Pressure cooker stew in jars recipe. How to make chicken stew in a pressure cooker

It's a fact: you can make excellent stew in a slow cooker. And if you have a multicooker-pressure cooker, then the cooking process will also become short-lived.
It is better to take different meats for homemade stew according to your taste: pork and beef with cartilage and sinews, maybe a little lamb, a couple of chicken thighs, maybe with skin, then as a finished product we will get stew in all its splendor!
Of course, you can choose the aristocratic version: from beef and pork, but in this case it is better to take meat with a fair amount of fat.
The jelly properties of the finished stew are achieved precisely by boiling away a large amount of fat.
This time I took about 700 grams of pork with a decent amount of fat, a small piece of lamb, 300 grams, and 500 grams of stringy beef.
The meat must be fresh. The fresher the better. Especially if you are going to store or freeze.

  • 1.5 kg of meat (fat pork, beef, lamb)
  • Salt to taste (I take 2 tsp)
  • Black peppercorns (about 0.5-0.75 tsp)
  • Bay leaves (3-4 medium sized)

Method for preparing stew in a multicooker-pressure cooker

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces about 3 centimeters each.
  2. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf.
  3. Mix well and let stand for 30-40 minutes. NO water needed. During the process of marinating and cooking, the meat will give juice - this will be more than enough.
  4. Load everything into the multicooker bowl, turn on the simmer mode for 2 hours, pressure 3.
  5. At the end of the process, after the sound signal, we do not open the lid, do not release the pressure, and let our stew simmer for another hour and a half.
    I often set it on around midnight before going to bed, and until the morning the multicooker is in the heating mode - and then in the morning before work I just have to take out the finished product and put it in jars.

Open, place the meat along with the resulting broth in sterilized jars.
And then - whatever your heart desires: you can close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. You can roll up the jar for long-term storage or freeze it.
If you are going to store it for a long time, it is better to cook it immediately in jars.
In this case, place a small waffle towel or napkin at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place sterilized 0.5-liter jars on top, load the stew preparation into it, and screw on the lid.
Fill the jars up to the shoulders with hot water. In no case with boiling water (the jars may burst) and not with cold water (a fair portion of the specified cooking time will be spent simply heating this water).
Further instructions: time and pressure. In this case, the pressure must not be released suddenly, otherwise our banks will explode.
This stew makes excellent fried soups and navy-style pasta. Or you can use it simply by spreading it on bread.

Useful tips

To prepare a delicious stew in a slow cooker, use some tips:

  • Use only fresh meat in the stew and never use frozen meat.
  • The stew should simmer, not boil, so to cook it, select the “Stew” mode.
  • Most often, recipes indicate “salt to taste,” but in order for the stew to be stored for as long as possible, it is necessary to proceed from the calculation of 1 tsp. salt per 1 kg of meat.
  • Cooking stew in a slow cooker does not require additional liquid. The meat releases its own juices.
  • Add onions and garlic to the stew only if you do not plan to store it for a long time, otherwise the dish will quickly spoil.
  • Jars and lids for rolling up the finished dish must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  • After you roll the stew into the jars, turn them upside down so that the fat sinks to the lid. This will help preserve the stew longer.
  • The stew can be stored in the freezer. To do this, you need to let the finished dish cool completely, then put the meat in special plastic containers and put it in the freezer.
  • You can store the finished stew for more than a year, but you are unlikely to succeed - stew in a slow cooker turns out so tasty that it is eaten very quickly!

It's a fact: you can make excellent stew in a slow cooker. And if you have a multicooker-pressure cooker, then the cooking process will also become short-lived. It is better to take different meats for homemade stew according to your taste: pork and beef with cartilage and sinews, maybe a little lamb, a couple of chicken thighs, maybe with skin, then as a finished product we will get stew in all its splendor! Of course, you can choose the aristocratic version: from beef and pork, but in this case it is better to take meat with a fair amount of fat. The jelly properties of the finished stew are achieved precisely by boiling away a large amount of fat. This time I took about 700 grams of pork with a decent amount of fat, a small piece of lamb, 300 grams, and 500 grams of stringy beef. The meat must be fresh. The fresher the better. Especially if you are going to store or freeze.


