The pros and cons of fast food. Why fast food is bad for the body

"How many times have they told the world ..." nutritionists that fast food harms the body - and yet the world crackles with enthusiasm hamburgers, shawarma and other fast-food “masterpieces”.

The amazing thing is how much in just twenty years the tastes of our fellow citizens have changed. More recently, housewives shared recipes with each other for recipes of their specialties, families gathered at the table for a joint meal, lunch in the “canteen” was considered a necessary measure. And now - fast food has replaced all the pickles for the majority of our society. I state a fact: our society has become much worse.

What is the reason for fast food addiction?

The high-speed rhythm of our life dictates its conditions, and the economic situation actively helps him in this: almost all women are forced to work, and few of them now have the opportunity to prepare full breakfasts and lunches, dinners for their families. Lack of time and energy is compensated by a surrogate: shop - convenience foods - food.

And what there, in these semi-finished products is crammed into - there is neither the strength nor the time to think about it. That's only the consequences of such nutrition then have to fight long and hard, and not always triumphantly, unfortunately.

The harm of fast food: general information

What is the main harm of fast food? In a huge amount of calories, fat, chemical additives and lack of vitamins.

The producers of this fast food specifically make their products extremely high-calorie - ate a cheap roll full of chemistry and everything, I felt full. To make a normal, natural product for such a manufacturer is unprofitable: then this notorious bun will become healthier, and - more expensive, you can’t do a big extra charge on it, but it’s not so profitable for commerce.

Farther. A constant companion of junk food, especially in McDonald's and other similar, sorry, eateries, as a drink after eating is soda. Let's see what happens after a french fries or hamburger is served with a sweet carbonated drink.

Soda is cold, due to its low temperature, the fat that you just ate in large quantities with fast food is not able to dissolve - and it quickly turns into real fat. Conclusion: fast food + soda \u003d pure fat.

And that's not all.


Only one portion of the usual McDonald's menu will bring your body more than half the daily rate of calorie intake. The same applies to shawarma, because it contains fatty meat, and ketchups, and mayonnaises, this also applies to pizza with sausage, hot dogs and other "delights" of the fast food industry.

And drinks that we are persistently trying to impose in fast food establishments - sweet soda or a cocktail - contain only at least 6 pieces of sugar in one serving. No comments.


The harm of fast food is not only in a huge number of calories, but also in the presence of artificial transgenic fats. What is transgenic fat? From liquid vegetable fat, for example, sunflower oil, solid fat is made by special treatment. Such processed fats are most often used in cheap margarines. Because of this cheapness, such margarines are very fond of fast food manufacturers. What is harmful transgenic fat? It increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, adversely affects the liver and cardiovascular system, disrupts the metabolism.

And what do you think, how much harmful fat does the potato so beloved by the masses absorb during cooking? Scary to imagine. But it is necessary to imagine - after all, these are calories and an excessive burden on digestion.

Quick  snack

Fast food, which is why it is called that a person eats “fast”, on the go, chewing poorly, in large chunks. But our brain does not send saturation signals far after eating. Thus - an extra portion of swallowed in a hurry calorie junk food is provided to you.

In addition, large swallowed pieces will become a problem for your stomach, which will be outraged by such an attitude, and in full will answer you with many unpleasant symptoms.


In the fast food industry, hamburgers don't cook right now. They are being transported from afar, from unknown manufacturing plants, it is not known where they are located, and it is not known how all sanitary and other requirements for cooking are observed there. And in the institution itself, the hamburger-semi-finished product is simply thawed and heated. Well, so that on the way they do not spoil, they are stuffed with a variety of preservatives. That's even interesting. Have you ever seen at least one package of a hamburger a list of ingredients? The question was rhetorical.

No salt  feel sorry

A person's daily need for salt is less than one third of a teaspoon. Kidneys suffer from exceeding this norm, retaining water in the vessels, which can subsequently lead to edema and increased blood pressure. Just two burgers - this is the daily rate of salt.

