Bell pepper (Caprice, Vegetable pepper, Sweet pepper). bell pepper

Chili pepper, despite its hotness, is one of the popular spices used in cooking. This type of pepper is known for its many beneficial and medicinal properties, the benefits that it can bring to the human body.

Chili pepper, or red hot pepper, hot pepper, as it is called, belongs to the nightshade family and in the scientific world is called vegetable pepper. This family also includes sweet bell peppers, which contain no pungency at all.

Many people associate the name of pepper with the Latin American country of Chile. Yes, its homeland is this region, where hot peppers were cultivated by the Aztecs in the territory of modern Mexico. Chile – translated from the ancient Astec language means “red” and includes several varieties of red hot pepper.

Chili is a low shrub reaching a height of about 60 centimeters. There may be specimens up to 1 meter. The homeland of this pepper is the central part of South America. Archaeological excavations confirm that it was grown in these places many hundreds of years before the discovery of America by Europeans.

Since the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of South America during the 16th and 17th centuries, pepper has spread to the rest of the world and today its plantations can be found in regions that are thousands of kilometers from its historical homeland.

After flowering, depending on the variety, cylindrical or elongated fruits develop. Each pod contains small, flat, white or cream-colored seeds located along the central white pulp.

After ripening, when the fruit turns red (green pods can also be collected), it is sent for drying. At home, peppers are most often dried by tying several pods into bunches and hanging them in the sun.

The pungency also varies depending on the variety, i.e. the heat of the pepper, which can range from mildly hot to very hot. If we talk about the heat of pepper on the Scoville scale, then bell pepper has a value of zero.

Jalapeño pepper – about 2500-4000 units;

Mexican habanero peppers can have between 200,000 and 500,000 units.

Composition of chili pepper

There are many varieties of peppers that are collectively called "chili peppers". This includes cayenne pepper, jalapeno pepper and other hot varieties of red pepper. They are mainly used as a spice in various culinary dishes and added to spicy mixtures.

The main biologically active compound in the chemical composition of all hot peppers is capsaicin, which gives them their hot taste.

In addition to capsaicin, it contains:



Essential oil;

Organic acids;




It contains no fat or cholesterol. 100 grams of such pepper can give (from the recommended daily norm):

240% vitamin-C (ascorbic acid); 39% vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine); 32% vitamin A; 13% iron; 14% copper;

Chili pepper beneficial properties

The main benefits of peppers come from the presence of capsaicin and several related chemicals, collectively called capsaicinoids. It is rich in various minerals and vitamins.

As stated above, it can provide the body with many beneficial substances. Only in such quantities this pepper is not eaten.

Let's take a closer look at what beneficial properties the components of the chemical composition impart.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, important for the immune system, stimulates wound healing and performs a number of other important functions in the body.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is involved in energy metabolism.

Vitamin K ensures normal blood clotting and is needed for healthy bones and kidneys.

Vitamin A is presented in the form of beta carotene. There is more of it in red ripe peppers than in green ones.

Potassium is a mineral that is involved in many processes occurring in the body. But its most important function is to regulate fluid in the body. Adequate consumption of this element reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Copper is involved in hematopoiesis and is needed for bones and the nervous system.

Capsanthin is a carotenoid that has powerful antioxidant properties.

Lutein, another member of the carotenoids, is needed to maintain good vision.

Organic acids, which in hot peppers are represented by sinapic and ferulic acid, have antioxidant properties.

Chili pepper benefits for the body

Chili pepper is a plant that is used as a spice and adds a spicy flavor to dishes. But its beneficial properties are not limited to this. For many centuries it has also been used to treat certain diseases. Its use, albeit in small quantities, can bring certain benefits to the human body and prevent certain diseases.

Speaking about the benefits of this spicy-hot plant, we can say that it:

Reduces pain associated with joint inflammation, such as arthritis, gout, back pain, muscle pain;

Helps prevent diabetes;

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;

Serves as a source of important minerals and vitamins;

Antioxidant compounds help fight oxidative processes in the body;

Improves blood circulation;

Improves hair growth.

This is not a complete list. Still, we need to take into account that we add it in minimal quantities.

Thanks to capsaicin, hot peppers have found use in medicinal practice. It is included in many ointments and creams for treatment:

Rheumatoid arthritis;


Muscular fibromyalgia;

Pain associated with shingles;

Pain caused by nerve damage due to diabetes.

Capsaicin gives peppers:






properties. It helps reduce high cholesterol and speeds up metabolism.

Chili pepper use in cooking

When using pepper fresh It must be rinsed well before cooking. Chili pepper, fresh or ground, can cause severe burning and irritation of the skin of the hands in particularly sensitive people. Therefore, it is better to work with gloves. And so that he doesn't get into Airways– wear a regular medical mask.

If you took the pepper with your bare hands, under no circumstances should you rub your eyes or nose with them. Even if you washed your hands after it. The hotness of the pepper remains for some time.

In cooking it is added:

When preparing sauces, pastes, seasonings, soups, vegetables;

In marinades for marinating meat and fish;

Spicy mixtures are prepared together with other spices and herbs;

In some countries, oil (chili oil), spicy water, and vinegar are made with it.

Chili pepper is harmful

Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which imparts a spicy, pungent flavor. When pepper is consumed, it causes severe local irritation and a burning sensation in the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue and throat. In most cases, this causes irritation, redness, swelling and severe pain.

Yogurt can help reduce this burning sensation by diluting the concentration of capsaicin and preventing its contact with the mucous membranes.

Avoid touching your eyes with your hands. If this happens, immediately rinse your eyes with running water. cold water to reduce irritation.

Eating food with hot peppers can aggravate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Peppers can be affected by fungal mold. Aflotaxin, which is secreted by mold fungi, can cause diseases of the stomach, liver, and cause colon cancer.

Although some scientists believe that chili peppers may help prevent cancer, there is other evidence. In particular, some scientists associate the development of gallbladder and stomach cancer with frequent consumption of this spicy seasoning. There are suggestions of a connection between eating pepper and cancer of the throat and oral cavity.

It can cause intestinal upset and diarrhea in some people.

How to select and store chili peppers

Hot red pepper is available all year round in ground form. This type of pepper is also grown by some gardeners. Therefore, chili peppers can be bought in a store or market at any time of the year.

It can often be found in other spice mixtures, especially curry seasonings. But there is always a risk of buying a fake.

When buying peppers in pods at the market or in a store, you need to pay attention to their appearance. It should not show stains or other signs of damage.

Having bought pepper in pods, you need to store it in the refrigerator for no more than a week. This requirement applies to fresh peppers.