  • 1.5 kg of meat (fat pork, beef, lamb)
  • Salt to taste (I take 2 tsp)
  • Black peppercorns (about 0.5-0.75 tsp)
  • Bay leaves (3-4 medium sized)

Method for preparing stew in a multicooker-pressure cooker

So, cut the meat into small pieces of about 3 centimeters each. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf. Mix well and let stand for 30-40 minutes. NO water needed. During the process of marinating and cooking, the meat will give juice - this will be more than enough. We load everything into the multicooker bowl, turn on the stewing mode for 2 hours, pressure 3. At the end of the process after the sound signal, do not open the lid, do not release the pressure, let our stew simmer for another hour and a half. I often set it on around midnight before going to bed, and until the morning the multicooker is in the heating mode - and then in the morning before work I just have to take out the finished product and put it in jars.

So, open it, put the meat along with the resulting broth into sterilized jars. And then - whatever your heart desires: you can close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. You can roll up the jar for long-term storage or freeze it. If you are going to store it for a long time, it is better to cook it immediately in jars. In this case, place a small waffle towel or napkin at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place sterilized 0.5-liter jars on top, load the stew preparation into it, and screw on the lid. Fill the jars up to the shoulders with hot water. In no case with boiling water (the jars may burst) and not with cold water (a fair portion of the specified cooking time will be spent simply heating this water). Further instructions: time and pressure. In this case, the pressure must not be released suddenly, otherwise our banks will explode.

This stew makes excellent fried soups and navy-style pasta. Or you can use it simply by spreading it on bread.

Bon appetit!

The stew was prepared in the Oursson MP5005PSD multi-pressure cooker.

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Stew in a slow cooker, in a pressure cooker

Hello, dear readers of our culinary blog! Using stewed meat in preparing all kinds of dishes significantly shortens the cooking process. But buying high-quality stew in a store is not an easy task; canned meat is expensive, but the composition and taste of the product leaves much to be desired. This is why I prepare homemade stew, and, as always, a slow cooker helps me with this. The result is an absolutely natural, healthy product, and also very tasty! You can make stew from different meats; today I will tell you how to cook beef stew, because it is the healthiest meat, rich in hemoglobin. It turns out soft, delicate, spreading along the fibers. I made the stew in a pressure cooker, just an hour and the dish is ready! If you don’t have a pressure cooker, it doesn’t matter; the stew can be cooked in a regular slow cooker, but it will take more time. The finished product can be stored in sterilized jars (I’ll tell you how to prepare them below) or in plastic containers in the freezer. I also suggest watching how to prepare delicious and healthy canned fish in a slow cooker.

Beef stew in a slow cooker


  • Beef pulp – 1.5 kg (more is possible)
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Seasoning to taste
  • Bay leaf

How to cook stew in a slow cooker:

I cooked beef stew in a multicooker - Redmond pressure cooker (power 900 W).

Wash the beef, remove the bones. Cut the pulp into small cubes and place in the bowl of a multicooker - pressure cooker. I didn’t add any oil or water; the meat will stew in its own juices.

Add onion cut into 2-4 parts to the meat. Season to taste. Place a couple of bay leaves.

Close the lid of the multicooker-pressure cooker, set the valve to the “High pressure” position, cook in the “Stew/Pilaf” mode for 1 hour. Then turn off the multicooker, carefully open the valve to release hot air (do not get burned!). You can simply turn off the multicooker and leave the stew under the closed lid without releasing steam; after a while the pressure will normalize itself and the lid will open easily.

If you cook stew in a regular slow cooker, then cook it in the “Stew” mode for 4-5 hours.

How to sterilize jars in a slow cooker:

Pour water into clean jars, place them in the multicooker bowl, pour so much water into it so that it reaches almost to the neck of the jars. Sterilize in the “Steam” mode for 5 minutes (after the water boils). I sterilized the jars in a Panasonic 18 multicooker (power 670W).