Think, maybe you need to try and make time to prepare healthy foods? Or do you want to continue to eat all these calories, chemistry, preservatives, flavor enhancers, fat?

Do you know what is good in this whole situation? A man is free to choose what he wants. Do you want to be healthy, slim and beautiful? Then the choice is yours!

Date Created: 2013/12/30

Having appeared in Russia some 20 years ago, modern food products managed to win the hearts of not only the younger generation, but also many adult lovers not to make a cult of food. We decided to figure out what in reality these products threaten us with. What kind of food is classified as fast food? What is harmful fast food?

Is it true that fast food is especially dangerous for children? Are there really any narcotic substances in fast food foods that make you eat these foods over and over again? How to solve the problem of eating junk food? The health problem of the student is, in the first place, at risk. And the reason for this is modern food products that adversely affect the fragile body of a teenager. Modern food is “fast food” (English, which means a dish prepared for a quick meal. These foodstuffs flooded the shelves of many stores. Every year, the number of diseases of children is growing. And the problem is becoming more and more acute.

Every year, the fast food market in Russia is becoming more and more. The social factors that contributed to the development of fast food in our country were the emergence of a large number of mobile, actively working people. A new attitude towards nutrition is being formed: more and more people are ready to eat out. This trend is most pronounced in large cities.

What do we know about Fast Food?

Many people use it every day, unaware of its harm. What kind of food is classified as fast food? Speaking about the dangers of fast food, usually they primarily mean establishments such as McDonald's and the like. All sorts of “Potato Chips”, sold on the streets of shawarma, hot dogs, pancakes with fillings and the like food were not far from them. This also includes chips, all kinds of crackers, any carbonated drinks and other "little things" with which we usually have a snack on the run. Also, fast food includes dumplings, dumplings, frozen meatballs and cabbage rolls, noodles and instant mashed potatoes, grilled chicken. And this is at least. In reality, the list is much larger.

Beauty and health are incompatible with fast food. And modern America confirms this, in which up to 61% of the population suffers not just from excess weight, but from obesity. Not only Americans, but also Europeans could not resist pizza, hamburgers, chips, fizzy drinks and other completely unhealthy foods. And the latter, after the inhabitants of the New World, also began to rapidly gain weight.

What can threaten threatens fast food:

  • rapid weight gain;
  • heart attacks;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irreversible changes in the liver;
  • increase blood cholesterol.

Nutritionists, agreeing on a common opinion, ranked the most harmful foods and fast foods:

  • french fries;
  • sweet fizzy drinks. They are distinguished by a huge sugar content: in one glass of it, at least five teaspoons. It turns out that such drinks not only do not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, cause it!
  • potato chips, especially prepared not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. This is a mixture of carbohydrates and fat with artificial flavors.
  • sweet candy bars. The combination of a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content, and the desire to eat them again and again.
  • synthetic dinners (mashed potatoes, which should be poured with a heel with pieces of supposedly meat, instant soups, instant noodles, etc.)
  • sausages, sausages, cooked sausages, pastes and other products with the so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, and with the help of flavorings they are disguised as meat.
  • fatty meats, especially fried.

A close relationship has been established between the onset of depression, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and high levels of consumption of convenience foods. In this regard, in psychiatric clinics in the UK, one of the main methods of treatment has been diet therapy, which involves frequent consumption of fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals and the mandatory exclusion of refined and overcooked foods.

Are there really any narcotic substances in fast food foods that make you eat these foods over and over again? According to scientists, excessive consumption of fast food products leads to real chemical dependence, like a drug. That is, a regular visit to such eateries causes the same painful dependence as smoking or drug use. Passion for hamburgers, cola and fried potatoes quite quickly leads to a change in chemical processes in the human brain, which most often happens with cocaine or heroin addiction. In favor of this theory is the fact that fast food lovers are very difficult, and sometimes simply unrealistic, to return to normal food and go on a strict diet. They experience real “breakdowns” similar to those from which addicts who wish to recover are suffering.