Dried peppers can be stored at room temperature in a cool place, away from light, in an airtight container. It can be stored for several months. The main thing is that the pods are well dried.

Pepper powder should be stored in a closed container in a cool, dark place.

How to neutralize chili peppers

With constant consumption of hot pepper, the body gradually gets used to its hot taste and does not react with acute pain and burning. But what to do if you are not used to eating a lot of this pepper or accidentally added it. How to neutralize its burning taste.

Drinking water or rinsing your mouth is not the case. To do this, as mentioned above, it is better to eat yogurt or drink milk. You can cut a slice of lemon and put it in your mouth. In general, you can neutralize chili peppers with something sour.

If irritation appears on the skin, lubricate the area with vegetable oil, after rinsing it with cold water.

Chili pepper for weight loss

Obesity is considered a serious health problem. Excess weight brings not only purely moral worries, but can also cause many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

There have been many studies on the effects of capsaicin on weight loss by increasing fat burning.

Studies have shown that 10 grams of pepper can significantly increase fat burning in men and women.

There is scientific evidence that capsaicin can also reduce calorie intake, i.e. reduce appetite and, accordingly, reduce the amount of food consumed.

But there are also statements to the contrary. Despite such controversy, it is still possible to say that capsaicin supplements may have an effect on weight loss when taken regularly.

But still, you shouldn’t rely on supplements alone. This can be effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and exercise.


bell pepper

So, let's figure out what kind of fruit (or berry?) bell pepper is and what it is eaten with ;-).

In the title of the page I wrote that in Bulgarian “bell pepper” sounds and is translated as “Bulgarska piper”. If you translate it according to words, then it is so, but in reality they say differently about bell peppers in Bulgaria.

And even Google translator, when translated from Bulgarian into Russian, will simply give out “piper”, omitting the word “Bulgarian”, just as from Russian into English the translator will also give out the word “piper”, without the word “Bulgarian”.

What are bell peppers and other peppers called in different countries? Americans and British call it simply - pepper, adding the colors red pepper (red pepper), green pepper (green pepper). Australians, Malaysians and New Zealanders are capsicum (from the biological tribe - capsicum genus Solanaceae). Europe calls pepper as a spice - paprika.

In Holland, adding color results in grouene paprika if green and gele paprika if yellow pepper. In France, pepper sounds like - poivron, piment, in Brazil - pimentão pepper, in Argentina bell pepper - morron, and in Egypt green pepper - filfil akhdar.

Bell pepper is called bell pepper only in Russia, or in the vast expanses of the former USSR by the Russian-speaking population.

And all because earlier, in the era of developed socialism, in the USSR, Bulgaria was the main supplier of pepper, hence the popular name for pepper - bell pepper.

However, in the USSR, not only pepper was called Bulgarian, but also, for example, an angle grinder, popularly called “grinder”. So now let’s see what the all-knowing Wikipedia tells us about the varieties of pepper.

There are bitter, spicy (and even very!), and sweet. In total, “peppers” as a plant genus are a dime a dozen, about 1,500 varieties! (wow, that's a lot). I’ll try to list the main genera and types of pepper, which is scientifically called (in Latin) Piper, or simply Pepper:

Pepper is a genus of plants in the Pepperaceae family, of which there are more than 1,500 species, from herbs to shrubs and vines.

They grow mainly in the tropics, as well as in tropical America and East Asia. By the way, “our” bell pepper does not belong here.

Another feature of peppers (it’s not for nothing that “tough guys” are also called “peppers”) is that they usually dominate the rest of the vegetation.

The fruits of pepper plants usually have a round, pea-like shape and are carried in nature by various birds, small mammals (how can they not eat it spicy?). I will list only part of the 1500 varieties of the Pepper genus:

Piper nigrum

The most famous plant that is grown for its fruit, the spice is consumed both in peas and in ground form. It grows in India in the form of a vine up to 15 meters, bears fruits 2 times a year for 25-30 years. The hot substance in pepper is the alkaloid piperine (5-9%). Improves appetite, promotes digestion.


Piper cubeba is used less in both Europe and Russia. It grows as a climbing shrub in Indonesia - on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo. The most aromatic of all existing peppers. The ancient Indians used it in folk medicine to treat the genitourinary tract; now in Europe it is used in pharmaceuticals. Instead of piperine (black p.), it contains cubebin and essences (12%) with the smell of camphor.

Kava-kava or intoxicating

Piper methysticum is an interesting plant that uses its roots. Polynesians have been chewing the roots of this pepper for more than 2,000 years, which have an intoxicating effect. Tea from this plant is very popular in America, as it has a soothing and tonic effect. In medicine, an extract is made from the roots with a calming and hypnotic effect.

I took it and after half an hour you fall asleep in a deep sleep, and when you wake up you feel that you have had enough sleep, you are alert and active. But it cannot be used often; extracts are made on the basis of alcohol, ethanol or acetone and less on water.

This has an effect on the liver, which is why in a number of countries: Ukraine, Russia, kava-kava pepper extract is prohibited. And in Russia it is generally classified as a potent and toxic substance, the purchase will be considered contraband.

Long pepper

Piper longum - like cubeba, native to Indonesia, and like black pepper, contains piperine. The fruits are long (about half the size of a matchstick) and are used in India, Indonesia, and Malaysia as a spice.


Piper lolot is also a rare spice in Europe, mainly used by the Vietnamese, Thais, and Laotians, using the leaves. They are used to wrap meat in cooking or in medicine against snake bites, to treat inflammation, and indigestion.

Peppers are a genus of plants in the Solanaceae family (Capsicumaceae)

These capsicums are like dirt (sorry for the comparison) and vegetable (bell pepper is one of them), cayenne (chili pepper, hot, bitter), berry, Chinese (habanero), pubesense. The common name for these peppers is capsicum. There are from 31 to 40 types:

Hot red pepper, also known as chili

Piper annuum - the fiery taste of small pods of cayenne pepper; the hottest varieties are called chili. Chili is not from the country of Chile but from the Aztec language, and chilli translates as red. It is more pungent than vegetable, from capsaicin. Red pepper contains a lot of vitamin C, A, B, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

If you suddenly bite too much of a very hot pepper, then it is useless to wash down the burning sensation with water; you need to drink milk or eat yogurt. In medicine, they make a pepper patch. Red pepper is used for shocks, heart attacks, and bleeding, especially stomach bleeding.

Poor blood circulation in the legs is treated with hot baths with pepper solution.

Chinese peppers, also known as habanero peppers

Piper chinense are small, irregularly shaped fruits that are the sharpest of the legumes. Scientists mistakenly believed that bell pepper came from China, hence the name, but its homeland South America. It grows freely in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the Caribbean and loves tropical climates.

