmet or along the Bosphorus, sometimes furtively wiping off the remaining sauce and shaking pieces of lettuce from your chin.

Pasta in Naples, Italy

Culinary historians are still arguing about the appearance of pasta in Italy - either it was introduced into the national cuisine by Marco Polo, importing it from China, or the Etruscans became acquainted with it long before that. But everyone agrees that by the 18th century, Naples had turned mixing flour and water into a lucrative industry, becoming the pasta capital of the world. In addition to this, the Neapolitans discovered the most amazing combination pasta and tomatoes, from which a taste was born that has won recognition throughout the world! So, the next time you happen to be in Naples, wandering through the narrow streets of its historical center, do not forget to go to the nearest trattoria and taste the famous Napoletana pasta!

Steamed Dumplings - Shanghai, China

These delicious balls may look like just pieces of dough, but you only have to try them once to understand that there is hot food hidden inside aromatic broth combined with ground pork, crab meat or vegetables. This little trick is achieved by adding gelatin inside the dumpling, which turns into a liquid when steamed. To avoid burning your gums with the hot broth, do not bite into the dumpling immediately, but lightly bite it on the side so that the liquid pours out gradually.

Feijoada in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Taste buds celebrate their own carnival with a Brazilian lunch, feijoada, a dark and spicy gravy made with black beans and pork. Keep in mind that feijoada, prepared in most restaurants in Brazil for local residents, in addition to the usual pieces of meat, may also contain less familiar pork parts, such as ears, tongues and even tail squiggles. Also note that this hearty dish can be a real test for your stomach - so be prepared that after such a lunch in Rio de Janeiro you will rather take a short nap than swim in the waves of Ipanema.

Gumbo in New Orleans, USA

Scooping gumbo from a steaming pot is as typical for any New Orleanian in the United States as listening to jazz or the blues. A favorite among Louisianans, this delicacy is a hearty seafood or smoked meat broth thickened with flour mixed with fat and then poured over a mound of rice. There are many variations of the dish, from classic Creole to spicier Cajun.

Couscous in Casablanca, Morocco

As soon as you arrive in Casablanca, immediately go to Boulevard de la Corniche, which is right by the water, and order a cup mint tea and a traditional Moroccan dish - couscous. Couscous is made from semolina (crushed grain) and is prepared by long steaming in a special kettle. Then it is filled with a spicy gravy made from vegetables or a mixture of vegetables and meat or fish. Without any doubt - you will ask for more!

Nasi goreng in Penang, Malaysia

Anyone who has ever visited Malaysia has probably had the opportunity to try simple, brilliant nasi goreng. Literally, the name of the dish can be translated simply as “ fried rice" - and it is eaten with pleasure throughout Malaysia, as well as in Indonesia and Singapore. To prepare the dish, you need to fry rice with chicken or seafood with the addition of vegetables, eggs and sweetened soy sauce. Nasi goreng can be found anywhere in Malaysia, but the best place to try it is in the crowded and noisy center of Penang Island. A variety of Malay, Chinese and Indian culinary styles combine to give this seemingly humble dish its own unique flavor.

Curry in Mumbai, India

Curry is a pan-Asian phenomenon that can be found everywhere from Thailand to Japan. But the real birthplace of curry is India, and if you haven’t tried curry in Mumbai, you can assume that you haven’t tried it at all! Mumbai curry usually consists of seafood and coconut mixed with masala (a special blend of spices). Common spices include turmeric, coriander, ginger and red chili.

Hot dog in New York, USA

Is it hard to believe that a city like New York in the USA can boast one of the most popular dishes in the world? Everyone knows that the most iconic culinary ritual in New York is walking onto a busy city intersection, finding a shabby metal cart with a colorful umbrella, and ordering a hot dog with ketchup, mustard, onions and, if desired, sauerkraut or hot sauce! To see traditional food and its lovers in all its glory - head to Nathan's on Coney Island on the 4th of July for the famous hot dog eating competition! The record today is 53.5 hot dogs in 12 minutes!

And of course! Russian kitchen!

Pancakes may have been the first flour-based food and date back to prehistoric times. Russian pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs, a national version of pancakes. Russian pancakes are made with yeast dough and are often brewed in water or milk ( custard pancakes) before baking in a traditional Russian oven. Buckwheat flour is often used to prepare them.