Is it true that fast food is especially dangerous for children?

Yes it is. It is children and adolescents who are the main fans of the food "chips + Coca-Cola." However, doctors are convinced that for the younger generation, such food is almost deadly, since the body is still being formed, and what it will be very dependent on the contents of the plate. An unbalanced fast food menu leads to obesity, disorders in the endocrine and immune systems, and this, in turn, affects physical and mental development in the future. Scientists associate the occurrence of hyperactivity syndrome in children with the use of fast food. Specialists at the Teleton Research Institute for Child Health in Australia concluded that the “western” style of food - fast food, is not safe for children. It turned out that the food of adolescents, lovers of the "Western" diet, contains many different food additives - dyes, flavors, preservatives and pesticides. These additives cause changes at the chemical level in those parts of the brain that are responsible for attention and concentration. It has also been proven that some nutritional supplements can double the hyperactivity disorder.

Recently, much has been said about the health hazards of fast food. Is this fair? How, then, to reduce the damage caused to the body by such a diet?

The word "fast food" (fast food) in translation in English means "fast food". Therefore, it is correct to call it so any dish that is prepared at lightning speed, is served and is eaten just as quickly. There are several varieties of fast food.

  • Firstly, these are dishes that are prepared in restaurants or mobile fast-food braids. This includes french fries, fried potatoes, hot dog burgers, hot pizza, shawarma and other similar dishes.
  • Secondly, fast food should include all instant foods that can simply be diluted with water: noodles, mashed potatoes, soups and cereals.
  • Thirdly, all kinds of small snacks sold in kiosks and shops: chips, crackers, nuts, cookies, popcorn, are junk food. This list goes on and on. But overall, fast food is what you can eat on the go, almost without interruption.

Fast Food - A Synonym for Junk Food

We have to admit that most of the current fast food does serious damage to human health. First of all, this is due to the high calorie content, which distinguishes fast food products. Historically, it could not be low in calories. After all, a person goes to a fast food establishment to quickly eat. This means that he must satisfy his hunger with the least amount of food. Therefore, it is necessary to increase their energy value. Hence the sandwiches, approximately equal in calorie value to lunch.

There is another reason that adds fast food calories. In order for a client to come back to the institution or buy something in a particular fast-food kiosk, he needs to like what he has eaten. And enhancing the taste is not so difficult: you just need to add more fat and sugar to the dish. This approach applies not only to sandwiches, hot dogs, ice cream, but also to healthy, at first glance, food - salads from cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans. Many establishments add sugar there. And it is not watered with lemon juice at all - mayonnaise or sauces based on it are used as dressing.

The principle of increasing fat content is valid not only in fast food restaurants, but also in a snack bar, packed fast food. Press the chipset to a piece of plain paper - and you will see that an impressive oily stain remains on it. Fatty and nutritious are nuts. Of course, they contain a lot of useful substance, but two or three packs per day for a person prone to fullness is just a disaster.

Excess calories do not make healthier foods. Fat, for example, only nourishes muscles, it almost does not provide energy for intellectual activity nowadays, when people spend most of their working time in the office and move a little, such nutrition can lead to excess weight, if not obesity, in almost a month.

Fatty and sweet foods affect the endocrine and cardiovascular systems very badly. As practice shows, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease are much more likely to become a problem for people who eat fast food than those who prefer home-made food.

Craving for junk food is the cause of many diseases

Despite its calorie content, fast food is not very nutritious. For example, instant noodles are very, very poor in comparison with regular noodles, of B vitamins and dietary fiber. And if so, then only carbohydrates and all kinds of chemistry remain in it. The body does not receive the necessary substances with the “fast food” approach to nutrition. And he continues to demand them - we are forced to go on a snack again. As a result, this vicious cycle leads to obesity and related diseases.