Vegetable pepper

Piper annuum - this is the bell pepper, in addition, there are many varieties, both sweet and bitter (the pungent taste is due to capsaicin). The homeland of the vegetable bell pepper is not Bulgaria but America, where it flourishes wildly in tropical areas.

Optimal temperature for growing bell peppers 18 - 25 degrees. Peppers love highly fertile soils (such as in Bulgaria) and moisture. Sweet peppers in industrial scale practice in Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Moldova, Central Asia and, of course, Bulgaria.

In Russia it is cultivated mainly on household plots and in pots at home (small-fruited). Most likely, bell pepper grows in greenhouses and greenhouses, planted as seedlings or seeds where it is warmer. 40-60 thousand plants are planted per 1 hectare. Hot peppers are harvested 2 times a year, the harvest can be 200 centners per hectare.

Sweet peppers are harvested from 4 to 15 times per season, yielding up to 300 centners per hectare. Crop pests: caradrina, tomato or cotton bollworm, nematodes, rot, viruses.

The most common fruit is a large, thick, completely square fruit that comes in a variety of colors: bright red, yellow, green and white (ripe green fruit). In Bulgaria they call this fruit “chushka!”

In Bulgaria greatest distribution The following varieties of bell pepper were obtained:

  • Kamba
  • Kapia
  • Sivria
  • Ratund
  • Chorbadzhiysk pig

You can read more about the varieties here - Varieties of bell peppers

Peppers can be red, yellow, orange, green, purple and rarely almost black. Which one is preferable?
Green pepper not ripe, so the taste may be tart and even slightly bitter.

Green peppers are not very suitable for cooking vegetable stew, after cooking it may taste a little bitter. Green peppers contain the most phytosterols, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol in human blood.

Well, it is also lower in calories compared to other colored peppers.

Red fruits are sweeter than their other counterparts; in addition, red peppers contain the most vitamin C. Peppers become red because they contain large quantities contains carotene and lycopene.

Orange pepper contains slightly less element C than red pepper.

IN yellow pepper There are many carotenoids, which give it its yellow color. Yellow peppers contain more potassium than other bell pepper colors. It is recommended for those who have heart problems. And yellow also has a higher phosphorus content than other colors (for bones, kidneys and cell growth).

The fruits are dark purple and completely black; they taste like green ones; you need to eat peppers fresh, because they turn green when fried or stewed.

Almost black is not the same black, real pepper that grows in India and other warm countries and from which very hot spices(spices are also prepared from white pepper).

Bell peppers of any color are suitable for fresh consumption and in salads.

Bell pepper 100 gr. contains - 20 calories, cholesterol 0 mg., vitamin C 80 mg. (maximum up to 500 mg), carbohydrates (capsaicin, sugar 2.4 g.) 4.6 g., proteins 0.9 g., carotene 14 mg., calcium 10 mg., vitamins P, B1, B2, essential (1, 5%) fats 0.2 gr. (fatty oil in seeds up to 10%).

About vitamins, it must be said that they themselves are not a source of energy for our body, they simply regulate metabolism, participate in various chemical processes in the body, thereby allowing the body to function correctly and thereby get sick to a lesser extent.

Moreover, vitamins can be water-soluble (this is C, and all B vitamins) and fat-soluble (this is A, E, D, K). The Internet is full of information about vitamins.

Let's focus only on vitamin C, which is abundant in bell peppers. Element C is involved in the processes of skin respiration, the exchange of protein blocks, and helps to absorb carbohydrates. “C” is also called ascorbic acid, antiscorbutic vitamin, antiscorbutic vitamin.

Ascorbic acid increases the body's immunity, preserves collagen - a protein that is the basis of connective tissues (strengthens blood vessels, human tendons). “C” normalizes cholesterol in our blood, helps the body absorb iron and, therefore, puts the blood in order. Plus, it helps the body produce adrenaline.

So, on average, a person needs from 30 mg (infants) to approximately 110 mg (pregnant women, they have a vitamin C deficiency of about 65% during pregnancy).

How much “C” we need is contained in various products? In first place is rose hips, which contains about 470 mg. (dry up to 1200 mg), but the honorable second place is taken by “our” favorite bell pepper, 250 mg, then in third place are black currants and sea buckthorn, 200 mg each.

Please note that red bell peppers contain more vitamin C than green bell peppers, and there is also more vitamin C in the seeds and near the stalk.

And generally use natural products cooler than various advertised dietary supplements. But it is better to eat fresh foods (including bell peppers), as they contain more vitamin C than heat-treated ones.

What's the smartest way to preserve vitamin C in bell peppers? The main enemy is oxygen, so if you heat-treat peppers, reduce the access of oxygen - close the lids, fat also prevents oxygen from penetrating inside, do not cook for long. Try to cook the pepper whole, without cutting it, because when cutting the fruit, oxygen actively destroys the vitamin.

One more note: in an alkaline and neutral environment, the vitamin is destroyed more than in an acidic environment. Pepper in sauerkraut and apples retains vitamin C better. And do not keep pepper in water for a long time, it is also an enemy of vitamin C. Well, the last enemy that I forgot to mention is smoking; smoking requires additional consumption of vitamin C so that it is normal in the body.

In general, eating about one red bell pepper per day will provide your body with adequate vitamin C.

Peppers can be canned, stuffed (with meat and vegetables), prepared lecho, various seasonings, salads, as well as salted, marinated, and grilled.

Salads with pepper:

  • Shopska salad
  • Roasted bell pepper salad


  • Bulgarian classic lecho made from peppers

Pepper seasonings:

  • Hot pepper, “Hangover” recipe

Roasted Bell Peppers:

  • Chicken with pepper “Shopski style”

Fresh pepper can simply sit in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week, while it fades and its beneficial properties decrease, which raises the following question. How to prepare and store peppers for the winter? One recipe for cooking pepper, when you have enough of it, is this:

We take bell peppers and cut off the “lid”, then remove the seeds from the pepper carcass, while trying to preserve the pepper carcass.

Then we lower the pieces into boiling water for half a minute, no longer, so that the peppers retain their shape, do not bend over the floors, or break. After the pepper carcasses have cooled, we insert the carcasses one into the other, so they take up less space and are better preserved.

Then we put long rows of pepper carcasses together with their “lids” into a clean bag (preferably a tight one) and put it in the freezer.

At the same time, take into account this factor - the package should contain the portion you need, so as not to freeze the rest a second time. Re-freezing will kill a significant amount of the beneficial elements in the pepper.

That’s all, in winter you can take it out, defrost it (it’s better to take longer at room temperature and not in the microwave or in water) and cook your favorite dishes from them, including stuffing, the carcass is whole and the lid is available.