Grandma's pies
Pie - small dish made from filled yeast dough that is baked (in the oven) or fried (in deep fryers, small pans or kettles). The name is derived from the word pie. Various recipes There are a great variety of pies. The differences concern the dough (usually yeast is used) and fillings (with cabbage, potatoes, onions and eggs, with various berries, with porridge). Pies are also often and erroneously called baked goods made from other types of dough. In particular, Tatar and Uzbek samsa and Karelian wickets are often mistakenly called pies. A round pie with an open top, with only the edges pinched, is called a cheesecake. This type of patty mainly contains cottage cheese.

Homemade is the most delicious
Etymological dictionaries indicate that the Russian word pelmeni is a borrowing from the Finno-Ugric languages, tracing it back to the word “pelnyan” (“bread ear”: pel “ear” + nyan “bread”). At the same time, various sources differ in indicating the specific language from which this word came into Russian.

It's just super in the forty-degree weather!
Borscht is a type of soup made from beets, which gives borscht its characteristic red color. A traditional dish Eastern Slavs. Widespread in the national cuisines of neighboring peoples

After 40 degrees it’s also great
Solnka (originally selyanka) is a dish of Russian cuisine, a soup with steep meat, fish or mushroom broth With spicy seasonings. There are solyankas three types: meat, fish and mushroom. The base of solyanka is sour-salty-spicy due to the addition of components such as salted cucumbers, olives, capers, lemon, kvass, salted or pickled mushrooms. Solyanka combines the components of cabbage soup (cabbage, sour cream) and rassolnik (pickles, cucumber pickle). IN meat solyanka fried boiled meat is coming various types, corned beef, smoked meats and sausages. IN fish solyankas- boiled, salted, smoked red fish (sturgeon). All solyankas contain a lot of spices: pepper, parsley and dill.

In the heat of summer - this is it!
Okroshka is a mixture of finely chopped various types of meat or fish, vegetables and pickles (initially fresh and/or pickled cucumbers, onions, salted plums, salted mushrooms, in later versions - boiled potatoes, turnips, carrots, rutabaga), herbs(finely chopped green onions, parsley, dill, celery), seasoned with special white okroshka kvass or okroshka kvass half and half with bread, as well as sour cream.

We invite you to travel to a dozen and a half countries without leaving your home - without visas, planes, suitcases and signs in foreign metros. In order to hit the road, it is enough to charter a comfortable sunny kitchen with a full set of provisions - and then follow the instructions that you will find in the continuation of this article. Recipes of national sweets from different countries world - baked goods and confectionery products that are proud of in Sweden, Australia, China, Serbia and other countries. Bright colors, flavor combinations, which you couldn’t even imagine: and why not, because you can experience the world by tasting it!

15 national confectionery products

1. Prinsesstårta (Sweden)

The Swedish princess cake was created in the 1930s by Annie Åkerstrom. She was the teacher of the daughters of Prince Charles of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland. The cake was originally called"Grön tårta" (Green cake), but the princesses liked it so much that cookbook Annie's recipe was published as "Prinsesstårta".

The base of the cake is a sponge cake, followed by layers of raspberry jam, buttercream and whipped cream. To prevent this delicacy from spreading, it is covered with green marzipan on top (hence the name “Grön tårta”). Today, this cake is not only green, in which case it is sometimes called "Prinstårta" (Prince cake).

2. Frog cake (Australia)

The Frog cake was invented in 1922 by Balfours Bakery. It consists of sponge cake, butter cream, and topped with fondant. Initially it was only green, but later the bakery expanded the color range to pink and brown. Today “Frog” can be found in other, “seasonal” colors.

3. Šakotis / Sękacz (Lithuania / Poland)

“Šakotis” appeared during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Wooden spit is watered egg dough, which begins to drain, forming “twigs”. When they are slightly baked, the spit is again poured with dough.

4. Baumkuchen (Germany)

Baumkuchen is a smooth version of Šakotis, in which the skewer is prepared by dipping the dough into it instead of pouring it over it. In cross-section, the pie resembles a cut tree. Baumkuchen is the hallmark of the city of Salzwedel.

5. Battenberg cake (UK)

History is silent about the origin of this cake. The basis of "Battenberg" are two sponge cakes, traditionally yellow and pink flowers, which are cut into rectangular parallelepipeds and laid in a checkerboard pattern. Usually used to hold the cakes together. apricot jam. The top of the cake is covered with marzipan.