Place hot stew into prepared jars. Well, from it you can already cook, for example, buckwheat with stewed meat in a slow cooker, potatoes with stewed meat in a slow cooker and many other tasty, satisfying and healthy dishes

Bon appetit!

For viewing, I offer another interesting recipe from our website for preparing juicy boiled pork in a slow cooker - pressure cooker

Best regards, Oksana.

Simple recipes for a slow cooker.

Stew in a slow cooker: recipes. Beef stew in a slow cooker

You are here: Home » Cooking » In a slow cooker » Stew in a slow cooker: recipes. Beef stew in a slow cooker

Many modern housewives who try to prepare meat for future use are wondering: how to cook stew in a slow cooker? In fact, it is very simple. You don't have to put in a lot of effort. However, stew cooked in a slow cooker is in no way inferior in taste to homemade stew prepared in the usual way.

Stew in a Redmond slow cooker: cooking method

There are no onions or carrots among the ingredients for preparing this stew. This is explained by the wateriness of vegetables, which can ruin the taste of canned food.


  1. Meat (chicken, pork, lamb)
  2. Salt, spices, bay leaf - to taste


  • Take the meat, wash it and cut it into pieces. Remove bones if necessary.
  • Place the prepared meat in the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Stew” mode and cook the stew for 6 hours.
  • When preparing stew in a multicooker, you do not need to add water, since it does not evaporate in this multicooker. The ingredients will not burn because a sufficient amount of fat and liquid is released from the meat during stewing.
  • An hour before the end of cooking, add bay leaves and spices to the meat.
  • Jars for rolling up stew must be sterilized in the oven, after washing them first. Boil the lids for the jars in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  • Place the finished stew into jars, pour in the liquid that remains in the multicooker bowl.
  • Cans of stewed meat should be rolled up and stored in the refrigerator or other cool place.
  • However, the stew can also be stored in a container. To do this, the container must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then spread out the cooked meat and wait until it cools down. Now close the container with a lid and place it in the freezer.

Beef stew in a slow cooker


  1. Beef – 1 kg
  2. Red onion – 1 head
  3. Garlic – 5 cloves
  4. Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  5. Black peppercorns, salt - to taste


  • Cut the beef into medium-sized pieces, also chop the onion and garlic. Place all this in a multicooker bowl, add bay leaves, peppercorns and salt to taste.
  • Set the multicooker to “Chef” mode and set the timer to 90 minutes. There is no need to add water to the stew.
  • When 90 minutes have elapsed, do not open the multicooker lid, but leave the stew inside. The multicooker should remain in the heating mode for several more hours. For ease of preparation, it is better to do this at night.
  • Transfer the finished stew into prepared sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator. You can also freeze the stew in a plastic container.

Chicken stew in a slow cooker: recipe


  1. Fresh chicken – 4.5 kg
  2. Salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste
  3. Water – 100-125 ml.


  • Before you start cooking the stew, prepare the chicken by cutting it into pieces. Smaller pieces of chicken will make it easier to remove the meat needed for cooking.
  • To carve the bird, place it on a board and cut it in half with a knife. Now cut off the ham from each part and divide it into drumstick and thigh. Cut each of the resulting chicken halves crosswise into portions.
  • If your chicken is whole, cut off the neck and set it aside. This part of the bird is not suitable for making stew.
  • Rinse each portioned piece of chicken thoroughly under running water. Remove skin and remove excess liquid from meat using paper towels. Now that the portioned pieces are completely ready, take them one at a time and cut off the meat so that there are no bones left.
  • Do not throw away the reserved bones and neck; they will be useful for making broth.
  • Place the finished pieces of chicken meat in a deep bowl.
  • Now proceed to sterilizing the jars. To do this, pour water into a deep saucepan. Place a saucepan with water over medium heat. While the water is heating, thoroughly clean the inside walls and bottom of the jars with baking soda. Place the prepared jars on the kitchen table with the neck up and cover them with lids (which also need to be cleaned first).
  • When the water comes to a boil, place a metal sieve or rack over the pan. Place the jars on the resulting structure, neck down. They need to be sterilized for 15 minutes until dripping drops begin to form on the inner walls of the jar.
  • After this, using oven mitts, place the jars on clean towels with the neck down. To sterilize the lids, simply place them in boiling water for 15 minutes and then place them on a clean towel.
  • Let’s move on directly to preparing the stew in a slow cooker. Place the prepared chicken pieces in a multicooker bowl and add a little clean water.
  • Set the appliance to “Extinguishing” mode. Cook the stew for about 4 hours.
  • An hour before the end of cooking, add bay leaves, black peppercorns and salt. Mix all ingredients well with a spoon and continue cooking as set.
  • When the stew is ready, place it in jars and close the lids tightly on the jars. Place the stew in jars and cover with a blanket. When the stew has cooled, place it in the refrigerator for storage.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, stew in a slow cooker turns out very tasty. Most likely, you won’t even have to store it for a long time, because this appetizing dish is quickly eaten. This stew can be eaten on its own, with a side dish, or used in recipes as a substitute for fresh meat.