Peppers can be perfectly dried, both hot and sweet. See here for information on drying sweet peppers. The page describes a method for drying sweet bell peppers and includes a video.


Chili pepper benefits and harm

Besides that, let's talk about it right now. useful properties Oh. Chili pepper or, as it is also called, red pepper, is a prominent representative of the Capsicum genus and one of the varieties of the well-known vegetable pepper. It is distinguished from its ordinary counterpart by its characteristic burning taste, and the intensity of the pungency directly depends on the variety.

Chili pepper got its name largely due to its characteristic color, because in translation from the Aztec language, chili literally means red. Although, to be fair, it should be noted that it can be any color from light yellow to black and even dark blue. As with the degree of spiciness, here too it’s all about the variety.

History of chili pepper

The history of chili peppers goes back centuries. Its name can even be found in Sanskrit. Marishi-phalam, as it was called, is literally translated as the fruit of the Sun God.

Isn't it symbolic? It is believed that the homeland of chili peppers is America, or rather its tropical part.

Long before the arrival of Europeans on the continent, this plant crop was grown by local Peruvians, as eloquently evidenced by finds in local burial places.

Later, after the arrival of the Spaniards and Portuguese on the continent, this spice called “Indian” became available to Europeans.

In modern times, chili is grown in many countries around the world, but most of all in Thailand and India. And the cuisine of these countries speaks very eloquently about this.

Basically, local dishes are very hot and spicy, and this is largely due to red pepper. But why is he so loved? Is it really just for the sharpness? We hasten to reassure you. Not only for this.

Benefits and properties of the product

In addition to the spicy taste, Chili is also a very healthy product, largely thanks to the same capsaicin, which makes it so hot. Very often, pepper can begin to “bite” even before you pick it up and peel it.

Capsaicin vapors can burn the eyes and mucous membranes even from a distance. The ability of this cute cone-shaped fruit is evidenced by the fact that it is successfully used to produce tear gas canisters.

This weapon is unpleasant, but practically harmless and does not threaten horrific consequences for vision.

It is worth noting that capsaicin is mainly found in the peel, seeds and veins of the fruit, so you must be especially careful when coming into contact with them. But the excessive “cruelty” is more than compensated for by the high content of vitamins A and C, of ​​which red fruits, for example, contain much more than green or yellow ones.

Chili, regardless of the variety, is also rich in B vitamins, as well as potassium and magnesium.

In addition, regular consumption of chili improves digestion, accelerates blood circulation and is an effective anthelmintic.

When using it for food, you must remember that the properties of chili do not disappear even after heat treatment, so you should be careful when adding it to food. IN general benefit of this product is obvious and difficult to overestimate.

Another thing is that it also has contraindications. First of all, people with existing peptic ulcers, gastritis or increased acidity.

However, we draw your attention to the fact that chili is dangerous for those who are already sick.

On the other hand, remember once and for all: for people without gastrointestinal problems, eating hot peppers is not dangerous, it cannot lead to ulcers or inflammation of the stomach, but it is easy to aggravate an existing illness.

Types and varieties of chili peppers

The choice of chili peppers is truly huge. It happens different forms and colors, differs even in the degree of pungency. What is especially surprising is that despite their diversity, all these pods belong to the same species, Capsicum annuum, which we mentioned earlier.

The differences between these fruits arose mainly as a result of the assignment of international trade names and designations to them. They began to be distinguished by shape and color, and it would not be out of place to note that from a botanical point of view, chili is not a pod at all; instead, it is usually positioned as a berry.

So, in order to avoid all this confusion, it was decided to systematize chili depending on the country of origin.

Since then, spicy berries from Central America and Asia have been called chili, and those native to Europe and the Mediterranean have been nicknamed “paperoni.” True, in some countries, for example in Italy, the word “paperoni” means sweet pepper - paprika, but its spicy brother was called “peperoncini”.

In general, the ancient Mayans came up with the idea of ​​dividing chili into varieties, and in Mexico, later, each variety already had its own name. The game of varieties has gone so far that sometimes fresh and dried peppers of the same type can be called differently. And how exactly we now learn from the classification.

What are the differences and types of fresh hot pepper fruits:

Hot green peppers from Jordan have a characteristic long and folded pod shape and, as you probably guessed, a green color, and a rich green one at that. The homeland of this variety is the Middle East and the Mediterranean. This variety is very spicy.

Hot green pepper from Jordan

Red pepper from Italy. Another very spicy variety by European standards, which, in accordance with its color, is distinguished by a high content of capsaicin.

Red pepper from Italy

Lampion is another hellish one. hot pepper originally from the Caribbean. It is very beautiful, but it is brutally sharp and you have to be especially careful with it.

Lampion pepper (Chile lampion)

Hot red or hot chili is a relative of our already familiar Mediterranean cousin, originally from Thailand. It is much sharper and has the shape of thin ripened pods.

Hot red chili

Chile Serrano. The most popular variety of hot pepper in Mexico. Its fruits have a shape that is not quite typical for chili. At first glance, this pepper is somewhat reminiscent of a Slivka tomato. The main external difference from a tomato is its green color.

Chile serrano

Jalapenos. Enough spicy variety with a spicy taste. It is mainly used for canning vegetables and spices. Already marinated, it is often added to pizza, pasta and salads.

Chile Jalapenos

Bird green pepper with beautiful name, which literally translates to “bird’s eyes.” This pepper is native to Chile. The shape of the fruit is thin, long and very small in comparison with other brethren. In terms of pungency, this is one of the hottest samples.

Bird Green (Chile berd green)

Sweet chili peppers, of which there are also such, come from Thailand. When ripe, these are yellowish fruits 9-10 centimeters long. They are also spicy in taste, but very moderately, one might even say slightly spicy.

Sweet pepper from Thailand

Long Yellow or long yellow pepper in our opinion is moderately hot, in any case much milder than the red and green Chilean samples. It comes from Thailand, where it is most popular.

Long Yellow (Chile long yelloy)

Poblano chile is another representative of the not very “cruel” chilies. It has a very recognizable appearance thanks to the characteristic depression in the tail area. In the family, chili is a giant: 10 cm in length and approximately 6 cm in diameter - these are serious parameters.

Chile poblano pepper

The moderately hot Hungarian chili is another member of the family. It has a yellowish and sometimes orange color, which is why it is very popular as a decorative specimen. Since its taste is not very strong, it is perfect for salads and meat.

Moderately hot pepper from Hungary

Lombok is known as an ornamental variety, although this can be argued. Its fruits small size, it grows on bushes and has an incredibly beautiful bright yellow color. We dare to assure you that in addition to its decorative function, Lombok can easily fulfill its direct duties as a seasoning, because it has enough spiciness.