One of the steps to gaining extra pounds is the non-observance of an elementary food culture. A man eats sandwiches, chips and hot dogs on the go, chewing poorly, dryly. And even if there is an opportunity to sit down, he still swallows his lunch in 10 minutes, sometimes without even washing his hands. This definitely leads to overeating.

A person is simply unable to understand in 10 minutes whether he is full or not: a signal about saturation arrives in the brain about 20 minutes after the start of a meal. For a business lunch in a cafe or restaurant, where dishes are brought in gradually and you have to wait a bit, a person would probably eat less - both in volume and in calories.

No time for lunch?

Of course, experiencing hunger for the body all day is sometimes even worse than eating fast food. But there is a way out of this situation, and not one. Heavier than all those people who are not tied to one place and must be all day on the road. It is best for them to begin hunger with cereal bread or home-made crackers. Of drinks, mineral water or juice from a pack is best. If you want to reduce weight, you need to dilute the juice by half with water: unfortunately, the same principle of enhancing the taste works here, and manufacturers often put excess sugar in the juice. Great for snacks and dairy products.

How often can I eat fast food?

It depends on the state of health, any instant foods are strictly forbidden to those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The abundance of flour, spicy and fatty foods, dry food and a healthy person can lead to gastritis. What can we say about those who already have gastritis. In no case should you go to fast food restaurants for people with atherosclerosis or hypertension. Firstly, cholesterol is very high in such foods. And secondly, burgers and chips are often prepared on special, transgenic fats, which our body can neither process nor remove. Molecules of such fat are deposited precisely on the walls of blood vessels, thereby exacerbating the situation. Of course, banning high-calorie, sweet fast food for people with diabetes. If you are relatively healthy, you can, on occasion, dine at a fast food restaurant. But not more than once a week.

It's about fast food. Yes, yes, it is about that readily available and inexpensive food that lies in wait at every corner, luring you to go bankrupt again for another burger, adding it with sweet cola. Oddly enough, but such food seems much tastier and more enjoyable than a healthy diet, so it’s easy to get “addicted” to fast food. Quite often you can see more and more people suffering from overweight problems and the prosperity of eateries, sometimes consisting of long lines. Nowadays, the abuse of harmful food is compared with drug addiction, and for good reason: getting rid of the first habit is almost equivalent to getting rid of the second.

It's no secret that fast food - this evil. And what is most surprising, each person, fully understanding and knowing this, still continues to use, at best occasionally, cheeseburgers, fat chips in oil, the same butter donuts, cakes and overcooked chicken legs. So why is there a desire to eat something “harmful” and why does it attract us so much?

Firstly, if you pay attention to the food itself, then you can see for yourself that it contains a huge amount of salt, which causes a strong blow to the kidneys and blood vessels.
Secondly, in the preparation of such a meal, margarine is usually used, in which a large dose of fatty and harmful acids, which leads to the development of diabetes mellitus and affects the nervous system. In addition, such a power system can lead to infertility.
Thirdly, in unhealthy foods almost no protein and fiber, or in scanty doses. The lack of fiber, which retains a feeling of fullness, will simply lead to the fact that after a few hours you will again want to “eat”. Such food also often causes vitamin deficiency, diabetes develops and the body’s metabolism “dies” from it.
Well, last, it’s no secret to anyone in the unrealistic amount of fats, sodium glutamate (on which people easily “sit down”) and preservatives.
  Eating or refusing to consume such food is up to you.

The desire to eat something harmful is stronger than me!

So, where does such a wild desire to “kill” your body from within come from? Consider several reasons:

  1. Smells. They play almost the main role in eating and, as a rule, ordinary customers always “lead” them. Agree, you are more willing to pay attention to a delicious, fragrant burger than to an odorless salad. Producers of "junk" food are always in search of more and more new flavors that will "demolish the roof."
  2. Packaging. In this case, people can be compared with children: a child always pays attention to a bright and beautiful toy, and so the buyer “pecks” at a bright wrapper.
  3. More and more. According to scientists, the more you eat junk food, the more you want it. Thus, you will use fast food until you are full, and with a high calorie content of these products, you will face a couple of extra pounds.