Stew in a slow cooker

In order not to spoil your opinion of the stew by buying it in the store, cook it yourself! And if you think that it is very long and tedious, you are mistaken.

Cooking stew is simple and easy, and a multicooker will help you with this - a miracle saucepan that saves the housewife time.

Cooking stew in a slow cooker is a pleasure: the meat will not burn, you won’t need a lot of oil or water, it is actually cooked in its own juice, which makes it much tastier and more aromatic.

Stew in a slow cooker (classic)


  • We take any meat (chicken, pork or lamb).
  • Salt.
  • Bay leaf, spices.

If desired, you can add an onion or carrot, but some believe that watery vegetables can simply ruin the taste of the dish.

Cooking stew in a slow cooker:

The process is quite simple, wash the meat and let the water drain a little. Then we cut it into portions; if there are bones or cartilage, we cut them off; they are not suitable for stewing. We put the ingredients in the multicooker and select the “stew” program - it gives the right temperature for preparing a delicious stew. Cooking time 6 hours.

There is no need to monitor the meat at this time; the released juice will allow the meat to cook without any oil. After 5 hours of cooking, add spices and laurel and continue cooking.

If you decide to make stew for the winter, sterilize the jars and lids and lay out the finished dish, pour in the remaining liquid from the multicooker, screw it on and let it cool. Afterwards we put it in the basement or pantry, or even in the refrigerator, if space allows.

Another option is storing in the freezer. Place the finished meat in dry and clean plastic containers, or in bags. Let it cool and only after that put the stew in the freezer.

Stewed chicken in a slow cooker

Stew made from chicken meat in a slow cooker has an amazing taste and does not require many ingredients.

To prepare chicken stew, you need:

  • Chicken weighing 3 kg. It is best to use domestic chicken.
  • Bay leaf - a few pieces and peppercorns.
  • Salt and other spices to taste.

How to properly cook chicken stew in a slow cooker:

Particular attention should be paid to the carcass itself. The chicken should be washed, dried with a paper towel and the remaining fluff and feathers scorched (if necessary). Remove the peel; it is not used in cooking. Large bones need to be separated from the meat, and it should be cut into medium-sized pieces.

Set the multicooker to Stewing mode, place all the meat in the bowl, cover with a lid and set the cooking time to 4 hours. If non-domestic chicken was used for the recipe, then you need to add half a glass of water to the meat. After three hours, you need to add all the seasonings; salt should be calculated per 1 kg of meat - one and a half teaspoons.

After cooking is completed, the stew must be distributed into sterilized jars, rolled up and left to cool under a warm, thick cloth. A three-kilogram chicken yields 2 liters of stew.

Using stewed meat in a slow cooker, you can quickly create many delicious dishes that will delight you and your family.

Potatoes with stewed meat in a slow cooker

The slow cooker produces very tasty and healthy dishes. In addition, each housewife’s time is significantly saved. Delicious potatoes with stew in a slow cooker are very easy to prepare.