Lombok chili, mature yellow pepper (Chile lombok)

Now let’s imagine that we worked a little with the peppers: some of them were dried, others were withered or smoked. What happened and what are they now suitable for? We will be happy to bring you up to date

Dried Serrano peppers are called Enmielado. It is prepared only from very ripe red fruits of the Serrano pepper variety. In Mexico, this dried pepper seasoning is added everywhere and is very popular. In this form, even more so than fresh;

Chile serrano enmielade

Chipotle chili is a dried or smoked Jalapeño pepper. It is very often pickled or preserved with vinegar, and then eaten as a side dish or as an addition to salads;

Chile chipotle

Morita chile is another member of the Jalapeño family. To make Morita, small and mature Jalapeno fruits with a maximum length of 4 cm are always used;

Chile morita

Ancho chile, which is almost black in color, is made by drying Poblanos chiles. We have already talked about the fact that Poblanos have large and fleshy fruits; when dried, they are almost black in color and are excellent for sauces.

Chile Ancho

Mulato chili is practically the brother of Ancho chili. It is similar to him in appearance, in form, and even in the degree of sharpness;

Chile mulato

There are also varieties that are eaten only in processed form:

Chiles Catarina, Caxabel and Guajillo are all representatives of the Mirasol variety. They are dried, and then in whole or crushed form they are used for pickling or pickling.

We will talk about each of them separately below; Chile Caxabel or as it is also called “rattle” It has small round fruits.

These fruits have thin walls behind which the seeds rattle when shaken;

Chile cascabel

Guajillo chile, in turn, has a rich red color and grows up to 11 cm in length;

Chile guajillo

Pico da Pajaro chile is a bird's beak pepper with small fruits no more than 3 cm long and most often eaten pickled in vinegar;

Chile Pico da Pajaro (chile-pico-de-pajaro)

Chile da Arbol - These chiles are tree-like, having mature fruits ranging from dark green or yellowish when unripe to red when ripe;
Chile de arbol

Chili Arbol Hapones is another variety of tree chili pepper;

Chile arbol japones

Chile Passila or chile Negro is a fairly well-known Mexican dried chile, black in color, with a not very hot taste.

Chile pasilla negro

Well, now, perhaps, we can say that we have completed our consideration of the varieties of chili peppers and it took us quite a bit of time. And all because there are a great many of them and each of them is interesting in its own way and plays in dishes in its own way.

It is important to know which of them and where to use, and then the concoction will acquire a unique and distinctly refined taste.

He is so simple and at the same time mysterious - His Majesty CHILI! KhozOboz hopes that the review was useful to readers and promises that the most interesting things are yet to come!

Annual herbaceous plants of the genus Capsicum family Solanaceae ( Solanaceae), or its fruits. Agricultural vegetable crop. Varieties of capsicum are divided into sweet and bitter. The latter, known as red pepper, is given its spicy taste by the alkaloid capsaicin. Varieties with fruits of sweet taste - Sweet pepper. There are many varieties, for example, Bulgarian pepper.


The plant is widely known under many Russian names: capsicum annua , red pepper , annual pepper , paprika, vegetable pepper. However, despite the frequent use of the word “pepper” in the name, the plant is not related to black pepper, which belongs to the genus Pepper ( Piper) family Pepperaceae ( Piperaceae).

Latin generic name Capsicum the plant received from lat. sapsa- bag, according to the shape of the fruit; species - lat. annuum- annual, annual from lat. Annus- year, which is determined by the lifespan of the plant during the growing season.

Botanical description

A perennial subshrub, in nature an annual vegetable plant.

Subspecies and varieties


Economic importance and application

Food use

Green and red pepper fruits are used fresh and canned for stuffing (with meat and vegetables), for preparing lecho, as a seasoning for seasoning soups, for preparing dishes with stewed meat, various national dishes, vegetable salads, sauces. Peppers can be pickled, grilled and salted.

Pharmacological properties and application

The fruits of bitter (hot) varieties of capsicum are used for medicinal purposes.

Capsicum preparations increase appetite, have irritating, distracting, and bactericidal properties. Externally, a number of drugs (plaster, tincture, liniment) have an analgesic, irritating effect, and prevent the appearance of bedsores, thinning and hair loss.

For medicinal purposes, a tincture of capsicum is used orally to increase appetite in case of hypoacid gastritis, achylia, and dysbacteriosis. The drug is part of the anti-frostbite ointment and liniments. Pepper patch serves as an anesthetic for radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis, lumbago, and plexitis. For a similar purpose, the drugs “Capsin” and “Captrin” are used.

The use of pepper is contraindicated for gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, and kidney diseases.

see also

  • In the article Pepper Links are given to the main varieties of “peppers”.
  • The Wiktionary entry pepper gives the basic meaning of the word and its etymology (origin).

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  1. For the convention of indicating the class of dicotyledons as a superior taxon for the group of plants described in this article, see the section “APG Systems” of the article “Dicotyledons”.
  2. Russian name taxon - according to the following edition: Shroter A. I., Panasyuk V. A.= Dictionary of Plant Names / Int. union biol. Sciences, National Faculty of Biologists of Russia, Vseros. Institute of Lec. and aromatic plants Ros. agricultural academies; Ed. prof. V. A. Bykova. - Koenigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books, 1999. - P. 144. - 1033 pp. - ISBN 3-87429-398-X.
  3. Capsicum- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  4. Zhukovsky P. M. Cultivated plants and their relatives. - 3rd ed. - L.: Kolos, 1971. - 752 p.
  5. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicinal Plants and Animal Products: Textbook. allowance / Ed. G.P. Yakovleva and K.F. Blinova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house SPHVA, 2002. - P. 219. - ISBN 5-299-00209-2.
  6. Kaden N. N., Terentyeva N. N. Etymological dictionary of scientific names of vascular plants growing wild and bred in the USSR. Vol. 1. A. / ed. Associate Professor V.I. Miroshenkova. - Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. - M: Moscow State University, 1979. - P. 159-160. - 228 p. - 550 copies.
  7. Sokolov S. Ya. Herbal medicine and phytopharmacologyː Guide for doctors. - M: Medical Information Agency, 2000. - 976 p.
  8. Medicinal plantsː Encyclopedic reference book = Medicinal plantsː Encyclopedic guide / Ed. A.M. Grodzinsky. - Kyiv, 1989. - 544 p.