But this version of Battenberg, in my opinion, is a masterpiece:

6. / 月餅 / Mooncake (China)

This gingerbread blew my mind! It seems to me that I can endlessly look various options execution.
"Mooncake" (Yuebin) - traditional gingerbread, which is eaten at the Mid-Autumn Festival (Zhongqiujie). The hieroglyph for “longevity” or “harmony” is usually depicted on the gingerbread.

The filling of yuebing can be different, depending on the region: paste from lotus seeds, nuts, sweet paste from beans, etc.

Modern mooncakes sometimes deviate slightly from tradition, such as being made from jelly or covered in icing.

7.Red velvet cake(USA)

The basis of Red velvet cake is a sponge cake of dark or bright red color, which is obtained by adding food coloring or beets. Top with cream cheese and buttercream frosting.
Today, the cake is often baked in the shape of a heart. I have the same Red velvet cake is associated with Dexter.

8. Ruske kape (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia)

The name of this cake is translated as “Russian hat”, because... The shape resembles a ushanka. Inside it consists of alternating chocolate and vanilla layers of biscuit and cream. Drizzle chocolate on top and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

9. Carac (Switzerland)

Carac is a crispy cake, the diameter of which varies from 8 to 25 cm. The filling is chocolate, covered with a bright green glaze on top.

10. Kransekage / Kransekake (Denmark / Norway)

This cone-shaped cake is made of dough rings that are hollow inside.

Overflødighedshorn - variant of Kransekake, considered traditional wedding cake. Overflødighedshorn translates to "horn of plenty".

The cake is filled with chocolate, sweets and other small baked goods.

11. Bolu pandan (Indonesia)

The sap from the leaves of the Pandan tree is used in the preparation of this cake, which gives Bolu pandan its green color. Also sometimes used green dye to enhance color. Various options can be used as filling and decoration: chocolate, butter cream, coconut flakes etc.

12. King cake (USA)

King cake is made during the Christmas festival of Epiphany. The Louisiana version tops the pie sugar icing in the traditional colors of the Mardi Gras carnival (analogous to our Maslenitsa - farewell to Winter and welcome of Spring): purple - justice, green - faith, gold - power. These colors were adopted in 1892.

13. 发糕 / 發粿 / Fa gao (China)

Typically, Fa gao ("prosperity cake") is made from rice flour and steam (not bake) until the top splits into 4 pieces.

14. Croquembouche (France)

This dessert consists of profiteroles, which are coated with caramel and folded into a cone. Croquembouche was invented in the early 19th century.

15. Fairy bread (Australia)

This unusual “dish” cannot be called either a cake or a pastry. This is a sweet sandwich. White bread cut into triangles, spread with butter, and top tightly covered with confectionery topping. Fairy bread - favorite treat children.

Photos, as usual, were found on the Internet.

Every country has culinary preferences that have been formed over more than one generation. National traditions different countries of the world depend on many factors. Naturally, recipes for dishes from each region are based on the use of certain products and spices available. The method of preparation also plays an important role. It is worth noting that each nation has its own characteristics taste preferences. And many dishes are actually real national pride, whose fame spread throughout the world. We would like to dedicate our article to a conversation about national dishes from different countries of the world. Their diversity and unusualness is sometimes simply amazing. And sometimes it turns out that our favorite food or bun is someone else’s culinary invention that has reached our latitudes.

French cuisine

Traditional french cuisine based on the use of simple products from which they ultimately obtain complex dishes. In France, they widely use fish, shrimp, lobster, vegetables, meat and, of course, excellent cheeses - Camembert, Roquefort and others.

Some of the most sensational are snails and frog legs, without which it is impossible to imagine an original kitchen. Well, and, of course, it’s worth remembering the wonderful wines that complement any meal.

The most famous French food

Traditionally, the French start their morning with an omelet. It came to us from France. It is prepared quite simply - beaten eggs are fried in oil in a frying pan. The omelette can be fluffy and flat, rolled into a tube or doubled. This national dish of France has gained popularity all over the world; now it is difficult to find a country where it is not prepared. By the way, the first mentions of it are found in manuscripts dating back to the sixteenth century. But it acquired its modern appearance already in the eighteenth century.