Products needed:

  • Medium size potatoes - 8-10 pcs.
  • A can of stew.
  • Large carrots - one, small ones need 2 pieces.
  • Salts and other seasonings - to taste.
  • One large onion.
  • Bay leaf

Cooking process:

First you need to peel all the vegetables and add cold water. The onion is cut as finely as possible, the carrots are coarsely grated, and the potatoes are cut into about 8 pieces.

Remove the stew from the jar into a clean plate, remove excess fat and mash with a fork.

The multicooker is set to Fry mode, and the onions and carrots are fried in a small amount of oil. When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, add potatoes, stew and spices to the multicooker bowl.

You should add very little salt, because the meat is already salted. The contents of the bowl must be mixed well, turn on the Porridge mode and in 35 minutes the dish will be ready!

When serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.

Pasta with stew in a slow cooker

If you need to prepare lunch in a short time, then pasta with stew in the Redmond slow cooker is the ideal option.

Required components:

  • Stew - one can, standard 300-400 g.
  • Half a pack of pasta or spaghetti (estimate 250-400 g). * In terms of the ratio of stew and spaghetti - be guided by your taste: some people like a lot of pasta, others like rare pasta floating in the meat))
  • Two small onions
  • Purified water
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method:

After adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the multicooker and setting the Baking mode, you need to fry the chopped onion well, stirring it occasionally. After this, you need to add the stew and stir. When heated, the stew will split into pieces.

After this, the pack of pasta should be poured into a bowl, stirred and filled with water so that it barely covers the dish. The multicooker lid should be closed and the Pilaf program (or similar program) should be set for 30 minutes.

You can serve it to the table!

Homemade pork stew is an excellent base for many dishes. It is used in preparing rich soups, added to cereals and potatoes, or simply eaten with bread. The popular method of canning ensures long-term storage of meat, its taste and aromas, which makes the product extremely popular.

How to cook stewed pork?

Pork stew is a canned stewed meat sold everywhere. Considering the dubious origin of store-bought preparations, it is better to cook the stew yourself. The technology is very simple: pieces of pork are stewed with lard for four hours, after which they are placed in clean jars, sterilized and covered with lids.


  • pork - 3 kg;
  • lard - 500 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.


  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. Grind the lard and melt it.
  3. Add pork and spices to the lard.
  4. Simmer for 4 hours.
  5. Place into sterile jars.
  6. Line the bottom of a pot of water with a towel and place the jars.
  7. Stewed pork at home is sterilized for 20 minutes.

Homemade pork stew - recipe in a saucepan

Stewed pork at home is prepared in various ways. One of the most popular is in a saucepan. The pork is placed in jars and stewed in a saucepan with water for 5 hours. This heat treatment keeps the meat juicy, aromatic and eliminates the need for transferring, since it was initially placed in the right container.


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Cut the pork pulp and lard into cubes.
  2. Add salt and stir.
  3. Place laurel, pepper and meat on the bottom of a sterile container.
  4. Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with water.
  5. Stewed pork at home is cooked for 5 hours.

Stewed pork in an autoclave

Pork stew in an autoclave is of impeccable quality. In this unit, products are sterilized and prepared at the same time, which allows you to obtain a high-quality product. Owners of an autoclave only need to load rolled up cans of meat into the unit, add water and, having set the temperature and pressure, hold the product for 40 minutes.


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • clove of garlic - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Chop the pork and lard.
  2. Place lard, meat, garlic and bay into clean jars.
  3. Salt and roll up.
  4. Place the jars in the autoclave, pour water into it, close it, and set the pressure to 1 atm.
  5. Raise the temperature to 110 degrees.
  6. Homemade pork stew in an autoclave takes 40 minutes to cook.

Homemade pork stew in the oven

Stewed pork in the oven is one of the simplest and most accessible recipes. The advantage of this is that in the oven the meat is cooked in its own juices, retains its juiciness and is not subject to burning. Thanks to stewing in the oven in jars, the possibility of violating their sterility is eliminated, and the shelf life of the preparations increases.