  • on the website of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

Excerpt characterizing Capsicum

The princess thought, smiling thoughtfully (at which her face, illuminated by her radiant eyes, was completely transformed), and suddenly got up, walking heavily, and moved to the table. She took out the paper, and her hand quickly began to walk over it. This is what she wrote in response:
“Chere et excellente ami.” Votre lettre du 13 m"a cause une grande joie. Vous m"aimez donc toujours, ma poetique Julie.
L"absence, dont vous dites tant de mal, n"a donc pas eu son influenza habituelle sur vous. Vous vous plaignez de l"absence - que devrai je dire moi, si j"osais me plaindre, privee de tous ceux qui me sont chers? Ah l si nous n"avions pas la religion pour nous consoler, la vie serait bien triste. Pourquoi me supposez vous un regard severe, quand vous me parlez de votre affection pour le jeune homme? Sous ce rapport je ne suis rigide que pour moi . Je comprends ces sentiments chez les autres et si je ne puis approuver ne les ayant jamais ressentis, je ne les condamiene pas. Me parait seulement que l "amour chretien, l "amour du prochain, l "amour pour ses ennemis est plus meritoire , plus doux et plus beau, que ne le sont les sentiments que peuvent inspire les beaux yeux d"un jeune homme a une jeune fille poetique et aimante comme vous.
“La nouvelle de la mort du comte Earless nous est parvenue avant votre lettre, et mon pere en a ete tres affecte. Il dit que c"etait avant derienier representant du grand siècle, et qu"a present c"est son tour; mais qu"il fera son possible pour que son tour vienne le plus tard possible. Que Dieu nous garde de ce terrible malheur! Je ne puis partager votre opinion sur Pierre que j"ai connu enfant. Il me paraissait toujours avoir un coeur excellent, et c"est la qualite que j"estime le plus dans les gens. Quant a son heritage et au role qu"y a joue le prince Basile, c"est bien triste pour tous les deux. Ah! chere amie, la parole de notre divin Sauveur qu"il est plus aise a un hameau de passer par le trou d"une aiguille, qu"il ne l "est a un riche d"entrer dans le royaume de Dieu, cette parole est terriblement vraie; je plains le prince Basile et je regrette encore davantage Pierre. Si jeune et accable de cette richesse, que de tentations n"aura t il pas a subir! Si on me demandait ce que je desirerais le plus au monde, ce serait d"etre plus pauvre que le plus pauvre des mendiants. Mille graces, chere amie, pour l "ouvrage que vous m" envoyez, et qui fait si grande fureur chez vous. Cependant, puisque vous me dites qu"au milieu de plusurs bonnes choses il y en a d"autres que la faible conception humaine ne peut atteindre, il me parait assez inutile de s"occuper d"une lecture intelligible, qui par la meme ne pourrait etre d"aucun fruit. Je n"ai jamais pu comprendre la passion qu"ont certaines personnes de s"embrouiller l"entendement, en s"attachant a des livres mystiques, qui n"elevent que des doutes dans leurs esprits, exaltant leur imagination et leur donnent un caractere d"exageration tout a fait contraire a la simplicite chretnne. Lisons les Apotres et l"Evangile. Ne cherchons pas a penetrer ce que ceux la renferment de mysterux, car, comment oserions nous, miserables pecheurs que nous sommes, pretendre a nous initier dans les secrets terribles et sacres de la Providence, tant que nous portons cette depouille charienelle, qui eleve entre nous et l"Eterienel un voile impenetrable? Borienons nous donc a etudr les principes sublimes que notre divin Sauveur nous a laisse pour notre conduite ici bas; cherchons a nous y conformer et a les suivre, persuadons nous que moins nous donnons d "essor a notre faible esprit humain et plus il est agreable a Dieu, Qui rejette toute science ne venant pas de Lui; que moins nous cherchons a approfondir ce qu "il Lui a plu de derober a notre connaissance,et plutot II nous en accordera la decouverte par Son divin esprit.
“Mon pere ne m"a pas parle du pretendant, mais il m"a dit seulement qu"il a recu une lettre et attendait une visite du prince Basile. Pour ce qui est du projet de Marieiage qui me regarde, je vous dirai, chere et excellente amie, que le Marieiage, selon moi,est une institution divine a laquelle il faut se conformer. Quelque penible que cela soit pour moi, si le Tout Puissant m"impose jamais les devoirs d"epouse et de mere, je tacherai de les remplir aussi fidelement que je le pourrai, sans m"inquieter de l"examen de mes sentiments a l"egard de celui qu"il me donnera pour epoux. J"ai recu une lettre de mon frere, qui m"annonce son arrivee a Bald Mountains avec sa femme. Ce sera une joie de courte duree, puisqu"il nous quitte pour prendre part a cette malheureuse guerre, a laquelle nous sommes entraines Dieu sait, comment et pourquoi. Non seulement chez vous au center des affaires et du monde on ne parle que de guerre, mais ici, au milieu de ces travaux champetres et de ce calme de la nature, que les citadins se representent ordinairement a la campagne, les bruits de la guerre se font entendre et sentir peniblement. Mon pere ne parle que Marieche et contreMarieche, choses auxquelles je ne comprends rien; et avant hier en faisant ma promenade habituelle dans la rue du village, je fus temoin d"une scene dechirante... C"etait un convoi des recrues enroles chez nous et expedies pour l"armee... Il fallait voir l"etat dans lequel se trouvant Les meres, les femmes, les enfants des hommes qui partaient et entendre les sanglots des uns et des autres!
On dirait que l"humanite a oublie les lois de son divin Sauveur, Qui prechait l"amour et le pardon des offenses, et qu"elle fait consister son plus grand merite dans l"art de s"entretuer.
“Adieu, chere et bonne amie, que notre divin Sauveur et Sa tres Sainte Mere vous aient en Leur sainte et puissante garde. "Marie."
[Dear and priceless friend. Your letter of the 13th brought me great joy. You still love me, my poetic Julia. The separation, about which you say so many bad things, apparently did not have its usual influence on you. You complain about separation, what should I say if I dared - I, deprived of all those who are dear to me? Ah, if we didn’t have religion for consolation, life would be very sad. Why do you attribute a stern look to me when you talk about your inclination towards a young man? In this regard, I am only strict with myself. I understand these feelings in others, and if I cannot approve of them, having never experienced them, then I do not condemn them. It only seems to me that Christian love, love for one’s neighbor, love for enemies, is more worthy, sweeter and better than those feelings that the beautiful eyes of a young man can inspire in a young girl, poetic and loving, like you.
The news of Count Bezukhov's death reached us before your letter, and my father was very touched by it. He says that this was the penultimate representative of the great century, and that now it is his turn, but that he will do everything in his power to ensure that this turn comes as late as possible. God save us from this misfortune.
I cannot share your opinion about Pierre, whom I knew as a child. It seemed to me that he always had a wonderful heart, and this is the quality that I value most in people. As for his inheritance and the role that Prince Vasily played in this, this is very sad for both. Ah, dear friend, the words of our Divine Savior, that it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s ear than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God - these words are terribly true. I feel sorry for Prince Vasily and even more for Pierre. For someone so young to be burdened with such a huge fortune - how many temptations will he have to go through! If you were to ask me what I desire more than anything in the world, I want to be poorer than the poorest of the poor. I thank you a thousand times, dear friend, for the book that you send me and which makes so much noise with you. However, since you tell me that among many good things in it there are some that the weak human mind cannot comprehend, then it seems to me unnecessary to engage in incomprehensible reading, which for this reason could not bring any benefit. I have never been able to understand the passion that some people have to confuse their thoughts by becoming addicted to mystical books, which only arouse doubts in their minds, irritate their imagination and give them a character of exaggeration, completely contrary to Christian simplicity.
Let us read better the Apostles and the Gospel. Let us not try to penetrate what is mysterious in these books, for how can we, miserable sinners, know the terrible and sacred secrets of Providence as long as we carry on ourselves that fleshly shell that erects an impenetrable curtain between us and the Eternal? Let us confine ourselves rather to studying the great rules which our Divine Savior left us for our guidance here on earth; Let us try to follow them and try to make sure that the less we give our minds wildness, the more pleasing we will be to God, who rejects all knowledge that does not come from Him, and that the less we delve into what He wanted to hide from us, the sooner He will give us this discovery with His divine mind.