No less popular are the famous croissants, which are puff pastries. Traditionally, such pastries are served for breakfast. Croissants have gained such universal love that they are now a staple product in all bakeries and pastry shops in Austria and France. Of course, the most delicious pastries prepared by real confectioners. But you can also find such a dish in fast food establishments. It is known that it was Austrian confectioners who first began to prepare such buns, but they gained popularity in France. For cooking tasty treat use the most different fillings - fresh fruits, chocolate, praline, dried fruits, etc.

Escargot is a very popular and quite expensive dish. They serve it in restaurants. The appetizer is prepared using edible snails. The French consider Burgundy to be the most delicious. In general, the dish belongs to the category of delicacies.


One of the most famous dishes In France it can be called ratatouille. The dish is very easy to prepare and yet incredibly tasty. Gradually it earned love all over the world, far beyond the borders of France. IN modern design Ratatouille is unthinkable without olive oil and provencal herbs. There are quite a lot of recipes for this dish today. IN classic version for cooking you need to take: one bell pepper, six tomatoes, several cloves of garlic, zucchini or zucchini, dill, olive oil, salt, parsley.

For the sauce you need to chop two tomatoes, an onion and a pepper. Place all the vegetables in a heated frying pan and fry in olive oil for about ten minutes. Add salt and pepper. Ready sauce transfer to the bottom of the ratatouille mold. By the way, some chefs recommend grinding the sauce with a blender.

Cut the zucchini and remaining tomatoes into slices and place in a baking dish. In this case, it is necessary to alternate tomatoes with zucchini. A sauce is prepared to season the dish. To do this, combine chopped herbs, olive oil and garlic. Pour the sauce over the vegetables, add pepper and salt. Cover the top of the dish with foil. And put it in the oven. Bake the vegetables for about an hour.

German cuisine

All national cuisines of the world have their own characteristics. The German one was no exception. For many people, German cuisine is associated with beer, sauerkraut and sausages. However, this is not the entire range of products used by local residents. National ones are quite interesting and varied.

The Germans love pork very much. Meat dishes generally occupy a special place in local cuisine. The chefs prepare excellent sausages. By the way, egg dishes are incredibly popular in Germany. They are used to prepare snacks, stuff them, make omelettes, bake them, and combine them with various foods.

Each region of the country is famous for its characteristic dishes.

black forest cherry

Chocolate cake "Black Forest Cherry" is the national dish of Germany, which is known far beyond the country's borders. The sweetness is better known to us under another name - “Black Forest”. To prepare cake layers for dessert, you should take: flour (110 g), sugar (110 g), eggs (6 pcs.), chocolate (60 g), baking powder (teaspoon), cocoa (3 tsp). But for the cream you will need: good heavy cream (650 g), cherries (470 g), vanilla, powdered sugar (110 g). For the cakes you need to use impregnation, for it we take sugar (3 tbsp), cognac (4 tbsp), cinnamon (teaspoon).

To prepare the dough, you need to separate the yolks and whites. The first ones should be beaten with sugar. But beat the whites in a separate container until stiff peaks form. Next, carefully add the mixture to the yolks.

Before using flour, it must be sifted together with baking powder and cocoa powder. Gradually add the finished dry mass to the beaten eggs. Add the ground ones there too. almonds and grated dark chocolate. As a result, we got the dough, which we put into a greased form. The cake must be baked for about half an hour at 180 degrees. As soon as it is ready, take it out of the stove and leave it to cool. After this, it will need to be cut into three parts with a knife. We should have three cake layers.

Now you can start filling. To prepare it you need cherries. You can take frozen or fresh berries, after removing the seeds. The juice can be poured into a saucepan and added cinnamon and sugar. The mass needs to be gradually heated, gradually the sugar will begin to dissolve. You need to pour cognac into the mixture, cherry liqueur or whiskey. We soak our cakes with the resulting syrup.

In a separate bowl, beat sugar with good heavy cream and vanilla. Place the cherries on the bottom layer, not forgetting to spread the cream between the berries. Place the second cake layer on top and then repeat the steps with the filling. Next we post last layer. Use the remaining cream mixture to grease the sides of the dessert and decorate them with chocolate chips. The finished cake is sent to a cold place for a couple of hours. The top of the dessert is decorated powdered sugar and candied cherries.

The most popular national dishes from around the world have long become common property, although they have undergone some changes and additions far from their homeland. This is the one that many of us love.