  • pork - 5 kg;
  • lard - 1 kg;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • bay leaf - 7 pcs.;
  • marjoram - 10 g.


  1. Coarsely chop the meat and season.
  2. Place laurel and meat at the bottom of a sterile jar.
  3. Melt the lard and fill the contents of the jars with fat.
  4. Place the jars in a cold oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with salt.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Home-baked pork stew takes 3 hours to prepare.

Stewed pork in a slow cooker

Stewed pork in a slow cooker is juicy and soft. The delicate and jelly-like structure arises from prolonged simmering in the multicooker bowl. The latter has a non-stick bottom, which protects the pork from drying out and burning. The meat is stewed under an airtight lid in its own juices and does not require additional liquid.


  • pork pulp - 2.2 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.


  1. Cut the meat into large pieces, place in a bowl and simmer in “Baking” for 20 minutes.
  2. Season and cook on the “Stew” mode for 5 hours.

Stewed pork in a pressure cooker - recipe

A recipe for stewed pork at home using a pressure cooker will turn into a pleasant chore. If you have fresh pork, your modern assistant will prepare the dish in just an hour. All you need is to cut the pieces of meat evenly, season them with salt and spices and, placing the pressure cooker in a saucepan, select the time and the “Jellied” program.


  • pork - 2.5 kg;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 6 pcs.


  1. Slice the meat, season and place in the pressure cooker.
  2. Close the lid.
  3. Stewed pork is cooked in a pressure cooker for an hour in the “Jellied” mode.

Stewed pork knuckle - recipe

Stewed pork knuckle is one of the most exquisite and sought-after types of preparations. Not only the taste, but also the nutritional properties of meat are attractive. During heat treatment, the knuckle releases juices rich in natural collagen, which, when frozen, turn into real jellied meat.


  • pork knuckle - 850 g;
  • clove of garlic - 9 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.


  1. Chop the shank flesh and add salt.
  2. Place in layers in a jar, alternating with garlic and pepper. Cover with laurel on top.
  3. Place the jars in a cold oven.
  4. Bake for 2 hours at 150 degrees.
  5. Keep in the switched off oven for another 30 minutes.

Homemade minced pork stew

Stewed pork can turn into an exquisite delicacy if it is prepared from minced meat. This serving technique is very convenient, since the workpiece can be spread on bread or used as a filling for baked goods. For piquancy, the minced meat can be varied with additions. This recipe uses cognac as a flavoring agent.


  • ham - 1.5 kg;
  • smoked bacon - 250 g;
  • broth - 380 ml;
  • rendered fat - 120 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 80 g;
  • cognac - 50 ml.


  1. Grind the ham and bacon in a meat grinder.
  2. Beat the eggs, add flour, broth, cognac.
  3. Pour the mixture into the minced meat.
  4. Grease the jars and place the minced meat in them.
  5. Stewed minced pork at home is prepared in a steam bath for 2 hours.

Homemade pork head stew

Pork head stew is an affordable option for delicious preserved meat. It is very profitable to purchase such a part of the carcass. There is a lot of meat, its taste is no worse than expensive varieties, and the cost is much cheaper. The recipe is also simple: the meat is stewed for 4 hours, placed in jars and sterilized.


  • pork head - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3.5 l;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Separate the pulp from the bones and cartilage and cut into pieces.
  2. Pour water over the meat, add salt and laurel.
  3. Cook for 4 hours.
  4. Divide the stew into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  5. Close with lids and refrigerate.

It's nice in the village in summer. At this time, you can live by subsistence farming directly from the garden. But in winter, only supplies can help out; you can simply store potatoes and carrots in the cellar. It is better to preserve meat for storage and make stew. The freezer will remain free, and you won’t have to worry about thaws outside. Stewed dishes are quick to prepare. Stew goes well with any side dish.

Stewed chicken in a pressure cooker

The pressure cooker works like an autoclave, under pressure. Only three cans fit in the pressure cooker. Since the stew is cooked under pressure, the screwed lids do not come off. The temperature when cooking stewed meat exceeds one hundred degrees, which allows you to kill all harmful bacteria. The entire process of preparing stew in a pressure cooker is the same as in industrial production. The quality of the finished product is no worse than the factory one.