The great-grandfather of the sweet bell pepper comes from America, although initially it was not at all sweet. For many, the origin story remains a mystery...

It is cultivated as an agricultural crop mainly in southern temperate, subtropical and tropical latitudes on all continents. In the middle zone, bell peppers are grown in greenhouses; The optimal temperature for the growth and development of this plant is 18-25 °C.

The homeland of pepper is America; it can still be found in the wild in Mexico, Colombia and Central American countries. After the discovery of America, pepper was introduced first to Spain and Portugal, and then to other European countries and the Middle East.

The benefits of bell pepper, due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, are undeniable. It contains beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, which improve immunity, stimulate nail and hair growth, and also improve visual acuity, condition skin and mucous membranes.

As already noted, bell peppers can most often be found on sale in three different colors- red, yellow and green. This different varieties bell pepper.

Red peppers contain a large amount of vitamin A - 125 mcg, while green and yellow peppers contain 18 and 10 mcg, respectively. Red pepper is also rich in vitamin C - 200 mg per 100 grams of bell pepper, which is 200% of the daily requirement. Red peppers contain a lot of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer.

Yellow peppers contain minimal amounts of lycopene, the red pigment, but they do contain carotenoids, which give them their yellow color. this type of sweet pepper is a champion in terms of potassium content - 218 mg per 100 grams, while in red - 163 mg, in green - 175 mg. As you know, potassium is very beneficial for the heart. In addition, yellow peppers contain a lot of phosphorus - 24 mg per 100 grams.
Phosphorus is involved in the formation of the skeletal system, and ensures normal kidney function and cell growth.

Green peppers contain phytosterols - complex chemical compounds, plant analogues of cholesterol. Their molecules are involved in lipid metabolism and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Green peppers are lower in calories - 20 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The taste of bell pepper!

Sweet bell peppers have a neutral, slightly sweet taste. The taste of the pepper is affected by the degree of ripeness.
Combination of bell pepper with other products
Bell pepper goes well with any vegetables, as well as meat.

Using bell pepper in cooking!

Bell pepper is widely used in cooking. It is consumed fresh, salted, pickled, canned, fried, grilled, stuffed with meat, vegetables and other products. Pepper is used to prepare lecho and sauces, and is also added to salads, soups, and stewed with vegetables or meat.
Features of preparing bell pepper

Bell peppers are eaten both fresh and cooked: they are fried, stewed, stuffed, grilled. To preserve the large amount of vitamin C that bell peppers contain, it is recommended to consume them fresh.

Storing bell peppers

Peppers can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 to 50 days. The optimal temperature for storing sweet peppers is 0 – 1°C at a relative air humidity of 90-95%.
Traditional role in dishes

Sweet bell peppers are one of the most common types of vegetables used in cuisines around the world. It is used in salads, soups, appetizers, main courses and even pies are prepared from it. In dried form, bell pepper is the familiar paprika to us all.

History of the origin of bell pepper

Bell pepper - one of the oldest vegetables, which is more than 9 thousand years old - came to us from America. Archaeological excavations in Peru, Mexico and Central America have shown that pepper was cultivated and eaten here at the dawn of agriculture six thousand years BC.

The first mention of peppers dates back to 1494 - Columbus's doctor mentioned them in his notes. The Indians used pepper as food instead of salt.

In Russia, the appearance of sweet pepper dates back to the end of the 16th century; it was brought to us from Iran and Turkey, and it acquired industrial importance only by the middle of the 19th century.

Large-fruited varieties of sweet pepper were bred in Bulgaria, which is why they are called Bulgarian. From Bulgaria, sweet pepper came to Ukraine, Moldova and southern Russia at the end of the 17th century.

At first, sweet pepper was used as a cure for anemia, dizziness and asthma, and only much later it began to be used in cooking, paying tribute to its taste.

Effect on the human body, beneficial substances

Bell peppers, especially red and yellow ones, contain more vitamin C than lemons and even blackcurrants. There is especially a lot of vitamin C near the stalk.

B vitamins, which are contained in sweet peppers, are useful for insomnia and general fatigue of the body, memory loss, stress and depression, diabetes mellitus. Vitamins P and C help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, and other trace elements that make up bell peppers are essential for anemia, osteoporosis, dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as vitamin deficiency.

The substance capsaicin contained in bell pepper stimulates the appetite, and also stimulates the functioning of the stomach and pancreas, lowers blood pressure, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Caution should be exercised when consuming sweet bell peppers in the presence of the following diseases: heart rhythm disturbances, hemorrhoids, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases, increased excitability of the nervous system, severe ischemic diseases (angina pectoris), epilepsy.

After heat treatment, bell pepper will not harm the stomach.

The introduction of various vegetables into the daily menu has a beneficial effect on the body. Bell peppers are one of those vegetables that are good in any form - boiled, raw, grilled or baked.

Bell peppers are one of those vegetables that are good in any form.