We are rebuilding our body. How to stop eating fast food?

Consider several actually working ways to put a “taboo” on the use of unhealthy food or to minimize it.

  • The first and main rule that should be remembered: Hold on to the rule of the "middle ground", and remember that if you really want to eat something harmful, then only a minimal amount. The main thing is moderation.
  • Stop making a cult of food. We eat in order to live, and not live, in order to eat. Food is a means to maintain the body in tone and the work of important organs, in other words, a means to obtain energy - no more. If you want “junk food”, then eat it in the most uncomfortable position for you, with your back perfectly straightened, and in no case watch a movie so that the process of eating fast food is less pleasant. In addition, it has long been proven that a person eats much more when distracted by an interesting plot of a film or book.
  • Be selective. Of the most harmful, try to choose the least harmful. So, for example, when buying a bar of chocolate, give your preference to bitter, with a cocoa content of at least 75%, rather than milk, with various chemical additives. When buying a hot dog, be sure to ask the seller to replace the roll with whole grain, as well as put less sauce and more salad.
  • Carry fruit and healthy snacks with you. But this is necessary so that when you feel hungry, you don’t have to run to the first kiosk you get and have a snack with something useful. Plus, great money savings! It’s worth at least thinking about her.
  • Focus and take care of the health of your body. When you feel that you are about to fall off, remember at least the safety of your body and, importantly, your appearance. Extra folds on the stomach or inflammation on the face after fast food are not very attractive. Is five minutes of pleasure worth the sacrifice?
  • Let yourself be pampered sometimes. The complete rejection of junk food in the future can lead to a sudden breakdown, the consequences of which will be very disastrous. Reward yourself for a week of “proper nutrition” with a small piece of cake or cake, naturally, without fanaticism. Chew your food as slowly as possible, allowing you to enjoy its taste.
  • Do not try to overcome stress by “stuffing your stomach.” With bouts of depression is much more effective and, moreover, more useful, helps sports or yoga. Learn the technique of self-massage, take care of yourself, chat with people close to you, stay outdoors or immerse yourself in creative processes.
  • Remember the calorie content of fast food. Junk food, in fact, is the most high-calorie food. In order not to say goodbye to your slim body, reduce the use of such food to a minimum or put a ban on it. Often lunch in such eateries and cafes exceeds 1,500 calories, which is an almost daily norm of food consumed for a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Never go to the store on an empty stomach. In order not to be surprised at the amount of food that you do not need.
  • The next item follows from the previous one: Do not buy junk food in stores. It's simple: if you suddenly want a sweet bar at home, but you don’t have it nearby, then you are unlikely to go to the store for it. You can also ask your family members and friends not to seduce you with various “goodies”.
  • Make proper nutrition your lifestyle. And you will immediately realize that fresh fruits and baked vegetables are much tastier than various sweets. Go shopping and look for tasty and healthy snacks for your body and have a bite to eat. Observing proper nutrition, a person will not only noticeably improve his appearance and put his figure in order, but also cleanse his body of all kinds of harmful substances, toxins and toxins, significantly increasing his health level.
  • Drink plenty of water. Before you eat anything harmful, drink clean water. It often happens that a person confuses hunger with ordinary thirst. In addition, water helps keep the body in good shape, helping to digest food. Make it a rule to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, and also add green tea with cinnamon and ginger to your diet, which also positively affects the metabolism and the condition of the body as a whole.

How to replace fast food?

At its core, all over the world there are no irreplaceable things, as for this food. So how do you find this replacement?