We will need:

  • Chicken
  • Garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • Allspice peas
  • Clean jars with a neck with a screw cap, 700 grams
  • Screw caps

In clean jars, thoroughly washed with soda and treated with boiling water, put a couple of cloves of garlic, a couple of bay leaves, and allspice to taste on the bottom.

We cut the washed chicken carcass into pieces of approximately 5 cm, which conveniently fit into jars. I chopped it with the bones, but the meat can be separated from the bones.

Place the resulting pieces tightly into the jar to the very top. Place a teaspoon of salt on top. During the cooking process, the meat will release juice which will boil, and all the spices will disperse evenly throughout the entire volume.

Close tightly with lids, pre-treated with boiling water.

We rearrange the jars into the pressure cooker and fill with water up to the hangers of the jars. Close the lid and place on the stove, cook for one hour over low heat.

It is important that the pressure cooker cools slowly on the stove; it should not be left in the cold. When we open the lid, we will see that the lids are slightly swollen.

We place the jars from the pressure cooker on the table; when the jars have completely cooled down, the lids will retract very tightly due to internal vacuum.

Ready-made canned meat can be stored in a cool, dark place for six months to one year. The main condition for obtaining high-quality canned food is good-quality raw materials and clean dishes.

Beef or pork stew is made in the same way.

There are recipes for cooking stew in a slow cooker or oven, but then you will have to pasteurize the jars and lids, and put the already stewed meat into the jars.

And I’ll tell you how I cook stewed pork at home in a multi-pressure cooker. But, after cooking in the “miracle pot,” I also make sure to subject the product to additional processing. This will be discussed in detail in the recipe.

If you additionally sterilize, this guarantees long-term storage of the stew. Although it doesn’t stay with us for more than six months. Usually I don’t make a large supply, but one or two, or at most three jars, and leave them with my husband in the city when I’m at the dacha myself. Eating stew is unpredictable - he can eat it in a week, or maybe in a couple of months. In any case, as I eat it, I replenish my supplies. Knowing that there is a jar of meat in the refrigerator, I am not worried that my husband will go hungry in my absence.

Stew ingredients

  1. Pork (boneless) - 1.5-2 kg
  2. Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  3. Black peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.
  4. Salt - at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of meat

1. Prepare boneless pork, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt. Today I am making stew from a pork shoulder weighing 1 kg 200 g. The meat, of course, must be thoroughly washed. If there is a lot of fat, it is better to cut it off. Although, as they say, whoever likes it.

2. Cut the pork into small pieces, immediately placing them in the multicooker bowl. Add peppercorns, bay leaves (large ones can be broken) and salt. Mix everything so that the salt is evenly distributed. Close the lid of the multicooker-pressure cooker, lock the handle and select the “Beans” mode in the menu (don’t let this surprise you, the Oursson MP5010PSD in this mode perfectly and delicately cooks not only legumes, but also stewed meat from any meat). “Product selection” is changed to “medium”. We reduce the pressure level to 3 (the default is 6). We leave time for 2 hours.

3. After the signal, open the lid and check for readiness and salt.

4. Place the pork along with the liquid in sterilized jars (I have one 750 g jar) and cover with hot lids (boil in water). Then, in order for jars of stew to be stored for a long time and so that you are not afraid to eat them later, they must be sterilized. There are two options. The first is in a water bath for 30-60 minutes (depending on the size of the jar) on the stove in a saucepan. But, if the jars are not large and fit in a slow cooker, then you can use the “Stew” mode. The second option is to place the jars in the air fryer for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees and high fan speed. But the air fryer is not the same universal Redmond air fryer lid, but a large “Hotter” type. I usually use this method, because in my opinion it’s easier and faster in “Hotter”. After this procedure, tightly close the lids and cover the jars with a blanket to gradually cool. We store the stew in the refrigerator (or in the cellar).