Kazakh cuisine

Kazakhs are incredibly hospitable people. This is probably why Kazakh national dishes are so tasty. After all, no matter why the guest came to the house, he will certainly be invited to drink tea and snack on sweets and dried fruits, and they will not let him go hungry. The popularity of Kazakh dishes is confirmed by the fact that restaurants of national cuisine operate all over the world, far beyond the borders of Kazakhstan.

Even the most inexperienced people in cooking have probably heard about such a Kazakh national dish as beshbarmak and manti. The latter look very similar to our dumplings, but are larger in size. They are steamed in a special container. She is called the Mantyshnitsa. This pan has a wire rack on which the manti is placed.

How to cook manti?

The traditional recipe for this is amazing delicious dish are still used today. In Asia, a mixture is used for cooking different varieties meat. This dish not only has high energy value, but also saves everything useful material, thanks to a special steaming method.

The standard recipe involves using lamb (about a kilogram). You will also need one egg, water (180 ml), a couple of onions, a glass of flour, a teaspoon each of salt, black pepper and cumin.

In a large container, mix the dry ingredients and pour the egg into the middle and add water. Next, knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and leave for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the filling by finely chopping the meat or passing it through a meat grinder. Add salt, spices and onions. Mix everything thoroughly and add oil.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer and divide it into rectangles. We put the filling in each and fasten the opposite edges of the diamond. Next, cook the manti in a manty dish for about 45 minutes.

Russian kitchen

Dumplings are the national dish of Russia. And it got into Russian cuisine from the Urals. In general, similar food is present in many national cuisines of the world. And every people has the right to consider it their original. Ravioli, manti, and Georgian khinkali are very similar to dumplings.

If we usually use beef or pork to prepare dumplings, then in Asia they use lamb for their dishes. In addition, manti, as we have already said, are steamed, and ravioli and khinkali are boiled. Of course, such national dishes from different countries of the world have their own characteristics, but at the same time they are all incredibly tasty. The principle of preparing dumplings is quite similar to the manti recipe, with the exception of the method heat treatment and additional components.

Belarusian dishes

National dishes of Belarus have been formed over many centuries. The uniqueness of the cuisine was determined by geographical and climatic conditions. The closest neighbors had no less influence. In the old days, meat was not consumed so often, but it was present salted lard, mushrooms and berries. Unlike other Slavic cuisines, there were few sweets and almost no dairy products. Berry jelly was used as desserts.

It's no secret that most of the national dishes of Belarus are food made from grated potatoes. One of them is called potato pancakes.

Preparing the dish is quite simple. To do this you will need potatoes (10 pcs.), onions, salt and vegetable oil. The potatoes are peeled, washed and grated. Add onion, salt and mix all ingredients well.

Next on hot frying pan potato pancakes are fried on vegetable oil. The dish is served hot with sour cream. In addition, you can offer sour cream-apple sauce or sour cream and onion sauce for potato pancakes. The dish is also prepared with meat, mushrooms and sausages. As a rule, the recipes are quite simple and preparing them is not difficult.

Ukrainian food

Very varied and presented with a rich selection of dishes. Many of them have been prepared for a long time in many countries of the world, but are still associated specifically with Ukraine. The most famous national dish of Ukraine can be called borscht. No less famous are dumplings, salted lard, rassolnik, cracklings, cheesecakes, roast, etc.

Ukrainian borscht recipe

To prepare such a national dish as Ukrainian borsch you need to take: meat (preferably pork 550 g), half a head of cabbage, potatoes (5-7 pcs.), onion, pepper, a couple of carrots, tomato, garlic and herbs.

The dish is prepared quite simply. First we cut the meat, cut it into portions and pour cold water. Next, cook it until half cooked. In the meantime, peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, shred the cabbage and chop the carrots, onions, and beets. Fry the carrots in vegetable oil in a frying pan, then add the onion, and then the chopped pepper. Add tomato diluted with water to the vegetables and continue to simmer the dressing for the dish.

Place the potatoes into the pan with the broth, and a little later add the cabbage. As soon as the vegetables are almost ready, the borscht dressing can be transferred to a container with liquid. Next, cook the dish until cooked, not forgetting to add chopped herbs shortly before the end of cooking. The dish must certainly steep, then it becomes much tastier. You can serve borscht with sour cream and garlic.