  • French fries. The taste is familiar to everyone, but, believe me, baked slices of ordinary potatoes, seasoned with paprika and dill, are much more useful.
  • Hamburger. It is an easily replaceable dish if you take bran bread and put “stuffing” between them: lettuce, tomatoes with cucumber, various varieties of delicious cheeses, boiled chicken breast or red fish, a small piece of beef. Filling all the layers in this way, you get a very satisfying, tasty and healthy sandwich at the output.
  • Shawarma. A wonderful alternative to this “work” would be small fried pieces of skinless chicken, seasoned with various spices and wrapped in pita bread.
  • Mayonnaise. An excellent substitute for such a sauce is olive oil or sour cream.
  • Crackers. An alternative to them is ordinary finely chopped, salted and toasted whole grain bread.
  • Candies. If you can’t imagine your life without sweets, lean on dried fruits and honey. In addition, green tea with a small amount of prune to taste perfectly replaces many types of high-calorie desserts.
  • Pizza. To have less harm, it is best to cook it yourself at home. All that is required is a yeast-free dough rolled into a small crust, tomatoes, boiled breast fillet, cut into small cubes, bell pepper, low-fat cheese, mushrooms and cucumbers. The sauce will be low-fat and unsweetened yogurt mixed with garlic, pepper and salt. An excellent alternative to regular pizza is fruit pizza.
  • A sandwich or hot dog. To make them not only tasty, but also harmless, you just need to replace the sausage with breast fillet or red fish, and use bran bread instead of regular white bread.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. An excellent substitute is ordinary purified water with lemon and a spoonful of honey. You can also "dream up" by adding various other products to the water: mint, strawberries or citruses.

Having appeared in Russia some 15 years ago, the fast food empire managed to win the hearts of not only the younger generation, but also many adult lovers not to make a cult of food. There are plenty of horror stories about this “fast food”. We decided to figure out what in reality fast food threatens us with.

What kind of food is classified as fast food?
Speaking about the dangers of fast food, usually they primarily mean establishments such as McDonald's and the like. All sorts of “Potato Chips”, sold on the streets of shawarma, hot dogs, pancakes with fillings and the like food were not far from them. This also includes chips, all kinds of crackers, any carbonated drinks and other "little things" with which we usually have a snack on the run. This is at least. In reality, the list is much larger. In the same article, we will talk mainly about food a la McDonald's.

Is it true that food in fast food establishments is cooked on some particularly harmful fat?
In most cases this is the case. The fact is that for the preparation of so many dishes, they usually use solid types of margarine with a high level of trans isomers of fatty acids. However, this type of spatial organization of fatty acid molecules is also characteristic of all sorts of creams in store tori and cakes. So, there isn’t much difference if you ate at McDonald's or drank tea with a purchased cake. They are also found in some other finished foods high in animal fats. The danger is these same trans-isomers are due to the fact that, for example, doubling them in our diet increases the risk of developing heart disease by at least half. Of course, to explain to a teenager obsessed with hamburgers and fries what he risks is almost hopeless. But in 30-35 years, it’s already worth thinking about the possibility of heart problems due to this very potato! By the way, at the age of 30, the present young generation who grew up in fast food has a chance not only to think about heart problems, but also to begin to “reap the benefits” of their passion for such food.

Is it true that the cause of American obesity is related to their love of “fast food”?
Just like the truth! And not only Americans! The fashion for fast food has long led to a rapid increase in the number of fat French, British and even Japanese. There are two reasons for this situation. Firstly, the average lunch at some McDonald's, at least, covers, or even exceeds the daily requirement for calories (for an adult, this is 1500-2500 kcal). But, as a rule, during the day we eat something else. Secondly, such nutrition disrupts the balance of hormones that are responsible for our feeling of satiety. Therefore, we can order, for example, a huge hamburger, a portion of potatoes, a milkshake, a pie, ice cream, cola and ... while continuing to feel hungry.