Everyone is so used to using this vegetable on an everyday basis, that they have already forgotten where the homeland of pepper is. In fact, it originally grew in the Central American region (Mexico, Guatemala), where it can still be found in the wild. But its cultivated version gained extraordinary popularity and spread throughout the world. Peppers, like many other vegetables, were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. It acquired the name “Bulgarian” due to the fact that Bulgarian breeders modified vegetable peppers and developed sweet and large-fruited varieties, then the name spread throughout Eastern Europe.

Everyone is so accustomed to eating this vegetable on a daily basis that they have already forgotten where the homeland of pepper is.

The beneficial properties of pepper are due to the high content of various vitamins (groups B, PP, C, A), so those who suffer from diabetes, depression, memory loss, and insomnia should definitely include this vegetable in their menu. In terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, it surpasses even black currants and lemons, and the combination of vitamins C and P in large quantities has a beneficial effect on capillaries, strengthening their walls and reducing vascular permeability.

In addition, for anemia, osteoporosis, early baldness and decreased immunity, the beneficial substances of the vegetable are also useful - it contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and other micro- and macroelements that cope with various disorders in the body .

Peppers, like many other vegetables, were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus.

Also, vegetable peppers (and hot ones too) contain the alkaloid capsaicin, which gives the vegetable a specific taste and aroma. This alkaloid stimulates the stomach and pancreas, thins the blood, improves appetite, and reduces the likelihood of blood clots. Vegetable pepper contains a significantly lower amount of capsaicin compared to the hot type, so it needs to be consumed many times more. This will not negatively affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of sweet pepper are also evident when juice is made from it, which can be drunk for diabetes, as well as for strengthening and stimulating the growth of brittle nails and weakened hair.

Some time ago, Italian scientists discovered another positive feature of the vegetable - it contains a specific substance, the use of which reduces the likelihood of developing oncological diseases. Green varieties contain especially a lot of this substance. For this reason, it is necessary to eat green sweet peppers at least in small quantities, but every day. This variety is especially recommended for use by women, as it reduces the risk of developing a malignant breast tumor. In addition, its use is in a good way prevention of neuralgia thanks to the flavonoid luteolin, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes in nerve cells. It also helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition to the positive properties, this aromatic vegetable It also has some negative characteristics. The main disadvantage is that it is capable of accumulating pesticides in large quantities, and consuming such a fruit can cause serious health problems. In addition, people with angina pectoris, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, gastric ulcers, intestinal ulcers, colitis, gastritis with high acidity, and acute kidney and liver diseases should not consume a lot of pepper.

Gallery: sweet peppers (25 photos)

Useful properties of bell pepper (video)

Storage rules

This fresh vegetable can be stored well in the refrigerator, but only for 7-10 days, which is not that long. For this reason, you need to try to “extend its life” so that its nutritional value is preserved. To do this, peppers can be pickled - this way, 60-80% of all vitamins will be preserved. But pickled vegetables should be used with caution by people with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, since due to the excess salt content in the marinade, blood pressure may increase.

In addition to pickling, you can try freezing the vegetable. But before freezing, the pepper should be prepared: wash thoroughly, remove the seed box and tail, after which you can put it in the freezer. If in the future the vegetable will be used for stuffing, then there is no need to cut the pods; if for soups, salads, appetizers, it is better to chop them before freezing.

To avoid losing the lion's share of its beneficial properties during defrosting, you should not defrost the vegetable in water; it is better just in some container at room temperature.

Housewives often do not know which variety to give preference to - red or green. The choice can be made based on what kind of dish you want to cook. So, for the salad you can choose any color - orange, red, green. The red variety is considered sweeter and contains large quantity vitamins It is better not to put green peppers in stews, ratatouille, etc., since after heat treatment the vegetable begins to become noticeably bitter.

When choosing any variety, you should remember that the fruit should be heavy, fresh, and not have damage to the skin. All these signs indicate that the vegetable has preserved maximum amount useful properties.

Useful properties of sweet pepper (video)

bell pepper– a common vegetable that is popular in preparing various vegetable dishes out of him. It goes well in cooking with many other food ingredients.

Beneficial properties of bell pepper

Vitamin P, contained in the structure of bell peppers, has a positive effect on the circulatory system. It is this that ensures high-quality strengthening of the vascular walls and gives them elasticity.

By eating bell pepper, you can improve your appearance, as it (pepper) has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin.

For men, bell pepper is an excellent prevention of baldness and its treatment if the product is consumed. The vegetable is also suitable for diabetics.

During pregnancy and planning a child, you need to eat bell pepper. The vitamins and minerals contained in the vegetable have a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother. For example, with the help of this type of pepper you can quickly restore the lack of iron and calcium in the body.

Beta-carotene contained in bell peppers can help cope with eye fatigue. Pepper also has a positive effect on the digestive system, in particular the stomach and intestines.

Eating bell pepper is required to thin the blood and reduce blood pressure. Experts advise introducing it into the diet in case of anemia and weakened immunity.

Bell pepper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It relieves irritation and fatigue. Its components perfectly fight insomnia and depression.

In alternative medicine, it is recommended to apply bell pepper on patches for neuralgic diseases and radiculitis on sore spots.

The positive effects of bell pepper also improve memory and attention. In addition, in nutrition, pepper promotes the activation of mental work.

Selection of bell peppers

When purchasing a vegetable such as bell pepper, you need to pay special attention to its appearance. It should be attractive, glossy, smooth and free from external defects.

The shell of the bell pepper should be firm and smooth to the touch. A good vegetable tail has a dry texture and green color.

During heat treatment, pepper loses seventy percent of its beneficial microelements. For this reason, it is advisable to eat fresh vegetables.

Fried bell pepper - recipe

To prepare this dish you will need: bell pepper (10 fruits), four cloves of garlic and to taste following products: vegetable oil, salt, vinegar. The approximate cooking time for the fried bell peppers will be half an hour.

First you need to thoroughly wash and dry the peppers. This can be done using paper towels. At the nose of each pepper, make an incision in the shape of a cross. Thinly sliced ​​garlic slices should be placed through it inside the fruit.

Next, the bell peppers are laid out in a frying pan with oil heated on it. Fry the vegetables on each side until golden brown. It should be remembered that when frying, peppers must be covered with a lid. Then they can steam thoroughly.

Place the prepared vegetables on saucers, sprinkled with vinegar. They also need to be salted and sprinkled with chopped herbs. The dish can be served either hot or cold.

Peperonata - recipe

To prepare this dish you will need: half a kilogram of bell peppers, half a tablespoon of capers, five anchovies, eight olives, olive oil and salt to taste.

You can prepare the dish in just half an hour.

The first step is to cut the bell peppers into two parts of each piece. The core needs to be removed. Vegetables are laid out on a baking sheet. They need to be baked in the oven for twenty minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.