Do fast food foods really contain any kind of narcotic substances that make us return there again and again?
Well, about some special narcotic substances - this is unlikely! However, do not rush to rejoice! According to scientists studying the effect of this food on the human body, excessive consumption of fats and sugar contained in it leads to a real chemical dependence, like a drug. That is, a regular visit to such eateries causes the same painful dependence as smoking or drug use. Passion for hamburgers, cola and fried potatoes quite quickly leads to a change in chemical processes in the human brain, which most often happens with cocaine or heroin addiction. In favor of this theory is the fact that fast food lovers are very difficult, and sometimes simply unrealistic, to return to normal food and go on a strict diet. They experience real “breakdowns” similar to those from which addicts who wish to recover are suffering.

Why is this food often blamed for causing gastritis, ulcers, and other stomach ailments?
The first reason for the very possible occurrence of gastritis from fast food, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, constipation and other similar diseases, including cancer, is the rush in which they usually eat it. In general, she’s a “fast food” to absorb it on the run, without really chewing and pausing. But only as a result, pieces that are not crushed and not moistened with saliva get into the stomach. The result is the very problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There is a second reason for the appearance of regular visitors of fast foods gastritis and ulcers. And the thing is ... noise and loud music. As scientists have found out, people snacking in crowded eateries to the noise and din of visitors increase the risk of such stomach diseases several times. Those who drown out the noise with a player during a meal, including it at maximum volume, also quickly develop an ulcer or gastritis. Especially this "musical noise accompaniment" is dangerous for children and adolescents whose organisms are especially susceptible to it.

The fact that “fast food” can lead to obesity is known to everyone, but sometimes you have to read that it also negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair and in general how a person looks. Does this just apply to regular horror stories?
Unfortunately no. The fact is that the constant nutrition of hamburgers, hot dogs, potatoes and pies causes a fairly rapid metabolic disorder. In addition, there is a lot of cholesterol in this food, the content of vitamins and dietary fiber is reduced to a minimum, and the balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates has nothing to do with normal nutrition. The result of all of the above is sad not only for the figure, but also for appearance: such a fast-food “diet” has a very negative effect on the condition of the hair, depriving them of their shine and elasticity, as well as their skin.

Is it true that a hamburger + cola is much more harmful than they are, but separately?
The thing is that drinking a fat hamburger, hot dog and french fries with ice cola or any other cold carbonated drink, we make a huge mistake. Gastric juice, diluted with effervescent liquid, ceases to cope with the digestion of already heavy food. And due to the low temperature of the drink consumed with the hamburger, the fat contained in its filling (cutlet or sausage) instantly freezes and lays a dead weight, increasing in the end our waist volume even more.

Can I die from fast food?
If we are talking about spoiled or contaminated food, then you can die from anything. If we talk about, so to speak, normal fast food, then of course you will not die, but health will be torn to the bud. As an illustration, it is worth giving an example with a 33-year-old American journalist named Morgan Sparlock, who decided to check how all these fast-food “horror films” correspond to reality. Before the experiment, he underwent a complete medical examination, which confirmed the absence of any health problems. Then he ate at McDonald's every day for three months a day. The result of the experiment was sad: 12 kg of excess weight, an increase in cholesterol by several times, a twice-increased risk of heart attack, and a practically "planted" liver, resembling the liver of an inveterate alcoholic. And this is with a complete rejection of alcohol for the entire experiment! Another side effect was, by the way, a sharp decrease in sexual desires and abilities of a desperate journalist.

Is it true that fast food is especially dangerous for children?
Yes it is. Although it is children and adolescents who are the main fans of the food "hot dog + Coca-Cola." However, doctors are convinced that for the younger generation, such food is almost deadly, since the body is still being formed, and what it will be very dependent on the contents of the plate. An unbalanced fast-food menu leads to obesity, disorders in the endocrine and immune systems, and this, in turn, affects physical and mental development in the future.

How many times a week (or per month) do you need to eat fast food so that everything described above becomes a reality?
Nutritionists agree that eating food from a classic fast food establishment once a month can be considered relatively painless for health. However, some believe that this is too often. Draw conclusions!